/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import { NativeFiltersState } from 'src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/types'; export const nativeFilters: NativeFiltersState = { filters: { 'NATIVE_FILTER-e7Q8zKixx': { id: 'NATIVE_FILTER-e7Q8zKixx', name: 'region', type: 'text', targets: [ { datasetId: 2, column: { name: 'region', }, }, ], defaultValue: null, cascadeParentIds: [], scope: { rootPath: ['ROOT_ID'], excluded: [], }, inverseSelection: false, isInstant: true, allowsMultipleValues: false, isRequired: false, }, 'NATIVE_FILTER-x9QPw0so1': { id: 'NATIVE_FILTER-x9QPw0so1', name: 'country_code', type: 'text', targets: [ { datasetId: 2, column: { name: 'country_code', }, }, ], defaultValue: null, cascadeParentIds: [], scope: { rootPath: ['ROOT_ID'], excluded: [], }, inverseSelection: false, isInstant: true, allowsMultipleValues: false, isRequired: false, }, }, filtersState: { 'NATIVE_FILTER-e7Q8zKixx': { id: 'NATIVE_FILTER-e7Q8zKixx', extraFormData: { append_form_data: { filters: [ { col: 'region', op: 'IN', val: ['East Asia & Pacific'], }, ], }, }, }, 'NATIVE_FILTER-x9QPw0so1': { id: 'NATIVE_FILTER-x9QPw0so1', extraFormData: {}, }, }, }; export const extraFormData = { append_form_data: { filters: [ { col: 'ethnic_minority', op: 'IN', val: 'No, not an ethnic minority', }, ], }, }; export const NATIVE_FILTER_ID = 'NATIVE_FILTER-p4LImrSgA'; export const singleNativeFiltersState = { filters: { [NATIVE_FILTER_ID]: { id: [NATIVE_FILTER_ID], name: 'eth', type: 'text', targets: [{ datasetId: 13, column: { name: 'ethnic_minority' } }], defaultValue: null, cascadeParentIds: [], scope: { rootPath: ['ROOT_ID'], excluded: [227, 229] }, inverseSelection: false, isInstant: true, allowsMultipleValues: false, isRequired: false, }, }, filtersState: { [NATIVE_FILTER_ID]: { id: NATIVE_FILTER_ID, extraFormData, }, }, }; export const layoutForSingleNativeFilter = { 'CHART-ZHVS7YasaQ': { children: [], id: 'CHART-ZHVS7YasaQ', meta: { chartId: 230, height: 50, sliceName: 'Pie Chart', uuid: '05ef6145-3950-4f59-891f-160852613eca', width: 12, }, parents: ['ROOT_ID', 'GRID_ID', 'ROW-NweUz7oC0'], type: 'CHART', }, 'CHART-gsGu8NIKQT': { children: [], id: 'CHART-gsGu8NIKQT', meta: { chartId: 227, height: 50, sliceName: 'Another Chart', uuid: 'ddb78f6c-7876-47fc-ae98-70183b05ba90', width: 4, }, parents: ['ROOT_ID', 'GRID_ID', 'ROW-QkiTjeZGs'], type: 'CHART', }, 'CHART-hgYjD8axJX': { children: [], id: 'CHART-hgYjD8axJX', meta: { chartId: 229, height: 47, sliceName: 'Bar Chart', uuid: 'e1501e54-d632-4fdc-ae16-07cafee31093', width: 12, }, parents: ['ROOT_ID', 'GRID_ID', 'ROW-mcdVZi0rL'], type: 'CHART', }, DASHBOARD_VERSION_KEY: 'v2', GRID_ID: { children: ['ROW-mcdVZi0rL', 'ROW-NweUz7oC0', 'ROW-QkiTjeZGs'], id: 'GRID_ID', parents: ['ROOT_ID'], type: 'GRID', }, HEADER_ID: { id: 'HEADER_ID', type: 'HEADER', meta: { text: 'My Native Filter Dashboard' }, }, ROOT_ID: { children: ['GRID_ID'], id: 'ROOT_ID', type: 'ROOT' }, 'ROW-NweUz7oC0': { children: ['CHART-ZHVS7YasaQ'], id: 'ROW-NweUz7oC0', meta: { background: 'BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT' }, parents: ['ROOT_ID', 'GRID_ID'], type: 'ROW', }, 'ROW-QkiTjeZGs': { children: ['CHART-gsGu8NIKQT'], id: 'ROW-QkiTjeZGs', meta: { background: 'BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT' }, parents: ['ROOT_ID', 'GRID_ID'], type: 'ROW', }, 'ROW-mcdVZi0rL': { children: ['CHART-hgYjD8axJX'], id: 'ROW-mcdVZi0rL', meta: { '0': 'ROOT_ID', background: 'BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT' }, parents: ['ROOT_ID', 'GRID_ID'], type: 'ROW', }, };