FAQ === Can I query/join multiple tables at one time? --------------------------------------------- Not directly no. A Superset SQLAlchemy datasource can only be a single table or a view. When working with tables, the solution would be to materialize a table that contains all the fields needed for your analysis, most likely through some scheduled batch process. A view is a simple logical layer that abstract an arbitrary SQL queries as a virtual table. This can allow you to join and union multiple tables, and to apply some transformation using arbitrary SQL expressions. The limitation there is your database performance as Superset effectively will run a query on top of your query (view). A good practice may be to limit yourself to joining your main large table to one or many small tables only, and avoid using ``GROUP BY`` where possible as Superset will do its own ``GROUP BY`` and doing the work twice might slow down performance. Whether you use a table or a view, the important factor is whether your database is fast enough to serve it in an interactive fashion to provide a good user experience in Superset. How BIG can my data source be? ------------------------------ It can be gigantic! As mentioned above, the main criteria is whether your database can execute queries and return results in a time frame that is acceptable to your users. Many distributed databases out there can execute queries that scan through terabytes in an interactive fashion. How do I create my own visualization? ------------------------------------- We are planning on making it easier to add new visualizations to the framework, in the meantime, we've tagged a few pull requests as ``example`` to give people examples of how to contribute new visualizations. https://github.com/airbnb/superset/issues?q=label%3Aexample+is%3Aclosed Why are my queries timing out? ------------------------------ If you are seeing timeouts (504 Gateway Time-out) when running queries, it's because the web server is timing out web requests. If you want to increase the default (50), you can specify the timeout when starting the web server with the ``-t`` flag, which is expressed in seconds. ``superset runserver -t 300`` Why is the map not visible in the mapbox visualization? ------------------------------------------------------- You need to register to mapbox.com, get an API key and configure it as ``MAPBOX_API_KEY`` in ``superset_config.py``. How to add dynamic filters to a dashboard? ------------------------------------------ It's easy: use the ``Filter Box`` widget, build a slice, and add it to your dashboard. The ``Filter Box`` widget allows you to define a query to populate dropdowns that can be use for filtering. To build the list of distinct values, we run a query, and sort the result by the metric you provide, sorting descending. The widget also has a checkbox ``Date Filter``, which enables time filtering capabilities to your dashboard. After checking the box and refreshing, you'll see a ``from`` and a ``to`` dropdown show up. But what about if you don't want certain widgets to get filtered on your dashboard? You can do that by editing your dashboard, and in the form, edit the ``JSON Metadata`` field, more specifically the ``filter_immune_slices`` key, that receives an array of sliceIds that should never be affected by any dashboard level filtering. ..code:: { "filter_immune_slices": [324, 65, 92], "expanded_slices": {}, "filter_immune_slice_fields": { "177": ["country_name", "__from", "__to"], "32": ["__from", "__to"] } } In the json blob above, slices 324, 65 and 92 won't be affected by any dashboard level filtering. Now note the ``filter_immune_slice_fields`` key. This one allows you to be more specific and define for a specific slice_id, which filter fields should be disregarded. Note the use of the ``__from`` and ``__to`` keywords, those are reserved for dealing with the time boundary filtering mentioned above. But what happens with filtering when dealing with slices coming from different tables or databases? If the column name is shared, the filter will be applied, it's as simple as that. Why does fabmanager or superset freezed/hung/not responding when started (my home directory is NFS mounted)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- superset creates and uses an sqlite database at ``~/.superset/superset.db``. Sqlite is known to `don't work well if used on NFS`__ due to broken file locking implementation on NFS. __ https://www.sqlite.org/lockingv3.html One work around is to create a symlink from ~/.superset to a directory located on a non-NFS partition. Another work around is to change where superset stores the sqlite database by adding ``SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:////new/localtion/superset.db'`` in superset_config.py (create the file if needed), then adding the directory where superset_config.py lives to PYTHONPATH environment variable (e.g. ``export PYTHONPATH=/opt/logs/sandbox/airbnb/``).