# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # isort:skip_file """Unit tests for Superset""" from typing import Any import pytest from superset.extensions import cache_manager, db from superset.models.cache import CacheKey from superset.utils.core import get_example_default_schema from tests.integration_tests.base_tests import ( SupersetTestCase, post_assert_metric, ) @pytest.fixture def invalidate(test_client, login_as_admin): def _invalidate(params: dict[str, Any]): return post_assert_metric( test_client, "api/v1/cachekey/invalidate", params, "invalidate" ) return _invalidate def test_invalidate_cache(invalidate): rv = invalidate({"datasource_uids": ["3__table"]}) assert rv.status_code == 201 def test_invalidate_existing_cache(invalidate): db.session.add(CacheKey(cache_key="cache_key", datasource_uid="3__table")) db.session.commit() cache_manager.cache.set("cache_key", "value") rv = invalidate({"datasource_uids": ["3__table"]}) assert rv.status_code == 201 assert cache_manager.cache.get("cache_key") == None assert ( not db.session.query(CacheKey).filter(CacheKey.cache_key == "cache_key").first() ) def test_invalidate_cache_empty_input(invalidate): rv = invalidate({"datasource_uids": []}) assert rv.status_code == 201 rv = invalidate({"datasources": []}) assert rv.status_code == 201 rv = invalidate({"datasource_uids": [], "datasources": []}) assert rv.status_code == 201 def test_invalidate_cache_bad_request(invalidate): rv = invalidate( { "datasource_uids": [], "datasources": [{"datasource_name": "", "datasource_type": None}], } ) assert rv.status_code == 400 rv = invalidate( { "datasource_uids": [], "datasources": [{"datasource_name": "", "datasource_type": "bla"}], } ) assert rv.status_code == 400 rv = invalidate( { "datasource_uids": "datasource", "datasources": [{"datasource_name": "", "datasource_type": "bla"}], } ) assert rv.status_code == 400 def test_invalidate_existing_caches(invalidate): schema = get_example_default_schema() or "" bn = SupersetTestCase.get_birth_names_dataset() db.session.add(CacheKey(cache_key="cache_key1", datasource_uid="3__druid")) db.session.add(CacheKey(cache_key="cache_key2", datasource_uid="3__druid")) db.session.add(CacheKey(cache_key="cache_key4", datasource_uid=f"{bn.id}__table")) db.session.add(CacheKey(cache_key="cache_keyX", datasource_uid="X__table")) db.session.commit() cache_manager.cache.set("cache_key1", "value") cache_manager.cache.set("cache_key2", "value") cache_manager.cache.set("cache_key4", "value") cache_manager.cache.set("cache_keyX", "value") rv = invalidate( { "datasource_uids": ["3__druid", "4__druid"], "datasources": [ { "datasource_name": "birth_names", "database_name": "examples", "schema": schema, "datasource_type": "table", }, { # table exists, no cache to invalidate "datasource_name": "energy_usage", "database_name": "examples", "schema": schema, "datasource_type": "table", }, { # table doesn't exist "datasource_name": "does_not_exist", "database_name": "examples", "schema": schema, "datasource_type": "table", }, { # database doesn't exist "datasource_name": "birth_names", "database_name": "does_not_exist", "schema": schema, "datasource_type": "table", }, { # database doesn't exist "datasource_name": "birth_names", "database_name": "examples", "schema": "does_not_exist", "datasource_type": "table", }, ], } ) assert rv.status_code == 201 assert cache_manager.cache.get("cache_key1") is None assert cache_manager.cache.get("cache_key2") is None assert cache_manager.cache.get("cache_key4") is None assert cache_manager.cache.get("cache_keyX") == "value" assert ( not db.session.query(CacheKey) .filter(CacheKey.cache_key.in_({"cache_key1", "cache_key2", "cache_key4"})) .first() ) assert ( db.session.query(CacheKey) .filter(CacheKey.cache_key == "cache_keyX") .first() .datasource_uid == "X__table" )