name: SupersetBot Workflow on: issue_comment: types: [created, edited] # Making the workflow testable since `issue_comment` only triggers on # the default branch workflow_dispatch: inputs: comment_body: description: 'Comment Body' required: true type: string jobs: supersetbot: runs-on: ubuntu-latest if: > github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' || (github.event_name == 'issue_comment' && contains(github.event.comment.body, '@supersetbot')) permissions: contents: read pull-requests: write issues: write steps: - name: Quickly add thumbs up! if: github.event_name == 'issue_comment' && contains(github.event.comment.body, '@supersetbot') uses: actions/github-script@v7 with: script: | const [owner, repo] = process.env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY.split('/') await{ owner, repo, comment_id:, content: '+1' }); - name: "Checkout ( ${{ github.sha }} )" uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: persist-credentials: false - name: Setup supersetbot uses: ./.github/actions/setup-supersetbot/ - name: Execute custom Node.js script env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} GITHUB_ACTOR: ${{ }} GITHUB_REPOSITORY: ${{ github.repository }} GITHUB_ISSUE_NUMBER: ${{ github.event.issue.number }} COMMENT_BODY: ${{ github.event.comment.body }}${{ github.event.inputs.comment_body }} run: | supersetbot run "$COMMENT_BODY"