# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, redefined-outer-name, unused-argument, protected-access, too-many-lines import unittest from typing import Optional, Set import pytest import sqlparse from pytest_mock import MockerFixture from sqlalchemy import text from sqlparse.sql import Identifier, Token, TokenList from sqlparse.tokens import Name from superset.exceptions import QueryClauseValidationException from superset.sql_parse import ( add_table_name, extract_table_references, get_rls_for_table, has_table_query, insert_rls, ParsedQuery, sanitize_clause, strip_comments_from_sql, Table, ) def extract_tables(query: str) -> Set[Table]: """ Helper function to extract tables referenced in a query. """ return ParsedQuery(query).tables def test_table() -> None: """ Test the ``Table`` class and its string conversion. Special characters in the table, schema, or catalog name should be escaped correctly. """ assert str(Table("tbname")) == "tbname" assert str(Table("tbname", "schemaname")) == "schemaname.tbname" assert ( str(Table("tbname", "schemaname", "catalogname")) == "catalogname.schemaname.tbname" ) assert ( str(Table("table.name", "schema/name", "catalog\nname")) == "catalog%0Aname.schema%2Fname.table%2Ename" ) def test_extract_tables() -> None: """ Test that referenced tables are parsed correctly from the SQL. """ assert extract_tables("SELECT * FROM tbname") == {Table("tbname")} assert extract_tables("SELECT * FROM tbname foo") == {Table("tbname")} assert extract_tables("SELECT * FROM tbname AS foo") == {Table("tbname")} # underscore assert extract_tables("SELECT * FROM tb_name") == {Table("tb_name")} # quotes assert extract_tables('SELECT * FROM "tbname"') == {Table("tbname")} # unicode assert extract_tables('SELECT * FROM "tb_name" WHERE city = "Lübeck"') == { Table("tb_name") } # columns assert extract_tables("SELECT field1, field2 FROM tb_name") == {Table("tb_name")} assert extract_tables("SELECT t1.f1, t2.f2 FROM t1, t2") == { Table("t1"), Table("t2"), } # named table assert extract_tables("SELECT a.date, a.field FROM left_table a LIMIT 10") == { Table("left_table") } # reverse select assert extract_tables("FROM t1 SELECT field") == {Table("t1")} def test_extract_tables_subselect() -> None: """ Test that tables inside subselects are parsed correctly. """ assert ( extract_tables( """ SELECT sub.* FROM ( SELECT * FROM s1.t1 WHERE day_of_week = 'Friday' ) sub, s2.t2 WHERE sub.resolution = 'NONE' """ ) == {Table("t1", "s1"), Table("t2", "s2")} ) assert ( extract_tables( """ SELECT sub.* FROM ( SELECT * FROM s1.t1 WHERE day_of_week = 'Friday' ) sub WHERE sub.resolution = 'NONE' """ ) == {Table("t1", "s1")} ) assert ( extract_tables( """ SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE s11 > ANY ( SELECT COUNT(*) /* no hint */ FROM t2 WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM t3 WHERE ROW(5*t2.s1,77)=( SELECT 50,11*s1 FROM t4 ) ) ) """ ) == {Table("t1"), Table("t2"), Table("t3"), Table("t4")} ) def test_extract_tables_select_in_expression() -> None: """ Test that parser works with ``SELECT``s used as expressions. """ assert extract_tables("SELECT f1, (SELECT count(1) FROM t2) FROM t1") == { Table("t1"), Table("t2"), } assert extract_tables("SELECT f1, (SELECT count(1) FROM t2) as f2 FROM t1") == { Table("t1"), Table("t2"), } def test_extract_tables_parenthesis() -> None: """ Test that parenthesis are parsed correctly. """ assert extract_tables("SELECT f1, (x + y) AS f2 FROM t1") == {Table("t1")} def test_extract_tables_with_schema() -> None: """ Test that schemas are parsed correctly. """ assert extract_tables("SELECT * FROM schemaname.tbname") == { Table("tbname", "schemaname") } assert extract_tables('SELECT * FROM "schemaname"."tbname"') == { Table("tbname", "schemaname") } assert extract_tables('SELECT * FROM "schemaname"."tbname" foo') == { Table("tbname", "schemaname") } assert extract_tables('SELECT * FROM "schemaname"."tbname" AS foo') == { Table("tbname", "schemaname") } def test_extract_tables_union() -> None: """ Test that ``UNION`` queries work as expected. """ assert extract_tables("SELECT * FROM t1 UNION SELECT * FROM t2") == { Table("t1"), Table("t2"), } assert extract_tables("SELECT * FROM t1 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM t2") == { Table("t1"), Table("t2"), } assert extract_tables("SELECT * FROM t1 INTERSECT ALL SELECT * FROM t2") == { Table("t1"), Table("t2"), } def test_extract_tables_select_from_values() -> None: """ Test that selecting from values returns no tables. """ assert extract_tables("SELECT * FROM VALUES (13, 42)") == set() def test_extract_tables_select_array() -> None: """ Test that queries selecting arrays work as expected. """ assert ( extract_tables( """ SELECT ARRAY[1, 2, 3] AS my_array FROM t1 LIMIT 10 """ ) == {Table("t1")} ) def test_extract_tables_select_if() -> None: """ Test that queries with an ``IF`` work as expected. """ assert ( extract_tables( """ SELECT IF(CARDINALITY(my_array) >= 3, my_array[3], NULL) FROM t1 LIMIT 10 """ ) == {Table("t1")} ) def test_extract_tables_with_catalog() -> None: """ Test that catalogs are parsed correctly. """ assert extract_tables("SELECT * FROM catalogname.schemaname.tbname") == { Table("tbname", "schemaname", "catalogname") } def test_extract_tables_illdefined() -> None: """ Test that ill-defined tables return an empty set. """ assert extract_tables("SELECT * FROM schemaname.") == set() assert extract_tables("SELECT * FROM catalogname.schemaname.") == set() assert extract_tables("SELECT * FROM catalogname..") == set() assert extract_tables("SELECT * FROM catalogname..tbname") == set() @unittest.skip("Requires sqlparse>=3.1") def test_extract_tables_show_tables_from() -> None: """ Test ``SHOW TABLES FROM``. This is currently broken in the pinned version of sqlparse, and fixed in ``sqlparse>=3.1``. However, ``sqlparse==3.1`` breaks some sql formatting. """ assert extract_tables("SHOW TABLES FROM s1 like '%order%'") == set() def test_extract_tables_show_columns_from() -> None: """ Test ``SHOW COLUMNS FROM``. """ assert extract_tables("SHOW COLUMNS FROM t1") == {Table("t1")} def test_extract_tables_where_subquery() -> None: """ Test that tables in a ``WHERE`` subquery are parsed correctly. """ assert ( extract_tables( """ SELECT name FROM t1 WHERE regionkey = (SELECT max(regionkey) FROM t2) """ ) == {Table("t1"), Table("t2")} ) assert ( extract_tables( """ SELECT name FROM t1 WHERE regionkey IN (SELECT regionkey FROM t2) """ ) == {Table("t1"), Table("t2")} ) assert ( extract_tables( """ SELECT name FROM t1 WHERE regionkey EXISTS (SELECT regionkey FROM t2) """ ) == {Table("t1"), Table("t2")} ) def test_extract_tables_describe() -> None: """ Test ``DESCRIBE``. """ assert extract_tables("DESCRIBE t1") == {Table("t1")} def test_extract_tables_show_partitions() -> None: """ Test ``SHOW PARTITIONS``. """ assert ( extract_tables( """ SHOW PARTITIONS FROM orders WHERE ds >= '2013-01-01' ORDER BY ds DESC """ ) == {Table("orders")} ) def test_extract_tables_join() -> None: """ Test joins. """ assert extract_tables("SELECT t1.*, t2.* FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON t1.a = t2.a;") == { Table("t1"), Table("t2"), } assert ( extract_tables( """ SELECT a.date, b.name FROM left_table a JOIN ( SELECT CAST((b.year) as VARCHAR) date, name FROM right_table ) b ON a.date = b.date """ ) == {Table("left_table"), Table("right_table")} ) assert ( extract_tables( """ SELECT a.date, b.name FROM left_table a LEFT INNER JOIN ( SELECT CAST((b.year) as VARCHAR) date, name FROM right_table ) b ON a.date = b.date """ ) == {Table("left_table"), Table("right_table")} ) assert ( extract_tables( """ SELECT a.date, b.name FROM left_table a RIGHT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT CAST((b.year) as VARCHAR) date, name FROM right_table ) b ON a.date = b.date """ ) == {Table("left_table"), Table("right_table")} ) assert ( extract_tables( """ SELECT a.date, b.name FROM left_table a FULL OUTER JOIN ( SELECT CAST((b.year) as VARCHAR) date, name FROM right_table ) b ON