/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies import * as ace from 'brace'; import * as shortid from 'shortid'; import { WORLD_HEALTH_DASHBOARD } from './dashboard.helper'; function selectColorScheme(color: string) { // open color scheme dropdown cy.get('.modal-body') .contains('Color Scheme') .parents('.ControlHeader') .next('.Select') .click() .then($colorSelect => { // select a new color scheme cy.wrap($colorSelect).find(`[data-test="${color}"]`).click(); }); } function assertMetadata(text: string) { const regex = new RegExp(text); cy.get('.modal-body') .find('#json_metadata') .should('be.visible') .then(() => { const metadata = cy.$$('#json_metadata')[0]; // cypress can read this locally, but not in ci // so we have to use the ace module directly to fetch the value expect(ace.edit(metadata).getValue()).to.match(regex); }); } function typeMetadata(text: string) { cy.get('.modal-body').find('#json_metadata').should('be.visible').type(text); } function openAdvancedProperties() { return cy .get('.modal-body') .contains('Advanced') .should('be.visible') .click(); } function openDashboardEditProperties() { // open dashboard properties edit modal cy.get('#save-dash-split-button').trigger('click', { force: true }); cy.get('[data-test=header-actions-menu]') .contains('Edit dashboard properties') .click({ force: true }); } describe('Dashboard edit action', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.login(); cy.visit(WORLD_HEALTH_DASHBOARD); cy.intercept(`/api/v1/dashboard/1`).as('dashboardGet'); cy.get('.dashboard-grid', { timeout: 50000 }) .should('be.visible') // wait for 50 secs to load dashboard .then(() => { cy.get('.dashboard-header [aria-label=edit-alt]') .should('be.visible') .click(); openDashboardEditProperties(); }); }); it('should update the title', () => { const dashboardTitle = `Test dashboard [${shortid.generate()}]`; // update title cy.get('.ant-modal-body') .should('be.visible') .contains('Title') .get('[data-test="dashboard-title-input"]') .type(`{selectall}{backspace}${dashboardTitle}`); // save edit changes cy.get('.ant-modal-footer') .contains('Save') .click() .then(() => { // assert that modal edit window has closed cy.get('.ant-modal-body').should('not.exist'); // assert title has been updated cy.get('.editable-title input').should('have.value', dashboardTitle); }); }); describe('the color picker is changed', () => { describe('the metadata has a color scheme', () => { describe('the advanced tab is open', () => { // TODO test passes locally but not on ci xit('should overwrite the color scheme', () => { openAdvancedProperties(); cy.wait('@dashboardGet').then(() => { selectColorScheme('d3Category20b'); assertMetadata('d3Category20b'); }); }); }); describe('the advanced tab is not open', () => { // TODO test passes locally but not on ci xit('should overwrite the color scheme', () => { selectColorScheme('bnbColors'); openAdvancedProperties(); cy.wait('@dashboardGet').then(() => { assertMetadata('bnbColors'); }); }); }); }); }); describe('a valid colorScheme is entered', () => { // TODO test passes locally but not on ci xit('should save json metadata color change to dropdown', () => { // edit json metadata openAdvancedProperties().then(() => { typeMetadata( '{selectall}{backspace}{{}"color_scheme":"d3Category20"{}}', ); }); // save edit changes cy.get('.modal-footer') .contains('Save') .click() .then(() => { // assert that modal edit window has closed cy.get('.modal-body').should('not.exist'); // assert color has been updated openDashboardEditProperties(); openAdvancedProperties().then(() => { assertMetadata('d3Category20'); }); cy.get('.color-scheme-container').should( 'have.attr', 'data-test', 'd3Category20', ); }); }); }); describe('an invalid colorScheme is entered', () => { // TODO test passes locally but not on ci xit('should throw an error', () => { // edit json metadata openAdvancedProperties().then(() => { typeMetadata( '{selectall}{backspace}{{}"color_scheme":"THIS_DOES_NOT_WORK"{}}', ); }); // save edit changes cy.get('.modal-footer') .contains('Save') .click() .then(() => { // assert that modal edit window has closed cy.get('.modal-body') .contains('A valid color scheme is required') .should('be.visible'); }); cy.on('uncaught:exception', err => { expect(err.message).to.include('something about the error'); // return false to prevent the error from // failing this test return false; }); }); }); });