diff --git a/superset/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.json b/superset/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.json index ab5e2067a7..1387b5faa3 100644 --- a/superset/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.json +++ b/superset/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.json @@ -110,6 +110,9 @@ "Na delavcu ni bilo mogoče zagnati oddaljene poizvedbe." ], "The database was deleted.": ["Podatkovna baza je bila izbrisana."], + "Custom SQL fields cannot contain sub-queries.": [ + "Prilagojena SQL-polja ne smejo vsebovati podpoizvedb." + ], "Invalid certificate": ["Neveljaven certifikat"], "Unsafe return type for function %(func)s: %(value_type)s": [ "Nevaren tip rezultata, ki ga vrne funkcija %(func)s: %(value_type)s" @@ -274,6 +277,9 @@ "Časovna vrsta - Nightingale Rose grafikon" ], "Partition Diagram": ["Grafikon s pravokotniki"], + "Invalid advanced data type: %(advanced_data_type)s": [ + "Neveljaven napreden tip rezultata: %(advanced_data_type)s" + ], "Deleted %(num)d annotation layer": [ "Izbrisan je %(num)d sloj z oznakami", "Izbrisana sta %(num)d sloja z oznakami", @@ -323,6 +329,7 @@ "Izbrisani so %(num)d grafikoni", "Izbrisanih je %(num)d grafikonov" ], + "Is certified": ["Certificiran"], "`confidence_interval` must be between 0 and 1 (exclusive)": [ "`confidence_interval` mora biti med 0 in 1 (odprt)" ], @@ -368,6 +375,9 @@ "There are associated alerts or reports": [ "Prisotna so povezana opozorila in poročila" ], + "You don't have access to this chart.": [ + "Nimate dostopa do tega grafikona." + ], "Changing this chart is forbidden": [ "Spreminjanje tega grafikona ni dovoljeno" ], @@ -380,9 +390,12 @@ ], "Request is incorrect: %(error)s": ["Zahtevek je napačen: %(error)s"], "Request is not JSON": ["Zahtevek ni JSON"], + "Empty query result": ["Rezultat prazne poizvedbe"], "Owners are invalid": ["Lastniki niso veljavni"], "Some roles do not exist": ["Nekatere vloge ne obstajajo"], - "Dataset does not exist": ["Podatkovni set ne obstaja"], + "Datasource type is invalid": ["Neveljaven tip podatkovnega vira"], + "Datasource does not exist": ["Podatkovni vir ne obstaja"], + "Query does not exist": ["Poizvedba ne obstaja"], "Invalid result type: %(result_type)s": [ "Neveljaven tip rezultata: %(result_type)s" ], @@ -402,89 +415,6 @@ "Datasource id not found: %(id)s": [ "ID podatkovnega vira ni bil najden: %(id)s" ], - "Adding new datasource [{}]": ["Dodajanje novega podatkovnega vira [{}]"], - "Refreshing datasource [{}]": ["Osveževanje podatkovnega vira [{}]"], - "Metric(s) {} must be aggregations.": ["Mere {} morajo biti agregacije."], - "Unsupported extraction function: ": [ - "Nepodprta ekstrakcijska funkcija: " - ], - "Columns": ["Stolpci"], - "Show Druid Column": ["Pokaži Druid stolpec"], - "Add Druid Column": ["Dodaj Druid stolpec"], - "Edit Druid Column": ["Uredi Druid stolpec"], - "Column": ["Stolpec"], - "Type": ["Tip"], - "Datasource": ["Podatkovni vir"], - "Groupable": ["Združevanje"], - "Filterable": ["Filtriranje"], - "Whether this column is exposed in the `Filters` section of the explore view.": [ - "Če želite, da je ta stolpec na voljo v sekciji `Filtri` v raziskovalnem pogledu." - ], - "Metrics": ["Mere"], - "Show Druid Metric": ["Prikaži Druid mere"], - "Add Druid Metric": ["Dodaj Druid mere"], - "Edit Druid Metric": ["Uredi Druid mere"], - "Metric": ["Mera"], - "Description": ["Opis"], - "Verbose Name": ["Podrobno ime"], - "JSON": ["JSON"], - "Druid Datasource": ["Podatkovni vir Druid"], - "Warning Message": ["Opozorilo"], - "Druid Clusters": ["Druid gruče"], - "Show Druid Cluster": ["Pokaži Druid gručo"], - "Add Druid Cluster": ["Dodaj Druid gručo"], - "Edit Druid Cluster": ["Uredi Druid gručo"], - "Cluster Name": ["Ime gruče"], - "Broker Host": ["Gostitelj posrednika"], - "Broker Port": ["Vrata posrednika"], - "Broker Username": ["Uporabniško ime posrednika"], - "Broker Password": ["Geslo posrednika"], - "Broker Endpoint": ["Končna točka posrednika"], - "Cache Timeout": ["Trajanje predpomnilnika"], - "Metadata Last Refreshed": ["Meta-podatki nazadnje osveženi"], - "Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this cluster. A timeout of 0 indicates that the cache never expires. Note this defaults to the global timeout if undefined.": [ - "Trajanje (v sekundah) predpomnjenja za to gručo. Vrednost 0 označuje, da predpomnilnik nikoli ne poteče. V primeru, da ni definirano, ima globalno nastavitev trajanja." - ], - "Druid supports basic authentication. See [auth](http://druid.io/docs/latest/design/auth.html) and druid-basic-security extension": [ - "Druid podpira osnovno avtentikacijo. Glejte [auth](http://druid.io/docs/latest/design/auth.html) in razširitev druid-basic-security" - ], - "Druid Datasources": ["Druid podatkovni viri"], - "Show Druid Datasource": ["Prikaži podatkovni vir za Druid"], - "Add Druid Datasource": ["Dodaj podatkovni vir za Druid"], - "Edit Druid Datasource": ["Uredi podatkovni vir za Druid"], - "The list of charts associated with this table. By altering this datasource, you may change how these associated charts behave. Also note that charts need to point to a datasource, so this form will fail at saving if removing charts from a datasource. If you want to change the datasource for a chart, overwrite the chart from the 'explore view'": [ - "Seznam grafikonov, povezanih s to tabelo. S spreminjanjem podatkovnega vira lahko spremenite, kako se povezani grafikoni obnašajo. Poleg tega morajo biti grafikoni povezani s podatkovnim virom. Če odstranite grafikon s podatkovnega vira ne bo mogoče shraniti tega vnosa. Če želite spremeniti podatkovni vir grafikona, prepišite grafikon v raziskovalnem pogledu." - ], - "Timezone offset (in hours) for this datasource": [ - "Razlika časovnega pasu (v urah) za ta podatkovni vir" - ], - "Time expression to use as a predicate when retrieving distinct values to populate the filter component. Only applies when `Enable Filter Select` is on. If you enter `7 days ago`, the distinct list of values in the filter will be populated based on the distinct value over the past week": [ - "Prednastavljeni časovni izraz za pridobitev različnih vrednosti filtrirne komponente. Upošteva se le v primeru, da je vključeno `Omogoči izbiro filtra`. Če vnesete `7 days ago`, bo seznam vrednosti filtra napolnjen na podlagi različnih vrednosti v prejšnjem tednu" - ], - "Whether to populate the filter's dropdown in the explore view's filter section with a list of distinct values fetched from the backend on the fly": [ - "Če želite napolniti spustni seznam filtra v raziskovalnem pogledu filtrske sekcije z različnimi vrednostmi, pridobljenimi sproti v ozadju" - ], - "Redirects to this endpoint when clicking on the datasource from the datasource list": [ - "Preusmeri v to končno točko, ko kliknete na podatkovni vir v seznamu podatkovnih virov" - ], - "Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this datasource. A timeout of 0 indicates that the cache never expires. Note this defaults to the cluster timeout if undefined.": [ - "Trajanje (v sekundah) predpomnjenja za ta podatkovni vir. Vrednost 0 označuje, da predpomnilnik nikoli ne poteče. V primeru, da ni definirano, ima nastavitev trajanja za gručo." - ], - "Associated Charts": ["Povezani grafikoni"], - "Data Source": ["Podatkovni vir"], - "Cluster": ["Gruča"], - "Owners": ["Lastniki"], - "Is Hidden": ["Skrito"], - "Enable Filter Select": ["Omogoči izbiro filtra"], - "Default Endpoint": ["Privzeta končna točka"], - "Time Offset": ["Časovni zamik"], - "Datasource Name": ["Ime podatkovnega vira"], - "Fetch Values From": ["Pridobi vrednosti iz"], - "Changed By": ["Spremenil"], - "Modified": ["Spremenjeno"], - "Refreshed metadata from cluster [{}]": [ - "Osveženi meta-podatki iz gruče [{}]" - ], "Error in jinja expression in fetch values predicate: %(msg)s": [ "Napaka v jinja izrazu za pridobivanje vrednosti predikatov: %(msg)s" ], @@ -514,6 +444,7 @@ "Time column \"%(col)s\" does not exist in dataset": [ "Časovni stolpec \"%(col)s\" ne obstaja v podatkovnem setu" ], + "error_message": ["error_message"], "Filter value list cannot be empty": [ "Seznam vrednosti filtra ne sme biti prazen" ], @@ -539,26 +470,40 @@ "Dovoljeni so le `SELECT` stavki" ], "Only single queries supported": ["Podprte so le enojne poizvedbe"], + "Columns": ["Stolpci"], "Show Column": ["Pokaži stolpec"], "Add Column": ["Dodaj stolpec"], "Edit Column": ["Uredi stolpec"], "Whether to make this column available as a [Time Granularity] option, column has to be DATETIME or DATETIME-like": [ "Če želite, da bo ta stolpec na razpolago kot možnost [Granulacija časa]. Stolpec mora biti tipa DATETIME ali DATETIME-like" ], + "Whether this column is exposed in the `Filters` section of the explore view.": [ + "Če želite, da je ta stolpec na voljo v sekciji `Filtri` v raziskovalnem pogledu." + ], "The data type that was inferred by the database. It may be necessary to input a type manually for expression-defined columns in some cases. In most case users should not need to alter this.": [ "Podatkovni tip, ki izvira iz podatkovne baze. V nekaterih primerih je potrebno ročno vnesti tip za stolpce, ki temeljijo na izrazih. V večini primerov uporabniku tega ni potrebno spreminjati." ], + "Column": ["Stolpec"], + "Verbose Name": ["Podrobno ime"], + "Description": ["Opis"], + "Groupable": ["Združevanje"], + "Filterable": ["Filtriranje"], "Table": ["Tabela"], "Expression": ["Izraz"], "Is temporal": ["Časoven"], "Datetime Format": ["Oblika zapisa datuma,časa"], + "Type": ["Tip"], + "Business Data Type": ["Poslovni podatkovni tip"], "Invalid date/timestamp format": ["Neveljaven zapis datuma/časa"], + "Metrics": ["Mere"], "Show Metric": ["Pokaži mero"], "Add Metric": ["Dodaj mero"], "Edit Metric": ["Uredi mero"], + "Metric": ["Mera"], "SQL Expression": ["SQL izraz"], "D3 Format": ["D3 zapis"], "Extra": ["Dodatno"], + "Warning Message": ["Opozorilo"], "Row level security filter": ["Filter za varnost na nivoju vrstic"], "Show Row level security filter": [ "Prikaži filter za varnost na nivoju vrstic" @@ -588,9 +533,16 @@ "Roles": ["Vloge"], "Clause": ["Stavek"], "Creator": ["Avtor"], + "Modified": ["Spremenjeno"], "Show Table": ["Prikaži tabelo"], "Import a table definition": ["Uvozi definicijo tabele"], "Edit Table": ["Uredi tabelo"], + "The list of charts associated with this table. By altering this datasource, you may change how these associated charts behave. Also note that charts need to point to a datasource, so this form will fail at saving if removing charts from a datasource. If you want to change the datasource for a chart, overwrite the chart from the 'explore view'": [ + "Seznam grafikonov, povezanih s to tabelo. S spreminjanjem podatkovnega vira lahko spremenite, kako se povezani grafikoni obnašajo. Poleg tega morajo biti grafikoni povezani s podatkovnim virom. Če odstranite grafikon s podatkovnega vira ne bo mogoče shraniti tega vnosa. Če želite spremeniti podatkovni vir grafikona, prepišite grafikon v raziskovalnem pogledu." + ], + "Timezone offset (in hours) for this datasource": [ + "Razlika časovnega pasu (v urah) za ta podatkovni vir" + ], "Name of the table that exists in the source database": [ "Ime tabele, ki obstaja v izvorni podatkovni bazi" ], @@ -606,6 +558,9 @@ "Redirects to this endpoint when clicking on the table from the table list": [ "Preusmeri v to končno točko, ko kliknete na tabelo v seznamu tabel" ], + "Whether to populate the filter's dropdown in the explore view's filter section with a list of distinct values fetched from the backend on the fly": [ + "Če želite napolniti spustni seznam filtra v raziskovalnem pogledu filtrske sekcije z različnimi vrednostmi, pridobljenimi sproti v ozadju" + ], "Whether the table was generated by the 'Visualize' flow in SQL Lab": [ "Če želite, da je tabela ustvarjena s postopkom 'Vizualizacija' v SQL laboratoriju" ], @@ -615,35 +570,24 @@ "Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this table. A timeout of 0 indicates that the cache never expires. Note this defaults to the database timeout if undefined.": [ "Trajanje (v sekundah) predpomnjenja za to tabelo. Vrednost 0 označuje, da predpomnilnik nikoli ne poteče. V primeru, da ni definirano, ima nastavitev trajanja za podatkovno bazo." ], + "Associated Charts": ["Povezani grafikoni"], + "Changed By": ["Spremenil"], "Database": ["Podatkovna baza"], "Last Changed": ["Zadnja sprememba"], + "Enable Filter Select": ["Omogoči izbiro filtra"], "Schema": ["Shema"], + "Default Endpoint": ["Privzeta končna točka"], "Offset": ["Odmik"], + "Cache Timeout": ["Trajanje predpomnilnika"], "Table Name": ["Ime tabele"], "Fetch Values Predicate": ["Pridobi vrednosti predikatov"], + "Owners": ["Lastniki"], "Main Datetime Column": ["Glavni stolpec Datum-Čas"], "SQL Lab View": ["Pogled SQL laboratorija"], "Template parameters": ["Parametri predlog"], "The table was created. As part of this two-phase configuration process, you should now click the edit button by the new table to configure it.": [ "Tabela je ustvarjena. Sedaj morate v tem dvodelnem postopku klikniti gumb za urejanje nove tabele." ], - "Refresh Metadata": ["Osveži metapodatke"], - "Refresh column metadata": ["Osveži metapodatke stolpca"], - "Metadata refreshed for the following table(s): %(tables)s": [ - "Metapodatki osveženi za naslednje tabele: %(tables)s" - ], - "The following tables added new columns: %(tables)s": [ - "Nove stolpce so dodale naslednje tabele: %(tables)s" - ], - "The following tables removed columns: %(tables)s": [ - "Stolpce so odstranile naslednje tabele: %(tables)s" - ], - "The following tables update column metadata: %(tables)s": [ - "Metapodatke stolpcev so posodobile naslednje tabele: %(tables)s" - ], - "Unable to refresh metadata for the following table(s): %(tables)s": [ - "Ni mogoče osvežiti metapodatkov za naslednje tabele: %(tables)s" - ], "Deleted %(num)d css template": [ "Izbrisana %(num)d css predloga", "Izbrisani %(num)d css predlogi", @@ -661,6 +605,7 @@ "Izbrisanih je %(num)d nadzornih plošč" ], "Title or Slug": ["Naslov ali `Slug`"], + "Created by me": ["Ustvarjeno z moje strani"], "Role": ["Vloga"], "Must be unique": ["Mora biti unikaten"], "Dashboard parameters are invalid.": [ @@ -688,7 +633,15 @@ "Nimate dostopa do te nadzorne plošče." ], "No data in file": ["V datoteki ni podatkov"], + "Invalid state.": ["Neveljavno stanje."], + "An error occurred while creating the value.": [ + "Pri ustvarjanju vrednosti je prišlo do težave." + ], + "An error occurred while accessing the value.": [ + "Pri dostopanju do vednosti je prišlo do težave." + ], "Table name undefined": ["Ime tabele ni definirano"], + "Upload Enabled": ["Nalaganje omogočeno"], "Invalid connection string, a valid string usually follows: driver://user:password@database-host/database-name": [ "Neveljaven niz povezave - veljaven niz običajno sledi: driver://user:password@database-host/database-name" ], @@ -714,8 +667,8 @@ "Podatkovna baza z enakim imenom že obstaja." ], "Field is required": ["Polje je obvezno"], - "Field cannot be decoded by JSON. %{json_error}s": [ - "Polja ni mogoče dekodirati z JSON. %{json_error}s" + "Field cannot be decoded by JSON. %(json_error)s": [ + "Polja ni mogoče dekodirati z JSON. %(json_error)s" ], "The metadata_params in Extra field is not configured correctly. The key %{key}s is invalid.": [ "Metadata_params v polju Dodatno niso pravilno nastavljeni. Ključ %{key}s je neveljaven." @@ -745,6 +698,12 @@ "Unexpected error occurred, please check your logs for details": [ "Zgodila se je nepričakovana napaka. Podrobnosti preverite v dnevnikih" ], + "no SQL validator is configured": ["SQL potrjevalnik ni nastavljen"], + "No validator found (configured for the engine)": [ + "Potrjevalnik ni najden (nastavljen za podatkovno bazo)" + ], + "Was unable to check your query": ["Poizvedbe ni bilo mogoče preveriti"], + "An unexpected error occurred": ["Prišlo je do nepričakovane napake"], "Import database failed for an unknown reason": [ "Uvoz podatkovne baze ni uspel zaradi neznanega razloga" ], @@ -755,6 +714,15 @@ "Podatkovne baze tipa \"%(engine)s\" ni mogoče konfigurirati s parametri." ], "Database is offline.": ["Podatkovna baza ni povezana."], + "%(validator)s was unable to check your query.\nPlease recheck your query.\nException: %(ex)s": [ + "%(validator)s ni mogel preveriti vaše poizvedbe.\nPonovno preverite poizvedbo.\nIzjema: %(ex)s" + ], + "no SQL validator is configured for {}": [ + "SQL potrjevalnik ni nastavljen za {}" + ], + "No validator named {} found (configured for the {} engine)": [ + "Potrjevalnik {} ni bil najden (nastavljen za podatkovno bazo {})" + ], "Deleted %(num)d dataset": [ "Izbrisan %(num)d podatkovni set", "Izbrisana %(num)d podatkovna niza", @@ -784,6 +752,7 @@ "Table [%(table_name)s] could not be found, please double check your database connection, schema, and table name": [ "Tabele [%(table_name)s] ni mogoče najti. Preverite povezavo, shemo in ime podatkovne baze" ], + "Dataset does not exist": ["Podatkovni set ne obstaja"], "Dataset parameters are invalid.": [ "Parametri podatkovnega seta so neveljavni." ], @@ -799,12 +768,18 @@ "Dataset(s) could not be bulk deleted.": [ "Podatkovnih nizov ni mogoče množično izbrisati." ], + "Samples for dataset could not be retrieved.": [ + "Vzorcev za podatkovni set ni bilo mogoče pridobiti." + ], "Changing this dataset is forbidden": [ "Spreminjanje tega podatkovnega seta ni dovoljeno" ], "Import dataset failed for an unknown reason": [ "Uvoz podatkovnega seta ni uspel zaradi neznanega razloga" ], + "You don't have access to this dataset.": [ + "Nimate dostopa do tega podatkovnega seta." + ], "Dataset metric not found.": ["Mer podatkovnega seta ni najdena."], "Dataset metric delete failed.": [ "Brisanje mere podatkovnega seta ni uspelo." @@ -853,6 +828,9 @@ "The schema \"%(schema)s\" does not exist. A valid schema must be used to run this query.": [ "Shema \"%(schema)s\" ne obstaja. Za poizvedbo mora biti uporabljena veljavna shema." ], + "We can't seem to resolve the column \"%(column_name)s\"": [ + "Zdi se, da ni mogoče razrešiti stolpca \"%(column_name)s\"" + ], "Please check your query for syntax errors near \"%(server_error)s\". Then, try running your query again.": [ "Preverite, če ima vaša poizvedba sintaktične napake pri \"%(server_error)s\". Potem ponovno poženite poizvedbo." ], @@ -906,8 +884,8 @@ "%(object)s does not exist in this database.": [ "%(object)s ne obstaja v tej podatkovni bazi." ], - "We can't seem to resolve the column \"%(column_name)s\"": [ - "Zdi se, da ni mogoče razrešiti stolpca \"%(column_name)s\"" + "You don't have access to this embedded dashboard config.": [ + "Nimate dostopa do konfiguracije te vgrajene nadzorne plošče." ], "Home": ["Domov"], "Annotation Layers": ["Sloji z oznakami"], @@ -926,20 +904,22 @@ "Databases": ["Podatkovne baze"], "Data": ["Podatki"], "Datasets": ["Podatkovni seti"], - "Upload a CSV": ["Naloži CSV"], - "Upload a Columnar File": ["Naloži datoteko s stolpci"], - "Upload Excel": ["Naloži Excel"], "Action Log": ["Dnevnik aktivnosti"], - "Dashboard Emails": ["E-pošta za nadzorno ploščo"], - "Chart Email Schedules": ["Urniki za e-pošto grafikonov"], - "Alerts": ["Opozorila"], "Alerts & Reports": ["Opozorila in poročila"], "Access requests": ["Zahteve za dostop"], - "Scan New Datasources": ["Preišči nove podatkovne vire"], - "Refresh Druid Metadata": ["Osveži metapodatke za Druid"], - "Temporal expression not supported for type: %(col_type)s": [ - "Časovni izraz ni podprt za podatkovne tipe: %(col_type)s" + "An error occurred while parsing the key.": [ + "Pri branju ključa je prišlo do težave." ], + "An error occurred while deleting the value.": [ + "Pri brisanju vrednosti je prišlo do napake." + ], + "An error occurred while updating the value.": [ + "Pri posodabljanju vrednosti je prišlo do težave." + ], + "You don't have permission to modify the value.": [ + "Nimate dovoljenja za spreminjanje vrednosti." + ], + "Invalid permalink key": ["Neveljaven ključ povezave"], "Deleted %(num)d saved query": [ "Izbrisana %(num)d shranjena poizvedba", "Izbrisani %(num)d shranjeni poizvedbi", @@ -964,10 +944,10 @@ ], "Value must be greater than 0": ["Vrednost mora biti večja od 0"], "Alert query returned more than one row. %s rows returned": [ - "Opozorilna poizvedba je vrnila več kot eno vrstico. Število vrnjenih vrstic: %s" + "Poizvedba za opozorilo je vrnila več kot eno vrstico. Št. vrnjenih vrstic: %s" ], "Alert query returned more than one column. %s columns returned": [ - "Opozorilna poizvedba je vrnila več kot en stolpec. Število vrnjenih stolpcev: %s" + "Poizvedba za opozorilo je vrnila več kot en stolpec. Število vrnjenih stolpcev: %s" ], "Dashboard does not exist": ["Nadzorna plošča ne obstaja"], "Chart does not exist": ["Grafikon ne obstaja"], @@ -1019,17 +999,26 @@ "Report Schedule reached a working timeout.": [ "Urnik poročanja je dosegel mejo časa izvedbe." ], + "A report named \"%(name)s\" already exists": [ + "Poročilo poimenovano %(name)s že obstaja" + ], + "An alert named \"%(name)s\" already exists": [ + "Opozorilo poimenovano %(name)s že obstaja" + ], + "Resource already has an attached report.": [ + "Vir že ima povezano poročilo." + ], "Alert query returned more than one row.": [ - "Opozorilna poizvedba je vrnila več kot eno vrstico." + "Poizvedba za opozorilo je vrnila več kot eno vrstico." ], "Alert validator config error.": [ "Napaka nastavitev potrjevalnika opozoril." ], "Alert query returned more than one column.": [ - "Opozorilna poizvedba je vrnila več kot en stolpec." + "Poizvedba za opozorilo je vrnila več kot en stolpec." ], "Alert query returned a non-number value.": [ - "Opozorilna poizvedba je vrnila neštevilsko vrednost." + "Poizvedba za opozorilo je vrnila neštevilsko vrednost." ], "Alert found an error while executing a query.": [ "Opozorilo je našlo napako pri izvajanju poizvedbe." @@ -1094,19 +1083,6 @@ "Please check your query and confirm that all template parameters are surround by double braces, for example, \"{{ ds }}\". Then, try running your query again.": [ "V poizvedbi preverite, da so vsi parametri obdani z dvojnimi oklepaji, npr. \"{{ ds }}\". Potem poskusite ponovno." ], - "\n *%(name)s*\n\n <%(url)s|Explore in Superset>\n ": [ - "\n *%(name)s*\n\n <%(url)s|Razišči v Supersetu>\n " - ], - "Explore in Superset

": [ - "Razišči v Supersetu

" - ], - "\n Explore in Superset

\n \n ": [ - "\n Razišči v Supersetu

\n \n " - ], - "\n *%(slice_name)s*\n\n <%(slice_url_user_friendly)s|Explore in Superset>\n ": [ - "\n *%(slice_name)s*\n\n <%(slice_url_user_friendly)s|Razišči v Supersetu>\n " - ], - "[Alert] %(label)s": ["[Alert] %(label)s"], "New": ["Nov"], "SQL Query": ["SQL poizvedba"], "Chart": ["Grafikon"], @@ -1131,10 +1107,11 @@ ], "Request Permissions": ["Zahtevaj dovoljenja"], "Cancel": ["Prekliči"], - "Use the edit buttom to change this field": [ + "Use the edit button to change this field": [ "Za spreminjanje tega polja uporabite gumb za urejanje" ], "Test Connection": ["Preizkusi povezavo"], + "Resource was not found.": ["Vir ni bil najden."], "[Superset] Access to the datasource %(name)s was granted": [ "[Superset] dostop do podatkovnega vira %(name)s je odobren" ], @@ -1145,6 +1122,61 @@ "Unable to find such a holiday: [%(holiday)s]": [ "Ni mogoče najti takšnega praznika: [%(holiday)s]" ], + "percentiles must be a list or tuple with two numeric values, of which the first is lower than the second value": [ + "percentili morajo biti tipa list ali tuple z vsaj dvema numeričnima vrednostma, pri čemer je prva manjša od druge" + ], + "`compare_columns` must have the same length as `source_columns`.": [ + "`compare_columns` morajo imeti enako dolžino kot `source_columns`." + ], + "`compare_type` must be `difference`, `percentage` or `ratio`": [ + "`compare_type` mora biti `difference`, `percentage` ali `ratio`" + ], + "Column \"%(column)s\" is not numeric or does not exists in the query results.": [ + "Stolpec \"%(column)s\" ni numeričen ali ne obstaja v rezultatu poizvedbe." + ], + "`rename_columns` must have the same length as `columns`.": [ + "`rename_columns` morajo imeti enako dolžino kot `columns`." + ], + "Invalid cumulative operator: %(operator)s": [ + "Neveljaven kumulativni operand: %(operator)s" + ], + "Invalid geohash string": ["Neveljaven niz za geohash"], + "Invalid longitude/latitude": ["Neveljavna zemljepisna dolžina/širina"], + "Invalid geodetic string": ["Neveljaven geodetski niz"], + "Pivot operation requires at least one index": [ + "Vrtilna operacija zahteva vsaj en indeks" + ], + "Pivot operation must include at least one aggregate": [ + "Vrtilna operacija mora vsebovati vsaj en agregat" + ], + "`prophet` package not installed": ["Knjižnica `prophet` ni nameščena"], + "Time grain missing": ["Časovna granulacija manjka"], + "Unsupported time grain: %(time_grain)s": [ + "Nepodprta časovna granulacija: %(time_grain)s" + ], + "Periods must be a whole number": ["Periode morajo biti celo število"], + "Confidence interval must be between 0 and 1 (exclusive)": [ + "Interval zaupanja mora biti med 0 in 1 (odprt)" + ], + "DataFrame must include temporal column": [ + "DataFrame mora vsebovati časovni stolpec" + ], + "DataFrame include at least one series": [ + "DataFrame vsebuje vsaj eno serijo" + ], + "Label already exists": ["Oznaka že obstaja"], + "Resample operation requires DatetimeIndex": [ + "Prevzorčevalna operacija zahteva indeks tipa datumčas" + ], + "Resample method should in ": ["Metoda za prevzorčenje v Pandas mora "], + "Undefined window for rolling operation": [ + "Nedefinirano okno za drsečo operacijo" + ], + "Window must be > 0": ["Okno mora biti > 0"], + "Invalid rolling_type: %(type)s": ["Neveljaven rolling_type: %(type)s"], + "Invalid options for %(rolling_type)s: %(options)s": [ + "Neveljavne možnosti za %(rolling_type)s: %(options)s" + ], "Referenced columns not available in DataFrame.": [ "Referencirani stolpci niso razpoložljivi v Dataframe-u." ], @@ -1157,82 +1189,12 @@ "Invalid numpy function: %(operator)s": [ "Neveljavna numpy funkcija: %(operator)s" ], - "Pivot operation requires at least one index": [ - "Vrtilna operacija zahteva vsaj en indeks" - ], - "Pivot operation must include at least one aggregate": [ - "Vrtilna operacija mora vsebovati vsaj en agregat" - ], - "Undefined window for rolling operation": [ - "Nedefinirano okno za drsečo operacijo" - ], - "Window must be > 0": ["Okno mora biti > 0"], - "Invalid rolling_type: %(type)s": ["Neveljaven rolling_type: %(type)s"], - "Invalid options for %(rolling_type)s: %(options)s": [ - "Neveljavne možnosti za %(rolling_type)s: %(options)s" - ], - "`compare_columns` must have the same length as `source_columns`.": [ - "`compare_columns` morajo imeti enako dolžino kot `source_columns`." - ], - "`compare_type` must be `difference`, `percentage` or `ratio`": [ - "`compare_type` mora biti `difference`, `percentage` ali `ratio`" - ], - "Invalid cumulative operator: %(operator)s": [ - "Neveljaven kumulativni operand: %(operator)s" - ], - "Invalid geohash string": ["Neveljaven niz za geohash"], - "Invalid longitude/latitude": ["Neveljavna zemljepisna dolžina/širina"], - "Invalid geodetic string": ["Neveljaven geodetski niz"], - "Column \"%(column)s\" is not numeric or does not exists in the query results.": [ - "Stolpec \"%(column)s\" ni numeričen ali ne obstaja v rezultatu poizvedbe." - ], - "`rename_columns` must have the same length as `columns`.": [ - "`rename_columns` morajo imeti enako dolžino kot `columns`." - ], - "`prophet` package not installed": ["Knjižnica `prophet` ni nameščena"], - "Time grain missing": ["Časovna granulacija manjka"], - "Unsupported time grain: %(time_grain)s": [ - "Nepodprta časovna granulacija: %(time_grain)s" - ], - "Periods must be a positive integer value": [ - "Periode morajo biti pozitivno celo število" - ], - "Confidence interval must be between 0 and 1 (exclusive)": [ - "Interval zaupanja mora biti med 0 in 1 (odprt)" - ], - "DataFrame must include temporal column": [ - "DataFrame mora vsebovati časovni stolpec" - ], - "DataFrame include at least one series": [ - "DataFrame vsebuje vsaj eno serijo" - ], - "percentiles must be a list or tuple with two numeric values, of which the first is lower than the second value": [ - "percentili morajo biti tipa list ali tuple z vsaj dvema numeričnima vrednostma, pri čemer je prva manjša od druge" - ], "User": ["Uporabnik"], "User Roles": ["Vloge uporabnikov"], "Database URL": ["URL podatkovne baze"], + "Datasource": ["Podatkovni vir"], "Roles to grant": ["Vloge za dovoljevanje"], "Created On": ["Ustvarjeno"], - "List Observations": ["Naštej opažanja"], - "Show Observation": ["Prikaži opažanja"], - "Error Message": ["Sporočilo napake"], - "Log Retentions (days)": ["Ohranjanje dnevnika (dnevi)"], - "A semicolon ';' delimited list of email addresses": [ - "S podpičjem ';' ločen seznam naslovov e-pošte" - ], - "How long to keep the logs around for this alert": [ - "Kako dolgo ohraniti dnevnike za to opozorilo" - ], - "Once an alert is triggered, how long, in seconds, before Superset nags you again.": [ - "Kako dolgo naj traja (v sekundah), da vas Superset ponovno opomni, ko je opozorilo sproženo." - ], - "A SQL statement that defines whether the alert should get triggered or not. The query is expected to return either NULL or a number value.": [ - "SQL izraz, ki definira ali naj se opozorilo sproži ali ne. Od poizvedbe se pričakuje, da vrne bodisi NULL bodisi številsko vrednost." - ], - "This feature is deprecated and will be removed on 2.0. Take a look at the replacement feature Alerts & Reports documentation": [ - "Ta funkcija je zastarela in bo odstranjena v verziji 2.0. Oglejte si zamenjavo Dokumentacija za Opozorila & Poročila" - ], "annotation start time or end time is required.": [ "začetni in končni čas oznake je obvezen." ], @@ -1288,6 +1250,16 @@ "An unknown error occurred. Please contact your Superset administrator": [ "Zgodila se je neznana napaka. Kontaktirajte svojega administratorja za Superset" ], + "Error: permalink state not found": [ + "Napaka: stanje povezave ni najdeno" + ], + "Error: %(msg)s": ["Napaka: %(msg)s"], + "Form data not found in cache, reverting to chart metadata.": [ + "Podatkov ni mogoče najti v predpomnilniku. Uporabljeni bodo metapodatki grafikona." + ], + "Form data not found in cache, reverting to dataset metadata.": [ + "Podatkov ni mogoče najti v predpomnilniku. Uporabljeni bodo metapodatki podatkovnega seta." + ], "[Missing Dataset]": ["[Manjka podatkovni set]"], "alter this ": ["spreminjanje tega "], "chart": ["grafikona"], @@ -1319,19 +1291,11 @@ "Table %(table)s wasn't found in the database %(db)s": [ "Tabela %(table)s ni bila najdena v podatkovni bazi %(db)s" ], - "Can't find User '%(name)s', please ask your admin to create one.": [ - "Uporabnika '%(name)s' ni mogoče najti. Prosite administratorja, da ga ustvari." - ], - "Can't find DruidCluster with cluster_name = '%(name)s'": [ - "Ni mogoče najti DruidCluster s cluster_name = '%(name)s'" - ], + "permalink state not found": ["stanje povezave ni najdeno"], "One or more required fields are missing in the request. Please try again, and if the problem persists conctact your administrator.": [ "Eno ali več zahtevanih polj manjka v zahtevi. Poskusite znova, če težava ostane, kontaktirajte administratorja." ], "The database was not found.": ["Podatkovna baza ni bila najdena."], - "You are not authorized to fetch samples from this table. If you think this is an error, please reach out to your administrator.": [ - "Nimate dovoljenja za pridobitev vzorcev iz te tabele. Če menite, da je to napaka, kontaktirajte administratorja." - ], "Data could not be retrieved from the results backend. You need to re-run the original query.": [ "Podatkov ni bilo mogoče pridobiti iz zalednega sistema rezultatov. Ponovno morate zagnati izvorno poizvedbo." ], @@ -1347,9 +1311,6 @@ "The provided `rows` argument is not a valid integer.": [ "Podani argument `rows` ni veljavno celo število." ], - "%(validator)s was unable to check your query.\nPlease recheck your query.\nException: %(ex)s": [ - "%(validator)s ni mogel preveriti vaše poizvedbe.\nPonovno preverite poizvedbo.\nIzjema: %(ex)s" - ], "%(user)s's profile": ["Profil uporabnika: %(user)s"], "Show CSS Template": ["Prikaži CSS predlogo"], "Add CSS Template": ["Dodaj CSS predlogo"], @@ -1366,26 +1327,6 @@ "Custom Plugin": ["Prilagojeni vtičnik"], "Add a Plugin": ["Dodaj vtičnik"], "Edit Plugin": ["Uredi vtičnik"], - "Schedule Email Reports for Dashboards": [ - "Razporedi e-poštna poročila za nadzorne plošče" - ], - "Manage Email Reports for Dashboards": [ - "Upravljaj e-poštna poročila za nadzorne plošče" - ], - "Changed On": ["Spremenjeno"], - "Active": ["Aktiven"], - "Crontab": ["Crontab"], - "Recipients": ["Prejemniki"], - "Slack Channel": ["Slack Channel"], - "Deliver As Group": ["Dostavi kot skupino"], - "Delivery Type": ["Tip dostave"], - "Schedule Email Reports for Charts": [ - "Razporedi e-poštna poročila za grafikone" - ], - "Manage Email Reports for Charts": [ - "Upravljaj e-poštna poročila za grafikone" - ], - "Email Format": ["Oblika e-pošte"], "List Saved Query": ["Seznam shranjenih poizvedb"], "Show Saved Query": ["Prikaži shranjeno poizvedbo"], "Add Saved Query": ["Dodaj shranjeno poizvedbo"], @@ -1448,6 +1389,9 @@ "Name of table to be created from csv data.": [ "Ime tabele, ki bo ustvarjena iz CSV podatkov." ], + "Table name cannot contain a schema": [ + "Ime tabele ne sme vsebovati sheme" + ], "CSV File": ["CSV datoteka"], "Select a CSV file to be uploaded to a database.": [ "Izberite CSV datoteko, ki bo naložena v podatkovno bazo." @@ -1604,9 +1548,6 @@ "Database \"%(database_name)s\" schema \"%(schema_name)s\" is not allowed for csv uploads. Please contact your Superset Admin.": [ "Shema \"%(schema_name)s\" podatkovne baze \"%(database_name)s\" ni dovoljena za nalaganje CSV. Kontaktirajte administratorja za Superset." ], - "You cannot specify a namespace both in the name of the table: \"%(csv_table.table)s\" and in the schema field: \"%(csv_table.schema)s\". Please remove one": [ - "Imenskega prostora ni mogoče podati hkrati v tabeli: \"%(csv_table.table)s\" in polju sheme: \"%(csv_table.schema)s\". Odstranite enega" - ], "Unable to upload CSV file \"%(filename)s\" to table \"%(table_name)s\" in database \"%(db_name)s\". Error message: %(error_msg)s": [ "CSV datoteke \"%(filename)s\" ni mogoče naložiti v tabelo \"%(table_name)s\" v podatkovni bazi \"%(db_name)s\". Sporočilo napake: %(error_msg)s" ], @@ -1619,9 +1560,6 @@ "Database \"%(database_name)s\" schema \"%(schema_name)s\" is not allowed for excel uploads. Please contact your Superset Admin.": [ "Shema \"%(schema_name)s\" podatkovne baze \"%(database_name)s\" ni dovoljena za nalaganje Excel datotek. Kontaktirajte administratorja za Superset." ], - "You cannot specify a namespace both in the name of the table: \"%(excel_table.table)s\" and in the schema field: \"%(excel_table.schema)s\". Please remove one": [ - "Imenskega prostora ni mogoče podati hkrati v tabeli: \"%(excel_table.table)s\" in polju sheme: \"%(excel_table.schema)s\". Odstranite enega" - ], "Unable to upload Excel file \"%(filename)s\" to table \"%(table_name)s\" in database \"%(db_name)s\". Error message: %(error_msg)s": [ "Excel datoteke \"%(filename)s\" ni mogoče naložiti v tabelo \"%(table_name)s\" v podatkovni bazi \"%(db_name)s\". Sporočilo napake: %(error_msg)s" ], @@ -1637,9 +1575,6 @@ "Database \"%(database_name)s\" schema \"%(schema_name)s\" is not allowed for columnar uploads. Please contact your Superset Admin.": [ "Shema \"%(schema_name)s\" podatkovne baze \"%(database_name)s\" ni dovoljena za nalaganje stolpčnih datotek. Kontaktirajte administratorja za Superset." ], - "You cannot specify a namespace both in the name of the table: \"%(columnar_table.table)s\" and in the schema field: \"%(columnar_table.schema)s\". Please remove one": [ - "Imenskega prostora ni mogoče podati hkrati v imenu tabele: \"%(columnar_table.table)s\" in polju sheme: \"%(columnar_table.schema)s\". Odstranite enega" - ], "Unable to upload Columnar file \"%(filename)s\" to table \"%(table_name)s\" in database \"%(db_name)s\". Error message: %(error_msg)s": [ "Stolpčne datoteke \"%(filename)s\" ni mogoče naložiti v tabelo \"%(table_name)s\" v podatkovni bazi \"%(db_name)s\". Sporočilo napake: %(error_msg)s" ], @@ -1656,1338 +1591,41 @@ "Edit Log": ["Uredi dnevnik"], "Action": ["Aktivnost"], "dttm": ["dttm"], - "Add item": ["Dodaj"], - "The query couldn't be loaded": ["Poizvedbe ni mogoče naložiti"], - "Your query has been scheduled. To see details of your query, navigate to Saved queries": [ - "Vaša poizvedba je v urniku. Za ogled podrobnosti poizvedbe pojdite na shranjene poizvedbe" - ], - "Your query could not be scheduled": [ - "Vaše poizvedbe ni mogoče uvrstiti v urnik" - ], - "Failed at retrieving results": ["Napaka pri pridobivanju rezultatov"], - "An error occurred while storing the latest query id in the backend. Please contact your administrator if this problem persists.": [ - "Pri shranjevanju zadnjega id-ja poizvedbe v sistem je prišlo do napake. Če se težava ponavlja, kontaktirajte administratorja." - ], - "Unknown error": ["Neznana napaka"], - "Query was stopped.": ["Poizvedba je bila ustavljena."], - "Unable to migrate table schema state to backend. Superset will retry later. Please contact your administrator if this problem persists.": [ - "Stanja sheme tabele ni mogoče prenesti v sistem. Superset bo ponovil poskus kasneje. Če se težava ponavlja, kontaktirajte administratorja." - ], - "Unable to migrate query state to backend. Superset will retry later. Please contact your administrator if this problem persists.": [ - "Stanja poizvedbe ni mogoče prenesti v sistem. Superset bo ponovil poskus kasneje. Če se težava ponavlja, kontaktirajte administratorja." - ], - "Unable to migrate query editor state to backend. Superset will retry later. Please contact your administrator if this problem persists.": [ - "Stanja urejevalnika poizvedb ni mogoče prenesti v sistem. Superset bo ponovil poskus kasneje. Če se težava ponavlja, kontaktirajte administratorja." - ], - "Unable to add a new tab to the backend. Please contact your administrator.": [ - "Novega zavihka ni mogoče dodati v sistem. Kontaktirajte administratorja." - ], - "Copy of %s": ["Kopija %s"], - "An error occurred while setting the active tab. Please contact your administrator.": [ - "Pri določanju aktivnega zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." - ], - "An error occurred while fetching tab state": [ - "Pri pridobivanju stanja zavihka je prišlo do napake" - ], - "An error occurred while hiding the left bar. Please contact your administrator.": [ - "Pri skrivanju leve vrstice je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." - ], - "An error occurred while removing tab. Please contact your administrator.": [ - "Pri odstranjevanju zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." - ], - "An error occurred while removing query. Please contact your administrator.": [ - "Pri odstranjevanju poizvedbe je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." - ], - "An error occurred while setting the tab database ID. Please contact your administrator.": [ - "Pri določanju ID-ja v podatkovne baze za zavihek je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." - ], - "An error occurred while setting the tab schema. Please contact your administrator.": [ - "Pri določanju sheme zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." - ], - "An error occurred while setting the tab autorun. Please contact your administrator.": [ - "Pri določanju samodejnega zagona zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." - ], - "An error occurred while setting the tab title. Please contact your administrator.": [ - "Pri določanju naslova zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." - ], - "Your query was saved": ["Vaša poizvedba je shranjena"], - "Your query could not be saved": ["Vaše poizvedbe ni mogoče shraniti"], - "Your query was updated": ["Vaša poizvedba je posodobljena"], - "Your query could not be updated": [ - "Vaše poizvedbe ni mogoče posodobiti" - ], - "An error occurred while storing your query in the backend. To avoid losing your changes, please save your query using the \"Save Query\" button.": [ - "Pri shranjevanju vaše poizvedbe v sistem je prišlo do napake. Da ne izgubite sprememb, shranite poizvedbo z gumbom \"Shrani poizvedbo\"." - ], - "An error occurred while setting the tab template parameters. Please contact your administrator.": [ - "Pri določanju parametrov predloge zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." - ], - "An error occurred while fetching table metadata": [ - "Pri pridobivanju metapodatkov tabele je prišlo do napake" - ], - "An error occurred while fetching table metadata. Please contact your administrator.": [ - "Pri pridobivanju metapodatkov tabele je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." - ], - "An error occurred while expanding the table schema. Please contact your administrator.": [ - "Pri širitvi sheme tabele je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." - ], - "An error occurred while collapsing the table schema. Please contact your administrator.": [ - "Pri krčenju sheme tabele je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." - ], - "An error occurred while removing the table schema. Please contact your administrator.": [ - "Pri odstranjevanju sheme tabele je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." - ], - "Shared query": ["Deljene poizvedbe"], - "The datasource couldn't be loaded": [ - "Podatkovnega vira ni mogoče naložiti" - ], - "An error occurred while creating the data source": [ - "Pri ustvarjanju podatkovnega vira je prišlo do težave" - ], - "An error occurred while fetching function names.": [ - "Pri pridobivanju imen funkcij je prišlo do napake." - ], - "SQL Lab uses your browser's local storage to store queries and results.\n Currently, you are using ${currentUsage.toFixed(\r\n 2,\r\n )} KB out of ${LOCALSTORAGE_MAX_USAGE_KB} KB. storage space.\n To keep SQL Lab from crashing, please delete some query tabs.\n You can re-access these queries by using the Save feature before you delete the tab. Note that you will need to close other SQL Lab windows before you do this.": [ - "SQL laboratorij za shranjevanje poizvedb in rezultatov uporablja brskalnikovo lokalno shrambo.\nTrenutno uporabljate ${currentUsage.toFixed(\r\n 2,\r\n )} KB od ${LOCALSTORAGE_MAX_USAGE_KB} KB prostora shrambe.\nDa se izognete sesutju SQL laboratorija, izbrišite nekaj zavihkov s poizvedbami.\nTe poizvedbe lahko ponovno uporabite, tako da jih pred izbrisom shranite. Preden storite to, boste morali zapreti druga okna SQL laboratorija." - ], - "Estimate selected query cost": ["Oceni potratnost izbrane poizvedbe"], - "Estimate cost": ["Oceni potratnost"], - "Cost estimate": ["Ocena potratnosti"], - "Creating a data source and creating a new tab": [ - "Ustvarjanje podatkovnega vira in novega zavihka" - ], - "An error occurred": ["Prišlo je do napake"], - "Explore the result set in the data exploration view": [ - "Raziščite rezultate v pogledu raziskovanja podatkov" - ], - "This query took %s seconds to run, ": [ - "Trajanje poizvedbe v sekundah: %s, " - ], - "and the explore view times out at %s seconds ": [ - "čas izteka raziskovalnega pogleda v sekundah: %s " - ], - "following this flow will most likely lead to your query timing out. ": [ - "s takšnim potekom, bo poizvedba najverjetneje potekla. " - ], - "We recommend your summarize your data further before following that flow. ": [ - "Priporočamo, da zahtevane podatke pred nadaljevanjem strnete. " - ], - "If activated you can use the ": ["Če je aktivirana, lahko uporabite "], - "feature to store a summarized data set that you can then explore.": [ - "funkcijo shranjevanja strnjenega podatkovnega seta, ki ga lahko raziščete." - ], - "Column name(s) ": ["Imena stolpcev "], - "cannot be used as a column name. The column name/alias \"__timestamp\"\r\n is reserved for the main temporal expression, and column aliases ending with\r\n double underscores followed by a numeric value (e.g. \"my_col__1\") are reserved\r\n for deduplicating duplicate column names. Please use aliases to rename the\r\n invalid column names.": [ - "ni mogoče uporabiti kot imena stolpcev. Ime stolpca \"__timestamp\"\r\n je rezervirano za glavni časovni izraz. Imena stolpcev, ki se končajo z\r\n dvojnim podčrtajem, ki mu sledi številska vrednost (npr. \"moj_stolpec__1\") so rezervirana\r\n za deduplikacijo duplikatov imen stolpcev. Za preimenovanje neustreznih imen\r\n uporabite psevdonime." - ], - "Source SQL": ["Izvorni SQL"], - "Executed SQL": ["Izvedena poizvedba"], - "SQL": ["SQL"], - "No query history yet...": ["Zgodovine poizvedb še ni."], - "An error occurred when refreshing queries": [ - "Pri osveževanju poizvedb je prišlo do napake" - ], - "It seems you don't have access to any database": [ - "Zdi se, da nimate dostopa do nobene podatkovne baz" - ], - "Filter by user": ["Filtriraj po uporabniku"], - "Filter by database": ["Filtriraj po podatkovni bazi"], - "Query search string": ["Iskalni niz za poizvedbo"], - "[From]-": ["[Od]-"], - "[To]-": ["[Do]-"], - "Filter by status": ["Filtriraj po statusu"], - "Success": ["Uspelo"], - "Failed": ["Ni uspelo"], - "Running": ["V teku"], - "fetching": ["pridobivam"], - "Offline": ["Offline"], - "Scheduled": ["V urniku"], - "Unknown Status": ["Neznan status"], - "Edit": ["Urejanje"], - "View results": ["Ogled rezultatov"], - "Data preview": ["Ogled podatkov"], - "Overwrite text in the editor with a query on this table": [ - "Besedilo v urejevalniku prepišite s poizvedbo na to tabelo" - ], - "Run query in a new tab": ["Zaženi poizvedbo v novem zavihku"], - "Remove query from log": ["Odstrani poizvedbo iz dnevnika"], - "An error occurred saving dataset": [ - "Pri shranjevanju podatkovnega seta je prišlo do napake" - ], - "Download to CSV": ["Izvozi kot CSV"], - "Copy to Clipboard": ["Kopiraj na odložišče"], - "Filter results": ["Filtriraj rezultate"], - "The number of results displayed is limited to %(rows)d by the configuration DISPLAY_MAX_ROWS. ": [ - "Število prikazanih rezultatov je omejeno na %(rows)d preko parametra DISPLAY_MAX_ROWS. " - ], - "Please add additional limits/filters or download to csv to see more rows up to ": [ - "Dodajte omejitve/filtre ali izvozite csv, če želite videti več vrstic do " - ], - "the %(limit)d limit.": ["omejitve %(limit)d ."], - "The number of results displayed is limited to %(rows)d. ": [ - "Število prikazanih rezultatov je omejeno na %(rows)d. " - ], - "Please add additional limits/filters, download to csv, or contact an admin ": [ - "Dodajte omejitve/filtre ali izvozite csv oz. kontaktirajte administratorja " - ], - "to see more rows up to the %(limit)d limit.": [ - "za prikaz več vrstic, kot je omejitev %(limit)d ." - ], - "The number of rows displayed is limited to %(rows)d by the query": [ - "Število prikazanih vrstic je omejeno na %(rows)d s poizvedbo" - ], - "The number of rows displayed is limited to %(rows)d by the limit dropdown.": [ - "Število prikazanih rezultatov je omejeno na %(rows)d s poizvedbo." - ], - "The number of rows displayed is limited to %(rows)d by the query and limit dropdown.": [ - "Število prikazanih vrstic je omejeno na %(rows)d s poizvedbo in spustnim izbirnikom omejitev." - ], - "%(rows)d rows returned": ["%(rows)d vrnjenih vrstic"], - "The number of rows displayed is limited to %s by the dropdown.": [ - "Število prikazanih vrstic je omejeno na %s s spustnim izbirnikom." - ], - "Query was stopped": ["Poizvedba je bila ustavljena"], - "Database error": ["Napaka podatkovne baze"], - "was created": ["ustvarjeno"], - "Query in a new tab": ["Poizvedba v novem zavihku"], - "The query returned no data": ["Poizvedba ni vrnila podatkov"], - "Fetch data preview": ["Pridobi predogled podatkov"], - "Refetch results": ["Ponovno pridobi rezultate"], - "Track job": ["Sledi opravilom"], - "Stop": ["Ustavi"], - "Run selection": ["Zaženi izbrano"], - "Run": ["Zaženi"], - "Stop running (Ctrl + x)": ["Ustavi (Ctrl + x)"], - "Stop running (Ctrl + e)": ["Ustavi (Ctrl + e)"], - "Run query (Ctrl + Return)": ["Zaženi poizvedbo (Ctrl + Return)"], - "Save & Explore": ["Shrani & Razišči"], - "Overwrite & Explore": ["Prepiši & Razišči"], - "Undefined": ["Ni definirano"], - "Save": ["Shrani"], - "Save as": ["Shrani kot"], - "Save query": ["Shrani poizvedbo"], - "Save as new": ["Shrani kot novo"], - "Update": ["Posodobi"], - "Label for your query": ["Ime vaše poizvedbe"], - "Write a description for your query": ["Dodajte opis vaše poizvedbe"], - "Schedule query": ["Urnik poizvedb"], - "Schedule": ["Urnik"], - "There was an error with your request": [ - "Pri zahtevi je prišlo do napake" - ], - "Please save the query to enable sharing": [ - "Shranite poizvedbo za deljenje" - ], - "Copy query link to your clipboard": [ - "Kopiraj povezavo do poizvedbe v odložišče" - ], - "Save the query to enable this feature": [ - "Za omogočenje te funkcije shranite poizvedbo" - ], - "Copy link": ["Kopiraj povezavo"], - "No stored results found, you need to re-run your query": [ - "Rezultatov še ni shranjenih, ponovno morate zagnati poizvedbo" - ], - "Run a query to display results here": [ - "Za prikaz rezultatov morate zagnati poizvedbo" - ], - "Preview: `%s`": ["Predogled: `%s`"], - "Results": ["Rezultati"], - "Query history": ["Zgodovina poizvedb"], - "Run query": ["Zaženi poizvedbo"], - "New tab": ["Nov zavihek"], - "Untitled query": ["Neimenovana poizvedba"], - "Stop query": ["Ustavi poizvedbo"], - "Schedule the query periodically": ["Periodično zaganjaj poizvedbo"], - "You must run the query successfully first": [ - "Najprej morate uspešno izvesti poizvedbo" - ], - "Autocomplete": ["Samodokončaj"], - "CREATE TABLE AS": ["CREATE TABLE AS"], - "CREATE VIEW AS": ["CREATE VIEW AS"], - "Estimate the cost before running a query": [ - "Oceni potratnost pred zagonom poizvedbe" - ], - "${isActive ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'} table preview": [ - "${isActive ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'} predogled tabele" - ], - "Reset state": ["Ponastavi stanje"], - "Enter a new title for the tab": ["Vnesite novo naslov zavihka"], - "Untitled Query %s": ["Neimenovana poizvedba %s"], - "Close tab": ["Zapri zavihek"], - "Rename tab": ["Preimenuj zavihek"], - "Expand tool bar": ["Razširi orodno vrstico"], - "Hide tool bar": ["Skrij orodno vrstico"], - "Close all other tabs": ["Zapri vse ostale zavihke"], - "Duplicate tab": ["Podvoji zavihek"], - "New tab (Ctrl + q)": ["Nov zavihek (Ctrl + q)"], - "New tab (Ctrl + t)": ["Nov zavihek (Ctrl + t)"], - "Copy partition query to clipboard": [ - "Kopiraj particijsko poizvedbo na odložišče" - ], - "latest partition:": ["zadnja particija:"], - "Keys for table": ["Ključi za tabele"], - "View keys & indexes (%s)": ["Ogled ključev in indeksov (%s)"], - "Original table column order": ["Vrstni red stolpcev izvorne tabele"], - "Sort columns alphabetically": ["Razvrsti stolpce po abecedi"], - "Copy SELECT statement to the clipboard": [ - "Kopiraj stavek SELECT na odložišče" - ], - "Show CREATE VIEW statement": ["Prikaži CREATE VIEW stavek"], - "CREATE VIEW statement": ["CREATE VIEW stavek"], - "Remove table preview": ["Odstrani predogled tabele"], - "Edit template parameters": ["Uredi parametre predloge"], - "Invalid JSON": ["Neveljaven JSON"], - "Create a new chart": ["Ustvari nov grafikon"], - "Choose a dataset": ["Izberite podatkovni set"], - "Dataset": ["Podatkovni set"], - "Instructions to add a dataset are available in the Superset tutorial.": [ - "Navodila za dodajanje podatkovnega seta so v vodiču za Superset." - ], - "Choose chart type": ["Izberite tip grafikona"], - "Please select both a Dataset and a Chart type to proceed": [ - "Za nadaljevanje izberite podatkovni set in tip grafikona" - ], - "Create new chart": ["Ustvari nov grafikon"], - "An error occurred while loading the SQL": [ - "Pri nalaganju SQL je prišlo do napake" - ], - "Updating chart was stopped": [ - "Posodabljanje grafikona je bilo ustavljeno" - ], - "An error occurred while rendering the visualization: %s": [ - "Pri prikazovanju vizualizacije je prišlo do napake: %s" - ], - "Network error.": ["Napaka omrežja."], - "Click to see difference": ["Kliknite za prikaz razlike"], - "Altered": ["Spremenjeno"], - "Chart changes": ["Spremembe grafikona"], - "Superset chart": ["Superset grafikon"], - "Check out this chart in dashboard:": [ - "Preizkusite ta grafikon v nadzorni plošči:" - ], - "Select ...": ["Izberite ..."], - "Loaded data cached": ["Podatki so naloženi v predpomnilnik"], - "Loaded from cache": ["Naloženo iz predpomnilnika"], - "Click to force-refresh": ["Kliknite za prisilno osvežitev"], - "cached": ["predpomnjen"], - "Certified by %s": ["Certificiral/a %s"], - "Copy to clipboard": ["Kopiraj na odložišče"], - "Copied to clipboard!": ["Kopirano na odložišče!"], - "Sorry, your browser does not support copying. Use Ctrl / Cmd + C!": [ - "Vaš brskalnik ne podpira kopiranja. Uporabite Ctrl / Cmd + C!" - ], - "every": ["vsak"], - "every month": ["vsak mesec"], - "every day of the month": ["vsak dan v mesecu"], - "day of the month": ["dan v mesecu"], - "every day of the week": ["vsak dan v tednu"], - "day of the week": ["dan v tednu"], - "every hour": ["vsako uro"], - "every minute": ["vsako minuto"], - "year": ["leto"], - "month": ["mesec"], - "week": ["teden"], - "day": ["dan"], - "hour": ["ura"], - "minute": ["minuta"], - "reboot": ["ponovni zagon"], - "Every": ["Vsak"], - "in": ["v"], - "on": ["v"], - "and": ["in"], - "at": ["ob"], - ":": [":"], - "minute(s)": ["minuta/e"], - "Invalid cron expression": ["Neveljaven cron izraz"], - "Clear": ["Počisti"], - "Sunday": ["Nedelja"], - "Monday": ["Ponedeljek"], - "Tuesday": ["Torek"], - "Wednesday": ["Sreda"], - "Thursday": ["Četrtek"], - "Friday": ["Petek"], - "Saturday": ["Sobota"], - "January": ["Januar"], - "February": ["Februar"], - "March": ["Marec"], - "April": ["April"], - "May": ["Maj"], - "June": ["Junij"], - "July": ["Julij"], - "August": ["Avgust"], - "September": ["September"], - "October": ["Oktober"], - "November": ["November"], - "December": ["December"], - "SUN": ["NED"], - "MON": ["PON"], - "TUE": ["TOR"], - "WED": ["SRE"], - "THU": ["ČET"], - "FRI": ["PET"], - "SAT": ["SOB"], - "JAN": ["JAN"], - "FEB": ["FEB"], - "MAR": ["MAR"], - "APR": ["APR"], - "MAY": ["MAJ"], - "JUN": ["JUN"], - "JUL": ["JUL"], - "AUG": ["AVG"], - "SEP": ["SEP"], - "OCT": ["OKT"], - "NOV": ["NOV"], - "DEC": ["DEC"], - "There was an error loading the schemas": ["Napaka pri nalaganju shem"], - "Select database or type database name": [ - "Izberite ali vnesite ime podatkovne baze" - ], - "Force refresh schema list": ["Osveži seznam shem"], - "Select schema or type schema name": ["Izberite ali vnesite ime sheme"], - "Warning! Changing the dataset may break the chart if the metadata does not exist.": [ - "Opozorilo! Sprememba podatkovnega seta lahko pokvari grafikon, če metapodatki ne obstajajo." - ], - "Changing the dataset may break the chart if the chart relies on columns or metadata that does not exist in the target dataset": [ - "Sprememba podatkovnega seta lahko pokvari grafikon, če se le-ta zanaša na stolpce ali metapodatke, ki ne obstajajo v ciljnem podatkovnem nizu" - ], - "dataset": ["podatkovni set"], - "Connection": ["Povezava"], - "Change dataset": ["Spremeni podatkovni set"], - "Warning!": ["Opozorilo!"], - "Search / Filter": ["Iskanje / Filter"], - "Physical (table or view)": ["Fizičen (tabela ali pogled)"], - "Virtual (SQL)": ["Virtualen (SQL)"], - "SQL expression": ["SQL izraz"], - "Data type": ["Tip podatka"], - "Datetime format": ["Oblika datum-časa"], - "The pattern of timestamp format. For strings use ": [ - "Vzorec zapisa časovne značke. Za znakovne nize uporabite " - ], - "Python datetime string pattern": ["Pythonov vzorec zapisa datum-časa"], - " expression which needs to adhere to the ": [" , ki mora upoštevati "], - "ISO 8601": ["ISO 8601"], - " standard to ensure that the lexicographical ordering\r\n coincides with the chronological ordering. If the\r\n timestamp format does not adhere to the ISO 8601 standard\r\n you will need to define an expression and type for\r\n transforming the string into a date or timestamp. Note\r\n currently time zones are not supported. If time is stored\r\n in epoch format, put `epoch_s` or `epoch_ms`. If no pattern\r\n is specified we fall back to using the optional defaults on a per\r\n database/column name level via the extra parameter.": [ - " standard, ki zagotavlja, de se leksikografsko razvrščanje\r\n sklada s kronološkim razvrščanjem. Če oblika\r\n časovne značke ni v skladu s standardom ISO 8601,\r\n boste morali definirati izraz in tip za transformacijo\r\n znakovnega niza v datum ali časovno značko.\r\n Trenutno časovni pasovi niso podprti.\r\n Če je čas shranjen v obliki epohe, dodajte `epoch_s` ali `epoch_ms`.\r\n Če ni podan vzorec, se uporabijo privzete vrednosti na podlagi imena\r\n podatkovne baze oz. stolpca s pomočjo dodatnega parametra." - ], - "Certified By": ["Certificiral/a"], - "Person or group that has certified this metric": [ - "Oseba ali skupina, ki je certificirala to mero" - ], - "Certified by": ["Certificiral/a"], - "Certification details": ["Podrobnosti certifikacije"], - "Details of the certification": ["Podrobnosti certifikacije"], - "Is dimension": ["Dimenzija"], - "Is filterable": ["Filtriranje"], - "Select owners": ["Izberite lastnike"], - "Modified columns: %s": ["Spremenjeni stolpci: %s"], - "Removed columns: %s": ["Odstranjeni stolpci: %s"], - "New columns added: %s": ["Dodani novi stolpci: %s"], - "Metadata has been synced": ["Metapodatki so sinhronizirani"], - "An error has occurred": ["Prišlo je do napake"], - "Column name [%s] is duplicated": ["Ime stolpca [%s] je podvojeno"], - "Metric name [%s] is duplicated": ["Ime mere [%s] je podvojeno"], - "Calculated column [%s] requires an expression": [ - "Izračunan stolpec [%s] zahteva izraz" - ], - "Basic": ["Osnovno"], - "Default URL": ["Privzeti URL"], - "Default URL to redirect to when accessing from the dataset list page": [ - "Privzeti URL za preusmeritev, ko dostopate iz strani s seznamom podatkovnih setov" - ], - "Autocomplete filters": ["Samodokončaj filtre"], - "Whether to populate autocomplete filters options": [ - "Če želite napolniti možnosti za samodokončanje filtrov" - ], - "Autocomplete query predicate": ["Predikat za samodokončanje poizvedb"], - "When using \"Autocomplete filters\", this can be used to improve performance of the query fetching the values. Use this option to apply a predicate (WHERE clause) to the query selecting the distinct values from the table. Typically the intent would be to limit the scan by applying a relative time filter on a partitioned or indexed time-related field.": [ - "Ko uporabljate \"Samodokončaj filtre\", lahko s tem izboljšate hitrost pridobivanja rezultatov s poizvedbo. Z uporabo te možnosti dodate predikat (WHERE stavek) k poizvedbi za izbiro različnih vrednosti iz tabele. Običajno je namen omejiti poizvedbo z uporabo filtra za relativni čas na particioniranem ali indeksiranem časovnem polju." - ], - "Extra data to specify table metadata. Currently supports metadata of the format: `{ \"certification\": { \"certified_by\": \"Data Platform Team\", \"details\": \"This table is the source of truth.\" }, \"warning_markdown\": \"This is a warning.\" }`.": [ - "Dodatni podatki za tabelo metapodatkov. Trenutno je podprta naslednja oblika zapisa metapodatkov: `{ \"certification\": { \"certified_by\": \"Tim za razvoj\", \"details\": \"Ta tabela je vir resnice.\" }, \"warning_markdown\": \"To je opozorilo.\" }`." - ], - "Advanced": ["Napredno"], - "Cache timeout": ["Časovna omejitev predpomnilnika"], - "The duration of time in seconds before the cache is invalidated": [ - "Trajanje (v sekundah) do razveljavitve predpomnilnika" - ], - "Hours offset": ["Urni premik"], - "The number of hours, negative or positive, to shift the time column. This can be used to move UTC time to local time.": [ - "Število ur, negativno ali pozitivno, za zamik časovnega stolpca. Na ta način je mogoče UTC čas prestaviti na lokalni čas." - ], - "Spatial": ["Prostorski"], - "virtual": ["virtualni"], - "Dataset name": ["Ime podatkovnega seta"], - "When specifying SQL, the datasource acts as a view. Superset will use this statement as a subquery while grouping and filtering on the generated parent queries.": [ - "Ko podajate SQL, se podatkovni vir obnaša kot pogled (view). Superset bo ta zapis uporabil kot podpoizvedbo, pri čemer bo združeval in filtriral na podlagi ustvarjenih starševskih poizvedb." - ], - "The JSON metric or post aggregation definition.": [ - "JSON mera ali po-agregacijska definicija." - ], - "Physical": ["Fizičen"], - "The pointer to a physical table (or view). Keep in mind that the chart is associated to this Superset logical table, and this logical table points the physical table referenced here.": [ - "Kazalec na fizično tabelo (ali pogled). Grafikon je povezan s to Supersetovo logično tabelo, ki kaže na tukaj referencirano fizično tabelo." - ], - "Click the lock to make changes.": [ - "Kliknite ključavnico, da omogočite spreminjanje." - ], - "Click the lock to prevent further changes.": [ - "Kliknite ključavnico, da onemogočite spreminjanje." - ], - "D3 format": ["D3 format"], - "Warning": ["Opozorilo"], - "Optional warning about use of this metric": [ - "Opcijsko opozorilo za uporabo te mere" - ], - "Be careful.": ["Bodite previdni."], - "Changing these settings will affect all charts using this dataset, including charts owned by other people.": [ - "Spreminjanje teh nastavitev bo vplivalo na vse grafikone, ki uporabljajo ta podatkovni set, vključno z grafikoni v lasti drugih oseb." - ], - "Source": ["Izvor"], - "Sync columns from source": ["Sinhroniziraj stolpce z virom"], - "Calculated columns": ["Izračunani stolpci"], - "Settings": ["Nastavitve"], - "The dataset has been saved": ["Podatkovni set je shranjen"], - "The dataset configuration exposed here\r\n affects all the charts using this dataset.\r\n Be mindful that changing settings\r\n here may affect other charts\r\n in undesirable ways.": [ - "Tukaj prikazane nastavitve podatkovnega seta\r\n vplivajo na vse grafikone, ki uporabljajo\r\n ta podatkovni set. Spreminjanje\r\n nastavitev lahko nezaželeno vpliva\r\n na druge grafikone." - ], - "Are you sure you want to save and apply changes?": [ - "Ali resnično želite shraniti in uporabiti spremembe?" - ], - "Confirm save": ["Potrdite shranjevanje"], - "Edit Dataset ": ["Uredi podatkovni set "], - "Use legacy datasource editor": [ - "Uporabi starejši urejevalnik podatkovnega vira" - ], - "DELETE": ["IZBRIŠI"], - "delete": ["izbriši"], - "Type \"%s\" to confirm": ["Vnesite \"%s\" za potrditev"], - "Click to edit": ["Kliknite za urejanje"], - "You don't have the rights to alter this title.": [ - "Nimate pravic za spreminjanje tega naslova." - ], - "Unexpected error": ["Nepričakovana napaka"], - "This may be triggered by:": ["To je lahko sproženo z/s:"], - "Please reach out to the Chart Owner for assistance.": [ - "Za pomoč se obrnite na lastnika grafikona." - ], - "Chart Owner: %s": ["Lastnik grafikona: %s"], - "%s Error": ["%s napaka"], - "Missing dataset": ["Manjka podatkovni set"], - "See more": ["Oglejte si več"], - "See less": ["Oglejte si manj"], - "Copy message": ["Kopiraj sporočilo"], - "Close": ["Zapri"], - "This was triggered by:": ["To je bilo sproženo z/s:"], - "Did you mean:": ["Ste mislili:"], - "%(suggestion)s instead of \"%(undefinedParameter)s?\"": [ - "%(suggestion)s namesto \"%(undefinedParameter)s?