/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import { computeStackedYDomain, computeYDomain, getTimeOrNumberFormatter, formatLabel, tryNumify, } from '../src/utils'; const DATA = [ { key: ['East Asia & Pacific'], values: [ { x: -315619200000.0, y: 1031863394.0, }, { x: -283996800000.0, y: 1034767718.0, }, ], }, { key: ['South Asia'], values: [ { x: -315619200000.0, y: 572036107.0, }, { x: -283996800000.0, y: 584143236.0, }, ], }, { key: ['Europe & Central Asia'], values: [ { x: -315619200000.0, y: 660881033.0, }, { x: -283996800000.0, y: 668526708.0, }, ], }, ]; const DATA_WITH_DISABLED_SERIES = [ { disabled: true, key: ['East Asia & Pacific'], values: [ { x: -315619200000.0, y: 1031863394.0, }, { x: -283996800000.0, y: 1034767718.0, }, ], }, { disabled: true, key: ['South Asia'], values: [ { x: -315619200000.0, y: 572036107.0, }, { x: -283996800000.0, y: 584143236.0, }, ], }, { key: ['Europe & Central Asia'], values: [ { x: -315619200000.0, y: 660881033.0, }, { x: -283996800000.0, y: 668526708.0, }, ], }, ]; describe('nvd3/utils', () => { describe('getTimeOrNumberFormatter(format)', () => { it('is a function', () => { expect(typeof getTimeOrNumberFormatter).toBe('function'); }); it('returns a date formatter if format is smart_date', () => { const time = new Date(Date.UTC(2018, 10, 21, 22, 11)); expect(getTimeOrNumberFormatter('smart_date')(time)).toBe('10:11'); }); it('returns a number formatter otherwise', () => { expect(getTimeOrNumberFormatter('.3s')(3000000)).toBe('3.00M'); expect(getTimeOrNumberFormatter()(3000100)).toBe('3M'); }); }); describe('formatLabel()', () => { const verboseMap = { foo: 'Foo', bar: 'Bar', }; it('formats simple labels', () => { expect(formatLabel('foo')).toBe('foo'); expect(formatLabel(['foo'])).toBe('foo'); expect(formatLabel(['foo', 'bar'])).toBe('foo, bar'); }); it('formats simple labels with lookups', () => { expect(formatLabel('foo', verboseMap)).toBe('Foo'); expect(formatLabel('baz', verboseMap)).toBe('baz'); expect(formatLabel(['foo'], verboseMap)).toBe('Foo'); expect(formatLabel(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], verboseMap)).toBe( 'Foo, Bar, baz', ); }); it('deals with time shift properly', () => { expect(formatLabel(['foo', '1 hour offset'], verboseMap)).toBe( 'Foo, 1 hour offset', ); expect( formatLabel(['foo', 'bar', 'baz', '2 hours offset'], verboseMap), ).toBe('Foo, Bar, baz, 2 hours offset'); }); }); describe('tryNumify()', () => { it('tryNumify works as expected', () => { expect(tryNumify(5)).toBe(5); expect(tryNumify('5')).toBe(5); expect(tryNumify('5.1')).toBe(5.1); expect(tryNumify('a string')).toBe('a string'); }); }); describe('computeYDomain()', () => { it('works with invalid data', () => { expect(computeYDomain('foo')).toEqual([0, 1]); }); it('works with all series enabled', () => { expect(computeYDomain(DATA)).toEqual([572036107.0, 1034767718.0]); }); it('works with some series disabled', () => { expect(computeYDomain(DATA_WITH_DISABLED_SERIES)).toEqual([ 660881033.0, 668526708.0, ]); }); }); describe('computeStackedYDomain()', () => { it('works with invalid data', () => { expect(computeStackedYDomain('foo')).toEqual([0, 1]); }); it('works with all series enabled', () => { expect(computeStackedYDomain(DATA)).toEqual([0, 2287437662.0]); }); it('works with some series disabled', () => { expect(computeStackedYDomain(DATA_WITH_DISABLED_SERIES)).toEqual([ 0, 668526708.0, ]); }); }); });