## `@superset-ui/translation` [![Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@superset-ui/translation.svg?style=flat)](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@superset-ui/translation.svg?style=flat) `i18n` locales and translation for Superset ### SupersetTranslation #### Example usage ```js import { configure, t } from '@superset-ui/translation'; configure({ languagePack: {...}, }); console.log(t('text to be translated')); ``` #### API `configure({ [languagePack] })` - Initialize the translator - Initialize with the default language if no `languagePack` is specified. `t(text[, args])` - Translate `text` when no `args` is provided. - Translate `text` and substitute `args` into the placeholders specified within `text`. For example ```js t('Hello %(name)s', user) ``` See [sprintf-js](https://github.com/alexei/sprintf.js) for more details on how to define placeholders. ### Development `@data-ui/build-config` is used to manage the build configuration for this package including babel builds, jest testing, eslint, and prettier.