\"" - ], - "Parameter error": ["Napaka parametra"], - "We’re having trouble loading this visualization. Queries are set to timeout after %s second.": [ - "Težava pri nalaganju vizualizacije. Časovni iztek poizvedb je nastavljen na %s sekund." - ], - "We’re having trouble loading these results. Queries are set to timeout after %s second.": [ - "Težava pri nalaganju rezultatov. Časovni iztek poizvedb je nastavljen na %s sekund." - ], - "Timeout error": ["Napaka pretečenega časa"], - "Click to favorite/unfavorite": [ - "Kliknite za priljubljeno/nepriljubljeno" - ], - "Cell content": ["Vsebina celice"], - "The import was successful": ["Uvoz je uspel"], - "OVERWRITE": ["OVERWRITE"], - "Overwrite": ["Prepiši"], - "Import": ["Uvozi"], - "Import %s": ["Uvozi %s"], - "Last Updated %s": ["Zadnja posodobitev %s"], - "Sort": ["Razvrsti"], - "%s Selected": ["Izbranih: %s"], - "Deselect all": ["Počisti izbor"], - "No Data": ["Ni podatkov"], - "%s-%s of %s": ["%s-%s od %s"], - "Type a value": ["Vnesite vrednost"], - "Filter": ["Filter"], - "Select or type a value": ["Izberite ali vnesite vrednost"], - "SQL query": ["SQL poizvedba"], - "About": ["O programu"], - "Powered by Apache Superset": ["Omogoča Apache Superset"], - "Documentation": ["Dokumentacija"], - "Report a bug": ["Sporočite napako"], - "OK": ["OK"], - "An error occurred while fetching dashboards": [ - "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju nadzornih plošč" - ], - "Search all dashboards": ["Išči vse nadzorne plošče"], - "Edit Email Report": ["Uredi e-poštno poročilo"], - "New Email Report": ["Novo e-poštno poročilo"], - "Add": ["Dodaj"], - "Message Content": ["Vsebina sporočila"], - "Text embedded in email": ["Besedilo vključeno v e-pošto"], - "Image (PNG) embedded in email": ["Slika (PNG) vključena v e-pošto"], - "Formatted CSV attached in email": ["Oblikovan CSV pripet e-pošti"], - "REPORT NAME ERROR": ["NAPAKA NAZIVA POROČILA"], - "DESCRIPTION ERROR": ["NAPAKA OPISA"], - "Scheduled reports will be sent to your email as a PNG": [ - "Poročila na urniku bodo poslana na vaš e-naslov kot PNG" - ], - "Timezone": ["Časovni pas"], - "Email reports active": ["E-poštna poročila aktivna"], - "Edit email report": ["Uredi e-poštno poročilo"], - "Delete email report": ["Izbriši e-poštno poročilo"], - "This action will permanently delete %s.": [ - "S tem dejanjem boste trajno izbrisali %s." - ], - "Delete Report?": ["Izbrišem poročilo?"], - "Loading...": ["Nalagam ..."], - "There was an error loading the tables": ["Napaka pri nalaganju tabel"], - "See table schema": ["Ogled sheme tabele"], - "Select table or type table name": ["Izberite ali vnesite ime tabele"], - "Force refresh table list": ["Osveži seznam tabel"], - "Timezone selector": ["Izbira časovnega pasa"], - "%s%s": ["%s%s"], - "There is not enough space for this component. Try decreasing its width, or increasing the destination width.": [ - "Za to komponento ni dovolj prostora. Poskusite zmanjšati širino ali pa povečati širino cilja." - ], - "Can not move top level tab into nested tabs": [ - "Najvišjega zavihka ni mogoče premakniti v gnezdene zavihke" - ], - "This chart has been moved to a different filter scope.": [ - "Ta grafikon je bil prestavljen v drug doseg filtrov." - ], - "There was an issue fetching the favorite status of this dashboard.": [ - "Pri pridobivanju statusa \"priljubljeno\" za to nadzorno ploščo je prišlo do težave." - ], - "There was an issue favoriting this dashboard.": [ - "Pri uvrščanju nadzorne plošče med priljubljene je prišlo do težave." - ], - "This dashboard is now ${nowPublished}": [ - "Ta nadzorna plošča je sedaj ${nowPublished}" - ], - "You do not have permissions to edit this dashboard.": [ - "Nimate dovoljenj za urejanje te nadzorne plošče." - ], - "This dashboard was saved successfully.": [ - "Nadzorna plošča je bila uspešno shranjena." - ], - "Could not fetch all saved charts": [ - "Vseh shranjenih grafikonov ni bilo mogoče pridobiti" - ], - "Sorry there was an error fetching saved charts: ": [ - "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju shranjenih grafikonov: " - ], - "Visualization": ["Vizualizacija"], - "Data source": ["Podatkovni vir"], - "Added": ["Dodano"], - "Components": ["Komponente"], - "Any color palette selected here will override the colors applied to this dashboard's individual charts": [ - "Na tem mestu izbrana barvna shema bo nadomestila barve posameznih grafikonov v tej nadzorni plošči" - ], - "Color scheme": ["Barvna shema"], - "You have unsaved changes.": ["Imate neshranjene spremembe."], - "Ready to review filters in this dashboard?": [ - "Ste pripravljeni za pregled filtrov v tej nadzorni plošči?" - ], - "Remind me in 24 hours": ["Opomni me čez 24 ur"], - "Start Review": ["Začetek pregleda"], - "filter_box will be deprecated in a future version of Superset. Please replace filter_box by dashboard filter components.": [ - "Element filter_box bo v prihodnjih verzijah Superseta opuščen. Nadomestite ga s filtri nadzorne plošče." - ], - "There is no chart definition associated with this component, could it have been deleted?": [ - "S to komponento ni povezana nobena definicija grafikona. Ali je bila izbrisana?" - ], - "Delete this container and save to remove this message.": [ - "Izbrišite ta okvir in shranite za odpravo tega sporočila." - ], - "Don't refresh": ["Ne osvežuj"], - "10 seconds": ["10 sekund"], - "30 seconds": ["30 sekund"], - "1 minute": ["1 minuta"], - "5 minutes": ["5 minut"], - "30 minutes": ["30 minut"], - "1 hour": ["1 ura"], - "6 hours": ["6 ur"], - "12 hours": ["12 ur"], - "24 hours": ["24 ur"], - "Refresh interval": ["Interval osveževanja"], - "Refresh frequency": ["Frekvenca osveževanja"], - "Are you sure you want to proceed?": ["Ali želite nadaljevati?"], - "Save for this session": ["Shranite za to sejo"], - "You must pick a name for the new dashboard": [ - "Izbrati morate ime nove nadzorne plošče" - ], - "Save dashboard": ["Shrani nadzorno ploščo"], - "Overwrite Dashboard [%s]": ["Prepiši nadzorno ploščo [%s]"], - "Save as:": ["Shrani kot:"], - "[dashboard name]": ["[ime nadzorne plošče]"], - "also copy (duplicate) charts": ["kopiraj (podvoji) tudi grafikone"], - "Filter your charts": ["Filtriraj grafikone"], - "Sort by": ["Razvrščanje"], - "Cross Filter Scoping": ["Doseg medsebojnega filtra"], - "Load a CSS template": ["Naloži CSS predlogo"], - "Live CSS editor": ["CSS urejevalnik v živo"], - "Applied Cross Filters (%d)": ["Uporabljeni medsebojni filtri (%d)"], - "Applied Filters (%d)": ["Uporabljeni filtri (%d)"], - "Incompatible Filters (%d)": ["Neskladni filtri (%d)"], - "Unset Filters (%d)": ["Neuporabljeni filtri (%d)"], - "This dashboard is currently auto refreshing; the next auto refresh will be in %s.": [ - "Nadzorna plošča se trenutno samodejno osvežuje. Naslednja samodejna osvežitev bo čez %s." - ], - "Your dashboard is too large. Please reduce its size before saving it.": [ - "Vaša nadzorna plošča je prevelika. Pred shranjevanjem jo zmanjšajte." - ], - "Schedule email report": ["Dodaj e-poštno poročilo na urnik"], - "Discard changes": ["Zavrzi spremembe"], - "Edit dashboard": ["Uredi nadzorno ploščo"], - "An error occurred while fetching available CSS templates": [ - "Pri pridobivanju CSS predlog je prišlo do napake" - ], - "Superset dashboard": ["Superset nadzorna plošča"], - "Check out this dashboard: ": ["Preizkusite to nadzorno ploščo: "], - "Copy dashboard URL": ["Kopiraj URL nadzorne plošče"], - "Share dashboard by email": ["Deli nadzorno ploščo po e-pošti"], - "Refresh dashboard": ["Osveži nadzorno ploščo"], - "Set auto-refresh interval": ["Nastavi interval samodejnega osveževanja"], - "Set filter mapping": ["Nastavi shemo filtrov"], - "Edit dashboard properties": ["Uredi lastnosti nadzorne plošče"], - "Edit CSS": ["Uredi CSS"], - "Download as image": ["Izvozi kot sliko"], - "Exit fullscreen": ["Izhod iz celozaslonskega načina"], - "Enter fullscreen": ["Vklopi celozaslonski način"], - "You do not have permission to edit this dashboard": [ - "Nimate dovoljenja za urejanje te nadzorne plošče" - ], - "A valid color scheme is required": [ - "Zahtevana je veljavna barvna shema" - ], - "The dashboard has been saved": ["Nadzorna plošča je bila shranjena"], - "Access": ["Dostop"], - "Owners is a list of users who can alter the dashboard. Searchable by name or username.": [ - "\"Lastniki\" je seznam uporabnikov, ki lahko spreminjajo nadzorno ploščo. Iskanje je možno po imenu ali uporabniškem imenu." - ], - "Colors": ["Barve"], - "Roles is a list which defines access to the dashboard. Granting a role access to a dashboard will bypass dataset level checks. If no roles defined then the dashboard is available to all roles.": [ - "\"Vloge\" je seznam, ki definira dostop do nadzorne plošče. Dodelitev vloge za dostop do nadzorne plošče bo obšlo preverjanje na nivoju podatkovnega seta. Če vloga ni definirana, bo nadzorna plošča dostopna vsem vlogam." - ], - "Apply": ["Uporabi"], - "Dashboard properties": ["Lastnosti nadzorne plošče"], - "Basic information": ["Osnovne informacije"], - "URL slug": ["URL slug"], - "A readable URL for your dashboard": [ - "Berljiv URL za vašo nadzorno ploščo" - ], - "JSON metadata": ["JSON metapodatki"], - "This dashboard is not published, it will not show up in the list of dashboards. Click here to publish this dashboard.": [ - "Ta nadzorna plošča ni objavljena in se ne bo prikazala na seznamu nadzornih plošč. Kliknite tukaj za njeno objavo." - ], - "This dashboard is not published which means it will not show up in the list of dashboards. Favorite it to see it there or access it by using the URL directly.": [ - "Ta nadzorna plošča ni objavljena in se ne bo prikazala na seznamu nadzornih plošč. Uvrstite jo med priljubljene, da jo boste videli tam, ali pa uporabite URL za neposredni dostop." - ], - "This dashboard is published. Click to make it a draft.": [ - "Ta nadzorna plošča je objavljena. Kliknite, da jo uvrstite med osnutke." - ], - "Draft": ["Osnutek"], - "Annotation layers are still loading.": [ - "Sloj z oznakami se še vedno nalaga." - ], - "One ore more annotation layers failed loading.": [ - "Eden ali več slojev z oznakami se ni naložil." - ], - "Emitted values": ["Oddane vrednosti"], - "Click to clear emitted filters": ["S klikom počistite oddane filtre"], - "Cached %s": ["Predpomnjeno %s"], - "Fetched %s": ["Pridobljeno %s"], - "Minimize chart": ["Pomanjšaj grafikon"], - "Maximize chart": ["Povečaj grafikon"], - "Force refresh": ["Osveži"], - "Toggle chart description": ["Preklopi opis grafikona"], - "View chart in Explore": ["Ogled grafikona v Raziskovalcu"], - "View query": ["Ogled poizvedbe"], - "Copy chart URL": ["Kopiraj URL grafikona"], - "Share chart by email": ["Deli grafikon po e-pošti"], - "Check out this chart: ": ["Preizkusite ta grafikon: "], - "Export CSV": ["Izvozi CSV"], - "Export full CSV": ["Izvozi celoten CSV"], - "Cross-filter scoping": ["Doseg medsebojnega filtra"], - "Search...": ["Iskanje ..."], - "No filter is selected.": ["Noben filter ni izbran."], - "Editing 1 filter:": ["Urejanje enega filtra:"], - "Batch editing %d filters:": ["Skupinsko urejanje %d filtrov:"], - "Configure filter scopes": ["Nastavi doseg filtrov"], - "There are no filters in this dashboard.": [ - "V nadzorni plošči ni filtrov." - ], - "Expand all": ["Razširi vse"], - "Collapse all": ["Skrči vse"], - "This markdown component has an error.": [ - "Markdown komponenta ima napako." - ], - "This markdown component has an error. Please revert your recent changes.": [ - "Markdown komponenta ima napako. Povrnite nedavne spremembe." - ], - "Delete dashboard tab?": ["Ali izbrišem zavihek nadzorne plošče?"], - "Divider": ["Ločilnik"], - "Header": ["Glava"], - "Row": ["Vrstica"], - "Tabs": ["Zavihki"], - "Preview": ["Predogled"], - "Sorry, your browser does not support copying.": [ - "Vaš brskalnik ne podpira kopiranja." - ], - "Sorry, something went wrong. Try again later.": [ - "Nekaj je šlo narobe. Poskusite ponovno kasneje." - ], - "All Filters (${filterValues.length})": [ - "Vsi filtri (${filterValues.length})" - ], - "Filter Sets (${filterSetFilterValues.length})": [ - "Nastavljeni filtri (${filterSetFilterValues.length})" - ], - "Select parent filters": ["Izberi starševske filtre"], - "Check configuration": ["Preveri nastavitve"], - "Cannot load filter": ["Filtra ni mogoče naložiti"], - "Editing filter set:": ["Urejanje seta filtrov:"], - "Filter set with this name already exists": [ - "Set filtrov z enakim imenom že obstaja" - ], - "Filter set already exists": ["Set filtrov že obstaja"], - "This filter set is identical to: \"%s\"": [ - "Ta set filtrov je enak: \"%s\"" - ], - "Remove invalid filters": ["Odstrani neveljavne filtre"], - "Rebuild": ["Obnovi"], - "Filters (%d)": ["Filtri (%d)"], - "This filter doesn't exist in dashboard. It will not be applied.": [ - "Ta filter ne obstaja v nadzorni plošči in ne bo uveljavljen." - ], - "Filter metadata changed in dashboard. It will not be applied.": [ - "Metapodatki filtra so se spremenili v nadzorni plošči. Ne bo uveljavljen." - ], - "None": ["Brez"], - "Please filter set name": ["Vnesite ime seta filtrov"], - "Create": ["Ustvari"], - "Create new filter set": ["Ustvarite nov set filtrov"], - "New filter set": ["Nov set filtrov"], - "Please apply filter changes": ["Potrdite spremembe filtra"], - "Unknown value": ["Neznana vrednost"], - "Clear all": ["Počisti vse"], - "(Removed)": ["(Odstranjeno)"], - "Undo?": ["Povrni?"], - "Add filter": ["Dodaj filter"], - "[untitled]": ["[neimenovana]"], - "Filters configuration and scoping": ["Nastavitve in doseg filtrov"], - "Cannot create cyclic hierarchy": [ - "Ciklične hierarhije ni mogoče ustvariti" - ], - "Column select": ["Izbira stolpca"], - "Select a column": ["Izberite stolpec"], - "No compatible columns found": ["Ni najdenih skladnih stolpcev"], - "Value is required": ["Zahtevana je vrednost"], - "Configuration": ["Nastavitve"], - "Scoping": ["Doseg"], - "Select filter": ["Izbirni filter"], - "Value": ["Vrednost"], - "Range filter": ["Filter obdobja"], - "Numerical range": ["Številski obseg"], - "Time filter": ["Časovni filter"], - "Time range": ["Časovno obdobje"], - "Time column": ["Časovni stolpec"], - "Time grain": ["Granulacija časa"], - "Group By": ["Združevanje (Group by)"], - "Group by": ["Združevanje (Group by)"], - "Pre-filter is required": ["Zahtevan je predfilter"], - "(deleted)": ["(izbrisano)"], - "Parent filter": ["Nadrejeni filter"], - "Filter name": ["Ime filtra"], - "Name is required": ["Zahtevano je ime"], - "Filter Type": ["Tip filtra"], - "Filter type": ["Tip filtra"], - "Datasets do not contain a temporal column": [ - "Podatkovni seti ne vsebujejo časovnega stolpca" - ], - "Dataset is required": ["Zahtevan je podatkovni set"], - "Filter has default value": ["Filter ima privzeto vrednost"], - "Default Value": ["Privzeta vrednost"], - "Default value is required": ["Zahtevana je privzeta vrednost"], - "Refresh the default values": ["Osveži privzete vrednosti"], - "Fill all required fields to enable \"Default Value\"": [ - "Izpolnite vsa polja, da omogočite \"Privzeto vrednost\"" - ], - "Filter is hierarchical": ["Filter je hierarhičen"], - "Parent filter is required": ["Zahtevan je nadrejeni filter"], - "Pre-filter available values": ["Predfiltriraj razpoložljive vrednosti"], - "Pre-filter": ["Predfilter"], - "Optional time column if time range should apply to another column than the default time column": [ - "Izbirni časovni stolpec se mora nanašati na drug stolpec kot privzeti časovni stolpec" - ], - "Sort filter values": ["Razvrsti vrednosti filtra"], - "Sort type": ["Način razvrščanja"], - "Sort ascending": ["Razvrsti naraščajoče"], - "Sort descending": ["Razvrsti padajoče"], - "Sort Metric": ["Mera za razvrščanje"], - "If a metric is specified, sorting will be done based on the metric value": [ - "Če je določena mera, bo razvrščanje izvedeno na podlagi vrednosti mere" - ], - "Sort metric": ["Mera za razvrščanje"], - "You have removed this filter.": ["Odstranili ste ta filter."], - "Restore Filter": ["Povrni filter"], - "${mainControlItem.config?.label}": ["${mainControlItem.config?.label}"], - "Column is required": ["Zahtevan je stolpec"], - "Populate \"Default value\" to enable this control": [ - "Izpolnite \"Privzeto vrednost\", da omogočite ta kontrolnik" - ], - "Default value set automatically when \"Default to first item\" is checked": [ - "Privzeta vrednost je samodejno izbrana, če je izbrano \"Privzet prvi element\"" - ], - "Default value must be set when \"Required\" is checked": [ - "Privzeta vrednost mora biti določena, če je izbrano \"Obvezno\"" - ], - "Default value must be set when \"Filter has default value\" is checked": [ - "Privzeta vrednost mora biti določena, če je izbrano \"Filter ima privzeto vrednost\"" - ], - "Apply to all panels": ["Uporabi za vse panele"], - "Apply to specific panels": ["Uporabi za določene panele"], - "Only selected panels will be affected by this filter": [ - "Ta filter bo vplival le na izbrane panele" - ], - "All panels with this column will be affected by this filter": [ - "Ta filter bo vplival na vse panele s tem stolpcem" - ], - "All panels": ["Vsi paneli"], - "This chart might be incompatible with the filter (datasets don't match)": [ - "Ta grafikon je lahko nekompatibilen s filtrom (podatkovni seti se ne ujemajo)" - ], - "Keep editing": ["Nadaljuj z urejanjem"], - "Yes, cancel": ["Da, prekini"], - "There are unsaved changes.": ["Imate neshranjene spremembe."], - "Are you sure you want to cancel?": ["Ali želite prekiniti?"], - "Error loading chart datasources. Filters may not work correctly.": [ - "Napaka pri nalaganju podatkovnih virov grafikona. Filtri lahko ne delujejo pravilno." - ], - "Transparent": ["Prozorno"], - "White": ["Belo"], - "All filters": ["Vsi filtri"], - "All charts": ["Vsi grafikoni"], - "Small": ["Majhno"], - "Medium": ["Srednje"], - "Large": ["Veliko"], - "Tab title": ["Naslov zavihka"], + "JSON": ["JSON"], + "Time Range": ["Časovno obdobje"], + "Time Column": ["Časovni stolpec"], + "Time Grain": ["Granulacija časa"], "Origin": ["Izhodišče"], - "Time granularity": ["Granulacija časa"], + "Time Granularity": ["Granulacija časa"], + "Time": ["Čas"], "A reference to the [Time] configuration, taking granularity into account": [ "Sklic na nastavitve za [Čas], ki upošteva granulacijo" ], - "One or many columns to group by. High cardinality groupings should include a series limit to limit the number of fetched and rendered series.": [ - "Eden ali več stolpcev za združevanje. Združevanje z visoko kardinalnostjo naj vsebuje omejitev serij, s čimer omejite število pridobljenih in prikazanih serij." - ], - "One or many metrics to display": ["Ena ali več mer za prikaz"], - "Visualization type": ["Tip vizualizacije"], - "The type of visualization to display": ["Tip vizualizacije za prikaz"], - "Fixed color": ["Izbrana barva"], - "Use this to define a static color for all circles": [ - "S tem definirate določeno barvo za vse kroge" - ], - "Right axis metric": ["Mera desne osi"], - "Choose a metric for right axis": ["Izberite mero za desno os"], - "Linear color scheme": ["Linearna barvna shema"], - "Color metric": ["P"], - "A metric to use for color": ["Mera za barvo"], - "One or many controls to pivot as columns": [ - "En ali več kontrolnikov za stolpčno vrtenje" - ], - "Defines the origin where time buckets start, accepts natural dates as in `now`, `sunday` or `1970-01-01`": [ - "Določa izhodišče, kadar se začnejo časovni razdelki. Sprejema naravne zapise kot so `zdaj`, `nedelja` ali `1970-01-01`" - ], - "The time granularity for the visualization. Note that you can type and use simple natural language as in `10 seconds`, `1 day` or `56 weeks`": [ - "Granulacija časa za vizualizacijo. Uporabite lahko vnos z naravnim jezikom, kot npr. `10 sekund`, `1 dni` ali `56 tednov`" - ], - "The time column for the visualization. Note that you can define arbitrary expression that return a DATETIME column in the table. Also note that the filter below is applied against this column or expression": [ - "Časovni stolpec za vizualizacijo. Določite lahko poljuben izraz, ki vrne DATETIME stolpec v tabeli. Spodnji filter se nanaša na ta stolpec ali izraz" - ], - "The time granularity for the visualization. This applies a date transformation to alter your time column and defines a new time granularity. The options here are defined on a per database engine basis in the Superset source code.": [ - "Granulacija časa za to vizualizacijo. Izvede transformacijo podatkov, ki spremeni vaš časovni stolpec in določi novo časovno granulacija. Ta možnost je definirana na ravni sistema podatkovne baze v izvorni kodi Superseta." - ], - "No filter": ["Brez filtra"], - "The time range for the visualization. All relative times, e.g. \"Last month\", \"Last 7 days\", \"now\", etc. are evaluated on the server using the server's local time (sans timezone). All tooltips and placeholder times are expressed in UTC (sans timezone). The timestamps are then evaluated by the database using the engine's local timezone. Note one can explicitly set the timezone per the ISO 8601 format if specifying either the start and/or end time.": [ - "Časovno obdobje za vizualizacijo. Vsi relativni časi, kot npr. \"Zadnji mesec\", Zadnjih 7 dni\", \"Zdaj\" so izračunani na strežniku z njegovim lokalnim časom. Vsi opisi orodij in časi so izraženi v UTC. Časovne značke se nato izračunajo v podatkovni bazi z njenim lokalnim časovnim pasom. Eksplicitno lahko nastavite časovni pas v ISO 8601 formatu, če določite čas začetka ali konca." - ], - "Row limit": ["Omejitev št. vrstic"], - "Limits the number of rows that get displayed.": [ - "Omeji število vrstic za prikaz." - ], - "Series limit": ["Omejitev št. serij"], - "Limits the number of series that get displayed. A joined subquery (or an extra phase where subqueries are not supported) is applied to limit the number of series that get fetched and rendered. This feature is useful when grouping by high cardinality column(s) though does increase the query complexity and cost.": [ - "Omeji število časovnih vrst za prikaz. S podpoizvedbo (ali dodatno fazo, kjer podpoizvedbe niso podprte) se omeji število časovnih vrst, ki bodo pridobljene za prikaz. Ta funkcija je uporabna pri združevanju s stolpci z veliko kardinalnostjo, vendar poveča kompleksnost poizvedbe." - ], - "Metric used to define how the top series are sorted if a series or row limit is present. If undefined reverts to the first metric (where appropriate).": [ - "Mera, ki določa kako so razvrščene prve serije, če je določena omejitev serij ali vrstic. Če ni določena, se uporabi prva mera (kjer je ustrezno)." - ], - "Series": ["Niz"], - "Defines the grouping of entities. Each series is shown as a specific color on the chart and has a legend toggle": [ - "Določa združevanje entitet. Vsak niz je na grafikonu prikazan z določeno barvo in ima lahko prikazano legendo" - ], - "Entity": ["Entiteta"], - "This defines the element to be plotted on the chart": [ - "Določa element, ki bo izrisan na grafikonu" - ], - "X Axis": ["X os"], - "Metric assigned to the [X] axis": ["Mera za [X] os"], - "Y Axis": ["Y os"], - "Metric assigned to the [Y] axis": ["Mera za [Y] os"], - "Bubble size": ["Velikost mehurčka"], - "Y Axis Format": ["Oblika Y osi"], - "When `Calculation type` is set to \"Percentage change\", the Y Axis Format is forced to `.1%`": [ - "Če je `Vrsta izračuna` nastavljena na \"Procentualna sprememba\", bo oblika Y-osi vsiljena na `.1%`" - ], - "The color scheme for rendering chart": [ - "Barvna shema za izris grafikona" - ], - "An error occurred while starring this chart": [ - "Pri ocenjevanju grafikona je prišlo do napake" - ], + "Aggregate": ["Agregacija"], + "Raw records": ["Surovi podatki"], + "Certified by %s": ["Certificiral/a %s"], "description": ["opis"], "bolt": ["vijak"], "Changing this control takes effect instantly": [ "Sprememba tega kontrolnika se odrazi takoj" ], - "Customize": ["Prilagodi"], - "Height": ["Višina"], - "Width": ["Širina"], - "Copy chart URL to clipboard": ["Kopiraj URL grafikona na odložišče"], - "Superset Chart": ["Superset grafikon"], - "Export to .JSON format": ["Izvozi v .json format"], - "Export to .CSV format": ["Izvozi v .csv format"], - "Controls labeled ": ["Kontrolniki imenovani "], - "Control labeled ": ["Nastavitev "], - "Open Datasource tab": ["Odpri zavihek s podatkovnim virom"], - "rows": ["vrstic"], - "Limit reached": ["Omejitev dosežena"], - "**Select** a dashboard OR **create** a new one": [ - "**Izberite** nadzorno ploščo ALI **ustvarite** novo" - ], - "Please enter a chart name": ["Vnesite ime grafikona"], - "Save chart": ["Shrani grafikon"], - "Save & go to dashboard": ["Shrani in pojdi na nadzorno ploščo"], - "Save as new chart": ["Shrani kot nov grafikon"], - "Save (Overwrite)": ["Shrani (prepiši)"], - "Save as ...": ["Shrani kot ..."], - "Chart name": ["Ime grafikona"], - "Add to dashboard": ["Dodaj na nadzorno ploščo"], - "Select a dashboard": ["Izberite nadzorno ploščo"], - "Copy": ["Kopiraj"], - "rows retrieved": ["vrnjenih vrstic"], - "Sorry, An error occurred": ["Prišlo je do napake"], - "No data": ["Ni podatkov"], - "View samples": ["Ogled vzorcev"], - "Search Metrics & Columns": ["Iskanje mer in stolpcev"], - "Showing %s of %s": ["Prikazanih %s od %s"], - "Show less...": ["Prikaži manj..."], - "Show all...": ["Prikaži vse..."], - "Show Less...": ["Prikaži manj..."], - "New chart": ["Nov grafikon"], - "Edit properties": ["Uredi lastnosti"], - "Run in SQL Lab": ["Zaženi v SQL laboratoriju"], - "%s - untitled": ["%s - neimenovan"], - "Edit chart properties": ["Uredi lastnosti grafikona"], - "You do not have permission to edit this chart": [ - "Nimate dovoljenja za urejanje tega grafikona" - ], - "The description can be displayed as widget headers in the dashboard view. Supports markdown.": [ - "Opis je lahko prikazan kot glava gradnika in pogledu nadzorne plošče. Podpira markdown." - ], - "Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this chart. Note this defaults to the dataset's timeout if undefined.": [ - "Časovna veljavnost (v sekundah) predpomnjenja za ta grafikon. Če ni definirana, je uporabljena vrednost za podatkovni set." - ], - "A list of users who can alter the chart. Searchable by name or username.": [ - "Seznam uporabnikov, ki lahko spreminjajo ta grafikon. Možno je iskanje po imenu ali uporabniškem imenu." - ], - "Min": ["Min"], - "Max": ["Max"], - "Select color scheme": ["Izberite barvno shemo"], - "Invalid lat/long configuration.": [ - "Neveljavna nastavitev zemljepisne dolžine/širine." - ], - "Reverse lat/long ": ["Zamenjaj zemljepisno dolžino/širino "], - "Longitude & Latitude columns": ["Stolpci zemljepisne dolžine in širine"], - "Delimited long & lat single column": [ - "En stolpec z ločenima zemljepisno dolžino in širino" - ], - "Multiple formats accepted, look the geopy.points Python library for more details": [ - "Sprejema različne zapise - podrobnosti najdete v Pythonovi knjižnici geopy.points" - ], - "Geohash": ["Geohash"], - "textarea": ["področje besedila"], - "in modal": ["v modalnem"], - "Failed to verify select options: %s": [ - "Preverjanje možnosti izbire ni uspelo: %s" - ], - "Annotation layer value": ["Vrednost sloja z oznakami"], - "Annotation Slice Configuration": ["Nastavitve rezine z oznakami"], - "This section allows you to configure how to use the slice\r\n to generate annotations.": [ - "V tem sklopu lahko nastavite način uporabe rezine\r\n za ustvarjanje oznak." - ], - "Annotation layer time column": ["Časovni stolpec sloja z oznakami"], - "Interval start column": ["Stolpec začetka intervala"], - "Event time column": ["Stolpec časa dogodka"], - "This column must contain date/time information.": [ - "Ta stolpec mora vsebovati informacijo o datumu/času." - ], - "Annotation layer interval end": ["Konec intervala sloja z oznakami"], - "Interval End column": ["Stolpec konca intervala"], - "Annotation layer title column": ["Stolpec z naslovom sloja z oznakami"], - "Title Column": ["Stolpec z naslovi"], - "Pick a title for you annotation.": ["Izberite naslov za oznako."], - "Annotation layer description columns": [ - "Stolpci z opisi slojev z oznakami" - ], - "Description Columns": ["Stolpci z opisi"], - "Pick one or more columns that should be shown in the annotation. If you don't select a column all of them will be shown.": [ - "Izberite enega ali več stolpcev, ki bodo prikazani v oznakah. Če ne izberete stolpca, bodo prikazani vsi." - ], - "Display configuration": ["Prikaži nastavitve"], - "Configure your how you overlay is displayed here.": [ - "Nastavite kako se tukaj prikazuje vrhnja plast." - ], - "Annotation layer stroke": ["Obroba sloja z oznakami"], - "Style": ["Slog"], - "Annotation layer opacity": ["Prosojnost sloja z oznakami"], - "Opacity": ["Prosojnost"], - "Color": ["Barva"], - "Line width": ["Debelina črte"], - "Layer configuration": ["Nastavitve sloja"], - "Configure the basics of your Annotation Layer.": [ - "Osnovne nastavitve sloja z oznakami." - ], - "Mandatory": ["Obvezno"], - "Hide layer": ["Skrij sloj"], - "Annotation layer type": ["Tip sloja z oznakami"], - "Choose the annotation layer type": ["Izberite tip sloja z oznakami"], - "Annotation source type": ["Tip vira oznak"], - "Choose the source of your annotations": ["Izberite vir svojih oznak"], - "Annotation Source": ["Vir oznak"], - "Remove": ["Odstrani"], - "Edit annotation layer": ["Uredi sloj z oznakami"], - "Add annotation layer": ["Dodaj sloj z oznakami"], - "Empty collection": ["Prazen izbor"], - "Add an item": ["Dodaj element"], - "Remove item": ["Odstrani element"], - "Edit formatter": ["Uredi oblikovanje"], - "Add new formatter": ["Dodaj novo oblikovanje"], - "Add new color formatter": ["Dodaj novo oblikovanje barve"], - "green": ["zelena"], - "yellow": ["rumena"], - "red": ["rdeča"], - "This value should be smaller than the right target value": [ - "Ta vrednost mora biti manjša od desne ciljne vrednosti" - ], - "This value should be greater than the left target value": [ - "Ta vrednost mora biti večja od leve ciljne vrednosti" - ], - "Required": ["Obvezno"], - "Operator": ["Operator"], - "Left value": ["Leva vrednost"], - "Right value": ["Desna vrednost"], - "Target value": ["Ciljna vrednost"], - "Select column": ["Izberite stolpec"], - "Edit dataset": ["Uredi podatkovni set"], - "View in SQL Lab": ["Ogled v SQL laboratoriju"], - "More dataset related options": ["Več nastavitev za podatkovni set"], - "The dataset linked to this chart may have been deleted.": [ - "Podatkovni set, povezan s tem grafikonom, je bil izbrisan." - ], - "RANGE TYPE": ["TIP OBDOBJA"], - "Actual time range": ["Dejansko časovno obdobje"], - "CANCEL": ["PREKINI"], - "APPLY": ["UPORABI"], - "Edit time range": ["Uredi časovno obdobje"], - "Configure Advanced Time Range ": ["Nastavi napredno časovno obdobje "], - "START (INCLUSIVE)": ["ZAČETEK (VKLJUČEN)"], - "Start date included in time range": [ - "Začetni datum je vključen v časovno obdobje" - ], - "END (EXCLUSIVE)": ["KONEC (NI VKLJUČEN)"], - "End date excluded from time range": [ - "Končni datum ni vključen v časovno obdobje" - ], - "Configure Time Range: Previous...": [ - "Nastavi časovno obdobje: Prejšnji ..." - ], - "Configure Time Range: Last...": ["Nastavi časovno obdobje: Zadnji ..."], - "Configure custom time range": ["Nastavi prilagojeno časovno obdobje"], - "Relative quantity": ["Relativne vrednosti"], - "Relative period": ["Relativno obdobje"], - "Anchor to": ["Sidraj na"], - "NOW": ["ZDAJ"], - "Date/Time": ["Datum/Čas"], - "Return to specific datetime.": ["Vrne določen datum-čas."], - "Syntax": ["Sintaksa"], - "Example": ["Primer"], - "Moves the given set of dates by a specified interval.": [ - "Premakne dani nabor datumov za definirano obdobje." - ], - "Truncates the specified date to the accuracy specified by the date unit.": [ - "Zaokroži določen datum, glede na natančnost, definirano s časovno enoto." - ], - "Get the last date by the date unit.": [ - "Pridobi zadnji datum glede na časovno enoto." - ], - "Get the specify date for the holiday": ["Določi datum praznika"], - "Last": ["Zadnji"], - "Previous": ["Prejšnji"], - "Custom": ["Prilagojen"], - "last day": ["zadnji dan"], - "last week": ["zadnji teden"], - "last month": ["zadnji mesec"], - "last quarter": ["zadnje četrletje"], - "last year": ["zadnje leto"], - "previous calendar week": ["prejšnji koledarski teden"], - "previous calendar month": ["prejšnji koledarski mesec"], - "previous calendar year": ["prejšnje koledarsko leto"], - "Before": ["PRED"], - "After": ["PO"], - "Specific Date/Time": ["Fiksen Datum/Čas"], - "Relative Date/Time": ["Relativen Datum/Čas"], - "Now": ["Zdaj"], - "Midnight": ["Polnoč"], - "Saved expressions": ["Shranjeni izrazi"], - "Saved": ["Shranjeno"], - "%s column(s)": ["Stolpci: %s"], - "Simple": ["Preprosto"], - "Drop a column here or click": ["Spustite stolpec sem ali kliknite"], - "Drop column here": ["Spustite stolpec sem"], - "Drop columns/metrics here or click": [ - "Spustite stolpce/mere sem ali kliknite" - ], - "Drop columns or metrics here": ["Spustite stolpce ali mere sem"], - "Drop a column/metric here or click": [ - "Spustite stolpec/mero sem ali kliknite" - ], - "Drop column or metric here": ["Spustite stolpec ali mero sem"], - "Drop columns here": ["Spustite stolpce sem"], - "\r\n This filter was inherited from the dashboard's context.\r\n It won't be saved when saving the chart.\r\n ": [ - "\r\n Ta filter izvira iz konteksta nadzorne plošče.\r\n Pri shranjevanju grafikona se ne bo shranil.\r\n " - ], - "Default": ["Privzeto"], - "(optional) default value for the filter, when using the multiple option, you can use a semicolon-delimited list of options.": [ - "(opcijsko) privzeta vrednost za filter, če uporabite opcijo izbire večih , lahko uporabite seznam nastavitev ločen s podpičji." - ], - "Metric to sort the results by": ["Mera za razvrščanje rezultatov"], - "Check for sorting ascending": ["Označi za naraščajoče razvrščanje"], - "Allow multiple selections": ["Dovoli več izbir"], - "Multiple selections allowed, otherwise filter is limited to a single value": [ - "Lahko izberete več elementov, drugače pa je filter omejen na eno vrednost" - ], - "Search all filter options": ["Poišči vse možnosti filtra"], - "By default, each filter loads at most 1000 choices at the initial page load. Check this box if you have more than 1000 filter values and want to enable dynamically searching that loads filter values as users type (may add stress to your database).": [ - "Privzeto vsak filter pri nalaganju začetne strani naloži največ 1000 možnosti. Označite polje, če imate več kot 1000 vrednosti filtra in želite omogočiti dinamično iskanje, ki nalaga vrednosti filtra ko uporabnik tipka (to lahko preobremeni vašo podatkovno bazo)." - ], - "User must select a value for this filter": [ - "Uporabnik mora izbrati vrednost za ta filter" - ], - "Filter configuration": ["Nastavitve filtra"], - "Custom SQL ad-hoc filters are not available for the native Druid connector": [ - "Ad-hoc SQL filtri po meri niso na voljo za nativni konektor za Druid" - ], - "Custom SQL": ["Prilagojen SQL"], - "%s option(s)": ["Možnosti: %s"], - "Select subject": ["Izberite zadevo"], - "No such column found. To filter on a metric, try the Custom SQL tab.": [ - "Tak stolpec ni najden. Za filtriranje po meri uporabite prilagojen SQL zavihek." - ], - "%s column(s) and metric(s)": ["Stolpcev in mer: %s"], - "To filter on a metric, use Custom SQL tab.": [ - "Za filtriranje po meri uporabite prilagojen SQL zavihek." - ], - "%s operator(s)": ["Operatorji: %s"], - "Select operator": ["Izberite operator"], - "Comparator option": ["Možnosti komparatorja"], - "Type a value here": ["Vnesite vrednost sem"], - "Filter value (case sensitive)": [ - "Vrednost filtra (razlik. velikih/malih črk)" - ], - "choose WHERE or HAVING...": ["izberite WHERE ali HAVING..."], - "Filters by columns": ["Filtrira po stolpcu"], - "Filters by metrics": ["Filtrira po merah"], - "Fixed": ["Fiksno"], - "Based on a metric": ["Osnovan na meri"], - "My metric": ["Moja mera"], - "Add metric": ["Dodaj mero"], - "Select aggregate options": ["Izberite agregacijske možnosti"], - "%s aggregates(s)": ["Agreg. funkcije: %s"], - "Select saved metrics": ["Izberite shranjene mere"], - "%s saved metric(s)": ["Shranjene mere: %s"], - "Saved metric": ["Shranjena mera"], - "Simple ad-hoc metrics are not enabled for this dataset": [ - "Preproste ad-hoc mere za ta podatkovni set niso omogočene" - ], - "column": ["stolpec"], - "aggregate": ["agregacija"], - "Custom SQL ad-hoc metrics are not available for the native Druid connector": [ - "Ad-hoc SQL mere po meri niso na voljo za nativni konektor za Druid" - ], - "Custom SQL ad-hoc metrics are not enabled for this dataset": [ - "Ad-hoc SQL mere po meri za ta podatkovni set niso omogočene" - ], - "Time series columns": ["Stolpci s časovnimi vrstami"], - "Other": ["Ostali"], - "Popular": ["Priljubljeni"], - "ECharts": ["ECharts"], - "Advanced-Analytics": ["Napredna analitika"], - "Recommended tags": ["Priporočene značke"], - "Category": ["Kategorija"], - "Tags": ["Značke"], - "Search all charts": ["Išči vse grafikone"], - "No description available.": ["Opisa ni na razpolago."], - "Examples": ["Vzorci"], - "This visualization type is not supported.": [ - "Ta tip vizualizacije ni podprt." - ], - "Select Viz Type": ["Izberite tip vizualizacije"], - "Click to change visualization type": [ - "Kliknite za spremembo tipa vizualizacije" - ], - "Select a visualization type": ["Izberite tip vizualizacije"], - "Select": ["Izberi"], - "Code": ["Koda"], - "Markup type": ["Tip označevanja"], - "Pick your favorite markup language": [ - "Izberite svoj priljubljen označevalni jezik" - ], - "Put your code here": ["Vstavite svojo kodo sem"], - "Query": ["Poizvedba"], - "URL": ["URL"], - "Templated link, it's possible to include {{ metric }} or other values coming from the controls.": [ - "Vzorčna povezava, vključiti je mogoče {{ metric }} ali drugo vrednost iz kontrolnikov." - ], - "Time": ["Čas"], - "Time related form attributes": ["S časom povezani atributi prikaza"], - "Chart type": ["Tip grafikona"], - "Chart ID": ["ID grafikona"], - "The id of the active chart": ["Identifikator aktivnega grafikona"], - "Cache Timeout (seconds)": ["Trajanje predpomnilnika (sekunde)"], - "The number of seconds before expiring the cache": [ - "Trajanje (v sekundah) do razveljavitve predpomnilnika" - ], - "URL parameters": ["Parametri URL"], - "Extra parameters for use in jinja templated queries": [ - "Dodatni parametri za poizvedbe z jinja predlogami" - ], - "Time range endpoints": ["Krajne točke časovnega obdobja"], - "Time range endpoints (SIP-15)": [ - "Krajne točke časovnega obdobja (SIP-15)" - ], - "Annotations and layers": ["Oznake in sloji"], - "Whether to sort descending or ascending": [ - "Če želite padajoče ali naraščajoče razvrščanje" - ], - "Contribution": ["Prispevek"], - "Compute the contribution to the total": ["Izračunaj prispevek k celoti"], + "Show info tooltip": ["Prikaži opis orodja"], + "SQL expression": ["SQL izraz"], + "Column name": ["Ime stolpca"], + "Metric name": ["Ime mere"], + "unknown type icon": ["ikona neznanega tipa"], + "function type icon": ["ikona funkcijskega tipa"], + "string type icon": ["ikona znakovnega tipa"], + "numeric type icon": ["ikona numeričnega tipa"], + "boolean type icon": ["ikona binarnega tipa"], + "temporal type icon": ["ikona časovnega tipa"], "Advanced analytics": ["Napredna analitika"], "This section contains options that allow for advanced analytical post processing of query results": [ "Ta sekcija vsebuje možnosti, ki omogočajo napredno analitično poprocesiranje rezultatov poizvedb" ], "Rolling window": ["Drseče okno"], "Rolling function": ["Drseča funkcija"], + "None": ["Brez"], "Defines a rolling window function to apply, works along with the [Periods] text box": [ "Določi funkcijo drsečega okna. Dela skupaj s tekstovnim okvirjem [Obdobja]" ], @@ -3008,719 +1646,17 @@ "How to display time shifts: as individual lines; as the difference between the main time series and each time shift; as the percentage change; or as the ratio between series and time shifts.": [ "Način prikaza časovnih zamikov: kot samostojne črte; kot razlike med osnovno časovno vrsto in vsakim časovnim zamikom; kot procentualna sprememba; kot razmerje med vrsto in časovnim zamikom." ], - "Python functions": ["Pythonove funkcije"], + "Resample": ["Prevzorči"], "Rule": ["Pravilo"], "Pandas resample rule": ["Pravilo za prevzorčenje v Pandas"], - "Method": ["Metoda"], - "Pandas resample method": ["Metoda za prevzorčenje v Pandas"], - "No columns": ["Brez stolpcev"], - "%s option": ["%s možnost"], - "UI Configuration": ["UI nastavitve"], - "Multiple select": ["Več izborov"], - "Allow selecting multiple values": ["Dovoli izbiro več vrednosti"], - "User must select a value for this filter.": [ - "Uporabnik mora izbrati vrednost za ta filter." - ], - "Group By filter plugin": ["Vtičnik za filter za združevanje"], - "Experimental": ["Eksperimentalno"], - "Chosen non-numeric column": ["Izbran ne-numeričen stolpec"], - "Range filter plugin using AntD": [ - "Vtičnik za filter obdobja z uporabo AntD" - ], - "User must select a value before applying the filter": [ - "Uporabnik mora izbrati vrednost pred uporabo filtra" - ], - "Default to first item": ["Privzet prvi element"], - "Select first item by default (when using this option, default value can’t be set)": [ - "Izberi prvi element kot privzet (ko uporabljate to možnost, privzete vrednost ni mogoče nastaviti)" - ], - "Inverse selection": ["Invertiraj izbiro"], - "Exclude selected values": ["Izloči izbrane vrednosti"], - "Select filter plugin using AntD": [ - "Izberite Vtičnik za filter z uporabo AntD" - ], - "Custom time filter plugin": ["Prilagojeni vtičnik za časovni filter"], - "No time columns": ["Ni časovnih stolpcev"], - "Time column filter plugin": ["Vtičnik za časovni filter"], - "Time grain filter plugin": ["Vtičnik za filter časovne granulacije"], - "Favorites": ["Priljubljene"], - "Created content": ["Ustvarjena vsebina"], - "Recent activity": ["Nedavna aktivnost"], - "Security & Access": ["Varnost in Dostopi"], - "No charts": ["Ni grafikonov"], - "No dashboards": ["Ni nadzornih plošč"], - "No favorite charts yet, go click on stars!": [ - "Priljubljenih grafikonov še ni. Kliknite na zvezdice!" - ], - "No favorite dashboards yet, go click on stars!": [ - "Priljubljenih nadzornih plošč še ni. Kliknite na zvezdice!" - ], - "Profile picture provided by Gravatar": [ - "Profilno sliko je zagotovil Gravatar" - ], - "joined": ["pridružen"], - "id:": ["id:"], - "There was an issue fetching reports attached to this dashboard.": [ - "Pri pridobivanju poročil za to nadzorno ploščo je prišlo do težave." - ], - "The report has been created": ["Poročilo je bilo ustvarjeno"], - "An error occurred while editing this report: %s": [ - "Pri urejanju tega poročila je prišlo do napake: %s" - ], - "An error occurred while editing this report.": [ - "Pri urejanju tega poročila je prišlo do napake." - ], - "We were unable to active or deactivate this report.": [ - "Aktiviranje ali deaktiviranje poročila ni uspelo." - ], - "Your report could not be deleted": [ - "Vašega poročila ni mogoče izbrisati" - ], - "Deleted: %s": ["Izbrisano: %s"], - "Image download failed, please refresh and try again.": [ - "Prenos slike ni uspel. Osvežite in poskusite ponovno." - ], - "Unexpected error: ": ["Nepričakovana napaka: "], - "(no description, click to see stack trace)": [ - "(ni opisa, kliknite za ogled zapisov)" - ], - "Issue 1000 - The dataset is too large to query.": [ - "Težava 1000 - podatkovni vir je prevelik za poizvedbo." - ], - "Issue 1001 - The database is under an unusual load.": [ - "Težava 1001 - podatkovni vir je neobičajno obremenjen." - ], - "An error occurred while fetching %s info: %s": [ - "Napaka pri pridobivanju informacij za %s: %s" - ], - "An error occurred while fetching %ss: %s": [ - "Napaka pri pridobivanju informacij za %s: %s" - ], - "An error occurred while creating %ss: %s": [ - "Napaka pri ustvarjanju %s: %s" - ], - "An error occurred while importing %s: %s": [ - "Napaka pri uvažanju %s: %s" - ], - "There was an error fetching the favorite status: %s": [ - "Napaka pri pridobivanju statusa \"Priljubljeno\": %s" - ], - "There was an error saving the favorite status: %s": [ - "Napaka pri shranjevanju statusa \"Priljubljeno\": %s" - ], - "Link Copied!": ["Povezava kopirana!"], - "Connection looks good!": ["Povezava izgleda v redu!"], - "${t('ERROR: ')}${parsedErrorMessage(errMsg)}": [ - "${t('NAPAKA: ')}${parsedErrorMessage(errMsg)}" - ], - "There was an error fetching your recent activity:": [ - "Pri pridobivanju nedavnih aktivnosti je prišlo do napake:" - ], - "There was an issue deleting: %s": ["Težava pri brisanju: %s"], - "There was an issue deleting %s: %s": ["Težava pri brisanju %s: %s"], - "report": ["poročilo"], - "alert": ["opozorilo"], - "reports": ["poročila"], - "alerts": ["opozorila"], - "There was an issue deleting the selected %s: %s": [ - "Težava pri brisanju izbranih %s: %s" - ], - "Last run": ["Zadnji zagon"], - "Notification method": ["Način obveščanja"], - "Execution log": ["Dnevnik izvajanja"], - "Actions": ["Aktivnosti"], - "Bulk select": ["Izberi hkrati"], - "No %s yet": ["%s še ne obstajajo"], - "Created by": ["Ustvaril"], - "An error occurred while fetching created by values: %s": [ - "Pri pridobivanju vrednosti \"Ustvaril\" je prišlo do napake: %s" - ], - "Status": ["Status"], - "${AlertState.success}": ["${AlertState.success}"], - "${AlertState.working}": ["${AlertState.working}"], - "${AlertState.error}": ["${AlertState.error}"], - "${AlertState.noop}": ["${AlertState.noop}"], - "${AlertState.grace}": ["${AlertState.grace}"], - "Alerts & reports": ["Opozorila in poročila"], - "Reports": ["Poročila"], - "Delete %s?": ["Izbrišem %s?"], - "Please confirm": ["Prosim, potrdite"], - "Are you sure you want to delete the selected %s?": [ - "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane %s?" - ], - "< (Smaller than)": ["< (manjše kot)"], - "> (Larger than)": ["> (večje kot)"], - "<= (Smaller or equal)": ["<= (manjše ali enako)"], - ">= (Larger or equal)": [">= (večje ali enako)"], - "== (Is equal)": ["== (je enako)"], - "!= (Is not equal)": ["!= (ni enako)"], - "Not null": ["Ni nič (null)"], - "30 days": ["30 dni"], - "60 days": ["60 dni"], - "90 days": ["90 dni"], - "Add notification method": ["Dodajte način obveščanja"], - "Add delivery method": ["Dodajte način dostave"], - "Edit ${isReport ? 'Report' : 'Alert'}": [ - "Uredi ${isReport ? 'Report' : 'Alert'}" - ], - "Add ${isReport ? 'Report' : 'Alert'}": [ - "Add ${isReport ? 'Report' : 'Alert'}" - ], - "Report name": ["Naslov poročila"], - "Alert name": ["Naslov opozorila"], - "Alert condition": ["Status opozorila"], - "Trigger Alert If...": ["Sproži opozorilo v primeru ..."], - "Condition": ["Pogoj"], - "Report schedule": ["Urnik poročanja"], - "Alert condition schedule": ["Urnik statusov opozoril"], - "Schedule settings": ["Nastavitve urnika"], - "Log retention": ["Hranjenje dnevnikov"], - "Working timeout": ["Pretek delovanja"], - "Time in seconds": ["Čas v sekundah"], - "Grace period": ["Obdobje mirovanja"], - "Message content": ["Vsebina sporočila"], - "Send as PNG": ["Pošlji kot PNG"], - "Send as CSV": ["Pošlji kot CSV"], - "Send as text": ["Pošlji kot besedilo"], - "log": ["dnevnik"], - "State": ["Status"], - "Execution ID": ["ID izvedbe"], - "Scheduled at (UTC)": ["Izvede se ob (UTC)"], - "Start at (UTC)": ["Zažene se ob (UTC)"], - "Duration": ["Trajanje"], - "Error message": ["Sporočilo napake"], - "${alertResource?.type}": ["${alertResource?.type}"], - "CRON expression": ["Izraz CRON"], - "Report sent": ["Poročilo poslano"], - "Alert triggered, notification sent": [ - "Opozorilo sproženo, obvestilo poslano" - ], - "Report sending": ["Pošiljanje poročila"], - "Alert running": ["Opozorilo aktivno"], - "Report failed": ["Poročilo ni uspelo"], - "Alert failed": ["Opozorilo ni uspelo"], - "Nothing triggered": ["Ni ni sproženo"], - "Alert Triggered, In Grace Period": [ - "Opozorilo sproženo, v obdobju mirovanja" - ], - "Delivery method": ["Način dostave"], - "Select Delivery Method": ["Izberite način dostave"], - "Recipients are separated by \",\" or \";\"": [ - "Prejemniki so ločeni z \",\" ali \";\"" - ], - "${RecipientIconName.email}": ["${RecipientIconName.email}"], - "${RecipientIconName.slack}": ["${RecipientIconName.slack}"], - "annotation": ["oznaka"], - "There was an issue deleting the selected annotations: %s": [ - "Pri brisanju izbranih oznak je prišlo do težave: %s" - ], - "Edit annotation": ["Uredi oznako"], - "Delete annotation": ["Izbriši oznako"], - "Annotation": ["Oznaka"], - "No annotation yet": ["Oznak še ni"], - "Annotation Layer ${annotationLayerName}": [ - "Sloj z oznakami ${annotationLayerName}" - ], - "Are you sure you want to delete ${annotationCurrentlyDeleting?.short_descr}?": [ - "Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati ${annotationCurrentlyDeleting?.short_descr}?" - ], - "Delete Annotation?": ["Izbrišem oznako?"], - "Are you sure you want to delete the selected annotations?": [ - "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane oznake?" - ], - "The annotation has been updated": ["Označba je bila posodobljena"], - "The annotation has been saved": ["Označba je bila shranjena"], - "Add annotation": ["Dodaj oznako"], - "Annotation name": ["Ime oznake"], - "date": ["datum"], - "Additional information": ["Dodatne informacije"], - "Description (this can be seen in the list)": [ - "Opis (lahko je viden na seznamu)" - ], - "annotation_layer": ["annotation_layer"], - "Edit annotation layer properties": ["Uredi lastnosti sloja z oznakami"], - "Annotation layer name": ["Ime sloja z oznakami"], - "Annotation layers": ["Sloji z oznakami"], - "There was an issue deleting the selected layers: %s": [ - "Pri brisanju izbranih slojev je prišlo do težave: %s" - ], - "Last modified": ["Zadnja sprememba"], - "Created on": ["Ustvarjeno"], - "Edit template": ["Uredi predlogo"], - "Delete template": ["Izbriši predlogo"], - "Annotation layer": ["Sloj z oznakami"], - "An error occurred while fetching dataset datasource values: %s": [ - "Pri pridobivanju vrednosti podatkovnega vira podatkovnega seta je prišlo do napake: %s" - ], - "No annotation layers yet": ["Slojev z oznakami še ni"], - "This action will permanently delete the layer.": [ - "S tem dejanjem boste trajno izbrisali sloj." - ], - "Delete Layer?": ["Izbrišem sloj?"], - "Are you sure you want to delete the selected layers?": [ - "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane sloje?" - ], - "Are you sure you want to delete": [ - "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati" - ], - "Modified %s": ["Zadnja sprememba %s"], - "The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them together with the charts. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and \"Certificate\" sections of the database configuration are not present in export files, and should be added manually after the import if they are needed.": [ - "Gesla za spodnje podatkovne baze so potrebna za uvoz skupaj z grafikoni. Sekciji \"Dodatna varnost\" in \"Certifikati\" v nastavitvah podatkovne baze nista prisotni v izvoženih datotekah in jih je potrebno dodati ročno po uvozu, če je to potrebno." - ], - "You are importing one or more charts that already exist. Overwriting might cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to overwrite?": [ - "Uvažate enega ali več grafikonov, ki že obstajajo. S prepisom lahko izgubite podatke. Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati?" - ], - "There was an issue deleting the selected charts: %s": [ - "Pri brisanju izbranih grafikonov je prišlo do težave: %s" - ], - "Modified by": ["Spremenil"], - "Favorite": ["Priljubljene"], - "Any": ["Katerikoli"], - "Yes": ["Da"], - "No": ["Ne"], - "Owner": ["Lastnik"], - "All": ["Vsi"], - "An error occurred while fetching chart owners values: %s": [ - "Pri pridobivanju polja lastnik grafikona je prišlo do napake: %s" - ], - "An error occurred while fetching chart created by values: %s": [ - "Pri pridobivanju polja Grafikon ustvaril je prišlo do napake: %s" - ], - "Viz type": ["Tip vizualizacije"], - "Alphabetical": ["Po abecedi"], - "Recently modified": ["Nedavno spremenjeno"], - "Least recently modified": ["Zadnje spremenjeno"], - "Import charts": ["Uvozi grafikone"], - "Are you sure you want to delete the selected charts?": [ - "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane grafikone?" - ], - "css_template": ["css_template"], - "Edit CSS template properties": ["Uredi lastnosti CSS predloge"], - "Add CSS template": ["Dodaj CSS predlogo"], - "CSS template name": ["Ime CSS predloge"], - "css": ["css"], - "CSS templates": ["CSS predloge"], - "There was an issue deleting the selected templates: %s": [ - "Pri brisanju izbranih predlog je prišlo do težave: %s" - ], - "Last modified by %s": ["Nazadnje spremenil %s"], - "CSS template": ["CSS predloga"], - "This action will permanently delete the template.": [ - "S tem dejanjem boste trajno izbrisali predlogo." - ], - "Delete Template?": ["Izbrišem predlogo?"], - "Are you sure you want to delete the selected templates?": [ - "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane predloge?" - ], - "published": ["objavljeno"], - "draft": ["osnutek"], - "The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them together with the dashboards. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and \"Certificate\" sections of the database configuration are not present in export files, and should be added manually after the import if they are needed.": [ - "Gesla za spodnje podatkovne baze so potrebna za uvoz skupaj z nadzornimi ploščami. Sekciji \"Dodatna varnost\" in \"Certifikati\" v nastavitvah podatkovne baze nista prisotni v izvoženih datotekah in jih je potrebno dodati ročno po uvozu, če je to potrebno." - ], - "You are importing one or more dashboards that already exist. Overwriting might cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to overwrite?": [ - "Uvažate eno ali več nadzornih plošč, ki že obstajajo. S prepisom lahko izgubite podatke. Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati?" - ], - "An error occurred while fetching dashboards: %s": [ - "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju nadzornih plošč: %s" - ], - "There was an issue deleting the selected dashboards: ": [ - "Pri brisanju izbranih nadzornih plošč je prišlo do težave: " - ], - "An error occurred while fetching dashboard owner values: %s": [ - "Pri pridobivanju polja lastnik nadzorne plošče je prišlo do napake: %s" - ], - "An error occurred while fetching dashboard created by values: %s": [ - "Pri pridobivanju polja Nadzorno ploščo ustvaril je prišlo do napake: %s" - ], - "Are you sure you want to delete the selected dashboards?": [ - "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane nadzorne plošče?" - ], - "Saved queries": ["Shranjene poizvedbe"], - "SQL Copied!": ["SQL kopiran!"], - "The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and \"Certificate\" sections of the database configuration are not present in export files, and should be added manually after the import if they are needed.": [ - "Gesla za spodnje podatkovne baze so potrebna za njihov uvoz. Sekciji \"Dodatna varnost\" in \"Certifikati\" v nastavitvah podatkovne baze nista prisotni v izvoženih datotekah in jih je potrebno dodati ročno po uvozu, če je to potrebno." - ], - "You are importing one or more databases that already exist. Overwriting might cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to overwrite?": [ - "Uvažate eno ali več podatkovnih baz, ki že obstajajo. S prepisom lahko izgubite podatke. Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati?" - ], - "database": ["podatkovna baza"], - "An error occurred while fetching database related data: %s": [ - "Pri pridobivanju podatkov iz podatkovne baze je prišlo do napake: %s" - ], - "Import databases": ["Uvozi podatkovne baze"], - "Asynchronous query execution": ["Asinhroni zagon poizvedb"], - "AQE": ["AQE"], - "Allow data manipulation language": [ - "Dovoli jezik za manipulacijo podatkov (DML)" - ], - "DML": ["DML"], - "CSV upload": ["Nalaganje CSV"], - "Delete database": ["Izbriši podatkovno bazo"], - "The database %s is linked to %s charts that appear on %s dashboards and users have %s SQL Lab tabs using this database open. Are you sure you want to continue? Deleting the database will break those objects.": [ - "Podatkovna baza %s je povezana z grafikoni %s, ki so prisotni na nadzorni plošči %s in uporabniki imajo odprtih %s zavihkov SQL laboratorija. Ali želite nadaljevati? Izbris podatkovne baze bo pokvaril te objekte." - ], - "Delete Database?": ["Izbrišem podatkovno bazo?"], - "Expose database in SQL Lab": [ - "Razkrij podatkovno bazo v SQL laboratoriju" - ], - "Allow this database to be queried in SQL Lab": [ - "Dovoli poizvedbo na to podatkovno bazo v SQL laboratoriju" - ], - "Allow creation of new tables based on queries": [ - "Dovoli ustvarjanje novih tabel s poizvedbami" - ], - "Allow creation of new views based on queries": [ - "Dovoli ustvarjanje novih pogledov s poizvedbami" - ], - "CTAS & CVAS SCHEMA": ["CTAS & CVAS SHEMA"], - "Create or select schema...": ["Ustvarite ali izberite shemo..."], - "Force all tables and views to be created in this schema when clicking CTAS or CVAS in SQL Lab.": [ - "Vsilite, da bodo vse tabele in pogledi ustvarjeni s to shemo, ko kliknete CTAS ali CVAS v SQL laboratoriju." - ], - "Allow manipulation of the database using non-SELECT statements such as UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, etc.": [ - "Dovoli manipulacije podatkovne baze z uporabo ne-SELECT stavkov, kot so UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, itd." - ], - "Enable query cost estimation": [ - "Omogoči ocenjevanje potratnosti poizvedbe" - ], - "For Presto and Postgres, shows a button to compute cost before running a query.": [ - "Za Presto in Postgres prikaže gumb za izračun potratnosti pred zagonom poizvedbe." - ], - "Allow this database to be explored": [ - "Dovoli raziskovanje te podatkovne baze" - ], - "When enabled, users are able to visualize SQL Lab results in Explore.": [ - "Ko je omogočeno, lahko uporabniki prikazujejo rezultate SQL laboratorija v raziskovalcu." - ], - "Chart cache timeout": ["Trajanje predpomnilnika grafikona"], - "Enter duration in seconds": ["Vnesite trajanje v sekundah"], - "Schema cache timeout": ["Trajanje prepomnilnika sheme"], - "Duration (in seconds) of the metadata caching timeout for schemas of this database. If left unset, the cache never expires.": [ - "Trajanje (v sekundah) predpomnilnika metapodatkov za sheme v tej podatkovni bazi. Če ni nastavljeno, predpomnilnik ne poteče." - ], - "Table cache timeout": ["Trajanje predpomnilnika tabele"], - "Duration (in seconds) of the metadata caching timeout for tables of this database. If left unset, the cache never expires. ": [ - "Trajanje (v sekundah) predpomnilnika metapodatkov za tabele v tej podatkovni bazi. Če ni nastavljeno, predpomnilnik ne poteče. " - ], - "Operate the database in asynchronous mode, meaning that the queries are executed on remote workers as opposed to on the web server itself. This assumes that you have a Celery worker setup as well as a results backend. Refer to the installation docs for more information.": [ - "Upravljanje podatkovne baze v asinhronem načinu pomeni, da se poizvedbe zaženejo na oddaljenih »delavcih« in ne na samem spletnem strežniku. S tem je predpostavljeno, da imate nastavljenega »delavca« za Celery in zaledni sistem za rezultate. Več informacij je v navodilih za namestitev." - ], - "Cancel query on window unload event": [ - "Prekini poizvedbo pri dogodku zaprtja okna (window unload event)" - ], - "Terminate running queries when browser window closed or navigated to another page. Available for Presto, Hive, MySQL, Postgres and Snowflake databases.": [ - "Ustavi zagnane poizvedbe, ko se zapre okno brskalnika ali gre na drugo stran. na razpolago za Presto, Hive, MySQL, Postgres in Snowflake podatkovne baze." - ], - "Secure extra": ["Dodatna varnost"], - "JSON string containing additional connection configuration. This is used to provide connection information for systems like Hive, Presto and BigQuery which do not conform to the username:password syntax normally used by SQLAlchemy.": [ - "JSON niz, ki vsebuje dodatno konfiguracijo povezave. Uporablja se za zagotavljanje dodatnih informacij povezave za sisteme kot sta Presto in BigQuery, ki nista skladna s sintakso username:password, ki jo običajno uporablja SQLAlchemy." - ], - "Enter CA_BUNDLE": ["Vnesite CA_BUNDLE"], - "Optional CA_BUNDLE contents to validate HTTPS requests. Only available on certain database engines.": [ - "Opcijska CA_BUNDLE vsebina, za potrjevanje HTTPS zahtev. Razpoložljivo le na določenih sistemih podatkovnih baz." - ], - "Schemas allowed for CSV upload": ["Dovoljene sheme za nalaganje CSV"], - "A comma-separated list of schemas that CSVs are allowed to upload to.": [ - "Z vejicami ločen seznam shem, kjer je dovoljeno nalaganje CSV-jev." - ], - "Impersonate logged in user (Presto, Trino, Drill, Hive, and GSheets)": [ - "Predstavljanje kot prijavljeni uporabnik (Presto, Trino, Drill, Hive in GSheets)" - ], - "If Presto or Trino, all the queries in SQL Lab are going to be executed as the currently logged on user who must have permission to run them. If Hive and hive.server2.enable.doAs is enabled, will run the queries as service account, but impersonate the currently logged on user via hive.server2.proxy.user property.": [ - "V primeru Presto ali Trino se vse poizvedbe v SQL laboratoriju zaženejo pod trenutno prijavljenim uporabnikom, ki mora imeti pravice za poganjanje. Če je omogočen Hive in hive.server2.enable.doAs, poizvedbe tečejo pod servisnim računom, vendar je trenutno prijavljen uporabnik predstavljen z lastnostjo hive.server2.proxy.user." - ], - "Allow data upload": ["Dovoli nalaganje podatkov"], - "If selected, please set the schemas allowed for data upload in Extra.": [ - "Če je izbrano, nastavite dovoljene sheme za nalaganje podatkov v Dodatno." - ], - "Metadata Parameters": ["Parametri metapodatkov"], - "The metadata_params object gets unpacked into the sqlalchemy.MetaData call.": [ - "Objekt metadata_params se razpakira v klic sqlalchemy.MetaData." - ], - "Engine Parameters": ["Parametri podatkovne baze"], - "The engine_params object gets unpacked into the sqlalchemy.create_engine call.": [ - "Objekt engine_params se razširi v klic sqlalchemy.create_engine." - ], - "Version": ["Verzija"], - "Version number": ["Številka verzije"], - "Specify the database version. This should be used with Presto in order to enable query cost estimation.": [ - "Podajte verzijo podatkovne baze. Uporablja se s Presto, za potrebe ocenjevanja potratnosti poizvedbe." - ], - "Display Name": ["Ime za prikaz"], - "Name your database": ["Poimenujte podatkovno bazo"], - "Pick a name to help you identify this database.": [ - "Izberite ime za lažjo prepoznavo podatkovne baze." - ], - "dialect+driver://username:password@host:port/database": [ - "dialect+driver://username:password@host:port/database" - ], - "Refer to the": ["Obrnite se na"], - "for more information on how to structure your URI.": [ - "za več informacij o oblikovanju URI." - ], - "Test connection": ["Preizkus povezave"], - "Please enter a SQLAlchemy URI to test": [ - "Vnesite SQLAlchemy URI za test" - ], - "Sorry there was an error fetching database information: %s": [ - "Pri pridobivanju informacij o podatkovni bazi je prišlo do napake: %s" - ], - "Want to add a new database?": ["Želite dodati novo podatkovno bazo?"], - "Connect": ["Poveži"], - "Edit database": ["Uredi podatkovno bazo"], - "Connect a database": ["Poveži se s podatkovno bazo"], - "Click this link to switch to an alternate form that exposes only the required fields needed to connect this database.": [ - "Kliknite to povezavo za drugo vnosno formo, ki prikaže samo zahtevana polja za povezavo s podatkovno bazo." - ], - "Finish": ["Končaj"], - "Click this link to switch to an alternate form that allows you to input the SQLAlchemy URL for this database manually.": [ - "Kliknite to povezavo za drugo vnosno formo, ki omogoča ročni vnos SQLAlchemy URL-ja za to podatkovno bazo." - ], - "This can be either an IP address (e.g. or a domain name (e.g. mydatabase.com).": [ - "To je lahko bodisi IP naslov (npr. bodisi ime domene (npr. mydatabase.com)." - ], - "Copy the name of the database you are trying to connect to.": [ - "Kopirajte ime podatkovne baze, s katero se skušate povezati." - ], - "Pick a nickname for this database to display as in Superset.": [ - "Izberite vzdevek za to podatkovno bazo, ki bo prikazan v Supersetu." - ], - "Add additional custom parameters": ["Dodaj dodatne parametre po meri"], - "SSL Mode \"require\" will be used.": [ - "Uporabljen bo SSL način \"require\"." - ], - "Type of Google Sheets allowed": ["Dovoljeni tipi Googlovih preglednic"], - "Publicly shared sheets only": ["Samo javno deljene preglednice"], - "Public and privately shared sheets": [ - "Javno in zasebno deljene preglednice" - ], - "How do you want to enter service account credentials?": [ - "Kako želite vnesti prijavne podatke servisnega računa?" - ], - "Upload JSON file": ["Naloži JSON datoteko"], - "Copy and Paste JSON credentials": [ - "Kopiraj in prilepi JSON prijavne podatke" - ], - "Service Account": ["Servisni račun"], - "Copy and paste the entire service account .json file here": [ - "Tukaj kopirajte in prilepite celotno json datoteko servisnega računa" - ], - "Upload Credentials": ["Naloži prijavne podatke"], - "Use the JSON file you automatically downloaded when creating your service account.": [ - "Uporabite JSON datoteko, ki ste jo prenesli pri ustvarjanju servisnega računa." - ], - "Connect Google Sheets as tables to this database": [ - "Googlove preglednice poveži s to podatkovno bazo kot tabele" - ], - "Google Sheet Name and URL": ["Ime Googlove preglednice in URL"], - "Enter a name for this sheet": ["Vnesite ime te preglednice"], - "Paste the shareable Google Sheet URL here": [ - "Prilepite deljeni URL Googlove preglednice sem" - ], - "Add sheet": ["Dodaj preglednico"], - "Copy the account name of that database you are trying to connect to.": [ - "Kopirajte ime računa podatkovne baze, s katero se skušate povezati." - ], - "Add dataset": ["Dodaj podatkovni set"], - "An error occurred while fetching dataset related data": [ - "Napaka pri pridobivanju podatkov iz podatkovnega seta" - ], - "An error occurred while fetching dataset related data: %s": [ - "Napaka pri pridobivanju podatkov iz podatkovnega seta: %s" - ], - "Physical dataset": ["Fizičen podatkovni set"], - "Virtual dataset": ["Virtualen podatkovni set"], - "An error occurred while fetching dataset owner values: %s": [ - "Pri pridobivanju polja lastnik podatkovnega seta je prišlo do napake: %s" - ], - "An error occurred while fetching datasets: %s": [ - "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju podatkovnih setov: %s" - ], - "An error occurred while fetching schema values: %s": [ - "Pri pridobivanju vrednosti shem je prišlo do napake: %s" - ], - "Import datasets": ["Uvozi podatkovne sete"], - "There was an issue deleting the selected datasets: %s": [ - "Pri brisanju izbranih podatkovnih setov je prišlo do težave: %s" - ], - "The dataset %s is linked to %s charts that appear on %s dashboards. Are you sure you want to continue? Deleting the dataset will break those objects.": [ - "Podatkovni set %s je povezan z grafikoni %s, ki so prisotni na nadzorni plošči %s. Ali želite nadaljevati? Izbris podatkovnega seta bo pokvaril te objekte." - ], - "Delete Dataset?": ["Izbrišem podatkovni set?"], - "Are you sure you want to delete the selected datasets?": [ - "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane podatkovne sete?" - ], - "0 Selected": ["Izbranih: 0"], - "%s Selected (Virtual)": ["Izbranih: %s (virtualni)"], - "%s Selected (Physical)": ["Izbranih: %s (fizični)"], - "%s Selected (%s Physical, %s Virtual)": [ - "Izbranih: %s (fizični: %s, virtualni: %s)" - ], - "The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them together with the datasets. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and \"Certificate\" sections of the database configuration are not present in export files, and should be added manually after the import if they are needed.": [ - "Gesla za spodnje podatkovne baze so potrebna za uvoz skupaj s podatkovnimi seti. Sekciji \"Dodatna varnost\" in \"Certifikati\" v nastavitvah podatkovne baze nista prisotni v izvoženih datotekah in jih je potrebno dodati ročno po uvozu, če je to potrebno." - ], - "You are importing one or more datasets that already exist. Overwriting might cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to overwrite?": [ - "Uvažate enega ali več podatkovnih setov, ki že obstajajo. S prepisom lahko izgubite podatke. Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati?" - ], - "There was an issue previewing the selected query. %s": [ - "Pri predogledu izbrane poizvedbe je prišlo do težave. %s" - ], - "Duration: %s": ["Trajanje: %s"], - "Tab name": ["Naslov zavihka"], - "TABLES": ["TABELE"], - "Rows": ["Vrstice"], - "Open query in SQL Lab": ["Odpri poizvedbo v SQL laboratoriju"], - "An error occurred while fetching database values: %s": [ - "Pri pridobivanju vrednosti podatkovne baze je prišlo do napake: %s" - ], - "An error occurred while fetching user values: %s": [ - "Pri pridobivanju vrednosti uporabnika je prišlo do napake: %s" - ], - "Search by query text": ["Išči z besedilom poizvedbe"], - "Query preview": ["Predogled poizvedbe"], - "Next": ["Naslednji"], - "Open in SQL Lab": ["Odpri v SQL laboratoriju"], - "User query": ["Uporabnikova poizvedba"], - "Executed query": ["Zagnana poizvedba"], - "The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them together with the saved queries. