/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import { getNumberFormatter, NumberFormats } from '@superset-ui/core'; import { extractForecastSeriesContext, extractForecastValuesFromTooltipParams, formatForecastTooltipSeries, rebaseForecastDatum, } from '../../src/utils/forecast'; import { ForecastSeriesEnum } from '../../src/types'; describe('extractForecastSeriesContext', () => { it('should extract the correct series name and type', () => { expect(extractForecastSeriesContext('abcd')).toEqual({ name: 'abcd', type: ForecastSeriesEnum.Observation, }); expect(extractForecastSeriesContext('qwerty__yhat')).toEqual({ name: 'qwerty', type: ForecastSeriesEnum.ForecastTrend, }); expect(extractForecastSeriesContext('X Y Z___yhat_upper')).toEqual({ name: 'X Y Z_', type: ForecastSeriesEnum.ForecastUpper, }); expect(extractForecastSeriesContext('1 2 3__yhat_lower')).toEqual({ name: '1 2 3', type: ForecastSeriesEnum.ForecastLower, }); }); }); describe('rebaseForecastDatum', () => { it('should subtract lower confidence level from upper value', () => { expect( rebaseForecastDatum([ { __timestamp: new Date('2001-01-01'), abc: 10, abc__yhat_lower: 1, abc__yhat_upper: 20, }, { __timestamp: new Date('2001-01-01'), abc: 10, abc__yhat_lower: -10, abc__yhat_upper: 20, }, { __timestamp: new Date('2002-01-01'), abc: 10, abc__yhat_lower: null, abc__yhat_upper: 20, }, { __timestamp: new Date('2003-01-01'), abc: 10, abc__yhat_lower: 1, abc__yhat_upper: null, }, ]), ).toEqual([ { __timestamp: new Date('2001-01-01'), abc: 10, abc__yhat_lower: 1, abc__yhat_upper: 19, }, { __timestamp: new Date('2001-01-01'), abc: 10, abc__yhat_lower: -10, abc__yhat_upper: 30, }, { __timestamp: new Date('2002-01-01'), abc: 10, abc__yhat_lower: null, abc__yhat_upper: 20, }, { __timestamp: new Date('2003-01-01'), abc: 10, abc__yhat_lower: 1, abc__yhat_upper: null, }, ]); }); it('should rename all series based on verboseMap but leave __timestamp alone', () => { expect( rebaseForecastDatum( [ { __timestamp: new Date('2001-01-01'), abc: 10, abc__yhat_lower: 1, abc__yhat_upper: 20, }, { __timestamp: new Date('2002-01-01'), abc: 10, abc__yhat_lower: null, abc__yhat_upper: 20, }, { __timestamp: new Date('2003-01-01'), abc: 10, abc__yhat_lower: 1, abc__yhat_upper: null, }, ], { abc: 'Abracadabra', __timestamp: 'Time', }, ), ).toEqual([ { __timestamp: new Date('2001-01-01'), Abracadabra: 10, Abracadabra__yhat_lower: 1, Abracadabra__yhat_upper: 19, }, { __timestamp: new Date('2002-01-01'), Abracadabra: 10, Abracadabra__yhat_lower: null, Abracadabra__yhat_upper: 20, }, { __timestamp: new Date('2003-01-01'), Abracadabra: 10, Abracadabra__yhat_lower: 1, Abracadabra__yhat_upper: null, }, ]); }); }); test('extractForecastValuesFromTooltipParams should extract the proper data from tooltip params', () => { expect( extractForecastValuesFromTooltipParams([ { marker: '', seriesId: 'abc', value: [new Date(0), 10], }, { marker: '', seriesId: 'abc__yhat', value: [new Date(0), 1], }, { marker: '', seriesId: 'abc__yhat_lower', value: [new Date(0), 5], }, { marker: '', seriesId: 'abc__yhat_upper', value: [new Date(0), 6], }, { marker: '', seriesId: 'qwerty', value: [new Date(0), 2], }, ]), ).toEqual({ abc: { marker: '', observation: 10, forecastTrend: 1, forecastLower: 5, forecastUpper: 6, }, qwerty: { marker: '', observation: 2, }, }); }); test('extractForecastValuesFromTooltipParams should extract valid values', () => { expect( extractForecastValuesFromTooltipParams([ { marker: '', seriesId: 'foo', value: [0, 10], }, { marker: '', seriesId: 'bar', value: [100, 0], }, ]), ).toEqual({ foo: { marker: '', observation: 10, }, bar: { marker: '', observation: 0, }, }); }); const formatter = getNumberFormatter(NumberFormats.INTEGER); test('formatForecastTooltipSeries should apply format to value', () => { expect( formatForecastTooltipSeries({ seriesName: 'abc', marker: '', observation: 10.1, formatter, }), ).toEqual('abc: 10'); }); test('formatForecastTooltipSeries should show falsy value', () => { expect( formatForecastTooltipSeries({ seriesName: 'abc', marker: '', observation: 0, formatter, }), ).toEqual('abc: 0'); }); test('formatForecastTooltipSeries should format full forecast', () => { expect( formatForecastTooltipSeries({ seriesName: 'qwerty', marker: '', observation: 10.1, forecastTrend: 20.1, forecastLower: 5.1, forecastUpper: 7.1, formatter, }), ).toEqual('qwerty: 10, ŷ = 20 (5, 12)'); }); test('formatForecastTooltipSeries should format forecast without observation', () => { expect( formatForecastTooltipSeries({ seriesName: 'qwerty', marker: '', forecastTrend: 20, forecastLower: 5, forecastUpper: 7, formatter, }), ).toEqual('qwerty: ŷ = 20 (5, 12)'); }); test('formatForecastTooltipSeries should format forecast without point estimate', () => { expect( formatForecastTooltipSeries({ seriesName: 'qwerty', marker: '', observation: 10.1, forecastLower: 6, forecastUpper: 7, formatter, }), ).toEqual('qwerty: 10 (6, 13)'); }); test('formatForecastTooltipSeries should format forecast with only confidence band', () => { expect( formatForecastTooltipSeries({ seriesName: 'qwerty', marker: '', forecastLower: 7, forecastUpper: 8, formatter, }), ).toEqual('qwerty: (7, 15)'); });