a.date = b.date """ ) == {Table("left_table"), Table("right_table")} ) def test_extract_tables_semi_join() -> None: """ Test ``LEFT SEMI JOIN``. """ assert ( extract_tables( """ SELECT a.date, b.name FROM left_table a LEFT SEMI JOIN ( SELECT CAST((b.year) as VARCHAR) date, name FROM right_table ) b ON a.data = b.date """ ) == {Table("left_table"), Table("right_table")} ) def test_extract_tables_combinations() -> None: """ Test a complex case with nested queries. """ assert ( extract_tables( """ SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE s11 > ANY ( SELECT * FROM t1 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ( SELECT t6.*, t3.* FROM t6 JOIN t3 ON t6.a = t3.a ) tmp_join WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM t3 WHERE ROW(5*t3.s1,77)=( SELECT 50,11*s1 FROM t4 ) ) ) """ ) == {Table("t1"), Table("t3"), Table("t4"), Table("t6")} ) assert ( extract_tables( """ SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM EmployeeS ) AS S1 ) AS S2 ) AS S3 """ ) == {Table("EmployeeS")} ) def test_extract_tables_with() -> None: """ Test ``WITH``. """ assert ( extract_tables( """ WITH x AS (SELECT a FROM t1), y AS (SELECT a AS b FROM t2), z AS (SELECT b AS c FROM t3) SELECT c FROM z """ ) == {Table("t1"), Table("t2"), Table("t3")} ) assert ( extract_tables( """ WITH x AS (SELECT a FROM t1), y AS (SELECT a AS b FROM x), z AS (SELECT b AS c FROM y) SELECT c FROM z """ ) == {Table("t1")} ) def test_extract_tables_reusing_aliases() -> None: """ Test that the parser follows aliases. """ assert ( extract_tables( """ with q1 as ( select key from q2 where key = '5'), q2 as ( select key from src where key = '5') select * from (select key from q1) a """ ) == {Table("src")} ) def test_extract_tables_multistatement() -> None: """ Test that the parser works with multiple statements. """ assert extract_tables("SELECT * FROM t1; SELECT * FROM t2") == { Table("t1"), Table("t2"), } assert extract_tables("SELECT * FROM t1; SELECT * FROM t2;") == { Table("t1"), Table("t2"), } def test_extract_tables_complex() -> None: """ Test a few complex queries. """ assert ( extract_tables( """ SELECT sum(m_examples) AS "sum__m_example" FROM ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id_userid) AS m_examples, some_more_info FROM my_b_table b JOIN my_t_table t ON b.ds=t.ds JOIN my_l_table l ON b.uid=l.uid WHERE b.rid IN ( SELECT other_col FROM inner_table ) AND l.bla IN ('x', 'y') GROUP BY 2 ORDER BY 2 ASC ) AS "meh" ORDER BY "sum__m_example" DESC LIMIT 10; """ ) == { Table("my_l_table"), Table("my_b_table"), Table("my_t_table"), Table("inner_table"), } ) assert ( extract_tables( """ SELECT * FROM table_a AS a, table_b AS b, table_c as c WHERE a.id = b.id and b.id = c.id """ ) == {Table("table_a"), Table("table_b"), Table("table_c")} ) assert ( extract_tables( """ SELECT somecol AS somecol FROM ( WITH bla AS ( SELECT col_a FROM a WHERE 1=1 AND column_of_choice NOT IN ( SELECT interesting_col FROM b ) ), rb AS ( SELECT yet_another_column FROM ( SELECT a FROM c GROUP BY the_other_col ) not_table LEFT JOIN bla foo ON foo.prop = not_table.bad_col0 WHERE 1=1 GROUP BY not_table.bad_col1 , not_table.bad_col2 , ORDER BY not_table.bad_col_3 DESC , not_table.bad_col4 , not_table.bad_col5 ) SELECT random_col FROM d WHERE 1=1 UNION ALL SELECT even_more_cols FROM e WHERE 1=1 UNION ALL SELECT lets_go_deeper FROM f WHERE 1=1 WHERE 2=2 GROUP BY last_col LIMIT 50000 ) """ ) == {Table("a"), Table("b"), Table("c"), Table("d"), Table("e"), Table("f")} ) def test_extract_tables_mixed_from_clause() -> None: """ Test that the parser handles a ``FROM`` clause with table and subselect. """ assert ( extract_tables( """ SELECT * FROM table_a AS a, (select * from table_b) AS b, table_c as c WHERE a.id = b.id and b.id = c.id """ ) == {Table("table_a"), Table("table_b"), Table("table_c")} ) def test_extract_tables_nested_select() -> None: """ Test that the parser handles selects inside functions. """ assert ( extract_tables( """ select (extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select