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and \"Certificate\" sections of the database configuration are not present in export files, and should be added manually after the import if they are needed.": [ - "Gesla za spodnje podatkovne baze so potrebna za uvoz skupaj s shranjenimi poizvedbami. Sekciji \"Dodatna varnost\" in \"Certifikati\" v nastavitvah podatkovne baze nista prisotni v izvoženih datotekah in jih je potrebno dodati ročno po uvozu, če je to potrebno." - ], - "You are importing one or more saved queries that already exist. Overwriting might cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to overwrite?": [ - "Uvažate eno ali več shranjenih poizvedb, ki že obstajajo. S prepisom lahko izgubite podatke. Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati?" - ], - "There was an issue previewing the selected query %s": [ - "Do težave je prišlo pri predogledu izbrane poizvedbe %s" - ], - "Import queries": ["Uvozi poizvedbe"], - "There was an issue deleting the selected queries: %s": [ - "Do težave je prišlo pri brisanju izbranih poizvedb: %s" - ], - "Edit query": ["Uredi poizvedbo"], - "Copy query URL": ["Kopiraj URL poizvedbe"], - "Export query": ["Izvozi poizvedbe"], - "Delete query": ["Izbriši poizvedbo"], - "This action will permanently delete the saved query.": [ - "S tem dejanjem boste trajno izbrisali shranjeno poizvedbo." - ], - "Delete Query?": ["Izbrišem poizvedbo?"], - "Are you sure you want to delete the selected queries?": [ - "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane poizvedbe?" - ], - "queries": ["poizvedbe"], - "Query name": ["Ime poizvedbe"], - "[Untitled]": ["[Neimenovana]"], - "Unknown": ["Neznano"], - "Edited": ["Urejane"], - "Created": ["Ustvarjene"], - "Viewed": ["Ogledane"], - "Mine": ["Moje"], - "Recently viewed charts, dashboards, and saved queries will appear here": [ - "Nedavno ogledani grafikoni, nadzorne plošče in shranjene poizvedbe bodo prikazane tukaj" - ], - "Recently created charts, dashboards, and saved queries will appear here": [ - "Nedavno ustvarjeni grafikoni, nadzorne plošče in shranjene poizvedbe bodo prikazane tukaj" - ], - "Example ${tableName.toLowerCase()} will appear here": [ - "Primer ${tableName.toLowerCase()} se bo prikazal tukaj" - ], - "Recently edited charts, dashboards, and saved queries will appear here": [ - "Nedavno urejani grafikoni, nadzorne plošče in shranjene poizvedbe bodo prikazane tukaj" - ], - "${tableName\r\n .split('')\r\n .slice(0, tableName.length - 1)\r\n .join('')}\r\n ": [ - "${tableName\r\n .split('')\r\n .slice(0, tableName.length - 1)\r\n .join('')}\r\n " - ], - "You don't have any favorites yet!": ["Priljubljenih še niste izbrali!"], - "SQL Lab queries": ["Poizvedbe SQL laboratorija"], - "${tableName}": ["${tableName}"], - "query": ["poizvedba"], - "Share": ["Deljenje"], - "Ran %s": ["Pretečeno %s"], - "There was an issue fetching your recent activity: %s": [ - "Pri pridobivanju vaše nedavne aktivnosti je prišlo do napake: %s" - ], - "There was an issues fetching your dashboards: %s": [ - "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju nadzornih plošč: %s" - ], - "There was an issues fetching your chart: %s": [ - "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju grafikona: %s" - ], - "There was an issues fetching your saved queries: %s": [ - "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju shranjenih poizvedb: %s" - ], - "Recents": ["Nedavno"], - "Select start and end date": ["Izberite začetni in končni datum"], - "Type or Select [%s]": ["Vnesite ali izberite [%s]"], - "No results found": ["Rezultati niso najdeni"], - "Tools": ["Orodja"], - "Filter box": ["Izbirnik za filtriranje"], - "Chart component that lets you add a custom filter UI in your dashboard. When added to dashboard, a filter box lets users specify specific values or ranges to filter charts by. The charts that each filter box is applied to can be fine tuned as well in the dashboard view.\r\n\r\n Note that this plugin is being replaced with the new Filters feature that lives in the dashboard view itself. It's easier to use and has more capabilities!": [ - "Komponenta grafikona, ki omogoča dodajanje vmesnika filtrov po meri v nadzorno ploščo. Ko je dodana na nadzorno ploščo, lahko uporabnik določi poljubne vrednosti ali obsege filtrov. Grafikoni, na katere se nanašajo filtri, so lahko precizno izbrani tudi v pogledu nadzorne plošče.\r\n\r\n Vedite, da bo ta vtičnik v prihodnosti zamenjan z novim konceptom filtrov, ki bodo živeli v kontekstu same nadzorne plošče in bodo zmogljivejši ter enostavnejši za uporabo!" - ], - "Show Druid granularity dropdown": [ - "Prikaži spustni seznam za Druid granulacijo" - ], - "Check to include Druid granularity dropdown": [ - "Izberite za vključitev spustnega seznama za Druid granulacijo" - ], - "Show Druid time origin": ["Prikaži časovno izhodišče za Druid"], - "Check to include time origin dropdown": [ - "Izberi za vključitev spustnega seznama za časovno izhodišče" - ], - "Filters configuration": ["Nastavitve filtrov"], - "Filter configuration for the filter box": ["Nastavitve za polje filtra"], - "Date filter": ["Filter po datumu"], - "Whether to include a time filter": [ - "Če želite vključiti časovni filter" - ], - "Instant filtering": ["Takojšnje filtriranje"], - "Check to apply filters instantly as they change instead of displaying [Apply] button": [ - "Izberite za takojšnjo uporabo filtrov, ko se spremenijo, brez prikazovanja gumba Uveljavi" - ], - "Show SQL time grain dropdown": [ - "Prikaži SQL spustni seznam za časovno granulacijo" - ], - "Show time grain dropdown": [ - "Prikaži spustni seznam za časovno granulacijo" - ], - "Check to include SQL time grain dropdown": [ - "Izberite za vključitev spustnega seznama za časovno granulacijo SQL" - ], - "Check to include time grain dropdown": [ - "Izberite za vključitev spustnega seznama za časovno granullacijo" - ], - "Show SQL time column": ["Prikaži stolpec SQL čas"], - "Show time column": ["Prikaži časovni stolpec"], - "Check to include time column dropdown": [ - "Izberite za vključitev časovnega stolpca v spustni seznam" - ], - "Limit selector values": ["Omeji vrednosti izbirnikov"], - "These filters apply to the values available in the dropdowns": [ - "Ti filtri se nanašajo na vrednosti v spustnih seznamih" - ], - "Time-series Table": ["Tabela s časovno vrsto"], - "Compare multiple time series charts (as sparklines) and related metrics quickly.": [ - "Hitra primerjava več grafikonov časovnih vrst (sparkline način) in povezanih mer." - ], - "Multi-Variables": ["Več spremenljivk"], - "Comparison": ["Primerjava"], - "Legacy": ["Staro"], - "Percentages": ["Procenti"], - "Tabular": ["Tabelarično"], - "Text": ["Besedilo"], - "Trend": ["Trend"], - "Time Range": ["Časovno obdobje"], - "Time Column": ["Časovni stolpec"], - "Time Grain": ["Granulacija časa"], - "Time Granularity": ["Granulacija časa"], - "Aggregate": ["Agregacija"], - "Raw records": ["Surovi podatki"], - "Show info tooltip": ["Prikaži opis orodja"], - "Resample": ["Prevzorči"], "Fill method": ["Način polnjenja"], + "Pandas resample method": ["Metoda za prevzorčenje v Pandas"], "Annotations and Layers": ["Oznake in sloji"], "Chart Title": ["Naslov grafikona"], + "X Axis": ["X os"], "X Axis Title": ["Naslov X osi"], "X AXIS TITLE BOTTOM MARGIN": ["SPODNJA OBROBA NASLOVA X OSI"], + "Y Axis": ["Y os"], "Y Axis Title": ["Naslov Y osi"], "Y AXIS TITLE MARGIN": ["OBROBA NASLOVA Y OSI"], "Y AXIS TITLE POSITION": ["POZICIJA NASLOVA Y OSI"], @@ -3744,7 +1680,14 @@ "Should daily seasonality be applied. An integer value will specify Fourier order of seasonality.": [ "Če želite dnevno sezonskost. Celo število določa Fourier-jev red sezonskosti." ], + "Time related form attributes": ["S časom povezani atributi prikaza"], "Datasource & Chart Type": ["Tip podatkovnega vira in grafikona"], + "Chart ID": ["ID grafikona"], + "The id of the active chart": ["Identifikator aktivnega grafikona"], + "Cache Timeout (seconds)": ["Trajanje predpomnilnika (sekunde)"], + "The number of seconds before expiring the cache": [ + "Trajanje (v sekundah) do razveljavitve predpomnilnika" + ], "URL Parameters": ["Parametri URL"], "Extra url parameters for use in Jinja templated queries": [ "Dodatni parametri za poizvedbe z Jinja predlogami" @@ -3754,28 +1697,84 @@ "Dodatni parametri, ki jih lahko uporabi kateri koli vtičnik za poizvedbe z Jinja predlogami" ], "Color Scheme": ["Barvna shema"], + "Dimensions": ["Dimenzije"], + "One or many columns to group by. High cardinality groupings should include a series limit to limit the number of fetched and rendered series.": [ + "Eden ali več stolpcev za združevanje. Združevanje z visoko kardinalnostjo naj vsebuje omejitev serij, s čimer omejite število pridobljenih in prikazanih serij." + ], "One or many columns to pivot as columns": [ "En ali več stolpcev za stolpčno vrtenje" ], + "Defines the grouping of entities. Each series is shown as a specific color on the chart and has a legend toggle": [ + "Določa združevanje entitet. Vsak niz je na grafikonu prikazan z določeno barvo in ima lahko prikazano legendo" + ], + "Entity": ["Entiteta"], + "This defines the element to be plotted on the chart": [ + "Določa element, ki bo izrisan na grafikonu" + ], + "One or many metrics to display": ["Ena ali več mer za prikaz"], "Right Axis Metric": ["Mera desne osi"], + "Choose a metric for right axis": ["Izberite mero za desno os"], + "Sort by": ["Razvrščanje"], + "Metric used to define how the top series are sorted if a series or row limit is present. If undefined reverts to the first metric (where appropriate).": [ + "Mera, ki določa kako so razvrščene prve serije, če je določena omejitev serij ali vrstic. Če ni določena, se uporabi prva mera (kjer je ustrezno)." + ], "Bubble Size": ["Velikost mehurčka"], "Metric used to calculate bubble size": [ "Mera za izračun velikosti mehurčkov" ], + "Metric assigned to the [X] axis": ["Mera za [X] os"], + "Metric assigned to the [Y] axis": ["Mera za [Y] os"], "Color Metric": ["Mera za barvo"], - "Drop temporal column here": ["Spustite časovni stolpec sem"], - "Emit dashboard cross filters": [ - "Oddajaj medsebojne filtre nadzorne plošče" + "A metric to use for color": ["Mera za barvo"], + "The time column for the visualization. Note that you can define arbitrary expression that return a DATETIME column in the table. Also note that the filter below is applied against this column or expression": [ + "Časovni stolpec za vizualizacijo. Določite lahko poljuben izraz, ki vrne DATETIME stolpec v tabeli. Spodnji filter se nanaša na ta stolpec ali izraz" ], - "Emit dashboard cross filters.": [ - "Oddajaj medsebojne filtre nadzorne plošče." + "Drop temporal column here": ["Spustite časovni stolpec sem"], + "Enable dashboard cross filters": [ + "Omogoči medsebojne filtre nadzorne plošče" ], "One or many columns to group by. High cardinality groupings should include a sort by metric and series limit to limit the number of fetched and rendered series.": [ "Eden ali več stolpcev za združevanje. Združevanje z visoko kardinalnostjo naj vsebuje mero za razvrščanje in omjitev serij, s čimer omejite število pridobljenih in prikazanih serij." ], + "The type of visualization to display": ["Tip vizualizacije za prikaz"], "Fixed Color": ["Izbrana barva"], + "Use this to define a static color for all circles": [ + "S tem definirate določeno barvo za vse kroge" + ], "Linear Color Scheme": ["Linearna barvna shema"], + "Defines the origin where time buckets start, accepts natural dates as in `now`, `sunday` or `1970-01-01`": [ + "Določa izhodišče, kadar se začnejo časovni razdelki. Sprejema naravne zapise kot so `zdaj`, `nedelja` ali `1970-01-01`" + ], + "The time granularity for the visualization. Note that you can type and use simple natural language as in `10 seconds`, `1 day` or `56 weeks`": [ + "Granulacija časa za vizualizacijo. Uporabite lahko vnos z naravnim jezikom, kot npr. `10 sekund`, `1 dni` ali `56 tednov`" + ], + "The time granularity for the visualization. This applies a date transformation to alter your time column and defines a new time granularity. The options here are defined on a per database engine basis in the Superset source code.": [ + "Granulacija časa za to vizualizacijo. Izvede transformacijo podatkov, ki spremeni vaš časovni stolpec in določi novo časovno granulacija. Ta možnost je definirana na ravni sistema podatkovne baze v izvorni kodi Superseta." + ], + "No filter": ["Brez filtra"], + "The time range for the visualization. All relative times, e.g. \"Last month\", \"Last 7 days\", \"now\", etc. are evaluated on the server using the server's local time (sans timezone). All tooltips and placeholder times are expressed in UTC (sans timezone). The timestamps are then evaluated by the database using the engine's local timezone. Note one can explicitly set the timezone per the ISO 8601 format if specifying either the start and/or end time.": [ + "Časovno obdobje za vizualizacijo. Vsi relativni časi, kot npr. \"Zadnji mesec\", Zadnjih 7 dni\", \"Zdaj\" so izračunani na strežniku z njegovim lokalnim časom. Vsi opisi orodij in časi so izraženi v UTC. Časovne značke se nato izračunajo v podatkovni bazi z njenim lokalnim časovnim pasom. Eksplicitno lahko nastavite časovni pas v ISO 8601 formatu, če določite čas začetka ali konca." + ], + "Row limit": ["Omejitev števila vrstic"], + "Limits the number of rows that get displayed.": [ + "Omeji število vrstic za prikaz." + ], + "Sort Descending": ["Razvrsti padajoče"], + "Whether to sort descending or ascending": [ + "Če želite padajoče ali naraščajoče razvrščanje" + ], + "Series limit": ["Omejitev števila serij"], + "Limits the number of series that get displayed. A joined subquery (or an extra phase where subqueries are not supported) is applied to limit the number of series that get fetched and rendered. This feature is useful when grouping by high cardinality column(s) though does increase the query complexity and cost.": [ + "Omeji število časovnih vrst za prikaz. S podpoizvedbo (ali dodatno fazo, kjer podpoizvedbe niso podprte) se omeji število časovnih vrst, ki bodo pridobljene za prikaz. Ta funkcija je uporabna pri združevanju s stolpci z veliko kardinalnostjo, vendar poveča kompleksnost poizvedbe." + ], + "Y Axis Format": ["Oblika Y osi"], "Time format": ["Oblika zapisa časa"], + "The color scheme for rendering chart": [ + "Barvna shema za izris grafikona" + ], + "Truncate Metric": ["Odstrani mero"], + "Whether to truncate metrics": ["Če želite odstraniti naziv mere"], + "Sort descending": ["Razvrsti padajoče"], "Whether to sort descending or ascending. Takes effect only when \"Sort by\" is set": [ "Če želite padajoče ali naraščajoče razvrščanje. Učinkuje samo, ko je vključen \"Sort by\"" ], @@ -3785,6 +1784,7 @@ "If you wish to specify a different target column than the original column, it can be entered here": [ "Če želite nastaviti drug ciljni stolpec od izvornega, ga lahko vnesete tukaj" ], + "D3 format": ["D3 format"], "Fraction digits": ["Število decimalk"], "Number of decimal digits to round numbers to": [ "Število decimalnih mest za zaokroževanje števil" @@ -3835,12 +1835,7 @@ "is expected to be an integer": ["pričakovano je celo število"], "is expected to be a number": ["pričakovano je število"], "cannot be empty": ["ne sme biti prazno"], - "haha": ["haha"], - "foo": ["foo"], - "bar": ["bar"], - "yes": ["da"], - "second": ["sekunda"], - "ox": ["ox"], + "Query": ["Poizvedba"], "Domain": ["Domena"], "The time unit used for the grouping of blocks": [ "Časovna enota za združevanje blokov" @@ -3881,15 +1876,18 @@ "Prikaže kako se je mera spreminjala s časom s pomočjo barvne lestvice in koledarskega pogleda. Sive vrednosti ponazarjajo manjkajoče vrednosti. Amplituda dnevnih vrednosti je ponazorjena z linearno barvno shemo." ], "Business": ["Aktivnost"], + "Comparison": ["Primerjava"], "Intensity": ["Intenzivnost"], "Pattern": ["Vzorec"], "Report": ["Poročilo"], + "Trend": ["Trend"], "Sort by metric": ["Mera za razvrščanje"], "Whether to sort results by the selected metric in descending order.": [ "Če želite padajoče razvrstiti rezultate z izbrano mero." ], "Number format": ["Oblika zapisa števila"], "Choose a number format": ["Izberite obliko zapisa števila"], + "Source": ["Izvor"], "Choose a source": ["Izberite izvor"], "Target": ["Cilj"], "Choose a target": ["Izberite cilj"], @@ -3903,6 +1901,7 @@ "Chord Diagram": ["Tetivni grafikon"], "Aesthetic": ["Estetika"], "Circular": ["Krožno"], + "Legacy": ["Staro"], "Proportional": ["Proporcionalno"], "Relational": ["Relacijsko"], "Country": ["Država"], @@ -3950,13 +1949,6 @@ ], "Event Flow": ["Potek dogodkov"], "Progressive": ["Progresivno"], - "Link Length": ["Dolžina povezave"], - "Link length in the force layout": ["Dolžina povezave v postavitvi sil"], - "Charge": ["Naboj"], - "Charge in the force layout": ["Naboj v postavitvi sil"], - "Source / Target": ["Izhodišče/Cilj"], - "Choose a source and a target": ["Izberite izhodišče in cilj"], - "Force-directed Graph": ["Graf usmerjenih sil"], "Axis ascending": ["Naraščajoča os"], "Axis descending": ["Padajoča os"], "Metric ascending": ["Naraščajoča mera"], @@ -4031,7 +2023,8 @@ "Vzame podatkovne točke in jih razporedi v razdelke, kjer se vidi območja z največjo gostoto informacij" ], "Population age data": ["Podatki starosti populacije"], - "Sort Descending": ["Razvrsti padajoče"], + "Contribution": ["Prispevek"], + "Compute the contribution to the total": ["Izračunaj prispevek k celoti"], "Series Height": ["Višina serije"], "Pixel height of each series": ["Višina vsake serije v pikslih"], "Value Domain": ["Domena vrednosti"], @@ -4079,6 +2072,7 @@ ], "Map Style": ["Slog zemljevida"], "Base layer map style": ["Slog osnovnega sloja zemljevida"], + "Opacity": ["Prosojnost"], "Opacity of all clusters, points, and labels. Between 0 and 1.": [ "Prosojnost vseh gruč, točk in oznak (vrednost med 0 in 1)." ], @@ -4118,6 +2112,7 @@ ], "Paired t-test Table": ["Tabela t-testa za odvisne vzorce"], "Statistical": ["Statistično"], + "Tabular": ["Tabelarično"], "Options": ["Možnosti"], "Data Table": ["Tabela podatkov"], "Whether to display the interactive data table": [ @@ -4185,7 +2180,7 @@ "Min Periods": ["Min. št. period"], "Time Comparison": ["Časovna primerjava"], "Time Shift": ["Časovni zamik"], - "Python Functions": ["Pythonove funkcije"], + "Method": ["Metoda"], "Part of a Whole": ["Del celote"], "Compare the same summarized metric across multiple groups.": [ "Primerja isto mero med različnimi skupinami." @@ -4206,8 +2201,8 @@ "Transpose Pivot": ["Transponirano vrtenje"], "Swap Groups and Columns": ["Zamenjaj Skupine in Stolpce"], "Date format": ["Oblika zapisa datuma"], - "Used to summarize a set of data by grouping together multiple statistics along two axes. Examples: Sales numbers by region and month, tasks by status and assignee, active users by age and location.\r\n\r\n This chart is being deprecated and we recommend checking out Pivot Table V2 instead!": [ - "Uporablja se za predstavitev podatkov z združevanjem različnih statistik na dveh oseh. Npr. Prodaja po regijah in mesecih, Naloge po statusih in izvajalcih, aktivni uporabniki po starosti in lokaciji.\r\n\r\n Ta grafikon se opušča. Priporočamo uporabo Vrtilne tabele V2!" + "Used to summarize a set of data by grouping together multiple statistics along two axes. Examples: Sales numbers by region and month, tasks by status and assignee, active users by age and location.\n\n This chart is being deprecated and we recommend checking out Pivot Table V2 instead!": [ + "Uporablja se za predstavitev podatkov z združevanjem različnih statistik na dveh oseh. Npr. Prodaja po regijah in mesecih, Naloge po statusih in izvajalcih, aktivni uporabniki po starosti in lokaciji.\n\n Ta grafikon se opušča. Priporočamo uporabo Vrtilne tabele V2!" ], "Use Area Proportions": ["Uporabi razmerje površin"], "Check if the Rose Chart should use segment area instead of segment radius for proportioning": [ @@ -4217,7 +2212,10 @@ "Grafikon s polarnimi koordinatami, kjer je krog razdeljen na enakokotne izseke, vrednosti pa so ponazorjene s ploščino izseka (namesto polmera ali kota)." ], "Nightingale Rose Chart": ["Nightingale Rose grafikon"], + "Advanced-Analytics": ["Napredna analitika"], "Multi-Layers": ["Večplastni"], + "Source / Target": ["Izhodišče/Cilj"], + "Choose a source and a target": ["Izberite izhodišče in cilj"], "Limiting rows may result in incomplete data and misleading charts. Consider filtering or grouping source/target names instead.": [ "Omejitev vrstic lahko povzroči nepopolne podatke in zavajajoč grafikon. Premislite o uporabi filtriranja ali združevanja imen izvorov/ciljev." ], @@ -4227,6 +2225,7 @@ "Demographics": ["Demografija"], "Survey Responses": ["Rezultati anket"], "Sankey Diagram": ["Sankey grafikon"], + "Percentages": ["Procenti"], "Sankey Diagram with Loops": ["Sankey grafikon z zankami"], "Primary Metric": ["Primarna mera"], "The primary metric is used to define the arc segment sizes": [ @@ -4249,10 +2248,6 @@ ], "Sunburst Chart": ["Večnivojski tortni grafikon"], "Multi-Levels": ["Večplastni"], - "Time Series Columns": ["Stolpci s časovnimi vrstami"], - "Compare multiple time series charts (as sparklines) and related metrics quickly. ": [ - "Hitra primerjava več grafikonov časovnih vrst (sparkline način) in povezanih mer. " - ], "Ratio": ["Razmerje"], "Target aspect ratio for treemap tiles.": [ "Ciljno razmerje za razdelke drevesnega grafikona." @@ -4269,12 +2264,12 @@ "Če želite prikaz mehurčkov nad državami" ], "Max Bubble Size": ["Max. velikost mehurčka"], + "Color by": ["Barva glede na"], + "Choose whether a country should be shaded by the metric, or assigned a color based on a categorical color palette": [ + "Izberite, če želite barvanje držav glede na mero ali kategorično določeno barvno paleto" + ], "Country Column": ["Stolpec z državami"], "3 letter code of the country": ["Tričrkovna oznaka države"], - "Metric for Color": ["Mera za barvo"], - "Metric that defines the color of the country": [ - "Mera, ki določa barvo države" - ], "Metric that defines the size of the bubble": [ "Mera, ki določa velikost mehurčka" ], @@ -4284,65 +2279,189 @@ "Zemljevid sveta, ki lahko prikazuje vrednosti po državah." ], "Multi-Dimensions": ["Večdimenzionalni"], - "Big Number Font Size": ["Velikost pisave Velike številke"], - "Tiny": ["Drobna"], - "Normal": ["Normalna"], - "Huge": ["Ogromna"], - "Subheader Font Size": ["Velikost pisave podnaslova"], - "N/A": ["N/A"], - "Last available value seen on %s": [ - "Zadnja razpoložljiva vrednost na %s" + "Multi-Variables": ["Več spremenljivk"], + "Popular": ["Priljubljeni"], + "deck.gl charts": ["grafikoni deck.gl"], + "Pick a set of deck.gl charts to layer on top of one another": [ + "Izberite nabor deck.gl grafikonov, ki bodo nanizani en na drugem" ], - "Not up to date": ["Ni posodobljeno"], - "No data after filtering or data is NULL for the latest time record": [ - "Ni podatkov po filtriranju ali pa imajo vrednost NULL za zadnji časovni zapis" + "Select charts": ["Izberi grafikone"], + "Error while fetching charts": ["Napaka pri pridobivanju grafikonov"], + "Compose multiple layers together to form complex visuals.": [ + "Združi več plasti za oblikovanje kompleksnih vizualizacij." ], - "Try applying different filters or ensuring your datasource has data": [ - "Poskusite uporabiti druge filtre oz. zagotovite, da so v podatkovnem viru podatki" + "deck.gl Multiple Layers": ["deck.gl - večplastni grafikon"], + "deckGL": ["deckGL"], + "Data has no time steps": ["Podatki nimajo časovnih korakov"], + "Start Longitude & Latitude": ["Začetna Dolž. in Širina"], + "Point to your spatial columns": [ + "Pokažite na stolpec z lokacijskimi podatki" ], - "Comparison Period Lag": ["Zaostanek obdobja za primerjavo"], - "Based on granularity, number of time periods to compare against": [ - "Na osnovi granulacije, število časovnih obdobij za primerjavo" + "End Longitude & Latitude": ["Končna Dolž. in Širina"], + "Arc": ["Lok"], + "Target Color": ["Ciljna barva"], + "Color of the target location": ["Barva ciljne lokacije"], + "Categorical Color": ["Kategorična barva"], + "Pick a dimension from which categorical colors are defined": [ + "Izberite dimenzijo, ki bo določala kategorične barve" ], - "Comparison suffix": ["Pripona za primerjavo"], - "Suffix to apply after the percentage display": [ - "Pripona za prikaz procenta" + "Stroke Width": ["Debelina obrobe"], + "Advanced": ["Napredno"], + "Plot the distance (like flight paths) between origin and destination.": [ + "Izriši razdalje (kot letalske koridorje) med izhodiščem in ciljem." ], - "Timestamp format": ["Oblika zapisa časovne značke"], - "Show Timestamp": ["Prikaži časovno značko"], - "Whether to display the timestamp": [ - "Če želite prikazati časovno značko" + "deck.gl Arc": ["deck.gl - grafikon lokov"], + "3D": ["3D"], + "Web": ["Mreža"], + "GeoJson Settings": ["GeoJson nastavitve"], + "Point Radius Scale": ["Skaliranje radija točk"], + "The GeoJsonLayer takes in GeoJSON formatted data and renders it as interactive polygons, lines and points (circles, icons and/or texts).": [ + "GeoJsonLayer uporablja podatke v formatu GeoJSON in jih izriše kot interaktivne poligone, črte in točke (krogi, ikone in/ali besedila)." ], - "Show Trend Line": ["Pokaži trendno črto"], - "Whether to display the trend line": ["Če želite prikazati trendno črto"], - "Start y-axis at 0": ["Začni y-os z 0"], - "Start y-axis at zero. Uncheck to start y-axis at minimum value in the data.": [ - "Začni y-os z nič. Ne izberite, če želite, da se y-os začne z najmanjšo vrednostjo podatkov." + "deck.gl Geojson": ["deck.gl - GeoJson grafikon"], + "Height": ["Višina"], + "Metric used to control height": ["Mera za določanje višine"], + "Visualize geospatial data like 3D buildings, landscapes, or objects in grid view.": [ + "Prikaz geoprostorskih podatkov kot so 3D zgradbe, parcele ali objekti v mrežnem pogledu." ], - "Fix to selected Time Range": ["Nastavi na izbrano časovno obdobje"], - "Fix the trend line to the full time range specified in case filtered results do not include the start or end dates": [ - "Trendno črto nastavite na izbrano obdobje, v primeru, da filtrirani rezultati ne vsebujejo začetnega in/ali končnega datuma" + "deck.gl Grid": ["deck.gl - grafikon mreže"], + "Experimental": ["Eksperimentalno"], + "Dynamic Aggregation Function": ["Dinamična agregacijska funkcija"], + "The function to use when aggregating points into groups": [ + "Funkcija za agregacijo točk v skupine" ], - "KPI": ["KPI"], - "Showcases a single number accompanied by a simple line chart, to call attention to an important metric along with its change over time or other dimension.": [ - "Prikaže eno vrednost skupaj s preprostim črtnim grafikonom, za poudarek pomembne mere skupaj z njeno časovno spremembo." + "Overlays a hexagonal grid on a map, and aggregates data within the boundary of each cell.": [ + "Prikaže šestkotno mrežo na zemljevidu in agregira podatke znotraj meja vsake celice." ], - "Formattable": ["Prilagodljiv"], - "Line": ["Črta"], - "Subheader": ["Podnaslov"], - "Description text that shows up below your Big Number": [ - "Besedilo, ki se prikaže pod veliko številko" + "deck.gl 3D Hexagon": ["deck.gl - grafikon 3D šestkotnikov"], + "Visualizes connected points, which form a path, on a map.": [ + "Na zemljevidu prikaže povezane točke, ki tvorijo pot." ], - "Timestamp Format": ["Oblika časovne značke"], - "Whether to format the timestamp": [ - "Če želite oblikovati časovno značko" + "deck.gl Path": ["deck.gl - grafikon poti"], + "Polygon Column": ["Stolpec poligonov"], + "Polygon Encoding": ["Kodiranje poligonov"], + "Elevation": ["Višina"], + "Polygon Settings": ["Nastavitve poligonov"], + "Opacity, expects values between 0 and 100": [ + "Prosojnost, vnesite vrednosti med 0 in 100" ], - "Showcases a single metric front-and-center. Big number is best used to call attention to a KPI or the one thing you want your audience to focus on.": [ - "Prikaže eno vrednost. Velika številka je primerna za poudarek KPI-ja ali vrednosti, na katero želite usmeriti pozornost." + "Number of buckets to group data": [ + "Število razdelkov za združevanje podatkov" ], - "A Big Number": ["Velika številka"], - "With a subheader": ["S podnaslovom"], - "Additive": ["Aditivno"], + "How many buckets should the data be grouped in.": [ + "V koliko razdelkov bodo razvrščeni podatki." + ], + "Bucket break points": ["Točke za razčlenitev razdelkov"], + "List of n+1 values for bucketing metric into n buckets.": [ + "Seznam n+1 vrednosti za mero razvrščanja v n razdelkov." + ], + "Emit Filter Events": ["Oddajaj dogodke filtrov"], + "Whether to apply filter when items are clicked": [ + "Če želite uporabiti filter, ko kliknete na elemente" + ], + "Multiple filtering": ["Večkratno filtriranje"], + "Allow sending multiple polygons as a filter event": [ + "Dovoli pošiljanje več poligonov kot dogodek filtra" + ], + "Visualizes geographic areas from your data as polygons on a Mapbox rendered map. Polygons can be colored using a metric.": [ + "Prikaže geografsko območje kot poligone na zemljevidu zagotovljenim preko storitve Mapbox. Poligoni so lahko obarvani glede na mero." + ], + "deck.gl Polygon": ["deck.gl - grafikon poligonov"], + "Point Size": ["Velikost točke"], + "Point Unit": ["Enota točke"], + "Minimum Radius": ["Min. polmer"], + "Minimum radius size of the circle, in pixels. As the zoom level changes, this insures that the circle respects this minimum radius.": [ + "Minimalni polmer kroga v pikslih. S tem je določen minimalni polmer kroga, ko se spreminja stopnja povečave." + ], + "Maximum Radius": ["Max. polmer"], + "Maxium radius size of the circle, in pixels. As the zoom level changes, this insures that the circle respects this maximum radius.": [ + "Maksimalni polmer kroga v pikslih. S tem je določen maksimalni polmer kroga, ko se spreminja stopnja povečave." + ], + "Point Color": ["Barva točke"], + "A map that takes rendering circles with a variable radius at latitude/longitude coordinates": [ + "Zemljevid, ki na zemljepisnih koordinatah prikazuje kroge s spremenljivim polmerom" + ], + "deck.gl Scatterplot": ["deck.gl - raztreseni grafikon"], + "Grid": ["Mreža"], + "Weight": ["Utež"], + "Metric used as a weight for the grid's coloring": [ + "Mera, ki služi kot utež za barvo mreže" + ], + "Aggregates data within the boundary of grid cells and maps the aggregated values to a dynamic color scale": [ + "Agregira podatke znotraj meja celic in agregirane vrednosti ponazori z dinamično barvno lestvico" + ], + "deck.gl Screen Grid": ["deck.gl - grafikon mreže"], + "For more information about objects are in context in the scope of this function, refer to the": [ + "Za dodatne informacije o objektih v kontekstu te funkcije si oglejte" + ], + " source code of Superset's sandboxed parser": [ + " izvorno kodo za Supersetov \"sandboxed parser\"" + ], + "This functionality is disabled in your environment for security reasons.": [ + "Ta funkcionalnost je v vašem okolju onemogočena zaradi varnosti." + ], + "Ignore null locations": ["Izpusti prazne lokacije"], + "Whether to ignore locations that are null": [ + "Če ne želite upoštevati praznih (NULL) lokacij" + ], + "Auto Zoom": ["Samodejna povečava"], + "When checked, the map will zoom to your data after each query": [ + "Če želite, da se zemljevid prilagodi vašim podatkom po vsaki poizvedbi" + ], + "Dimension": ["Dimenzija"], + "Select a dimension": ["Izberite dimenzijo"], + "Extra data for JS": ["Dodatni podatki za JS"], + "List of extra columns made available in Javascript functions": [ + "Seznam dodatnih podatkov, ki so na razpolago v Javascript funkcijah" + ], + "Javascript data interceptor": ["Javascript prestreznik podatkov"], + "Define a javascript function that receives the data array used in the visualization and is expected to return a modified version of that array. This can be used to alter properties of the data, filter, or enrich the array.": [ + "Določite Javascript funkcijo, ki sprejme podatkovni niz za vizualizacijo in vrne spremenjeno verzijo tega niza. Lahko se uporabi za spreminjanje lastnosti podatkov, filtra ali obogatitve niza." + ], + "Javascript tooltip generator": ["Javascript generator opisa orodja"], + "Define a function that receives the input and outputs the content for a tooltip": [ + "Določite funkcijo, ki sprejme vhodne podatke in vrne vsebino opisa orodja" + ], + "Javascript onClick href": ["Javascript onClick href"], + "Define a function that returns a URL to navigate to when user clicks": [ + "Določite funkcijo, ki vrne URL za navigacijo, ko uporabnik klikne" + ], + "Legend Format": ["Oblika legende"], + "Choose the format for legend values": [ + "Izberite obliko vrednosti legende" + ], + "Legend Position": ["Položaj legende"], + "Choose the position of the legend": ["Izberite položaj legende"], + "Lines column": ["Stolpec črt"], + "The database columns that contains lines information": [ + "Stolpec v podatkovni bazi, ki vsebuje podatke črt" + ], + "Line width": ["Debelina črte"], + "The width of the lines": ["Debelina črt"], + "Fill Color": ["Barva polnila"], + " Set the opacity to 0 if you do not want to override the color specified in the GeoJSON": [ + " Nastavite prosojnost na 0, če želite obdržati barvo določeno v GeoJSON" + ], + "Stroke Color": ["Barva obrobe"], + "Filled": ["Zapolnjeno"], + "Whether to fill the objects": ["Če želite zapolniti objekte"], + "Stroked": ["Obrobljeno"], + "Whether to display the stroke": ["Če želite prikazati obrobe"], + "Extruded": ["Relief"], + "Grid Size": ["Velikost mreže"], + "Defines the grid size in pixels": ["Določa velikost mreže v pikslih"], + "Parameters related to the view and perspective on the map": [ + "Parametri povezani s pogledom in perspektivo zemljevida" + ], + "Longitude & Latitude": ["Dolžina in širina"], + "Fixed point radius": ["Fiksni radij točk"], + "Multiplier": ["Množitelj"], + "Factor to multiply the metric by": ["Faktor, s katerim množite mero"], + "Lines encoding": ["Kodiranje črt"], + "The encoding format of the lines": ["Oblika kodiranja črt"], + "Reverse Lat & Long": ["Zamenjaj širino in dolžino"], + "GeoJson Column": ["GeoJson stolpec"], + "Select the geojson column": ["Izberite geojson stolpec"], "Right Axis Format": ["Oblika desne osi"], "Show Markers": ["Prikaži markerje"], "Show data points as circle markers on the lines": [ @@ -4404,12 +2523,22 @@ "Vehicle Types": ["Vrste vozil"], "Area Chart": ["Ploščinski grafikon"], "Continuous": ["Zvezno"], + "Line": ["Črta"], "nvd3": ["nvd3"], "Deprecated": ["Zastarelo"], + "Series Limit Sort By": ["Razvrščanje omejitev serije"], + "Metric used to order the limit if a series limit is present. If undefined reverts to the first metric (where appropriate).": [ + "Mera, ki določa kako je razvrščena meja, če je določena omejitev serij. Če ni določena, se uporabi prva mera (kjer je to ustrezno)." + ], + "Series Limit Sort Descending": ["Razvrsti padajoče"], + "Whether to sort descending or ascending if a series limit is present": [ + "Če želite padajoče ali naraščajoče razvrščanje, ko je prisotna omejitev serije" + ], "Visualize how a metric changes over time using bars. Add a group by column to visualize group level metrics and how they change over time.": [ "Prikaže spreminjanje mere skozi čas s pomočjo stolpcev. Z dodajanjem stolpcev za združevanje prikaže mere skupin in njihovo spreminjanje." ], "Time-series Bar Chart": ["Stolpčni grafikon za časovno vrsto"], + "Bar": ["Stolpec"], "Vertical": ["Navpično"], "Box Plot": ["Box Plot"], "X Log Scale": ["Logaritemska X-os"], @@ -4433,6 +2562,7 @@ ], "Marker line labels": ["Oznake markirnih črtic"], "Labels for the marker lines": ["Oznake za markirne črtice"], + "KPI": ["KPI"], "Showcases the progress of a single metric against a given target. The higher the fill, the closer the metric is to the target.": [ "Prikaže napredovanje posamezne mere glede na cilj. Večja napolnjenost, pomeni, da je mera bližje cilju." ], @@ -4450,6 +2580,7 @@ "Primerjava mer različnih kategorij s pomočjo stolpcev. Dolžina stolpca prestavlja višino vrednosti, z barvami pa so ločene skupine." ], "Bar Chart": ["Stolpčni grafikon"], + "Additive": ["Aditivno"], "Discrete": ["Diskretno"], "Y Axis 1": ["Y-os 1"], "Y Axis 2": ["Y-os 2"], @@ -4475,8 +2606,6 @@ "Choose one or more charts for left axis": [ "Izberite enega ali več grafikonov za levo os" ], - "Select charts": ["Izberi grafikone"], - "Error while fetching charts": ["Napaka pri pridobivanju grafikonov"], "Y Axis Right": ["Y-os desno"], "Right Axis chart(s)": ["Grafikoni desne osi"], "Choose one or more charts for right axis": [ @@ -4498,10 +2627,12 @@ "Put the labels outside the pie?": ["Postavim oznake zunaj torte?"], "Pie Chart": ["Tortni grafikon"], "Frequency": ["Frekvenca"], - "The periodicity over which to pivot time. Users can provide\r\n \"Pandas\" offset alias.\r\n Click on the info bubble for more details on accepted \"freq\" expressions.": [ + "The periodicity over which to pivot time. Users can provide\n \"Pandas\" offset alias.\n Click on the info bubble for more details on accepted \"freq\" expressions.": [ "Periodičnost za vrtenje časa. Uporabnik lahko poda\n psevdonim za zamik v \"Pandas\".\n Kliknite na mehurček za podrobnosti dovoljenih izrazov za \"freq\"." ], "Time-series Period Pivot": ["Časovna serija - Vrtenje periode"], + "Stack": ["Naloži"], + "Expand": ["Razširi"], "Show legend": ["Prikaži legendo"], "Whether to display a legend for the chart": [ "Če želite prikaz legende za grafikon" @@ -4519,6 +2650,12 @@ "Only show the total value on the stacked chart, and not show on the selected category": [ "Na naloženem grafikonu prikaži samo skupno vsoto, za izbrane kategorije pa ne" ], + "X-axis": ["X-os"], + "Dimension to use on x-axis.": ["Dimenzija z x-os."], + "Percentage threshold": ["Procentualni prag"], + "Minimum threshold in percentage points for showing labels.": [ + "Minimalni prag v odstotnih točkah za prikaz oznak." + ], "Rich tooltip": ["Podroben opis orodja"], "Shows a list of all series available at that point in time": [ "Prikaže seznam vseh razpoložljivih podatkovnih serij za istočasno točko" @@ -4529,6 +2666,64 @@ "Če želite padajoče razvrstiti opis orodja z izbrano mero." ], "Tooltip": ["Opis orodja"], + "Last available value seen on %s": [ + "Zadnja razpoložljiva vrednost na %s" + ], + "Not up to date": ["Ni posodobljeno"], + "No data": ["Ni podatkov"], + "No data after filtering or data is NULL for the latest time record": [ + "Ni podatkov po filtriranju ali pa imajo vrednost NULL za zadnji časovni zapis" + ], + "Try applying different filters or ensuring your datasource has data": [ + "Poskusite uporabiti druge filtre oz. zagotovite, da so v podatkovnem viru podatki" + ], + "Big Number Font Size": ["Velikost pisave Velike številke"], + "Tiny": ["Drobna"], + "Small": ["Majhno"], + "Normal": ["Normalna"], + "Large": ["Veliko"], + "Huge": ["Ogromna"], + "Subheader Font Size": ["Velikost pisave podnaslova"], + "Display settings": ["Nastavitve prikaza"], + "Subheader": ["Podnaslov"], + "Description text that shows up below your Big Number": [ + "Besedilo, ki se prikaže pod veliko številko" + ], + "Force date format": ["Vsili obliko zapisa datuma"], + "Use date formatting even when metric value is not a timestamp": [ + "Oblikovanje datuma uporabi tudi, ko vrednost mere ni časovna značka" + ], + "Showcases a single metric front-and-center. Big number is best used to call attention to a KPI or the one thing you want your audience to focus on.": [ + "Prikaže eno vrednost. Velika številka je primerna za poudarek KPI-ja ali vrednosti, na katero želite usmeriti pozornost." + ], + "A Big Number": ["Velika številka"], + "With a subheader": ["S podnaslovom"], + "Formattable": ["Prilagodljiv"], + "Comparison Period Lag": ["Zaostanek obdobja za primerjavo"], + "Based on granularity, number of time periods to compare against": [ + "Na osnovi granulacije, število časovnih obdobij za primerjavo" + ], + "Comparison suffix": ["Pripona za primerjavo"], + "Suffix to apply after the percentage display": [ + "Pripona za prikaz procenta" + ], + "Show Timestamp": ["Prikaži časovno značko"], + "Whether to display the timestamp": [ + "Če želite prikazati časovno značko" + ], + "Show Trend Line": ["Pokaži trendno črto"], + "Whether to display the trend line": ["Če želite prikazati trendno črto"], + "Start y-axis at 0": ["Začni y-os z 0"], + "Start y-axis at zero. Uncheck to start y-axis at minimum value in the data.": [ + "Začni y-os z nič. Ne izberite, če želite, da se y-os začne z najmanjšo vrednostjo podatkov." + ], + "Fix to selected Time Range": ["Nastavi na izbrano časovno obdobje"], + "Fix the trend line to the full time range specified in case filtered results do not include the start or end dates": [ + "Trendno črto nastavite na izbrano obdobje, v primeru, da filtrirani rezultati ne vsebujejo začetnega in/ali končnega datuma" + ], + "Showcases a single number accompanied by a simple line chart, to call attention to an important metric along with its change over time or other dimension.": [ + "Prikaže eno vrednost skupaj s preprostim črtnim grafikonom, za poudarek pomembne mere skupaj z njeno časovno spremembo." + ], "Whisker/outlier options": ["Možnosti grafikona kvantilov"], "Determines how whiskers and outliers are calculated.": [ "Določa kako so izračunani kvantili in izstopajoče vrednosti." @@ -4543,6 +2738,7 @@ "Also known as a box and whisker plot, this visualization compares the distributions of a related metric across multiple groups. The box in the middle emphasizes the mean, median, and inner 2 quartiles. The whiskers around each box visualize the min, max, range, and outer 2 quartiles.": [ "Znan tudi kot grafikon škatla z brki. prikaže primerjavo porazdelitev povezanih mer v različnih skupinah. Škatla na sredini predstavlja povprečje, mediano in notranja 2 kvartila. Brki na vsaki škatli prikazujejo minimum, maksimum, območje in zunanja dva kvartila." ], + "ECharts": ["ECharts"], "Labels": ["Oznake"], "Whether to display the labels.": ["Če želite prikaz oznak."], "Showcases how a metric changes as the funnel progresses. This classic chart is useful for visualizing drop-off between stages in a pipeline or lifecycle.": [ @@ -4552,7 +2748,9 @@ "Sequential": ["Sekvenčni"], "Columns to group by": ["Stolpci za združevanje"], "General": ["Splošno"], + "Min": ["Min"], "Minimum value on the gauge axis": ["Najmanjša vrednost na številčnici"], + "Max": ["Max"], "Maximum value on the gauge axis": ["Največja vrednost na številčnici"], "Start angle": ["Začetni kot"], "Angle at which to start progress axis": [ @@ -4695,8 +2893,11 @@ "Primary": ["Primarna"], "Secondary": ["Sekundarna"], "Primary or secondary y-axis": ["Primarna ali sekundarna y-os"], + "Shared query fields": ["Polja deljenih poizvedb"], "Query A": ["Poizvedba A"], + "Advanced analytics Query A": ["Poizvedba A za napredno analitiko"], "Query B": ["Poizvedba B"], + "Advanced analytics Query B": ["Poizvedba B za napredno analitiko"], "Data Zoom": ["Zoom funkcija"], "Enable data zooming controls": [ "Omogoči kontrolnik za povečavo podatkov" @@ -4723,27 +2924,32 @@ "Logarithmic scale on secondary y-axis": [ "Logaritemska skala na sekundarni y-osi" ], - "Visualize two different time series using the same x-axis time range. Note that each time series can be visualized differently (e.g. 1 using bars and 1 using a line).": [ + "Visualize two different series using the same x-axis. Note that both series can be visualized with a different chart type (e.g. 1 using bars and 1 using a line).": [ + "Prikaže dva različna niza na isti x-osi. Niza sta lahko prikazana z različnim tipom grafikona (npr. en s stolpci in drug s črto)." + ], + "Visualize two different time series using the same x-axis. Note that each time series can be visualized differently (e.g. 1 using bars and 1 using a line).": [ "Prikaže dve različni časovni vrsti na isti x-osi. Časovni vrsti sta lahko prikazani različno (npr. ena s stolpci in druga s črto)." ], + "Mixed Chart": ["Kombinirani grafikon"], "Mixed Time-Series": ["Kombiniran grafikon časovne vrste"], - "Percentage threshold": ["Procentualni prag"], - "Minimum threshold in percentage points for showing labels.": [ - "Minimalni prag v odstotnih točkah za prikaz oznak." - ], "Put the labels outside of the pie?": ["Postavim oznake zunaj torte?"], "Label Line": ["Črta oznake"], "Draw line from Pie to label when labels outside?": [ "Ali želite črto do oznake, ko so le-te zunaj?" ], + "Show Total": ["Pokaži vsoto"], + "Whether to display the aggregate count": [ + "Če želite prikazati agregirano število" + ], "Pie shape": ["Oblika torte"], "Outer Radius": ["Zunanji polmer"], "Outer edge of Pie chart": ["Zunanji rob tortnega grafikona"], "Inner Radius": ["Notranji polmer"], "Inner radius of donut hole": ["Notranji polmer kolobarja"], - "The classic. Great for showing how much of a company each investor gets, what demographics follow your blog, or what portion of the budget goes to the military industrial complex.\r\n\r\n Pie charts can be difficult to interpret precisely. If clarity of relative proportion is important, consider using a bar or other chart type instead.": [ + "The classic. Great for showing how much of a company each investor gets, what demographics follow your blog, or what portion of the budget goes to the military industrial complex.\n\n Pie charts can be difficult to interpret precisely. If clarity of relative proportion is important, consider using a bar or other chart type instead.": [ "Standardni grafikon za prikaz deležev. Tortne grafikone je težje natančno interpretirati, takrat lahko uporabite npr. stolpčni grafikon." ], + "Total: %s": ["Vsota: %s"], "The maximum value of metrics. It is an optional configuration": [ "Največja vrednost mere. To je opcijska nastavitev" ], @@ -4761,10 +2967,9 @@ "Prikaže vzporedni nabor mer za različne skupine. Vsaka skupina je prikazana s svojim naborom točk in vsaka mera s povezavo na grafikonu." ], "Radar Chart": ["Radarski grafikon"], - "Web": ["Mreža"], "Contribution Mode": ["Način deležev"], - "Calculate contribution per series or total": [ - "Izračunaj delež za podatkovno serijo ali skupnega" + "Calculate contribution per series or row": [ + "Izračunaj delež za serijo ali vrstico" ], "Series Style": ["Slog serije"], "Area chart opacity": ["Prosojnost ploščinskega grafikona"], @@ -4772,41 +2977,87 @@ "Prosojnost ploščinskega grafikona. Upošteva se tudi za interval zaupanja." ], "Marker Size": ["Velikost markerja"], + "Swiss army knife for visualizing data. Choose between step, line, scatter, and bar charts. This viz type has many customization options as well.": [ + "Univerzalni grafikon za vizualizacijo podatkov. Izbirajte med stopničastimi, črtnimi, raztresenimi in stolpčnimi grafikoni. Grafikon ima širok nabor prilagoditev." + ], "Swiss army knife for visualizing time series data. Choose between step, line, scatter, and bar charts. This viz type has many customization options as well.": [ "Univerzalni grafikon za prikaz časovnih vrst. Izbirajte med stopničnimi, črtnimi, raztresenimi in stolpčnimi grafikoni. Grafikon ima širok nabor prilagoditev." ], + "Generic Chart": ["Generičen grafikon"], "Time-series Chart": ["Grafikon časovne vrste"], + "zoom area": ["približaj območje"], + "restore zoom": ["ponastavi prikaz"], + "Area charts are similar to line charts in that they represent variables with the same scale, but area charts stack the metrics on top of each other.": [ + "Ploščinski grafikoni so podobni črtnim grafikonom, saj predstavljajo spremenljivke v istem razmerju, vendar se pri ploščinskih grafikonih mere nalagajo ena na drugo." + ], "Time-series Area chart are similar to line chart in that they represent variables with the same scale, but area charts stack the metrics on top of each other. An area chart in Superset can be stream, stack, or expand.": [ "Ploščinski grafikoni časovne vrste so podobni črtnim grafikonom, saj predstavljajo spremenljivke v istem razmerju, vendar se pri ploščinskih grafikonih mere nalagajo ena na drugo." ], + "Area Chart v2": ["Ploščinski grafikon v2"], "Time-series Area Chart": ["Ploščinski grafikon časovne vrste"], - "It’s not recommended to truncate y-axis in Bar chart.": [ - "V stolpčnem grafikonu ni priporočljivo omejiti y-osi." + "Axis Title": ["Naslov osi"], + "AXIS TITLE MARGIN": ["OBROBA OZNAKE OSI"], + "AXIS TITLE POSITION": ["POLOŽAJ OZNAKE OSI"], + "Rotate axis label": ["Zavrti oznako osi"], + "Axis Format": ["Oblika osi"], + "Logarithmic axis": ["Logaritemska os"], + "Draw split lines for minor axis ticks": [ + "Izriši ločilne črte za pomožne oznake osi" + ], + "Truncate Axis": ["Prireži os"], + "It’s not recommended to truncate axis in Bar chart.": [ + "V stolpčnem grafikonu ni priporočljivo omejiti osi." + ], + "Axis Bounds": ["Meje osi"], + "Bounds for the axis. When left empty, the bounds are dynamically defined based on the min/max of the data. Note that this feature will only expand the axis range. It won't narrow the data's extent.": [ + "Meje osi. Če je prazno, se meje nastavijo dinamično na podlagi min./max. vrednosti podatkov. Funkcija omeji le prikaz, obseg podatkov pa ostane enak." + ], + "Chart Orientation": ["Orientacija grafikona"], + "Bar orientation": ["Orientacija stolpcev"], + "Horizontal": ["Vodoravno"], + "Orientation of bar chart": ["Orientacija stolpčnega grafikona"], + "Bar Charts are used to show metrics as a series of bars.": [ + "Stolpčni grafikoni se uporabljajo za prikaz mer z nizi stolpcev." ], "Time-series Bar Charts are used to show the changes in a metric over time as a series of bars.": [ "Stolpčni grafikoni časovne vrste se uporabljajo za prikaz sprememb mere skozi čas s pomočjo niza stolpcev." ], + "Bar Chart v2": ["Stolpčni grafikon v2"], "Time-series Bar Chart v2": ["Stolpčni grafikon časovne vrste v2"], - "Bar": ["Stolpec"], + "Line chart is used to visualize measurements taken over a given category. Line chart is a type of chart which displays information as a series of data points connected by straight line segments. It is a basic type of chart common in many fields.": [ + "Črtni grafikon se uporablja se za vizualizacijo meritev zajetih skozi čas. Posamezne točke so med seboj povezane z ravnimi črtami." + ], "Time-series line chart is used to visualize repeated measurements taken over regular time intervals. Line chart is a type of chart which displays information as a series of data points connected by straight line segments. It is a basic type of chart common in many fields.": [ "Črtni grafikon časovne vrste je osnovni grafikon, ki se uporablja na različnih področjih. Uporablja se za vizualizacijo meritev zajetih skozi čas. Posamezne točke so med seboj povezane z ravnimi črtami." ], "Time-series Line Chart": ["Črtni grafikon časovne vrste"], + "Scatter Plot has the horizontal axis in linear units, and the points are connected in order. It shows a statistical relationship between two variables.": [ + "Raztreseni grafikon ima vodoravno os v linearnih enotah, prikazuje podatkovne točke v povezanem redu in prikazuje statistično razmerje med dvema spremenljivkama." + ], "Time-series Scatter Plot has time on the horizontal axis in linear units, and the points are connected in order. It shows a statistical relationship between two variables.": [ "Raztreseni grafikon časovne vrste prikazuje podatkovne točke v povezanem redu in prikazuje statistično razmerje med spremenljivkami." ], + "Scatter Plot": ["Raztreseni grafikon"], "Time-series Scatter Plot": ["Raztreseni grafikon časovne vrste"], - "Time-series Smooth-line is a variation of line chart. Without angles and hard edges, Smooth-line looks more smarter and more professional.": [ + "Smooth-line is a variation of the line chart. Without angles and hard edges, Smooth-line sometimes looks smarter and more professional.": [ + "Zglajeni črtni grafikon je izpeljanka črtnega grafikona, ki zgladi ostre robove krivulje." + ], + "Time-series Smooth-line is a variation of the line chart. Without angles and hard edges, Smooth-line sometimes looks smarter and more professional.": [ "Zglajeni grafikon časovne vrste je izpeljanka črtnega grafikona, ki zgladi ostre robove krivulje." ], + "Smooth Line": ["Zglajena črta"], "Time-series Smooth Line": ["Zglajeni črtni grafikon časovne vrste"], "Step type": ["Stopnični tip"], "Defines whether the step should appear at the beginning, middle or end between two data points": [ "Določa, če se na začetku, na sredini ali na koncu pojavi stopnica med dvema točkama" ], + "Stepped-line graph (also called step chart) is a variation of line chart but with the line forming a series of steps between data points. A step chart can be useful when you want to show the changes that occur at irregular intervals.": [ + "Stopničasti grafikon je izpeljanka črtnega grafikona, pri čemer krivuljo tvorijo stopnice med posameznimi točkami. Koristen je za prikaz sprememb na posameznih intervalih." + ], "Time-series Stepped-line graph (also called step chart) is a variation of line chart but with the line forming a series of steps between data points. A step chart can be useful when you want to show the changes that occur at irregular intervals.": [ "Stopnični grafikon časovne vrste je izpeljanka črtnega grafikona, pri čemer krivuljo tvorijo stopnice med posameznimi točkami. Koristen je za prikaz sprememb na posameznih intervalih." ], + "Stepped Line": ["Stopničasta črta"], "Time-series Stepped Line": ["Stopnični črtni grafikon časovne vrste"], "Id": ["Id"], "Name of the id column": ["Naziv id-stolpca"], @@ -4870,58 +3121,24 @@ "Prikaže hierarhična razmerja podatkov, pri čemer je vrednost ponazorjena s ploščino, in deleže oz. prispevke k celoti." ], "Treemap v2": ["Drevesni grafikon s pravokotniki v2"], - "Columns to group by on the rows": ["Stolpci za združevanje vrstic"], - "Columns to group by on the columns": ["Stolpci za združevanje stolpcev"], - "Apply metrics on": ["Uporabi mero na"], - "Use metrics as a top level group for columns or for rows": [ - "Uporabi mere kot vrhovni nivo grupiranja za stolpce ali vrstice" - ], - "Show rows total": ["Prikaži vsoto vrstic"], - "Display row level total": ["Prikaži vsote na nivoju vrstic"], - "Show columns total": ["Prikaži vsoto stolpcev"], - "Display column level total": ["Prikaži vsote na nivoju stolpcev"], - "Transpose pivot": ["Transponirano vrtenje"], - "Swap rows and columns": ["Zamenjaj vrstice in stolpce"], - "Combine metrics": ["Združuj mere"], - "D3 time format for datetime columns": [ - "D3 oblika zapisa za časovne stolpce" - ], - "Rows sort by": ["Razvrsti vrstice"], - "key a-z": ["a - ž"], - "key z-a": ["ž - a"], - "value ascending": ["0 - 9"], - "value descending": ["9 - 0"], - "Order of rows": ["Vrstni red vrstic"], - "Cols sort by": ["Razvrsti stolpce"], - "Order of columns": ["Vrstni red stolpcev"], - "Rows subtotal position": ["Položaj vsot vrstic"], - "Top": ["Zgoraj"], - "Bottom": ["Spodaj"], - "Position of row level subtotal": ["Položaj vsot na nivoju vrstic"], - "Cols subtotal position": ["Položaj vsot stolpcev"], - "Position of column level subtotal": ["Položaj vsot na nivoju stolpcev"], - "Conditional formatting": ["Pogojno oblikovanje"], - "Apply conditional color formatting to metrics": [ - "Za mere uporabi pogojno oblikovanje z barvami" - ], - "Used to summarize a set of data by grouping together multiple statistics along two axes. Examples: Sales numbers by region and month, tasks by status and assignee, active users by age and location. Not the most visually stunning visualization, but highly informative and versatile.": [ - "Ponazori podatke na podlagi združevanja več statistik vzdolž dveh osi. Npr. prodaja po regijah in mesecih, opravila po statusih in izvajalcih, itd." - ], - "Pivot Table v2": ["Vrtilna tabela v2"], - "search.num_records": ["search.num_records"], - "page_size.show": ["page_size.show"], - "page_size.entries": ["page_size.entries"], - "Totals": ["Vsote"], "page_size.all": ["page_size.all"], - "Group By, Metrics or Percentage Metrics must have a value": [ - "Združevanje, Mera ali Procentualna mera morajo imeti vrednost" - ], - "Query mode": ["Poizvedbeni način"], + "Handlebars": ["Handlebars"], "must have a value": ["mora imeti vrednost"], + "Handlebars Template": ["Predloga za Handlebars"], + "A handlebars template that is applied to the data": [ + "Predloga za Handlebars, ki je uporabljena za podatke" + ], + "Include time": ["Vključi čas"], + "Whether to include the time granularity as defined in the time section": [ + "Če želite vključiti granulacijo časa, ki je določena v sekciji Čas" + ], "Percentage metrics": ["Procentualne mere"], "Metrics for which percentage of total are to be displayed. Calculated from only data within the row limit.": [ "Mera, za katero je prikazan odstotek od celote. Izračunan je samo iz podatkov znotraj omejitve števila vrstic." ], + "Show total aggregations of selected metrics. Note that row limit does not apply to the result.": [ + "Prikaži skupno agregacijo izbrane mere. Omejitev števila vrstic ne vpliva na rezultat." + ], "Ordering": ["Razvrščanje"], "Order results by selected columns": [ "Razvrsti rezultate glede na izbrani stolpec" @@ -4934,13 +3151,74 @@ "Rows per page, 0 means no pagination": [ "Vrstic na stran (0 pomeni brez številčenja strani)" ], - "Include time": ["Vključi čas"], - "Whether to include the time granularity as defined in the time section": [ - "Če želite vključiti granulacijo časa, ki je določena v sekciji Čas" + "Query mode": ["Poizvedbeni način"], + "Group By, Metrics or Percentage Metrics must have a value": [ + "Združevanje, Mera ali Procentualna mera morajo imeti vrednost" ], - "Show total aggregations of selected metrics. Note that row limit does not apply to the result.": [ - "Prikaži skupno agregacijo izbrane mere. Omejitev števila vrstic ne vpliva na rezultat." + "CSS Styles": ["CSS slogi"], + "CSS applied to the chart": ["CSS slogi uporabljeni za grafikon"], + "Columns to group by on the columns": ["Stolpci za združevanje stolpcev"], + "Rows": ["Vrstice"], + "Columns to group by on the rows": ["Stolpci za združevanje vrstic"], + "Apply metrics on": ["Uporabi mero na"], + "Use metrics as a top level group for columns or for rows": [ + "Uporabi mere kot vrhovni nivo grupiranja za stolpce ali vrstice" ], + "Cell limit": ["Omejitev celice"], + "Limits the number of cells that get retrieved.": [ + "Omeji število pridobljenih celic." + ], + "Metric used to define how the top series are sorted if a series or cell limit is present. If undefined reverts to the first metric (where appropriate).": [ + "Mera, ki določa kako so razvrščene prve serije, če je določena omejitev serij ali vrstic. Če ni določena, se uporabi prva mera (kjer je ustrezno)." + ], + "Show rows total": ["Prikaži vsoto vrstic"], + "Display row level total": ["Prikaži vsote na nivoju vrstic"], + "Show columns total": ["Prikaži vsoto stolpcev"], + "Display column level total": ["Prikaži vsote na nivoju stolpcev"], + "Transpose pivot": ["Transponirano vrtenje"], + "Swap rows and columns": ["Zamenjaj vrstice in stolpce"], + "Combine metrics": ["Združuj mere"], + "D3 time format for datetime columns": [ + "D3 oblika zapisa za časovne stolpce" + ], + "Sort rows by": ["Razvrsti vrstice"], + "key a-z": ["a - ž"], + "key z-a": ["ž - a"], + "value ascending": ["0 - 9"], + "value descending": ["9 - 0"], + "Change order of rows.": ["Spremeni vrstni red vrstic."], + "Available sorting modes:": ["Razpoložljivi načini razvrščanja:"], + "By key: use row names as sorting key": [ + "Po ključu: za razvrščanje uporabite imena vrstic" + ], + "By value: use metric values as sorting key": [ + "Po vrednosti: za razvrščanje uporabite vrednosti mere" + ], + "Sort columns by": ["Razvrsti stolpce"], + "Change order of columns.": ["Spremeni vrstni red stolpcev."], + "By key: use column names as sorting key": [ + "Po ključu: za razvrščanje uporabite imena stolpcev" + ], + "Rows subtotal position": ["Položaj vsot vrstic"], + "Top": ["Zgoraj"], + "Bottom": ["Spodaj"], + "Position of row level subtotal": ["Položaj vsot na nivoju vrstic"], + "Columns subtotal position": ["Položaj delnih vsot stolpcev"], + "Position of column level subtotal": ["Položaj vsot na nivoju stolpcev"], + "Conditional formatting": ["Pogojno oblikovanje"], + "Apply conditional color formatting to metrics": [ + "Za mere uporabi pogojno oblikovanje z barvami" + ], + "Used to summarize a set of data by grouping together multiple statistics along two axes. Examples: Sales numbers by region and month, tasks by status and assignee, active users by age and location. Not the most visually stunning visualization, but highly informative and versatile.": [ + "Ponazori podatke na podlagi združevanja več statistik vzdolž dveh osi. Npr. prodaja po regijah in mesecih, opravila po statusih in izvajalcih, itd." + ], + "Pivot Table v2": ["Vrtilna tabela v2"], + "Unknown input format": ["Neznana oblika vnosa"], + "search.num_records": ["search.num_records"], + "page_size.show": ["page_size.show"], + "page_size.entries": ["page_size.entries"], + "Totals": ["Vsote"], + "Timestamp format": ["Oblika zapisa časovne značke"], "Page length": ["Dolžina strani"], "Search box": ["Iskalno polje"], "Whether to include a client-side search box": [ @@ -4950,6 +3228,10 @@ "Whether to align background charts with both positive and negative values at 0": [ "Če želite poravnati graf v ozadju celic za negativne in pozitivne vrednosti okrog 0" ], + "Allow columns to be rearranged": ["Omogoči razvrščanje stolpcev"], + "Allow end user to drag-and-drop column headers to rearrange them. Note their changes won't persist for the next time they open the chart.": [ + "Uporabniku omogočite, da s potegom razvrsti stolpce. Sprememba se ne bo ohranila, ko bo grafikon ponovno naložen." + ], "Customize columns": ["Prilagodi stolpce"], "Further customize how to display each column": [ "Dodatne prilagoditve prikaza posameznih stolpcev" @@ -4976,248 +3258,2252 @@ "Visualizes the words in a column that appear the most often. Bigger font corresponds to higher frequency.": [ "Prikaže besede v stolpcu, glede na pogostost pojavljanja. Večja pisava pomeni večjo frekvenco." ], - "Scatter Plot": ["Raztreseni grafikon"], - "Hide Mini Map": ["Skrij majhen zemljevid"], - "Show Mini Map": ["Prikaži majhen zemljevid"], - "Choropleth Map": ["Koroplet zemljevid"], - "ChoroplethMap": ["ChoroplethMap"], - "Icicle Event Chart": ["Grafikon Icicle dogodkov"], - "deck.gl charts": ["grafikoni deck.gl"], - "Pick a set of deck.gl charts to layer on top of one another": [ - "Izberite nabor deck.gl grafikonov, ki bodo nanizani en na drugem" + "The query couldn't be loaded": ["Poizvedbe ni mogoče naložiti"], + "Your query has been scheduled. To see details of your query, navigate to Saved queries": [ + "Vaša poizvedba je v urniku. Za ogled podrobnosti poizvedbe pojdite na shranjene poizvedbe" ], - "Compose multiple layers together to form complex visuals.": [ - "Združi več plasti za oblikovanje kompleksnih vizualizacij." + "Your query could not be scheduled": [ + "Vaše poizvedbe ni mogoče uvrstiti v urnik" ], - "deck.gl Multiple Layers": ["deck.gl - Večplastni grafikon"], - "deckGL": ["deckGL"], - "Data has no time steps": ["Podatki nimajo časovnih korakov"], - "Start Longitude & Latitude": ["Začetna Dolž. in Širina"], - "Point to your spatial columns": [ - "Pokažite na stolpec z lokacijskimi podatki" + "Failed at retrieving results": ["Napaka pri pridobivanju rezultatov"], + "An error occurred while storing the latest query id in the backend. Please contact your administrator if this problem persists.": [ + "Pri shranjevanju zadnjega id-ja poizvedbe v sistem je prišlo do napake. Če se težava ponavlja, kontaktirajte administratorja." ], - "End Longitude & Latitude": ["Končna Dolž. in Širina"], - "Arc": ["Lok"], - "Target Color": ["Ciljna barva"], - "Color of the target location": ["Barva ciljne lokacije"], - "Categorical Color": ["Kategorična barva"], - "Pick a dimension from which categorical colors are defined": [ - "Izberite dimenzijo, ki bo določala kategorične barve" + "Unknown error": ["Neznana napaka"], + "Query was stopped.": ["Poizvedba je bila ustavljena."], + "Failed at stopping query. %s": ["Neuspešno ustavljanje poizvedbe. %s"], + "Unable to migrate table schema state to backend. Superset will retry later. Please contact your administrator if this problem persists.": [ + "Stanja sheme tabele ni mogoče prenesti v sistem. Superset bo ponovil poskus kasneje. Če se težava ponavlja, kontaktirajte administratorja." ], - "Stroke Width": ["Debelina obrobe"], - "Plot the distance (like flight paths) between origin and destination.": [ - "Izriši razdalje (kot letalske koridorje) med izhodiščem in ciljem." + "Unable to migrate query state to backend. Superset will retry later. Please contact your administrator if this problem persists.": [ + "Stanja poizvedbe ni mogoče prenesti v sistem. Superset bo ponovil poskus kasneje. Če se težava ponavlja, kontaktirajte administratorja." ], - "deck.gl Arc": ["deck.gl - Lok"], - "3D": ["3D"], - "GeoJson Settings": ["GeoJson nastavitve"], - "Point Radius Scale": ["Skaliranje radija točk"], - "The GeoJsonLayer takes in GeoJSON formatted data and renders it as interactive polygons, lines and points (circles, icons and/or texts).": [ - "GeoJsonLayer uporablja podatke v formatu GeoJSON in jih izriše kot interaktivne poligone, črte in točke (krogi, ikone in/ali besedila)." + "Unable to migrate query editor state to backend. Superset will retry later. Please contact your administrator if this problem persists.": [ + "Stanja urejevalnika poizvedb ni mogoče prenesti v sistem. Superset bo ponovil poskus kasneje. Če se težava ponavlja, kontaktirajte administratorja." ], - "deck.gl Geojson": ["deck.gl - GeoJSON"], - "Metric used to control height": ["Mera za določanje višine"], - "Visualize geospatial data like 3D buildings, landscapes, or objects in grid view.": [ - "Prikaz geoprostorskih podatkov kot so 3D zgradbe, parcele ali objekti v mrežnem pogledu." + "Unable to add a new tab to the backend. Please contact your administrator.": [ + "Novega zavihka ni mogoče dodati v sistem. Kontaktirajte administratorja." ], - "deck.gl Grid": ["deck.gl - Mreža"], - "Dynamic Aggregation Function": ["Dinamična agregacijska funkcija"], - "The function to use when aggregating points into groups": [ - "Funkcija za agregacijo točk v skupine" + "Copy of %s": ["Kopija %s"], + "An error occurred while setting the active tab. Please contact your administrator.": [ + "Pri določanju aktivnega zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." ], - "Overlays a hexagonal grid on a map, and aggregates data within the boundary of each cell.": [ - "Prikaže šestkotno mrežo na zemljevidu in agregira podatke znotraj meja vsake celice." + "An error occurred while fetching tab state": [ + "Pri pridobivanju stanja zavihka je prišlo do napake" ], - "deck.gl 3D Hexagon": ["deck.gl - 3D HEX"], - "Visualizes connected points, which form a path, on a map.": [ - "Na zemljevidu prikaže povezane točke, ki tvorijo pot." + "An error occurred while hiding the left bar. Please contact your administrator.": [ + "Pri skrivanju leve vrstice je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." ], - "deck.gl Path": ["deck.gl - Poti"], - "Polygon Column": ["Stolpec poligonov"], - "Polygon Encoding": ["Kodiranje poligonov"], - "Elevation": ["Višina"], - "Polygon Settings": ["Nastavitve poligonov"], - "Opacity, expects values between 0 and 100": [ - "Prosojnost, vnesite vrednosti med 0 in 100" + "An error occurred while removing tab. Please contact your administrator.": [ + "Pri odstranjevanju zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." ], - "Number of buckets to group data": [ - "Število razdelkov za združevanje podatkov" + "An error occurred while removing query. Please contact your administrator.": [ + "Pri odstranjevanju poizvedbe je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." ], - "How many buckets should the data be grouped in.": [ - "V koliko razdelkov bodo razvrščeni podatki." + "An error occurred while setting the tab database ID. Please contact your administrator.": [ + "Pri določanju ID-ja v podatkovne baze za zavihek je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." ], - "Bucket break points": ["Točke za razčlenitev razdelkov"], - "List of n+1 values for bucketing metric into n buckets.": [ - "Seznam n+1 vrednosti za mero razvrščanja v n razdelkov." + "An error occurred while setting the tab schema. Please contact your administrator.": [ + "Pri določanju sheme zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." ], - "Emit Filter Events": ["Prikaži dogodke filtrov"], - "Whether to apply filter when items are clicked": [ - "Če želite uporabiti filter, ko kliknete na elemente" + "An error occurred while setting the tab autorun. Please contact your administrator.": [ + "Pri določanju samodejnega zagona zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." ], - "Multiple filtering": ["Večkratno filtriranje"], - "Allow sending multiple polygons as a filter event": [ - "Dovoli pošiljanje več poligonov kot dogodek filtra" + "An error occurred while setting the tab title. Please contact your administrator.": [ + "Pri določanju naslova zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." ], - "Visualizes geographic areas from your data as polygons on a Mapbox rendered map. Polygons can be colored using a metric.": [ - "Prikaže geografsko območje kot poligone na zemljevidu zagotovljenim preko storitve Mapbox. Poligoni so lahko obarvani glede na mero." + "Your query could not be saved": ["Vaše poizvedbe ni mogoče shraniti"], + "Your query was not properly saved": [ + "Vaša poizvedba ni bila pravilno shranjena" ], - "deck.gl Polygon": ["deck.gl - Poligon"], - "Point Size": ["Velikost točke"], - "Point Unit": ["Enota točke"], - "Minimum Radius": ["Min. polmer"], - "Minimum radius size of the circle, in pixels. As the zoom level changes, this insures that the circle respects this minimum radius.": [ - "Minimalni polmer kroga v pikslih. S tem je določen min. polmer kroga, ko se spreminja stopnja povečave." + "Your query was saved": ["Vaša poizvedba je shranjena"], + "Your query was updated": ["Vaša poizvedba je posodobljena"], + "Your query could not be updated": [ + "Vaše poizvedbe ni mogoče posodobiti" ], - "Maximum Radius": ["Max. polmer"], - "Maxium radius size of the circle, in pixels. As the zoom level changes, this insures that the circle respects this maximum radius.": [ - "Maksimalni polmer kroga v pikslih. S tem je določen max. polmer kroga, ko se spreminja stopnja povečave." + "An error occurred while storing your query in the backend. To avoid losing your changes, please save your query using the \"Save Query\" button.": [ + "Pri shranjevanju vaše poizvedbe v sistem je prišlo do napake. Da ne izgubite sprememb, shranite poizvedbo z gumbom \"Shrani poizvedbo\"." ], - "Point Color": ["Barva točke"], - "A map that takes rendering circles with a variable radius at latitude/longitude coordinates": [ - "Zemljevid, ki na zemljepisnih koordinatah prikazuje kroge s spremenljivim polmerom" + "An error occurred while setting the tab template parameters. Please contact your administrator.": [ + "Pri določanju parametrov predloge zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." ], - "deck.gl Scatterplot": ["deck.gl - Raztreseni grafikon"], - "Grid": ["Mreža"], - "Weight": ["Utež"], - "Metric used as a weight for the grid's coloring": [ - "Mera, ki služi kot utež za barvo mreže" + "An error occurred while fetching table metadata": [ + "Pri pridobivanju metapodatkov tabele je prišlo do napake" ], - "Aggregates data within the boundary of grid cells and maps the aggregated values to a dynamic color scale": [ - "Agregira podatke znotraj meja celic in agregiranim vrednostim pripiše barvno lestvico" + "An error occurred while fetching table metadata. Please contact your administrator.": [ + "Pri pridobivanju metapodatkov tabele je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." ], - "deck.gl Screen Grid": ["deck.gl - Mreža"], - "For more information about objects are in context in the scope of this function, refer to the": [ - "Za dodatne informacije o objektih v kontekstu te funkcije si oglejte" + "An error occurred while expanding the table schema. Please contact your administrator.": [ + "Pri širitvi sheme tabele je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." ], - " source code of Superset's sandboxed parser": [ - " izvorno kodo za Supersetov \"sandboxed parser\"" + "An error occurred while collapsing the table schema. Please contact your administrator.": [ + "Pri krčenju sheme tabele je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." ], - "This functionality is disabled in your environment for security reasons.": [ - "Ta funkcionalnost je v vašem okolju onemogočena zaradi varnosti." + "An error occurred while removing the table schema. Please contact your administrator.": [ + "Pri odstranjevanju sheme tabele je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." ], - "Ignore null locations": ["Izpusti prazne lokacije"], - "Whether to ignore locations that are null": [ - "Če ne želite upoštevati praznih (NULL) lokacij" + "Shared query": ["Deljene poizvedbe"], + "The datasource couldn't be loaded": [ + "Podatkovnega vira ni mogoče naložiti" ], - "Auto Zoom": ["Samodejna povečava"], - "When checked, the map will zoom to your data after each query": [ - "Če želite, da se zemljevid prilagodi vašim podatkom po vsaki poizvedbi" + "An error occurred while creating the data source": [ + "Pri ustvarjanju podatkovnega vira je prišlo do težave" ], - "Dimension": ["Dimenzija"], - "Select a dimension": ["Izberite dimenzijo"], - "Extra data for JS": ["Dodatni podatki za JS"], - "List of extra columns made available in Javascript functions": [ - "Seznam dodatnih podatkov, ki so na razpolago v Javascript funkcijah" + "An error occurred while fetching function names.": [ + "Pri pridobivanju imen funkcij je prišlo do napake." ], - "Javascript data interceptor": ["Javascript prestreznik podatkov"], - "Define a javascript function that receives the data array used in the visualization and is expected to return a modified version of that array. This can be used to alter properties of the data, filter, or enrich the array.": [ - "Določite Javascript funkcijo, ki sprejme podatkovni niz za vizualizacijo in vrne spremenjeno verzijo tega niza. Lahko se uporabi za spreminjanje lastnosti podatkov, filtra ali obogatitve niza." + "SQL Lab uses your browser's local storage to store queries and results.