import { getChartAlias, Slice } from 'cypress/utils/vizPlugins'; import { dashboardView } from 'cypress/support/directories'; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ export const WORLD_HEALTH_DASHBOARD = '/superset/dashboard/world_health/'; export const USA_BIRTH_NAMES_DASHBOARD = '/superset/dashboard/births/'; export const testDashboard = '/superset/dashboard/538/'; export const TABBED_DASHBOARD = '/superset/dashboard/tabbed_dash/'; export const testItems = { dashboard: 'Cypress test Dashboard', dataset: 'Vehicle Sales', datasetForNativeFilter: 'wb_health_population', chart: 'Cypress chart', newChart: 'New Cypress Chart', createdDashboard: 'New Dashboard', defaultNameDashboard: '[ untitled dashboard ]', newDashboardTitle: `Test dashboard [NEW TEST]`, bulkFirstNameDashboard: 'First Dash', bulkSecondNameDashboard: 'Second Dash', worldBanksDataCopy: `World Bank's Data [copy]`, filterType: { value: 'Value', numerical: 'Numerical range', timeColumn: 'Time column', timeGrain: 'Time grain', timeRange: 'Time range', }, topTenChart: { name: 'Most Populated Countries', filterColumn: 'country_name', filterColumnYear: 'year', filterColumnRegion: 'region', filterColumnCountryCode: 'country_code', }, filterDefaultValue: 'United States', filterOtherCountry: 'China', filterTimeGrain: 'Month', filterTimeColumn: 'created', filterNumericalColumn: 'SP_RUR_TOTL_ZS', }; export const CHECK_DASHBOARD_FAVORITE_ENDPOINT = '/superset/favstar/Dashboard/*/count'; export const WORLD_HEALTH_CHARTS = [ { name: '% Rural', viz: 'world_map' }, { name: 'Most Populated Countries', viz: 'table' }, { name: 'Region Filter', viz: 'filter_box' }, { name: "World's Population", viz: 'big_number' }, { name: 'Growth Rate', viz: 'line' }, { name: 'Rural Breakdown', viz: 'sunburst' }, { name: "World's Pop Growth", viz: 'area' }, { name: 'Life Expectancy VS Rural %', viz: 'bubble' }, { name: 'Treemap', viz: 'treemap' }, { name: 'Box plot', viz: 'box_plot' }, ] as const; /** Used to specify charts expected by the test suite */ export interface ChartSpec { name: string; viz: string; } export function getChartGridComponent({ name, viz }: ChartSpec) { return cy .get(`[data-test="chart-grid-component"][data-test-chart-name="${name}"]`) .should('have.attr', 'data-test-viz-type', viz); } export function waitForChartLoad(chart: ChartSpec) { return getChartGridComponent(chart).then(gridComponent => { const chartId = gridComponent.attr('data-test-chart-id'); // the chart should load in under half a minute return ( cy // this id only becomes visible when the chart is loaded .get(`[data-test="chart-grid-component"] #chart-id-${chartId}`, { timeout: 30000, }) .should('be.visible') // return the chart grid component .then(() => gridComponent) ); }); } const toSlicelike = ($chart: JQuery): Slice => ({ slice_id: parseInt($chart.attr('data-test-chart-id')!, 10), form_data: { viz_type: $chart.attr('data-test-viz-type')!, }, }); export function getChartAliasBySpec(chart: ChartSpec) { return getChartGridComponent(chart).then($chart => cy.wrap(getChartAlias(toSlicelike($chart))), ); } export function getChartAliasesBySpec(charts: readonly ChartSpec[]) { const aliases: string[] = []; charts.forEach(chart => getChartAliasBySpec(chart).then(alias => { aliases.push(alias); }), ); // Wrapping the aliases is key. // That way callers can chain off this function // and actually get the list of aliases. return cy.wrap(aliases); } /** * Drag an element and drop it to another element. * Usage: * drag(source).to(target); */ export function drag(selector: string, content: string | number | RegExp) { const dataTransfer = { data: {} }; return { to(target: string | Cypress.Chainable) { cy.get('.dragdroppable') .contains(selector, content) .trigger('mousedown', { which: 1 }) .trigger('dragstart', { dataTransfer }) .trigger('drag', {}); (typeof target === 'string' ? cy.get(target) : target) .trigger('dragover', { dataTransfer }) .trigger('drop', { dataTransfer }) .trigger('dragend', { dataTransfer }) .trigger('mouseup', { which: 1 }); }, }; } export function resize(selector: string) { return { to(cordX: number, cordY: number) { cy.get(selector) .trigger('mousedown', { which: 1, force: true }) .trigger('mousemove', { which: 1, cordX, cordY, force: true }) .trigger('mouseup', { which: 1, force: true }); }, }; } export function cleanUp() { cy.deleteDashboardByName(testItems.dashboard); cy.deleteDashboardByName(testItems.defaultNameDashboard); cy.deleteDashboardByName(''); cy.deleteDashboardByName(testItems.newDashboardTitle); cy.deleteDashboardByName(testItems.bulkFirstNameDashboard); cy.deleteDashboardByName(testItems.bulkSecondNameDashboard); cy.deleteDashboardByName(testItems.createdDashboard); cy.deleteDashboardByName(testItems.worldBanksDataCopy); cy.deleteChartByName(testItems.chart); cy.deleteChartByName(testItems.newChart); } /** ************************************************************************ * Copy dashboard for testing purpose * @returns {None} * @summary helper for copy dashboard for testing purpose ************************************************************************* */ export function copyTestDashboard(dashboard: string) { cy.intercept('POST', '**/copy_dash/**').as('copy'); cy.intercept('GET', '**/api/v1/dataset/**').as('datasetLoad'); cy.intercept('**/api/v1/dashboard/?q=**').as('dashboardsList'); cy.intercept('**/api/v1/dashboard/**').as('dashboard'); cy.visit('dashboard/list/'); cy.contains('Actions'); cy.wait('@dashboardsList').then(xhr => { const dashboards = xhr.response?.body.result; /* eslint-disable no-unused-expressions */ expect(dashboards); const testDashboard = dashboards.find( (d: { dashboard_title: string }) => d.dashboard_title === `${dashboard}`, ); cy.visit(testDashboard.url); }); cy.get(dashboardView.threeDotsMenuIcon).should('be.visible').click(); cy.get(dashboardView.saveAsMenuOption).click(); cy.get(dashboardView.saveModal.dashboardNameInput) .should('be.visible') .clear() .type(testItems.dashboard); cy.get(dashboardView.saveModal.saveButton).click(); cy.wait('@copy', { timeout: 45000 }) .its('response.statusCode') .should('eq', 200); }