GROUP_CONCAT(TABLE_NAME) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA like "%bi%"),0x7e))); """ ) == {Table("COLUMNS", "INFORMATION_SCHEMA")} ) assert ( extract_tables( """ select (extractvalue(1,concat(0x7e,(select GROUP_CONCAT(COLUMN_NAME) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME="bi_achivement_daily"),0x7e))); """ ) == {Table("COLUMNS", "INFORMATION_SCHEMA")} ) def test_extract_tables_complex_cte_with_prefix() -> None: """ Test that the parser handles CTEs with prefixes. """ assert ( extract_tables( """ WITH CTE__test (SalesPersonID, SalesOrderID, SalesYear) AS ( SELECT SalesPersonID, SalesOrderID, YEAR(OrderDate) AS SalesYear FROM SalesOrderHeader WHERE SalesPersonID IS NOT NULL ) SELECT SalesPersonID, COUNT(SalesOrderID) AS TotalSales, SalesYear FROM CTE__test GROUP BY SalesYear, SalesPersonID ORDER BY SalesPersonID, SalesYear; """ ) == {Table("SalesOrderHeader")} ) def test_extract_tables_identifier_list_with_keyword_as_alias() -> None: """ Test that aliases that are keywords are parsed correctly. """ assert ( extract_tables( """ WITH f AS (SELECT * FROM foo), match AS (SELECT * FROM f) SELECT * FROM match """ ) == {Table("foo")} ) def test_update() -> None: """ Test that ``UPDATE`` is not detected as ``SELECT``. """ assert ParsedQuery("UPDATE t1 SET col1 = NULL").is_select() is False def test_set() -> None: """ Test that ``SET`` is detected correctly. """ query = ParsedQuery( """ -- comment SET hivevar:desc='Legislators'; """ ) assert query.is_set() is True assert query.is_select() is False assert ParsedQuery("set hivevar:desc='bla'").is_set() is True assert ParsedQuery("SELECT 1").is_set() is False def test_show() -> None: """ Test that ``SHOW`` is detected correctly. """ query = ParsedQuery( """ -- comment SHOW LOCKS test EXTENDED; -- comment """ ) assert query.is_show() is True assert query.is_select() is False assert ParsedQuery("SHOW TABLES").is_show() is True assert ParsedQuery("shOw TABLES").is_show() is True assert ParsedQuery("show TABLES").is_show() is True assert ParsedQuery("SELECT 1").is_show() is False def test_is_explain() -> None: """ Test that ``EXPLAIN`` is detected correctly. """ assert ParsedQuery("EXPLAIN SELECT 1").is_explain() is True assert ParsedQuery("EXPLAIN SELECT 1").is_select() is False assert ( ParsedQuery( """ -- comment EXPLAIN select * from table -- comment 2 """ ).is_explain() is True ) assert ( ParsedQuery( """ -- comment EXPLAIN select * from table where col1 = 'something' -- comment 2 -- comment 3 EXPLAIN select * from table where col1 = 'something' -- comment 4 """ ).is_explain() is True ) assert ( ParsedQuery( """ -- This is a comment -- this is another comment but with a space in the front EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM TABLE """ ).is_explain() is True ) assert ( ParsedQuery( """ /* This is a comment with stars instead */ EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM TABLE """ ).is_explain() is True ) assert ( ParsedQuery( """ -- comment select * from table where col1 = 'something' -- comment 2 """ ).is_explain() is False ) def test_is_valid_ctas() -> None: """ Test if a query is a valid CTAS. A valid CTAS has a ``SELECT`` as its last statement. """ assert ( ParsedQuery("SELECT * FROM table", strip_comments=True).is_valid_ctas() is True ) assert ( ParsedQuery( """ -- comment SELECT * FROM table -- comment 2 """, strip_comments=True, ).is_valid_ctas() is True ) assert ( ParsedQuery( """ -- comment SET @value = 42; SELECT @value as foo; -- comment 2 """, strip_comments=True, ).is_valid_ctas() is True ) assert ( ParsedQuery( """ -- comment EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM table -- comment 2 """, strip_comments=True, ).is_valid_ctas() is False ) assert ( ParsedQuery( """ SELECT * FROM table; INSERT INTO TABLE (foo) VALUES (42); """, strip_comments=True, ).is_valid_ctas() is False ) def test_is_valid_cvas() -> None: """ Test if a query is a valid CVAS. A valid CVAS has a single ``SELECT`` statement. """ assert ( ParsedQuery("SELECT * FROM table", strip_comments=True).is_valid_cvas() is True ) assert ( ParsedQuery( """ -- comment SELECT * FROM table -- comment 2 """, strip_comments=True, ).is_valid_cvas() is True ) assert ( ParsedQuery( """ -- comment SET @value = 42; SELECT @value as foo; -- comment 2 """, strip_comments=True, ).is_valid_cvas() is False ) assert ( ParsedQuery( """ -- comment EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM table -- comment 2 """, strip_comments=True, ).is_valid_cvas() is False ) assert ( ParsedQuery( """ SELECT * FROM table; INSERT INTO TABLE (foo) VALUES (42); """, strip_comments=True, ).is_valid_cvas() is False ) def test_is_select_cte_with_comments() -> None: """ Some CTES with comments are not correctly identified as SELECTS. """ sql = ParsedQuery( """WITH blah AS (SELECT * FROM core_dev.manager_team), blah2 AS (SELECT * FROM core_dev.manager_workspace) SELECT * FROM blah INNER JOIN blah2 ON blah2.team_id = blah.team_id""" ) assert sql.is_select() sql = ParsedQuery( """WITH blah AS /*blahblahbalh*/ (SELECT * FROM core_dev.manager_team), --blahblahbalh blah2 AS (SELECT * FROM core_dev.manager_workspace) SELECT * FROM blah INNER JOIN blah2 ON blah2.team_id = blah.team_id""" ) assert sql.is_select() def test_cte_is_select() -> None: """ Some CTEs are not correctly identified as SELECTS. """ # `AS(` gets parsed as a function sql = ParsedQuery( """WITH foo AS( SELECT FLOOR(__time TO WEEK) AS "week", name, COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) AS "unique_users" FROM "druid"."my_table" GROUP BY 1,2 ) SELECT f.week, f.name, f.unique_users FROM foo f""" ) assert sql.is_select() def test_unknown_select() -> None: """ Test that `is_select` works when sqlparse fails to identify the type. """ sql = "WITH foo AS(SELECT 1) SELECT 1" assert sqlparse.parse(sql)[0].get_type() == "UNKNOWN" assert ParsedQuery(sql).is_select() sql = "WITH foo AS(SELECT 1) INSERT INTO my_table (a) VALUES (1)" assert sqlparse.parse(sql)[0].get_type() == "UNKNOWN" assert not ParsedQuery(sql).is_select() sql = "WITH foo AS(SELECT 1) DELETE FROM my_table" assert sqlparse.parse(sql)[0].get_type() == "UNKNOWN" assert not ParsedQuery(sql).is_select() def test_get_query_with_new_limit_comment() -> None: """ Test that limit is applied correctly. """ query = ParsedQuery("SELECT * FROM birth_names -- SOME COMMENT") assert query.set_or_update_query_limit(1000) == ( "SELECT * FROM birth_names -- SOME COMMENT\nLIMIT 1000" ) def test_get_query_with_new_limit_comment_with_limit() -> None: """ Test that limits in comments are ignored. """ query = ParsedQuery("SELECT * FROM birth_names -- SOME COMMENT WITH LIMIT 555") assert query.set_or_update_query_limit(1000) == ( "SELECT * FROM birth_names -- SOME COMMENT WITH LIMIT 555\nLIMIT 1000" ) def test_get_query_with_new_limit_lower() -> None: """ Test that lower limits are not replaced. """ query = ParsedQuery("SELECT * FROM birth_names LIMIT 555") assert query.set_or_update_query_limit(1000) == ( "SELECT * FROM birth_names LIMIT 555" ) def test_get_query_with_new_limit_upper() -> None: """ Test that higher limits are replaced. """ query = ParsedQuery("SELECT * FROM birth_names LIMIT 2000") assert query.set_or_update_query_limit(1000) == ( "SELECT * FROM birth_names LIMIT 1000" ) def test_basic_breakdown_statements() -> None: """ Test that multiple statements are parsed correctly. """ query = ParsedQuery( """ SELECT * FROM birth_names; SELECT * FROM birth_names LIMIT 1; """ ) assert query.get_statements() == [ "SELECT * FROM birth_names", "SELECT * FROM birth_names LIMIT 1", ] def test_messy_breakdown_statements() -> None: """ Test the messy multiple statements are parsed correctly. """ query = ParsedQuery( """ SELECT 1;\t\n\n\n \t \t\nSELECT 2; SELECT * FROM birth_names;;; SELECT * FROM birth_names LIMIT 1 """ ) assert query.get_statements() == [ "SELECT 1", "SELECT 2", "SELECT * FROM birth_names", "SELECT * FROM birth_names LIMIT 1", ] def test_sqlparse_formatting(): """ Test that ``from_unixtime`` is