\nCurrently, you are using %(currentUsage)s KB out of %(maxStorage)d KB storage space.\nTo keep SQL Lab from crashing, please delete some query tabs.\nYou can re-access these queries by using the Save feature before you delete the tab.\nNote that you will need to close other SQL Lab windows before you do this.": [ + "SQL laboratorij uporablja lokalno shrambo brskalnika za shranjevanje poizvedb in rezultatov.\nTrenutno uporabljate %(currentUsage)s KB od %(maxStorage)d KB prostora.\nDa preprečite sesutje SQL laba, izbrišite nekaj zavihkov s poizvedbami.\nPoizvedbe lahko ponovno pridobite, če pred brisanjem uporabite funkcijo Shrani.\nPred tem morate zapreti druga okna SQL laboratorija." ], - "Javascript tooltip generator": ["Javascript generator opisa orodja"], - "Define a function that receives the input and outputs the content for a tooltip": [ - "Določite funkcijo, ki sprejme vhodne podatke in vrne vsebino opisa orodja" + "Estimate selected query cost": ["Oceni potratnost izbrane poizvedbe"], + "Estimate cost": ["Oceni potratnost"], + "Cost estimate": ["Ocena potratnosti"], + "Creating a data source and creating a new tab": [ + "Ustvarjanje podatkovnega vira in novega zavihka" ], - "Javascript onClick href": ["Javascript onClick href"], - "Define a function that returns a URL to navigate to when user clicks": [ - "Določite funkcijo, ki vrne URL za navigacijo, ko uporabnik klikne" + "An error occurred": ["Prišlo je do napake"], + "Explore the result set in the data exploration view": [ + "Raziščite rezultate v pogledu raziskovanja podatkov" ], - "Legend Format": ["Oblika legende"], - "Choose the format for legend values": [ - "Izberite obliko vrednosti legende" + "Create Chart": ["Ustvarite grafikon"], + "Source SQL": ["Izvorni SQL"], + "Executed SQL": ["Izvedena poizvedba"], + "SQL": ["SQL"], + "Run a query to display query history": [ + "Za prikaz zgodovine poizvedb zaženite poizvedbo" ], - "Legend Position": ["Položaj legende"], - "Choose the position of the legend": ["Izberite položaj legende"], - "Lines column": ["Stolpec črt"], - "The database columns that contains lines information": [ - "Stolpec v podatkovni bazi, ki vsebuje podatke črt" + "An error occurred when refreshing queries": [ + "Pri osveževanju poizvedb je prišlo do napake" ], - "The width of the lines": ["Debelina črt"], - "Fill Color": ["Barva polnila"], - " Set the opacity to 0 if you do not want to override the color specified in the GeoJSON": [ - " Nastavite prosojnost na 0, če želite obdržati barvo določeno v GeoJSON" + "It seems you don't have access to any database": [ + "Zdi se, da nimate dostopa do nobene podatkovne baz" ], - "Stroke Color": ["Barva obrobe"], - "Filled": ["Zapolnjeno"], - "Whether to fill the objects": ["Če želite zapolniti objekte"], - "Stroked": ["Obrobljeno"], - "Whether to display the stroke": ["Če želite prikazati obrobe"], - "Extruded": ["Relief"], - "Grid Size": ["Velikost mreže"], - "Defines the grid size in pixels": ["Določa velikost mreže v pikslih"], - "Parameters related to the view and perspective on the map": [ - "Parametri povezani s pogledom in perspektivo zemljevida" + "Filter by user": ["Filtriraj po uporabniku"], + "Filter by database": ["Filtriraj po podatkovni bazi"], + "Query search string": ["Iskalni niz za poizvedbo"], + "[From]-": ["[Od]-"], + "[To]-": ["[Do]-"], + "Filter by status": ["Filtriraj po statusu"], + "Success": ["Uspelo"], + "Failed": ["Ni uspelo"], + "Running": ["V teku"], + "Fetching": ["Pridobivam"], + "Offline": ["Offline"], + "Scheduled": ["V urniku"], + "Unknown Status": ["Neznan status"], + "Edit": ["Urejanje"], + "View": ["Pogled"], + "Data preview": ["Ogled podatkov"], + "Overwrite text in the editor with a query on this table": [ + "Besedilo v urejevalniku prepišite s poizvedbo na to tabelo" ], - "Longitude & Latitude": ["Dolžina in širina"], - "Fixed point radius": ["Fiksni radij točk"], - "Multiplier": ["Množitelj"], - "Factor to multiply the metric by": ["Faktor, s katerim množite mero"], - "Lines encoding": ["Kodiranje črt"], - "The encoding format of the lines": ["Oblika kodiranja črt"], - "Reverse Lat & Long": ["Zamenjaj Dolž. in Širino"], - "GeoJson Column": ["GeoJson stolpec"], - "Select the geojson column": ["Izberite geojson stolpec"], - "Kepler.gl": ["Kepler.gl"], - "List Users": ["Seznam uporabnikov"], - "List Roles": ["Seznam vlog"], - "Your user information": ["Vaše uporabniške informacije"], - "User info": ["Informacije o uporabniku"], - "User Name": ["Uporabniško ime"], - "Is Active?": ["Aktiven?"], - "Login count": ["Število prijav"], - "Personal Info": ["Osebne informacije"], - "First Name": ["Ime"], - "Last Name": ["Priimek"], - "Email": ["E-pošta"], - "Audit Info": ["Revizijske informacije"], - "Last login": ["Zadnja prijava"], - "Failed login count": ["Število neuspešnih prijav"], - "Changed by": ["Spremenil"], - "Reset Password": ["Ponastavi geslo"], - "Show User": ["Prikaži uporabnika"], - "Username valid for authentication on DB or LDAP, unused for OID auth": [ - "Uporabniško ime za DB ali LDAP avtentikacijo. Ni uporabljeno za OID avtentikacijo" + "Run query in a new tab": ["Zaženi poizvedbo v novem zavihku"], + "Remove query from log": ["Odstrani poizvedbo iz dnevnika"], + "Save & Explore": ["Shrani & Razišči"], + "Overwrite & Explore": ["Prepiši & Razišči"], + "Save this query as a virtual dataset to continue exploring": [ + "Shranite poizvedbo kot virtualni podatkovni set" ], - "It's not a good policy to remove a user, just make it inactive": [ - "Izbris uporabnika ni dobra praksa, raje ga deaktivirajte" + "Download to CSV": ["Izvozi kot CSV"], + "Copy to Clipboard": ["Kopiraj na odložišče"], + "Too many columns to filter": ["Preveč stolpcev za filtriranje"], + "Filter results": ["Filtriraj rezultate"], + "The number of results displayed is limited to %(rows)d by the configuration DISPLAY_MAX_ROWS. Please add additional limits/filters or download to csv to see more rows up to the %(limit)d limit.": [ + "Število prikazanih rezultatov je omejeno na %(rows)d na podlagi parametra DISPLAY_MAX_ROWS. V csv dodajte dodatne omejitve/filtre, da boste lahko videli več vrstic do meje %(limit)d ." ], - "The user's email, this will also be used for OID auth": [ - "Uporabnikov e-naslov, uporabljen bo tudi za OID avtentikacijo" + "The number of results displayed is limited to %(rows)d. Please add additional limits/filters, download to csv, or contact an admin to see more rows up to the %(limit)d limit.": [ + "Število prikazanih rezultatov je omejeno na %(rows)d . V csv dodajte dodatne omejitve/filtre, da boste lahko videli več vrstic do meje %(limit)d ." ], - "The user role on the application, this will associate with a list of permissions": [ - "Uporabnikova vloga v tej aplikaciji, povezana bo s seznamom dovoljenj" + "The number of rows displayed is limited to %(rows)d by the query": [ + "Število prikazanih vrstic je omejeno na %(rows)d s poizvedbo" ], - "User confirmation needed": ["Potrebna je potrditev s strani uporabnika"], - "You sure you want to delete this item?": [ - "Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati ta vnos?" + "The number of rows displayed is limited to %(rows)d by the limit dropdown.": [ + "Število prikazanih rezultatov je omejeno na %(rows)d s poizvedbo." ], - "Reset my password": ["Ponastavi geslo"], - "Reset Password Form": ["Obrazec za ponastavitev gesla"], - "Please use a good password policy, this application does not check this for you": [ - "Uporabite varno geslo. Ta aplikacija tega ne bo preverila" + "The number of rows displayed is limited to %(rows)d by the query and limit dropdown.": [ + "Število prikazanih vrstic je omejeno na %(rows)d s poizvedbo in spustnim izbirnikom omejitev." ], - "Confirm Password": ["Potrdite geslo"], - "Please rewrite the password to confirm": [ - "Ponovno vpišite geslo za potrditev" + "%(rows)d rows returned": ["%(rows)d vrnjenih vrstic"], + "The number of rows displayed is limited to %s by the dropdown.": [ + "Število prikazanih vrstic je omejeno na %s s spustnim izbirnikom." + ], + "Query was stopped": ["Poizvedba je bila ustavljena"], + "Database error": ["Napaka podatkovne baze"], + "was created": ["ustvarjeno"], + "Query in a new tab": ["Poizvedba v novem zavihku"], + "The query returned no data": ["Poizvedba ni vrnila podatkov"], + "Fetch data preview": ["Pridobi predogled podatkov"], + "Refetch results": ["Ponovno pridobi rezultate"], + "Track job": ["Sledi opravilom"], + "Stop": ["Ustavi"], + "Run selection": ["Zaženi izbrano"], + "Run": ["Zaženi"], + "Stop running (Ctrl + x)": ["Ustavi (Ctrl + x)"], + "Stop running (Ctrl + e)": ["Ustavi (Ctrl + e)"], + "Run query (Ctrl + Return)": ["Zaženi poizvedbo (Ctrl + Return)"], + "An error occurred saving dataset": [ + "Pri shranjevanju podatkovnega seta je prišlo do napake" + ], + "Save or Overwrite Dataset": ["Shrani ali prepiši podatkovni set"], + "Save as new": ["Shrani kot novo"], + "Overwrite existing": ["Prepiši obstoječe"], + "Select or type dataset name": [ + "Izberite ali vnesite naziv podatkovnega seta" + ], + "Are you sure you want to overwrite this dataset?": [ + "Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati podatkovni set?" + ], + "Undefined": ["Ni definirano"], + "Save": ["Shrani"], + "Save as": ["Shrani kot"], + "Save query": ["Shrani poizvedbo"], + "Update": ["Posodobi"], + "Label for your query": ["Ime vaše poizvedbe"], + "Write a description for your query": ["Dodajte opis vaše poizvedbe"], + "Schedule query": ["Urnik poizvedb"], + "Schedule": ["Urnik"], + "There was an error with your request": [ + "Pri zahtevi je prišlo do napake" + ], + "Please save the query to enable sharing": [ + "Shranite poizvedbo za deljenje" + ], + "Copy query link to your clipboard": [ + "Kopiraj povezavo do poizvedbe v odložišče" + ], + "Save the query to enable this feature": [ + "Za omogočenje te funkcije shranite poizvedbo" + ], + "Copy link": ["Kopiraj povezavo"], + "No stored results found, you need to re-run your query": [ + "Rezultatov še ni shranjenih, ponovno morate zagnati poizvedbo" + ], + "Run a query to display results": [ + "Za prikaz rezultatov morate zagnati poizvedbo" + ], + "Preview: `%s`": ["Predogled: `%s`"], + "Results": ["Rezultati"], + "Query history": ["Zgodovina poizvedb"], + "Run query": ["Zaženi poizvedbo"], + "New tab": ["Nov zavihek"], + "Stop query": ["Ustavi poizvedbo"], + "Previous Line": ["Prejšnja linija"], + "Schedule the query periodically": ["Periodično zaganjaj poizvedbo"], + "You must run the query successfully first": [ + "Najprej morate uspešno izvesti poizvedbo" + ], + "Autocomplete": ["Samodokončaj"], + "CREATE TABLE AS": ["CREATE TABLE AS"], + "CREATE VIEW AS": ["CREATE VIEW AS"], + "Estimate the cost before running a query": [ + "Oceni potratnost pred zagonom poizvedbe" + ], + "Select a database to write a query": [ + "Izberite podatkovno bazo za poizvedbo" + ], + "Choose one of the available databases from the panel on the left.": [ + "Izberite eno od razpoložljivih podatkovnih baz v panelu na levi." + ], + "Collapse table preview": ["Zapri predogled tabele"], + "Expand table preview": ["Odpri predogled tabele"], + "No databases match your search": [ + "Nobena podatkovna baza ne ustreza iskanju" + ], + "There are no databases available": ["Podatkovnih baz ni na voljo"], + "Manage your databases": ["Upravljajte podatkovne baze"], + "here": ["tukaj"], + "Reset state": ["Ponastavi stanje"], + "Enter a new title for the tab": ["Vnesite novo naslov zavihka"], + "-- Note: Unless you save your query, these tabs will NOT persist if you clear your cookies or change browsers.\n\n": [ + "-- Opomba: Če ne shranite poizvedbe, se ti zavihki NE bodo ohranili, ko boste počistili piškote ali zamenjali brskalnik.\n\n" + ], + "Close tab": ["Zapri zavihek"], + "Rename tab": ["Preimenuj zavihek"], + "Expand tool bar": ["Razširi orodno vrstico"], + "Hide tool bar": ["Skrij orodno vrstico"], + "Close all other tabs": ["Zapri vse ostale zavihke"], + "Duplicate tab": ["Podvoji zavihek"], + "Add a new tab": ["Dodaj nov zavihek"], + "New tab (Ctrl + q)": ["Nov zavihek (Ctrl + q)"], + "New tab (Ctrl + t)": ["Nov zavihek (Ctrl + t)"], + "Add a new tab to create SQL Query": [ + "Dodaj nov zavihek za SQL-poizvedbo" + ], + "Copy partition query to clipboard": [ + "Kopiraj particijsko poizvedbo na odložišče" + ], + "latest partition:": ["zadnja particija:"], + "Keys for table": ["Ključi za tabele"], + "View keys & indexes (%s)": ["Ogled ključev in indeksov (%s)"], + "Original table column order": ["Vrstni red stolpcev izvorne tabele"], + "Sort columns alphabetically": ["Razvrsti stolpce po abecedi"], + "Copy SELECT statement to the clipboard": [ + "Kopiraj stavek SELECT na odložišče" + ], + "Show CREATE VIEW statement": ["Prikaži CREATE VIEW stavek"], + "CREATE VIEW statement": ["CREATE VIEW stavek"], + "Remove table preview": ["Odstrani predogled tabele"], + "Edit template parameters": ["Uredi parametre predloge"], + "Parameters ": ["Parametri "], + "Invalid JSON": ["Neveljaven JSON"], + "Untitled query": ["Neimenovana poizvedba"], + "%s%s": ["%s%s"], + "Create a new chart": ["Ustvari nov grafikon"], + "Choose a dataset": ["Izberite podatkovni set"], + "Dataset": ["Podatkovni set"], + "Instructions to add a dataset are available in the Superset tutorial.": [ + "Navodila za dodajanje podatkovnega seta so v vodiču za Superset." + ], + "Choose chart type": ["Izberite tip grafikona"], + "Please select both a Dataset and a Chart type to proceed": [ + "Za nadaljevanje izberite podatkovni set in tip grafikona" + ], + "Create new chart": ["Ustvari nov grafikon"], + "Click to see difference": ["Kliknite za prikaz razlike"], + "Altered": ["Spremenjeno"], + "Chart changes": ["Spremembe grafikona"], + "Select ...": ["Izberite ..."], + "Loaded data cached": ["Podatki so naloženi v predpomnilnik"], + "Loaded from cache": ["Naloženo iz predpomnilnika"], + "Click to force-refresh": ["Kliknite za prisilno osvežitev"], + "Cached": ["Predpomnjeno"], + "Add required control values to preview chart": [ + "Dodaj potrebne parametre za predogled grafikona" + ], + "Your chart is ready to go!": ["Grafikon je pripravljen!"], + "Click on \"Create chart\" button in the control panel on the left to preview a visualization or": [ + "Kliknite na gumb \"Ustvari grafikon\" v kontrolni plošči na levi za predogled ali" + ], + "click here": ["kliknite tukaj"], + "No results were returned for this query": [ + "Poizvedba ni vrnila rezultatov" + ], + "Make sure that the controls are configured properly and the datasource contains data for the selected time range": [ + "Poskrbite, da so kontrolniki pravilno nastavljeni in podatkovni vir vsebuje podatke za izbrano časovno obdobje" + ], + "An error occurred while loading the SQL": [ + "Pri nalaganju SQL je prišlo do napake" + ], + "Sorry, an error occurred": ["Prišlo je do napake"], + "Updating chart was stopped": [ + "Posodabljanje grafikona je bilo ustavljeno" + ], + "An error occurred while rendering the visualization: %s": [ + "Pri prikazovanju vizualizacije je prišlo do napake: %s" + ], + "Network error.": ["Napaka omrežja."], + "Copy to clipboard": ["Kopiraj na odložišče"], + "Copied to clipboard!": ["Kopirano na odložišče!"], + "Sorry, your browser does not support copying. Use Ctrl / Cmd + C!": [ + "Vaš brskalnik ne podpira kopiranja. Uporabite Ctrl / Cmd + C!" + ], + "every": ["vsak"], + "every month": ["vsak mesec"], + "every day of the month": ["vsak dan v mesecu"], + "day of the month": ["dan v mesecu"], + "every day of the week": ["vsak dan v tednu"], + "day of the week": ["dan v tednu"], + "every hour": ["vsako uro"], + "every minute": ["vsako minuto"], + "year": ["leto"], + "month": ["mesec"], + "week": ["teden"], + "day": ["dan"], + "hour": ["ura"], + "minute": ["minuta"], + "reboot": ["ponovni zagon"], + "Every": ["Vsak"], + "in": ["v"], + "on": ["v"], + "and": ["in"], + "at": ["ob"], + ":": [":"], + "minute(s)": ["minuta/e"], + "Invalid cron expression": ["Neveljaven cron izraz"], + "Clear": ["Počisti"], + "Sunday": ["Nedelja"], + "Monday": ["Ponedeljek"], + "Tuesday": ["Torek"], + "Wednesday": ["Sreda"], + "Thursday": ["Četrtek"], + "Friday": ["Petek"], + "Saturday": ["Sobota"], + "January": ["Januar"], + "February": ["Februar"], + "March": ["Marec"], + "April": ["April"], + "May": ["Maj"], + "June": ["Junij"], + "July": ["Julij"], + "August": ["Avgust"], + "September": ["September"], + "October": ["Oktober"], + "November": ["November"], + "December": ["December"], + "SUN": ["NED"], + "MON": ["PON"], + "TUE": ["TOR"], + "WED": ["SRE"], + "THU": ["ČET"], + "FRI": ["PET"], + "SAT": ["SOB"], + "JAN": ["JAN"], + "FEB": ["FEB"], + "MAR": ["MAR"], + "APR": ["APR"], + "MAY": ["MAJ"], + "JUN": ["JUN"], + "JUL": ["JUL"], + "AUG": ["AVG"], + "SEP": ["SEP"], + "OCT": ["OKT"], + "NOV": ["NOV"], + "DEC": ["DEC"], + "There was an error loading the schemas": ["Napaka pri nalaganju shem"], + "Select database or type database name": [ + "Izberite ali vnesite ime podatkovne baze" + ], + "Force refresh schema list": ["Osveži seznam shem"], + "Select schema or type schema name": ["Izberite ali vnesite ime sheme"], + "Warning! Changing the dataset may break the chart if the metadata does not exist.": [ + "Opozorilo! Sprememba podatkovnega seta lahko pokvari grafikon, če metapodatki ne obstajajo." + ], + "Changing the dataset may break the chart if the chart relies on columns or metadata that does not exist in the target dataset": [ + "Sprememba podatkovnega seta lahko pokvari grafikon, če se le-ta zanaša na stolpce ali metapodatke, ki ne obstajajo v ciljnem podatkovnem nizu" + ], + "dataset": ["podatkovni set"], + "Connection": ["Povezava"], + "Change dataset": ["Spremeni podatkovni set"], + "Warning!": ["Opozorilo!"], + "Search / Filter": ["Iskanje / Filter"], + "Add item": ["Dodaj"], + "Physical (table or view)": ["Fizičen (tabela ali pogled)"], + "Virtual (SQL)": ["Virtualen (SQL)"], + "Data type": ["Tip podatka"], + "Advanced data type": ["Napredni podatkovni tip"], + "Advanced Data type": ["Napredni podatkovni tip"], + "Datetime format": ["Oblika datum-časa"], + "The pattern of timestamp format. For strings use ": [ + "Vzorec zapisa časovne značke. Za znakovne nize uporabite " + ], + "Python datetime string pattern": ["Pythonov vzorec zapisa datum-časa"], + " expression which needs to adhere to the ": [" , ki mora upoštevati "], + "ISO 8601": ["ISO 8601"], + " standard to ensure that the lexicographical ordering\n coincides with the chronological ordering. If the\n timestamp format does not adhere to the ISO 8601 standard\n you will need to define an expression and type for\n transforming the string into a date or timestamp. Note\n currently time zones are not supported. If time is stored\n in epoch format, put `epoch_s` or `epoch_ms`. If no pattern\n is specified we fall back to using the optional defaults on a per\n database/column name level via the extra parameter.": [ + " standard, ki zagotavlja, de se leksikografsko razvrščanje\n sklada s kronološkim razvrščanjem. Če oblika\n časovne značke ni v skladu s standardom ISO 8601,\n boste morali definirati izraz in tip za transformacijo\n znakovnega niza v datum ali časovno značko.\n Trenutno časovni pasovi niso podprti.\n Če je čas shranjen v obliki epohe, dodajte `epoch_s` ali `epoch_ms`.\n Če ni podan vzorec, se uporabijo privzete vrednosti na podlagi imena\n podatkovne baze oz. stolpca s pomočjo dodatnega parametra." + ], + "Certified By": ["Certificiral/a"], + "Person or group that has certified this metric": [ + "Oseba ali skupina, ki je certificirala to mero" + ], + "Certified by": ["Certificiral/a"], + "Certification details": ["Podrobnosti certifikacije"], + "Details of the certification": ["Podrobnosti certifikacije"], + "Is dimension": ["Dimenzija"], + "Default datetime": ["Privzet datumčas"], + "Is filterable": ["Filtriranje"], + "Select owners": ["Izberite lastnike"], + "Modified columns: %s": ["Spremenjeni stolpci: %s"], + "Removed columns: %s": ["Odstranjeni stolpci: %s"], + "New columns added: %s": ["Dodani novi stolpci: %s"], + "Metadata has been synced": ["Metapodatki so sinhronizirani"], + "An error has occurred": ["Prišlo je do napake"], + "Column name [%s] is duplicated": ["Ime stolpca [%s] je podvojeno"], + "Metric name [%s] is duplicated": ["Ime mere [%s] je podvojeno"], + "Calculated column [%s] requires an expression": [ + "Izračunan stolpec [%s] zahteva izraz" + ], + "Basic": ["Osnovno"], + "Default URL": ["Privzeti URL"], + "Default URL to redirect to when accessing from the dataset list page": [ + "Privzeti URL za preusmeritev, ko dostopate iz strani s seznamom podatkovnih setov" + ], + "Autocomplete filters": ["Samodokončaj filtre"], + "Whether to populate autocomplete filters options": [ + "Če želite napolniti možnosti za samodokončanje filtrov" + ], + "Autocomplete query predicate": ["Predikat za samodokončanje poizvedb"], + "When using \"Autocomplete filters\", this can be used to improve performance of the query fetching the values. Use this option to apply a predicate (WHERE clause) to the query selecting the distinct values from the table. Typically the intent would be to limit the scan by applying a relative time filter on a partitioned or indexed time-related field.": [ + "Ko uporabljate \"Samodokončaj filtre\", lahko s tem izboljšate hitrost pridobivanja rezultatov s poizvedbo. Z uporabo te možnosti dodate predikat (WHERE stavek) k poizvedbi za izbiro različnih vrednosti iz tabele. Običajno je namen omejiti poizvedbo z uporabo filtra za relativni čas na particioniranem ali indeksiranem časovnem polju." + ], + "Extra data to specify table metadata. Currently supports metadata of the format: `{ \"certification\": { \"certified_by\": \"Data Platform Team\", \"details\": \"This table is the source of truth.\" }, \"warning_markdown\": \"This is a warning.\" }`.": [ + "Dodatni podatki za tabelo metapodatkov. Trenutno je podprta naslednja oblika zapisa metapodatkov: `{ \"certification\": { \"certified_by\": \"Tim za razvoj\", \"details\": \"Ta tabela je vir resnice.\" }, \"warning_markdown\": \"To je opozorilo.\" }`." + ], + "Cache timeout": ["Časovna omejitev predpomnilnika"], + "The duration of time in seconds before the cache is invalidated": [ + "Trajanje (v sekundah) do razveljavitve predpomnilnika" + ], + "Hours offset": ["Urni premik"], + "The number of hours, negative or positive, to shift the time column. This can be used to move UTC time to local time.": [ + "Število ur, negativno ali pozitivno, za zamik časovnega stolpca. Na ta način je mogoče UTC čas prestaviti na lokalni čas." + ], + "Spatial": ["Prostorski"], + "Click the lock to make changes.": [ + "Kliknite ključavnico, da omogočite spreminjanje." + ], + "Click the lock to prevent further changes.": [ + "Kliknite ključavnico, da onemogočite spreminjanje." + ], + "virtual": ["virtualni"], + "Dataset name": ["Ime podatkovnega seta"], + "When specifying SQL, the datasource acts as a view. Superset will use this statement as a subquery while grouping and filtering on the generated parent queries.": [ + "Ko podajate SQL, se podatkovni vir obnaša kot pogled (view). Superset bo ta zapis uporabil kot podpoizvedbo, pri čemer bo združeval in filtriral na podlagi ustvarjenih starševskih poizvedb." + ], + "The JSON metric or post aggregation definition.": [ + "JSON mera ali po-agregacijska definicija." + ], + "Physical": ["Fizičen"], + "The pointer to a physical table (or view). Keep in mind that the chart is associated to this Superset logical table, and this logical table points the physical table referenced here.": [ + "Kazalec na fizično tabelo (ali pogled). Grafikon je povezan s to Supersetovo logično tabelo, ki kaže na tukaj referencirano fizično tabelo." + ], + "Warning": ["Opozorilo"], + "Optional warning about use of this metric": [ + "Opcijsko opozorilo za uporabo te mere" + ], + "Be careful.": ["Bodite previdni."], + "Changing these settings will affect all charts using this dataset, including charts owned by other people.": [ + "Spreminjanje teh nastavitev bo vplivalo na vse grafikone, ki uporabljajo ta podatkovni set, vključno z grafikoni v lasti drugih oseb." + ], + "Sync columns from source": ["Sinhroniziraj stolpce z virom"], + "Calculated columns": ["Izračunani stolpci"], + "Settings": ["Nastavitve"], + "The dataset has been saved": ["Podatkovni set je shranjen"], + "The dataset configuration exposed here\n affects all the charts using this dataset.\n Be mindful that changing settings\n here may affect other charts\n in undesirable ways.": [ + "Tukaj prikazane nastavitve podatkovnega seta\n vplivajo na vse grafikone, ki uporabljajo\n ta podatkovni set. Spreminjanje\n nastavitev lahko nezaželeno vpliva\n na druge grafikone." + ], + "Are you sure you want to save and apply changes?": [ + "Ali resnično želite shraniti in uporabiti spremembe?" + ], + "Confirm save": ["Potrdite shranjevanje"], + "Edit Dataset ": ["Uredi podatkovni set "], + "Use legacy datasource editor": [ + "Uporabi starejši urejevalnik podatkovnega vira" + ], + "This dataset is managed externally, and can't be edited in Superset": [ + "Ta podatkovni set se ne ureja znotraj Superseta" + ], + "DELETE": ["IZBRIŠI"], + "delete": ["izbriši"], + "Type \"%s\" to confirm": ["Vnesite \"%s\" za potrditev"], + "Click to edit": ["Kliknite za urejanje"], + "You don't have the rights to alter this title.": [ + "Nimate pravic za spreminjanje tega naslova." + ], + "Unexpected error": ["Nepričakovana napaka"], + "This may be triggered by:": ["To je lahko sproženo z/s:"], + "Please reach out to the Chart Owner for assistance.": [ + "Za pomoč se obrnite na lastnika grafikona." + ], + "Chart Owner: %s": ["Lastnik grafikona: %s"], + "%(message)s\nThis may be triggered by: \n%(issues)s": [ + "%(message)s\nTo je lahko sproženo z/s: \n%(issues)s" + ], + "%s Error": ["%s napaka"], + "Missing dataset": ["Manjka podatkovni set"], + "See more": ["Oglejte si več"], + "See less": ["Oglejte si manj"], + "Copy message": ["Kopiraj sporočilo"], + "Close": ["Zapri"], + "This was triggered by:": ["To je bilo sproženo z/s:"], + "Did you mean:": ["Ste mislili:"], + "%(suggestion)s instead of \"%(undefinedParameter)s?\"": [ + "%(suggestion)s namesto \"%(undefinedParameter)s?\"" + ], + "Parameter error": ["Napaka parametra"], + "We’re having trouble loading this visualization. Queries are set to timeout after %s second.": [ + "Težava pri nalaganju vizualizacije. Časovni iztek poizvedb je nastavljen na %s sekund." + ], + "We’re having trouble loading these results. Queries are set to timeout after %s second.": [ + "Težava pri nalaganju rezultatov. Časovni iztek poizvedb je nastavljen na %s sekund." + ], + "%(subtitle)s\nThis may be triggered by:\n %(issue)s": [ + "%(subtitle)s\nTo je lahko sproženo z/s: \n %(issue)s" + ], + "Timeout error": ["Napaka pretečenega časa"], + "Click to favorite/unfavorite": [ + "Kliknite za priljubljeno/nepriljubljeno" + ], + "Cell content": ["Vsebina celice"], + "Database driver for importing maybe not installed. Visit the Superset documentation page for installation instructions:": [ + "Gonilnik podatkovne baze za uvoz ni nameščen. Za navodila pojdite na dokumentacijo Superseta:" + ], + "OVERWRITE": ["OVERWRITE"], + "Overwrite": ["Prepiši"], + "Import": ["Uvozi"], + "Import %s": ["Uvozi %s"], + "Last Updated %s": ["Zadnja posodobitev %s"], + "Sort": ["Razvrsti"], + "%s Selected": ["Izbranih: %s"], + "Deselect all": ["Počisti izbor"], + "No results match your filter criteria": [ + "Noben rezultat ne ustreza vašim kriterijem" + ], + "Try different criteria to display results.": [ + "Za prikaz rezultatov poskusite z drugačnimi kriteriji." + ], + "clear all filters": ["počisti vse filtre"], + "No Data": ["Ni podatkov"], + "%s-%s of %s": ["%s-%s od %s"], + "Type a value": ["Vnesite vrednost"], + "Filter": ["Filter"], + "Select or type a value": ["Izberite ali vnesite vrednost"], + "OK": ["OK"], + "Menu actions trigger": ["Preklapljanje funkcionalnosti menijev"], + "Weekly Report for %s": ["Tedensko poročilo za %s"], + "Weekly Report": ["Tedensko poročilo"], + "Edit email report": ["Uredi e-poštno poročilo"], + "Schedule a new email report": ["Dodaj novo e-poštno poročilo na urnik"], + "Add": ["Dodaj"], + "Message content": ["Vsebina sporočila"], + "Text embedded in email": ["Besedilo vključeno v e-pošto"], + "Image (PNG) embedded in email": ["Slika (PNG) vključena v e-pošto"], + "Formatted CSV attached in email": ["Oblikovan CSV pripet e-pošti"], + "Include a description that will be sent with your report": [ + "Vključite opis, ki bo vključen v poročilo" + ], + "A screenshot of the dashboard will be sent to your email at": [ + "Zaslonska slika nadzorne plošče bo poslana na vaš e-naslov ob" + ], + "Timezone": ["Časovni pas"], + "Failed to update report": ["Posodabljanje poročila neuspešno"], + "Failed to create report": ["Ustvarjanje poročila nesupešno"], + "Email reports active": ["E-poštna poročila aktivna"], + "Delete email report": ["Izbriši e-poštno poročilo"], + "Set up an email report": ["Nastavite e-poštno poročilo"], + "Schedule email report": ["Dodaj e-poštno poročilo na urnik"], + "This action will permanently delete %s.": [ + "S tem dejanjem boste trajno izbrisali %s." + ], + "Delete Report?": ["Izbrišem poročilo?"], + "Loading...": ["Nalagam ..."], + "Access to user activity data is restricted": [ + "Dostop do aktivnosti uporabnikov je omejen" + ], + "There was an error loading the tables": ["Napaka pri nalaganju tabel"], + "See table schema": ["Ogled sheme tabele"], + "Select table or type table name": ["Izberite ali vnesite ime tabele"], + "Force refresh table list": ["Osveži seznam tabel"], + "Timezone selector": ["Izbira časovnega pasa"], + "There is not enough space for this component. Try decreasing its width, or increasing the destination width.": [ + "Za to komponento ni dovolj prostora. Poskusite zmanjšati širino ali pa povečati širino cilja." + ], + "Can not move top level tab into nested tabs": [ + "Najvišjega zavihka ni mogoče premakniti v gnezdene zavihke" + ], + "This chart has been moved to a different filter scope.": [ + "Ta grafikon je bil prestavljen v drug doseg filtrov." + ], + "There was an issue fetching the favorite status of this dashboard.": [ + "Pri pridobivanju statusa \"priljubljeno\" za to nadzorno ploščo je prišlo do težave." + ], + "There was an issue favoriting this dashboard.": [ + "Pri uvrščanju nadzorne plošče med priljubljene je prišlo do težave." + ], + "This dashboard is now published": [ + "Ta nadzorna plošča je sedaj objavljena" + ], + "This dashboard is now hidden": ["Ta nadzorna plošča je sedaj skrita"], + "You do not have permissions to edit this dashboard.": [ + "Nimate dovoljenj za urejanje te nadzorne plošče." + ], + "[ untitled dashboard ]": ["[ neimenovana nadzorna plošča ]"], + "This dashboard was saved successfully.": [ + "Nadzorna plošča je bila uspešno shranjena." + ], + "Sorry, an unknown error occured": ["Prišlo je do neznane napake"], + "Sorry, there was an error saving this dashboard: %s": [ + "Prišlo je do napake pri shranjevanju nadzorne plošče: %s" + ], + "You do not have permission to edit this dashboard": [ + "Nimate dovoljenja za urejanje te nadzorne plošče" + ], + "Could not fetch all saved charts": [ + "Vseh shranjenih grafikonov ni bilo mogoče pridobiti" + ], + "Sorry there was an error fetching saved charts: ": [ + "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju shranjenih grafikonov: " + ], + "Visualization": ["Vizualizacija"], + "Data source": ["Podatkovni vir"], + "Added": ["Dodano"], + "Any color palette selected here will override the colors applied to this dashboard's individual charts": [ + "Na tem mestu izbrana barvna shema bo nadomestila barve posameznih grafikonov v tej nadzorni plošči" + ], + "You have unsaved changes.": ["Imate neshranjene spremembe."], + "Changes saved.": ["Spremembe shranjene."], + "Disable embedding?": ["Onemogočite vgrajevanje?"], + "This will remove your current embed configuration.": [ + "To bo odstranilo trenutno konfiguracijo za vgrajevanje." + ], + "Embedding deactivated.": ["Vgrajevanje deaktivirano."], + "Sorry, something went wrong. Embedding could not be deactivated.": [ + "Nekaj je šlo narobe. Vgrajevanja ni mogoče deaktivirati." + ], + "This dashboard is ready to embed. In your application, pass the following id to the SDK:": [ + "Nadzorna plošča je pripravljena za vgradnjo. V svoji aplikaciji v SDK vključite naslednji ID:" + ], + "Configure this dashboard to embed it into an external web application.": [ + "Nastavite nadzorno ploščo za vgradnjo v zunanjo spletno aplikacijo." + ], + "For further instructions, consult the": [ + "Za nadaljnja navodila se posvetujte z" + ], + "Superset Embedded SDK documentation.": [ + "Dokumentacija SDK za vgrajevanje." + ], + "Allowed Domains (comma separated)": [ + "Dovoljene domene (ločeno z vejico)" + ], + "A list of domain names that can embed this dashboard. Leaving this field empty will allow embedding from any domain.": [ + "Seznam imen domen, ki lahko vgradijo to nadzorno ploščo. Če polje ostane prazno, je vgrajevanje dovoljeno iz vseh domen." + ], + "Deactivate": ["Deaktiviraj"], + "Save changes": ["Shrani spremembe"], + "Enable embedding": ["Omogoči vgrajevanje"], + "Embed": ["Vgradi"], + "Drag and drop components and charts to the dashboard": [ + "Povlecite in spustite elemente in grafikone na nadzorno ploščo" + ], + "You can create a new chart or use existing ones from the panel on the right": [ + "Ustvarite lahko nove grafikone ali uporabite obstoječe iz panela na desni" + ], + "Drag and drop components to this tab": [ + "Povlecite in spustite elemente na zavihek" + ], + "There are no components added to this tab": [ + "Na zavihek niso bili dodani elementi" + ], + "You can add the components in the edit mode.": [ + "Elemente lahko dodate v načinu urejanja." + ], + "Edit the dashboard": ["Uredi nadzorno ploščo"], + "Ready to review filters in this dashboard?": [ + "Ste pripravljeni za pregled filtrov v tej nadzorni plošči?" + ], + "Remind me in 24 hours": ["Opomni me čez 24 ur"], + "Start Review": ["Začetek pregleda"], + "filter_box will be deprecated in a future version of Superset. Please replace filter_box by dashboard filter components.": [ + "Element filter_box bo v prihodnjih verzijah Superseta opuščen. Nadomestite ga s filtri nadzorne plošče." + ], + "There is no chart definition associated with this component, could it have been deleted?": [ + "S to komponento ni povezana nobena definicija grafikona. Ali je bila izbrisana?" + ], + "Delete this container and save to remove this message.": [ + "Izbrišite ta okvir in shranite za odpravo tega sporočila." + ], + "Don't refresh": ["Ne osvežuj"], + "10 seconds": ["10 sekund"], + "30 seconds": ["30 sekund"], + "1 minute": ["1 minuta"], + "5 minutes": ["5 minut"], + "30 minutes": ["30 minut"], + "1 hour": ["1 ura"], + "6 hours": ["6 ur"], + "12 hours": ["12 ur"], + "24 hours": ["24 ur"], + "Refresh interval saved": ["Interval osveževanja shranjen"], + "Refresh interval": ["Interval osveževanja"], + "Refresh frequency": ["Frekvenca osveževanja"], + "Are you sure you want to proceed?": ["Ali želite nadaljevati?"], + "Save for this session": ["Shranite za to sejo"], + "You must pick a name for the new dashboard": [ + "Izbrati morate ime nove nadzorne plošče" + ], + "Save dashboard": ["Shrani nadzorno ploščo"], + "Overwrite Dashboard [%s]": ["Prepiši nadzorno ploščo [%s]"], + "Save as:": ["Shrani kot:"], + "[dashboard name]": ["[ime nadzorne plošče]"], + "also copy (duplicate) charts": ["kopiraj (podvoji) tudi grafikone"], + "Filter your charts": ["Filtriraj grafikone"], + "Sort by %s": ["Razvrščanje po %s"], + "Superset chart": ["Superset grafikon"], + "Check out this chart in dashboard:": [ + "Preizkusite ta grafikon v nadzorni plošči:" + ], + "Layout elements": ["Postavitev elementov"], + "Cross Filter Scoping": ["Doseg medsebojnega filtra"], + "Load a CSS template": ["Naloži CSS predlogo"], + "Live CSS editor": ["CSS urejevalnik v živo"], + "There are no charts added to this dashboard": [ + "V nadzorni plošči ni grafikonov" + ], + "Go to the edit mode to configure the dashboard and add charts": [ + "Za nastavitve nadzorne plošče in dodajanje grafikonov pojdite v način urejanja" + ], + "Applied Cross Filters (%d)": ["Uporabljeni medsebojni filtri (%d)"], + "Applied Filters (%d)": ["Uporabljeni filtri (%d)"], + "Incompatible Filters (%d)": ["Neskladni filtri (%d)"], + "Unset Filters (%d)": ["Neuporabljeni filtri (%d)"], + "This dashboard is currently auto refreshing; the next auto refresh will be in %s.": [ + "Nadzorna plošča se trenutno samodejno osvežuje. Naslednja samodejna osvežitev bo čez %s." + ], + "Your dashboard is too large. Please reduce its size before saving it.": [ + "Vaša nadzorna plošča je prevelika. Pred shranjevanjem jo zmanjšajte." + ], + "Add the name of the dashboard": ["Dodajte naziv nadzorne plošče"], + "Dashboard title": ["Naziv nadzorne plošče"], + "Undo the action": ["Razveljavi dejanje"], + "Redo the action": ["Ponovno uveljavi dejanje"], + "Discard": ["Zavrzi"], + "Edit dashboard": ["Uredi nadzorno ploščo"], + "An error occurred while fetching available CSS templates": [ + "Pri pridobivanju CSS predlog je prišlo do napake" + ], + "Refreshing charts": ["Osveževanje grafikonov"], + "Superset dashboard": ["Superset nadzorna plošča"], + "Check out this dashboard: ": ["Preizkusite to nadzorno ploščo: "], + "Refresh dashboard": ["Osveži nadzorno ploščo"], + "Exit fullscreen": ["Izhod iz celozaslonskega načina"], + "Enter fullscreen": ["Vklopi celozaslonski način"], + "Edit properties": ["Uredi lastnosti"], + "Edit CSS": ["Uredi CSS"], + "Download as image": ["Izvozi kot sliko"], + "Share": ["Deljenje"], + "Copy permalink to clipboard": ["Kopiraj povezavo v odložišče"], + "Share permalink by email": ["Deli povezavo po e-pošti"], + "Embed dashboard": ["Vgradi nadzorno ploščo"], + "Manage email report": ["Upravljaj e-poštno poročilo"], + "Set filter mapping": ["Nastavi shemo filtrov"], + "Set auto-refresh interval": ["Nastavi interval samodejnega osveževanja"], + "Apply": ["Uporabi"], + "A valid color scheme is required": [ + "Zahtevana je veljavna barvna shema" + ], + "Dashboard properties updated": [ + "Lastnosti nadzorne plošče posodobljene" + ], + "The dashboard has been saved": ["Nadzorna plošča je bila shranjena"], + "Access": ["Dostop"], + "Owners is a list of users who can alter the dashboard. Searchable by name or username.": [ + "\"Lastniki\" je seznam uporabnikov, ki lahko spreminjajo nadzorno ploščo. Iskanje je možno po imenu ali uporabniškem imenu." + ], + "Colors": ["Barve"], + "Roles is a list which defines access to the dashboard. Granting a role access to a dashboard will bypass dataset level checks. If no roles are defined, then the dashboard is available to all roles.": [ + "\"Vloge\" je seznam, ki definira dostop do nadzorne plošče. Dodelitev vloge za dostop do nadzorne plošče bo obšlo preverjanje na nivoju podatkovnega seta. Če vloga ni definirana, bo nadzorna plošča dostopna vsem vlogam." + ], + "Dashboard properties": ["Lastnosti nadzorne plošče"], + "This dashboard is managed externally, and can't be edited in Superset": [ + "Ta nadzorna plošča se ne ureja znotraj Superseta" + ], + "Basic information": ["Osnovne informacije"], + "URL slug": ["URL slug"], + "A readable URL for your dashboard": [ + "Berljiv URL za vašo nadzorno ploščo" + ], + "Certification": ["Certifikacija"], + "Person or group that has certified this dashboard.": [ + "Oseba ali skupina, ki je certificirala to nadzorno ploščo." + ], + "Any additional detail to show in the certification tooltip.": [ + "Dodatne podrobnosti za prikaz v certifikacijskem orodju." + ], + "JSON metadata": ["JSON metapodatki"], + "This dashboard is not published, it will not show up in the list of dashboards. Click here to publish this dashboard.": [ + "Ta nadzorna plošča ni objavljena in se ne bo prikazala na seznamu nadzornih plošč. Kliknite tukaj za njeno objavo." + ], + "This dashboard is not published which means it will not show up in the list of dashboards. Favorite it to see it there or access it by using the URL directly.": [ + "Ta nadzorna plošča ni objavljena in se ne bo prikazala na seznamu nadzornih plošč. Uvrstite jo med priljubljene, da jo boste videli tam, ali pa uporabite URL za neposredni dostop." + ], + "This dashboard is published. Click to make it a draft.": [ + "Ta nadzorna plošča je objavljena. Kliknite, da jo uvrstite med osnutke." + ], + "Draft": ["Osnutek"], + "Annotation layers are still loading.": [ + "Sloj z oznakami se še vedno nalaga." + ], + "One ore more annotation layers failed loading.": [ + "Eden ali več slojev z oznakami se ni naložil." + ], + "Emitted values": ["Oddane vrednosti"], + "Click to edit %s in a new tab": [ + "Kliknite za urejanje %s v novem zavihku" + ], + "Click to edit chart in a new tab": [ + "Kliknite za urejanje grafikona v novem zavihku" + ], + "Click to clear emitted filters": ["S klikom počistite oddane filtre"], + "Data refreshed": ["Podatki osveženi"], + "Cached %s": ["Predpomnjeno %s"], + "Fetched %s": ["Pridobljeno %s"], + "Query %s: %s": ["Poizvedba %s: %s"], + "Force refresh": ["Osveži"], + "Hide chart description": ["Skrij opis grafikona"], + "Show chart description": ["Prikaži opis grafikona"], + "Edit chart": ["Uredi grafikon"], + "View query": ["Ogled poizvedbe"], + "Drill to detail": ["Vrtaj v podrobnosti"], + "Chart Data: %s": ["Podatki grafikona: %s"], + "Cross-filter scoping": ["Doseg medsebojnega filtra"], + "Share chart by email": ["Deli grafikon po e-pošti"], + "Check out this chart: ": ["Preizkusite ta grafikon: "], + "Download": ["Prenos"], + "Export to .CSV": ["Izvozi v .CSV"], + "Export to full .CSV": ["Izvozi v celoten .CSV"], + "Search...": ["Iskanje ..."], + "No filter is selected.": ["Noben filter ni izbran."], + "Editing 1 filter:": ["Urejanje enega filtra:"], + "Batch editing %d filters:": ["Skupinsko urejanje %d filtrov:"], + "Configure filter scopes": ["Nastavi doseg filtrov"], + "There are no filters in this dashboard.": [ + "V nadzorni plošči ni filtrov." + ], + "Expand all": ["Razširi vse"], + "Collapse all": ["Skrči vse"], + "An error occurred while opening Explore": [ + "Pri odpiranju Raziskovalca je prišlo do napake" + ], + "This markdown component has an error.": [ + "Markdown komponenta ima napako." + ], + "This markdown component has an error. Please revert your recent changes.": [ + "Markdown komponenta ima napako. Povrnite nedavne spremembe." + ], + "You can": ["Lahko"], + "create a new chart": ["ustvarite nov grafikon"], + "or use existing ones from the panel on the right": [ + "ali uporabite obstoječe iz panela na desni" + ], + "You can add the components in the": ["Lahko dodate elemente v"], + "edit mode": ["načinu urejanja"], + "Delete dashboard tab?": ["Ali izbrišem zavihek nadzorne plošče?"], + "Divider": ["Ločilnik"], + "Header": ["Glava"], + "Row": ["Vrstica"], + "Tabs": ["Zavihki"], + "Preview": ["Predogled"], + "Sorry, something went wrong. Try again later.": [ + "Nekaj je šlo narobe. Poskusite ponovno kasneje." + ], + "All filters (%(filterCount)d)": ["Vsi filtri (%(filterCount)d)"], + "No filters are currently added": ["Trenutno ni dodanih filtrov"], + "Click the button above to add a filter to the dashboard": [ + "S klikom gumba zgoraj dodate filter na nadzorno ploščo" + ], + "Filter sets (%(filterSetCount)d)": [ + "Nastavljeni filtri (%(filterSetCount)d)" + ], + "Apply filters": ["Uporabi filtre"], + "Clear all": ["Počisti vse"], + "Filters out of scope (%d)": ["Filtri izven dosega (%d)"], + "Check configuration": ["Preveri nastavitve"], + "Cannot load filter": ["Filtra ni mogoče naložiti"], + "Editing filter set:": ["Urejanje seta filtrov:"], + "Filter set with this name already exists": [ + "Set filtrov z enakim imenom že obstaja" + ], + "Filter set already exists": ["Set filtrov že obstaja"], + "This filter set is identical to: \"%s\"": [ + "Ta set filtrov je enak: \"%s\"" + ], + "Remove invalid filters": ["Odstrani neveljavne filtre"], + "Rebuild": ["Obnovi"], + "Filters (%d)": ["Filtri (%d)"], + "This filter doesn't exist in dashboard. It will not be applied.": [ + "Ta filter ne obstaja v nadzorni plošči in ne bo uveljavljen." + ], + "Filter metadata changed in dashboard. It will not be applied.": [ + "Metapodatki filtra so se spremenili v nadzorni plošči. Ne bo uveljavljen." + ], + "Please filter set name": ["Vnesite ime seta filtrov"], + "Create": ["Ustvari"], + "Create new filter set": ["Ustvarite nov set filtrov"], + "New filter set": ["Nov set filtrov"], + "Please apply filter changes": ["Potrdite spremembe filtra"], + "Unknown value": ["Neznana vrednost"], + "Add/Edit Filters": ["Dodaj/uredi filter"], + "Dependent on": ["Odvisen od"], + "Filter only displays values relevant to selections made in other filters.": [ + "Filter prikazuje samo vrednosti vezane na izbire v drugih filtrih." + ], + "All charts": ["Vsi grafikoni"], + "Scope": ["Doseg"], + "Filter type": ["Tip filtra"], + "Title is required": ["Naslov je obvezen"], + "(Removed)": ["(Odstranjeno)"], + "Undo?": ["Povrni?"], + "Add filters and dividers": ["Dodaj filtre in ločilnike"], + "[untitled]": ["[neimenovana]"], + "Cyclic dependency detected": ["Zaznana krožna odvisnost"], + "Add and edit filters": ["Dodaj in uredi filtre"], + "Column select": ["Izbira stolpca"], + "Select a column": ["Izberite stolpec"], + "No compatible columns found": ["Ni najdenih skladnih stolpcev"], + "Value is required": ["Zahtevana je vrednost"], + "(deleted or invalid type)": ["(izbrisan ali neveljaven tip)"], + "Limit type": ["Tip omejitve"], + "No available filters.": ["Ni razpoložljivih filtrov."], + "Add filter": ["Dodaj filter"], + "Values are dependent on other filters": [ + "Vrednosti so odvisne od drugih filtrov" + ], + "Values selected in other filters will affect the filter options to only show relevant values": [ + "Vrednosti izbrane v drugih filtrih bodo vplivale na možnosti filtra" + ], + "Values dependent on": ["Vrednosti so odvisne od"], + "Scoping": ["Doseg"], + "Filter Configuration": ["Nastavitve filtra"], + "Filter Settings": ["Nastavitve filtra"], + "Select filter": ["Izbirni filter"], + "Value": ["Vrednost"], + "Range filter": ["Filter obdobja"], + "Numerical range": ["Številski obseg"], + "Time filter": ["Časovni filter"], + "Time range": ["Časovno obdobje"], + "Time column": ["Časovni stolpec"], + "Time grain": ["Granulacija časa"], + "Group By": ["Združevanje (Group by)"], + "Group by": ["Združevanje (Group by)"], + "Pre-filter is required": ["Zahtevan je predfilter"], + "Filter name": ["Ime filtra"], + "Name is required": ["Zahtevano je ime"], + "Filter Type": ["Tip filtra"], + "Datasets do not contain a temporal column": [ + "Podatkovni seti ne vsebujejo časovnega stolpca" + ], + "Dataset is required": ["Zahtevan je podatkovni set"], + "Pre-filter available values": ["Predfiltriraj razpoložljive vrednosti"], + "Pre-filter": ["Predfilter"], + "Optional time column if time range should apply to another column than the default time column": [ + "Izbirni časovni stolpec se mora nanašati na drug stolpec kot privzeti časovni stolpec" + ], + "Sort filter values": ["Razvrsti vrednosti filtra"], + "Sort type": ["Način razvrščanja"], + "Sort ascending": ["Razvrsti naraščajoče"], + "Sort Metric": ["Mera za razvrščanje"], + "If a metric is specified, sorting will be done based on the metric value": [ + "Če je določena mera, bo razvrščanje izvedeno na podlagi vrednosti mere" + ], + "Sort metric": ["Mera za razvrščanje"], + "Single Value": ["Ena vrednost"], + "Single value type": ["Tip z eno vrednostjo"], + "Minimum": ["Minimum"], + "Exact": ["Natančno"], + "Maximum": ["Maksimum"], + "Filter has default value": ["Filter ima privzeto vrednost"], + "Default Value": ["Privzeta vrednost"], + "Default value is required": ["Zahtevana je privzeta vrednost"], + "Refresh the default values": ["Osveži privzete vrednosti"], + "Fill all required fields to enable \"Default Value\"": [ + "Izpolnite vsa polja, da omogočite \"Privzeto vrednost\"" + ], + "You have removed this filter.": ["Odstranili ste ta filter."], + "Restore Filter": ["Povrni filter"], + "Column is required": ["Zahtevan je stolpec"], + "Populate \"Default value\" to enable this control": [ + "Izpolnite \"Privzeto vrednost\", da omogočite ta kontrolnik" + ], + "Default value set automatically when \"Select first filter value by default\" is checked": [ + "Privzeta vrednost je samodejno izbrana, če je izbrano \"Prvi element je izbran kot privzet\"" + ], + "Default value must be set when \"Filter value is required\" is checked": [ + "Privzeta vrednost mora biti določena, če je izbrano \"Vrednost filtra obvezna\"" + ], + "Default value must be set when \"Filter has default value\" is checked": [ + "Privzeta vrednost mora biti določena, če je izbrano \"Filter ima privzeto vrednost\"" + ], + "Apply to all panels": ["Uporabi za vse panele"], + "Apply to specific panels": ["Uporabi za določene panele"], + "Only selected panels will be affected by this filter": [ + "Ta filter bo vplival le na izbrane panele" + ], + "All panels with this column will be affected by this filter": [ + "Ta filter bo vplival na vse panele s tem stolpcem" + ], + "All panels": ["Vsi paneli"], + "This chart might be incompatible with the filter (datasets don't match)": [ + "Ta grafikon je lahko nekompatibilen s filtrom (podatkovni seti se ne ujemajo)" + ], + "Keep editing": ["Nadaljuj z urejanjem"], + "Yes, cancel": ["Da, prekini"], + "There are unsaved changes.": ["Imate neshranjene spremembe."], + "Are you sure you want to cancel?": ["Ali želite prekiniti?"], + "Error loading chart datasources. Filters may not work correctly.": [ + "Napaka pri nalaganju podatkovnih virov grafikona. Filtri lahko ne delujejo pravilno." + ], + "Transparent": ["Prozorno"], + "White": ["Belo"], + "All filters": ["Vsi filtri"], + "Medium": ["Srednje"], + "Tab title": ["Naslov zavihka"], + "This session has encountered an interruption, and some controls may not work as intended. If you are the developer of this app, please check that the guest token is being generated correctly.": [ + "Ta seja je bila prekinjena in nekateri kontrolniki mogoče ne delujejo kot bi morali. Če ste razvijalec te aplikacije, preverite, da je žeton za gosta pravilno generiran." + ], + "Time granularity": ["Granulacija časa"], + "Visualization type": ["Tip vizualizacije"], + "Fixed color": ["Izbrana barva"], + "Right axis metric": ["Mera desne osi"], + "Linear color scheme": ["Linearna barvna shema"], + "Color metric": ["P"], + "One or many controls to pivot as columns": [ + "En ali več kontrolnikov za stolpčno vrtenje" + ], + "Bubble size": ["Velikost mehurčka"], + "When `Calculation type` is set to \"Percentage change\", the Y Axis Format is forced to `.1%`": [ + "Če je `Vrsta izračuna` nastavljena na \"Procentualna sprememba\", bo oblika Y-osi vsiljena na `.1%`" + ], + "Color scheme": ["Barvna shema"], + "An error occurred while starring this chart": [ + "Pri ocenjevanju grafikona je prišlo do napake" + ], + "GROUP BY": ["GROUP BY"], + "Use this section if you want a query that aggregates": [ + "Ta sklop uporabite če želite poizvedbo za agregacijo" + ], + "NOT GROUPED BY": ["NOT GROUPED BY"], + "Use this section if you want to query atomic rows": [ + "Ta sklop uporabite, če želite poizvedbo za posamezne vrstice" + ], + "Keep control settings?": ["Obdržim nastavitve kontrolnika?"], + "You've changed datasets. Any controls with data (columns, metrics) that match this new dataset have been retained.": [ + "Spremenili ste podatkovne sete. Vsi kontrolniki nad podatki (stolpci, mere), ki se ujemajo z novim podatkovnim setom, se bodo ohranili." + ], + "Continue": ["Nadaljuj"], + "Clear form": ["Počisti polja"], + "No form settings were maintained": ["Nastavitve forme se niso ohranile"], + "We were unable to carry over any controls when switching to this new dataset.": [ + "Prenos kontrolnikov pri preklopu na nov podatkovni set ni bil uspešen." + ], + "Customize": ["Prilagodi"], + "Error": ["Napaka"], + "Generating link, please wait..": [ + "Ustvarjam povezavo, prosim počakajte..." + ], + "Chart height": ["Višina grafikona"], + "Chart width": ["Širina grafikona"], + "Required control values have been removed": [ + "Zahtevane kontrolne vrednosti so bile odstranjene" + ], + "Your chart is not up to date": ["Grafikon ni aktualen"], + "You updated the values in the control panel, but the chart was not updated automatically. Run the query by clicking on the \"Update chart\" button or": [ + "Posodobili ste vrednosti v kontrolni plošči, vendar se grafikon ni samodejno posodobil. Zaženite poizvedbo z gumbom \"Posodobi grafikon\" ali" + ], + "**Select** a dashboard OR **create** a new one": [ + "**Izberite** nadzorno ploščo ALI **ustvarite** novo" + ], + "Please enter a chart name": ["Vnesite ime grafikona"], + "Save chart": ["Shrani grafikon"], + "Save & go to new dashboard": ["Shrani in pojdi na novo nadzorno ploščo"], + "Save & go to dashboard": ["Shrani in pojdi na nadzorno ploščo"], + "Save as new chart": ["Shrani kot nov grafikon"], + "Save to new dashboard": ["Shrani v novo nadzorno ploščo"], + "Save (Overwrite)": ["Shrani (prepiši)"], + "Save as...": ["Shrani kot ..."], + "Chart name": ["Ime grafikona"], + "Add to dashboard": ["Dodaj na nadzorno ploščo"], + "Select a dashboard": ["Izberite nadzorno ploščo"], + "Copy": ["Kopiraj"], + "Formatted date": ["Oblikovan datum"], + "Column Formatting": ["Oblikovanje stolpca"], + "N/A": ["N/A"], + "Collapse data panel": ["Skrij podatkovni panel"], + "Expand data panel": ["Razširi podatkovni panel"], + "Results %s": ["Rezultati %s"], + "Samples": ["Vzorci"], + "No samples were returned for this dataset": [ + "Za podatkovni set ni vrnjenih vzorcev" + ], + "No results": ["Ni rezultatov"], + "Search Metrics & Columns": ["Iskanje mer in stolpcev"], + "Create a dataset": ["Ustvarite podatkovni set"], + " to edit or add columns and metrics.": [ + " za urejanje ali dodajanje stolpcev in mer." + ], + "Showing %s of %s": ["Prikazanih %s od %s"], + "Show less...": ["Prikaži manj..."], + "Show all...": ["Prikaži vse..."], + "Show Less...": ["Prikaži manj..."], + "Add the name of the chart": ["Dodajte naslov grafikona"], + "Chart title": ["Naslov grafikona"], + "Add required control values to save chart": [ + "Dodaj potrebne parametre za shranjenje grafikona" + ], + "Controls labeled ": ["Kontrolniki imenovani "], + "Control labeled ": ["Nastavitev "], + "Open Datasource tab": ["Odpri zavihek s podatkovnim virom"], + "Original": ["Izvoren"], + "Pivoted": ["Vrtilni"], + "You do not have permission to edit this chart": [ + "Nimate dovoljenja za urejanje tega grafikona" + ], + "Chart properties updated": ["Lastnosti grafikona posodobljene"], + "This chart is managed externally, and can't be edited in Superset": [ + "Ta grafikon se ne ureja znotraj Superseta" + ], + "The description can be displayed as widget headers in the dashboard view. Supports markdown.": [ + "Opis je lahko prikazan kot glava gradnika in pogledu nadzorne plošče. Podpira markdown." + ], + "Person or group that has certified this chart.": [ + "Oseba ali skupina, ki je certificirala ta grafikon." + ], + "Configuration": ["Nastavitve"], + "Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this chart. Note this defaults to the dataset's timeout if undefined.": [ + "Časovna veljavnost (v sekundah) predpomnjenja za ta grafikon. Če ni definirana, je uporabljena vrednost za podatkovni set." + ], + "A list of users who can alter the chart. Searchable by name or username.": [ + "Seznam uporabnikov, ki lahko spreminjajo ta grafikon. Možno je iskanje po imenu ali uporabniškem imenu." + ], + "%s row": ["%s vrstica"], + "Limit reached": ["Omejitev dosežena"], + "Create chart": ["Ustvari grafikon"], + "Update chart": ["Posodobi grafikon"], + "Invalid lat/long configuration.": [ + "Neveljavna nastavitev zemljepisne dolžine/širine." + ], + "Reverse lat/long ": ["Zamenjaj zemljepisno dolžino/širino "], + "Longitude & Latitude columns": ["Stolpci zemljepisne dolžine in širine"], + "Delimited long & lat single column": [ + "En stolpec z ločenima zemljepisno dolžino in širino" + ], + "Multiple formats accepted, look the geopy.points Python library for more details": [ + "Sprejema različne zapise - podrobnosti najdete v Pythonovi knjižnici geopy.points" + ], + "Geohash": ["Geohash"], + "textarea": ["področje besedila"], + "in modal": ["v modalnem oknu"], + "Sorry, An error occurred": ["Prišlo je do napake"], + "Failed to verify select options: %s": [ + "Preverjanje možnosti izbire ni uspelo: %s" + ], + "No annotation layers": ["Ni slojev z oznakami"], + "Add an annotation layer": ["Dodaj sloj z oznakami"], + "Use another existing chart as a source for annotations and overlays.\n Your chart must be one of these visualization types: [%s]": [ + "Uporabite enega izmed obstoječih grafikonov kot vir oznak.\n Grafikon mora biti naslednjega tipa: [%s]" + ], + "Annotation layer value": ["Vrednost sloja z oznakami"], + "Annotation Slice Configuration": ["Nastavitve rezine z oznakami"], + "This section allows you to configure how to use the slice\n to generate annotations.": [ + "V tem sklopu lahko nastavite način uporabe rezine\n za ustvarjanje oznak." + ], + "Annotation layer time column": ["Časovni stolpec sloja z oznakami"], + "Interval start column": ["Stolpec začetka intervala"], + "Event time column": ["Stolpec časa dogodka"], + "This column must contain date/time information.": [ + "Ta stolpec mora vsebovati informacijo o datumu/času." + ], + "Annotation layer interval end": ["Konec intervala sloja z oznakami"], + "Interval End column": ["Stolpec konca intervala"], + "Annotation layer title column": ["Stolpec z naslovom sloja z oznakami"], + "Title Column": ["Stolpec z naslovi"], + "Pick a title for you annotation.": ["Izberite naslov za oznako."], + "Annotation layer description columns": [ + "Stolpci z opisi slojev z oznakami" + ], + "Description Columns": ["Stolpci z opisi"], + "Pick one or more columns that should be shown in the annotation. If you don't select a column all of them will be shown.": [ + "Izberite enega ali več stolpcev, ki bodo prikazani v oznakah. Če ne izberete stolpca, bodo prikazani vsi." + ], + "Display configuration": ["Prikaži nastavitve"], + "Configure your how you overlay is displayed here.": [ + "Nastavite kako se tukaj prikazuje vrhnja plast." + ], + "Annotation layer stroke": ["Obroba sloja z oznakami"], + "Style": ["Slog"], + "Annotation layer opacity": ["Prosojnost sloja z oznakami"], + "Color": ["Barva"], + "Layer configuration": ["Nastavitve sloja"], + "Configure the basics of your Annotation Layer.": [ + "Osnovne nastavitve sloja z oznakami." + ], + "Mandatory": ["Obvezno"], + "Hide layer": ["Skrij sloj"], + "Show label": ["Pokaži oznako"], + "Whether to always show the annotation label": [ + "Če želite vedno prikazati naslov oznake" + ], + "Annotation layer type": ["Tip sloja z oznakami"], + "Choose the annotation layer type": ["Izberite tip sloja z oznakami"], + "Annotation source type": ["Tip vira oznak"], + "Choose the source of your annotations": ["Izberite vir svojih oznak"], + "Annotation source": ["Vir oznak"], + "Remove": ["Odstrani"], + "Edit annotation layer": ["Uredi sloj z oznakami"], + "Add annotation layer": ["Dodaj sloj z oznakami"], + "Empty collection": ["Prazen izbor"], + "Add an item": ["Dodaj element"], + "Remove item": ["Odstrani element"], + "The color scheme is determined by the related dashboard.\n Edit the color scheme in the dashboard properties.": [ + "Barvna shema je določena s povezano nadzorno ploščo.\n Barvno shemo uredite v nastavitvah nadzorne plošče." + ], + "This color scheme is being overriden by custom label colors.\n Check the JSON metadata in the Advanced settings": [ + "Barvna shema je bila preglasovana z barvo oznake po meri.