"""Contains the logic to create cohesive forms on the explore view""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from collections import OrderedDict from copy import copy import json import math from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _ from wtforms import ( Form, SelectMultipleField, SelectField, TextField, TextAreaField, BooleanField, IntegerField, HiddenField, DecimalField) from wtforms import validators, widgets from caravel import app config = app.config TIMESTAMP_CHOICES = [ ('smart_date', 'Adaptative formating'), ("%m/%d/%Y", '"%m/%d/%Y" | 01/14/2019'), ("%Y-%m-%d", '"%Y-%m-%d" | 2019-01-14'), ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", '"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" | 2019-01-14 01:32:10'), ("%H:%M:%S", '"%H:%M:%S" | 01:32:10'), ] class BetterBooleanField(BooleanField): """Fixes the html checkbox to distinguish absent from unchecked (which doesn't distinguish False from NULL/missing ) If value is unchecked, this hidden fills in False value """ def __call__(self, **kwargs): html = super(BetterBooleanField, self).__call__(**kwargs) html += u''.format(self.name) return widgets.HTMLString(html) class SelectMultipleSortableField(SelectMultipleField): """Works along with select2sortable to preserves the sort order""" def iter_choices(self): d = OrderedDict() for value, label in self.choices: selected = self.data is not None and self.coerce(value) in self.data d[value] = (value, label, selected) if self.data: for value in self.data: if value and value in d: yield d.pop(value) while d: yield d.popitem(last=False)[1] class FreeFormSelect(widgets.Select): """A WTF widget that allows for free form entry""" def __call__(self, field, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('id', field.id) if self.multiple: kwargs['multiple'] = True html = ['') return widgets.HTMLString(''.join(html)) class FreeFormSelectField(SelectField): """A WTF SelectField that allows for free form input""" widget = FreeFormSelect() def pre_validate(self, form): return class OmgWtForm(Form): """Caravelification of the WTForm Form object""" fieldsets = {} css_classes = dict() def get_field(self, fieldname): return getattr(self, fieldname) def field_css_classes(self, fieldname): if fieldname in self.css_classes: return " ".join(self.css_classes[fieldname]) return "" class FormFactory(object): """Used to create the forms in the explore view dynamically""" series_limits = [0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500] fieltype_class = { SelectField: 'select2', SelectMultipleField: 'select2', FreeFormSelectField: 'select2_freeform', SelectMultipleSortableField: 'select2Sortable', } def __init__(self, viz): self.viz = viz from caravel.viz import viz_types viz = self.viz datasource = viz.datasource if not datasource.metrics_combo: raise Exception("Please define at least one metric for your table") default_metric = datasource.metrics_combo[0][0] gb_cols = datasource.groupby_column_names default_groupby = gb_cols[0] if gb_cols else None group_by_choices = self.choicify(gb_cols) order_by_choices = [] for s in sorted(datasource.num_cols): order_by_choices.append((json.dumps([s, True]), s + ' [asc]')) order_by_choices.append((json.dumps([s, False]), s + ' [desc]')) # Pool of all the fields that can be used in Caravel field_data = { 'viz_type': (SelectField, { "label": _("Viz"), "default": 'table', "choices": [(k, v.verbose_name) for k, v in viz_types.items()], "description": _("The type of visualization to display") }), 'metrics': (SelectMultipleSortableField, { "label": _("Metrics"), "choices": datasource.metrics_combo, "default": [default_metric], "description": _("One or many metrics to display") }), 'order_by_cols': (SelectMultipleSortableField, { "label": _("Ordering"), "choices": order_by_choices, "description": _("One or many metrics to display") }), 'metric': (SelectField, { "label": _("Metric"), "choices": datasource.metrics_combo, "default": default_metric, "description": _("Choose the metric") }), 'stacked_style': (SelectField, { "label": _("Chart Style"), "choices": ( ('stack', _('stack')), ('stream', _('stream')), ('expand', _('expand')), ), "default": 'stack', "description": "" }), 