import $ from 'jquery'; const Mustache = require('mustache'); const utils = require('./utils'); // vis sources /* eslint camel-case: 0 */ import vizMap from '../../visualizations/main.js'; /* eslint wrap-iife: 0*/ const px = function () { let slice; function getParam(name) { const formattedName = name.replace(/[\[]/, '\\[').replace(/[\]]/, '\\]'); const regex = new RegExp('[\\?&]' + formattedName + '=([^&#]*)'); const results = regex.exec(; return results === null ? '' : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); } function initFavStars() { const baseUrl = '/caravel/favstar/'; // Init star behavihor for favorite function show() { if ($(this).hasClass('selected')) { $(this).html(''); } else { $(this).html(''); } } $('.favstar') .attr('title', 'Click to favorite/unfavorite') .css('cursor', 'pointer') .each(show) .each(function () { let url = baseUrl + $(this).attr('class_name'); const star = this; url += '/' + $(this).attr('obj_id') + '/'; $.getJSON(url + 'count/', function (data) { if (data.count > 0) { $(star).addClass('selected').each(show); } }); }) .click(function () { $(this).toggleClass('selected'); let url = baseUrl + $(this).attr('class_name'); url += '/' + $(this).attr('obj_id') + '/'; if ($(this).hasClass('selected')) { url += 'select/'; } else { url += 'unselect/'; } $.get(url); $(this).each(show); }) .tooltip(); } const Slice = function (data, controller) { let timer; const token = $('#' + data.token); const containerId = data.token + '_con'; const selector = '#' + containerId; const container = $(selector); const sliceId = data.slice_id; const origJsonEndpoint = data.json_endpoint; let dttm = 0; const stopwatch = function () { dttm += 10; const num = dttm / 1000; $('#timer').text(num.toFixed(2) + ' sec'); }; let qrystr = ''; const always = function () { // Private f, runs after done and error clearInterval(timer); $('#timer').removeClass('btn-warning'); }; slice = { data, container, containerId, selector, querystring() { const parser = document.createElement('a'); parser.href = data.json_endpoint; if (controller.type === 'dashboard') { parser.href = origJsonEndpoint; let flts = controller.effectiveExtraFilters(sliceId); flts = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(flts)); qrystr = + '&extra_filters=' + flts; } else if ($('#query').length === 0) { qrystr =; } else { qrystr = '?' + $('#query').serialize(); } return qrystr; }, getWidgetHeader() { return this.container.parents('div.widget').find('.chart-header'); }, render_template(s) { const context = { width: this.width, height: this.height, }; return Mustache.render(s, context); }, jsonEndpoint() { const parser = document.createElement('a'); parser.href = data.json_endpoint; let endpoint = parser.pathname + this.querystring(); endpoint += '&json=true'; endpoint += '&force=' + this.force; return endpoint; }, d3format(col, number) { // uses the utils memoized d3format function and formats based on // column level defined preferences const format = data.column_formats[col]; return utils.d3format(format, number); }, /* eslint no-shadow: 0 */ done(payload) { Object.assign(data, payload); clearInterval(timer); token.find('img.loading').hide();; if (data !== undefined) { slice.viewSqlQuery = data.query; } $('#timer').removeClass('label-warning label-danger'); $('#timer').addClass('label-success'); $('.query-and-save button').removeAttr('disabled'); always(data); controller.done(this); }, getErrorMsg(xhr) { if (xhr.statusText === 'timeout') { return 'The request timed out'; } let msg = ''; if (!xhr.responseText) { const status = xhr.status; msg += 'An unknown error occurred. (Status: ' + status + ')'; if (status === 0) { // This may happen when the worker in gunicorn times out msg += ' Maybe the request timed out?'; } } return msg; }, error(msg, xhr) { let errorMsg = msg; token.find('img.loading').hide(); let errHtml = ''; try { const o = JSON.parse(msg); if (o.error) { errorMsg = o.error; } } catch (e) { // pass } errHtml = `
`; if (xhr) { const extendedMsg = this.getErrorMsg(xhr); if (extendedMsg) { errHtml += `
`; } } container.html(errHtml);; $('span.query').removeClass('disabled'); $('#timer').addClass('btn-danger'); $('.query-and-save button').removeAttr('disabled'); always(data); controller.error(this); }, width() { return token.width(); }, height() { let others = 0; const widget = container.parents('.widget'); const sliceDescription = widget.find('.slice_description'); if (':visible')) { others += widget.find('.slice_description').height() + 25; } others += widget.find('.chart-header').height(); return widget.height() - others - 10; }, bindResizeToWindowResize() { let resizeTimer; const slice = this; $(window).on('resize', function () { clearTimeout(resizeTimer); resizeTimer = setTimeout(function () { slice.resize(); }, 500); }); }, render(force) { if (force === undefined) { this.force = false; } else { this.force = force; } token.find('img.loading').show(); container.css('height', this.height()); dttm = 0; timer = setInterval(stopwatch, 10); $('#timer').removeClass('label-danger label-success'); $('#timer').addClass('label-warning'); this.viz.render(); }, resize() { token.find('img.loading').show(); container.css('height', this.height()); this.viz.render(); this.viz.resize(); }, addFilter(col, vals) { controller.addFilter(sliceId, col, vals); }, setFilter(col, vals) { controller.setFilter(sliceId, col, vals); }, getFilters() { return controller.filters[sliceId]; }, clearFilter() { controller.clearFilter(sliceId); }, removeFilter(col, vals) { controller.removeFilter(sliceId, col, vals); }, }; slice.viz = vizMap[data.form_data.viz_type](slice); return slice; }; // Export public functions return { getParam, initFavStars, Slice, }; }(); module.exports = px;