\n Preverite JSON metapodatke v naprednih nastavitvah" + ], + "Dashboard scheme": ["Shema nadzorne plošče"], + "Select color scheme": ["Izberite barvno shemo"], + "Select scheme": ["Izberite shemo"], + "Edit formatter": ["Uredi oblikovanje"], + "Add new formatter": ["Dodaj novo oblikovanje"], + "Add new color formatter": ["Dodaj novo oblikovanje barve"], + "green": ["zelena"], + "yellow": ["rumena"], + "red": ["rdeča"], + "This value should be smaller than the right target value": [ + "Ta vrednost mora biti manjša od desne ciljne vrednosti" + ], + "This value should be greater than the left target value": [ + "Ta vrednost mora biti večja od leve ciljne vrednosti" + ], + "Required": ["Obvezno"], + "Operator": ["Operator"], + "Left value": ["Leva vrednost"], + "Right value": ["Desna vrednost"], + "Target value": ["Ciljna vrednost"], + "Select column": ["Izberite stolpec"], + "Edit dataset": ["Uredi podatkovni set"], + "You must be a dataset owner in order to edit. Please reach out to a dataset owner to request modifications or edit access.": [ + "Za urejanje morate biti lastnik podatkovnega seta. Za dostop do urejanja kontaktirajte lastnika podatkovnega seta." + ], + "View in SQL Lab": ["Ogled v SQL laboratoriju"], + "Query preview": ["Predogled poizvedbe"], + "Save as dataset": ["Shrani kot podatkovni set"], + "More dataset related options": ["Več nastavitev za podatkovni set"], + "Missing URL parameters": ["Manjkajo parametri URL-ja"], + "The URL is missing the dataset_id or slice_id parameters.": [ + "V URL-ju manjkata parametra dataset_id ali slice_id." + ], + "The dataset linked to this chart may have been deleted.": [ + "Podatkovni set, povezan s tem grafikonom, je bil izbrisan." + ], + "RANGE TYPE": ["TIP OBDOBJA"], + "Actual time range": ["Dejansko časovno obdobje"], + "CANCEL": ["PREKINI"], + "APPLY": ["UPORABI"], + "Edit time range": ["Uredi časovno obdobje"], + "Configure Advanced Time Range ": ["Nastavi napredno časovno obdobje "], + "START (INCLUSIVE)": ["ZAČETEK (VKLJUČEN)"], + "Start date included in time range": [ + "Začetni datum je vključen v časovno obdobje" + ], + "END (EXCLUSIVE)": ["KONEC (NI VKLJUČEN)"], + "End date excluded from time range": [ + "Končni datum ni vključen v časovno obdobje" + ], + "Configure Time Range: Previous...": [ + "Nastavi časovno obdobje: Prejšnji ..." + ], + "Configure Time Range: Last...": ["Nastavi časovno obdobje: Zadnji ..."], + "Configure custom time range": ["Nastavi prilagojeno časovno obdobje"], + "Relative quantity": ["Relativne vrednosti"], + "Relative period": ["Relativno obdobje"], + "Anchor to": ["Sidraj na"], + "NOW": ["ZDAJ"], + "Date/Time": ["Datum/Čas"], + "Return to specific datetime.": ["Vrne določen datum-čas."], + "Syntax": ["Sintaksa"], + "Example": ["Primer"], + "Moves the given set of dates by a specified interval.": [ + "Premakne dani nabor datumov za definirano obdobje." + ], + "Truncates the specified date to the accuracy specified by the date unit.": [ + "Zaokroži določen datum, glede na natančnost, definirano s časovno enoto." + ], + "Get the last date by the date unit.": [ + "Pridobi zadnji datum glede na časovno enoto." + ], + "Get the specify date for the holiday": ["Določi datum praznika"], + "Last": ["Zadnji"], + "Previous": ["Prejšnji"], + "Custom": ["Prilagojen"], + "last day": ["zadnji dan"], + "last week": ["zadnji teden"], + "last month": ["zadnji mesec"], + "last quarter": ["zadnje četrletje"], + "last year": ["zadnje leto"], + "previous calendar week": ["prejšnji koledarski teden"], + "previous calendar month": ["prejšnji koledarski mesec"], + "previous calendar year": ["prejšnje koledarsko leto"], + "Seconds %s": ["Sekunde %s"], + "Minutes %s": ["Minute %s"], + "Hours %s": ["Ure %s"], + "Days %s": ["Dnevi %s"], + "Weeks %s": ["Tedni %s"], + "Months %s": ["Meseci %s"], + "Quarters %s": ["Četrtletja %s"], + "Years %s": ["Leta %s"], + "Before": ["PRED"], + "After": ["PO"], + "Specific Date/Time": ["Fiksen Datum/Čas"], + "Relative Date/Time": ["Relativen Datum/Čas"], + "Now": ["Zdaj"], + "Midnight": ["Polnoč"], + "Saved expressions": ["Shranjeni izrazi"], + "Saved": ["Shranjeno"], + "%s column(s)": ["Stolpci: %s"], + "No temporal columns found": ["Ni najdenih časovnih stolpcev"], + "No saved expressions found": ["Shranjeni izrazi niso najdeni"], + "Add calculated temporal columns to dataset in \"Edit datasource\" modal": [ + "Dodaj izračunan časovni stolpec v podatkovni set v oknu \"Uredi podatkovni vir\"" + ], + "Add calculated columns to dataset in \"Edit datasource\" modal": [ + "Dodaj izračunan stolpec v podatkovni set v oknu \"Uredi podatkovni vir\"" + ], + "Simple": ["Preprosto"], + "Mark a column as temporal in \"Edit datasource\" modal": [ + "Označite stolpec kot časoven preko okna \"Uredi podatkovni vir\"" + ], + "Custom SQL": ["Prilagojen SQL"], + "My column": ["Moj stolpec"], + "Drop a column here or click": ["Spustite stolpec sem ali kliknite"], + "Drop column here": ["Spustite stolpec sem"], + "Click to edit label": ["Kliknite za urejanje oznake"], + "Drop columns/metrics here or click": [ + "Spustite stolpce/mere sem ali kliknite" + ], + "Drop columns or metrics here": ["Spustite stolpce ali mere sem"], + "Drop a column/metric here or click": [ + "Spustite stolpec/mero sem ali kliknite" + ], + "Drop column or metric here": ["Spustite stolpec ali mero sem"], + "Drop columns here": ["Spustite stolpce sem"], + "\n This filter was inherited from the dashboard's context.\n It won't be saved when saving the chart.\n ": [ + "\n Ta filter izvira iz konteksta nadzorne plošče.\n Pri shranjevanju grafikona se ne bo shranil.\n " + ], + "Default": ["Privzeto"], + "(optional) default value for the filter, when using the multiple option, you can use a semicolon-delimited list of options.": [ + "(opcijsko) privzeta vrednost za filter, če uporabite opcijo izbire večih , lahko uporabite seznam nastavitev ločen s podpičji." + ], + "Metric to sort the results by": ["Mera za razvrščanje rezultatov"], + "Check for sorting ascending": ["Označi za naraščajoče razvrščanje"], + "Allow multiple selections": ["Dovoli več izbir"], + "Multiple selections allowed, otherwise filter is limited to a single value": [ + "Lahko izberete več elementov, drugače pa je filter omejen na eno vrednost" + ], + "Search all filter options": ["Poišči vse možnosti filtra"], + "By default, each filter loads at most 1000 choices at the initial page load. Check this box if you have more than 1000 filter values and want to enable dynamically searching that loads filter values as users type (may add stress to your database).": [ + "Privzeto vsak filter pri nalaganju začetne strani naloži največ 1000 možnosti. Označite polje, če imate več kot 1000 vrednosti filtra in želite omogočiti dinamično iskanje, ki nalaga vrednosti filtra ko uporabnik tipka (to lahko preobremeni vašo podatkovno bazo)." + ], + "User must select a value for this filter": [ + "Uporabnik mora izbrati vrednost za ta filter" + ], + "Filter configuration": ["Nastavitve filtra"], + "Custom SQL ad-hoc filters are not available for the native Druid connector": [ + "Ad-hoc SQL filtri po meri niso na voljo za nativni konektor za Druid" + ], + "%s option(s)": ["Možnosti: %s"], + "Select subject": ["Izberite zadevo"], + "No such column found. To filter on a metric, try the Custom SQL tab.": [ + "Tak stolpec ni najden. Za filtriranje po meri uporabite prilagojen SQL zavihek." + ], + "%s column(s) and metric(s)": ["Stolpcev in mer: %s"], + "To filter on a metric, use Custom SQL tab.": [ + "Za filtriranje po meri uporabite prilagojen SQL zavihek." + ], + "%s operator(s)": ["Operatorji: %s"], + "Select operator": ["Izberite operator"], + "Comparator option": ["Možnosti komparatorja"], + "Type a value here": ["Vnesite vrednost sem"], + "Filter value (case sensitive)": [ + "Vrednost filtra (razlik. velikih/malih črk)" + ], + "Failed to retrieve advanced type": [ + "Napaka pri pridobivanju naprednega tipa" + ], + "choose WHERE or HAVING...": ["izberite WHERE ali HAVING..."], + "Filters by columns": ["Filtrira po stolpcu"], + "Filters by metrics": ["Filtrira po merah"], + "Fixed": ["Fiksno"], + "Based on a metric": ["Osnovan na meri"], + "My metric": ["Moja mera"], + "Add metric": ["Dodaj mero"], + "Select aggregate options": ["Izberite agregacijske možnosti"], + "%s aggregates(s)": ["Agreg. funkcije: %s"], + "Select saved metrics": ["Izberite shranjene mere"], + "%s saved metric(s)": ["Shranjene mere: %s"], + "Saved metric": ["Shranjena mera"], + "No saved metrics found": ["Shranjene mere niso najdene"], + "Add metrics to dataset in \"Edit datasource\" modal": [ + "Dodaj mero v podatkovni set v oknu \"Uredi podatkovni vir\"" + ], + "Simple ad-hoc metrics are not enabled for this dataset": [ + "Preproste ad-hoc mere za ta podatkovni set niso omogočene" + ], + "column": ["stolpec"], + "aggregate": ["agregacija"], + "Custom SQL ad-hoc metrics are not available for the native Druid connector": [ + "Ad-hoc SQL mere po meri niso na voljo za nativni konektor za Druid" + ], + "Custom SQL ad-hoc metrics are not enabled for this dataset": [ + "Ad-hoc SQL mere po meri za ta podatkovni set niso omogočene" + ], + "Error while fetching data: %s": ["Napaka pri pridobivanju podatkov: %s"], + "Time series columns": ["Stolpci s časovnimi vrstami"], + "Select Viz Type": ["Izberite tip vizualizacije"], + "Currently rendered: %s": ["Trenutno izrisano: %s"], + "Other": ["Ostali"], + "Recommended tags": ["Priporočene značke"], + "Category": ["Kategorija"], + "Tags": ["Značke"], + "Search all charts": ["Išči vse grafikone"], + "No description available.": ["Opisa ni na razpolago."], + "Examples": ["Vzorci"], + "This visualization type is not supported.": [ + "Ta tip vizualizacije ni podprt." + ], + "View all charts": ["Pokaži vse grafikone"], + "Select a visualization type": ["Izberite tip vizualizacije"], + "Select": ["Izberi"], + "Superset Chart": ["Superset grafikon"], + "New chart": ["Nov grafikon"], + "Edit chart properties": ["Uredi lastnosti grafikona"], + "Export to original .CSV": ["Izvozi v izvorni .CSV"], + "Export to pivoted .CSV": ["Izvozi v vrtilni .CSV"], + "Export to .JSON": ["Izvozi v .JSON"], + "Embed code": ["Vgradi kodo"], + "Run in SQL Lab": ["Zaženi v SQL laboratoriju"], + "Code": ["Koda"], + "Markup type": ["Tip označevanja"], + "Pick your favorite markup language": [ + "Izberite svoj priljubljen označevalni jezik" + ], + "Put your code here": ["Vstavite svojo kodo sem"], + "URL parameters": ["Parametri URL"], + "Extra parameters for use in jinja templated queries": [ + "Dodatni parametri za poizvedbe z jinja predlogami" + ], + "Annotations and layers": ["Oznake in sloji"], + "My beautiful colors": ["Moje čudovite barve"], + "No columns": ["Brez stolpcev"], + "%s option": ["%s možnost"], + "UI Configuration": ["UI nastavitve"], + "Can select multiple values": ["Dovoli izbiro več vrednosti"], + "Filter value is required": ["Vrednost filtra je obvezna"], + "User must select a value before applying the filter": [ + "Uporabnik mora izbrati vrednost pred uporabo filtra" + ], + "Group By filter plugin": ["Vtičnik za filter za združevanje"], + "Chosen non-numeric column": ["Izbran ne-numeričen stolpec"], + "Single value": ["Ena vrednost"], + "Use only a single value.": ["Uporabite le eno vrednost."], + "Range filter plugin using AntD": [ + "Vtičnik za filter obdobja z uporabo AntD" + ], + " (excluded)": [" (ni vključeno)"], + "Select first filter value by default": [ + "Izberi prvo vrednost kot privzeto" + ], + "When using this option, default value can’t be set": [ + "Če uporabite to možnost, privzeta vrednost ne more biti nastavljena" + ], + "Inverse selection": ["Invertiraj izbiro"], + "Exclude selected values": ["Izloči izbrane vrednosti"], + "Dynamically search all filter values": [ + "Dinamično poišče vse možnosti filtra" + ], + "Select filter plugin using AntD": [ + "Izberite Vtičnik za filter z uporabo AntD" + ], + "Custom time filter plugin": ["Prilagojeni vtičnik za časovni filter"], + "No time columns": ["Ni časovnih stolpcev"], + "Time column filter plugin": ["Vtičnik za časovni filter"], + "Time grain filter plugin": ["Vtičnik za filter časovne granulacije"], + "Favorites": ["Priljubljene"], + "Created content": ["Ustvarjena vsebina"], + "Recent activity": ["Nedavna aktivnost"], + "Security & Access": ["Varnost in Dostopi"], + "No charts": ["Ni grafikonov"], + "No dashboards": ["Ni nadzornih plošč"], + "No favorite charts yet, go click on stars!": [ + "Priljubljenih grafikonov še ni. Kliknite na zvezdice!" + ], + "No favorite dashboards yet, go click on stars!": [ + "Priljubljenih nadzornih plošč še ni. Kliknite na zvezdice!" + ], + "Profile picture provided by Gravatar": [ + "Profilno sliko je zagotovil Gravatar" + ], + "joined": ["pridružen"], + "id:": ["id:"], + "There was an issue fetching reports attached to this dashboard.": [ + "Pri pridobivanju poročil za to nadzorno ploščo je prišlo do težave." + ], + "The report has been created": ["Poročilo je bilo ustvarjeno"], + "Report updated": ["Poročilo posodobljeno"], + "We were unable to active or deactivate this report.": [ + "Aktiviranje ali deaktiviranje poročila ni uspelo." + ], + "Your report could not be deleted": [ + "Vašega poročila ni mogoče izbrisati" + ], + "Deleted: %s": ["Izbrisano: %s"], + "Image download failed, please refresh and try again.": [ + "Prenos slike ni uspel. Osvežite in poskusite ponovno." + ], + "Select values in highlighted field(s) in the control panel. Then run the query by clicking on the %s button.": [ + "Izberite vrednosti v osvetljenih poljih na levi strani kontrolnika in zaženite poizvedbo z gumbom %s." + ], + "Invalid input": ["Neveljaven vnos"], + "Unexpected error: ": ["Nepričakovana napaka: "], + "(no description, click to see stack trace)": [ + "(ni opisa, kliknite za ogled zapisov)" + ], + "Network error": ["Napaka omrežja"], + "Request timed out": ["Zahtevek pretečen"], + "Issue 1000 - The dataset is too large to query.": [ + "Težava 1000 - podatkovni vir je prevelik za poizvedbo." + ], + "Issue 1001 - The database is under an unusual load.": [ + "Težava 1001 - podatkovni vir je neobičajno obremenjen." + ], + "An error occurred while fetching %s info: %s": [ + "Napaka pri pridobivanju informacij za %s: %s" + ], + "An error occurred while fetching %ss: %s": [ + "Napaka pri pridobivanju informacij za %s: %s" + ], + "An error occurred while creating %ss: %s": [ + "Napaka pri ustvarjanju %s: %s" + ], + "An error occurred while importing %s: %s": [ + "Napaka pri uvažanju %s: %s" + ], + "There was an error fetching the favorite status: %s": [ + "Napaka pri pridobivanju statusa \"Priljubljeno\": %s" + ], + "There was an error saving the favorite status: %s": [ + "Napaka pri shranjevanju statusa \"Priljubljeno\": %s" + ], + "Link Copied!": ["Povezava kopirana!"], + "Sorry, your browser does not support copying.": [ + "Vaš brskalnik ne podpira kopiranja." + ], + "Connection looks good!": ["Povezava izgleda v redu!"], + "ERROR: %s": ["NAPAKA: %s"], + "There was an error fetching your recent activity:": [ + "Pri pridobivanju nedavnih aktivnosti je prišlo do napake:" + ], + "There was an issue deleting: %s": ["Težava pri brisanju: %s"], + "There was an issue deleting %s: %s": ["Težava pri brisanju %s: %s"], + "Working": ["Delam"], + "Not triggered": ["Ni sproženo"], + "On Grace": ["V mirovanju"], + "report": ["poročilo"], + "alert": ["opozorilo"], + "reports": ["poročila"], + "alerts": ["opozorila"], + "There was an issue deleting the selected %s: %s": [ + "Težava pri brisanju izbranih %s: %s" + ], + "Last run": ["Zadnji zagon"], + "Notification method": ["Način obveščanja"], + "Created by": ["Ustvaril"], + "Active": ["Aktiven"], + "Execution log": ["Dnevnik izvajanja"], + "Actions": ["Aktivnosti"], + "Bulk select": ["Izberi hkrati"], + "No %s yet": ["%s še ne obstajajo"], + "Owner": ["Lastnik"], + "An error occurred while fetching owners values: %s": [ + "Pri pridobivanju polja lastnik je prišlo do napake: %s" + ], + "An error occurred while fetching created by values: %s": [ + "Pri pridobivanju vrednosti \"Ustvaril\" je prišlo do napake: %s" + ], + "Status": ["Status"], + "Alerts & reports": ["Opozorila in poročila"], + "Alerts": ["Opozorila"], + "Reports": ["Poročila"], + "Delete %s?": ["Izbrišem %s?"], + "Please confirm": ["Prosim, potrdite"], + "Are you sure you want to delete the selected %s?": [ + "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane %s?" + ], + "< (Smaller than)": ["< (manjše kot)"], + "> (Larger than)": ["> (večje kot)"], + "<= (Smaller or equal)": ["<= (manjše ali enako)"], + ">= (Larger or equal)": [">= (večje ali enako)"], + "== (Is equal)": ["== (je enako)"], + "!= (Is not equal)": ["!= (ni enako)"], + "Not null": ["Ni nič (null)"], + "30 days": ["30 dni"], + "60 days": ["60 dni"], + "90 days": ["90 dni"], + "Add notification method": ["Dodajte način obveščanja"], + "Add delivery method": ["Dodajte način dostave"], + "%s updated": ["%s posodobljeni"], + "Edit Report": ["Uredi poročilo"], + "Edit Alert": ["Uredi opozorilo"], + "Add Report": ["Dodaj poročilo"], + "Add Alert": ["Dodaj opozorilo"], + "Report name": ["Naslov poročila"], + "Alert name": ["Naslov opozorila"], + "Alert condition": ["Status opozorila"], + "Trigger Alert If...": ["Sproži opozorilo v primeru ..."], + "Condition": ["Pogoj"], + "Threshold value should be double precision number": [ + "Mejna vrednost naj bo število z dvojno natančnostjo (double)" + ], + "Report schedule": ["Urnik poročanja"], + "Alert condition schedule": ["Urnik statusov opozoril"], + "Schedule settings": ["Nastavitve urnika"], + "Log retention": ["Hranjenje dnevnikov"], + "Working timeout": ["Pretek delovanja"], + "Time in seconds": ["Čas v sekundah"], + "Grace period": ["Obdobje mirovanja"], + "Send as PNG": ["Pošlji kot PNG"], + "Send as CSV": ["Pošlji kot CSV"], + "Send as text": ["Pošlji kot besedilo"], + "log": ["dnevnik"], + "State": ["Status"], + "Execution ID": ["ID izvedbe"], + "Scheduled at (UTC)": ["Izvede se ob (UTC)"], + "Start at (UTC)": ["Zažene se ob (UTC)"], + "Duration": ["Trajanje"], + "Error message": ["Sporočilo napake"], + "CRON expression": ["Izraz CRON"], + "Report sent": ["Poročilo poslano"], + "Alert triggered, notification sent": [ + "Opozorilo sproženo, obvestilo poslano" + ], + "Report sending": ["Pošiljanje poročila"], + "Alert running": ["Opozorilo aktivno"], + "Report failed": ["Poročilo ni uspelo"], + "Alert failed": ["Opozorilo ni uspelo"], + "Nothing triggered": ["Ni ni sproženo"], + "Alert Triggered, In Grace Period": [ + "Opozorilo sproženo, v obdobju mirovanja" + ], + "Delivery method": ["Način dostave"], + "Select Delivery Method": ["Izberite način dostave"], + "Recipients are separated by \",\" or \";\"": [ + "Prejemniki so ločeni z \",\" ali \";\"" + ], + "annotation": ["oznaka"], + "There was an issue deleting the selected annotations: %s": [ + "Pri brisanju izbranih oznak je prišlo do težave: %s" + ], + "Edit annotation": ["Uredi oznako"], + "Delete annotation": ["Izbriši oznako"], + "Annotation": ["Oznaka"], + "No annotation yet": ["Oznak še ni"], + "Annotation Layer %s": ["Sloj z oznakami %s"], + "Are you sure you want to delete %s?": [ + "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati %s?" + ], + "Delete Annotation?": ["Izbrišem oznako?"], + "Are you sure you want to delete the selected annotations?": [ + "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane oznake?" + ], + "The annotation has been updated": ["Označba je bila posodobljena"], + "The annotation has been saved": ["Označba je bila shranjena"], + "Add annotation": ["Dodaj oznako"], + "Annotation name": ["Ime oznake"], + "date": ["datum"], + "Additional information": ["Dodatne informacije"], + "Description (this can be seen in the list)": [ + "Opis (lahko je viden na seznamu)" + ], + "annotation_layer": ["annotation_layer"], + "Annotation template updated": ["Predloga oznake posodobljena"], + "Annotation template created": ["Predloga oznake ustvarjena"], + "Edit annotation layer properties": ["Uredi lastnosti sloja z oznakami"], + "Annotation layer name": ["Ime sloja z oznakami"], + "Annotation layers": ["Sloji z oznakami"], + "There was an issue deleting the selected layers: %s": [ + "Pri brisanju izbranih slojev je prišlo do težave: %s" + ], + "Last modified": ["Zadnja sprememba"], + "Created on": ["Ustvarjeno"], + "Edit template": ["Uredi predlogo"], + "Delete template": ["Izbriši predlogo"], + "Annotation layer": ["Sloj z oznakami"], + "An error occurred while fetching dataset datasource values: %s": [ + "Pri pridobivanju vrednosti podatkovnega vira podatkovnega seta je prišlo do napake: %s" + ], + "No annotation layers yet": ["Slojev z oznakami še ni"], + "This action will permanently delete the layer.": [ + "S tem dejanjem boste trajno izbrisali sloj." + ], + "Delete Layer?": ["Izbrišem sloj?"], + "Are you sure you want to delete the selected layers?": [ + "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane sloje?" + ], + "Are you sure you want to delete": [ + "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati" + ], + "Modified %s": ["Zadnja sprememba %s"], + "The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them together with the charts. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and \"Certificate\" sections of the database configuration are not present in export files, and should be added manually after the import if they are needed.": [ + "Gesla za spodnje podatkovne baze so potrebna za uvoz skupaj z grafikoni. Sekciji \"Dodatna varnost\" in \"Certifikati\" v nastavitvah podatkovne baze nista prisotni v izvoženih datotekah in jih je potrebno dodati ročno po uvozu, če je to potrebno." + ], + "You are importing one or more charts that already exist. Overwriting might cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to overwrite?": [ + "Uvažate enega ali več grafikonov, ki že obstajajo. S prepisom lahko izgubite podatke. Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati?" + ], + "Chart imported": ["Grafikon uvožen"], + "There was an issue deleting the selected charts: %s": [ + "Pri brisanju izbranih grafikonov je prišlo do težave: %s" + ], + "Modified by": ["Spremenil"], + "Favorite": ["Priljubljene"], + "Any": ["Katerikoli"], + "Yes": ["Da"], + "No": ["Ne"], + "All": ["Vsi"], + "An error occurred while fetching chart owners values: %s": [ + "Pri pridobivanju polja lastnik grafikona je prišlo do napake: %s" + ], + "An error occurred while fetching chart created by values: %s": [ + "Pri pridobivanju polja Grafikon ustvaril je prišlo do napake: %s" + ], + "Chart type": ["Tip grafikona"], + "Certified": ["Certificirano"], + "Alphabetical": ["Po abecedi"], + "Recently modified": ["Nedavno spremenjeno"], + "Least recently modified": ["Zadnje spremenjeno"], + "Import charts": ["Uvozi grafikone"], + "Are you sure you want to delete the selected charts?": [ + "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane grafikone?" + ], + "css_template": ["css_template"], + "Edit CSS template properties": ["Uredi lastnosti CSS predloge"], + "Add CSS template": ["Dodaj CSS predlogo"], + "CSS template name": ["Ime CSS predloge"], + "css": ["css"], + "CSS templates": ["CSS predloge"], + "There was an issue deleting the selected templates: %s": [ + "Pri brisanju izbranih predlog je prišlo do težave: %s" + ], + "Last modified by %s": ["Nazadnje spremenil %s"], + "CSS template": ["CSS predloga"], + "This action will permanently delete the template.": [ + "S tem dejanjem boste trajno izbrisali predlogo." + ], + "Delete Template?": ["Izbrišem predlogo?"], + "Are you sure you want to delete the selected templates?": [ + "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane predloge?" + ], + "published": ["objavljeno"], + "draft": ["osnutek"], + "The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them together with the dashboards. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and \"Certificate\" sections of the database configuration are not present in export files, and should be added manually after the import if they are needed.": [ + "Gesla za spodnje podatkovne baze so potrebna za uvoz skupaj z nadzornimi ploščami. Sekciji \"Dodatna varnost\" in \"Certifikati\" v nastavitvah podatkovne baze nista prisotni v izvoženih datotekah in jih je potrebno dodati ročno po uvozu, če je to potrebno." + ], + "You are importing one or more dashboards that already exist. Overwriting might cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to overwrite?": [ + "Uvažate eno ali več nadzornih plošč, ki že obstajajo. S prepisom lahko izgubite podatke. Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati?" + ], + "Dashboard imported": ["Nadzorna plošča uvožena"], + "An error occurred while fetching dashboards: %s": [ + "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju nadzornih plošč: %s" + ], + "There was an issue deleting the selected dashboards: ": [ + "Pri brisanju izbranih nadzornih plošč je prišlo do težave: " + ], + "An error occurred while fetching dashboard owner values: %s": [ + "Pri pridobivanju polja lastnik nadzorne plošče je prišlo do napake: %s" + ], + "An error occurred while fetching dashboard created by values: %s": [ + "Pri pridobivanju polja Nadzorno ploščo ustvaril je prišlo do napake: %s" + ], + "Are you sure you want to delete the selected dashboards?": [ + "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane nadzorne plošče?" + ], + "Saved queries": ["Shranjene poizvedbe"], + "SQL Copied!": ["SQL kopiran!"], + "database": ["podatkovna baza"], + "An error occurred while fetching database related data: %s": [ + "Pri pridobivanju podatkov iz podatkovne baze je prišlo do napake: %s" + ], + "Upload file to database": ["Naloži datoteko v podatkovno bazo"], + "Upload CSV": ["Naloži CSV"], + "Upload columnar file": ["Naloži datoteko s stolpci"], + "Upload Excel file": ["Naloži Excel-ovo datoteko"], + "Asynchronous query execution": ["Asinhroni zagon poizvedb"], + "AQE": ["AQE"], + "Allow data manipulation language": [ + "Dovoli jezik za manipulacijo podatkov (DML)" + ], + "DML": ["DML"], + "CSV upload": ["Nalaganje CSV"], + "Delete database": ["Izbriši podatkovno bazo"], + "The database %s is linked to %s charts that appear on %s dashboards and users have %s SQL Lab tabs using this database open. Are you sure you want to continue? Deleting the database will break those objects.": [ + "Podatkovna baza %s je povezana z grafikoni %s, ki so prisotni na nadzorni plošči %s in uporabniki imajo odprtih %s zavihkov SQL laboratorija. Ali želite nadaljevati? Izbris podatkovne baze bo pokvaril te objekte." + ], + "Delete Database?": ["Izbrišem podatkovno bazo?"], + "Expose database in SQL Lab": [ + "Razkrij podatkovno bazo v SQL laboratoriju" + ], + "Allow this database to be queried in SQL Lab": [ + "Dovoli poizvedbo na to podatkovno bazo v SQL laboratoriju" + ], + "Allow creation of new tables based on queries": [ + "Dovoli ustvarjanje novih tabel s poizvedbami" + ], + "Allow creation of new views based on queries": [ + "Dovoli ustvarjanje novih pogledov s poizvedbami" + ], + "CTAS & CVAS SCHEMA": ["CTAS & CVAS SHEMA"], + "Create or select schema...": ["Ustvarite ali izberite shemo..."], + "Force all tables and views to be created in this schema when clicking CTAS or CVAS in SQL Lab.": [ + "Vsilite, da bodo vse tabele in pogledi ustvarjeni s to shemo, ko kliknete CTAS ali CVAS v SQL laboratoriju." + ], + "Allow manipulation of the database using non-SELECT statements such as UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, etc.": [ + "Dovoli manipulacije podatkovne baze z uporabo ne-SELECT stavkov, kot so UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, itd." + ], + "Enable query cost estimation": [ + "Omogoči ocenjevanje potratnosti poizvedbe" + ], + "For Presto and Postgres, shows a button to compute cost before running a query.": [ + "Za Presto in Postgres prikaže gumb za izračun potratnosti pred zagonom poizvedbe." + ], + "Allow this database to be explored": [ + "Dovoli raziskovanje te podatkovne baze" + ], + "When enabled, users are able to visualize SQL Lab results in Explore.": [ + "Ko je omogočeno, lahko uporabniki prikazujejo rezultate SQL laboratorija v raziskovalcu." + ], + "Disable SQL Lab data preview queries": [ + "Izključite poizvedbe za predogled podatkov v SQL Laboratoriju" + ], + "Disable data preview when fetching table metadata in SQL Lab. Useful to avoid browser performance issues when using databases with very wide tables.": [ + "Izključite predogled podatkov pri pridobivanju metapodatkov v SQL laboratoriju. S tem se zmanjša obremenitev brskalnika pri podatkovnih bazah z zelo širokimi tabelami." + ], + "Chart cache timeout": ["Trajanje predpomnilnika grafikona"], + "Enter duration in seconds": ["Vnesite trajanje v sekundah"], + "Schema cache timeout": ["Trajanje prepomnilnika sheme"], + "Duration (in seconds) of the metadata caching timeout for schemas of this database. If left unset, the cache never expires.": [ + "Trajanje (v sekundah) predpomnilnika metapodatkov za sheme v tej podatkovni bazi. Če ni nastavljeno, predpomnilnik ne poteče." + ], + "Table cache timeout": ["Trajanje predpomnilnika tabele"], + "Duration (in seconds) of the metadata caching timeout for tables of this database. If left unset, the cache never expires. ": [ + "Trajanje (v sekundah) predpomnilnika metapodatkov za tabele v tej podatkovni bazi. Če ni nastavljeno, predpomnilnik ne poteče. " + ], + "Operate the database in asynchronous mode, meaning that the queries are executed on remote workers as opposed to on the web server itself. This assumes that you have a Celery worker setup as well as a results backend. Refer to the installation docs for more information.": [ + "Upravljanje podatkovne baze v asinhronem načinu pomeni, da se poizvedbe zaženejo na oddaljenih »delavcih« in ne na samem spletnem strežniku. S tem je predpostavljeno, da imate nastavljenega »delavca« za Celery in zaledni sistem za rezultate. Več informacij je v navodilih za namestitev." + ], + "Cancel query on window unload event": [ + "Prekini poizvedbo pri dogodku zaprtja okna (window unload event)" + ], + "Terminate running queries when browser window closed or navigated to another page. Available for Presto, Hive, MySQL, Postgres and Snowflake databases.": [ + "Ustavi zagnane poizvedbe, ko se zapre okno brskalnika ali gre na drugo stran. na razpolago za Presto, Hive, MySQL, Postgres in Snowflake podatkovne baze." + ], + "Secure extra": ["Dodatna varnost"], + "JSON string containing additional connection configuration. This is used to provide connection information for systems like Hive, Presto and BigQuery which do not conform to the username:password syntax normally used by SQLAlchemy.": [ + "JSON niz, ki vsebuje dodatno konfiguracijo povezave. Uporablja se za zagotavljanje dodatnih informacij povezave za sisteme kot sta Presto in BigQuery, ki nista skladna s sintakso username:password, ki jo običajno uporablja SQLAlchemy." + ], + "Enter CA_BUNDLE": ["Vnesite CA_BUNDLE"], + "Optional CA_BUNDLE contents to validate HTTPS requests. Only available on certain database engines.": [ + "Opcijska CA_BUNDLE vsebina, za potrjevanje HTTPS zahtev. Razpoložljivo le na določenih sistemih podatkovnih baz." + ], + "Schemas allowed for CSV upload": ["Dovoljene sheme za nalaganje CSV"], + "A comma-separated list of schemas that CSVs are allowed to upload to.": [ + "Z vejicami ločen seznam shem, kjer je dovoljeno nalaganje CSV-jev." + ], + "Impersonate logged in user (Presto, Trino, Drill, Hive, and GSheets)": [ + "Predstavljanje kot prijavljeni uporabnik (Presto, Trino, Drill, Hive in GSheets)" + ], + "If Presto or Trino, all the queries in SQL Lab are going to be executed as the currently logged on user who must have permission to run them. If Hive and hive.server2.enable.doAs is enabled, will run the queries as service account, but impersonate the currently logged on user via hive.server2.proxy.user property.": [ + "V primeru Presto ali Trino se vse poizvedbe v SQL laboratoriju zaženejo pod trenutno prijavljenim uporabnikom, ki mora imeti pravice za poganjanje. Če je omogočen Hive in hive.server2.enable.doAs, poizvedbe tečejo pod servisnim računom, vendar je trenutno prijavljen uporabnik predstavljen z lastnostjo hive.server2.proxy.user." + ], + "Allow data upload": ["Dovoli nalaganje podatkov"], + "If selected, please set the schemas allowed for data upload in Extra.": [ + "Če je izbrano, nastavite dovoljene sheme za nalaganje podatkov v Dodatno." + ], + "Metadata Parameters": ["Parametri metapodatkov"], + "The metadata_params object gets unpacked into the sqlalchemy.MetaData call.": [ + "Objekt metadata_params se razpakira v klic sqlalchemy.MetaData." + ], + "Engine Parameters": ["Parametri podatkovne baze"], + "The engine_params object gets unpacked into the sqlalchemy.create_engine call.": [ + "Objekt engine_params se razširi v klic sqlalchemy.create_engine." + ], + "Version": ["Verzija"], + "Version number": ["Številka verzije"], + "Specify the database version. This should be used with Presto in order to enable query cost estimation.": [ + "Podajte verzijo podatkovne baze. Uporablja se s Presto, za potrebe ocenjevanja potratnosti poizvedbe." + ], + "Display Name": ["Ime za prikaz"], + "Name your database": ["Poimenujte podatkovno bazo"], + "Pick a name to help you identify this database.": [ + "Izberite ime za lažjo prepoznavo podatkovne baze." + ], + "dialect+driver://username:password@host:port/database": [ + "dialect+driver://username:password@host:port/database" + ], + "Refer to the": ["Obrnite se na"], + "for more information on how to structure your URI.": [ + "za več informacij o oblikovanju URI." + ], + "Test connection": ["Preizkus povezave"], + "Please enter a SQLAlchemy URI to test": [ + "Vnesite SQLAlchemy URI za test" + ], + "Database settings updated": ["Nastavitve podatkovne baze posodobljene"], + "Database connected": ["Podatkovna baza povezana"], + "Sorry there was an error fetching database information: %s": [ + "Pri pridobivanju informacij o podatkovni bazi je prišlo do napake: %s" + ], + "Or choose from a list of other databases we support:": [ + "Ali izberite iz seznama drugih podatkovnih baz, ki jih podpiramo:" + ], + "Supported databases": ["Podprte podatkovne baze"], + "Choose a database...": ["Izberite podatkovno bazo..."], + "Want to add a new database?": ["Želite dodati novo podatkovno bazo?"], + "Any databases that allow connections via SQL Alchemy URIs can be added. ": [ + "Dodate lahko katerokoli podatkovno bazo, ki podpira konekcije z SQL Alchemy URI-ji. " + ], + "Any databases that allow connections via SQL Alchemy URIs can be added. Learn about how to connect a database driver ": [ + "Dodate lahko katerokoli podatkovno bazo, ki podpira konekcije z SQL Alchemy URI-ji. Naučite se kako povezati gonilnik podatkovne baze " ], "Back": ["Nazaj"], - "Edit User": ["Uredite uporabnika"], - "Edit User Information": ["Uredite informacije o uporabniku"], - "Write the user first name or names": ["Vpišite ime uporabnika"], - "Write the user last name": ["Vpišite priimek uporabnika"], - "Embed code": ["Vstavi kodo"], - "creator": ["avtor"], - "favorited": ["priljubljeno"], - "name": ["ime"], - "type": ["tip"], - "time": ["čas"], - "Toggle SortBy": ["Preklopite razvrščanje"], - "Page size": ["Velikost strani"], - "Edit record": ["Uredi zapis"], - "Delete record": ["Izbriši zapis"], - "Show record": ["Pokaži zapis"], - "Orientation": ["Postavitev"], - "Scroll": ["Drsnik"], - "Plain": ["Celotna"] + "Connect": ["Poveži"], + "Finish": ["Zaključi"], + "This database is managed externally, and can't be edited in Superset": [ + "Ta podatkovna baza se ne ureja znotraj Superseta" + ], + "The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and \"Certificate\" sections of the database configuration are not present in explore files and should be added manually after the import if they are needed.": [ + "Gesla za spodnje podatkovne baze so potrebna za njihov uvoz. Sekciji \"Dodatna varnost\" in \"Certifikati\" v nastavitvah podatkovne baze nista prisotni v izvoženih datotekah in jih je potrebno dodati ročno po uvozu, če je to potrebno." + ], + "%s PASSWORD": ["%s GESLO"], + "You are importing one or more databases that already exist. Overwriting might cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to overwrite?": [ + "Uvažate eno ali več podatkovnih baz, ki že obstajajo. S prepisom lahko izgubite podatke. Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati?" + ], + "TYPE \"OVERWRITE\" TO CONFIRM": ["VNESITE \"PREPIŠI\" ZA POTRDITEV"], + "Database Creation Error": ["Napaka pri ustvarjanju podatkovne baze"], + "Connect a database": ["Poveži se s podatkovno bazo"], + "Edit database": ["Uredi podatkovno bazo"], + "Connect this database using the dynamic form instead": [ + "S podatkovno bazo se povežite z dinamičnim obrazcem" + ], + "Click this link to switch to an alternate form that exposes only the required fields needed to connect this database.": [ + "Kliknite to povezavo za drugo vnosno formo, ki prikaže samo zahtevana polja za povezavo s podatkovno bazo." + ], + "Select databases require additional fields to be completed in the Advanced tab to successfully connect the database. Learn what requirements your databases has ": [ + "Izbira podatkovnih baz za uspešno povezavo zahteva izpolnitev dodatnih polj v zavihku Napredno. Naučite se, kaj zahteva vaša podatkovna baza " + ], + "Import database from file": ["Uvozi podatkovno bazo iz datoteke"], + "Connect this database with a SQLAlchemy URI string instead": [ + "S to podatkovno bazo se raje povežite z SQLAlchemy URI nizom" + ], + "Click this link to switch to an alternate form that allows you to input the SQLAlchemy URL for this database manually.": [ + "Kliknite to povezavo za drugo vnosno formo, ki omogoča ročni vnos SQLAlchemy URL-ja za to podatkovno bazo." + ], + "This can be either an IP address (e.g. or a domain name (e.g. mydatabase.com).": [ + "To je lahko bodisi IP naslov (npr. bodisi ime domene (npr. mydatabase.com)." + ], + "e.g.": ["npr."], + "Host": ["Gostitelj"], + "e.g. 5432": ["npr. 5432"], + "e.g. world_population": ["npr. world_population"], + "Copy the name of the database you are trying to connect to.": [ + "Kopirajte ime podatkovne baze, s katero se skušate povezati." + ], + "e.g. Analytics": ["npr. Analitika"], + "e.g. ********": ["npr. ********"], + "Pick a nickname for this database to display as in Superset.": [ + "Izberite vzdevek za to podatkovno bazo, ki bo prikazan v Supersetu." + ], + "e.g. param1=value1¶m2=value2": ["npr. param1=value1¶m2=value2"], + "Additional Parameters": ["Dodatni parametri"], + "Add additional custom parameters": ["Dodaj dodatne parametre po meri"], + "SSL Mode \"require\" will be used.": [ + "Uporabljen bo SSL način tipa \"require\"." + ], + "Type of Google Sheets allowed": ["Dovoljeni tipi Googlovih preglednic"], + "Publicly shared sheets only": ["Samo javno deljene preglednice"], + "Public and privately shared sheets": [ + "Javno in zasebno deljene preglednice" + ], + "How do you want to enter service account credentials?": [ + "Kako želite vnesti prijavne podatke servisnega računa?" + ], + "Upload JSON file": ["Naloži JSON datoteko"], + "Copy and Paste JSON credentials": [ + "Kopiraj in prilepi JSON prijavne podatke" + ], + "Service Account": ["Servisni račun"], + "Copy and paste the entire service account .json file here": [ + "Tukaj kopirajte in prilepite celotno json datoteko servisnega računa" + ], + "Upload Credentials": ["Naloži prijavne podatke"], + "Use the JSON file you automatically downloaded when creating your service account.": [ + "Uporabite JSON datoteko, ki ste jo prenesli pri ustvarjanju servisnega računa." + ], + "Connect Google Sheets as tables to this database": [ + "Googlove preglednice poveži s to podatkovno bazo kot tabele" + ], + "Google Sheet Name and URL": ["Ime Googlove preglednice in URL"], + "Enter a name for this sheet": ["Vnesite ime te preglednice"], + "Paste the shareable Google Sheet URL here": [ + "Prilepite deljeni URL Googlove preglednice sem" + ], + "Add sheet": ["Dodaj preglednico"], + "Copy the account name of that database you are trying to connect to.": [ + "Kopirajte ime računa podatkovne baze, s katero se skušate povezati." + ], + "Add dataset": ["Dodaj podatkovni set"], + "Dataset imported": ["Podatkovni set uvožen"], + "An error occurred while fetching dataset related data": [ + "Napaka pri pridobivanju podatkov iz podatkovnega seta" + ], + "An error occurred while fetching dataset related data: %s": [ + "Napaka pri pridobivanju podatkov iz podatkovnega seta: %s" + ], + "Physical dataset": ["Fizičen podatkovni set"], + "Virtual dataset": ["Virtualen podatkovni set"], + "An error occurred while fetching dataset owner values: %s": [ + "Pri pridobivanju polja lastnik podatkovnega seta je prišlo do napake: %s" + ], + "An error occurred while fetching datasets: %s": [ + "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju podatkovnih setov: %s" + ], + "An error occurred while fetching schema values: %s": [ + "Pri pridobivanju vrednosti shem je prišlo do napake: %s" + ], + "Import datasets": ["Uvozi podatkovne sete"], + "There was an issue deleting the selected datasets: %s": [ + "Pri brisanju izbranih podatkovnih setov je prišlo do težave: %s" + ], + "The dataset %s is linked to %s charts that appear on %s dashboards. Are you sure you want to continue? Deleting the dataset will break those objects.": [ + "Podatkovni set %s je povezan z grafikoni %s, ki so prisotni na nadzorni plošči %s. Ali želite nadaljevati? Izbris podatkovnega seta bo pokvaril te objekte." + ], + "Delete Dataset?": ["Izbrišem podatkovni set?"], + "Are you sure you want to delete the selected datasets?": [ + "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane podatkovne sete?" + ], + "0 Selected": ["Izbranih: 0"], + "%s Selected (Virtual)": ["Izbranih: %s (virtualni)"], + "%s Selected (Physical)": ["Izbranih: %s (fizični)"], + "%s Selected (%s Physical, %s Virtual)": [ + "Izbranih: %s (fizični: %s, virtualni: %s)" + ], + "The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them together with the datasets. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and \"Certificate\" sections of the database configuration are not present in export files, and should be added manually after the import if they are needed.": [ + "Gesla za spodnje podatkovne baze so potrebna za uvoz skupaj s podatkovnimi seti. Sekciji \"Dodatna varnost\" in \"Certifikati\" v nastavitvah podatkovne baze nista prisotni v izvoženih datotekah in jih je potrebno dodati ročno po uvozu, če je to potrebno." + ], + "You are importing one or more datasets that already exist. Overwriting might cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to overwrite?": [ + "Uvažate enega ali več podatkovnih setov, ki že obstajajo. S prepisom lahko izgubite podatke. Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati?" + ], + "There was an issue previewing the selected query. %s": [ + "Pri predogledu izbrane poizvedbe je prišlo do težave. %s" + ], + "Duration: %s": ["Trajanje: %s"], + "Tab name": ["Naslov zavihka"], + "TABLES": ["TABELE"], + "Open query in SQL Lab": ["Odpri poizvedbo v SQL laboratoriju"], + "An error occurred while fetching database values: %s": [ + "Pri pridobivanju vrednosti podatkovne baze je prišlo do napake: %s" + ], + "An error occurred while fetching user values: %s": [ + "Pri pridobivanju vrednosti uporabnika je prišlo do napake: %s" + ], + "Search by query text": ["Išči z besedilom poizvedbe"], + "Next": ["Naslednji"], + "Open in SQL Lab": ["Odpri v SQL laboratoriju"], + "User query": ["Uporabnikova poizvedba"], + "Executed query": ["Zagnana poizvedba"], + "The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them together with the saved queries. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and \"Certificate\" sections of the database configuration are not present in export files, and should be added manually after the import if they are needed.": [ + "Gesla za spodnje podatkovne baze so potrebna za uvoz skupaj s shranjenimi poizvedbami. Sekciji \"Dodatna varnost\" in \"Certifikati\" v nastavitvah podatkovne baze nista prisotni v izvoženih datotekah in jih je potrebno dodati ročno po uvozu, če je to potrebno." + ], + "You are importing one or more saved queries that already exist. Overwriting might cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to overwrite?": [ + "Uvažate eno ali več shranjenih poizvedb, ki že obstajajo. S prepisom lahko izgubite podatke. Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati?" + ], + "Query imported": ["Poizvedba uvožena"], + "There was an issue previewing the selected query %s": [ + "Do težave je prišlo pri predogledu izbrane poizvedbe %s" + ], + "Import queries": ["Uvozi poizvedbe"], + "There was an issue deleting the selected queries: %s": [ + "Do težave je prišlo pri brisanju izbranih poizvedb: %s" + ], + "Edit query": ["Uredi poizvedbo"], + "Copy query URL": ["Kopiraj URL poizvedbe"], + "Export query": ["Izvozi poizvedbe"], + "Delete query": ["Izbriši poizvedbo"], + "This action will permanently delete the saved query.": [ + "S tem dejanjem boste trajno izbrisali shranjeno poizvedbo." + ], + "Delete Query?": ["Izbrišem poizvedbo?"], + "Are you sure you want to delete the selected queries?": [ + "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane poizvedbe?" + ], + "queries": ["poizvedbe"], + "Query name": ["Ime poizvedbe"], + "[Untitled]": ["[Neimenovana]"], + "Unknown": ["Neznano"], + "Viewed %s": ["Ogledane %s"], + "Edited": ["Urejane"], + "Created": ["Ustvarjene"], + "Viewed": ["Ogledane"], + "Mine": ["Moje"], + "View All »": ["Poglejte vse »"], + "charts": ["grafikoni"], + "dashboards": ["nadzorne plošče"], + "recents": ["nedavne"], + "saved queries": ["shranjene poizvedbe"], + "No %(tableName)s yet": ["%(tableName)s še ni"], + "Recently viewed charts, dashboards, and saved queries will appear here": [ + "Nedavno ogledani grafikoni, nadzorne plošče in shranjene poizvedbe bodo prikazane tukaj" + ], + "Recently created charts, dashboards, and saved queries will appear here": [ + "Nedavno ustvarjeni grafikoni, nadzorne plošče in shranjene poizvedbe bodo prikazane tukaj" + ], + "Example %(tableName)s will appear here": [ + "Primer %(tableName)s se bo prikazal tukaj" + ], + "Recently edited charts, dashboards, and saved queries will appear here": [ + "Nedavno urejani grafikoni, nadzorne plošče in shranjene poizvedbe bodo prikazane tukaj" + ], + "SQL query": ["SQL poizvedba"], + "You don't have any favorites yet!": ["Priljubljenih še niste izbrali!"], + "See all %(tableName)s": ["Poglej vse %(tableName)s"], + "query": ["poizvedba"], + "Ran %s": ["Pretečeno %s"], + "There was an issue fetching your recent activity: %s": [ + "Pri pridobivanju vaše nedavne aktivnosti je prišlo do napake: %s" + ], + "There was an issue fetching your dashboards: %s": [ + "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju nadzornih plošč: %s" + ], + "There was an issue fetching your chart: %s": [ + "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju grafikona: %s" + ], + "There was an issues fetching your saved queries: %s": [ + "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju shranjenih poizvedb: %s" + ], + "Recents": ["Nedavno"], + "Connect database": ["Poveži se s podatkovno bazo"], + "Connect Google Sheet": ["Povežite Googlovo preglednico"], + "Upload CSV to database": ["Naloži CSV v podatkovno bazo"], + "Upload columnar file to database": [ + "Naloži datoteko s stolpci v podatkovno bazo" + ], + "Upload Excel file to database": [ + "Naloži Excel-ovo datoteko v podatkovno bazo" + ], + "Enable 'Allow data upload' in any database's settings": [ + "Omogoči 'Dovoli nalaganje podatkov' za vse podatkovne baze" + ], + "About": ["O programu"], + "Powered by Apache Superset": ["Omogoča Apache Superset"], + "Documentation": ["Dokumentacija"], + "Report a bug": ["Sporočite napako"], + "Select start and end date": ["Izberite začetni in končni datum"], + "Type or Select [%s]": ["Vnesite ali izberite [%s]"], + "No results found": ["Rezultati niso najdeni"], + "Tools": ["Orodja"], + "Filter box": ["Izbirnik za filtriranje"], + "Chart component that lets you add a custom filter UI in your dashboard. When added to dashboard, a filter box lets users specify specific values or ranges to filter charts by. The charts that each filter box is applied to can be fine tuned as well in the dashboard view.\n\n Note that this plugin is being replaced with the new Filters feature that lives in the dashboard view itself. It's easier to use and has more capabilities!": [ + "Komponenta grafikona, ki omogoča dodajanje vmesnika filtrov po meri v nadzorno ploščo. Ko je dodana na nadzorno ploščo, lahko uporabnik določi poljubne vrednosti ali obsege filtrov. Grafikoni, na katere se nanašajo filtri, so lahko precizno izbrani tudi v pogledu nadzorne plošče.\n\n Vedite, da bo ta vtičnik v prihodnosti zamenjan z novim konceptom filtrov, ki bodo živeli v kontekstu same nadzorne plošče in bodo zmogljivejši ter enostavnejši za uporabo!" + ], + "Filters configuration": ["Nastavitve filtrov"], + "Filter configuration for the filter box": ["Nastavitve za polje filtra"], + "Date filter": ["Filter po datumu"], + "Whether to include a time filter": [ + "Če želite vključiti časovni filter" + ], + "Instant filtering": ["Takojšnje filtriranje"], + "Check to apply filters instantly as they change instead of displaying [Apply] button": [ + "Izberite za takojšnjo uporabo filtrov, ko se spremenijo, brez prikazovanja gumba Uveljavi" + ], + "Limit selector values": ["Omeji vrednosti izbirnikov"], + "These filters apply to the values available in the dropdowns": [ + "Ti filtri se nanašajo na vrednosti v spustnih seznamih" + ], + "URL": ["URL"], + "Templated link, it's possible to include {{ metric }} or other values coming from the controls.": [ + "Vzorčna povezava, vključiti je mogoče {{ metric }} ali drugo vrednost iz kontrolnikov." + ], + "Time-series Table": ["Tabela s časovno vrsto"], + "Compare multiple time series charts (as sparklines) and related metrics quickly.": [ + "Hitra primerjava več grafikonov časovnih vrst (sparkline način) in povezanih mer." + ], + "Text": ["Besedilo"], + "We have the following keys: %s": ["Imamo naslednje ključe: %s"] } } } diff --git a/superset/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/superset/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 2c9ad7bfcb..8f655c74d8 100644 --- a/superset/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/superset/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -15,214 +15,1738 @@ # under the License. msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Superset\n" +"Project-Id-Version: Superset\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: dkrat7 @github.com\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-12-08 12:22+0800\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-11-13 21:21+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-06-19 18:59+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-06-19 20:59+0200\n" "Last-Translator: dkrat7 \n" "Language: sl_SI\n" "Language-Team: \n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100>=3 " -"&& n%100<=4 ? 2 : 3)\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100>=3 && n" +"%100<=4 ? 2 : 3);\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.9.1\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/Option.tsx:68 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/OptionControls/index.tsx:323 -#, fuzzy +#: superset/errors.py:95 +msgid "The datasource is too large to query." +msgstr "Podatkovni vir je prevelik za poizvedbo." + +#: superset/errors.py:96 +msgid "The database is under an unusual load." +msgstr "Podatkovni vir je neobičajno obremenjen." + +#: superset/errors.py:97 +msgid "The database returned an unexpected error." +msgstr "Podatkovna baza je vrnila nepričakovano napako." + +#: superset/errors.py:98 msgid "" -"\n" -" This filter was inherited from the dashboard's context.\n" -" It won't be saved when saving the chart.\n" -" " -msgstr "" -"\r\n" -" Ta filter izvira iz konteksta nadzorne plošče.\r\n" -" Pri shranjevanju grafikona se ne bo shranil.\r\n" -" " +"There is a syntax error in the SQL query. Perhaps there was a misspelling or a " +"typo." +msgstr "V SQL-poizvedbi je sintaktična napaka. Mogoče ste se zatipkali." -#: superset/tasks/schedules.py:184 +#: superset/errors.py:102 +msgid "The column was deleted or renamed in the database." +msgstr "Stolpec je bil izbrisan ali preimenovan v podatkovni bazi." + +#: superset/errors.py:103 +msgid "The table was deleted or renamed in the database." +msgstr "Tabela je bila izbrisana ali preimenovana v podatkovni bazi." + +#: superset/errors.py:104 +msgid "One or more parameters specified in the query are missing." +msgstr "En ali več parametrov v SQL-poizvedbi manjka." + +#: superset/errors.py:105 +msgid "The hostname provided can't be resolved." +msgstr "Imena gostitelja ni mogoče razrešiti." + +#: superset/errors.py:106 +msgid "The port is closed." +msgstr "Vrata so zaprta." + +#: superset/errors.py:107 +msgid "The host might be down, and can't be reached on the provided port." +msgstr "Gostitelj mogoče ne deluje in ga ni mogoče doseči preko podanih vrat." + +#: superset/errors.py:108 +msgid "Superset encountered an error while running a command." +msgstr "Superset je naletel na napako pri izvajanju ukaza." + +#: superset/errors.py:109 +msgid "Superset encountered an unexpected error." +msgstr "Superset je naletel na nepričakovano napako." + +#: superset/errors.py:110 +msgid "The username provided when connecting to a database is not valid." +msgstr "Uporabniško ime za povezavo s podatkovno bazo je neveljavno." + +#: superset/errors.py:111 +msgid "The password provided when connecting to a database is not valid." +msgstr "Geslo za povezavo s podatkovno bazo je neveljavno." + +#: superset/errors.py:112 +msgid "Either the username or the password is wrong." +msgstr "Uporabniško ime ali/in geslo sta napačna." + +#: superset/errors.py:113 +msgid "Either the database is spelled incorrectly or does not exist." +msgstr "Ime podatkovne baze je zapisano napačno ali pa ne obstaja." + +#: superset/errors.py:114 +msgid "The schema was deleted or renamed in the database." +msgstr "Shema je bila izbrisana ali preimenovana v podatkovni bazi." + +#: superset/errors.py:115 +msgid "User doesn't have the proper permissions." +msgstr "Uporabnik nima ustreznih dovoljenj." + +#: superset/errors.py:116 +msgid "One or more parameters needed to configure a database are missing." +msgstr "En ali več parametrov, potrebnih za nastavitev podatkovne baze, manjka." + +#: superset/errors.py:117 +msgid "The submitted payload has the incorrect format." +msgstr "Podani podatki so v neustrezni obliki." + +#: superset/errors.py:118 +msgid "The submitted payload has the incorrect schema." +msgstr "Podani podatki imajo neustrezno shemo." + +#: superset/errors.py:119 +msgid "Results backend needed for asynchronous queries is not configured." +msgstr "" +"Zaledni sistem za rezultate, potreben za asinhrone poizvedbe, ni konfiguriran." + +#: superset/errors.py:120 +msgid "Database does not allow data manipulation." +msgstr "Podatkovna baza ne dovoljuje manipulacije podatkov." + +#: superset/errors.py:121 +msgid "" +"The CTAS (create table as select) doesn't have a SELECT statement at the end. " +"Please make sure your query has a SELECT as its last statement. Then, try running " +"your query again." +msgstr "" +"CTAS (create table as select) na koncu nima SELECT stavka. Poskrbite, da bo v " +"poizvedbi SELECT zadnji stavek. Potem ponovno poženite poizvedbo." + +#: superset/errors.py:126 +msgid "CVAS (create view as select) query has more than one statement." +msgstr "CVAS (create view as select) poizvedba ima več kot en stavek." + +#: superset/errors.py:127 +msgid "CVAS (create view as select) query is not a SELECT statement." +msgstr "CVAS (create view as select) poizvedba ni SELECT stavek." + +#: superset/errors.py:128 +msgid "Query is too complex and takes too long to run." +msgstr "Poizvedba je prekompleksna in se izvaja predolgo." + +#: superset/errors.py:129 +msgid "The database is currently running too many queries." +msgstr "Podatkovna baza trenutno izvaja preveč poizvedb." + +#: superset/errors.py:130 +msgid "One or more parameters specified in the query are malformatted." +msgstr "En ali več parametrov v SQL-poizvedbi ima napačno obliko." + +#: superset/errors.py:131 +msgid "The object does not exist in the given database." +msgstr "Objekt ne obstaja v podani podatkovni bazi." + +#: superset/errors.py:132 +msgid "The query has a syntax error." +msgstr "Poizvedba ima sintaktično napako." + +#: superset/errors.py:133 +msgid "The results backend no longer has the data from the query." +msgstr "Zaledni sistem rezultatov nima več podatkov iz poizvedbe." + +#: superset/errors.py:134 +msgid "The query associated with the results was deleted." +msgstr "Poizvedba, povezana z rezultati, je bila izbrisana." + +#: superset/errors.py:135 +msgid "" +"The results stored in the backend were stored in a different format, and no " +"longer can be deserialized." +msgstr "" +"Rezultati v zalednem sistemu so bili shranjeni v drugačni obliki in jih ni več " +"mogoče deserializirati." + +#: superset/errors.py:139 +msgid "The port number is invalid." +msgstr "Številka vrat je neveljavna." + +#: superset/errors.py:140 superset/sqllab/sql_json_executer.py:190 +msgid "Failed to start remote query on a worker." +msgstr "Na delavcu ni bilo mogoče zagnati oddaljene poizvedbe." + +#: superset/errors.py:141 +msgid "The database was deleted." +msgstr "Podatkovna baza je bila izbrisana." + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/utils.py:175 superset/errors.py:142 +msgid "Custom SQL fields cannot contain sub-queries." +msgstr "Prilagojena SQL-polja ne smejo vsebovati podpoizvedb." + +#: superset/databases/schemas.py:173 superset/exceptions.py:188 +msgid "Invalid certificate" +msgstr "Neveljaven certifikat" + +#: superset/jinja_context.py:348 +#, python-format +msgid "Unsafe return type for function %(func)s: %(value_type)s" +msgstr "Nevaren tip rezultata, ki ga vrne funkcija %(func)s: %(value_type)s" + +#: superset/jinja_context.py:359 +#, python-format +msgid "Unsupported return value for method %(name)s" +msgstr "Nepodprt rezultat vračanja za metodo %(name)s" + +#: superset/jinja_context.py:375 +#, python-format +msgid "Unsafe template value for key %(key)s: %(value_type)s" +msgstr "Nevaren vzorec za ključ %(key)s: %(value_type)s" + +#: superset/jinja_context.py:386 +#, python-format +msgid "Unsupported template value for key %(key)s" +msgstr "Nepodprta vrednost vzorca za ključ %(key)s" + +#: superset/sql_lab.py:225 +msgid "Only SELECT statements are allowed against this database." +msgstr "Za to podatkovno bazo so dovoljeni le `SELECT` stavki." + +#: superset/sql_lab.py:294 #, python-format msgid "" -"\n" -" Explore in Superset

\n" -" \n" -" " +"The query was killed after %(sqllab_timeout)s seconds. It might be too complex, " +"or the database might be under heavy load." msgstr "" -"\n" -" Razišči v Supersetu

