# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter import csv as lib_csv import os import re import sys from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Union import click try: from github import BadCredentialsException, Github, PullRequest except ModuleNotFoundError: print("PyGithub is a required package for this script") exit(1) SUPERSET_REPO = "apache/superset" @dataclass class GitLog: """ Represents a git log entry """ sha: str author: str time: str message: str pr_number: Union[int, None] = None author_email: str = "" def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """ A log entry is considered equal if it has the same PR number """ if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return other.pr_number == self.pr_number return False def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"[{self.pr_number}]: {self.message} {self.time} {self.author}" class GitChangeLog: """ Helper class to output a list of logs entries on a superset changelog format We want to map a git author to a github login, for that we call github's API """ def __init__( self, version: str, logs: List[GitLog], access_token: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: self._version = version self._logs = logs self._github_login_cache: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {} self._wait = 10 github_token = access_token or os.environ.get("GITHUB_TOKEN") self._github = Github(github_token) self._superset_repo = "" def _fetch_github_pr(self, pr_number: int) -> PullRequest: """ Fetches a github PR info """ try: github_repo = self._github.get_repo(SUPERSET_REPO) except BadCredentialsException as ex: print( f"Bad credentials to github provided" f" use access_token parameter or set GITHUB_TOKEN" ) sys.exit(1) return github_repo.get_pull(pr_number) def _get_github_login(self, git_log: GitLog) -> Optional[str]: """ Tries to fetch a github login (username) from a git author """ author_name = git_log.author github_login = self._github_login_cache.get(author_name) if github_login: return github_login if git_log.pr_number: pr_info = self._fetch_github_pr(git_log.pr_number) if pr_info: github_login = pr_info.user.login else: github_login = author_name # set cache self._github_login_cache[author_name] = github_login return github_login def _get_changelog_version_head(self) -> str: return f"### {self._version} ({self._logs[0].time})" def __repr__(self) -> str: result = f"\n{self._get_changelog_version_head()}\n" for i, log in enumerate(self._logs): github_login = self._get_github_login(log) if not github_login: github_login = log.author result = result + ( f"- [#{log.pr_number}]" f"(https://github.com/{SUPERSET_REPO}/pull/{log.pr_number}) " f"{log.message} (@{github_login})\n" ) print(f"\r {i}/{len(self._logs)}", end="", flush=True) return result def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: for log in self._logs: yield { "pr_number": log.pr_number, "pr_link": f"https://github.com/{SUPERSET_REPO}/pull/" f"{log.pr_number}", "message": log.message, "time": log.time, "author": log.author, "email": log.author_email, "sha": log.sha, } class GitLogs: """ Manages git log entries from a specific branch/tag Can compare git log entries by PR number """ def __init__(self, git_ref: str) -> None: self._git_ref = git_ref self._logs: List[GitLog] = [] @property def git_ref(self) -> str: return self._git_ref @property def logs(self) -> List[GitLog]: return self._logs def fetch(self) -> None: self._logs = list(map(self._parse_log, self._git_logs()))[::-1] def diff(self, git_logs: "GitLogs") -> List[GitLog]: return [log for log in git_logs.logs if log not in self._logs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self._git_ref}, Log count:{len(self._logs)}" @staticmethod def _git_get_current_head() -> str: output = os.popen("git status | head -1").read() match = re.match("(?:HEAD detached at|On branch) (.*)", output) if not match: return "" return match.group(1) def _git_checkout(self, git_ref: str) -> None: os.popen(f"git checkout {git_ref}").read() current_head = self._git_get_current_head() if current_head != git_ref: print(f"Could not checkout {git_ref}") sys.exit(1) def _git_logs(self) -> List[str]: # let's get current git ref so we can revert it back current_git_ref = self._git_get_current_head() self._git_checkout(self._git_ref) output = ( os.popen('git --no-pager log --pretty=format:"%h|%an|%ae|%ad|%s|"') .read() .split("\n") ) # revert to git ref, let's be nice self._git_checkout(current_git_ref) return output @staticmethod def _parse_log(log_item: str) -> GitLog: pr_number = None split_log_item = log_item.split("|") # parse the PR number from the log message match = re.match(r".*\(\#(\d*)\)", split_log_item[4]) if match: pr_number = int(match.group(1)) return GitLog( sha=split_log_item[0], author=split_log_item[1], author_email=split_log_item[2], time=split_log_item[3], message=split_log_item[4], pr_number=pr_number, ) @dataclass class BaseParameters: previous_logs: GitLogs current_logs: GitLogs def print_title(message: str) -> None: print(f"{50*'-'}") print(message) print(f"{50*'-'}") @click.group() @click.pass_context @click.option("--previous_version", help="The previous release version", required=True) @click.option("--current_version", help="The current release version", required=True) def cli(ctx, previous_version: str, current_version: str) -> None: """ Welcome to change log generator """ previous_logs = GitLogs(previous_version) current_logs = GitLogs(current_version) previous_logs.fetch() current_logs.fetch() base_parameters = BaseParameters(previous_logs, current_logs) ctx.obj = base_parameters @cli.command("compare") @click.pass_obj def compare(base_parameters: BaseParameters) -> None: """ Compares both versions (by PR) """ previous_logs = base_parameters.previous_logs current_logs = base_parameters.current_logs print_title( f"Pull requests from " f"{current_logs.git_ref} not in {previous_logs.git_ref}" ) previous_diff_logs = previous_logs.diff(current_logs) for diff_log in previous_diff_logs: print(f"{diff_log}") print_title( f"Pull requests from " f"{previous_logs.git_ref} not in {current_logs.git_ref}" ) current_diff_logs = current_logs.diff(previous_logs) for diff_log in current_diff_logs: print(f"{diff_log}") @cli.command("changelog") @click.option( "--csv", help="The csv filename to export the changelog to", ) @click.option( "--access_token", help="The github access token," " if not provided will try to fetch from GITHUB_TOKEN env var", ) @click.pass_obj def change_log(base_parameters: BaseParameters, csv: str, access_token: str) -> None: """ Outputs a changelog (by PR) """ previous_logs = base_parameters.previous_logs current_logs = base_parameters.current_logs previous_diff_logs = previous_logs.diff(current_logs) logs = GitChangeLog( current_logs.git_ref, previous_diff_logs[::-1], access_token=access_token ) if csv: with open(csv, "w") as csv_file: log_items = list(logs) field_names = log_items[0].keys() writer = lib_csv.DictWriter( csv_file, delimiter=",", quotechar='"', quoting=lib_csv.QUOTE_ALL, fieldnames=field_names, ) writer.writeheader() for log in logs: writer.writerow(log) else: print("Fetching github usernames, this may take a while:") print(logs) cli()