'linear_color_scheme': (SelectField, { "label": _("Color Scheme"), "choices": ( ('fire', _('fire')), ('blue_white_yellow', _('blue_white_yellow')), ('white_black', _('white_black')), ('black_white', _('black_white')), ), "default": 'blue_white_yellow', "description": "" }), 'normalize_across': (SelectField, { "label": _("Normalize Across"), "choices": ( ('heatmap', _('heatmap')), ('x', _('x')), ('y', _('y')), ), "default": 'heatmap', "description": _( "Color will be rendered based on a ratio " "of the cell against the sum of across this " "criteria") }), 'horizon_color_scale': (SelectField, { "label": _("Color Scale"), "choices": ( ('series', _('series')), ('overall', _('overall')), ('change', _('change')), ), "default": 'series', "description": _("Defines how the color are attributed.") }), 'canvas_image_rendering': (SelectField, { "label": _("Rendering"), "choices": ( ('pixelated', _('pixelated (Sharp)')), ('auto', _('auto (Smooth)')), ), "default": 'pixelated', "description": _( "image-rendering CSS attribute of the canvas object that " "defines how the browser scales up the image") }), 'xscale_interval': (SelectField, { "label": _("XScale Interval"), "choices": self.choicify(range(1, 50)), "default": '1', "description": _( "Number of step to take between ticks when " "printing the x scale") }), 'yscale_interval': (SelectField, { "label": _("YScale Interval"), "choices": self.choicify(range(1, 50)), "default": '1', "description": _( "Number of step to take between ticks when " "printing the y scale") }), 'bar_stacked': (BetterBooleanField, { "label": _("Stacked Bars"), "default": False, "description": "" }), 'show_bar_value': (BetterBooleanField, { "label": _("Bar Values"), "default": False, "description": "Show the value on top of the bars or not" }), 'show_controls': (BetterBooleanField, { "label": _("Extra Controls"), "default": False, "description": _( "Whether to show extra controls or not. Extra controls " "include things like making mulitBar charts stacked " "or side by side.") }), 'reduce_x_ticks': (BetterBooleanField, { "label": _("Reduce X ticks"), "default": False, "description": _( "Reduces the number of X axis ticks to be rendered. " "If true, the x axis wont overflow and labels may be " "missing. If false, a minimum width will be applied " "to columns and the width may overflow into an " "horizontal scroll."), }), 'include_series': (BetterBooleanField, { "label": _("Include Series"), "default": False, "description": _("Include series name as an axis") }), 'secondary_metric': (SelectField, { "label": _("Color Metric"), "choices": datasource.metrics_combo, "default": default_metric, "description": _("A metric to use for color") }), 'country_fieldtype': (SelectField, { "label": _("Country Field Type"), "default": 'cca2', "choices": ( ('name', _('Full name')), ('cioc', _('code International Olympic Committee (cioc)')), ('cca2', _('code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (cca2)')), ('cca3', _('code ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 (cca3)')), ), "description": _( "The country code standard that Caravel should expect " "to find in the [country] column") }), 'groupby': (SelectMultipleSortableField, { "label": _("Group by"), "choices": self.choicify(datasource.groupby_column_names), "description": _("One or many fields to group by") }), 'columns': (SelectMultipleSortableField, { "label": _("Columns"), "choices": self.choicify(datasource.groupby_column_names), "description": _("One or many fields to pivot as columns") }), 'all_columns': (SelectMultipleSortableField, { "label": _("Columns"), "choices": self.choicify(datasource.column_names), "description": _("Columns to display") }), 'all_columns_x': (SelectField, { "label": _("X"), "choices": self.choicify(datasource.column_names), "default": datasource.column_names[0], "description": _("Columns to display") }), 'all_columns_y': (SelectField, { "label": _("Y"), "choices": self.choicify(datasource.column_names), "default": datasource.column_names[0], "description": _("Columns to display") }), 'druid_time_origin': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _("Origin"), "choices": ( ('', _('default')), ('now', _('now')), ), "default": '', "description": _( "Defines