# Note: these patterns are applied to single files or directories, not full paths .gitignore docs/README.md .gitattributes .gitkeep .coverage .coveragerc .codecov.yml .eslintrc .eslintignore .flake8 .nvmrc .prettierrc .rat-excludes .*log .*pyc .*lock .*geojson DISCLAIMER licenses/* node_modules/* rat-results.txt babel-node dist superset/static/* build superset.egg-info apache_superset.egg-info .idea .*sql .*zip .*lock # json and csv in general cannot have comments .*json .*csv # Generated doc files env/* docs/README.md docs/.htaccess* _build/* _static/* .buildinfo searchindex.js # auto generated requirements/* # vendorized vendor/* # github configuration .github/* .*mdx coverage/* .*.md .*.txt # skip license check in superset-ui tmp/* lib/* esm/* tsconfig.tsbuildinfo .*ipynb .*yml .*iml .esprintrc .prettierignore README.erb package.erb