/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import getDropPosition, { DROP_TOP, DROP_RIGHT, DROP_BOTTOM, DROP_LEFT, } from '../../../../src/dashboard/util/getDropPosition'; import { CHART_TYPE, DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, DASHBOARD_ROOT_TYPE, HEADER_TYPE, ROW_TYPE, TAB_TYPE, } from '../../../../src/dashboard/util/componentTypes'; describe('getDropPosition', () => { // helper to easily configure test function getMocks({ parentType, componentType, draggingType, depth = 1, hasChildren = false, orientation = 'row', clientOffset = { x: 0, y: 0 }, boundingClientRect = { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, }, isDraggingOverShallow = true, }) { const monitorMock = { getItem: () => ({ id: 'id', type: draggingType, }), getClientOffset: () => clientOffset, }; const ComponentMock = { props: { depth, parentComponent: { type: parentType, }, component: { type: componentType, children: hasChildren ? [''] : [], }, orientation, isDraggingOverShallow, }, ref: { getBoundingClientRect: () => boundingClientRect, }, }; return [monitorMock, ComponentMock]; } describe('invalid child + invalid sibling', () => { it('should return null', () => { const result = getDropPosition( // TAB is an invalid child + sibling of GRID > ROW ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, componentType: ROW_TYPE, draggingType: TAB_TYPE, }), ); expect(result).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('valid child + invalid sibling', () => { it('should return DROP_LEFT if component has NO children, and orientation is "row"', () => { // HEADER is a valid child + invalid sibling of ROOT > GRID const result = getDropPosition( ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_ROOT_TYPE, componentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, draggingType: HEADER_TYPE, }), ); expect(result).toBe(DROP_LEFT); }); it('should return DROP_RIGHT if component HAS children, and orientation is "row"', () => { const result = getDropPosition( ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_ROOT_TYPE, componentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, draggingType: HEADER_TYPE, hasChildren: true, }), ); expect(result).toBe(DROP_RIGHT); }); it('should return DROP_TOP if component has NO children, and orientation is "column"', () => { const result = getDropPosition( ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_ROOT_TYPE, componentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, draggingType: HEADER_TYPE, orientation: 'column', }), ); expect(result).toBe(DROP_TOP); }); it('should return DROP_BOTTOM if component HAS children, and orientation is "column"', () => { const result = getDropPosition( ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_ROOT_TYPE, componentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, draggingType: HEADER_TYPE, orientation: 'column', hasChildren: true, }), ); expect(result).toBe(DROP_BOTTOM); }); }); describe('invalid child + valid sibling', () => { it('should return DROP_TOP if orientation="row" and clientOffset is closer to component top than bottom', () => { const result = getDropPosition( // HEADER is an invalid child but valid sibling of GRID > ROW ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, componentType: ROW_TYPE, draggingType: HEADER_TYPE, clientOffset: { y: 10 }, boundingClientRect: { top: 0, bottom: 100, }, }), ); expect(result).toBe(DROP_TOP); }); it('should return DROP_BOTTOM if orientation="row" and clientOffset is closer to component bottom than top', () => { const result = getDropPosition( ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, componentType: ROW_TYPE, draggingType: HEADER_TYPE, clientOffset: { y: 55 }, boundingClientRect: { top: 0, bottom: 100, }, }), ); expect(result).toBe(DROP_BOTTOM); }); it('should return DROP_LEFT if orientation="column" and clientOffset is closer to component left than right', () => { const result = getDropPosition( ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, componentType: ROW_TYPE, draggingType: HEADER_TYPE, orientation: 'column', clientOffset: { x: 45 }, boundingClientRect: { left: 0, right: 100, }, }), ); expect(result).toBe(DROP_LEFT); }); it('should return DROP_RIGHT if orientation="column" and clientOffset is closer to component right than left', () => { const result = getDropPosition( ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, componentType: ROW_TYPE, draggingType: HEADER_TYPE, orientation: 'column', clientOffset: { x: 55 }, boundingClientRect: { left: 0, right: 100, }, }), ); expect(result).toBe(DROP_RIGHT); }); }); describe('child + valid sibling (row orientation)', () => { it('should return DROP_LEFT if component has NO children, and clientOffset is NOT