/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import { AnnotationSourceType, AnnotationStyle, AnnotationType, ChartProps, EventAnnotationLayer, FormulaAnnotationLayer, IntervalAnnotationLayer, SqlaFormData, supersetTheme, TimeseriesAnnotationLayer, } from '@superset-ui/core'; import { EchartsTimeseriesChartProps } from '../../src/types'; import transformProps from '../../src/Timeseries/transformProps'; describe('EchartsTimeseries transformProps', () => { const formData: SqlaFormData = { colorScheme: 'bnbColors', datasource: '3__table', granularity_sqla: 'ds', metric: 'sum__num', groupby: ['foo', 'bar'], viz_type: 'my_viz', }; const queriesData = [ { data: [ { 'San Francisco': 1, 'New York': 2, __timestamp: 599616000000 }, { 'San Francisco': 3, 'New York': 4, __timestamp: 599916000000 }, ], }, ]; const chartPropsConfig = { formData, width: 800, height: 600, queriesData, theme: supersetTheme, }; it('should transform chart props for viz', () => { const chartProps = new ChartProps(chartPropsConfig); expect(transformProps(chartProps as EchartsTimeseriesChartProps)).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ width: 800, height: 600, echartOptions: expect.objectContaining({ legend: expect.objectContaining({ data: ['San Francisco', 'New York'], }), series: expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ data: [ [599616000000, 1], [599916000000, 3], ], name: 'San Francisco', }), expect.objectContaining({ data: [ [599616000000, 2], [599916000000, 4], ], name: 'New York', }), ]), }), }), ); }); it('should transform chart props for horizontal viz', () => { const chartProps = new ChartProps({ ...chartPropsConfig, formData: { ...formData, orientation: 'horizontal', }, }); expect(transformProps(chartProps as EchartsTimeseriesChartProps)).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ width: 800, height: 600, echartOptions: expect.objectContaining({ legend: expect.objectContaining({ data: ['San Francisco', 'New York'], }), series: expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ data: [ [1, 599616000000], [3, 599916000000], ], name: 'San Francisco', }), expect.objectContaining({ data: [ [2, 599616000000], [4, 599916000000], ], name: 'New York', }), ]), yAxis: expect.objectContaining({ inverse: true }), }), }), ); }); it('should add a formula annotation to viz', () => { const formula: FormulaAnnotationLayer = { name: 'My Formula', annotationType: AnnotationType.Formula, value: 'x+1', style: AnnotationStyle.Solid, show: true, showLabel: true, }; const chartProps = new ChartProps({ ...chartPropsConfig, formData: { ...formData, annotationLayers: [formula], }, }); expect(transformProps(chartProps as EchartsTimeseriesChartProps)).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ width: 800, height: 600, echartOptions: expect.objectContaining({ legend: expect.objectContaining({ data: ['San Francisco', 'New York', 'My Formula'], }), series: expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ data: [ [599616000000, 1], [599916000000, 3], ], name: 'San Francisco', }), expect.objectContaining({ data: [ [599616000000, 2], [599916000000, 4], ], name: 'New York', }), expect.objectContaining({ data: [ [599616000000, 599616000001], [599916000000, 599916000001], ], name: 'My Formula', }), ]), }), }), ); }); it('should add an interval, event and timeseries annotation to viz', () => { const event: EventAnnotationLayer = { annotationType: AnnotationType.Event, name: 'My Event', show: true, showLabel: true, sourceType: AnnotationSourceType.Native, style: AnnotationStyle.Solid, value: 1, }; const interval: IntervalAnnotationLayer = { annotationType: AnnotationType.Interval, name: 'My Interval', show: true, showLabel: true, sourceType: AnnotationSourceType.Table, titleColumn: '', timeColumn: 'start', intervalEndColumn: '', descriptionColumns: [], style: AnnotationStyle.Dashed, value: 2, }; const timeseries: TimeseriesAnnotationLayer = { annotationType: AnnotationType.Timeseries, name: 'My Timeseries', show: true, showLabel: true, sourceType: AnnotationSourceType.Line, style: AnnotationStyle.Solid, titleColumn: '', value: 3, }; const annotationData = { 'My Event': { columns: [ 'start_dttm', 'end_dttm', 'short_descr', 'long_descr', 'json_metadata', ], records: [ { start_dttm: 0, end_dttm: 1000, short_descr: '', long_descr: '', json_metadata: null, }, ], }, 'My Interval': { columns: ['start', 'end', 'title'], records: [ { start: 2000, end: 3000, title: 'My Title', }, ], }, 'My Timeseries': [ { key: 'My Line', values: [ { x: 10000, y: 11000, }, { x: 20000, y: 21000, }, ], }, ], }; const chartProps = new ChartProps({ ...chartPropsConfig, formData: { ...formData, annotationLayers: [event, interval, timeseries], }, annotationData, queriesData: [ { ...queriesData[0], annotation_data: annotationData, }, ], }); expect(transformProps(chartProps as EchartsTimeseriesChartProps)).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ echartOptions: expect.objectContaining({ legend: expect.objectContaining({ data: ['San Francisco', 'New York', 'My Line'], }), series: expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ type: 'line', id: 'My Line', }), expect.objectContaining({ type: 'line', id: 'Event - My Event', }), expect.objectContaining({ type: 'line', id: 'Interval - My Interval', }), ]), }), }), ); }); it('Should add a baseline series for stream graph', () => { const streamQueriesData = [ { data: [ { 'San Francisco': 120, 'New York': 220, Boston: 150, Miami: 270, Denver: 800, __timestamp: 599616000000, }, { 'San Francisco': 150, 'New York': 190, Boston: 240, Miami: 350, Denver: 700, __timestamp: 599616000001, }, { 'San Francisco': 130, 'New York': 300, Boston: 250, Miami: 410, Denver: 650, __timestamp: 599616000002, }, { 'San Francisco': 90, 'New York': 340, Boston: 300, Miami: 480, Denver: 590, __timestamp: 599616000003, }, { 'San Francisco': 260, 'New York': 200, Boston: 420, Miami: 490, Denver: 760, __timestamp: 599616000004, }, { 'San Francisco': 250, 'New York': 250, Boston: 380, Miami: 360, Denver: 400, __timestamp: 599616000005, }, { 'San Francisco': 160, 'New York': 210, Boston: 330, Miami: 440, Denver: 580, __timestamp: 599616000006, }, ], }, ]; const streamFormData = { ...formData, stack: 'Stream' }; const props = { ...chartPropsConfig, formData: streamFormData, queriesData: streamQueriesData, }; const chartProps = new ChartProps(props); expect( ( transformProps(chartProps as EchartsTimeseriesChartProps).echartOptions .series as any[] )[0], ).toEqual({ areaStyle: { opacity: 0, }, lineStyle: { opacity: 0, }, name: 'baseline', showSymbol: false, silent: true, smooth: false, stack: 'obs', stackStrategy: 'all', step: undefined, tooltip: { show: false, }, type: 'line', data: [ [599616000000, -415.7692307692308], [599616000001, -403.6219915054271], [599616000002, -476.32314093071443], [599616000003, -514.2120298196033], [599616000004, -485.7378514158475], [599616000005, -419.6402904402378], [599616000006, -442.9833136960517], ], }); }); }); describe('Does transformProps transform series correctly', () => { type seriesDataType = [Date, number]; type labelFormatterType = (params: { value: seriesDataType; dataIndex: number; seriesIndex: number; }) => string; type seriesType = { label: { show: boolean; formatter: labelFormatterType }; data: seriesDataType[]; name: string; }; const formData: SqlaFormData = { viz_type: 'my_viz', colorScheme: 'bnbColors', datasource: '3__table', granularity_sqla: 'ds', metric: 'sum__num', groupby: ['foo', 'bar'], showValue: true, stack: true, onlyTotal: false, percentageThreshold: 50, }; const queriesData = [ { data: [ { 'San Francisco': 1, 'New York': 2, Boston: 1, __timestamp: 599616000000, }, { 'San Francisco': 3, 'New York': 4, Boston: 1, __timestamp: 599916000000, }, { 'San Francisco': 5, 'New York': 8, Boston: 6, __timestamp: 600216000000, }, { 'San Francisco': 2, 'New York': 7, Boston: 2, __timestamp: 600516000000, }, ], }, ]; const chartPropsConfig = { formData, width: 800, height: 600, queriesData, theme: supersetTheme, }; const totalStackedValues = queriesData[0].data.reduce( (totals, currentStack) => { const total = Object.keys(currentStack).reduce((stackSum, key) => { if (key === '__timestamp') return stackSum; return stackSum + currentStack[key]; }, 0); totals.push(total); return totals; }, [] as number[], ); it('should show labels when showValue is true', () => { const chartProps = new ChartProps(chartPropsConfig); const transformedSeries = transformProps( chartProps as EchartsTimeseriesChartProps, ).echartOptions.series as seriesType[]; transformedSeries.forEach(series => { expect(series.label.show).toBe(true); }); }); it('should not show labels when showValue is false', () => { const updatedChartPropsConfig = { ...chartPropsConfig, formData: { ...formData, showValue: false }, }; const chartProps = new ChartProps(updatedChartPropsConfig); const transformedSeries = transformProps( chartProps as EchartsTimeseriesChartProps, ).echartOptions.series as seriesType[]; transformedSeries.forEach(series => { expect(series.label.show).toBe(false); }); }); it('should show only totals when onlyTotal is true', () => { const updatedChartPropsConfig = { ...chartPropsConfig, formData: { ...formData, onlyTotal: true }, }; const chartProps = new ChartProps(updatedChartPropsConfig); const transformedSeries = transformProps( chartProps as EchartsTimeseriesChartProps, ).echartOptions.series as seriesType[]; const showValueIndexes: number[] = []; transformedSeries.forEach((entry, seriesIndex) => { const { data = [] } = entry; (data as [Date, number][]).forEach((datum, dataIndex) => { if (datum[1] !== null) { showValueIndexes[dataIndex] = seriesIndex; } }); }); transformedSeries.forEach((series, seriesIndex) => { expect(series.label.show).toBe(true); series.data.forEach((value, dataIndex) => { const params = { value, dataIndex, seriesIndex, }; let expectedLabel: string; if (seriesIndex === showValueIndexes[dataIndex]) { expectedLabel = String(totalStackedValues[dataIndex]); } else { expectedLabel = ''; } expect(series.label.formatter(params)).toBe(expectedLabel); }); }); }); it('should show labels on values >= percentageThreshold if onlyTotal is false', () => { const chartProps = new ChartProps(chartPropsConfig); const transformedSeries = transformProps( chartProps as EchartsTimeseriesChartProps, ).echartOptions.series as seriesType[]; const expectedThresholds = totalStackedValues.map( total => ((formData.percentageThreshold || 0) / 100) * total, ); transformedSeries.forEach((series, seriesIndex) => { expect(series.label.show).toBe(true); series.data.forEach((value, dataIndex) => { const params = { value, dataIndex, seriesIndex, }; const expectedLabel = value[1] >= expectedThresholds[dataIndex] ? String(value[1]) : ''; expect(series.label.formatter(params)).toBe(expectedLabel); }); }); }); it('should not apply percentage threshold when showValue is true and stack is false', () => { const updatedChartPropsConfig = { ...chartPropsConfig, formData: { ...formData, stack: false }, }; const chartProps = new ChartProps(updatedChartPropsConfig); const transformedSeries = transformProps( chartProps as EchartsTimeseriesChartProps, ).echartOptions.series as seriesType[]; transformedSeries.forEach((series, seriesIndex) => { expect(series.label.show).toBe(true); series.data.forEach((value, dataIndex) => { const params = { value, dataIndex, seriesIndex, }; const expectedLabel = String(value[1]); expect(series.label.formatter(params)).toBe(expectedLabel); }); }); }); it('should remove time shift labels from label_map', () => { const updatedChartPropsConfig = { ...chartPropsConfig, formData: { ...formData, timeCompare: ['1 year ago'], }, queriesData: [ { ...queriesData[0], label_map: { '1 year ago, foo1, bar1': ['1 year ago', 'foo1', 'bar1'], '1 year ago, foo2, bar2': ['1 year ago', 'foo2', 'bar2'], 'foo1, bar1': ['foo1', 'bar1'], 'foo2, bar2': ['foo2', 'bar2'], }, }, ], }; const chartProps = new ChartProps(updatedChartPropsConfig); const transformedProps = transformProps( chartProps as EchartsTimeseriesChartProps, ); expect(transformedProps.labelMap).toEqual({ '1 year ago, foo1, bar1': ['foo1', 'bar1'], '1 year ago, foo2, bar2': ['foo2', 'bar2'], 'foo1, bar1': ['foo1', 'bar1'], 'foo2, bar2': ['foo2', 'bar2'], }); }); });