import { category21 } from '../javascripts/modules/colors'; import d3 from 'd3'; require('./histogram.css'); function histogram(slice) { const div =; const draw = function (data, numBins) { // Set Margins const margin = { top: 50, right: 10, bottom: 20, left: 50, }; const navBarHeight = 36; const navBarBuffer = 10; const width = slice.width() - margin.left - margin.right; const height = slice.height() - - margin.bottom - navBarHeight - navBarBuffer; // Set Histogram objects const formatNumber = d3.format(',.0f'); const formatTicks = d3.format(',.00f'); const x = d3.scale.ordinal(); const y = d3.scale.linear(); const xAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(x) .orient('bottom') .ticks(numBins) .tickFormat(formatTicks); const yAxis = d3.svg.axis() .scale(y) .orient('left') .ticks(numBins); // Calculate bins for the data const bins = d3.layout.histogram().bins(numBins)(data); // Set the x-values x.domain( => d.x)) .rangeRoundBands([0, width], 0.1); // Set the y-values y.domain([0, d3.max(bins, (d) => d.y)]) .range([height, 0]); // Create the svg value with the bins const svg = div.selectAll('svg') .data([bins]) .enter() .append('svg'); // Make a rectangular background fill svg.append('rect') .attr('width', '100%') .attr('height', '100%') .attr('fill', '#f6f6f6'); // Transform the svg to make space for the margins const gEnter = svg .append('g') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + + ')'); // Add the bars and the x axis gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'bars'); gEnter.append('g').attr('class', 'x axis'); // Add width and height to the svg svg.attr('width', slice.width()) .attr('height', slice.height()); // Create the bars in the svg const bar ='.bars').selectAll('.bar').data(bins); bar.enter().append('rect'); bar.exit().remove(); // Set the Height and Width for each bar bar.attr('width', x.rangeBand()) .attr('x', (d) => x(d.x)) .attr('y', (d) => y(d.y)) .attr('height', (d) => y.range()[0] - y(d.y)) .style('fill', (d) => category21(d.length)) .order(); // Find maximum length to position the ticks on top of the bar correctly const maxLength = d3.max(bins, (d) => d.length); function textAboveBar(d) { return d.length / maxLength < 0.1; } // Add a bar text to each bar in the histogram svg.selectAll('.bartext') .data(bins) .enter() .append('text') .attr('dy', '.75em') .attr('y', function (d) { let padding = 0.0; if (textAboveBar(d)) { padding = 12.0; } else { padding = -8.0; } return y(d.y) - padding; }) .attr('x', (d) => x(d.x) + (x.rangeBand() / 2)) .attr('text-anchor', 'middle') .attr('font-weight', 'bold') .attr('font-size', '15px') .text((d) => formatNumber(d.y)) .attr('fill', (d) => textAboveBar(d) ? 'black' : 'white') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + + ')'); // Update the x-axis svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'axis') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + (height + + ')') .text('values') .call(xAxis); // Update the Y Axis and add minor lines svg.append('g') .attr('class', 'axis') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + + ')') .text('count') .call(yAxis) .selectAll('g') .filter(function (d) { return d; }) .classed('minor', true); }; const render = function () { d3.json(slice.jsonEndpoint(), function (error, json) { if (error !== null) { slice.error(error.responseText, error); return; } const numBins = Number(json.form_data.link_length) || 10; div.selectAll('*').remove(); draw(, numBins); slice.done(json); }); }; return { render, resize: render, }; } module.exports = histogram;