the origin where time buckets start, " "accepts natural dates as in 'now', 'sunday' or '1970-01-01'") }), 'bottom_margin': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _("Bottom Margin"), "choices": self.choicify([50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200]), "default": 50, "description": _( "Bottom marging, in pixels, allowing for more room for " "axis labels"), }), 'granularity': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _("Time Granularity"), "default": "one day", "choices": ( ('all', _('all')), ('5 seconds', _('5 seconds')), ('30 seconds', _('30 seconds')), ('1 minute', _('1 minute')), ('5 minutes', _('5 minutes')), ('1 hour', _('1 hour')), ('6 hour', _('6 hour')), ('1 day', _('1 day')), ('7 days', _('7 days')), ), "description": _( "The time granularity for the visualization. Note that you " "can type and use simple natural language as in '10 seconds', " "'1 day' or '56 weeks'") }), 'domain_granularity': (SelectField, { "label": _("Domain"), "default": "month", "choices": ( ('hour', _('hour')), ('day', _('day')), ('week', _('week')), ('month', _('month')), ('year', _('year')), ), "description": _( "The time unit used for the grouping of blocks") }), 'subdomain_granularity': (SelectField, { "label": _("Subdomain"), "default": "day", "choices": ( ('min', _('min')), ('hour', _('hour')), ('day', _('day')), ('week', _('week')), ('month', _('month')), ), "description": _( "The time unit for each block. Should be a smaller unit than " "domain_granularity. Should be larger or equal to Time Grain") }), 'link_length': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _("Link Length"), "default": "200", "choices": self.choicify([ '10', '25', '50', '75', '100', '150', '200', '250', ]), "description": _("Link length in the force layout") }), 'charge': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _("Charge"), "default": "-500", "choices": self.choicify([ '-50', '-75', '-100', '-150', '-200', '-250', '-500', '-1000', '-2500', '-5000', ]), "description": _("Charge in the force layout") }), 'granularity_sqla': (SelectField, { "label": _("Time Column"), "default": datasource.main_dttm_col or datasource.any_dttm_col, "choices": self.choicify(datasource.dttm_cols), "description": _( "The time column for the visualization. Note that you " "can define arbitrary expression that return a DATETIME " "column in the table editor. Also note that the " "filter below is applied against this column or " "expression") }), 'resample_rule': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _("Resample Rule"), "default": '', "choices": ( ('1T', _('1T')), ('1H', _('1H')), ('1D', _('1D')), ('7D', _('7D')), ('1M', _('1M')), ('1AS', _('1AS')), ), "description": _("Pandas resample rule") }), 'resample_how': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _("Resample How"), "default": '', "choices": ( ('', ''), ('mean', _('mean')), ('sum', _('sum')), ('median', _('median')), ), "description": _("Pandas resample how") }), 'resample_fillmethod': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _("Resample Fill Method"), "default": '', "choices": ( ('', ''), ('ffill', _('ffill')), ('bfill', _('bfill')), ), "description": _("Pandas resample fill method") }), 'since': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _("Since"), "default": "7 days ago", "choices": ( ('1 hour ago', _('1 hour ago')), ('12 hours ago', _('12 hours ago')), ('1 day ago', _('1 day ago')), ('7 days ago', _('7 days ago')), ('28 days ago', _('28 days ago')), ('90 days ago', _('90 days ago')), ('1 year ago', _('1 year ago')), ), "description": _( "Timestamp from filter. This supports free form typing and " "natural language as in '1 day ago', '28 days' or '3 years'") }), 'until': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _("Until"), "default": "now", "choices": ( ('now', _('now')), ('1 day ago', _('1 day ago')), ('7 days ago', _('7 days ago')), ('28 days ago', _('28 days ago')), ('90 days ago', _('90 days ago')), ('1 year ago', _('1 year ago')), ) }), 'max_bubble_size': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _("Max Bubble Size"), "default": "25", "choices": self.choicify([ '5', '10', '15', '25', '50', '75', '100', ]) }), 'whisker_options': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _("Whisker/outlier options"), "default": "Tukey", "description": _( "Determines how whiskers and outliers are calculated."), "choices": ( ('Tukey', _('Tukey')), ('Min/max (no outliers)', _('Min/max (no outliers)')), ('2/98 percentiles', _('2/98 percentiles')), ('9/91 percentiles', _('9/91 percentiles')), ) }), 'treemap_ratio': (DecimalField, { "label": _("Ratio"), "default": 0.5 * (1 + math.sqrt(5)), # d3 default, golden ratio "description": _('Target aspect ratio for treemap tiles.'), }), 'number_format': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _("Number format"), "default": '.3s', "choices": [ ('.3s', '".3s" | 12.3k'), ('.3%', '".3%" | 1234543.210%'), ('.4r', '".4r" | 12350'), ('.3f', '".3f" | 12345.432'), ('+,', '"+," | +12,345.4321'), ('$,.2f', '"$,.2f" | $12,345.43'), ], "description": _("D3 format syntax for numbers " "https: //github.com/mbostock/\n" "d3/wiki/Formatting") }), 'row_limit': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _('Row limit'), "default": config.get("ROW_LIMIT"), "choices": self.choicify( [10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000]) }), 'limit': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _('Series limit'), "choices": self.choicify(self.series_limits), "default": 50, "description": _( "Limits the number of time series that get displayed") }), 'rolling_type': (SelectField, { "label": _("Rolling"), "default": 'None', "choices": [(s, s) for s in ['None', 'mean', 'sum', 'std', 'cumsum']], "description": _( "Defines a rolling window function to apply, works along " "with the [Periods] text box") }), 'rolling_periods': (IntegerField, { "label": _("Periods"), "validators": [validators.optional()], "description": _( "Defines the size of the rolling window function, " "relative to the time granularity selected") }), 'series': (SelectField, { "label": _("Series"), "choices": group_by_choices, "default": default_groupby, "description": _( "Defines the grouping of entities. " "Each series is shown as a specific color on the chart and " "has a legend toggle") }), 'entity': (SelectField, { "label": _("Entity"), "choices": group_by_choices, "default": default_groupby, "description": _("This define the element to be plotted on the chart") }), 'x': (SelectField, { "label": _("X Axis"), "choices": datasource.metrics_combo, "default": default_metric, "description": _("Metric assigned to the [X] axis") }), 'y': (SelectField, { "label": _("Y Axis"), "choices": datasource.metrics_combo, "default": default_metric, "description": _("Metric assigned to the [Y] axis") }), 'size': (SelectField, { "label": _('Bubble Size'), "default": default_metric, "choices": datasource.metrics_combo }), 'url': (TextField, { "label": _("URL"), "description": _( "The URL, this field is templated, so you can integrate " "{{ width }} and/or {{ height }} in your URL string." ), "default": 'https: //www.youtube.com/embed/JkI5rg_VcQ4', }), 'x_axis_label': (TextField, { "label": _("X Axis Label"), "default": '', }), 'y_axis_label': (TextField, { "label": _("Y Axis Label"), "default": '', }), 'where': (TextField, { "label": _("Custom WHERE clause"), "default": '', "description": _( "The text in this box gets included in your query's WHERE " "clause, as an AND to other criteria. You can include " "complex expression, parenthesis and anything else " "supported by the backend it is directed towards.") }), 'having': (TextField, { "label": _("Custom HAVING clause"), "default": '', "description": _( "The text in this box gets included in your query's HAVING" " clause, as an AND to other criteria. You can include " "complex expression, parenthesis and anything else " "supported by the backend it is directed towards.") }), 'compare_lag': (TextField, { "label": _("Comparison Period Lag"), "description": _( "Based on granularity, number of time periods to " "compare against") }), 'compare_suffix': (TextField, { "label": _("Comparison suffix"), "description": _("Suffix to apply after the percentage display") }), 'table_timestamp_format': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _("Table Timestamp