/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import React from 'react'; import { mount } from 'enzyme'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock'; import { ParentSize } from '@vx/responsive'; import { supersetTheme, ThemeProvider } from '@superset-ui/core'; import { Sticky, StickyContainer } from 'react-sticky'; import { TabContainer, TabContent, TabPane } from 'react-bootstrap'; import { DndProvider } from 'react-dnd'; import { HTML5Backend } from 'react-dnd-html5-backend'; import BuilderComponentPane from 'src/dashboard/components/BuilderComponentPane'; import DashboardBuilder from 'src/dashboard/components/DashboardBuilder/DashboardBuilder'; import DashboardComponent from 'src/dashboard/containers/DashboardComponent'; import DashboardHeader from 'src/dashboard/containers/DashboardHeader'; import DashboardGrid from 'src/dashboard/containers/DashboardGrid'; import * as dashboardStateActions from 'src/dashboard/actions/dashboardState'; import { dashboardLayout as undoableDashboardLayout, dashboardLayoutWithTabs as undoableDashboardLayoutWithTabs, } from 'spec/fixtures/mockDashboardLayout'; import { mockStoreWithTabs, storeWithState } from 'spec/fixtures/mockStore'; import mockState from 'spec/fixtures/mockState'; import { DASHBOARD_ROOT_ID } from 'src/dashboard/util/constants'; fetchMock.get('glob:*/csstemplateasyncmodelview/api/read', {}); jest.mock('src/dashboard/actions/dashboardState'); describe('DashboardBuilder', () => { let favStarStub; beforeAll(() => { // this is invoked on mount, so we stub it instead of making a request favStarStub = sinon .stub(dashboardStateActions, 'fetchFaveStar') .returns({ type: 'mock-action' }); }); afterAll(() => { favStarStub.restore(); }); function setup(overrideState = {}, overrideStore) { const store = overrideStore ?? storeWithState({ ...mockState, dashboardLayout: undoableDashboardLayout, ...overrideState, }); return mount( , { wrappingComponent: ThemeProvider, wrappingComponentProps: { theme: supersetTheme }, }, ); } it('should render a StickyContainer with class "dashboard"', () => { const wrapper = setup(); const stickyContainer = wrapper.find(StickyContainer); expect(stickyContainer).toHaveLength(1); expect(stickyContainer.prop('className')).toBe('dashboard'); }); it('should add the "dashboard--editing" class if editMode=true', () => { const wrapper = setup({ dashboardState: { editMode: true } }); const stickyContainer = wrapper.find(StickyContainer).first(); expect(stickyContainer.prop('className')).toBe( 'dashboard dashboard--editing', ); }); it('should render a DragDroppable DashboardHeader', () => { const wrapper = setup(); expect(wrapper.find(DashboardHeader)).toExist(); }); it('should render a Sticky top-level Tabs if the dashboard has tabs', () => { const wrapper = setup( { dashboardLayout: undoableDashboardLayoutWithTabs }, mockStoreWithTabs, ); const sticky = wrapper.find(Sticky); const dashboardComponent = sticky.find(DashboardComponent); const tabChildren = undoableDashboardLayoutWithTabs.present.TABS_ID.children; expect(sticky).toHaveLength(1); expect(dashboardComponent).toHaveLength(1 + tabChildren.length); // tab + tabs expect(dashboardComponent.at(0).prop('id')).toBe('TABS_ID'); tabChildren.forEach((tabId, i) => { expect(dashboardComponent.at(i + 1).prop('id')).toBe(tabId); }); }); it('should render a TabContainer and TabContent', () => { const wrapper = setup({ dashboardLayout: undoableDashboardLayoutWithTabs }); const parentSize = wrapper.find(ParentSize); expect(parentSize.find(TabContainer)).toHaveLength(1); expect(parentSize.find(TabContent)).toHaveLength(1); }); it('should set animation=true, mountOnEnter=true, and unmounOnExit=false on TabContainer for perf', () => { const wrapper = setup({ dashboardLayout: undoableDashboardLayoutWithTabs }); const tabProps = wrapper.find(ParentSize).find(TabContainer).props(); expect(tabProps.animation).toBe(true); expect(tabProps.mountOnEnter).toBe(true); expect(tabProps.unmountOnExit).toBe(false); }); it('should render a TabPane and DashboardGrid for first Tab', () => { const wrapper = setup({ dashboardLayout: undoableDashboardLayoutWithTabs }); const parentSize = wrapper.find(ParentSize); const expectedCount = undoableDashboardLayoutWithTabs.present.TABS_ID.children.length; expect(parentSize.find(TabPane)).toHaveLength(expectedCount); expect(parentSize.find(TabPane).first().find(DashboardGrid)).toHaveLength( 1, ); }); it('should render a TabPane and DashboardGrid for second Tab', () => { const wrapper = setup({ dashboardLayout: undoableDashboardLayoutWithTabs, dashboardState: { ...mockState, directPathToChild: [DASHBOARD_ROOT_ID, 'TABS_ID', 'TAB_ID2'], }, }); const parentSize = wrapper.find(ParentSize); const expectedCount = undoableDashboardLayoutWithTabs.present.TABS_ID.children.length; expect(parentSize.find(TabPane)).toHaveLength(expectedCount); expect(parentSize.find(TabPane).at(1).find(DashboardGrid)).toHaveLength(1); }); it('should render a BuilderComponentPane if editMode=false and user selects "Insert Components" pane', () => { const wrapper = setup(); expect(wrapper.find(BuilderComponentPane)).not.toExist(); }); it('should render a BuilderComponentPane if editMode=true and user selects "Insert Components" pane', () => { const wrapper = setup({ dashboardState: { editMode: true } }); expect(wrapper.find(BuilderComponentPane)).toExist(); }); it('should change redux state if a top-level Tab is clicked', () => { dashboardStateActions.setDirectPathToChild = jest.fn(arg0 => ({ type: 'type', arg0, })); const wrapper = setup({ ...mockStoreWithTabs, dashboardLayout: undoableDashboardLayoutWithTabs, }); expect(wrapper.find(TabContainer).prop('activeKey')).toBe(0); wrapper .find('.dashboard-component-tabs .ant-tabs .ant-tabs-tab') .at(1) .simulate('click'); expect(dashboardStateActions.setDirectPathToChild).toHaveBeenCalledWith([ 'ROOT_ID', 'TABS_ID', 'TAB_ID2', ]); }); });