formatted correctly. ``sqlparse==0.3.1`` has a bug and removes space between ``from`` and ``from_unixtime``, resulting in:: SELECT extract(HOUR fromfrom_unixtime(hour_ts) AT TIME ZONE 'America/Los_Angeles') from table """ assert sqlparse.format( "SELECT extract(HOUR from from_unixtime(hour_ts) " "AT TIME ZONE 'America/Los_Angeles') from table", reindent=True, ) == ( "SELECT extract(HOUR\n from from_unixtime(hour_ts) " "AT TIME ZONE 'America/Los_Angeles')\nfrom table" ) def test_strip_comments_from_sql() -> None: """ Test that comments are stripped out correctly. """ assert ( strip_comments_from_sql("SELECT col1, col2 FROM table1") == "SELECT col1, col2 FROM table1" ) assert ( strip_comments_from_sql("SELECT col1, col2 FROM table1\n-- comment") == "SELECT col1, col2 FROM table1\n" ) assert ( strip_comments_from_sql("SELECT '--abc' as abc, col2 FROM table1\n") == "SELECT '--abc' as abc, col2 FROM table1" ) def test_sanitize_clause_valid(): # regular clauses assert sanitize_clause("col = 1") == "col = 1" assert sanitize_clause("1=\t\n1") == "1=\t\n1" assert sanitize_clause("(col = 1)") == "(col = 1)" assert sanitize_clause("(col1 = 1) AND (col2 = 2)") == "(col1 = 1) AND (col2 = 2)" assert sanitize_clause("col = 'abc' -- comment") == "col = 'abc' -- comment\n" # Valid literal values that at could be flagged as invalid by a naive query parser assert ( sanitize_clause("col = 'col1 = 1) AND (col2 = 2'") == "col = 'col1 = 1) AND (col2 = 2'" ) assert sanitize_clause("col = 'select 1; select 2'") == "col = 'select 1; select 2'" assert sanitize_clause("col = 'abc -- comment'") == "col = 'abc -- comment'" def test_sanitize_clause_closing_unclosed(): with pytest.raises(QueryClauseValidationException): sanitize_clause("col1 = 1) AND (col2 = 2)") def test_sanitize_clause_unclosed(): with pytest.raises(QueryClauseValidationException): sanitize_clause("(col1 = 1) AND (col2 = 2") def test_sanitize_clause_closing_and_unclosed(): with pytest.raises(QueryClauseValidationException): sanitize_clause("col1 = 1) AND (col2 = 2") def test_sanitize_clause_closing_and_unclosed_nested(): with pytest.raises(QueryClauseValidationException): sanitize_clause("(col1 = 1)) AND ((col2 = 2)") def test_sanitize_clause_multiple(): with pytest.raises(QueryClauseValidationException): sanitize_clause("TRUE; SELECT 1") def test_sqlparse_issue_652(): stmt = sqlparse.parse(r"foo = '\' AND bar = 'baz'")[0] assert len(stmt.tokens) == 5 assert str(stmt.tokens[0]) == "foo = '\\'" @pytest.mark.parametrize( "sql,expected", [ ("SELECT * FROM table", True), ("SELECT a FROM (SELECT 1 AS a) JOIN (SELECT * FROM table)", True), ("(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT name) AS foo FROM birth_names)", True), ("COUNT(*)", False), ("SELECT a FROM (SELECT 1 AS a)", False), ("SELECT a FROM (SELECT 1 AS a) JOIN table", True), ("SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 AS foo, 2 AS bar) ORDER BY foo ASC, bar", False), ("SELECT * FROM other_table", True), ("extract(HOUR from from_unixtime(hour_ts)", False), ("(SELECT * FROM table)", True), ("(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT name) from birth_names)", True), ], ) def test_has_table_query(sql: str, expected: bool) -> None: """ Test if a given statement queries a table. This is used to prevent ad-hoc metrics from querying unauthorized tables, bypassing row-level security. """ statement = sqlparse.parse(sql)[0] assert has_table_query(statement) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "sql,table,rls,expected", [ # Basic test: append RLS (some_table.id=42) to an existing WHERE clause. ( "SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE 1=1", "some_table", "id=42", "SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE ( 1=1) AND some_table.id=42", ), # Any existing predicates MUST to be wrapped in parenthesis because AND has higher # precedence than OR. If the RLS it `1=0` and we didn't add parenthesis a user # could bypass it by crafting a query with `WHERE TRUE OR FALSE`, since # `WHERE TRUE