/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import { logging, configure, t, tn, addLocaleData, addTranslation, addTranslations, } from '@superset-ui/core'; import Translator from '../../src/translation/Translator'; import languagePackZh from './languagePacks/zh'; import languagePackEn from './languagePacks/en'; configure({ languagePack: languagePackEn, }); describe('Translator', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(logging, 'warn'); beforeAll(() => { spy.mockImplementation((info: any) => { throw new Error(info); }); process.env.WEBPACK_MODE = 'production'; }); afterAll(() => { spy.mockRestore(); process.env.WEBPACK_MODE = 'test'; }); describe('new Translator(config)', () => { it('initializes when config is not specified', () => { expect(new Translator()).toBeInstanceOf(Translator); }); it('initializes when config is an empty object', () => { expect(new Translator({})).toBeInstanceOf(Translator); }); it('initializes when config is specified', () => { expect( new Translator({ languagePack: languagePackZh, }), ).toBeInstanceOf(Translator); }); }); describe('.translate(input, ...args)', () => { const translator = new Translator({ languagePack: languagePackZh, }); it('returns original text for unknown text', () => { expect(translator.translate('abc')).toEqual('abc'); }); it('translates simple text', () => { expect(translator.translate('second')).toEqual('秒'); }); it('translates template text with an argument', () => { expect(translator.translate('Copy of %s', 1)).toEqual('1 的副本'); expect(translator.translate('Copy of %s', 2)).toEqual('2 的副本'); }); it('translates template text with multiple arguments', () => { expect(translator.translate('test %d %d', 1, 2)).toEqual('test 1 2'); }); }); describe('.translateWithNumber(singular, plural, num, ...args)', () => { const translator = new Translator({ languagePack: languagePackZh, }); it('returns original text for unknown text', () => { expect(translator.translateWithNumber('fish', 'fishes', 1)).toEqual( 'fish', ); }); it('uses 0 as default value', () => { expect(translator.translateWithNumber('box', 'boxes')).toEqual('boxes'); }); it('translates simple text', () => { expect(translator.translateWithNumber('second', 'seconds', 1)).toEqual( '秒', ); }); it('translates template text with an argument', () => { expect( translator.translateWithNumber('Copy of %s', 'Copies of %s', 12, 12), ).toEqual('12 的副本'); }); it('translates template text with multiple arguments', () => { expect( translator.translateWithNumber( '%d glass %s', '%d glasses %s', 3, 3, 'abc', ), ).toEqual('3 glasses abc'); }); }); describe('.translateWithNumber(key, num, ...args)', () => { const translator = new Translator({ languagePack: languagePackEn, }); it('translates template text with an argument', () => { expect(translator.translateWithNumber('%s copies', 1)).toEqual('1 copy'); expect(translator.translateWithNumber('%s copies', 2)).toEqual( '2 copies', ); }); }); // Extending language pack describe('.addTranslation(...)', () => { it('can add new translation', () => { addTranslation('haha', ['Hahaha']); expect(t('haha')).toEqual('Hahaha'); }); }); describe('.addTranslations(...)', () => { it('can add new translations', () => { addTranslations({ foo: ['bar', '%s bars'], bar: ['foo'], }); // previous translation still exists expect(t('haha')).toEqual('Hahaha'); // new translations work as expected expect(tn('foo', 1)).toEqual('bar'); expect(tn('foo', 2)).toEqual('2 bars'); expect(tn('bar', 2)).toEqual('bar'); }); it('throw warning on invalid arguments', () => { expect(() => addTranslations(undefined as never)).toThrow( 'Invalid translations', ); expect(tn('bar', '2 foo', 2)).toEqual('2 foo'); }); it('throw warning on duplicates', () => { expect(() => { addTranslations({ haha: ['this is duplicate'], }); }).toThrow('Duplicate translation key "haha"'); expect(t('haha')).toEqual('Hahaha'); }); }); describe('.addLocaleData(...)', () => { it('can add new translations for language', () => { addLocaleData({ en: { yes: ['ok'], }, }); expect(t('yes')).toEqual('ok'); }); it('throw on unknown locale', () => { expect(() => { addLocaleData({ zh: { haha: ['yes'], }, }); }).toThrow('Invalid locale data'); }); it('missing locale falls back to English', () => { configure({ languagePack: languagePackZh, }); // expect and error because zh is not current locale expect(() => { addLocaleData({ en: { yes: ['OK'], }, }); }).not.toThrow(); expect(t('yes')).toEqual('OK'); }); }); });