Format"), "default": 'smart_date', "choices": TIMESTAMP_CHOICES, "description": _("Timestamp Format") }), 'series_height': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _("Series Height"), "default": 25, "choices": self.choicify([10, 25, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200]), "description": _("Pixel height of each series") }), 'x_axis_format': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _("X axis format"), "default": 'smart_date', "choices": TIMESTAMP_CHOICES, "description": _("D3 format syntax for y axis " "https: //github.com/mbostock/\n" "d3/wiki/Formatting") }), 'y_axis_format': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _("Y axis format"), "default": '.3s', "choices": [ ('.3s', '".3s" | 12.3k'), ('.3%', '".3%" | 1234543.210%'), ('.4r', '".4r" | 12350'), ('.3f', '".3f" | 12345.432'), ('+,', '"+," | +12,345.4321'), ('$,.2f', '"$,.2f" | $12,345.43'), ], "description": _("D3 format syntax for y axis " "https: //github.com/mbostock/\n" "d3/wiki/Formatting") }), 'markup_type': (SelectField, { "label": _("Markup Type"), "choices": ( ('markdown', _('markdown')), ('html', _('html')) ), "default": "markdown", "description": _("Pick your favorite markup language") }), 'rotation': (SelectField, { "label": _("Rotation"), "choices": ( ('random', _('random')), ('flat', _('flat')), ('square', _('square')), ), "default": "random", "description": _("Rotation to apply to words in the cloud") }), 'line_interpolation': (SelectField, { "label": _("Line Style"), "choices": ( ('linear', _('linear')), ('basis', _('basis')), ('cardinal', _('cardinal')), ('monotone', _('monotone')), ('step-before', _('step-before')), ('step-after', _('step-after')), ), "default": 'linear', "description": _("Line interpolation as defined by d3.js") }), 'pie_label_type': (SelectField, { "label": _("Label Type"), "default": 'key', "choices": ( ('key', _("Category Name")), ('value', _("Value")), ('percent', _("Percentage")), ), "description": _("What should be shown on the label?") }), 'code': (TextAreaField, { "label": _("Code"), "description": _("Put your code here"), "default": '' }), 'pandas_aggfunc': (SelectField, { "label": _("Aggregation function"), "choices": ( ('sum', _('sum')), ('mean', _('mean')), ('min', _('min')), ('max', _('max')), ('median', _('median')), ('stdev', _('stdev')), ('var', _('var')), ), "default": 'sum', "description": _( "Aggregate function to apply when pivoting and " "computing the total rows and columns") }), 'size_from': (TextField, { "label": _("Font Size From"), "default": "20", "description": _("Font size for the smallest value in the list") }), 'size_to': (TextField, { "label": _("Font Size To"), "default": "150", "description": _("Font size for the biggest value in the list") }), 'show_brush': (BetterBooleanField, { "label": _("Range Filter"), "default": False, "description": _( "Whether to display the time range interactive selector") }), 'show_datatable': (BetterBooleanField, { "label": _("Data Table"), "default": False, "description": _("Whether to display the interactive data table") }), 'include_search': (BetterBooleanField, { "label": _("Search Box"), "default": False, "description": _( "Whether to include a client side search box") }), 'show_bubbles': (BetterBooleanField, { "label": _("Show Bubbles"), "default": False, "description": _( "Whether to display bubbles on top of countries") }), 'show_legend': (BetterBooleanField, { "label": _("Legend"), "default": True, "description": _("Whether to display the legend (toggles)") }), 'x_axis_showminmax': (BetterBooleanField, { "label": _("X bounds"), "default": True, "description": _( "Whether to display the min and max values of the X axis") }), 'rich_tooltip': (BetterBooleanField, { "label": _("Rich Tooltip"), "default": True, "description": _( "The rich tooltip shows a list of all series for that" " point in time") }), 'y_axis_zero': (BetterBooleanField, { "label": _("Y Axis Zero"), "default": False, "description": _( "Force the Y axis to start at 0 instead of the minimum " "value") }), 'y_log_scale': (BetterBooleanField, { "label": _("Y Log"), "default": False, "description": _("Use a log scale for the Y axis") }), 'x_log_scale': (BetterBooleanField, { "label": _("X