OR FALSE AND 1=0` evaluates to `WHERE TRUE OR (FALSE AND 1=0)`. ( "SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE TRUE OR FALSE", "some_table", "1=0", "SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE ( TRUE OR FALSE) AND 1=0", ), # Here "table" is a reserved word; since sqlparse is too aggressive when # characterizing reserved words we need to support them even when not quoted. ( "SELECT * FROM table WHERE 1=1", "table", "id=42", "SELECT * FROM table WHERE ( 1=1) AND table.id=42", ), # RLS is only applied to queries reading from the associated table. ( "SELECT * FROM table WHERE 1=1", "other_table", "id=42", "SELECT * FROM table WHERE 1=1", ), ( "SELECT * FROM other_table WHERE 1=1", "table", "id=42", "SELECT * FROM other_table WHERE 1=1", ), # If there's no pre-existing WHERE clause we create one. ( "SELECT * FROM table", "table", "id=42", "SELECT * FROM table WHERE table.id=42", ), ( "SELECT * FROM some_table", "some_table", "id=42", "SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE some_table.id=42", ), ( "SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY id", "table", "id=42", "SELECT * FROM table WHERE table.id=42 ORDER BY id", ), ( "SELECT * FROM some_table;", "some_table", "id=42", "SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE some_table.id=42 ;", ), ( "SELECT * FROM some_table ;", "some_table", "id=42", "SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE some_table.id=42 ;", ), ( "SELECT * FROM some_table ", "some_table", "id=42", "SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE some_table.id=42", ), # We add the RLS even if it's already present, to be conservative. It should have # no impact on the query, and it's easier than testing if the RLS is already # present (it could be present in an OR clause, eg). ( "SELECT * FROM table WHERE 1=1 AND table.id=42", "table", "id=42", "SELECT * FROM table WHERE ( 1=1 AND table.id=42) AND table.id=42", ), ( ( "SELECT * FROM table JOIN other_table ON " "table.id = other_table.id AND other_table.id=42" ), "other_table", "id=42", ( "SELECT * FROM table JOIN other_table ON other_table.id=42 " "AND ( table.id = other_table.id AND other_table.id=42 )" ), ), ( "SELECT * FROM table WHERE 1=1 AND id=42", "table", "id=42", "SELECT * FROM table WHERE ( 1=1 AND id=42) AND table.id=42", ), # For joins we apply the RLS to the ON clause, since it's easier and prevents # leaking information about number of rows on OUTER JOINs. ( "SELECT * FROM table JOIN other_table ON table.id = other_table.id", "other_table", "id=42", ( "SELECT * FROM table JOIN other_table ON other_table.id=42 " "AND ( table.id = other_table.id )" ), ), ( ( "SELECT * FROM table JOIN other_table ON table.id = other_table.id " "WHERE 1=1" ), "other_table", "id=42", ( "SELECT * FROM table JOIN other_table ON other_table.id=42 " "AND ( table.id = other_table.id ) WHERE 1=1" ), ), # Subqueries also work, as expected. ( "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM other_table)", "other_table", "id=42", "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM other_table WHERE other_table.id=42 )", ), # As well as UNION. ( "SELECT * FROM table UNION ALL SELECT * FROM other_table", "table", "id=42", "SELECT * FROM table WHERE table.id=42 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM other_table", ), ( "SELECT * FROM table UNION ALL SELECT * FROM other_table", "other_table", "id=42", ( "SELECT * FROM table UNION ALL " "SELECT * FROM other_table WHERE other_table.id=42" ), ), # When comparing fully qualified table names (eg, schema.table) to simple names # (eg, table) we are also conservative, assuming the schema is the same, since # we don't have information on the default schema. ( "SELECT * FROM schema.table_name", "table_name", "id=42", "SELECT * FROM schema.table_name WHERE table_name.id=42", ), ( "SELECT * FROM schema.table_name", "schema.table_name", "id=42", "SELECT * FROM schema.table_name WHERE schema.table_name.id=42", ), ( "SELECT * FROM