/* eslint-disable theme-colors/no-literal-colors */ /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import { sliceId } from './mockChartQueries'; export default { sliceIds: [sliceId], expandedSlices: {}, editMode: false, hasUnsavedChanges: false, maxUndoHistoryExceeded: false, isStarred: true, isPublished: true, css: '', focusedFilterField: null, refreshFrequency: 0, }; export const overwriteConfirmMetadata = { updatedAt: '2022-10-07T16:35:30.924212', updatedBy: 'Superset Admin', overwriteConfirmItems: [ { keyPath: 'css', oldValue: '', newValue: ` .navbar { transition: opacity 0.5s ease; } `, }, { keyPath: 'json_metadata.filter_scopes', oldValue: `{ "122": { "ethnic_minority": { "scope": ["ROOT_ID"], "immune": [] }, "gender": { "scope": ["ROOT_ID"], "immune": [] }, "developer_type": { "scope": ["ROOT_ID"], "immune": [] }, "lang_at_home": { "scope": ["ROOT_ID"], "immune": [] }, "country_live": { "scope": ["ROOT_ID"], "immune": [] } } }`, newValue: `{ "122": { "ethnic_minority": { "scope": ["ROOT_ID"], "immune": [ 131, 115, 123, 89, 94, 71 ] }, "gender": { "scope": ["ROOT_ID"], "immune": [] }, "developer_type": { "scope": ["ROOT_ID"], "immune": [] }, "lang_at_home": { "scope": ["ROOT_ID"], "immune": [] }, "country_live": { "scope": ["ROOT_ID"], "immune": [] } } }`, }, ], dashboardId: 9, data: { certified_by: '', certification_details: '', css: ".navbar {\n transition: opacity 0.5s ease;\n opacity: 0.05;\n}\n.navbar:hover {\n opacity: 1;\n}\n.chart-header .header{\n font-weight: @font-weight-normal;\n font-size: 12px;\n}\n/*\nvar bnbColors = [\n //rausch hackb kazan babu lima beach tirol\n '#ff5a5f', '#7b0051', '#007A87', '#00d1c1', '#8ce071', '#ffb400', '#b4a76c',\n '#ff8083', '#cc0086', '#00a1b3', '#00ffeb', '#bbedab', '#ffd266', '#cbc29a',\n '#ff3339', '#ff1ab1', '#005c66', '#00b3a5', '#55d12e', '#b37e00', '#988b4e',\n ];\n*/\n", dashboard_title: 'FCC New Coder Survey 2018', slug: null, owners: [], json_metadata: '{"timed_refresh_immune_slices":[],"expanded_slices":{},"refresh_frequency":0,"default_filters":"{}","color_scheme":"supersetColors","label_colors":{"0":"#FCC700","1":"#A868B7","15":"#3CCCCB","30":"#A38F79","45":"#8FD3E4","age":"#1FA8C9","Yes,":"#1FA8C9","Female":"#454E7C","Prefer":"#5AC189","No,":"#FF7F44","Male":"#666666","Prefer not to say":"#E04355","Ph.D.":"#FCC700","associate\'s degree":"#A868B7","bachelor\'s degree":"#3CCCCB","high school diploma or equivalent (GED)":"#A38F79","master\'s degree (non-professional)":"#8FD3E4","no high school (secondary school)":"#A1A6BD","professional degree (MBA, MD, JD, etc.)":"#ACE1C4","some college credit, no degree":"#FEC0A1","some high school":"#B2B2B2","trade, technical, or vocational training":"#EFA1AA","No, not an ethnic minority":"#1FA8C9","Yes, an ethnic minority":"#454E7C","":"#5AC189","Yes":"#FF7F44","No":"#666666","last_yr_income":"#E04355","More":"#A1A6BD","Less":"#ACE1C4","I":"#FEC0A1","expected_earn":"#B2B2B2","Yes: Willing To":"#EFA1AA","No: Not Willing to":"#FDE380","No Answer":"#D3B3DA","In an Office (with Other Developers)":"#9EE5E5","No Preference":"#D1C6BC","From Home":"#1FA8C9"},"show_native_filters":true,"color_scheme_domain":["#1FA8C9","#454E7C","#5AC189","#FF7F44","#666666","#E04355","#FCC700","#A868B7","#3CCCCB","#A38F79","#8FD3E4","#A1A6BD","#ACE1C4","#FEC0A1","#B2B2B2","#EFA1AA","#FDE380","#D3B3DA","#9EE5E5","#D1C6BC"],"shared_label_colors":{"Male":"#5ac19e","Female":"#1f86c9","":"#5AC189","Prefer not to say":"#47457c","No Answer":"#e05043","Yes, an ethnic minority":"#666666","No, not an ethnic minority":"#ffa444","age":"#1FA8C9"},"filter_scopes":{},"chart_configuration":{},"positions":{}}', }, };