Log"), "default": False, "description": _("Use a log scale for the X axis") }), 'donut': (BetterBooleanField, { "label": _("Donut"), "default": False, "description": _("Do you want a donut or a pie?") }), 'labels_outside': (BetterBooleanField, { "label": _("Put labels outside"), "default": True, "description": _("Put the labels outside the pie?") }), 'contribution': (BetterBooleanField, { "label": _("Contribution"), "default": False, "description": _("Compute the contribution to the total") }), 'num_period_compare': (IntegerField, { "label": _("Period Ratio"), "default": None, "validators": [validators.optional()], "description": _( "[integer] Number of period to compare against, " "this is relative to the granularity selected") }), 'time_compare': (TextField, { "label": _("Time Shift"), "default": "", "description": _( "Overlay a timeseries from a " "relative time period. Expects relative time delta " "in natural language (example: 24 hours, 7 days, " "56 weeks, 365 days") }), 'subheader': (TextField, { "label": _("Subheader"), "description": _( "Description text that shows up below your Big " "Number") }), 'mapbox_label': (SelectMultipleSortableField, { "label": "Label", "choices": self.choicify(["count"] + datasource.column_names), "description": _( "'count' is COUNT(*) if a group by is used. " "Numerical columns will be aggregated with the aggregator. " "Non-numerical columns will be used to label points. " "Leave empty to get a count of points in each cluster."), }), 'mapbox_style': (SelectField, { "label": "Map Style", "choices": [ ("mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9", "Streets"), ("mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v9", "Dark"), ("mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9", "Light"), ("mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-streets-v9", "Satellite Streets"), ("mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-v9", "Satellite"), ("mapbox://styles/mapbox/outdoors-v9", "Outdoors"), ], "default": "mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v9", "description": _("Base layer map style") }), 'clustering_radius': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _("Clustering Radius"), "default": "60", "choices": self.choicify([ '0', '20', '40', '60', '80', '100', '200', '500', '1000', ]), "description": _( "The radius (in pixels) the algorithm uses to define a cluster. " "Choose 0 to turn off clustering, but beware that a large " "number of points (>1000) will cause lag.") }), 'point_radius': (SelectField, { "label": _("Point Radius"), "default": "Auto", "choices": self.choicify(["Auto"] + datasource.column_names), "description": _( "The radius of individual points (ones that are not in a cluster). " "Either a numerical column or 'Auto', which scales the point based " "on the largest cluster") }), 'point_radius_unit': (SelectField, { "label": _("Point Radius Unit"), "default": "Pixels", "choices": self.choicify([ "Pixels", "Miles", "Kilometers", ]), "description": _("The unit of measure for the specified point radius") }), 'global_opacity': (DecimalField, { "label": _("Opacity"), "default": 1, "description": _( "Opacity of all clusters, points, and labels. " "Between 0 and 1."), }), 'viewport_zoom': (DecimalField, { "label": _("Zoom"), "default": 11, "validators": [validators.optional()], "description": _("Zoom level of the map"), "places": 8, }), 'viewport_latitude': (DecimalField, { "label": _("Default latitude"), "default": 37.772123, "description": _("Latitude of default viewport"), "places": 8, }), 'viewport_longitude': (DecimalField, { "label": _("Default longitude"), "default": -122.405293, "description": _("Longitude of default viewport"), "places": 8, }), 'render_while_dragging': (BetterBooleanField, { "label": _("Live render"), "default": True, "description": _("Points and clusters will update as viewport " "is being changed") }), 'mapbox_color': (FreeFormSelectField, { "label": _("RGB Color"), "default": "rgb(0, 122, 135)", "choices": [ ("rgb(0, 139, 139)", "Dark Cyan"), ("rgb(128, 0, 128)", "Purple"), ("rgb(255, 215, 0)", "Gold"), ("rgb(69, 69, 69)", "Dim Gray"), ("rgb(220, 20, 60)", "Crimson"), ("rgb(34, 139, 