# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from __future__ import annotations import logging from functools import wraps from inspect import ( getcallargs, getmembers, getmodule, isclass, isfunction, ismethod, signature, Signature, ) from logging import Logger from typing import Any, Callable, cast, Optional, Type, Union _DEFAULT_ENTER_MSG_PREFIX = "enter to " _DEFAULT_ENTER_MSG_SUFFIX = "" _DEFAULT_WITH_ARGUMENTS_MSG_PART = " with: " _DEFAULT_EXIT_MSG_PREFIX = "exit from " _DEFAULT_EXIT_MSG_SUFFIX = "" _DEFAULT_RETURN_VALUE_MSG_PART = " with return value: " _CLS_PARAM = "cls" _SELF_PARAM = "self" _PRIVATE_PREFIX_SYMBOL = "_" _FIXTURE_ATTRIBUTE = "_pytestfixturefunction" _LOGGER_VAR_NAME = "logger" empty_and_none = {Signature.empty, "None"} Function = Callable[..., Any] Decorated = Union[Type[Any], Function] def log( decorated: Optional[Decorated] = None, *, prefix_enter_msg: str = _DEFAULT_ENTER_MSG_PREFIX, suffix_enter_msg: str = _DEFAULT_ENTER_MSG_SUFFIX, with_arguments_msg_part=_DEFAULT_WITH_ARGUMENTS_MSG_PART, prefix_exit_msg: str = _DEFAULT_EXIT_MSG_PREFIX, suffix_exit_msg: str = _DEFAULT_EXIT_MSG_SUFFIX, return_value_msg_part=_DEFAULT_RETURN_VALUE_MSG_PART, ) -> Decorated: decorator: Decorated = _make_decorator( prefix_enter_msg, suffix_enter_msg, with_arguments_msg_part, prefix_exit_msg, suffix_exit_msg, return_value_msg_part, ) if decorated is None: return decorator return decorator(decorated) def _make_decorator( prefix_enter_msg: str, suffix_enter_msg: str, with_arguments_msg_part, prefix_out_msg: str, suffix_out_msg: str, return_value_msg_part, ) -> Decorated: def decorator(decorated: Decorated): decorated_logger = _get_logger(decorated) def decorator_class(clazz: Type[Any]) -> Type[Any]: _decorate_class_members_with_logs(clazz) return clazz def _decorate_class_members_with_logs(clazz: Type[Any]) -> None: members = getmembers( clazz, predicate=lambda val: ismethod(val) or isfunction(val) ) for member_name, member in members: setattr(clazz, member_name, decorator_func(member, f"{clazz.__name__}")) def decorator_func(func: Function, prefix_name: str = "") -> Function: func_name = func.__name__ func_signature: Signature = signature(func) is_fixture = hasattr(func, _FIXTURE_ATTRIBUTE) has_return_value = func_signature.return_annotation not in empty_and_none is_private = func_name.startswith(_PRIVATE_PREFIX_SYMBOL) full_func_name = f"{prefix_name}.{func_name}" under_info = None debug_enable = None @wraps(func) def _wrapper_func(*args, **kwargs) -> Any: _log_enter_to_function(*args, **kwargs) val = func(*args, **kwargs) _log_exit_of_function(val) return val def _log_enter_to_function(*args, **kwargs) -> None: if _is_log_info(): decorated_logger.info( f"{prefix_enter_msg}'{full_func_name}'{suffix_enter_msg}" ) elif _is_debug_enable(): _log_debug(*args, **kwargs) def _is_log_info() -> bool: return not (_is_under_info() or is_private or is_fixture) def _is_under_info() -> bool: nonlocal under_info if under_info is None: under_info = decorated_logger.getEffectiveLevel() < logging.INFO return under_info def _is_debug_enable() -> bool: nonlocal debug_enable if debug_enable is None: debug_enable = decorated_logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) return debug_enable def _log_debug(*args, **kwargs) -> None: used_parameters = getcallargs(func, *args, **kwargs) _SELF_PARAM in used_parameters and used_parameters.pop(_SELF_PARAM) _CLS_PARAM in used_parameters and used_parameters.pop(_CLS_PARAM) if used_parameters: decorated_logger.debug( f"{prefix_enter_msg}'{full_func_name}'{with_arguments_msg_part}" f"{used_parameters}{suffix_enter_msg}" ) else: decorated_logger.debug( f"{prefix_enter_msg}'{full_func_name}'{suffix_enter_msg}" ) def _log_exit_of_function(return_value: Any) -> None: if _is_debug_enable() and has_return_value: decorated_logger.debug( f"{prefix_out_msg}'{full_func_name}'{return_value_msg_part}" f"'{return_value}'{suffix_out_msg}" ) return _wrapper_func if isclass(decorated): return decorator_class(cast(Type[Any], decorated)) return decorator_func(cast(Function, decorated)) return decorator def _get_logger(decorated: Decorated) -> Logger: module = getmodule(decorated) return module.__dict__.get( _LOGGER_VAR_NAME, logging.getLogger(module.__name__) # type: ignore )