# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from unittest import mock from unittest.mock import ANY, Mock from flask import g from jwt import encode from pytest import fixture, raises from superset import security_manager from superset.async_events.async_query_manager import ( AsyncQueryManager, AsyncQueryTokenException, ) JWT_TOKEN_SECRET = "some_secret" JWT_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME = "superset_async_jwt" @fixture def async_query_manager(): query_manager = AsyncQueryManager() query_manager._jwt_secret = JWT_TOKEN_SECRET query_manager._jwt_cookie_name = JWT_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME return query_manager def set_current_as_guest_user(): g.user = security_manager.get_guest_user_from_token( {"user": {}, "resources": [{"type": "dashboard", "id": "some-uuid"}]} ) def test_parse_channel_id_from_request(async_query_manager): encoded_token = encode( {"channel": "test_channel_id"}, JWT_TOKEN_SECRET, algorithm="HS256" ) request = Mock() request.cookies = {"superset_async_jwt": encoded_token} assert ( async_query_manager.parse_channel_id_from_request(request) == "test_channel_id" ) def test_parse_channel_id_from_request_no_cookie(async_query_manager): request = Mock() request.cookies = {} with raises(AsyncQueryTokenException): async_query_manager.parse_channel_id_from_request(request) def test_parse_channel_id_from_request_bad_jwt(async_query_manager): request = Mock() request.cookies = {"superset_async_jwt": "bad_jwt"} with raises(AsyncQueryTokenException): async_query_manager.parse_channel_id_from_request(request) @mock.patch("superset.is_feature_enabled") def test_submit_chart_data_job_as_guest_user( is_feature_enabled_mock, async_query_manager ): is_feature_enabled_mock.return_value = True set_current_as_guest_user() job_mock = Mock() async_query_manager._load_chart_data_into_cache_job = job_mock job_meta = async_query_manager.submit_chart_data_job( channel_id="test_channel_id", form_data={}, ) job_mock.delay.assert_called_once_with( { "channel_id": "test_channel_id", "errors": [], "guest_token": { "resources": [{"id": "some-uuid", "type": "dashboard"}], "user": {}, }, "job_id": ANY, "result_url": None, "status": "pending", "user_id": None, }, {}, ) assert "guest_token" not in job_meta @mock.patch("superset.is_feature_enabled") def test_submit_explore_json_job_as_guest_user( is_feature_enabled_mock, async_query_manager ): is_feature_enabled_mock.return_value = True set_current_as_guest_user() job_mock = Mock() async_query_manager._load_explore_json_into_cache_job = job_mock job_meta = async_query_manager.submit_explore_json_job( channel_id="test_channel_id", form_data={}, response_type="json", ) job_mock.delay.assert_called_once_with( { "channel_id": "test_channel_id", "errors": [], "guest_token": { "resources": [{"id": "some-uuid", "type": "dashboard"}], "user": {}, }, "job_id": ANY, "result_url": None, "status": "pending", "user_id": None, }, {}, "json", False, ) assert "guest_token" not in job_meta