34)", "Forest Green"), ], "description": _("The color for points and clusters in RGB") }), } # Override default arguments with form overrides for field_name, override_map in viz.form_overrides.items(): if field_name in field_data: field_data[field_name][1].update(override_map) self.field_dict = { field_name: v[0](**v[1]) for field_name, v in field_data.items() } @staticmethod def choicify(l): return [("{}".format(obj), "{}".format(obj)) for obj in l] def get_form(self): """Returns a form object based on the viz/datasource/context""" viz = self.viz field_css_classes = {} for name, obj in self.field_dict.items(): field_css_classes[name] = ['form-control'] s = self.fieltype_class.get(obj.field_class) if s: field_css_classes[name] += [s] for field in ('show_brush', 'show_legend', 'rich_tooltip'): field_css_classes[field] += ['input-sm'] class QueryForm(OmgWtForm): """The dynamic form object used for the explore view""" fieldsets = copy(viz.fieldsets) css_classes = field_css_classes standalone = HiddenField() async = HiddenField() force = HiddenField() extra_filters = HiddenField() json = HiddenField() slice_id = HiddenField() slice_name = HiddenField() previous_viz_type = HiddenField(default=viz.viz_type) collapsed_fieldsets = HiddenField() viz_type = self.field_dict.get('viz_type') for field in viz.flat_form_fields(): setattr(QueryForm, field, self.field_dict[field]) def add_to_form(attrs): for attr in attrs: setattr(QueryForm, attr, self.field_dict[attr]) filter_choices = self.choicify(['in', 'not in']) having_op_choices = [] filter_prefixes = ['flt'] # datasource type specific form elements datasource_classname = viz.datasource.__class__.__name__ time_fields = None if datasource_classname == 'SqlaTable': QueryForm.fieldsets += ({ 'label': _('SQL'), 'fields': ['where', 'having'], 'description': _( "This section exposes ways to include snippets of " "SQL in your query"), },) add_to_form(('where', 'having')) grains = viz.datasource.database.grains() if grains: grains_choices = [(grain.name, grain.label) for grain in grains] time_fields = ('granularity_sqla', 'time_grain_sqla') self.field_dict['time_grain_sqla'] = SelectField( _('Time Grain'), choices=grains_choices, default="Time Column", description=_( "The time granularity for the visualization. This " "applies a date transformation to alter " "your time column and defines a new time granularity." "The options here are defined on a per database " "engine basis in the Caravel source code")) add_to_form(time_fields) field_css_classes['time_grain_sqla'] = ['form-control', 'select2'] field_css_classes['granularity_sqla'] = ['form-control', 'select2'] else: time_fields = 'granularity_sqla' add_to_form((time_fields, )) elif datasource_classname == 'DruidDatasource': time_fields = ('granularity', 'druid_time_origin') add_to_form(('granularity', 'druid_time_origin')) field_css_classes['granularity'] = ['form-control', 'select2_freeform'] field_css_classes['druid_time_origin'] = ['form-control', 'select2_freeform'] filter_choices = self.choicify(['in', 'not in', 'regex']) having_op_choices = self.choicify( ['==', '!=', '>', '<', '>=', '<=']) filter_prefixes += ['having'] add_to_form(('since', 'until')) # filter_cols defaults to ''. Filters with blank col will be ignored filter_cols = self.choicify( ([''] + viz.datasource.filterable_column_names) or ['']) having_cols = filter_cols + viz.datasource.metrics_combo for field_prefix in filter_prefixes: is_having_filter = field_prefix == 'having' col_choices = filter_cols if not is_having_filter else having_cols op_choices = filter_choices if not is_having_filter else \ having_op_choices for i in range(10): setattr(QueryForm, field_prefix + '_col_' + str(i), SelectField( _('Filter 1'), default=col_choices[0][0], choices=col_choices)) setattr(QueryForm, field_prefix + '_op_' + str(i), SelectField( _('Filter 1'), default=op_choices[0][0], choices=op_choices)) setattr( QueryForm, field_prefix + '_eq_' + str(i), TextField(_("Super"), default='')) if time_fields: QueryForm.fieldsets = ({ 'label': _('Time'), 'fields': ( time_fields, ('since', 'until'), ), 'description': _("Time related form attributes"), },) + tuple(QueryForm.fieldsets) return QueryForm