/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import { buildQueryContext } from '@superset-ui/core'; import * as queryModule from '../../src/query/normalizeTimeColumn'; import * as getXAxisModule from '../../src/query/getXAxis'; describe('buildQueryContext', () => { it('should build datasource for table sources and apply defaults', () => { const queryContext = buildQueryContext({ datasource: '5__table', granularity_sqla: 'ds', viz_type: 'table', }); expect(queryContext.datasource.id).toBe(5); expect(queryContext.datasource.type).toBe('table'); expect(queryContext.force).toBe(false); expect(queryContext.result_format).toBe('json'); expect(queryContext.result_type).toBe('full'); }); it('should build datasource for table sources with columns', () => { const queryContext = buildQueryContext( { datasource: '5__table', granularity_sqla: 'ds', viz_type: 'table', source: 'source_column', source_category: 'source_category_column', target: 'target_column', target_category: 'target_category_column', }, { queryFields: { source: 'columns', source_category: 'columns', target: 'columns', target_category: 'columns', }, }, ); expect(queryContext.datasource.id).toBe(5); expect(queryContext.datasource.type).toBe('table'); expect(queryContext.force).toBe(false); expect(queryContext.result_format).toBe('json'); expect(queryContext.result_type).toBe('full'); expect(queryContext.queries).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ columns: [ 'source_column', 'source_category_column', 'target_column', 'target_category_column', ], }), ]), ); }); it('should build datasource for table sources and process with custom function', () => { const queryContext = buildQueryContext( { datasource: '5__table', granularity_sqla: 'ds', viz_type: 'table', source: 'source_column', source_category: 'source_category_column', target: 'target_column', target_category: 'target_category_column', }, function addExtraColumn(queryObject) { return [{ ...queryObject, columns: ['dummy_column'] }]; }, ); expect(queryContext.datasource.id).toBe(5); expect(queryContext.datasource.type).toBe('table'); expect(queryContext.force).toBe(false); expect(queryContext.result_format).toBe('json'); expect(queryContext.result_type).toBe('full'); expect(queryContext.queries).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ columns: ['dummy_column'], }), ]), ); }); // todo(Yongjie): move these test case into buildQueryObject.test.ts it('should remove undefined value in post_processing', () => { const queryContext = buildQueryContext( { datasource: '5__table', viz_type: 'table', }, () => [ { post_processing: [ undefined, undefined, { operation: 'flatten', }, undefined, ], }, ], ); expect(queryContext.queries[0].post_processing).toEqual([ { operation: 'flatten', }, ]); }); it('should call normalizeTimeColumn if GENERIC_CHART_AXES is enabled and has x_axis', () => { Object.defineProperty(getXAxisModule, 'hasGenericChartAxes', { value: true, }); const spyNormalizeTimeColumn = jest.spyOn( queryModule, 'normalizeTimeColumn', ); buildQueryContext( { datasource: '5__table', viz_type: 'table', x_axis: 'axis', }, () => [{}], ); expect(spyNormalizeTimeColumn).toBeCalled(); spyNormalizeTimeColumn.mockRestore(); }); it("shouldn't call normalizeTimeColumn if GENERIC_CHART_AXES is disabled", () => { Object.defineProperty(getXAxisModule, 'hasGenericChartAxes', { value: false, }); const spyNormalizeTimeColumn = jest.spyOn( queryModule, 'normalizeTimeColumn', ); buildQueryContext( { datasource: '5__table', viz_type: 'table', }, () => [{}], ); expect(spyNormalizeTimeColumn).not.toBeCalled(); spyNormalizeTimeColumn.mockRestore(); }); it('should orverride time filter if GENERIC_CHART_AXES is enabled', () => { Object.defineProperty(getXAxisModule, 'hasGenericChartAxes', { value: true, }); const queryContext = buildQueryContext( { datasource: '5__table', viz_type: 'table', }, () => [ { filters: [ { col: 'col1', op: 'TEMPORAL_RANGE', val: '2001 : 2002', }, { col: 'col2', op: 'IN', val: ['a', 'b'], }, ], time_range: '1990 : 1991', }, ], ); expect(queryContext.queries[0].filters).toEqual([ { col: 'col1', op: 'TEMPORAL_RANGE', val: '1990 : 1991' }, { col: 'col2', op: 'IN', val: ['a', 'b'], }, ]); }); });