table_name", "schema.table_name", "id=42", "SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE schema.table_name.id=42", ), ], ) def test_insert_rls( mocker: MockerFixture, sql: str, table: str, rls: str, expected: str ) -> None: """ Insert into a statement a given RLS condition associated with a table. """ condition = sqlparse.parse(rls)[0] add_table_name(condition, table) # pylint: disable=unused-argument def get_rls_for_table( candidate: Token, database_id: int, default_schema: str, ) -> Optional[TokenList]: """ Return the RLS ``condition`` if ``candidate`` matches ``table``. """ # compare ignoring schema for left, right in zip(str(candidate).split(".")[::-1], table.split(".")[::-1]): if left != right: return None return condition mocker.patch("superset.sql_parse.get_rls_for_table", new=get_rls_for_table) statement = sqlparse.parse(sql)[0] assert ( str( insert_rls(token_list=statement, database_id=1, default_schema="my_schema") ).strip() == expected.strip() ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "rls,table,expected", [ ("id=42", "users", "users.id=42"), ("users.id=42", "users", "users.id=42"), ("schema.users.id=42", "users", "schema.users.id=42"), ("false", "users", "false"), ], ) def test_add_table_name(rls: str, table: str, expected: str) -> None: condition = sqlparse.parse(rls)[0] add_table_name(condition, table) assert str(condition) == expected def test_get_rls_for_table(mocker: MockerFixture, app_context: None) -> None: """ Tests for ``get_rls_for_table``. """ candidate = Identifier([Token(Name, "some_table")]) db = mocker.patch("superset.db") dataset = db.session.query().filter().one_or_none() dataset.__str__.return_value = "some_table" dataset.get_sqla_row_level_filters.return_value = [text("organization_id = 1")] assert ( str(get_rls_for_table(candidate, 1, "public")) == "some_table.organization_id = 1" ) dataset.get_sqla_row_level_filters.return_value = [ text("organization_id = 1"), text("foo = 'bar'"), ] assert ( str(get_rls_for_table(candidate, 1, "public")) == "some_table.organization_id = 1 AND some_table.foo = 'bar'" ) dataset.get_sqla_row_level_filters.return_value = [] assert get_rls_for_table(candidate, 1, "public") is None def test_extract_table_references(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None: """ Test the ``extract_table_references`` helper function. """ assert extract_table_references("SELECT 1", "trino") == set() assert extract_table_references("SELECT 1 FROM some_table", "trino") == { Table(table="some_table", schema=None, catalog=None) } assert extract_table_references("SELECT {{ jinja }} FROM some_table", "trino") == { Table(table="some_table", schema=None, catalog=None) } assert extract_table_references( "SELECT 1 FROM some_catalog.some_schema.some_table", "trino" ) == {Table(table="some_table", schema="some_schema", catalog="some_catalog")} # with identifier quotes assert extract_table_references( "SELECT 1 FROM `some_catalog`.`some_schema`.`some_table`", "mysql" ) == {Table(table="some_table", schema="some_schema", catalog="some_catalog")} assert extract_table_references( 'SELECT 1 FROM "some_catalog".some_schema."some_table"', "trino" ) == {Table(table="some_table", schema="some_schema", catalog="some_catalog")} assert extract_table_references( "SELECT * FROM some_table JOIN other_table ON some_table.id = other_table.id", "trino", ) == { Table(table="some_table", schema=None, catalog=None), Table(table="other_table", schema=None, catalog=None), } # test falling back to sqlparse logger = mocker.patch("superset.sql_parse.logger") sql = "SELECT * FROM table UNION ALL SELECT * FROM other_table" assert extract_table_references( sql, "trino", ) == {Table(table="other_table", schema=None, catalog=None)} logger.warning.assert_called_once() logger = mocker.patch("superset.migrations.shared.utils.logger") sql = "SELECT * FROM table UNION ALL SELECT * FROM other_table" assert extract_table_references(sql, "trino", show_warning=False) == { Table(table="other_table", schema=None, catalog=None) } logger.warning.assert_not_called()