name: Push ephemeral env image on: workflow_run: workflows: ["Docker"] types: - completed jobs: config: runs-on: "ubuntu-latest" if: github.event.workflow_run.event == 'pull_request' && github.event.workflow_run.conclusion == 'success' outputs: has-secrets: ${{ steps.check.outputs.has-secrets }} steps: - name: "Check for secrets" id: check shell: bash run: | if [ -n "${{ (secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID != '' && secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID != '' && secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY != '' && secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY != '') || '' }}" ]; then echo "has-secrets=1" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" echo "has secrets!" else echo "has-secrets=0" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" echo "no secrets!" fi docker_ephemeral_env: needs: config if: needs.config.outputs.has-secrets name: Push ephemeral env Docker image to ECR runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: "Download artifact" uses: actions/github-script@v3.1.0 with: script: | const artifacts = await github.actions.listWorkflowRunArtifacts({ owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, run_id: ${{ }}, });'*** artifacts') const matchArtifact = => { return == "build" })[0]; if(!matchArtifact) return core.setFailed("Build artifacts not found") const download = await github.actions.downloadArtifact({ owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, artifact_id:, archive_format: 'zip', }); var fs = require('fs'); fs.writeFileSync('${{github.workspace}}/', Buffer.from(; - run: unzip - name: Display downloaded files (debug) run: ls -la - name: Get SHA id: get-sha run: echo "::set-output name=sha::$(cat ./SHA)" - name: Get PR id: get-pr run: echo "::set-output name=num::$(cat ./PR-NUM)" - name: Configure AWS credentials uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1 with: aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }} aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }} aws-region: us-west-2 - name: Login to Amazon ECR id: login-ecr uses: aws-actions/amazon-ecr-login@v1 - name: Load, tag and push image to ECR id: push-image env: ECR_REGISTRY: ${{ steps.login-ecr.outputs.registry }} ECR_REPOSITORY: superset-ci SHA: ${{ steps.get-sha.outputs.sha }} IMAGE_TAG: pr-${{ steps.get-pr.outputs.num }} run: | docker load < $SHA.tar.gz docker tag $SHA $ECR_REGISTRY/$ECR_REPOSITORY:$IMAGE_TAG docker tag $SHA $ECR_REGISTRY/$ECR_REPOSITORY:$SHA docker push -a $ECR_REGISTRY/$ECR_REPOSITORY