near top/bottom sibling boundary', () => { const result = getDropPosition( // CHART is a valid child + sibling of GRID > ROW ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, componentType: ROW_TYPE, draggingType: CHART_TYPE, clientOffset: { x: 10, y: 50 }, boundingClientRect: { left: 0, right: 100, top: 0, bottom: 100, }, }), ); expect(result).toBe(DROP_LEFT); }); it('should return DROP_RIGHT if component HAS children, and clientOffset is NOT near top/bottom sibling boundary', () => { const result = getDropPosition( ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, componentType: ROW_TYPE, draggingType: CHART_TYPE, hasChildren: true, clientOffset: { x: 10, y: 50 }, boundingClientRect: { left: 0, right: 100, top: 0, bottom: 100, }, }), ); expect(result).toBe(DROP_RIGHT); }); it('should return DROP_TOP regardless of component children if clientOffset IS near top sibling boundary', () => { const noChildren = getDropPosition( ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, componentType: ROW_TYPE, draggingType: CHART_TYPE, clientOffset: { x: 10, y: 2 }, boundingClientRect: { left: 0, right: 100, top: 0, bottom: 100, }, }), ); const withChildren = getDropPosition( ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, componentType: ROW_TYPE, draggingType: CHART_TYPE, hasChildren: true, clientOffset: { x: 10, y: 2 }, boundingClientRect: { left: 0, right: 100, top: 0, bottom: 100, }, }), ); expect(noChildren).toBe(DROP_TOP); expect(withChildren).toBe(DROP_TOP); }); it('should return DROP_BOTTOM regardless of component children if clientOffset IS near bottom sibling boundary', () => { const noChildren = getDropPosition( ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, componentType: ROW_TYPE, draggingType: CHART_TYPE, clientOffset: { x: 10, y: 95 }, boundingClientRect: { left: 0, right: 100, top: 0, bottom: 100, }, }), ); const withChildren = getDropPosition( ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, componentType: ROW_TYPE, draggingType: CHART_TYPE, hasChildren: true, clientOffset: { x: 10, y: 95 }, boundingClientRect: { left: 0, right: 100, top: 0, bottom: 100, }, }), ); expect(noChildren).toBe(DROP_BOTTOM); expect(withChildren).toBe(DROP_BOTTOM); }); }); describe('child + valid sibling (column orientation)', () => { it('should return DROP_TOP if component has NO children, and clientOffset is NOT near left/right sibling boundary', () => { const result = getDropPosition( // CHART is a valid child + sibling of GRID > ROW ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, componentType: ROW_TYPE, draggingType: CHART_TYPE, orientation: 'column', clientOffset: { x: 50, y: 0 }, boundingClientRect: { left: 0, right: 100, top: 0, bottom: 100, }, }), ); expect(result).toBe(DROP_TOP); }); it('should return DROP_BOTTOM if component HAS children, and clientOffset is NOT near left/right sibling boundary', () => { const result = getDropPosition( ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, componentType: ROW_TYPE, draggingType: CHART_TYPE, orientation: 'column', hasChildren: true, clientOffset: { x: 50, y: 0 }, boundingClientRect: { left: 0, right: 100, top: 0, bottom: 100, }, }), ); expect(result).toBe(DROP_BOTTOM); }); it('should return DROP_LEFT regardless of component children if clientOffset IS near left sibling boundary', () => { const noChildren = getDropPosition( ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, componentType: ROW_TYPE, draggingType: CHART_TYPE, orientation: 'column', clientOffset: { x: 10, y: 2 }, boundingClientRect: { left: 0, right: 100, top: 0, bottom: 100, }, }), ); const withChildren = getDropPosition( ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, componentType: ROW_TYPE, draggingType: CHART_TYPE, orientation: 'column', hasChildren: true, clientOffset: { x: 10, y: 2 }, boundingClientRect: { left: 0, right: 100, top: 0, bottom: 100, }, }), ); expect(noChildren).toBe(DROP_LEFT); expect(withChildren).toBe(DROP_LEFT); }); it('should return DROP_RIGHT regardless of component children if clientOffset IS near right sibling boundary', () => { const noChildren = getDropPosition( ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, componentType: ROW_TYPE, draggingType: CHART_TYPE, orientation: 'column', clientOffset: { x: 90, y: 95 }, boundingClientRect: { left: 0, right: 100, top: 0, bottom: 100, }, }), ); const withChildren = getDropPosition( ...getMocks({ parentType: DASHBOARD_GRID_TYPE, componentType: ROW_TYPE, draggingType: CHART_TYPE, orientation: 'column', hasChildren: true, clientOffset: { x: 90, y: 95 }, boundingClientRect: { left: 0, right: 100, top: 0, bottom: 100, }, }), ); expect(noChildren).toBe(DROP_RIGHT); expect(withChildren).toBe(DROP_RIGHT); }); }); });