/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import { ChartProps, SqlaFormData } from '@superset-ui/core'; import transformProps from '../../src/Gauge/transformProps'; import { EchartsGaugeChartProps } from '../../src/Gauge/types'; describe('Echarts Gauge transformProps', () => { const baseFormData: SqlaFormData = { datasource: '26__table', viz_type: 'gauge_chart', metric: 'count', adhocFilters: [], rowLimit: 10, minVal: 0, maxVal: 100, startAngle: 225, endAngle: -45, colorScheme: 'SUPERSET_DEFAULT', fontSize: 14, numberFormat: 'SMART_NUMBER', valueFormatter: '{value}', showPointer: true, animation: true, showAxisTick: false, showSplitLine: false, splitNumber: 10, showProgress: true, overlap: true, roundCap: false, }; it('should transform chart props for no group by column', () => { const formData: SqlaFormData = { ...baseFormData, groupby: [] }; const queriesData = [ { colnames: ['count'], data: [ { count: 16595, }, ], }, ]; const chartPropsConfig = { formData, width: 800, height: 600, queriesData, }; const chartProps = new ChartProps(chartPropsConfig); expect(transformProps(chartProps as EchartsGaugeChartProps)).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ width: 800, height: 600, echartOptions: expect.objectContaining({ series: expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ data: [ { value: 16595, name: '', itemStyle: { color: '#1f77b4', }, title: { offsetCenter: ['0%', '20%'], fontSize: 14, }, detail: { offsetCenter: ['0%', '32.6%'], fontSize: 16.8, }, }, ], }), ]), }), }), ); }); it('should transform chart props for single group by column', () => { const formData: SqlaFormData = { ...baseFormData, groupby: ['year'], }; const queriesData = [ { colnames: ['year', 'count'], data: [ { year: 1988, count: 15, }, { year: 1995, count: 219, }, ], }, ]; const chartPropsConfig = { formData, width: 800, height: 600, queriesData, }; const chartProps = new ChartProps(chartPropsConfig); expect(transformProps(chartProps as EchartsGaugeChartProps)).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ width: 800, height: 600, echartOptions: expect.objectContaining({ series: expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ data: [ { value: 15, name: 'year: 1988', itemStyle: { color: '#1f77b4', }, title: { offsetCenter: ['0%', '20%'], fontSize: 14, }, detail: { offsetCenter: ['0%', '32.6%'], fontSize: 16.8, }, }, { value: 219, name: 'year: 1995', itemStyle: { color: '#ff7f0e', }, title: { offsetCenter: ['0%', '48%'], fontSize: 14, }, detail: { offsetCenter: ['0%', '60.6%'], fontSize: 16.8, }, }, ], }), ]), }), }), ); }); it('should transform chart props for multiple group by columns', () => { const formData: SqlaFormData = { ...baseFormData, groupby: ['year', 'platform'], }; const queriesData = [ { colnames: ['year', 'platform', 'count'], data: [ { year: 2011, platform: 'PC', count: 140, }, { year: 2008, platform: 'PC', count: 76, }, ], }, ]; const chartPropsConfig = { formData, width: 800, height: 600, queriesData, }; const chartProps = new ChartProps(chartPropsConfig); expect(transformProps(chartProps as EchartsGaugeChartProps)).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ width: 800, height: 600, echartOptions: expect.objectContaining({ series: expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ data: [ { value: 140, name: 'year: 2011, platform: PC', itemStyle: { color: '#1f77b4', }, title: { offsetCenter: ['0%', '20%'], fontSize: 14, }, detail: { offsetCenter: ['0%', '32.6%'], fontSize: 16.8, }, }, { value: 76, name: 'year: 2008, platform: PC', itemStyle: { color: '#ff7f0e', }, title: { offsetCenter: ['0%', '48%'], fontSize: 14, }, detail: { offsetCenter: ['0%', '60.6%'], fontSize: 16.8, }, }, ], }), ]), }), }), ); }); it('should transform chart props for intervals', () => { const formData: SqlaFormData = { ...baseFormData, groupby: ['year', 'platform'], intervals: '50,100', intervalColorIndices: '1,2', }; const queriesData = [ { colnames: ['year', 'platform', 'count'], data: [ { year: 2011, platform: 'PC', count: 140, }, { year: 2008, platform: 'PC', count: 76, }, ], }, ]; const chartPropsConfig = { formData, width: 800, height: 600, queriesData, }; const chartProps = new ChartProps(chartPropsConfig); expect(transformProps(chartProps as EchartsGaugeChartProps)).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ width: 800, height: 600, echartOptions: expect.objectContaining({ series: expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ axisLine: { lineStyle: { width: 14, color: [ [0.5, '#1f77b4'], [1, '#ff7f0e'], ], }, roundCap: false, }, data: [ { value: 140, name: 'year: 2011, platform: PC', itemStyle: { color: '#1f77b4', }, title: { offsetCenter: ['0%', '20%'], fontSize: 14, }, detail: { offsetCenter: ['0%', '32.6%'], fontSize: 16.8, }, }, { value: 76, name: 'year: 2008, platform: PC', itemStyle: { color: '#ff7f0e', }, title: { offsetCenter: ['0%', '48%'], fontSize: 14, }, detail: { offsetCenter: ['0%', '60.6%'], fontSize: 16.8, }, }, ], }), ]), }), }), ); }); });