\n" -" \n" -" " +"Poizvedba je bila ustavljena po %(sqllab_timeout)s sekundah. Lahko je " +"prekompleksna ali pa je podatkovna baza preobremenjena." -#: superset/reports/notifications/email.py:60 +#: superset/sql_lab.py:404 superset/views/core.py:2178 +msgid "Results backend is not configured." +msgstr "Zaledni sistem rezultatov ni konfiguriran." + +#: superset/sql_lab.py:434 +msgid "" +"CTAS (create table as select) can only be run with a query where the last " +"statement is a SELECT. Please make sure your query has a SELECT as its last " +"statement. Then, try running your query again." +msgstr "" +"CTAS (create table as select) lahko izvajate le v poizvedbah, kjer je zadnji " +"stavek SELECT. Poskrbite, da bo zadnji stavek v vaši poizvedbi SELECT in " +"poskusite ponovno zagnati poizvedbo." + +#: superset/sql_lab.py:451 +msgid "" +"CVAS (create view as select) can only be run with a query with a single SELECT " +"statement. Please make sure your query has only a SELECT statement. Then, try " +"running your query again." +msgstr "" +"CVAS (create view as select) lahko izvajate le v poizvedbah z enim SELECT " +"stavkom. Poskrbite, da bo v vaši poizvedbi le en SELECT stavek in poskusite " +"ponovno zagnati poizvedbo." + +#: superset/viz.py:140 +msgid "Viz is missing a datasource" +msgstr "Vizualizaciji manjka podatkovni vir" + +#: superset/viz.py:244 +msgid "" +"Applied rolling window did not return any data. Please make sure the source query " +"satisfies the minimum periods defined in the rolling window." +msgstr "" +"Izbrano drseče okno ni vrnilo podatkov. Poskrbite, da izvorna poizvedba ustreza " +"minimalni periodi drsečega okna." + +#: superset/utils/date_parser.py:267 superset/viz.py:383 +msgid "From date cannot be larger than to date" +msgstr "Začetni datum ne sme biti večji od končnega datuma" + +#: superset/viz.py:554 +msgid "Cached value not found" +msgstr "Predpomnjena vrednost ni najdena" + +#: superset/common/query_context_processor.py:121 superset/viz.py:569 +#, python-format +msgid "Columns missing in datasource: %(invalid_columns)s" +msgstr "V podatkovnem viru manjkajo stolpci: %(invalid_columns)s" + +#: superset/viz.py:690 +msgid "Table View" +msgstr "Tabelarični pogled" + +#: superset/viz.py:715 +msgid "" +"You cannot use [Columns] in combination with [Group By]/[Metrics]/[Percentage " +"Metrics]. Please choose one or the other." +msgstr "" +"Ne smete uporabiti [Stolpci] v kombinaciji z [Združevanje]/[Mere]/[Procentualne " +"mere]. Izberite eno ali drugo." + +#: superset/viz.py:761 +msgid "Pick a granularity in the Time section or uncheck 'Include Time'" +msgstr "Izberite granulacijo v razdelku 'Čas' ali odstranite 'Vključi čas'" + +#: superset/viz.py:841 +msgid "Time Table View" +msgstr "Pogled urnika" + +#: superset/viz.py:849 superset/viz.py:1805 +msgid "Pick at least one metric" +msgstr "Izberite vsaj eno mero" + +#: superset/viz.py:853 +msgid "When using 'Group By' you are limited to use a single metric" +msgstr "Ko uporabljate 'Group By', ste omejeni na uporabo ene mere" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/index.js:30 +#: superset/viz.py:886 +msgid "Pivot Table" +msgstr "Vrtilna tabela" + +#: superset/viz.py:903 +msgid "Please choose at least one 'Group by' field " +msgstr "Izberite vsaj eno 'Group by' polje " + +#: superset/viz.py:915 +msgid "Please choose at least one metric" +msgstr "Izberite vsaj eno mero" + +#: superset/viz.py:919 +msgid "Group By' and 'Columns' can't overlap" +msgstr "'Združevanje' in 'Stolpci' se ne smeta prekrivati" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/index.js:40 +#: superset/viz.py:1027 +msgid "Treemap" +msgstr "Drevesni grafikon s pravokotniki" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js:30 +#: superset/viz.py:1072 +msgid "Calendar Heatmap" +msgstr "Koledarska barvna lestvica" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:30 +#: superset/viz.py:1163 +msgid "Bubble Chart" +msgstr "Mehurčkasti grafikon" + +#: superset/viz.py:1185 +msgid "Please use 3 different metric labels" +msgstr "Uporabite 3 različne oznake mer" + +#: superset/viz.py:1187 +msgid "Pick a metric for x, y and size" +msgstr "Izberite mere za x, y in velikost" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/index.js:30 +#: superset/viz.py:1214 +msgid "Bullet Chart" +msgstr "'Bullet' grafikon" + +#: superset/viz.py:1226 +msgid "Pick a metric to display" +msgstr "Izberite mero za prikaz" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/index.ts:36 +#: superset/viz.py:1244 +msgid "Big Number with Trendline" +msgstr "Velika številka s trendno krivuljo" + +#: superset/viz.py:1252 superset/viz.py:1286 +msgid "Pick a metric!" +msgstr "Izberite mero!" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:37 +#: superset/viz.py:1278 +msgid "Big Number" +msgstr "Velika številka" + +#: superset/viz.py:1300 +msgid "Time Series - Line Chart" +msgstr "Časovna vrsta - Črtni grafikon" + +#: superset/viz.py:1382 superset/viz.py:1645 +msgid "Pick a time granularity for your time series" +msgstr "Izberite granulacijo časa za časovno vrsto" + +#: superset/common/query_context_processor.py:272 superset/viz.py:1439 +msgid "" +"An enclosed time range (both start and end) must be specified when using a Time " +"Comparison." +msgstr "" +"Pri časovni primerjavi mora biti določeno zaprto časovno obdobje (s časom začetka " +"in konca)." + +#: superset/viz.py:1510 +msgid "Time Series - Multiple Line Charts" +msgstr "Časovna vrsta - Veččrtni grafikon" + +#: superset/viz.py:1588 +msgid "Time Series - Dual Axis Line Chart" +msgstr "Časovna vrsta - Črtni grafikon z dvojno osjo" + +#: superset/viz.py:1597 +msgid "Pick a metric for left axis!" +msgstr "Izberite mero za levo os!" + +#: superset/viz.py:1599 +msgid "Pick a metric for right axis!" +msgstr "Izberite mero za desno os!" + +#: superset/viz.py:1602 +msgid "Please choose different metrics on left and right axis" +msgstr "Izberite različni meri za levo in desno os" + +#: superset/viz.py:1662 +msgid "Time Series - Bar Chart" +msgstr "Časovna vrsta - Stolpčni grafikon" + +#: superset/viz.py:1671 +msgid "Time Series - Period Pivot" +msgstr "Časovna vrsta - Vrtenje period" + +#: superset/viz.py:1717 +msgid "Time Series - Percent Change" +msgstr "Časovna vrsta - Procentualna sprememba" + +#: superset/viz.py:1725 +msgid "Time Series - Stacked" +msgstr "Časovna vrsta - Naložen graf" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/index.js:37 +#: superset/viz.py:1735 +msgid "Histogram" +msgstr "Histogram" + +#: superset/viz.py:1744 +msgid "Must have at least one numeric column specified" +msgstr "Definiran mora biti vsaj en numerični stolpec" + +#: superset/viz.py:1793 +msgid "Distribution - Bar Chart" +msgstr "Porazdelitev - Stolpčni grafikon" + +#: superset/viz.py:1802 +msgid "Can't have overlap between Series and Breakdowns" +msgstr "Ne sme imeti prekrivanja med podatkovnimi serijami in členitvami" + +#: superset/viz.py:1807 +msgid "Pick at least one field for [Series]" +msgstr "Izberite vsaj eno polje za [Serije]" + +#: superset/viz.py:1880 +msgid "Sunburst" +msgstr "Sunburst" + +#: superset/viz.py:1927 +msgid "Sankey" +msgstr "Sankey" + +#: superset/viz.py:1935 +msgid "Pick exactly 2 columns as [Source / Target]" +msgstr "Izberite natanko dva stolpca za [Izvor / Cilj]" + +#: superset/viz.py:1984 +msgid "" +"There's a loop in your Sankey, please provide a tree. Here's a faulty link: {}" +msgstr "V 'Sankey' je zanka, določite drevo. To je okvarjena povezava: {}" + +#: superset/viz.py:1997 +msgid "Directed Force Layout" +msgstr "Izgled usmerjene sile" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js:30 +#: superset/viz.py:2036 +msgid "Country Map" +msgstr "Zemljevid držav" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:33 +#: superset/viz.py:2071 +msgid "World Map" +msgstr "Zemljevid sveta" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:95 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:508 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/Header/index.tsx:88 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:462 superset/viz.py:2134 +msgid "Filters" +msgstr "Filtri" + +#: superset/viz.py:2152 +msgid "Invalid filter configuration, please select a column" +msgstr "Neveljavna nastavitev filtrov, izberite stolpec" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/index.js:30 +#: superset/viz.py:2211 +msgid "Parallel Coordinates" +msgstr "Vzporedne koordinate" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:38 +#: superset/viz.py:2241 +msgid "Heatmap" +msgstr "Toplotni prikaz" + +#: superset/viz.py:2302 +msgid "Horizon Charts" +msgstr "Horizontni grafikon" + +#: superset/viz.py:2314 +msgid "Mapbox" +msgstr "Mapbox" + +#: superset/viz.py:2328 +msgid "[Longitude] and [Latitude] must be set" +msgstr "[Zemljepisna dolžina] in [Zemljepisna širina] morata biti nastavljeni" + +#: superset/viz.py:2338 +msgid "Must have a [Group By] column to have 'count' as the [Label]" +msgstr "Mora imeti stolpec [Združevanje], da ima število (count) kot [Oznaka]" + +#: superset/viz.py:2362 +msgid "Choice of [Label] must be present in [Group By]" +msgstr "Izbira [Oznaka] mora biti prisotna v [Združevanje]" + +#: superset/viz.py:2370 +msgid "Choice of [Point Radius] must be present in [Group By]" +msgstr "Izbran [Point Radius] mora biti prisoten v [Združevanje]" + +#: superset/viz.py:2378 +msgid "[Longitude] and [Latitude] columns must be present in [Group By]" +msgstr "" +"Stolpca [Zemljepisna dolžina] in [Zemljepisna širina] morata biti prisotna v " +"[Združevanje]" + +#: superset/viz.py:2460 +msgid "Deck.gl - Multiple Layers" +msgstr "Deck.gl - Večplastni" + +#: superset/viz.py:2501 superset/viz.py:2537 +msgid "Bad spatial key" +msgstr "Neustrezen prostorski ključ" + +#: superset/viz.py:2522 +#, python-format +msgid "Invalid spatial point encountered: %s" +msgstr "Neustrezna prostorska točka: %s" + +#: superset/viz.py:2559 +msgid "" +"Encountered invalid NULL spatial entry, " +"please consider filtering those out" +msgstr "" +"Prišlo je do neveljavnega NULL prostorskega " +"vnosa, poskusite ga izločiti s filtrom" + +#: superset/viz.py:2654 +msgid "Deck.gl - Scatter plot" +msgstr "Deck.gl - Raztreseni graf" + +#: superset/viz.py:2706 +msgid "Deck.gl - Screen Grid" +msgstr "Deck.gl - Mreža" + +#: superset/viz.py:2735 +msgid "Deck.gl - 3D Grid" +msgstr "Deck.gl - 3D mreža" + +#: superset/viz.py:2767 +msgid "Deck.gl - Paths" +msgstr "Deck.gl - Poti" + +#: superset/viz.py:2818 +msgid "Deck.gl - Polygon" +msgstr "Deck.gl - Poligon" + +#: superset/viz.py:2851 +msgid "Deck.gl - 3D HEX" +msgstr "Deck.gl - 3D HEX" + +#: superset/viz.py:2872 +msgid "Deck.gl - GeoJSON" +msgstr "Deck.gl - GeoJSON" + +#: superset/viz.py:2891 +msgid "Deck.gl - Arc" +msgstr "Deck.gl - Arc" + +#: superset/viz.py:2925 +msgid "Event flow" +msgstr "Potek dogodkov" + +#: superset/viz.py:2957 +msgid "Time Series - Paired t-test" +msgstr "Časovna vrsta - t-test za odvisne vzorce" + +#: superset/viz.py:3029 +msgid "Time Series - Nightingale Rose Chart" +msgstr "Časovna vrsta - Nightingale Rose grafikon" + +#: superset/viz.py:3064 +msgid "Partition Diagram" +msgstr "Grafikon s pravokotniki" + +#: superset/advanced_data_type/api.py:100 +#, python-format +msgid "Invalid advanced data type: %(advanced_data_type)s" +msgstr "Neveljaven napreden tip rezultata: %(advanced_data_type)s" + +#: superset/annotation_layers/api.py:355 +#, python-format +msgid "Deleted %(num)d annotation layer" +msgid_plural "Deleted %(num)d annotation layers" +msgstr[0] "Izbrisan je %(num)d sloj z oznakami" +msgstr[1] "Izbrisana sta %(num)d sloja z oznakami" +msgstr[2] "Izbrisanih so %(num)d sloji z oznakami" +msgstr[3] "Izbrisanih je %(num)d slojev z oznakami" + +#: superset/annotation_layers/annotations/filters.py:28 +#: superset/annotation_layers/filters.py:30 superset/charts/filters.py:31 +#: superset/css_templates/filters.py:28 superset/queries/saved_queries/filters.py:31 +#: superset/reports/filters.py:28 +msgid "All Text" +msgstr "Celotno besedilo" + +#: superset/annotation_layers/annotations/api.py:504 +#, python-format +msgid "Deleted %(num)d annotation" +msgid_plural "Deleted %(num)d annotations" +msgstr[0] "Izbrisana je %(num)d oznaka" +msgstr[1] "Izbrisani sta %(num)d oznaki" +msgstr[2] "Izbrisane so %(num)d oznake" +msgstr[3] "Izbrisanih je %(num)d oznak" + +#: superset/annotation_layers/annotations/commands/exceptions.py:35 +msgid "End date must be after start date" +msgstr "Končni datum mora biti za začetnim" + +#: superset/annotation_layers/annotations/commands/exceptions.py:46 +msgid "Short description must be unique for this layer" +msgstr "Kratek opis mora biti za ta sloj unikaten" + +#: superset/annotation_layers/annotations/commands/exceptions.py:52 +msgid "Annotations could not be deleted." +msgstr "Oznak ni mogoče izbrisati." + +#: superset/annotation_layers/annotations/commands/exceptions.py:56 +msgid "Annotation not found." +msgstr "Oznaka ni najdena." + +#: superset/annotation_layers/annotations/commands/exceptions.py:60 +msgid "Annotation parameters are invalid." +msgstr "Parametri oznak so neveljavni." + +#: superset/annotation_layers/annotations/commands/exceptions.py:64 +msgid "Annotation could not be created." +msgstr "Oznake ni mogoče ustvariti." + +#: superset/annotation_layers/annotations/commands/exceptions.py:68 +msgid "Annotation could not be updated." +msgstr "Oznake ni mogoče posodobiti." + +#: superset/annotation_layers/annotations/commands/exceptions.py:72 +msgid "Annotation delete failed." +msgstr "Izbris oznake ni uspel." + +#: superset/annotation_layers/commands/exceptions.py:29 +msgid "Annotation layer parameters are invalid." +msgstr "Parametri sloja z oznakami so neveljavni." + +#: superset/annotation_layers/commands/exceptions.py:33 +msgid "Annotation layer could not be deleted." +msgstr "Sloja z oznakami ni mogoče izbrisati." + +#: superset/annotation_layers/commands/exceptions.py:37 +msgid "Annotation layer could not be created." +msgstr "Sloja z oznakami ni mogoče ustvariti." + +#: superset/annotation_layers/commands/exceptions.py:41 +msgid "Annotation layer could not be updated." +msgstr "Sloja z oznakami ni mogoče posodobiti." + +#: superset/annotation_layers/commands/exceptions.py:45 +msgid "Annotation layer not found." +msgstr "Sloja z oznakami ni mogoče najti." + +#: superset/annotation_layers/commands/exceptions.py:49 +msgid "Annotation layer delete failed." +msgstr "Izbris sloja z oznakami ni uspel." + +#: superset/annotation_layers/commands/exceptions.py:53 +#: superset/annotation_layers/commands/exceptions.py:57 +msgid "Annotation layer has associated annotations." +msgstr "Sloj z oznakami ima povezane oznake." + +#: superset/annotation_layers/commands/exceptions.py:66 +msgid "Name must be unique" +msgstr "Ime mora biti unikatno" + +#: superset/charts/api.py:483 +#, python-format +msgid "Deleted %(num)d chart" +msgid_plural "Deleted %(num)d charts" +msgstr[0] "Izbrisan je %(num)d grafikon" +msgstr[1] "Izbrisana sta %(num)d grafikona" +msgstr[2] "Izbrisani so %(num)d grafikoni" +msgstr[3] "Izbrisanih je %(num)d grafikonov" + +#: superset/charts/filters.py:63 superset/dashboards/filters.py:219 +#: superset/datasets/filters.py:39 +msgid "Is certified" +msgstr "Certificiran" + +#: superset/charts/schemas.py:566 +msgid "`confidence_interval` must be between 0 and 1 (exclusive)" +msgstr "`confidence_interval` mora biti med 0 in 1 (odprt)" + +#: superset/charts/schemas.py:638 +msgid "" +"lower percentile must be greater than 0 and less than 100. Must be lower than " +"upper percentile." +msgstr "" +"spodnji percentil mora biti večji od 0 in manjši od 100 ter mora biti manjši od " +"zgornjega percentila." + +#: superset/charts/schemas.py:653 +msgid "" +"upper percentile must be greater than 0 and less than 100. Must be higher than " +"lower percentile." +msgstr "" +"zgornji percentil mora biti večji od 0 in manjši od 100 ter mora biti večji od " +"spodnjega percentila." + +#: superset/charts/schemas.py:968 +msgid "`width` must be greater or equal to 0" +msgstr "`width` mora biti večja ali enaka 0" + +#: superset/charts/schemas.py:1110 +msgid "`row_limit` must be greater than or equal to 0" +msgstr "`row_limit` mora biti večja ali enaka 0" + +#: superset/charts/schemas.py:1117 +msgid "`row_offset` must be greater than or equal to 0" +msgstr "`row_offset` mora biti večja ali enaka 1" + +#: superset/charts/schemas.py:1139 +msgid "orderby column must be populated" +msgstr "stolpec za razvrščanje (orderby) mora biti izpolnjen" + +#: superset/charts/commands/bulk_delete.py:64 superset/charts/commands/delete.py:68 +#: superset/dashboards/commands/bulk_delete.py:65 +#: superset/dashboards/commands/delete.py:66 +#: superset/databases/commands/delete.py:65 +#, python-format +msgid "There are associated alerts or reports: %s," +msgstr "Prisotna so opozorila in poročila: %s," + +#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:38 #, python-format msgid "" -"\n" -" Error: %(text)s\n" -" " +"Time string is ambiguous. Please specify [%(human_readable)s ago] or " +"[%(human_readable)s later]." msgstr "" -"\n" -" Napaka: %(text)s\n" -" " +"Časovni niz je nejasen. Podajte [%(human_readable)s ago] ali [%(human_readable)s " +"later]." -#: superset/tasks/schedules.py:159 +#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:51 +#, python-format +msgid "Cannot parse time string [%(human_readable)s]" +msgstr "Ni mogoče razčleniti časovnega izraza [%(human_readable)s]" + +#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:66 #, python-format msgid "" -"\n" -" *%(name)s*\n" -"\n" -" <%(url)s|Explore in Superset>\n" -" " +"Time delta is ambiguous. Please specify [%(human_readable)s ago] or " +"[%(human_readable)s later]." msgstr "" -"\n" -" *%(name)s*\n" -"\n" -" <%(url)s|Razišči v Supersetu>\n" -" " +"Časovna razlika je nejasna. Podajte [%(human_readable)s ago] ali " +"[%(human_readable)s later]." -#: superset/tasks/schedules.py:372 +#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:82 +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:41 +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:36 +msgid "Database does not exist" +msgstr "Podatkovna baza ne obstaja" + +#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:91 +msgid "Dashboards do not exist" +msgstr "Nadzorna plošča ne obstaja" + +#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:101 +msgid "Datasource type is required when datasource_id is given" +msgstr "Ko se podaja datasource_id, je potreben tip podatkovnega vira" + +#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:111 +msgid "Chart parameters are invalid." +msgstr "Parametri grafikona so neveljavni." + +#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:115 +msgid "Chart could not be created." +msgstr "Grafikona ni mogoče ustvariti." + +#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:119 +msgid "Chart could not be updated." +msgstr "Grafikona ni mogoče posodobiti." + +#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:123 +msgid "Chart could not be deleted." +msgstr "Grafikona ni mogoče izbrisati." + +#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:127 +#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:151 +#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:62 +#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:74 +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:119 +msgid "There are associated alerts or reports" +msgstr "Prisotna so povezana opozorila in poročila" + +#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:131 +msgid "You don't have access to this chart." +msgstr "Nimate dostopa do tega grafikona." + +#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:135 +msgid "Changing this chart is forbidden" +msgstr "Spreminjanje tega grafikona ni dovoljeno" + +#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:139 +msgid "Charts could not be deleted." +msgstr "Grafikonov ni mogoče izbrisati." + +#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:155 +msgid "Import chart failed for an unknown reason" +msgstr "Uvoz grafikona ni uspel zaradi neznanega razloga" + +#: superset/charts/data/api.py:123 +msgid "Chart has no query context saved. Please save the chart again." +msgstr "Grafikon nima shranjenega konteksta poizvedbe. Ponovno shranite grafikon." + +#: superset/charts/data/api.py:143 superset/charts/data/api.py:231 +#: superset/charts/data/api.py:297 +#, python-format +msgid "Request is incorrect: %(error)s" +msgstr "Zahtevek je napačen: %(error)s" + +#: superset/charts/data/api.py:220 +msgid "Request is not JSON" +msgstr "Zahtevek ni JSON" + +#: superset/charts/data/api.py:351 +msgid "Empty query result" +msgstr "Rezultat prazne poizvedbe" + +#: superset/commands/exceptions.py:108 superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:144 +msgid "Owners are invalid" +msgstr "Lastniki niso veljavni" + +#: superset/commands/exceptions.py:115 +msgid "Some roles do not exist" +msgstr "Nekatere vloge ne obstajajo" + +#: superset/commands/exceptions.py:123 +msgid "Datasource type is invalid" +msgstr "Neveljaven tip podatkovnega vira" + +#: superset/commands/exceptions.py:131 +msgid "Datasource does not exist" +msgstr "Podatkovni vir ne obstaja" + +#: superset/commands/exceptions.py:138 +msgid "Query does not exist" +msgstr "Poizvedba ne obstaja" + +#: superset/common/query_actions.py:202 +#, python-format +msgid "Invalid result type: %(result_type)s" +msgstr "Neveljaven tip rezultata: %(result_type)s" + +#: superset/common/query_context_processor.py:475 +msgid "The chart does not exist" +msgstr "Grafikon ne obstaja" + +#: superset/common/query_object.py:292 #, python-format msgid "" -"\n" -" *%(slice_name)s*\n" -"\n" -" <%(slice_url_user_friendly)s|Explore in Superset>\n" -" " +"Duplicate column/metric labels: %(labels)s. Please make sure all columns and " +"metrics have a unique label." msgstr "" -"\n" -" *%(slice_name)s*\n" -"\n" -" <%(slice_url_user_friendly)s|Razišči v Supersetu>\n" -" " +"Podvojene oznake stolpcev/mer: %(labels)s. Poskrbite, da bodo imeli stolpci in " +"mere unikatne oznake." -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/SelectFilterPlugin.tsx:122 -msgid " (excluded)" -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:235 -msgid " expression which needs to adhere to the " -msgstr " , ki mora upoštevati " - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:239 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -" standard to ensure that the lexicographical ordering\n" -" coincides with the chronological ordering. If the\n" -" timestamp format does not adhere to the ISO 8601 " -"standard\n" -" you will need to define an expression and type for\n" -" transforming the string into a date or timestamp. " -"Note\n" -" currently time zones are not supported. If time is " -"stored\n" -" in epoch format, put `epoch_s` or `epoch_ms`. If no" -" pattern\n" -" is specified we fall back to using the optional " -"defaults on a per\n" -" database/column name level via the extra parameter." -msgstr "" -" standard, ki zagotavlja, de se leksikografsko razvrščanje\r\n" -" sklada s kronološkim razvrščanjem. Če oblika\r\n" -" časovne značke ni v skladu s standardom ISO 8601," -"\r\n" -" boste morali definirati izraz in tip za " -"transformacijo\r\n" -" znakovnega niza v datum ali časovno značko.\r\n" -" Trenutno časovni pasovi niso podprti.\r\n" -" Če je čas shranjen v obliki epohe, dodajte " -"`epoch_s` ali `epoch_ms`.\r\n" -" Če ni podan vzorec, se uporabijo privzete vrednosti" -" na podlagi imena\r\n" -" podatkovne baze oz. stolpca s pomočjo dodatnega " -"parametra." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:111 -msgid "!= (Is not equal)" -msgstr "!= (ni enako)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:125 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"${tableName\n" -" .split('')\n" -" .slice(0, tableName.length - 1)\n" -" .join('')}\n" -" " -msgstr "" -"${tableName\r\n" -" .split('')\r\n" -" .slice(0, tableName.length - 1)\r\n" -" .join('')}\r\n" -" " - -#: superset/security/analytics_db_safety.py:44 -#, python-format -msgid "%(dialect)s cannot be used as a data source for security reasons." -msgstr "" -"%(dialect)s ni mogoče uporabiti kot podatkovni vir zaradi varnostnih " -"razlogov." - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/DatabaseErrorMessage.tsx:84 -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "" -"%(message)s\n" -"This may be triggered by: \n" -"%(issues)s" -msgstr "To je lahko sproženo z/s:" - -#: superset/reports/notifications/email.py:122 superset/tasks/schedules.py:364 -#, python-format -msgid "%(name)s.csv" -msgstr "%(name)s.csv" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/snowflake.py:99 -#, python-format -msgid "%(object)s does not exist in this database." -msgstr "%(object)s ne obstaja v tej podatkovni bazi." - -#: superset/reports/notifications/email.py:126 superset/tasks/schedules.py:296 -#: superset/tasks/schedules.py:465 -#, python-format -msgid "%(prefix)s %(title)s" -msgstr "%(prefix)s %(title)s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:635 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:642 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:656 -#, python-format -msgid "%(rows)d rows returned" -msgstr "%(rows)d vrnjenih vrstic" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/TimeoutErrorMessage.tsx:93 -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "" -"%(subtitle)s\n" -"This may be triggered by:\n" -" %(issue)s" -msgstr "To je lahko sproženo z/s:" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/ParameterErrorMessage.tsx:88 -#, python-format -msgid "%(suggestion)s instead of \"%(undefinedParameter)s?\"" -msgstr "%(suggestion)s namesto \"%(undefinedParameter)s?\"" - -#: superset/views/core.py:366 +#: superset/common/query_object.py:314 #, python-format msgid "" -"%(user)s was granted the role %(role)s that gives access to the " -"%(datasource)s" -msgstr "" -"Uporabniku %(user)s je bila dodeljena vloga %(role)s, ki omogoča dostop " -"do %(datasource)s" +"The following entries in `series_columns` are missing in `columns`: %(columns)s. " +msgstr "V 'columns' manjkajo naslednji vnosi iz 'series_columns': %(columns)s. " -#: superset/views/core.py:2773 +#: superset/common/query_object.py:416 +msgid "`operation` property of post processing object undefined" +msgstr "Lastnost `operation` poprocesirnega objekta ni definirana" + +#: superset/common/query_object.py:420 #, python-format -msgid "%(user)s's profile" -msgstr "Profil uporabnika: %(user)s" +msgid "Unsupported post processing operation: %(operation)s" +msgstr "Nepodprta poprocesirna operacija: %(operation)s" -#: superset/views/core.py:2442 +#: superset/connectors/connector_registry.py:99 +#, python-format +msgid "Datasource id not found: %(id)s" +msgstr "ID podatkovnega vira ni bil najden: %(id)s" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:899 +#, python-format +msgid "Error in jinja expression in fetch values predicate: %(msg)s" +msgstr "Napaka v jinja izrazu za pridobivanje vrednosti predikatov: %(msg)s" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:989 +msgid "Virtual dataset query must be read-only" +msgstr "Poizvedba na virtualnem podatkovnem setu mora biti samo za branje" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1014 +#, python-format +msgid "Error while rendering virtual dataset query: %(msg)s" +msgstr "Napaka pri izvajanju poizvedbe virtualnega podatkovnega seta: %(msg)s" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1021 superset/connectors/sqla/utils.py:109 +msgid "Virtual dataset query cannot be empty" +msgstr "Poizvedba na virtualnem podatkovnem setu ne sme biti prazna" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1024 +msgid "Virtual dataset query cannot consist of multiple statements" +msgstr "" +"Poizvedba na virtualnem podatkovnem setu ne sme biti sestavljena iz več stavkov" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1176 +#, python-format +msgid "Error in jinja expression in RLS filters: %(msg)s" +msgstr "Napaka v jinja izrazu RLS filtrov: %(msg)s" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1265 +msgid "" +"Datetime column not provided as part table configuration and is required by this " +"type of chart" +msgstr "" +"Stolpec datum-čas ni podan kot del tabele, čeprav mora biti za ta tip grafikona" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1271 +msgid "Empty query?" +msgstr "Prazna poizvedba?" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1288 superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1768 +#, python-format +msgid "Metric '%(metric)s' does not exist" +msgstr "Mera '%(metric)s' ne obstaja" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1337 +#, python-format +msgid "Unknown column used in orderby: %(col)s" +msgstr "Za razvrščanje je uporabljen neznan stolpec: %(col)s" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1397 +#, python-format +msgid "Time column \"%(col)s\" does not exist in dataset" +msgstr "Časovni stolpec \"%(col)s\" ne obstaja v podatkovnem setu" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1523 +msgid "error_message" +msgstr "error_message" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1535 +msgid "Filter value list cannot be empty" +msgstr "Seznam vrednosti filtra ne sme biti prazen" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1561 +msgid "Must specify a value for filters with comparison operators" +msgstr "Potrebno je podati vrednost za filter s primerjalnim operandom" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1584 +#, python-format +msgid "Invalid filter operation type: %(op)s" +msgstr "Neveljaven tip operacije filtra: %(op)s" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1594 +#, python-format +msgid "Error in jinja expression in WHERE clause: %(msg)s" +msgstr "Napaka v jinja izrazu WHERE stavka: %(msg)s" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1606 +#, python-format +msgid "Error in jinja expression in HAVING clause: %(msg)s" +msgstr "Napaka v jinja izrazu HAVING stavka: %(msg)s" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1736 +msgid "Database does not support subqueries" +msgstr "Podatkovna baza ne podpira podpoizvedb" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1857 +msgid "Db engine did not return all queried columns" +msgstr "Sitem podatkovne baze ni vrnil vse stolpcev poizvedbe" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/utils.py:122 +msgid "Only `SELECT` statements are allowed" +msgstr "Dovoljeni so le `SELECT` stavki" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/utils.py:131 +msgid "Only single queries supported" +msgstr "Podprte so le enojne poizvedbe" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:68 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:238 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:36 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/columns.tsx:38 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/columns.tsx:62 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:50 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:84 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:104 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:128 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1364 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:389 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:245 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/fixtures.tsx:96 +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:57 +msgid "Columns" +msgstr "Stolpci" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:58 +msgid "Show Column" +msgstr "Pokaži stolpec" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:59 +msgid "Add Column" +msgstr "Dodaj stolpec" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:60 +msgid "Edit Column" +msgstr "Uredi stolpec" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:90 +msgid "" +"Whether to make this column available as a [Time Granularity] option, column has " +"to be DATETIME or DATETIME-like" +msgstr "" +"Če želite, da bo ta stolpec na razpolago kot možnost [Granulacija časa]. Stolpec " +"mora biti tipa DATETIME ali DATETIME-like" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:95 +msgid "Whether this column is exposed in the `Filters` section of the explore view." +msgstr "" +"Če želite, da je ta stolpec na voljo v sekciji `Filtri` v raziskovalnem pogledu." + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:99 +msgid "" +"The data type that was inferred by the database. It may be necessary to input a " +"type manually for expression-defined columns in some cases. In most case users " +"should not need to alter this." +msgstr "" +"Podatkovni tip, ki izvira iz podatkovne baze. V nekaterih primerih je potrebno " +"ročno vnesti tip za stolpce, ki temeljijo na izrazih. V večini primerov " +"uporabniku tega ni potrebno spreminjati." + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:351 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:360 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/new/NewColumn.jsx:31 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/getControlItemsMap.tsx:112 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:204 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:231 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:137 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:140 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/SpatialControl.jsx:194 +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:139 +msgid "Column" +msgstr "Stolpec" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:140 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:233 +msgid "Verbose Name" +msgstr "Podrobno ime" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/labelUtils.tsx:85 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/labelUtils.tsx:116 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:46 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/index.ts:44 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:51 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts:44 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:137 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ScheduleQueryButton/index.tsx:183 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:254 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:258 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:852 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1205 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1209 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:288 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/DividerConfigForm.tsx:51 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1102 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:255 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1118 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1124 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:161 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:156 +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:141 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:232 +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:448 superset/views/annotations.py:77 +#: superset/views/annotations.py:122 superset/views/chart/mixin.py:81 +#: superset/views/sql_lab.py:76 +msgid "Description" +msgstr "Opis" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:142 +msgid "Groupable" +msgstr "Združevanje" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:143 +msgid "Filterable" +msgstr "Filtriranje" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/index.js:25 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/index.ts:50 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:35 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:41 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/TableSelector/index.tsx:326 +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/index.ts:25 +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:144 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:236 +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:434 superset/views/chart/mixin.py:87 +msgid "Table" +msgstr "Tabela" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:145 +msgid "Expression" +msgstr "Izraz" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:355 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:363 +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:146 +msgid "Is temporal" +msgstr "Časoven" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:147 +msgid "Datetime Format" +msgstr "Oblika zapisa datuma,časa" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:216 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/TimeSeriesColumnControl/index.jsx:219 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/TimeSeriesColumnControl/index.jsx:276 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:320 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:509 +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:148 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:234 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Tip" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:149 +msgid "Business Data Type" +msgstr "Poslovni podatkovni tip" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:165 superset/datasets/schemas.py:44 +msgid "Invalid date/timestamp format" +msgstr "Neveljaven zapis datuma/časa" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:114 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:157 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1353 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:353 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:152 +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:188 +msgid "Metrics" +msgstr "Mere" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:189 +msgid "Show Metric" +msgstr "Pokaži mero" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:190 +msgid "Add Metric" +msgstr "Dodaj mero" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:191 +msgid "Edit Metric" +msgstr "Uredi mero" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:128 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:129 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:171 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:172 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/controlPanel.ts:84 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:118 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:97 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1196 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:167 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:168 +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:231 +msgid "Metric" +msgstr "Mera" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:235 +msgid "SQL Expression" +msgstr "SQL izraz" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:237 +msgid "D3 Format" +msgstr "D3 zapis" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:895 +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:238 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:451 +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:199 +msgid "Extra" +msgstr "Dodatno" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:239 +msgid "Warning Message" +msgstr "Opozorilo" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:269 +msgid "Row level security filter" +msgstr "Filter za varnost na nivoju vrstic" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:270 +msgid "Show Row level security filter" +msgstr "Prikaži filter za varnost na nivoju vrstic" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:271 +msgid "Add Row level security filter" +msgstr "Dodaj filter za varnost na nivoju vrstic" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:272 +msgid "Edit Row level security filter" +msgstr "Uredi filter za varnost na nivoju vrstic" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:290 +msgid "" +"Regular filters add where clauses to queries if a user belongs to a role " +"referenced in the filter. Base filters apply filters to all queries except the " +"roles defined in the filter, and can be used to define what users can see if no " +"RLS filters within a filter group apply to them." +msgstr "" +"Navadni filtri dodajo WHERE stavek v poizvedbe, če ima uporabnik vlogo podano v " +"filtru. Osnovni filtri filtrirajo vse poizvedbe, razen vlog, definiranih v " +"filtru, in jih je mogoče uporabiti za nastavitev tega kaj uporabnik vidi, če v " +"skupini filtrov ni RLS-filtrov, ki bi se nanašali nanje." + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:296 +msgid "These are the tables this filter will be applied to." +msgstr "To so tabele, na katere se nanaša ta filter." + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:297 +msgid "" +"For regular filters, these are the roles this filter will be applied to. For base " +"filters, these are the roles that the filter DOES NOT apply to, e.g. Admin if " +"admin should see all data." +msgstr "" +"Za regularne filtre so te vloge tiste, ki bodo filtrirane. Za osnovne filtre, so " +"te vloge tiste, ki NE bodo filtrirane, npr. Admin, če naj administrator vidi vse " +"podatke." + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:303 +msgid "" +"Filters with the same group key will be ORed together within the group, while " +"different filter groups will be ANDed together. Undefined group keys are treated " +"as unique groups, i.e. are not grouped together. For example, if a table has " +"three filters, of which two are for departments Finance and Marketing (group key " +"= 'department'), and one refers to the region Europe (group key = 'region'), the " +"filter clause would apply the filter (department = 'Finance' OR department = " +"'Marketing') AND (region = 'Europe')." +msgstr "" +"Filtri z enakim skupinskim ključem bodo znotraj skupine združeni z OR funkcijo, " +"medtem ko bodo različne skupine združene z AND funkcijo. Nedefinirani skupinski " +"ključi so obravnavani kot unikatne skupine in niso združeni v svojo skupino. " +"Npr., če ima tabela tri filtre, pri čemer sta dva za oddelka marketinga in financ " +"(skupinski ključ = 'oddelek') tretji pa se nanaša na regijo Evropa (skupinski " +"ključ = 'regija'), bo filtrski izraz (oddelek = 'Finance' OR oddelek = " +"'Marketing') AND (regija = 'Evropa')." + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:313 +msgid "" +"This is the condition that will be added to the WHERE clause. For example, to " +"only return rows for a particular client, you might define a regular filter with " +"the clause `client_id = 9`. To display no rows unless a user belongs to a RLS " +"filter role, a base filter can be created with the clause `1 = 0` (always false)." +msgstr "" +"To je pogoj, ki bo dodan WHERE stavku. Npr., če želite dobiti vrstice za določeno " +"stranko, lahko definirate regularni filter z izrazom 'id_stranke = 9'. Če ne " +"želimo prikazati vrstic, razen če uporabnik pripada RLS vlogi, lahko filter " +"ustvarimo z izrazom `1 = 0` (vedno neresnično)." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:269 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:326 +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:322 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:341 +msgid "Tables" +msgstr "Tabele" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:439 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:442 +#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/Security.tsx:35 +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:323 superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:83 +msgid "Roles" +msgstr "Vloge" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:324 +msgid "Clause" +msgstr "Stavek" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:325 superset/views/chart/mixin.py:78 +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:85 superset/views/dashboard/views.py:196 +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:195 +msgid "Creator" +msgstr "Avtor" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/AddSliceCard.jsx:127 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:295 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:315 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:341 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:361 +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:326 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:452 +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:86 superset/views/dashboard/views.py:197 +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:205 superset/views/sql_lab.py:77 +msgid "Modified" +msgstr "Spremenjeno" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:342 +msgid "Show Table" +msgstr "Prikaži tabelo" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:343 +msgid "Import a table definition" +msgstr "Uvozi definicijo tabele" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:344 +msgid "Edit Table" +msgstr "Uredi tabelo" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:375 +msgid "" +"The list of charts associated with this table. By altering this datasource, you " +"may change how these associated charts behave. Also note that charts need to " +"point to a datasource, so this form will fail at saving if removing charts from a " +"datasource. If you want to change the datasource for a chart, overwrite the chart " +"from the 'explore view'" +msgstr "" +"Seznam grafikonov, povezanih s to tabelo. S spreminjanjem podatkovnega vira lahko " +"spremenite, kako se povezani grafikoni obnašajo. Poleg tega morajo biti grafikoni " +"povezani s podatkovnim virom. Če odstranite grafikon s podatkovnega vira ne bo " +"mogoče shraniti tega vnosa. Če želite spremeniti podatkovni vir grafikona, " +"prepišite grafikon v raziskovalnem pogledu." + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:384 +msgid "Timezone offset (in hours) for this datasource" +msgstr "Razlika časovnega pasu (v urah) za ta podatkovni vir" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:385 +msgid "Name of the table that exists in the source database" +msgstr "Ime tabele, ki obstaja v izvorni podatkovni bazi" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:386 +msgid "Schema, as used only in some databases like Postgres, Redshift and DB2" +msgstr "" +"Shema, ki se uporablja pri nekaterih podatkovnih bazah, kot so Postgres, Redshift " +"in DB2" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:393 +msgid "" +"This fields acts a Superset view, meaning that Superset will run a query against " +"this string as a subquery." +msgstr "" +"To polje se obnaša kot Supersetov pogled, kar pomeni, da bo Superset izvedel " +"poizvedbo za ta niz kot podpoizvedbo." + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:397 +msgid "" +"Predicate applied when fetching distinct value to populate the filter control " +"component. Supports jinja template syntax. Applies only when `Enable Filter " +"Select` is on." +msgstr "" +"Privzeta vrednost za pridobivanje različnih vrednost pri oblikovanju filtrov. " +"Podpira sintakso za jinja predloge. Potrebno le, ko je vključeno `Omogoči izbiro " +"filtra`." + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:403 +msgid "Redirects to this endpoint when clicking on the table from the table list" +msgstr "Preusmeri v to končno točko, ko kliknete na tabelo v seznamu tabel" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:407 +msgid "" +"Whether to populate the filter's dropdown in the explore view's filter section " +"with a list of distinct values fetched from the backend on the fly" +msgstr "" +"Če želite napolniti spustni seznam filtra v raziskovalnem pogledu filtrske " +"sekcije z različnimi vrednostmi, pridobljenimi sproti v ozadju" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:412 +msgid "Whether the table was generated by the 'Visualize' flow in SQL Lab" +msgstr "" +"Če želite, da je tabela ustvarjena s postopkom 'Vizualizacija' v SQL laboratoriju" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:949 +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:415 +msgid "" +"A set of parameters that become available in the query using Jinja templating " +"syntax" +msgstr "" +"Nabor parametrov, ki postanejo razpoložljivi za poizvedbo z uporabo sintakse za " +"Jinja predloge" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:419 +msgid "" +"Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this table. A timeout of 0 " +"indicates that the cache never expires. Note this defaults to the database " +"timeout if undefined." +msgstr "" +"Trajanje (v sekundah) predpomnjenja za to tabelo. Vrednost 0 označuje, da " +"predpomnilnik nikoli ne poteče. V primeru, da ni definirano, ima nastavitev " +"trajanja za podatkovno bazo." + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:433 +msgid "Associated Charts" +msgstr "Povezani grafikoni" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:435 +msgid "Changed By" +msgstr "Spremenil" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/DatabaseSelector/index.tsx:279 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1145 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1150 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:251 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:280 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:326 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:479 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:223 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:331 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:279 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:426 +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:436 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:437 +#: superset/templates/superset/import_dashboards.html:53 +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:123 superset/views/database/forms.py:285 +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:416 superset/views/database/mixins.py:194 +#: superset/views/sql_lab.py:75 +msgid "Database" +msgstr "Podatkovna baza" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:438 superset/views/database/mixins.py:196 +msgid "Last Changed" +msgstr "Zadnja sprememba" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:439 +msgid "Enable Filter Select" +msgstr "Omogoči izbiro filtra" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/DatabaseSelector/index.tsx:303 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:221 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:331 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:494 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:232 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:289 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:446 +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:440 superset/views/database/forms.py:129 +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:291 superset/views/database/forms.py:422 +msgid "Schema" +msgstr "Shema" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:441 +msgid "Default Endpoint" +msgstr "Privzeta končna točka" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:442 +msgid "Offset" +msgstr "Odmik" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:443 superset/views/chart/mixin.py:77 +msgid "Cache Timeout" +msgstr "Trajanje predpomnilnika" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:444 superset/views/database/forms.py:95 +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:249 superset/views/database/forms.py:385 +msgid "Table Name" +msgstr "Ime tabele" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:445 +msgid "Fetch Values Predicate" +msgstr "Pridobi vrednosti predikatov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:235 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:558 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:372 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:375 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:419 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:422 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:173 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:284 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1097 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1102 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:337 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:366 +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:446 superset/views/chart/mixin.py:83 +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:82 +msgid "Owners" +msgstr "Lastniki" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:447 +msgid "Main Datetime Column" +msgstr "Glavni stolpec Datum-Čas" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:449 +msgid "SQL Lab View" +msgstr "Pogled SQL laboratorija" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TemplateParamsEditor/index.tsx:93 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:948 +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:450 +msgid "Template parameters" +msgstr "Parametri predlog" + +#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:473 +msgid "" +"The table was created. As part of this two-phase configuration process, you " +"should now click the edit button by the new table to configure it." +msgstr "" +"Tabela je ustvarjena. Sedaj morate v tem dvodelnem postopku klikniti gumb za " +"urejanje nove tabele." + +#: superset/css_templates/api.py:139 +#, python-format +msgid "Deleted %(num)d css template" +msgid_plural "Deleted %(num)d css templates" +msgstr[0] "Izbrisana %(num)d css predloga" +msgstr[1] "Izbrisani %(num)d css predlogi" +msgstr[2] "Izbrisane %(num)d css predloge" +msgstr[3] "Izbrisanih %(num)d css predlog" + +#: superset/css_templates/commands/exceptions.py:23 +msgid "CSS template could not be deleted." +msgstr "CSS predloge ni mogoče izbrisati." + +#: superset/css_templates/commands/exceptions.py:27 +msgid "CSS template not found." +msgstr "CSS predloga ni najdena." + +#: superset/dashboards/api.py:713 +#, python-format +msgid "Deleted %(num)d dashboard" +msgid_plural "Deleted %(num)d dashboards" +msgstr[0] "Izbrisana je %(num)d nadzorna plošča" +msgstr[1] "Izbrisani sta %(num)d nadzorni plošči" +msgstr[2] "Izbrisane so %(num)d nadzorne plošče" +msgstr[3] "Izbrisanih je %(num)d nadzornih plošč" + +#: superset/dashboards/filters.py:37 +msgid "Title or Slug" +msgstr "Naslov ali `Slug`" + +#: superset/dashboards/filters.py:53 +msgid "Created by me" +msgstr "Ustvarjeno z moje strani" + +#: superset/dashboards/filters.py:202 +msgid "Role" +msgstr "Vloga" + +#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:39 +msgid "Must be unique" +msgstr "Mora biti unikaten" + +#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:43 +msgid "Dashboard parameters are invalid." +msgstr "Parametri nadzorne plošče so neveljavni." + +#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:54 +msgid "Dashboard could not be created." +msgstr "Nadzorne plošče ni mogoče ustvariti." + +#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:58 +msgid "Dashboards could not be deleted." +msgstr "Nadzornih plošč ni mogoče izbrisati." + +#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:66 +msgid "Dashboard could not be updated." +msgstr "Nadzorne plošče ni mogoče posodobiti." + +#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:70 +msgid "Dashboard could not be deleted." +msgstr "Nadzorne plošče ni mogoče izbrisati." + +#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:78 +msgid "Changing this Dashboard is forbidden" +msgstr "Spreminjanje te nadzorne plošče ni dovoljeno" + +#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:82 +msgid "Import dashboard failed for an unknown reason" +msgstr "Uvoz nadzorne plošče ni uspel zaradi neznanega razloga" + +#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:86 +msgid "You don't have access to this dashboard." +msgstr "Nimate dostopa do te nadzorne plošče." + +#: superset/dashboards/commands/importers/v0.py:305 +msgid "No data in file" +msgstr "V datoteki ni podatkov" + +#: superset/dashboards/permalink/exceptions.py:23 +#: superset/explore/permalink/exceptions.py:23 +msgid "Invalid state." +msgstr "Neveljavno stanje." + +#: superset/dashboards/permalink/exceptions.py:27 +#: superset/explore/permalink/exceptions.py:27 superset/key_value/exceptions.py:34 +#: superset/temporary_cache/commands/exceptions.py:29 +msgid "An error occurred while creating the value." +msgstr "Pri ustvarjanju vrednosti je prišlo do težave." + +#: superset/dashboards/permalink/exceptions.py:31 +#: superset/explore/permalink/exceptions.py:31 superset/key_value/exceptions.py:38 +#: superset/temporary_cache/commands/exceptions.py:33 +msgid "An error occurred while accessing the value." +msgstr "Pri dostopanju do vednosti je prišlo do težave." + +#: superset/databases/decorators.py:46 +msgid "Table name undefined" +msgstr "Ime tabele ni definirano" + +#: superset/databases/filters.py:66 +msgid "Upload Enabled" +msgstr "Nalaganje omogočeno" + +#: superset/databases/schemas.py:151 +msgid "" +"Invalid connection string, a valid string usually follows: driver://user:" +"password@database-host/database-name" +msgstr "" +"Neveljaven niz povezave - veljaven niz običajno sledi: driver://user:" +"password@database-host/database-name" + +#: superset/databases/schemas.py:186 superset/databases/schemas.py:201 +#, python-format +msgid "Field cannot be decoded by JSON. %(msg)s" +msgstr "Polja ni mogoče dekodirati z JSON. %(msg)s" + +#: superset/databases/schemas.py:209 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"The metadata_params in Extra field is not configured correctly. The key %(key)s " +"is invalid." +msgstr "" +"Metadata_params v polju Dodatno niso pravilno nastavljeni. Ključ %(key)s je " +"neveljaven." + +#: superset/databases/schemas.py:275 +msgid "" +"Engine spec \"InvalidEngine\" does not support being configured via individual " +"parameters." +msgstr "" +"Specifikacija baze \"InvalidEngine\" ne podpira konfiguracije s posameznimi " +"parametri." + +#: superset/databases/schemas.py:302 +msgid "" +"An engine must be specified when passing individual parameters to a database." +msgstr "" +"Pri podajanju posameznih parametrov podatkovne baze mora biti podan njen tip." + +#: superset/databases/commands/validate.py:60 superset/databases/schemas.py:312 +#, python-format +msgid "Engine \"%(engine)s\" is not a valid engine." +msgstr "\"%(engine)s\" ni veljaven tip podatkovne baze." + +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:32 +msgid "Database parameters are invalid." +msgstr "Parametri podatkovne baze so neveljavni." + +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:42 +msgid "A database with the same name already exists." +msgstr "Podatkovna baza z enakim imenom že obstaja." + +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:50 +msgid "Field is required" +msgstr "Polje je obvezno" + +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:63 +#, python-format +msgid "Field cannot be decoded by JSON. %(json_error)s" +msgstr "Polja ni mogoče dekodirati z JSON. %(json_error)s" + +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:80 +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:255 +msgid "" +"The metadata_params in Extra field is not configured correctly. The key %{key}s " +"is invalid." +msgstr "" +"Metadata_params v polju Dodatno niso pravilno nastavljeni. Ključ %{key}s je " +"neveljaven." + +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:92 +msgid "Database not found." +msgstr "Podatkovna baza ni najdena." + +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:96 +msgid "Database could not be created." +msgstr "Podatkovne baze ni mogoče ustvariti." + +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:100 +msgid "Database could not be updated." +msgstr "Podatkovne baze ni mogoče posodobiti." + +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:107 +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:124 superset/views/core.py:1403 +msgid "Connection failed, please check your connection settings" +msgstr "Povezava neuspešna. Preverite nastavitve povezave" + +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:111 +msgid "Cannot delete a database that has datasets attached" +msgstr "Podatkovne baze s povezanimi podatkovnimi viri ni mogoče izbrisati" + +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:115 +msgid "Database could not be deleted." +msgstr "Podatkovne baze ni mogoče izbrisati." + +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:128 +msgid "Stopped an unsafe database connection" +msgstr "Nevarna povezava s podatkovno bazo je bila ustavljena" + +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:132 +msgid "Could not load database driver" +msgstr "Ni mogoče naložiti gonilnika podatkovne baze" + +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:137 superset/views/core.py:1411 +msgid "Unexpected error occurred, please check your logs for details" +msgstr "Zgodila se je nepričakovana napaka. Podrobnosti preverite v dnevnikih" + +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:142 +msgid "no SQL validator is configured" +msgstr "SQL potrjevalnik ni nastavljen" + +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:147 +msgid "No validator found (configured for the engine)" +msgstr "Potrjevalnik ni najden (nastavljen za podatkovno bazo)" + +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:152 +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:162 +msgid "Was unable to check your query" +msgstr "Poizvedbe ni bilo mogoče preveriti" + +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:157 +msgid "An unexpected error occurred" +msgstr "Prišlo je do nepričakovane napake" + +#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:166 +msgid "Import database failed for an unknown reason" +msgstr "Uvoz podatkovne baze ni uspel zaradi neznanega razloga" + +#: superset/databases/commands/test_connection.py:134 +msgid "Could not load database driver: {}" +msgstr "Ni mogoče naložiti gonilnika podatkovne baze: {}" + +#: superset/databases/commands/validate.py:73 +#, python-format +msgid "Engine \"%(engine)s\" cannot be configured through parameters." +msgstr "Podatkovne baze tipa \"%(engine)s\" ni mogoče konfigurirati s parametri." + +#: superset/databases/commands/validate.py:140 +msgid "Database is offline." +msgstr "Podatkovna baza ni povezana." + +#: superset/databases/commands/validate_sql.py:73 superset/views/core.py:2372 #, python-format msgid "" "%(validator)s was unable to check your query.\n" @@ -233,110 +1757,790 @@ msgstr "" "Ponovno preverite poizvedbo.\n" "Izjema: %(ex)s" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreChartHeader/index.jsx:170 +#: superset/databases/commands/validate_sql.py:101 +msgid "no SQL validator is configured for {}" +msgstr "SQL potrjevalnik ni nastavljen za {}" + +#: superset/databases/commands/validate_sql.py:114 +msgid "No validator named {} found (configured for the {} engine)" +msgstr "Potrjevalnik {} ni bil najden (nastavljen za podatkovno bazo {})" + +#: superset/datasets/api.py:680 #, python-format -msgid "%s - untitled" -msgstr "%s - neimenovan" +msgid "Deleted %(num)d dataset" +msgid_plural "Deleted %(num)d datasets" +msgstr[0] "Izbrisan %(num)d podatkovni set" +msgstr[1] "Izbrisana %(num)d podatkovna niza" +msgstr[2] "Izbrisani %(num)d podatkovni nizi" +msgstr[3] "Izbrisanih %(num)d podatkovnih nizov" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/DatabaseErrorMessage.tsx:90 +#: superset/datasets/filters.py:26 +msgid "Null or Empty" +msgstr "Nič (NULL) ali prazen" + +#: superset/datasets/columns/commands/exceptions.py:23 +msgid "Dataset column not found." +msgstr "Stolpec podatkovnega seta ni najden." + +#: superset/datasets/columns/commands/exceptions.py:27 +msgid "Dataset column delete failed." +msgstr "Brisanje stolpca podatkovnega seta neuspešno." + +#: superset/datasets/columns/commands/exceptions.py:31 +#: superset/datasets/metrics/commands/exceptions.py:31 +msgid "Changing this dataset is forbidden." +msgstr "Spreminjanje tega podatkovnega seta ni dovoljeno." + +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:32 #, python-format -msgid "%s Error" -msgstr "%s napaka" +msgid "Dataset %(name)s already exists" +msgstr "Podatkovni set %(name)s že obstaja" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/ListView.tsx:244 +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:50 +msgid "Database not allowed to change" +msgstr "Podatkovne baze ni dovoljeno spreminjati" + +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:70 +msgid "One or more columns do not exist" +msgstr "En ali več stolpcev ne obstaja" + +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:80 +msgid "One or more columns are duplicated" +msgstr "En ali več stolpcev je podvojenih" + +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:90 +msgid "One or more columns already exist" +msgstr "En ali več stolpcev že obstaja" + +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:99 +msgid "One or more metrics do not exist" +msgstr "Ena ali več mer ne obstaja" + +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:109 +msgid "One or more metrics are duplicated" +msgstr "Ena ali več mer je podvojenih" + +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:119 +msgid "One or more metrics already exist" +msgstr "Ena ali več mer že obstaja" + +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:130 #, python-format -msgid "%s Selected" -msgstr "Izbranih: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:685 -#, python-format -msgid "%s Selected (%s Physical, %s Virtual)" -msgstr "Izbranih: %s (fizični: %s, virtualni: %s)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:678 -#, python-format -msgid "%s Selected (Physical)" -msgstr "Izbranih: %s (fizični)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:671 -#, python-format -msgid "%s Selected (Virtual)" -msgstr "Izbranih: %s (virtualni)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:311 -#, python-format -msgid "%s aggregates(s)" -msgstr "Agreg. funkcije: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:249 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:270 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:286 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:302 -#, python-format -msgid "%s column(s)" -msgstr "Stolpci: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:276 -#, python-format -msgid "%s column(s) and metric(s)" -msgstr "Stolpcev in mer: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:297 -#, python-format -msgid "%s operator(s)" -msgstr "Operatorji: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/GroupBy/GroupByFilterPlugin.tsx:83 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/SelectFilterPlugin.tsx:256 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeColumn/TimeColumnFilterPlugin.tsx:82 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeGrain/TimeGrainFilterPlugin.tsx:92 -#, python-format -msgid "%s option" -msgstr "%s možnost" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:252 -#, python-format -msgid "%s option(s)" -msgstr "Možnosti: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:320 -#, python-format -msgid "%s saved metric(s)" -msgstr "Shranjene mere: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/URLShortLinkButton/index.jsx:59 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreActionButtons.tsx:123 -#, python-format -msgid "%s%s" -msgstr "%s%s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/ListView.tsx:419 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/TableView/TableView.tsx:237 -#, python-format -msgid "%s-%s of %s" -msgstr "%s-%s od %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FilterTitleContainer.tsx:110 -msgid "(Removed)" -msgstr "(Odstranjeno)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:637 -msgid "(deleted)" -msgstr "(izbrisano)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/utils/getClientErrorObject.ts:56 -msgid "(no description, click to see stack trace)" -msgstr "(ni opisa, kliknite za ogled zapisov)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:168 msgid "" -"(optional) default value for the filter, when using the multiple option, " -"you can use a semicolon-delimited list of options." +"Table [%(table_name)s] could not be found, please double check your database " +"connection, schema, and table name" msgstr "" -"(opcijsko) privzeta vrednost za filter, če uporabite opcijo izbire večih " -", lahko uporabite seznam nastavitev ločen s podpičji." +"Tabele [%(table_name)s] ni mogoče najti. Preverite povezavo, shemo in ime " +"podatkovne baze" -#: superset/reports/notifications/slack.py:50 +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:149 +msgid "Dataset does not exist" +msgstr "Podatkovni set ne obstaja" + +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:153 +msgid "Dataset parameters are invalid." +msgstr "Parametri podatkovnega seta so neveljavni." + +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:157 +msgid "Dataset could not be created." +msgstr "Podatkovnega niza ni mogoče ustvariti." + +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:161 +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:173 +msgid "Dataset could not be updated." +msgstr "Podatkovnega niza ni mogoče posodobiti." + +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:165 +msgid "Dataset could not be deleted." +msgstr "Podatkovnega niza ni mogoče izbrisati." + +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:169 +msgid "Dataset(s) could not be bulk deleted." +msgstr "Podatkovnih nizov ni mogoče množično izbrisati." + +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:177 +msgid "Samples for dataset could not be retrieved." +msgstr "Vzorcev za podatkovni set ni bilo mogoče pridobiti." + +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:181 +msgid "Changing this dataset is forbidden" +msgstr "Spreminjanje tega podatkovnega seta ni dovoljeno" + +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:185 +msgid "Import dataset failed for an unknown reason" +msgstr "Uvoz podatkovnega seta ni uspel zaradi neznanega razloga" + +#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:189 +msgid "You don't have access to this dataset." +msgstr "Nimate dostopa do tega podatkovnega seta." + +#: superset/datasets/metrics/commands/exceptions.py:23 +msgid "Dataset metric not found." +msgstr "Mer podatkovnega seta ni najdena." + +#: superset/datasets/metrics/commands/exceptions.py:27 +msgid "Dataset metric delete failed." +msgstr "Brisanje mere podatkovnega seta ni uspelo." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/athena.py:55 superset/db_engine_specs/bigquery.py:181 +#: superset/db_engine_specs/postgres.py:145 +#: superset/db_engine_specs/snowflake.py:105 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Please check your query for syntax errors at or near \"%(syntax_error)s\". Then, " +"try running your query again." +msgstr "" +"Preverite, če ima vaša poizvedba sintaktične napake pri \"%(syntax_error)s\". " +"Potem ponovno poženite poizvedbo." + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/D3Formatting.ts:29 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTableControl/index.tsx:143 +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:96 +msgid "Original value" +msgstr "Izvorna vrednost" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:97 +msgid "Second" +msgstr "Sekunda" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:98 +msgid "5 second" +msgstr "5 sekund" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:99 +msgid "30 second" +msgstr "30 sekund" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:100 +msgid "Minute" +msgstr "Minuta" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:101 +msgid "5 minute" +msgstr "5 minut" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:102 +msgid "10 minute" +msgstr "10 minut" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:103 +msgid "15 minute" +msgstr "15 minut" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:104 +msgid "30 minute" +msgstr "30 minut" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:105 +msgid "Hour" +msgstr "Ura" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:106 +msgid "6 hour" +msgstr "6 ur" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:107 +msgid "Day" +msgstr "Dan" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:108 +msgid "Week" +msgstr "Teden" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:109 +msgid "Month" +msgstr "Mesec" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:110 +msgid "Quarter" +msgstr "Četrtletje" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:111 +msgid "Year" +msgstr "Leto" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:112 +msgid "Week starting Sunday" +msgstr "Teden z začetkom v nedeljo" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:113 +msgid "Week starting Monday" +msgstr "Teden z začetkom v ponedeljek" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:114 +msgid "Week ending Saturday" +msgstr "Teden s koncem v soboto" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:115 +msgid "Week_ending Sunday" +msgstr "Teden s koncem v nedeljo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:109 +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:1544 +msgid "Username" +msgstr "Uporabniško ime" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:130 +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:1545 +msgid "Password" +msgstr "Geslo" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:1546 +msgid "Hostname or IP address" +msgstr "Ime gostitelja ali IP naslov" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:1549 +msgid "Database port" +msgstr "Vrata podatkovne baze" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:89 +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:1552 +msgid "Database name" +msgstr "Ime podatkovne baze" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:1554 +msgid "Additional parameters" +msgstr "Dodatni parametri" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:1557 +msgid "Use an encrypted connection to the database" +msgstr "Uporabite šifrirano povezavo s podatkovno bazo" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/bigquery.py:151 +msgid "" +"We were unable to connect to your database. Please confirm that your service " +"account has the Viewer and Job User roles on the project." +msgstr "" +"Povezava s podatkovno bazo ni uspela. Preverite, da ima vaš dostop dodeljeni " +"vlogi Viewer in Job User." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/bigquery.py:160 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"The table \"%(table)s\" does not exist. A valid table must be used to run this " +"query." +msgstr "" +"Tabela \"%(table)s\" ne obstaja. V poizvedbi mora biti uporabljena veljavna " +"tabela." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/bigquery.py:168 +#, python-format +msgid "We can't seem to resolve column \"%(column)s\" at line %(location)s." +msgstr "" +"Zdi se, da ni mogoče razrešiti stolpca \"%(column)s\" v vrstici %(location)s." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/bigquery.py:173 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"The schema \"%(schema)s\" does not exist. A valid schema must be used to run this " +"query." +msgstr "" +"Shema \"%(schema)s\" ne obstaja. Za poizvedbo mora biti uporabljena veljavna " +"shema." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/duckdb.py:56 superset/db_engine_specs/sqlite.py:65 +#, python-format +msgid "We can't seem to resolve the column \"%(column_name)s\"" +msgstr "Zdi se, da ni mogoče razrešiti stolpca \"%(column_name)s\"" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/gsheets.py:74 superset/db_engine_specs/mysql.py:172 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Please check your query for syntax errors near \"%(server_error)s\". Then, try " +"running your query again." +msgstr "" +"Preverite, če ima vaša poizvedba sintaktične napake pri \"%(server_error)s\". " +"Potem ponovno poženite poizvedbo." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/mssql.py:76 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Either the username \"%(username)s\", password, or database name \"%(database)s\" " +"is incorrect." +msgstr "" +"Uporabniško ime \"%(username)s\", geslo ali ime podatkovne baze \"%(database)s\" " +"so napačni." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/mssql.py:84 superset/db_engine_specs/postgres.py:114 +#: superset/db_engine_specs/presto.py:197 superset/db_engine_specs/redshift.py:68 +#, python-format +msgid "The hostname \"%(hostname)s\" cannot be resolved." +msgstr "Imena gostitelja \"%(hostname)s\" ni mogoče razrešiti." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/mssql.py:89 superset/db_engine_specs/postgres.py:119 +#: superset/db_engine_specs/presto.py:210 superset/db_engine_specs/redshift.py:73 +#, python-format +msgid "Port %(port)s on hostname \"%(hostname)s\" refused the connection." +msgstr "Vrata %(port)s na gostitelju \"%(hostname)s\" niso sprejela povezave." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/mssql.py:94 superset/db_engine_specs/postgres.py:124 +#: superset/db_engine_specs/presto.py:202 superset/db_engine_specs/redshift.py:78 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"The host \"%(hostname)s\" might be down, and can't be reached on port %(port)s." +msgstr "" +"Gostitelj \"%(hostname)s\" mogoče ne deluje in ga ni mogoče doseči na vratih " +"%(port)s." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/mysql.py:152 superset/db_engine_specs/presto.py:192 +#: superset/db_engine_specs/redshift.py:63 +#, python-format +msgid "Either the username \"%(username)s\" or the password is incorrect." +msgstr "Uporabniško ime \"%(username)s\" ali geslo sta napačna." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/mysql.py:157 +#, python-format +msgid "Unknown MySQL server host \"%(hostname)s\"." +msgstr "Neznan MySQL strežnik \"%(hostname)s\"." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/mysql.py:162 +#, python-format +msgid "The host \"%(hostname)s\" might be down and can't be reached." +msgstr "Gostitelj \"%(hostname)s\" mogoče ne deluje in ga ni mogoče doseči." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/mysql.py:167 superset/db_engine_specs/postgres.py:132 +#, python-format +msgid "Unable to connect to database \"%(database)s\"." +msgstr "Povezava s podatkovno bazo \"%(database)s\" ni uspela." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/postgres.py:99 +#, python-format +msgid "The username \"%(username)s\" does not exist." +msgstr "Uporabniško ime \"%(username)s\" ne obstaja." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/postgres.py:104 +#, python-format +msgid "The password provided for username \"%(username)s\" is incorrect." +msgstr "Geslo za uporabniško ime \"%(username)s\" je napačno." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/postgres.py:109 +msgid "Please re-enter the password." +msgstr "Ponovno vpišite geslo." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/postgres.py:137 superset/db_engine_specs/presto.py:168 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"We can't seem to resolve the column \"%(column_name)s\" at line %(location)s." +msgstr "" +"Zdi se, da ni mogoče razrešiti stolpca \"%(column_name)s\" v vrstici %(location)s." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/presto.py:176 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"The table \"%(table_name)s\" does not exist. A valid table must be used to run " +"this query." +msgstr "" +"Tabela \"%(table_name)s\" ne obstaja. V poizvedbi mora biti uporabljena veljavna " +"tabela." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/presto.py:184 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"The schema \"%(schema_name)s\" does not exist. A valid schema must be used to run " +"this query." +msgstr "" +"Shema \"%(schema_name)s\" ne obstaja. Za poizvedbo mora biti uporabljena veljavna " +"shema." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/presto.py:215 +#, python-format +msgid "Unable to connect to catalog named \"%(catalog_name)s\"." +msgstr "Povezava na katalog \"%(catalog_name)s\" ni uspela." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/presto.py:1021 +msgid "Unknown Presto Error" +msgstr "Neznana Presto napaka" + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/redshift.py:86 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"We were unable to connect to your database named \"%(database)s\". Please verify " +"your database name and try again." +msgstr "" +"Povezava s podatkovno bazo \"%(database)s\" ni uspela. Preverite ime podatkovne " +"baze in poskusite ponovno." + +#: superset/db_engine_specs/snowflake.py:100 +#, python-format +msgid "%(object)s does not exist in this database." +msgstr "%(object)s ne obstaja v tej podatkovni bazi." + +#: superset/embedded_dashboard/commands/exceptions.py:34 +msgid "You don't have access to this embedded dashboard config." +msgstr "Nimate dostopa do konfiguracije te vgrajene nadzorne plošče." + +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:221 +msgid "Home" +msgstr "Domov" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/annotationsAndLayers.tsx:36 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:115 +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:228 superset/views/annotations.py:113 +msgid "Annotation Layers" +msgstr "Sloji z oznakami" + +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:231 superset/initialization/__init__.py:255 +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:267 superset/initialization/__init__.py:316 +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:389 +msgid "Manage" +msgstr "Upravljaj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/CreatedContent.tsx:84 +#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/Favorites.tsx:85 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:630 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/Welcome.tsx:308 +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:237 superset/views/chart/mixin.py:79 +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:25 +msgid "Dashboards" +msgstr "Nadzorne plošče" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/BuilderComponentPane/index.tsx:106 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterCard/ScopeRow.tsx:61 +#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/CreatedContent.tsx:87 +#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/Favorites.tsx:88 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:677 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/Welcome.tsx:320 +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:245 superset/views/chart/mixin.py:26 +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:81 +msgid "Charts" +msgstr "Grafikoni" + +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:253 +msgid "Plugins" +msgstr "Vtičniki" + +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:264 superset/views/css_templates.py:35 +msgid "CSS Templates" +msgstr "CSS predloge" + +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:273 +msgid "Row Level Security" +msgstr "Varnost na nivoju vrstic" + +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:275 superset/initialization/__init__.py:372 +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:399 +msgid "Security" +msgstr "Varnost" + +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:312 +msgid "Import Dashboards" +msgstr "Uvozi nadzorne plošče" + +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:324 +msgid "SQL Editor" +msgstr "SQL urejevalnik" + +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:329 superset/initialization/__init__.py:344 +msgid "SQL Lab" +msgstr "SQL laboratorij" + +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:332 +msgid "Saved Queries" +msgstr "Shranjene poizvedbe" + +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:339 +msgid "Query History" +msgstr "Zgodovina poizvedb" + +#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/Security.tsx:46 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/common.ts:26 +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:349 superset/views/database/mixins.py:33 +msgid "Databases" +msgstr "Podatkovne baze" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.tsx:492 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/common.ts:22 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/MenuRight.tsx:132 +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:352 superset/initialization/__init__.py:361 +msgid "Data" +msgstr "Podatki" + +#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/Security.tsx:60 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/common.ts:32 +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:357 +msgid "Datasets" +msgstr "Podatkovni seti" + +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:370 +msgid "Action Log" +msgstr "Dnevnik aktivnosti" + +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:387 +msgid "Alerts & Reports" +msgstr "Opozorila in poročila" + +#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:397 +msgid "Access requests" +msgstr "Zahteve za dostop" + +#: superset/key_value/exceptions.py:30 +msgid "An error occurred while parsing the key." +msgstr "Pri branju ključa je prišlo do težave." + +#: superset/key_value/exceptions.py:42 +#: superset/temporary_cache/commands/exceptions.py:37 +msgid "An error occurred while deleting the value." +msgstr "Pri brisanju vrednosti je prišlo do napake." + +#: superset/key_value/exceptions.py:46 +#: superset/temporary_cache/commands/exceptions.py:41 +msgid "An error occurred while updating the value." +msgstr "Pri posodabljanju vrednosti je prišlo do težave." + +#: superset/key_value/exceptions.py:50 +#: superset/temporary_cache/commands/exceptions.py:45 +msgid "You don't have permission to modify the value." +msgstr "Nimate dovoljenja za spreminjanje vrednosti." + +#: superset/key_value/utils.py:60 +msgid "Invalid permalink key" +msgstr "Neveljaven ključ povezave" + +#: superset/queries/saved_queries/api.py:201 +#, python-format +msgid "Deleted %(num)d saved query" +msgid_plural "Deleted %(num)d saved queries" +msgstr[0] "Izbrisana %(num)d shranjena poizvedba" +msgstr[1] "Izbrisani %(num)d shranjeni poizvedbi" +msgstr[2] "Izbrisane %(num)d shranjene poizvedbe" +msgstr[3] "Izbrisanih %(num)d shranjenih poizvedb" + +#: superset/queries/saved_queries/commands/exceptions.py:28 +msgid "Saved queries could not be deleted." +msgstr "Shranjenih poizvedb ni mogoče izbrisati." + +#: superset/queries/saved_queries/commands/exceptions.py:32 +msgid "Saved query not found." +msgstr "Shranjena poizvedba ni najdena." + +#: superset/queries/saved_queries/commands/exceptions.py:36 +msgid "Import saved query failed for an unknown reason." +msgstr "Uvoz shranjene poizvedbe ni uspel zaradi neznanega razloga." + +#: superset/queries/saved_queries/commands/exceptions.py:40 +msgid "Saved query parameters are invalid." +msgstr "Parametri shranjene poizvedbe so neveljavni." + +#: superset/reports/api.py:492 +#, python-format +msgid "Deleted %(num)d report schedule" +msgid_plural "Deleted %(num)d report schedules" +msgstr[0] "Izbrisan %(num)d urnik poročanja" +msgstr[1] "Izbrisana %(num)d urnika poročanja" +msgstr[2] "Izbrisani %(num)d urniki poročanja" +msgstr[3] "Izbrisanih %(num)d urnikov poročanja" + +#: superset/reports/schemas.py:186 superset/reports/schemas.py:192 +#: superset/reports/schemas.py:198 superset/reports/schemas.py:280 +#: superset/reports/schemas.py:286 superset/reports/schemas.py:293 +msgid "Value must be greater than 0" +msgstr "Vrednost mora biti večja od 0" + +#: superset/reports/commands/alert.py:96 +#, python-format +msgid "Alert query returned more than one row. %s rows returned" +msgstr "" +"Poizvedba za opozorilo je vrnila več kot eno vrstico. Št. vrnjenih vrstic: %s" + +#: superset/reports/commands/alert.py:105 +#, python-format +msgid "Alert query returned more than one column. %s columns returned" +msgstr "" +"Poizvedba za opozorilo je vrnila več kot en stolpec. Število vrnjenih stolpcev: %s" + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:45 +msgid "Dashboard does not exist" +msgstr "Nadzorna plošča ne obstaja" + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:54 +msgid "Chart does not exist" +msgstr "Grafikon ne obstaja" + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:63 +msgid "Database is required for alerts" +msgstr "Podatkovna baza je obvezna za opozorila" + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:72 +msgid "Type is required" +msgstr "Tip je obvezen" + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:81 +msgid "Choose a chart or dashboard not both" +msgstr "Izberite grafikon ali nadzorno ploščo, ne obojega" + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:91 +msgid "Please save your chart first, then try creating a new email report." +msgstr "" +"Najprej shranite grafikon, potem pa poskusite ustvariti novo e-poštno poročilo." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:103 +msgid "Please save your dashboard first, then try creating a new email report." +msgstr "" +"Najprej shranite nadzorno ploščo, potem pa poskusite ustvariti novo e-poštno " +"poročilo." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:111 +msgid "Report Schedule parameters are invalid." +msgstr "Parametri urnika poročanja so neveljavni." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:115 +msgid "Report Schedule could not be deleted." +msgstr "Urnika poročanja ni mogoče izbrisati." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:119 +msgid "Report Schedule could not be created." +msgstr "Urnika poročanja ni mogoče ustvariti." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:123 +msgid "Report Schedule could not be updated." +msgstr "Urnika poročanja ni mogoče posodobiti." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:127 +msgid "Report Schedule not found." +msgstr "Urnika poročanja ni najden." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:131 +msgid "Report Schedule delete failed." +msgstr "Izbris urnika poročanja ni uspel." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:135 +msgid "Report Schedule log prune failed." +msgstr "Krajšanje dnevnika urnika poročanja ni uspelo." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:139 +msgid "Report Schedule execution failed when generating a screenshot." +msgstr "" +"Izvajanje urnika poročanja je bilo neuspešno pri ustvarjanju zaslonske slike." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:143 +msgid "Report Schedule execution failed when generating a csv." +msgstr "Izvajanje urnika poročanja je bilo neuspešno pri ustvarjanju csv." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:147 +msgid "Report Schedule execution failed when generating a dataframe." +msgstr "" +"Izvajanje urnika poročanja je bilo neuspešno pri ustvarjanju podatkovnega okvira." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:151 +msgid "Report Schedule execution got an unexpected error." +msgstr "Pri izvajanju urnika poročanja je prišlo do nepričakovane napake." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:155 +msgid "Report Schedule is still working, refusing to re-compute." +msgstr "Urnik poročanja se še vedno izvaja, ponovni izračun je zavrnjen." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:159 +msgid "Report Schedule reached a working timeout." +msgstr "Urnik poročanja je dosegel mejo časa izvedbe." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:168 +#, python-format +msgid "A report named \"%(name)s\" already exists" +msgstr "Poročilo poimenovano %(name)s že obstaja" + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:170 +#, python-format +msgid "An alert named \"%(name)s\" already exists" +msgstr "Opozorilo poimenovano %(name)s že obstaja" + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:176 +msgid "Resource already has an attached report." +msgstr "Vir že ima povezano poročilo." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:181 +msgid "Alert query returned more than one row." +msgstr "Poizvedba za opozorilo je vrnila več kot eno vrstico." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:186 +msgid "Alert validator config error." +msgstr "Napaka nastavitev potrjevalnika opozoril." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:190 +msgid "Alert query returned more than one column." +msgstr "Poizvedba za opozorilo je vrnila več kot en stolpec." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:194 +msgid "Alert query returned a non-number value." +msgstr "Poizvedba za opozorilo je vrnila neštevilsko vrednost." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:198 +msgid "Alert found an error while executing a query." +msgstr "Opozorilo je našlo napako pri izvajanju poizvedbe." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:202 +msgid "A timeout occurred while executing the query." +msgstr "Pri izvajanju poizvedbe je potekel čas." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:206 +msgid "A timeout occurred while taking a screenshot." +msgstr "Pri ustvarjanju zaslonske slike je potekel čas." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:210 +msgid "A timeout occurred while generating a csv." +msgstr "Pri ustvarjanju csv je potekel čas." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:214 +msgid "A timeout occurred while generating a dataframe." +msgstr "Pri ustvarjanju podatkovnega okvira je potekel čas." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:218 +msgid "Alert fired during grace period." +msgstr "Opozorilo sproženo med obdobjem mirovanja." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:222 +msgid "Alert ended grace period." +msgstr "Opozorilo je končalo obdobje mirovanja." + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:226 +msgid "Alert on grace period" +msgstr "Opozorilo v obdobju mirovanja" + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:230 +msgid "Report Schedule sellenium user not found" +msgstr "Selenium uporabnik za urnik poročanja ni najden" + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:234 +msgid "Report Schedule state not found" +msgstr "Stanje urnika poročanj ni najdeno" + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:238 +msgid "Report schedule unexpected error" +msgstr "Nepričakovana napaka urnika poročanja" + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:242 +msgid "Changing this report is forbidden" +msgstr "Spreminjanje tega poročila ni dovoljeno" + +#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:246 +msgid "An error occurred while pruning logs " +msgstr "Pri krajšanju dnevnikov je prišlo do napake " + +#: superset/reports/notifications/email.py:62 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"\n" +" Error: %(text)s\n" +" " +msgstr "" +"\n" +" Napaka: %(text)s\n" +" " + +#: superset/reports/notifications/email.py:98 +msgid "Explore in Superset" +msgstr "Razišči v Supersetu" + +#: superset/reports/notifications/email.py:140 +#, python-format +msgid "%(name)s.csv" +msgstr "%(name)s.csv" + +#: superset/reports/notifications/email.py:144 +#, python-format +msgid "%(prefix)s %(title)s" +msgstr "%(prefix)s %(title)s" + +#: superset/reports/notifications/slack.py:57 #, python-format msgid "" "*%(name)s*\n" @@ -355,7 +2559,7 @@ msgstr "" "\n" "%(table)s\n" -#: superset/reports/notifications/slack.py:67 +#: superset/reports/notifications/slack.py:74 #, python-format msgid "" "*%(name)s*\n" @@ -370,2002 +2574,540 @@ msgstr "" "\n" "napaka: %(text)s\n" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:35 -msgid "**Select** a dashboard OR **create** a new one" -msgstr "**Izberite** nadzorno ploščo ALI **ustvarite** novo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:260 -msgid "" -"-- Note: Unless you save your query, these tabs will NOT persist if you " -"clear your cookies or change browsers.\n" -"\n" -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:668 -msgid "0 Selected" -msgstr "Izbranih: 0" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:35 -msgid "1 hour" -msgstr "1 ura" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:32 -msgid "1 minute" -msgstr "1 minuta" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:91 -msgid "10 minute" -msgstr "10 minut" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:30 -msgid "10 seconds" -msgstr "10 sekund" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:37 -msgid "12 hours" -msgstr "12 ur" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:92 -msgid "15 minute" -msgstr "15 minut" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:38 -msgid "24 hours" -msgstr "24 ur" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js:32 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:35 -msgid "2D" -msgstr "2D" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:116 -msgid "3 letter code of the country" -msgstr "Tričrkovna oznaka države" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:128 -msgid "30 days" -msgstr "30 dni" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:93 -msgid "30 minute" -msgstr "30 minut" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:34 -msgid "30 minutes" -msgstr "30 minut" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:88 -msgid "30 second" -msgstr "30 sekund" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:31 -msgid "30 seconds" -msgstr "30 sekund" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:90 -msgid "5 minute" -msgstr "5 minut" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:33 -msgid "5 minutes" -msgstr "5 minut" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:87 -msgid "5 second" -msgstr "5 sekund" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:95 -msgid "6 hour" -msgstr "6 ur" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:36 -msgid "6 hours" -msgstr "6 ur" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:132 -msgid "60 days" -msgstr "60 dni" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:136 -msgid "90 days" -msgstr "90 dni" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:49 -msgid ":" -msgstr ":" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:86 -msgid "< (Smaller than)" -msgstr "< (manjše kot)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:96 -msgid "<= (Smaller or equal)" -msgstr "<= (manjše ali enako)" - -#: superset/tasks/schedules.py:171 superset/tasks/schedules.py:365 +#: superset/security/analytics_db_safety.py:44 #, python-format -msgid "Explore in Superset

" -msgstr "Razišči v Supersetu

" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:106 -msgid "== (Is equal)" -msgstr "== (je enako)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:91 -msgid "> (Larger than)" -msgstr "> (večje kot)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:101 -msgid ">= (Larger or equal)" -msgstr ">= (večje ali enako)" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:35 -msgid "A Big Number" -msgstr "Velika številka" - -#: superset/views/alerts.py:195 -msgid "" -"A SQL statement that defines whether the alert should get triggered or " -"not. The query is expected to return either NULL or a number value." +msgid "%(dialect)s cannot be used as a data source for security reasons." msgstr "" -"SQL izraz, ki definira ali naj se opozorilo sproži ali ne. Od poizvedbe " -"se pričakuje, da vrne bodisi NULL bodisi številsko vrednost." +"%(dialect)s ni mogoče uporabiti kot podatkovni vir zaradi varnostnih razlogov." -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:204 superset/views/database/forms.py:341 -msgid "A comma separated list of columns that should be parsed as dates." -msgstr "Z vejico ločen seznam stolpcev, v katerih bodo prepoznani datumi." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:383 -msgid "A comma-separated list of schemas that CSVs are allowed to upload to." -msgstr "Z vejicami ločen seznam shem, kjer je dovoljeno nalaganje CSV-jev." - -#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:42 -msgid "A database with the same name already exists." -msgstr "Podatkovna baza z enakim imenom že obstaja." - -#: superset/views/dynamic_plugins.py:52 +#: superset/sqllab/command.py:159 msgid "" -"A full URL pointing to the location of the built plugin (could be hosted " -"on a CDN for example)" +"The database referenced in this query was not found. Please contact an " +"administrator for further assistance or try again." msgstr "" -"Celoten URL, ki kaže na lokacijo zgrajenega vtičnika (lahko gostuje npr. " -"na CDN)" +"Podatkovna baza, referencirana v tej poizvedbi, ni bila najdena. Kontaktirajte " +"administratorja za napotke ali pa poskusite znova." -#: superset/views/dynamic_plugins.py:47 -msgid "A human-friendly name" -msgstr "Človeku prijazno ime" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:300 -msgid "A list of users who can alter the chart. Searchable by name or username." -msgstr "" -"Seznam uporabnikov, ki lahko spreminjajo ta grafikon. Možno je iskanje po" -" imenu ali uporabniškem imenu." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:29 -msgid "A map of the world, that can indicate values in different countries." -msgstr "Zemljevid sveta, ki lahko prikazuje vrednosti po državah." - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:161 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:209 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:238 -msgid "A metric to use for color" -msgstr "Mera za barvo" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js:26 -msgid "" -"A polar coordinate chart where the circle is broken into wedges of equal " -"angle, and the value represented by any wedge is illustrated by its area," -" rather than its radius or sweep angle." -msgstr "" -"Grafikon s polarnimi koordinatami, kjer je krog razdeljen na enakokotne " -"izseke, vrednosti pa so ponazorjene s ploščino izseka (namesto polmera " -"ali kota)." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:523 -msgid "A readable URL for your dashboard" -msgstr "Berljiv URL za vašo nadzorno ploščo" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts:39 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:113 -msgid "A reference to the [Time] configuration, taking granularity into account" -msgstr "Sklic na nastavitve za [Čas], ki upošteva granulacijo" - -#: superset/views/alerts.py:189 -msgid "A semicolon ';' delimited list of email addresses" -msgstr "S podpičjem ';' ločen seznam naslovov e-pošte" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:789 -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:469 -msgid "" -"A set of parameters that become available in the query using Jinja " -"templating syntax" -msgstr "" -"Nabor parametrov, ki postanejo razpoložljivi za poizvedbo z uporabo " -"sintakse za Jinja predloge" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:32 -msgid "" -"A time series chart that visualizes how a related metric from multiple " -"groups vary over time. Each group is visualized using a different color." -msgstr "" -"Grafikon časovne vrste, ki prikaže kako se povezane mere skupin " -"spreminjajo skozi čas. Vsaka skupina je prikazana s svojo barvo." - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:198 -msgid "A timeout occurred while executing the query." -msgstr "Pri izvajanju poizvedbe je potekel čas." - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:206 -msgid "A timeout occurred while generating a csv." -msgstr "Pri ustvarjanju csv je potekel čas." - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:210 -msgid "A timeout occurred while generating a dataframe." -msgstr "Pri ustvarjanju podatkovnega okvira je potekel čas." - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:202 -msgid "A timeout occurred while taking a screenshot." -msgstr "Pri ustvarjanju zaslonske slike je potekel čas." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:168 -msgid "A valid color scheme is required" -msgstr "Zahtevana je veljavna barvna shema" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/DateFilterLabel.tsx:344 -msgid "APPLY" -msgstr "UPORABI" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:94 -msgid "APR" -msgstr "APR" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:239 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:404 -msgid "AQE" -msgstr "AQE" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:98 -msgid "AUG" -msgstr "AVG" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Menu/MenuRight.tsx:176 -msgid "About" -msgstr "O programu" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:354 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:397 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:287 -msgid "Access" -msgstr "Dostop" - -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:491 -msgid "Access requests" -msgstr "Zahteve za dostop" - -#: superset/views/core.py:300 -msgid "Access was requested" -msgstr "Zahtevan je bil dostop" - -#: superset/views/log/__init__.py:31 -msgid "Action" -msgstr "Aktivnost" - -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:419 -msgid "Action Log" -msgstr "Dnevnik aktivnosti" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:335 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:189 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:249 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:420 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:229 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:417 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:375 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:405 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:309 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:413 -msgid "Actions" -msgstr "Aktivnosti" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:290 -#: superset/views/schedules.py:240 superset/views/schedules.py:320 -msgid "Active" -msgstr "Aktiven" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/DateFilterLabel.tsx:316 -msgid "Actual time range" -msgstr "Dejansko časovno obdobje" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/D3Formatting.ts:28 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/D3Formatting.ts:49 -msgid "Adaptive formatting" -msgstr "Adaptivno oblikovanje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:267 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FilterTitlePane.tsx:133 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1039 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:273 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayerModal.tsx:226 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplateModal.tsx:220 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/AddDatasetModal.tsx:119 -msgid "Add" -msgstr "Dodaj" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1056 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add Alert" -msgstr "opozorilo" - -#: superset/views/annotations.py:60 -msgid "Add Annotation" -msgstr "Dodaj oznako" - -#: superset/views/annotations.py:119 -msgid "Add Annotation Layer" -msgstr "Dodaj sloj z oznakami" - -#: superset/views/css_templates.py:38 -msgid "Add CSS Template" -msgstr "Dodaj CSS predlogo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplateModal.tsx:232 -msgid "Add CSS template" -msgstr "Dodaj CSS predlogo" - -#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:28 -msgid "Add Chart" -msgstr "Dodaj grafikon" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:65 -msgid "Add Column" -msgstr "Dodaj stolpec" - -#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:27 -msgid "Add Dashboard" -msgstr "Dodaj nadzorno ploščo" - -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:35 -msgid "Add Database" -msgstr "Dodaj podatkovno bazo" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:215 -msgid "Add Druid Cluster" -msgstr "Dodaj Druid gručo" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:72 -msgid "Add Druid Column" -msgstr "Dodaj Druid stolpec" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:279 -msgid "Add Druid Datasource" -msgstr "Dodaj podatkovni vir za Druid" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:161 -msgid "Add Druid Metric" -msgstr "Dodaj Druid mere" - -#: superset/views/log/__init__.py:23 -msgid "Add Log" -msgstr "Dodaj dnevnik" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:214 -msgid "Add Metric" -msgstr "Dodaj mero" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1055 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add Report" -msgstr "poročilo" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:316 -msgid "Add Row level security filter" -msgstr "Dodaj filter za varnost na nivoju vrstic" - -#: superset/views/sql_lab.py:41 -msgid "Add Saved Query" -msgstr "Dodaj shranjeno poizvedbo" - -#: superset/views/dynamic_plugins.py:60 -msgid "Add a Plugin" -msgstr "Dodaj vtičnik" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:175 -msgid "Add additional custom parameters" -msgstr "Dodaj dodatne parametre po meri" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/CollectionControl/index.jsx:63 -msgid "Add an item" -msgstr "Dodaj element" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:283 -msgid "Add annotation" -msgstr "Dodaj oznako" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/index.jsx:201 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/index.jsx:213 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayerModal.tsx:238 -msgid "Add annotation layer" -msgstr "Dodaj sloj z oznakami" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/AddDatasetModal.tsx:121 -msgid "Add dataset" -msgstr "Dodaj podatkovni set" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:387 -msgid "Add delivery method" -msgstr "Dodajte način dostave" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterControl/index.jsx:367 -msgid "Add filter" -msgstr "Dodaj filter" - -#: superset-frontend/src/CRUD/CollectionTable.tsx:417 -msgid "Add item" -msgstr "Dodaj" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/MetricsControl.jsx:336 -msgid "Add metric" -msgstr "Dodaj mero" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/ConditionalFormattingControl.tsx:176 -msgid "Add new color formatter" -msgstr "Dodaj novo oblikovanje barve" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/ConditionalFormattingControl.tsx:169 -msgid "Add new formatter" -msgstr "Dodaj novo oblikovanje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:386 -msgid "Add notification method" -msgstr "Dodajte način obveščanja" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/TableCatalog.tsx:99 -msgid "Add sheet" -msgstr "Dodaj preglednico" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:258 -msgid "Add to dashboard" -msgstr "Dodaj na nadzorno ploščo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/AddSliceCard.jsx:141 -msgid "Added" -msgstr "Dodano" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/models.py:256 -msgid "Adding new datasource [{}]" -msgstr "Dodajanje novega podatkovnega vira [{}]" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:173 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Additional Parameters" -msgstr "Dodatni parametri" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:324 -msgid "Additional information" -msgstr "Dodatne informacije" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:96 -msgid "Additional metadata" -msgstr "Dodatni metapodatki" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:50 -msgid "Additional padding for legend." -msgstr "Dodatni razmak za legendo." - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:1398 -msgid "Additional parameters" -msgstr "Dodatni parametri" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:166 -msgid "Additional text to add before or after the value, e.g. unit" -msgstr "Dodatno besedilo, ki ga dodate pred ali za vrednost, npr. enota" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:40 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:40 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/index.ts:55 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:43 -msgid "Additive" -msgstr "Aditivno" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:765 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:580 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:267 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:34 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1146 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Napredno" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:122 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:242 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:125 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:148 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:375 -msgid "Advanced Analytics" -msgstr "Napredna analitika" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:25 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:144 -msgid "Advanced analytics" -msgstr "Napredna analitika" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js:32 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/index.ts:36 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:44 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:35 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:79 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:79 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Line/index.ts:74 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:73 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:73 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:64 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts:71 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:124 -msgid "Advanced-Analytics" -msgstr "Napredna analitika" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/index.js:36 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/index.js:33 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:36 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:44 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:33 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/index.js:45 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/index.ts:39 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:70 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts:65 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:80 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:80 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Line/index.ts:75 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:74 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:74 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:65 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts:72 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/index.ts:58 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts:41 -msgid "Aesthetic" -msgstr "Estetika" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:84 -msgid "After" -msgstr "PO" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts:45 -msgid "Aggregate" -msgstr "Agregacija" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:91 -msgid "Aggregate Mean" -msgstr "Agregirano povprečje" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:96 -msgid "Aggregate Sum" -msgstr "Agregirana vsota" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:182 -msgid "" -"Aggregate function applied to the list of points in each cluster to " -"produce the cluster label." -msgstr "" -"Agregacijska funkcija za seznam točk v vsaki gruči, s katero se ustvari " -"oznaka gruče." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:74 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:137 -msgid "" -"Aggregate function to apply when pivoting and computing the total rows " -"and columns" -msgstr "Agregacijska funkcija za vrtenje in izračun vseh vrstic in stolpcev" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:63 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:114 -msgid "Aggregation function" -msgstr "Agregacijska funkcija" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/AlertStatusIcon.tsx:92 -msgid "Alert Triggered, In Grace Period" -msgstr "Opozorilo sproženo, v obdobju mirovanja" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1123 -msgid "Alert condition" -msgstr "Status opozorila" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1215 -msgid "Alert condition schedule" -msgstr "Urnik statusov opozoril" - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:218 -msgid "Alert ended grace period." -msgstr "Opozorilo je končalo obdobje mirovanja." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/AlertStatusIcon.tsx:82 -msgid "Alert failed" -msgstr "Opozorilo ni uspelo" - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:214 -msgid "Alert fired during grace period." -msgstr "Opozorilo sproženo med obdobjem mirovanja." - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:194 -msgid "Alert found an error while executing a query." -msgstr "Opozorilo je našlo napako pri izvajanju poizvedbe." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1064 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1072 -msgid "Alert name" -msgstr "Naslov opozorila" - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:222 -msgid "Alert on grace period" -msgstr "Opozorilo v obdobju mirovanja" - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:190 -msgid "Alert query returned a non-number value." -msgstr "Opozorilna poizvedba je vrnila neštevilsko vrednost." - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:186 -msgid "Alert query returned more than one column." -msgstr "Opozorilna poizvedba je vrnila več kot en stolpec." - -#: superset/reports/commands/alert.py:105 +#: superset/sqllab/query_render.py:97 #, python-format -msgid "Alert query returned more than one column. %s columns returned" -msgstr "" -"Opozorilna poizvedba je vrnila več kot en stolpec. Število vrnjenih " -"stolpcev: %s" +msgid "The parameter %(parameters)s in your query is undefined." +msgid_plural "The following parameters in your query are undefined: %(parameters)s." +msgstr[0] "V vaši poizvedbi ni definiranih naslednjih parametrov: %(parameters)s." +msgstr[1] "V vaši poizvedbi ni definiranih naslednjih parametrov: %(parameters)s." +msgstr[2] "V vaši poizvedbi ni definiranih naslednjih parametrov: %(parameters)s." +msgstr[3] "V vaši poizvedbi ni definiranih naslednjih parametrov: %(parameters)s." -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:177 -msgid "Alert query returned more than one row." -msgstr "Opozorilna poizvedba je vrnila več kot eno vrstico." +#: superset/sqllab/query_render.py:118 +msgid "The query contains one or more malformed template parameters." +msgstr "Poizvedba vsebuje enega ali več parametrov predlog z napačno obliko." -#: superset/reports/commands/alert.py:96 -#, python-format -msgid "Alert query returned more than one row. %s rows returned" -msgstr "" -"Opozorilna poizvedba je vrnila več kot eno vrstico. Število vrnjenih " -"vrstic: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/AlertStatusIcon.tsx:75 -msgid "Alert running" -msgstr "Opozorilo aktivno" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/AlertStatusIcon.tsx:68 -msgid "Alert triggered, notification sent" -msgstr "Opozorilo sproženo, obvestilo poslano" - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:182 -msgid "Alert validator config error." -msgstr "Napaka nastavitev potrjevalnika opozoril." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:436 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:468 -msgid "Alerts" -msgstr "Opozorila" - -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:480 -msgid "Alerts & Reports" -msgstr "Opozorila in poročila" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:432 -msgid "Alerts & reports" -msgstr "Opozorila in poročila" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:127 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:427 -msgid "Align +/-" -msgstr "Poravnaj +/-" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:457 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:478 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:499 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:524 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:454 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:475 -msgid "All" -msgstr "Vsi" - -#: superset/annotation_layers/annotations/filters.py:28 -#: superset/annotation_layers/filters.py:30 superset/charts/filters.py:31 -#: superset/css_templates/filters.py:28 -#: superset/queries/saved_queries/filters.py:31 superset/reports/filters.py:28 -msgid "All Text" -msgstr "Celotno besedilo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/util/getFilterScopeNodesTree.js:85 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:122 -msgid "All charts" -msgstr "Vsi grafikoni" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/util/getFilterFieldNodesTree.js:44 -msgid "All filters" -msgstr "Vsi filtri" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/index.tsx:326 -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "All filters (%(filterCount)d)" -msgstr "Vsi filtri (${filterValues.length})" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FilterScope/state.ts:49 -msgid "All panels" -msgstr "Vsi paneli" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FilterScope/FilterScope.tsx:132 -msgid "All panels with this column will be affected by this filter" -msgstr "Ta filter bo vplival na vse panele s tem stolpcem" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:95 -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:187 -msgid "Allow CREATE TABLE AS" -msgstr "Dovoli CREATE TABLE AS" - -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:113 -msgid "Allow CREATE TABLE AS option in SQL Lab" -msgstr "Dovoli opcijo CREATE TABLE AS v SQL laboratoriju" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:109 -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:188 -msgid "Allow CREATE VIEW AS" -msgstr "Dovoli CREATE VIEW AS" - -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:114 -msgid "Allow CREATE VIEW AS option in SQL Lab" -msgstr "Dovoli opcijo CREATE VIEW AS v SQL laboratoriju" - -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:201 -msgid "Allow Csv Upload" -msgstr "Dovoli nalaganje CSV" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:142 -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:189 -msgid "Allow DML" -msgstr "Dovoli DML" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:158 -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:203 -msgid "Allow Multi Schema Metadata Fetch" -msgstr "Dovoli pridobivanje metapodatkov z več shemami" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:161 -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:170 +#: superset/sqllab/query_render.py:121 msgid "" -"Allow SQL Lab to fetch a list of all tables and all views across all " -"database schemas. For large data warehouse with thousands of tables, this" -" can be expensive and put strain on the system." +"Please check your query and confirm that all template parameters are surround by " +"double braces, for example, \"{{ ds }}\". Then, try running your query again." msgstr "" -"Dovoli SQL laboratoriju, da pridobi seznam vseh tabel in pogledov iz vseh" -" shem podatkovne baze. Pri velikih podatkovnih skladiščih s tisoči tabel " -"je to lahko potratno in obremeni sistem." +"V poizvedbi preverite, da so vsi parametri obdani z dvojnimi oklepaji, npr. " +"\"{{ ds }}\". Potem poskusite ponovno." -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:98 -msgid "Allow creation of new tables based on queries" -msgstr "Dovoli ustvarjanje novih tabel s poizvedbami" +#: superset/templates/appbuilder/navbar_right.html:35 +msgid "New" +msgstr "Nov" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:112 -msgid "Allow creation of new views based on queries" -msgstr "Dovoli ustvarjanje novih pogledov s poizvedbami" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1168 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:288 +#: superset/templates/appbuilder/navbar_right.html:38 +msgid "SQL Query" +msgstr "SQL poizvedba" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:256 -msgid "Allow data manipulation language" -msgstr "Dovoli jezik za manipulacijo podatkov (DML)" +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:419 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1320 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1323 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:289 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:650 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ChartTable.tsx:211 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/MenuRight.tsx:173 +#: superset/templates/appbuilder/navbar_right.html:39 +#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:85 superset/views/chart/views.py:104 +msgid "Chart" +msgstr "Grafikon" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:417 -msgid "Allow data upload" -msgstr "Dovoli nalaganje podatkov" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1319 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1340 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:603 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/DashboardTable.tsx:219 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/MenuRight.tsx:182 +#: superset/templates/appbuilder/navbar_right.html:40 +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:78 superset/views/dashboard/views.py:194 +msgid "Dashboard" +msgstr "Nadzorna plošča" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:145 -msgid "" -"Allow manipulation of the database using non-SELECT statements such as " -"UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, etc." -msgstr "" -"Dovoli manipulacije podatkovne baze z uporabo ne-SELECT stavkov, kot so " -"UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, itd." +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/MenuRight.tsx:362 +#: superset/templates/appbuilder/navbar_right.html:109 +msgid "Profile" +msgstr "Profil" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:216 -msgid "Allow multiple selections" -msgstr "Dovoli več izbir" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/MenuRight.tsx:367 +#: superset/templates/appbuilder/navbar_right.html:110 +msgid "Info" +msgstr "Informacije" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:189 -msgid "Allow node selections" -msgstr "Dovoli izbiro vozlišča" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/MenuRight.tsx:371 +#: superset/templates/appbuilder/navbar_right.html:111 +msgid "Logout" +msgstr "Odjava" -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/GroupBy/controlPanel.ts:64 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:82 -msgid "Allow selecting multiple values" -msgstr "Dovoli izbiro več vrednosti" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/MenuRight.tsx:434 +#: superset/templates/appbuilder/navbar_right.html:126 +msgid "Login" +msgstr "Prijava" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:192 -msgid "Allow this database to be explored" -msgstr "Dovoli raziskovanje te podatkovne baze" +#: superset/templates/appbuilder/general/widgets/base_list.html:55 +msgid "Record Count" +msgstr "Število zapisov" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:79 -msgid "Allow this database to be queried in SQL Lab" -msgstr "Dovoli poizvedbo na to podatkovno bazo v SQL laboratoriju" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/TableChart.tsx:166 +#: superset/templates/appbuilder/general/widgets/base_list.html:64 +msgid "No records found" +msgstr "Ni zapisov" -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:115 -msgid "" -"Allow users to run non-SELECT statements (UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, ...) in" -" SQL Lab" -msgstr "" -"Dovoli uporabnikom poganjanje ne-SELECT stavkov (UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, " -"...) v SQL laboratoriju" +#: superset/templates/appbuilder/general/widgets/search.html:24 +msgid "Filter List" +msgstr "Seznam filtrov" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:555 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:529 -msgid "Alphabetical" -msgstr "Po abecedi" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/TableChart.tsx:122 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QuerySearch/index.tsx:260 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTableControl/index.tsx:107 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:453 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:304 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:575 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:292 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:524 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:474 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:532 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:463 +#: superset/templates/appbuilder/general/widgets/search.html:40 +msgid "Search" +msgstr "Iskanje" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/index.ts:50 -msgid "" -"Also known as a box and whisker plot, this visualization compares the " -"distributions of a related metric across multiple groups. The box in the " -"middle emphasizes the mean, median, and inner 2 quartiles. The whiskers " -"around each box visualize the min, max, range, and outer 2 quartiles." -msgstr "" -"Znan tudi kot grafikon škatla z brki. prikaže primerjavo porazdelitev " -"povezanih mer v različnih skupinah. Škatla na sredini predstavlja " -"povprečje, mediano in notranja 2 kvartila. Brki na vsaki škatli " -"prikazujejo minimum, maksimum, območje in zunanja dva kvartila." +#: superset/templates/appbuilder/general/widgets/search.html:57 +msgid "Refresh" +msgstr "Osveži" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/AlteredSliceTag/index.jsx:182 -msgid "Altered" -msgstr "Spremenjeno" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:617 +#: superset/templates/superset/import_dashboards.html:21 +msgid "Import dashboards" +msgstr "Uvozi nadzorne plošče" -#: superset/common/query_context_processor.py:257 superset/viz.py:1415 -msgid "" -"An enclosed time range (both start and end) must be specified when using " -"a Time Comparison." -msgstr "" -"Pri časovni primerjavi mora biti določeno zaprto časovno obdobje (s časom" -" začetka in konca)." +#: superset/templates/superset/import_dashboards.html:26 +msgid "Import Dashboard(s)" +msgstr "Uvozi nadzorne plošče" -#: superset/databases/schemas.py:299 -msgid "" -"An engine must be specified when passing individual parameters to a " -"database." -msgstr "" -"Pri podajanju posameznih parametrov podatkovne baze mora biti podan njen " -"tip." +#: superset/templates/superset/import_dashboards.html:37 +msgid "File" +msgstr "Datoteka" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:623 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceModal.tsx:140 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:69 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/ColumnSelect.tsx:116 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/DatasetSelect.tsx:46 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:64 -msgid "An error has occurred" -msgstr "Prišlo je do napake" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:150 +#: superset/templates/superset/import_dashboards.html:47 +msgid "Choose File" +msgstr "Izberite datoteko" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ExploreCtasResultsButton/index.jsx:80 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/TableLoader/index.tsx:48 -#: superset-frontend/src/utils/getClientErrorObject.ts:135 -msgid "An error occurred" -msgstr "Prišlo je do napake" +#: superset/templates/superset/import_dashboards.html:63 +msgid "Upload" +msgstr "Naloži" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:347 -msgid "An error occurred saving dataset" -msgstr "Pri shranjevanju podatkovnega seta je prišlo do napake" +#: superset/templates/superset/request_access.html:20 +msgid "No Access!" +msgstr "Ni dostopa!" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QuerySearch/index.tsx:132 -msgid "An error occurred when refreshing queries" -msgstr "Pri osveževanju poizvedb je prišlo do napake" - -#: superset/key_value/commands/exceptions.py:33 -#, fuzzy -msgid "An error occurred while accessing the value." -msgstr "Pri ustvarjanju podatkovnega vira je prišlo do težave" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1165 -msgid "" -"An error occurred while collapsing the table schema. Please contact your " -"administrator." -msgstr "" -"Pri krčenju sheme tabele je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte " -"administratorja." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:301 +#: superset/templates/superset/request_access.html:25 #, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while creating %ss: %s" -msgstr "Napaka pri ustvarjanju %s: %s" +msgid "You do not have permissions to access the datasource(s): %(name)s." +msgstr "Nimate dovoljenj za dostop do podatkovnih virov: %(name)s." -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1313 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1335 -msgid "An error occurred while creating the data source" -msgstr "Pri ustvarjanju podatkovnega vira je prišlo do težave" +#: superset/templates/superset/request_access.html:31 +msgid "Request Permissions" +msgstr "Zahtevaj dovoljenja" -#: superset/key_value/commands/exceptions.py:29 -#, fuzzy -msgid "An error occurred while creating the value." -msgstr "Pri ustvarjanju podatkovnega vira je prišlo do težave" - -#: superset/key_value/commands/exceptions.py:37 -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while deleting the value." -msgstr "Pri pridobivanju vrednosti shem je prišlo do napake: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/reports/actions/reports.js:138 -msgid "An error occurred while editing this report." -msgstr "Pri urejanju tega poročila je prišlo do napake." - -#: superset-frontend/src/reports/actions/reports.js:120 -#, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while editing this report: %s" -msgstr "Pri urejanju tega poročila je prišlo do napake: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1141 -msgid "" -"An error occurred while expanding the table schema. Please contact your " -"administrator." -msgstr "" -"Pri širitvi sheme tabele je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte " -"administratorja." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:103 -#, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while fetching %s info: %s" -msgstr "Napaka pri pridobivanju informacij za %s: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:171 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:258 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:344 -#, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while fetching %ss: %s" -msgstr "Napaka pri pridobivanju informacij za %s: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:132 -msgid "An error occurred while fetching available CSS templates" -msgstr "Pri pridobivanju CSS predlog je prišlo do napake" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:484 -#, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while fetching chart created by values: %s" -msgstr "Pri pridobivanju polja Grafikon ustvaril je prišlo do napake: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:463 -#, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while fetching chart owners values: %s" -msgstr "Pri pridobivanju polja lastnik grafikona je prišlo do napake: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:392 -#, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while fetching created by values: %s" -msgstr "Pri pridobivanju vrednosti \"Ustvaril\" je prišlo do napake: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:481 -#, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while fetching dashboard created by values: %s" -msgstr "Pri pridobivanju polja Nadzorno ploščo ustvaril je prišlo do napake: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:460 -#, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while fetching dashboard owner values: %s" -msgstr "Pri pridobivanju polja lastnik nadzorne plošče je prišlo do napake: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/OmniContainer/getDashboards.ts:48 -msgid "An error occurred while fetching dashboards" -msgstr "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju nadzornih plošč" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:200 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/DashboardTable.tsx:127 -#, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while fetching dashboards: %s" -msgstr "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju nadzornih plošč: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:129 -#, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while fetching database related data: %s" -msgstr "Pri pridobivanju podatkov iz podatkovne baze je prišlo do napake: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:341 -#, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while fetching database values: %s" -msgstr "Pri pridobivanju vrednosti podatkovne baze je prišlo do napake: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:295 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:282 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:434 -#, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while fetching dataset datasource values: %s" -msgstr "" -"Pri pridobivanju vrednosti podatkovnega vira podatkovnega seta je prišlo " -"do napake: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:426 -#, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while fetching dataset owner values: %s" -msgstr "Pri pridobivanju polja lastnik podatkovnega seta je prišlo do napake: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:184 -msgid "An error occurred while fetching dataset related data" -msgstr "Napaka pri pridobivanju podatkov iz podatkovnega seta" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:204 -#, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while fetching dataset related data: %s" -msgstr "Napaka pri pridobivanju podatkov iz podatkovnega seta: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:445 -#, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while fetching datasets: %s" -msgstr "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju podatkovnih setov: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1356 -msgid "An error occurred while fetching function names." -msgstr "Pri pridobivanju imen funkcij je prišlo do napake." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:460 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:358 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:454 -#, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while fetching schema values: %s" -msgstr "Pri pridobivanju vrednosti shem je prišlo do napake: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:662 -msgid "An error occurred while fetching tab state" -msgstr "Pri pridobivanju stanja zavihka je prišlo do napake" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1027 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1052 -msgid "An error occurred while fetching table metadata" -msgstr "Pri pridobivanju metapodatkov tabele je prišlo do napake" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1093 -msgid "" -"An error occurred while fetching table metadata. Please contact your " -"administrator." -msgstr "" -"Pri pridobivanju metapodatkov tabele je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte " -"administratorja." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:375 -#, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while fetching user values: %s" -msgstr "Pri pridobivanju vrednosti uporabnika je prišlo do napake: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:698 -msgid "" -"An error occurred while hiding the left bar. Please contact your " -"administrator." -msgstr "" -"Pri skrivanju leve vrstice je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte " -"administratorja." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:438 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:451 -#, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while importing %s: %s" -msgstr "Napaka pri uvažanju %s: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/chart/chartAction.js:569 -msgid "An error occurred while loading the SQL" -msgstr "Pri nalaganju SQL je prišlo do napake" - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:242 -msgid "An error occurred while pruning logs " -msgstr "Pri krajšanju dnevnikov je prišlo do napake " - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:744 -msgid "An error occurred while removing query. Please contact your administrator." -msgstr "" -"Pri odstranjevanju poizvedbe je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte " -"administratorja." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:720 -msgid "An error occurred while removing tab. Please contact your administrator." -msgstr "" -"Pri odstranjevanju zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte " -"administratorja." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1188 -msgid "" -"An error occurred while removing the table schema. Please contact your " -"administrator." -msgstr "" -"Pri odstranjevanju sheme tabele je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte " -"administratorja." - -#: superset-frontend/src/chart/chartReducer.ts:94 -#, python-format -msgid "An error occurred while rendering the visualization: %s" -msgstr "Pri prikazovanju vizualizacije je prišlo do napake: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:575 -msgid "" -"An error occurred while setting the active tab. Please contact your " -"administrator." -msgstr "" -"Pri določanju aktivnega zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte " -"administratorja." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:825 -msgid "" -"An error occurred while setting the tab autorun. Please contact your " -"administrator." -msgstr "" -"Pri določanju samodejnega zagona zavihka je prišlo do napake. " -"Kontaktirajte administratorja." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:767 -msgid "" -"An error occurred while setting the tab database ID. Please contact your " -"administrator." -msgstr "" -"Pri določanju ID-ja v podatkovne baze za zavihek je prišlo do napake. " -"Kontaktirajte administratorja." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:792 -msgid "" -"An error occurred while setting the tab schema. Please contact your " -"administrator." -msgstr "" -"Pri določanju sheme zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte " -"administratorja." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:967 -msgid "" -"An error occurred while setting the tab template parameters. Please " -"contact your administrator." -msgstr "" -"Pri določanju parametrov predloge zavihka je prišlo do napake. " -"Kontaktirajte administratorja." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:850 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:941 -msgid "" -"An error occurred while setting the tab title. Please contact your " -"administrator." -msgstr "" -"Pri določanju naslova zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte " -"administratorja." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/actions/exploreActions.ts:95 -msgid "An error occurred while starring this chart" -msgstr "Pri ocenjevanju grafikona je prišlo do napake" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:232 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:258 -msgid "" -"An error occurred while storing the latest query id in the backend. " -"Please contact your administrator if this problem persists." -msgstr "" -"Pri shranjevanju zadnjega id-ja poizvedbe v sistem je prišlo do napake. " -"Če se težava ponavlja, kontaktirajte administratorja." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:908 -msgid "" -"An error occurred while storing your query in the backend. To avoid " -"losing your changes, please save your query using the \"Save Query\" " -"button." -msgstr "" -"Pri shranjevanju vaše poizvedbe v sistem je prišlo do napake. Da ne " -"izgubite sprememb, shranite poizvedbo z gumbom \"Shrani poizvedbo\"." - -#: superset/key_value/commands/exceptions.py:41 -#, fuzzy -msgid "An error occurred while updating the value." -msgstr "Pri ustvarjanju podatkovnega vira je prišlo do težave" - -#: superset/views/core.py:711 -msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please contact your Superset administrator" -msgstr "" -"Zgodila se je neznana napaka. Kontaktirajte svojega administratorja za " -"Superset" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:223 -msgid "Anchor to" -msgstr "Sidraj na" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:121 -msgid "Angle at which to end progress axis" -msgstr "Kot, pri katerem se konča os območja" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:111 -msgid "Angle at which to start progress axis" -msgstr "Kot, pri katerem se začne os območja" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:191 -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "Animacija" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:202 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:248 -msgid "Annotation" -msgstr "Oznaka" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:263 -msgid "Annotation Layer ${annotationLayerName}" -msgstr "Sloj z oznakami ${annotationLayerName}" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/annotationsAndLayers.tsx:35 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:124 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:271 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:229 superset/views/annotations.py:117 -msgid "Annotation Layers" -msgstr "Sloji z oznakami" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:465 -msgid "Annotation Slice Configuration" -msgstr "Nastavitve rezine z oznakami" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:758 -msgid "Annotation Source" -msgstr "Vir oznak" - -#: superset/annotation_layers/annotations/commands/exceptions.py:64 -msgid "Annotation could not be created." -msgstr "Oznake ni mogoče ustvariti." - -#: superset/annotation_layers/annotations/commands/exceptions.py:68 -msgid "Annotation could not be updated." -msgstr "Oznake ni mogoče posodobiti." - -#: superset/annotation_layers/annotations/commands/exceptions.py:72 -msgid "Annotation delete failed." -msgstr "Izbris oznake ni uspel." - -#: superset/views/annotations.py:47 -msgid "Annotation end time must be no earlier than start time." -msgstr "Končni čas oznake ne sem biti pred začetnim." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:265 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:322 -msgid "Annotation layer" -msgstr "Sloj z oznakami" - -#: superset/annotation_layers/commands/exceptions.py:37 -msgid "Annotation layer could not be created." -msgstr "Sloja z oznakami ni mogoče ustvariti." - -#: superset/annotation_layers/commands/exceptions.py:33 -msgid "Annotation layer could not be deleted." -msgstr "Sloja z oznakami ni mogoče izbrisati." - -#: superset/annotation_layers/commands/exceptions.py:41 -msgid "Annotation layer could not be updated." -msgstr "Sloja z oznakami ni mogoče posodobiti." - -#: superset/annotation_layers/commands/exceptions.py:49 -msgid "Annotation layer delete failed." -msgstr "Izbris sloja z oznakami ni uspel." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:517 -msgid "Annotation layer description columns" -msgstr "Stolpci z opisi slojev z oznakami" - -#: superset/annotation_layers/commands/exceptions.py:53 -#: superset/annotation_layers/commands/exceptions.py:57 -msgid "Annotation layer has associated annotations." -msgstr "Sloj z oznakami ima povezane oznake." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:492 -msgid "Annotation layer interval end" -msgstr "Konec intervala sloja z oznakami" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayerModal.tsx:247 -msgid "Annotation layer name" -msgstr "Ime sloja z oznakami" - -#: superset/annotation_layers/commands/exceptions.py:45 -msgid "Annotation layer not found." -msgstr "Sloja z oznakami ni mogoče najti." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:634 -msgid "Annotation layer opacity" -msgstr "Prosojnost sloja z oznakami" - -#: superset/annotation_layers/commands/exceptions.py:29 -msgid "Annotation layer parameters are invalid." -msgstr "Parametri sloja z oznakami so neveljavni." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:619 -msgid "Annotation layer stroke" -msgstr "Obroba sloja z oznakami" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:472 -msgid "Annotation layer time column" -msgstr "Časovni stolpec sloja z oznakami" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:506 -msgid "Annotation layer title column" -msgstr "Stolpec z naslovom sloja z oznakami" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:743 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:746 -msgid "Annotation layer type" -msgstr "Tip sloja z oznakami" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:403 -msgid "Annotation layer value" -msgstr "Vrednost sloja z oznakami" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:72 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:343 -msgid "Annotation layers" -msgstr "Sloji z oznakami" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeader/index.tsx:45 -msgid "Annotation layers are still loading." -msgstr "Sloj z oznakami se še vedno nalaga." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:292 -msgid "Annotation name" -msgstr "Ime oznake" - -#: superset/annotation_layers/annotations/commands/exceptions.py:56 -msgid "Annotation not found." -msgstr "Oznaka ni najdena." - -#: superset/annotation_layers/annotations/commands/exceptions.py:60 -msgid "Annotation parameters are invalid." -msgstr "Parametri oznak so neveljavni." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:755 -msgid "Annotation source type" -msgstr "Tip vira oznak" - -#: superset/views/annotations.py:58 -msgid "Annotations" -msgstr "Oznake" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/annotationsAndLayers.tsx:25 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:113 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:261 -msgid "Annotations and Layers" -msgstr "Oznake in sloji" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:91 -msgid "Annotations and layers" -msgstr "Oznake in sloji" - -#: superset/annotation_layers/annotations/commands/exceptions.py:52 -msgid "Annotations could not be deleted." -msgstr "Oznak ni mogoče izbrisati." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:441 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:535 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:438 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:496 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:509 -msgid "Any" -msgstr "Katerikoli" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:563 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:269 -msgid "Any additional detail to show in the certification tooltip." -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/ColorSchemeControlWrapper.jsx:56 -msgid "" -"Any color palette selected here will override the colors applied to this " -"dashboard's individual charts" -msgstr "" -"Na tem mestu izbrana barvna shema bo nadomestila barve posameznih " -"grafikonov v tej nadzorni plošči" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:702 -msgid "Any databases that allow connections via SQL Alchemy URIs can be added. " -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:716 -msgid "" -"Any databases that allow connections via SQL Alchemy URIs can be added. " -"Learn about how to connect a database driver " -msgstr "" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:147 superset/views/database/forms.py:300 -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:428 -msgid "Append" -msgstr "Dodaj" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/FiltersBadge/DetailsPanel/index.tsx:186 -#, python-format -msgid "Applied Cross Filters (%d)" -msgstr "Uporabljeni medsebojni filtri (%d)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/FiltersBadge/DetailsPanel/index.tsx:210 -#, python-format -msgid "Applied Filters (%d)" -msgstr "Uporabljeni filtri (%d)" - -#: superset/viz.py:237 -msgid "" -"Applied rolling window did not return any data. Please make sure the " -"source query satisfies the minimum periods defined in the rolling window." -msgstr "" -"Izbrano drseče okno ni vrnilo podatkov. Poskrbite, da izvorna poizvedba " -"ustreza minimalni periodi drsečega okna." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:458 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/Header/index.tsx:144 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:788 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:228 -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/FilterBox.jsx:433 -msgid "Apply" -msgstr "Uporabi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:321 -msgid "Apply conditional color formatting to metrics" -msgstr "Za mere uporabi pogojno oblikovanje z barvami" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:474 -msgid "Apply conditional color formatting to numeric columns" -msgstr "Za numerične stolpce uporabi pogojno oblikovanje z barvami" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:79 -msgid "Apply metrics on" -msgstr "Uporabi mero na" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FilterScope/FilterScope.tsx:123 -msgid "Apply to all panels" -msgstr "Uporabi za vse panele" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FilterScope/FilterScope.tsx:125 -msgid "Apply to specific panels" -msgstr "Uporabi za določene panele" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:69 -msgid "April" -msgstr "April" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/Footer/Footer.tsx:49 -msgid "Are you sure you want to cancel?" -msgstr "Ali želite prekiniti?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartCard.tsx:80 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:360 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardCard.tsx:108 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:358 -msgid "Are you sure you want to delete" -msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:286 -msgid "" -"Are you sure you want to delete " -"${annotationCurrentlyDeleting?.short_descr}?" -msgstr "" -"Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati " -"${annotationCurrentlyDeleting?.short_descr}?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:486 -#, python-format -msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected %s?" -msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane %s?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:301 -msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected annotations?" -msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane oznake?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:645 -msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected charts?" -msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane grafikone?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:612 -msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected dashboards?" -msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane nadzorne plošče?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:618 -msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected datasets?" -msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane podatkovne sete?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:366 -msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected layers?" -msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane sloje?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:500 -msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected queries?" -msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane poizvedbe?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:326 -msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected templates?" -msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane predloge?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:133 -msgid "Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "Ali želite nadaljevati?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceModal.tsx:173 -msgid "Are you sure you want to save and apply changes?" -msgstr "Ali resnično želite shraniti in uporabiti spremembe?" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:41 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:132 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:135 -msgid "Area Chart" -msgstr "Ploščinski grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:168 -msgid "Area chart" -msgstr "Ploščinski grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:131 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:146 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:149 -msgid "Area chart opacity" -msgstr "Prosojnost ploščinskega grafikona" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:238 -msgid "Arrow" -msgstr "Puščica" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:342 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:487 -msgid "Associated Charts" -msgstr "Povezani grafikoni" - -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:199 -msgid "Async Execution" -msgstr "Asinhrono izvajanje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:236 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:401 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:285 -msgid "Asynchronous query execution" -msgstr "Asinhroni zagon poizvedb" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:73 -msgid "August" -msgstr "Avgust" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:523 -msgid "Autocomplete" -msgstr "Samodokončaj" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:708 -msgid "Autocomplete filters" -msgstr "Samodokončaj filtre" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:715 -msgid "Autocomplete query predicate" -msgstr "Predikat za samodokončanje poizvedb" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:242 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:270 -msgid "Available sorting modes:" -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:200 -msgid "Axis" -msgstr "Os" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:36 -msgid "Axis ascending" -msgstr "Naraščajoča os" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:37 -msgid "Axis descending" -msgstr "Padajoča os" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:770 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:786 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Nazaj" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:227 -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:204 -msgid "Backend" -msgstr "Vrsta" - -#: superset/viz.py:2472 superset/viz.py:2508 -msgid "Bad spatial key" -msgstr "Neustrezen prostorski ključ" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:85 -msgid "Bar" -msgstr "Stolpec" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:38 -msgid "Bar Chart" -msgstr "Stolpčni grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:294 -msgid "Bar Values" -msgstr "Vrednosti stolpcev" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:227 -msgid "Base layer map style" -msgstr "Slog osnovnega sloja zemljevida" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FixedOrMetricControl/index.jsx:165 -msgid "Based on a metric" -msgstr "Osnovan na meri" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:50 -msgid "Based on granularity, number of time periods to compare against" -msgstr "Na osnovi granulacije, število časovnih obdobij za primerjavo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:686 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:263 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1034 -msgid "Basic" -msgstr "Osnovno" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:497 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:229 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:288 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayerModal.tsx:243 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplateModal.tsx:237 -msgid "Basic information" -msgstr "Osnovne informacije" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/filterscope/FilterScopeSelector.jsx:486 -#, python-format -msgid "Batch editing %d filters:" -msgstr "Skupinsko urejanje %d filtrov:" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/index.js:36 -msgid "Battery level over time" -msgstr "Napolnjenost baterije skozi čas" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1175 -msgid "Be careful." -msgstr "Bodite previdni." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:76 -msgid "Before" -msgstr "PRED" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:38 -#: superset/viz.py:1254 -msgid "Big Number" -msgstr "Velika številka" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/sharedControls.ts:28 -msgid "Big Number Font Size" -msgstr "Velikost pisave Velike številke" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/index.ts:34 -#: superset/viz.py:1220 -msgid "Big Number with Trendline" -msgstr "Velika številka s trendno krivuljo" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:290 -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "Spodaj" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:212 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:187 -msgid "Bottom Margin" -msgstr "Spodnji rob" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:224 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:191 -msgid "Bottom margin, in pixels, allowing for more room for axis labels" -msgstr "Spodnji rob, v pikslih, s katerim povečamo prostor za oznake osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:140 -msgid "Bottom to Top" -msgstr "Iz dna proti vrhu" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:241 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:257 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:357 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:272 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:235 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:215 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:232 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:288 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:291 -msgid "" -"Bounds for the Y-axis. When left empty, the bounds are dynamically " -"defined based on the min/max of the data. Note that this feature will " -"only expand the axis range. It won't narrow the data's extent." -msgstr "" -"Meje Y-osi. Če je prazno, se meje nastavijo dinamično na podlagi " -"min./max. vrednosti podatkov. Funkcija omeji le prikaz, obseg podatkov pa" -" ostane enak." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/BoxPlot/index.js:26 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/index.ts:54 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/createMetadata.ts:27 -msgid "Box Plot" -msgstr "Box Plot" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:133 -msgid "Breakdowns" -msgstr "Razčlenitev" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:237 -msgid "Broker Endpoint" -msgstr "Končna točka posrednika" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:233 -msgid "Broker Host" -msgstr "Gostitelj posrednika" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:236 -msgid "Broker Password" -msgstr "Geslo posrednika" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:234 -msgid "Broker Port" -msgstr "Vrata posrednika" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:235 -msgid "Broker Username" -msgstr "Uporabniško ime posrednika" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:30 -#: superset/viz.py:1139 -msgid "Bubble Chart" -msgstr "Mehurčkasti grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:127 -msgid "Bubble Color" -msgstr "Barva mehurčka" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:141 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:420 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:123 -msgid "Bubble Size" -msgstr "Velikost mehurčka" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:435 -msgid "Bubble size" -msgstr "Velikost mehurčka" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:362 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:212 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:277 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:597 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:262 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:572 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:495 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:169 -msgid "Bulk select" -msgstr "Izberi hkrati" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/index.js:30 -#: superset/viz.py:1190 -msgid "Bullet Chart" -msgstr "'Bullet' grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js:32 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:40 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js:35 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:41 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/index.js:31 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/index.ts:54 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/index.ts:45 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/index.ts:55 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:44 -msgid "Business" -msgstr "Aktivnost" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:233 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:139 -msgid "" -"By default, each filter loads at most 1000 choices at the initial page " -"load. Check this box if you have more than 1000 filter values and want to" -" enable dynamically searching that loads filter values as users type (may" -" add stress to your database)." -msgstr "" -"Privzeto vsak filter pri nalaganju začetne strani naloži največ 1000 " -"možnosti. Označite polje, če imate več kot 1000 vrednosti filtra in " -"želite omogočiti dinamično iskanje, ki nalaga vrednosti filtra ko " -"uporabnik tipka (to lahko preobremeni vašo podatkovno bazo)." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:272 -msgid "By key: use column names as sorting key" -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:244 -msgid "By key: use row names as sorting key" -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:245 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:273 -msgid "By value: use metric values as sorting key" -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/DateFilterLabel.tsx:334 -msgid "CANCEL" -msgstr "PREKINI" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:601 -msgid "CREATE TABLE AS" -msgstr "CREATE TABLE AS" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:614 -msgid "CREATE VIEW AS" -msgstr "CREATE VIEW AS" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TableElement/index.tsx:205 -msgid "CREATE VIEW statement" -msgstr "CREATE VIEW stavek" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/AlertReportCronScheduler.tsx:75 -msgid "CRON expression" -msgstr "Izraz CRON" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/CssEditor/index.jsx:104 -#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:88 -msgid "CSS" -msgstr "CSS" - -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:265 superset/views/css_templates.py:36 -msgid "CSS Templates" -msgstr "CSS predloge" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:249 -msgid "CSS template" -msgstr "CSS predloga" - -#: superset/css_templates/commands/exceptions.py:23 -msgid "CSS template could not be deleted." -msgstr "CSS predloge ni mogoče izbrisati." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplateModal.tsx:241 -msgid "CSS template name" -msgstr "Ime CSS predloge" - -#: superset/css_templates/commands/exceptions.py:27 -msgid "CSS template not found." -msgstr "CSS predloga ni najdena." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:71 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:240 -msgid "CSS templates" -msgstr "CSS predloge" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:101 -msgid "CSV File" -msgstr "CSV datoteka" - -#: superset/views/database/views.py:252 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"CSV file \"%(csv_filename)s\" uploaded to table \"%(table_name)s\" in " -"database \"%(db_name)s\"" -msgstr "" -"CSV datoteka \"%(csv_filename)s\" naložena v tabelo \"%(table_name)s\" v " -"podatkovni bazi \"%(db_name)s\"" - -#: superset/views/database/views.py:118 -msgid "CSV to Database configuration" -msgstr "Nastavitve pretvorbe CSV v podatkovno bazo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:271 -msgid "CSV upload" -msgstr "Nalaganje CSV" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:118 -msgid "CTAS & CVAS SCHEMA" -msgstr "CTAS & CVAS SHEMA" - -#: superset/sql_lab.py:405 -msgid "" -"CTAS (create table as select) can only be run with a query where the last" -" statement is a SELECT. Please make sure your query has a SELECT as its " -"last statement. Then, try running your query again." -msgstr "" -"CTAS (create table as select) lahko izvajate le v poizvedbah, kjer je " -"zadnji stavek SELECT. Poskrbite, da bo zadnji stavek v vaši poizvedbi " -"SELECT in poskusite ponovno zagnati poizvedbo." - -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:190 -msgid "CTAS Schema" -msgstr "CTAS shema" - -#: superset/sql_lab.py:422 -msgid "" -"CVAS (create view as select) can only be run with a query with a single " -"SELECT statement. Please make sure your query has only a SELECT " -"statement. Then, try running your query again." -msgstr "" -"CVAS (create view as select) lahko izvajate le v poizvedbah z enim SELECT" -" stavkom. Poskrbite, da bo v vaši poizvedbi le en SELECT stavek in " -"poskusite ponovno zagnati poizvedbo." - -#: superset/errors.py:123 -msgid "CVAS (create view as select) query has more than one statement." -msgstr "CVAS (create view as select) poizvedba ima več kot en stavek." - -#: superset/errors.py:124 -msgid "CVAS (create view as select) query is not a SELECT statement." -msgstr "CVAS (create view as select) poizvedba ni SELECT stavek." - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:239 -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:351 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:497 -#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:77 -msgid "Cache Timeout" -msgstr "Trajanje predpomnilnika" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:67 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:51 -msgid "Cache Timeout (seconds)" -msgstr "Trajanje predpomnilnika (sekunde)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:771 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:278 -msgid "Cache timeout" -msgstr "Časovna omejitev predpomnilnika" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:241 -#, python-format -msgid "Cached %s" -msgstr "Predpomnjeno %s" - -#: superset/viz.py:539 -msgid "Cached value not found" -msgstr "Predpomnjena vrednost ni najdena" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:76 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:73 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:70 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:76 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:77 -msgid "Calculate contribution per series or total" -msgstr "Izračunaj delež za podatkovno serijo ali skupnega" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:667 -#, python-format -msgid "Calculated column [%s] requires an expression" -msgstr "Izračunan stolpec [%s] zahteva izraz" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1241 -msgid "Calculated columns" -msgstr "Izračunani stolpci" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:121 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:334 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:217 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:469 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:232 -msgid "Calculation type" -msgstr "Tip izračuna" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js:30 -#: superset/viz.py:1048 -msgid "Calendar Heatmap" -msgstr "Koledarska barvna lestvica" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardLayout.js:211 -msgid "Can not move top level tab into nested tabs" -msgstr "Najvišjega zavihka ni mogoče premakniti v gnezdene zavihke" - -#: superset/views/core.py:2010 -#, python-format -msgid "Can't find DruidCluster with cluster_name = '%(name)s'" -msgstr "Ni mogoče najti DruidCluster s cluster_name = '%(name)s'" - -#: superset/views/core.py:1998 -#, python-format -msgid "Can't find User '%(name)s', please ask your admin to create one." -msgstr "" -"Uporabnika '%(name)s' ni mogoče najti. Prosite administratorja, da ga " -"ustvari." - -#: superset/viz.py:1778 -msgid "Can't have overlap between Series and Breakdowns" -msgstr "Ne sme imeti prekrivanja med podatkovnimi serijami in členitvami" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:173 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceModal.tsx:218 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Modal/Modal.tsx:240 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:259 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:179 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceModal.tsx:220 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Modal/Modal.tsx:253 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:214 #: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/CrossFilterScopingModal/CrossFilterScopingModal.tsx:80 #: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/FilterBoxMigrationModal.tsx:72 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:474 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:151 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/EditSection.tsx:137 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:513 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:153 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/EditSection.tsx:136 #: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/Footer.tsx:76 #: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/Footer/Footer.tsx:62 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:194 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:179 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:775 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:199 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:192 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:813 #: superset/templates/superset/request_access.html:34 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Prekliči" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:304 -msgid "Cancel query on window unload event" -msgstr "Prekini poizvedbo pri dogodku zaprtja okna (window unload event)" +#: superset/templates/superset/fab_overrides/list_with_checkboxes.html:82 +msgid "Use the edit button to change this field" +msgstr "Za spreminjanje tega polja uporabite gumb za urejanje" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/utils.ts:83 -msgid "Cannot create cyclic hierarchy" -msgstr "Ciklične hierarhije ni mogoče ustvariti" +#: superset/templates/superset/models/database/macros.html:22 +msgid "Test Connection" +msgstr "Preizkusi povezavo" -#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:109 -msgid "Cannot delete a database that has datasets attached" -msgstr "Podatkovne baze s povezanimi podatkovnimi viri ni mogoče izbrisati" +#: superset/temporary_cache/commands/exceptions.py:49 +msgid "Resource was not found." +msgstr "Vir ni bil najden." -#: superset/views/core.py:700 +#: superset/utils/core.py:881 +#, python-format +msgid "[Superset] Access to the datasource %(name)s was granted" +msgstr "[Superset] dostop do podatkovnega vira %(name)s je odobren" + +#: superset/utils/core.py:1068 +#, python-format +msgid "Unsupported clause type: %(clause)s" +msgstr "Nepodprt tip izraza: %(clause)s" + +#: superset/utils/core.py:1306 +msgid "Invalid metric object" +msgstr "Neveljaven objekt mere" + +#: superset/utils/date_parser.py:393 +#, python-format +msgid "Unable to find such a holiday: [%(holiday)s]" +msgstr "Ni mogoče najti takšnega praznika: [%(holiday)s]" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/boxplot.py:88 +msgid "" +"percentiles must be a list or tuple with two numeric values, of which the first " +"is lower than the second value" +msgstr "" +"percentili morajo biti tipa list ali tuple z vsaj dvema numeričnima vrednostma, " +"pri čemer je prva manjša od druge" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/compare.py:53 +msgid "`compare_columns` must have the same length as `source_columns`." +msgstr "`compare_columns` morajo imeti enako dolžino kot `source_columns`." + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/compare.py:57 +msgid "`compare_type` must be `difference`, `percentage` or `ratio`" +msgstr "`compare_type` mora biti `difference`, `percentage` ali `ratio`" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/contribution.py:59 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Column \"%(column)s\" is not numeric or does not exists in the query results." +msgstr "Stolpec \"%(column)s\" ni numeričen ali ne obstaja v rezultatu poizvedbe." + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/contribution.py:69 +msgid "`rename_columns` must have the same length as `columns`." +msgstr "`rename_columns` morajo imeti enako dolžino kot `columns`." + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/cum.py:55 +#, python-format +msgid "Invalid cumulative operator: %(operator)s" +msgstr "Neveljaven kumulativni operand: %(operator)s" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/geography.py:49 +msgid "Invalid geohash string" +msgstr "Neveljaven niz za geohash" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/geography.py:76 +msgid "Invalid longitude/latitude" +msgstr "Neveljavna zemljepisna dolžina/širina" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/geography.py:118 +msgid "Invalid geodetic string" +msgstr "Neveljaven geodetski niz" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/pivot.py:71 +msgid "Pivot operation requires at least one index" +msgstr "Vrtilna operacija zahteva vsaj en indeks" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/pivot.py:75 +msgid "Pivot operation must include at least one aggregate" +msgstr "Vrtilna operacija mora vsebovati vsaj en agregat" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/prophet.py:61 +msgid "`prophet` package not installed" +msgstr "Knjižnica `prophet` ni nameščena" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/prophet.py:114 +msgid "Time grain missing" +msgstr "Časovna granulacija manjka" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/prophet.py:117 +#, python-format +msgid "Unsupported time grain: %(time_grain)s" +msgstr "Nepodprta časovna granulacija: %(time_grain)s" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/prophet.py:126 +msgid "Periods must be a whole number" +msgstr "Periode morajo biti celo število" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/prophet.py:129 +msgid "Confidence interval must be between 0 and 1 (exclusive)" +msgstr "Interval zaupanja mora biti med 0 in 1 (odprt)" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/prophet.py:132 +msgid "DataFrame must include temporal column" +msgstr "DataFrame mora vsebovati časovni stolpec" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/prophet.py:134 +msgid "DataFrame include at least one series" +msgstr "DataFrame vsebuje vsaj eno serijo" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/rename.py:53 +msgid "Label already exists" +msgstr "Oznaka že obstaja" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/resample.py:43 +msgid "Resample operation requires DatetimeIndex" +msgstr "Prevzorčevalna operacija zahteva indeks tipa datumčas" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/resample.py:46 +msgid "Resample method should in " +msgstr "Metoda za prevzorčenje v Pandas mora " + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/rolling.py:67 +msgid "Undefined window for rolling operation" +msgstr "Nedefinirano okno za drsečo operacijo" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/rolling.py:69 +msgid "Window must be > 0" +msgstr "Okno mora biti > 0" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/rolling.py:84 +#, python-format +msgid "Invalid rolling_type: %(type)s" +msgstr "Neveljaven rolling_type: %(type)s" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/rolling.py:90 +#, python-format +msgid "Invalid options for %(rolling_type)s: %(options)s" +msgstr "Neveljavne možnosti za %(rolling_type)s: %(options)s" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/utils.py:141 +msgid "Referenced columns not available in DataFrame." +msgstr "Referencirani stolpci niso razpoložljivi v Dataframe-u." + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/utils.py:167 +#, python-format +msgid "Column referenced by aggregate is undefined: %(column)s" +msgstr "Stolpec referenciran z agregacijo ni definiran: %(column)s" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/utils.py:174 +#, python-format +msgid "Operator undefined for aggregator: %(name)s" +msgstr "Operand ni definiran za agregatorja: %(name)s" + +#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing/utils.py:186 +#, python-format +msgid "Invalid numpy function: %(operator)s" +msgstr "Neveljavna numpy funkcija: %(operator)s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:275 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:365 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/MenuRight.tsx:359 +#: superset/views/access_requests.py:41 superset/views/log/__init__.py:30 +#: superset/views/sql_lab.py:74 +msgid "User" +msgstr "Uporabnik" + +#: superset/views/access_requests.py:42 +msgid "User Roles" +msgstr "Vloge uporabnikov" + +#: superset/views/access_requests.py:43 +msgid "Database URL" +msgstr "URL podatkovne baze" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:177 +#: superset/views/access_requests.py:44 superset/views/chart/mixin.py:80 +msgid "Datasource" +msgstr "Podatkovni vir" + +#: superset/views/access_requests.py:45 +msgid "Roles to grant" +msgstr "Vloge za dovoljevanje" + +#: superset/views/access_requests.py:46 +msgid "Created On" +msgstr "Ustvarjeno" + +#: superset/views/annotations.py:39 +msgid "annotation start time or end time is required." +msgstr "začetni in končni čas oznake je obvezen." + +#: superset/views/annotations.py:46 +msgid "Annotation end time must be no earlier than start time." +msgstr "Končni čas oznake ne sem biti pred začetnim." + +#: superset/views/annotations.py:57 +msgid "Annotations" +msgstr "Oznake" + +#: superset/views/annotations.py:58 +msgid "Show Annotation" +msgstr "Prikaži oznako" + +#: superset/views/annotations.py:59 +msgid "Add Annotation" +msgstr "Dodaj oznako" + +#: superset/views/annotations.py:60 +msgid "Edit Annotation" +msgstr "Uredi oznako" + +#: superset/views/annotations.py:75 +msgid "Layer" +msgstr "Sloj" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/labelUtils.tsx:82 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/labelUtils.tsx:111 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ScheduleQueryButton/index.tsx:169 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:244 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:248 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1197 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:157 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:157 +#: superset/views/annotations.py:76 superset/views/sql_lab.py:73 +msgid "Label" +msgstr "Naziv" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:169 +#: superset/views/annotations.py:78 +msgid "Start" +msgstr "Začetek" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:178 +#: superset/views/annotations.py:79 +msgid "End" +msgstr "Konec" + +#: superset/views/annotations.py:80 superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:89 +msgid "JSON Metadata" +msgstr "JSON metapodatki" + +#: superset/views/annotations.py:114 +msgid "Show Annotation Layer" +msgstr "Prikaži sloj z oznakami" + +#: superset/views/annotations.py:115 +msgid "Add Annotation Layer" +msgstr "Dodaj sloj z oznakami" + +#: superset/views/annotations.py:116 +msgid "Edit Annotation Layer" +msgstr "Uredi sloj z oznakami" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:72 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:129 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:212 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:242 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:244 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:759 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:232 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:130 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:131 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:311 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:275 +#: superset/views/annotations.py:122 superset/views/chart/mixin.py:86 +msgid "Name" +msgstr "Ime" + +#: superset/views/base.py:257 +msgid "" +"Table [%{table}s] could not be found, please double check your database " +"connection, schema, and table name, error: {}" +msgstr "" +"Tabela [%{table}s] ni najdena. Preverite povezavo, shemo in ime tabele v " +"podatkovni bazi. Napaka: {}" + +#: superset/views/base.py:533 +msgid "json isn't valid" +msgstr "json ni veljaven" + +#: superset/views/base.py:544 +msgid "Export to YAML" +msgstr "Izvozi v YAML" + +#: superset/views/base.py:544 +msgid "Export to YAML?" +msgstr "Izvozim v YAML?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/FilterSetUnit.tsx:90 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:343 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:531 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:307 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:366 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartCard.tsx:104 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:397 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:696 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:336 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardCard.tsx:132 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:370 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:643 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:394 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:675 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:510 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:239 +#: superset/views/base.py:601 +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "Izbriši" + +#: superset/views/base.py:601 +msgid "Delete all Really?" +msgstr "Ali resnično vse izbrišem?" + +#: superset/views/base_api.py:135 +msgid "Is favorite" +msgstr "Je priljubljen" + +#: superset/views/core.py:189 +msgid "The data source seems to have been deleted" +msgstr "Zdi se, da je bil podatkovni vir izbrisan" + +#: superset/views/core.py:190 +msgid "The user seems to have been deleted" +msgstr "Zdi se, da je bil uporabnik izbrisan" + +#: superset/views/core.py:307 +msgid "Access was requested" +msgstr "Zahtevan je bil dostop" + +#: superset/views/core.py:363 +msgid "The access requests seem to have been deleted" +msgstr "Zdi se, da je bila zahteva za dostop izbrisana" + +#: superset/views/core.py:375 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"%(user)s was granted the role %(role)s that gives access to the %(datasource)s" +msgstr "" +"Uporabniku %(user)s je bila dodeljena vloga %(role)s, ki omogoča dostop do " +"%(datasource)s" + +#: superset/views/core.py:398 +#, python-format +msgid "Role %(r)s was extended to provide the access to the datasource %(ds)s" +msgstr "" +"Vloga %(r)s je bila razširjena za zagotovitev dostopa do podatkovnega vira %(ds)s" + +#: superset/views/core.py:415 +msgid "You have no permission to approve this request" +msgstr "Nimate dovoljenja za odobritev te zahteve" + +#: superset/views/core.py:633 superset/views/core.py:857 superset/views/core.py:863 +#: superset/views/core.py:1037 superset/views/core.py:1055 +msgid "You don't have the rights to " +msgstr "Nimate pravic za " + +#: superset/views/core.py:633 +msgid "download as csv" +msgstr "prenos kot csv" + +#: superset/views/core.py:713 #, python-format msgid "" "Cannot import dashboard: %(db_error)s.\n" @@ -2374,2912 +3116,1352 @@ msgstr "" "Nadzorne plošče ni mogoče uvoziti: %(db_error)s.\n" "Pred uvozom poskrbite za ustvarjenje podatkovne baze." -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterControls/FilterValue.tsx:242 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:944 -msgid "Cannot load filter" -msgstr "Filtra ni mogoče naložiti" - -#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:51 -#, python-format -msgid "Cannot parse time string [%(human_readable)s]" -msgstr "Ni mogoče razčleniti časovnega izraza [%(human_readable)s]" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/index.js:28 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js:38 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/index.js:42 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:41 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts:66 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/index.ts:41 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/index.ts:59 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts:42 -msgid "Categorical" -msgstr "Kategorični" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:129 -msgid "Categories to group by on the x-axis." -msgstr "Kategorije za združevanje po x-osi." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:602 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "Kategorija" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:87 -msgid "Category of target nodes" -msgstr "Kategorija ciljnih vozlišč" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:103 -msgid "Cell Padding" -msgstr "Razmak med celicami" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:117 -msgid "Cell Radius" -msgstr "Polmer celice" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:91 -msgid "Cell Size" -msgstr "Velikost celice" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:413 -msgid "Cell bars" -msgstr "Stolp. graf v celicah" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/FilterableTable/FilterableTable.tsx:319 -msgid "Cell content" -msgstr "Vsebina celice" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:112 -msgid "Center" -msgstr "Na sredino" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:533 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:252 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Certification" -msgstr "Podrobnosti certifikacije" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:270 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:275 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1079 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1085 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:553 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:555 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:263 -msgid "Certification details" -msgstr "Podrobnosti certifikacije" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:530 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:504 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Certified" -msgstr "Certificiral/a" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:259 -msgid "Certified By" -msgstr "Certificiral/a" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:264 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1066 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1074 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:538 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:540 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:254 -msgid "Certified by" -msgstr "Certificiral/a" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/CertifiedIconWithTooltip.tsx:46 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CertifiedIcon/index.tsx:42 -#, python-format -msgid "Certified by %s" -msgstr "Certificiral/a %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:253 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:195 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:267 -msgid "Change dataset" -msgstr "Spremeni podatkovni set" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:269 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Change order of columns." -msgstr "Vrstni red stolpcev" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:241 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Change order of rows." -msgstr "Vrstni red vrstic" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:354 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:489 -msgid "Changed By" -msgstr "Spremenil" - -#: superset/views/schedules.py:238 superset/views/schedules.py:318 -msgid "Changed On" -msgstr "Spremenjeno" - -#: superset/views/sql_lab.py:75 -msgid "Changed on" -msgstr "Spremenjen" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:50 -msgid "" -"Changing the dataset may break the chart if the chart relies on columns " -"or metadata that does not exist in the target dataset" +#: superset/views/core.py:724 +msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please contact your Superset administrator" msgstr "" -"Sprememba podatkovnega seta lahko pokvari grafikon, če se le-ta zanaša na" -" stolpce ali metapodatke, ki ne obstajajo v ciljnem podatkovnem nizu" +"Zgodila se je neznana napaka. Kontaktirajte svojega administratorja za Superset" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1176 -msgid "" -"Changing these settings will affect all charts using this dataset, " -"including charts owned by other people." +#: superset/views/core.py:766 +msgid "Error: permalink state not found" +msgstr "Napaka: stanje povezave ni najdeno" + +#: superset/views/core.py:769 superset/views/core.py:1980 +#, python-format +msgid "Error: %(msg)s" +msgstr "Napaka: %(msg)s" + +#: superset/views/core.py:783 +msgid "Form data not found in cache, reverting to chart metadata." msgstr "" -"Spreminjanje teh nastavitev bo vplivalo na vse grafikone, ki uporabljajo " -"ta podatkovni set, vključno z grafikoni v lasti drugih oseb." +"Podatkov ni mogoče najti v predpomnilniku. Uporabljeni bodo metapodatki grafikona." -#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:78 -msgid "Changing this Dashboard is forbidden" -msgstr "Spreminjanje te nadzorne plošče ni dovoljeno" +#: superset/views/core.py:789 +msgid "Form data not found in cache, reverting to dataset metadata." +msgstr "" +"Podatkov ni mogoče najti v predpomnilniku. Uporabljeni bodo metapodatki " +"podatkovnega seta." -#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:131 -msgid "Changing this chart is forbidden" -msgstr "Spreminjanje tega grafikona ni dovoljeno" +#: superset/views/core.py:817 +msgid "[Missing Dataset]" +msgstr "[Manjka podatkovni set]" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/ControlHeader.tsx:75 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:40 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:55 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:68 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:83 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:98 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlHeader.jsx:77 -msgid "Changing this control takes effect instantly" -msgstr "Sprememba tega kontrolnika se odrazi takoj" +#: superset/views/core.py:857 superset/views/core.py:1038 +msgid "alter this " +msgstr "spreminjanje tega " -#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:177 -msgid "Changing this dataset is forbidden" -msgstr "Spreminjanje tega podatkovnega seta ni dovoljeno" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:167 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:742 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ChartTable.tsx:84 +#: superset/views/core.py:857 superset/views/core.py:863 +msgid "chart" +msgstr "grafikona" -#: superset/datasets/columns/commands/exceptions.py:31 -#: superset/datasets/metrics/commands/exceptions.py:31 -msgid "Changing this dataset is forbidden." -msgstr "Spreminjanje tega podatkovnega seta ni dovoljeno." +#: superset/views/core.py:863 superset/views/core.py:1056 +msgid "create a " +msgstr "ustvarite " -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:238 -msgid "Changing this report is forbidden" -msgstr "Spreminjanje tega poročila ni dovoljeno" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:216 superset/views/database/forms.py:349 -msgid "Character to interpret as decimal point." -msgstr "Znak, ki bo prepoznan kot decimalno ločilo." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/controlPanel.ts:81 -msgid "Charge" -msgstr "Naboj" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/controlPanel.ts:95 -msgid "Charge in the force layout" -msgstr "Naboj v postavitvi sil" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Menu/MenuRight.tsx:39 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:387 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1297 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1300 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:261 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:607 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ChartTable.tsx:208 -#: superset/templates/appbuilder/navbar_right.html:39 -#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:85 superset/views/chart/views.py:108 -#: superset/views/schedules.py:316 -msgid "Chart" -msgstr "Grafikon" - -#: superset/views/core.py:1748 +#: superset/views/core.py:919 #, python-format -msgid "Chart %(id)s not found" -msgstr "Grafikon %(id)s ni najden" +msgid "Explore - %(table)s" +msgstr "Razišči - %(table)s" -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:195 -msgid "Chart Cache Timeout" -msgstr "Trajanje predpomnilnika grafikona" +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ExploreCtasResultsButton/index.tsx:90 +#: superset/views/core.py:921 +msgid "Explore" +msgstr "Raziskovanje" -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:453 -msgid "Chart Email Schedules" -msgstr "Urniki za e-pošto grafikonov" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:58 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:42 -msgid "Chart ID" -msgstr "ID grafikona" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:77 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts:49 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/controlPanel.ts:54 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/controlPanel.ts:48 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:75 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts:61 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:140 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:65 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/controlPanel.ts:36 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/controlPanel.ts:65 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:49 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/controlPanel.ts:53 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:139 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts:88 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/controlPanel.ts:42 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/controlPanel.ts:48 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/controlPanel.ts:77 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:31 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/controlPanel.ts:40 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:79 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/controlPanel.ts:35 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/controlPanel.ts:45 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:54 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:39 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/controlPanel.ts:81 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:69 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/controlPanel.tsx:73 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:75 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:279 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:72 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:83 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:103 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:100 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:80 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:97 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:103 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:104 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:61 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:35 -msgid "Chart Options" -msgstr "Možnosti grafikona" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/DatabaseErrorMessage.tsx:70 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/TimeoutErrorMessage.tsx:83 -#, python-format -msgid "Chart Owner: %s" -msgstr "Lastnik grafikona: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:27 -msgid "Chart Title" -msgstr "Naslov grafikona" - -#: superset/views/core.py:979 -msgid "Chart [{}] has been overwritten" -msgstr "Grafikon [{}] je bil prepisan" - -#: superset/views/core.py:975 +#: superset/views/core.py:1013 msgid "Chart [{}] has been saved" msgstr "Grafikon [{}] je bil shranjen" -#: superset/views/core.py:1006 +#: superset/views/core.py:1017 +msgid "Chart [{}] has been overwritten" +msgstr "Grafikon [{}] je bil prepisan" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:118 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:699 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/DashboardTable.tsx:80 +#: superset/views/core.py:1039 superset/views/core.py:1057 +msgid "dashboard" +msgstr "nadzorna plošča" + +#: superset/views/core.py:1044 msgid "Chart [{}] was added to dashboard [{}]" msgstr "Grafikon [{}] je bil dodan na nadzorno ploščo [{}]" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:216 -msgid "Chart cache timeout" -msgstr "Trajanje predpomnilnika grafikona" +#: superset/views/core.py:1066 +msgid "Dashboard [{}] just got created and chart [{}] was added to it" +msgstr "Nadzorna plošča [{}] je bila ravno ustvarjena in grafikon [{}] dodan nanjo" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/AlteredSliceTag/index.jsx:199 -msgid "Chart changes" -msgstr "Spremembe grafikona" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/FilterBoxChartPlugin.js:28 -#, fuzzy +#: superset/views/core.py:1292 msgid "" -"Chart component that lets you add a custom filter UI in your dashboard. " -"When added to dashboard, a filter box lets users specify specific values " -"or ranges to filter charts by. The charts that each filter box is applied" -" to can be fine tuned as well in the dashboard view.\n" -"\n" -" Note that this plugin is being replaced with the new Filters feature " -"that lives in the dashboard view itself. It's easier to use and has more " -"capabilities!" +"This dashboard was changed recently. Please reload dashboard to get latest " +"version." msgstr "" -"Komponenta grafikona, ki omogoča dodajanje vmesnika filtrov po meri v " -"nadzorno ploščo. Ko je dodana na nadzorno ploščo, lahko uporabnik določi " -"poljubne vrednosti ali obsege filtrov. Grafikoni, na katere se nanašajo " -"filtri, so lahko precizno izbrani tudi v pogledu nadzorne plošče.\r\n" -"\r\n" -" Vedite, da bo ta vtičnik v prihodnosti zamenjan z novim konceptom " -"filtrov, ki bodo živeli v kontekstu same nadzorne plošče in bodo " -"zmogljivejši ter enostavnejši za uporabo!" +"Nadzorna plošča je bila pred kratkim spremenjena. Ponovno jo naložite, da dobite " +"zadnjo verzijo." -#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:115 -msgid "Chart could not be created." -msgstr "Grafikona ni mogoče ustvariti." - -#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:123 -msgid "Chart could not be deleted." -msgstr "Grafikona ni mogoče izbrisati." - -#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:119 -msgid "Chart could not be updated." -msgstr "Grafikona ni mogoče posodobiti." - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:53 -msgid "Chart does not exist" -msgstr "Grafikon ne obstaja" - -#: superset/charts/data/api.py:125 -msgid "Chart has no query context saved. Please save the chart again." -msgstr "Grafikon nima shranjenega konteksta poizvedbe. Ponovno shranite grafikon." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:247 -msgid "Chart name" -msgstr "Ime grafikona" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:96 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:107 -msgid "Chart options" -msgstr "Možnosti grafikona" - -#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:111 -msgid "Chart parameters are invalid." -msgstr "Parametri grafikona so neveljavni." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:32 -msgid "Chart type" -msgstr "Tip grafikona" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/BuilderComponentPane.tsx:112 -#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/CreatedContent.tsx:76 -#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/Favorites.tsx:77 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:634 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/Welcome.tsx:306 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:246 superset/views/chart/mixin.py:26 -#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:81 -msgid "Charts" -msgstr "Grafikoni" - -#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:135 -msgid "Charts could not be deleted." -msgstr "Grafikonov ni mogoče izbrisati." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterControls/FilterValue.tsx:162 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:488 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:505 -msgid "Check configuration" -msgstr "Preveri nastavitve" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:206 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:68 -msgid "Check for sorting ascending" -msgstr "Označi za naraščajoče razvrščanje" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:113 -msgid "" -"Check if the Rose Chart should use segment area instead of segment radius" -" for proportioning" -msgstr "" -"Če želite, da grafikon \"Rose\" uporablja površino segmenta namesto " -"radija za proporcioniranje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/AnchorLink/index.jsx:85 -msgid "Check out this chart in dashboard:" -msgstr "Preizkusite ta grafikon v nadzorni plošči:" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:319 -msgid "Check out this chart: " -msgstr "Preizkusite ta grafikon: " - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:220 -msgid "Check out this dashboard: " -msgstr "Preizkusite to nadzorno ploščo: " - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:93 -msgid "" -"Check to apply filters instantly as they change instead of displaying " -"[Apply] button" -msgstr "" -"Izberite za takojšnjo uporabo filtrov, ko se spremenijo, brez " -"prikazovanja gumba Uveljavi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:219 -msgid "Check to force date partitions to have the same height" -msgstr "Če želite, da imajo datumske particije enako višino" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:35 -msgid "Check to include Druid granularity dropdown" -msgstr "Izberite za vključitev spustnega seznama za Druid granulacijo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:109 -msgid "Check to include SQL time grain dropdown" -msgstr "Izberite za vključitev spustnega seznama za časovno granulacijo SQL" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:123 -msgid "Check to include time column dropdown" -msgstr "Izberite za vključitev časovnega stolpca v spustni seznam" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:110 -msgid "Check to include time grain dropdown" -msgstr "Izberite za vključitev spustnega seznama za časovno granullacijo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:46 -msgid "Check to include time origin dropdown" -msgstr "Izberi za vključitev spustnega seznama za časovno izhodišče" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:173 -msgid "Child label position" -msgstr "Položaj podrejene oznake" - -#: superset/viz.py:2333 -msgid "Choice of [Label] must be present in [Group By]" -msgstr "Izbira [Oznaka] mora biti prisotna v [Združevanje]" - -#: superset/viz.py:2341 -msgid "Choice of [Point Radius] must be present in [Group By]" -msgstr "Izbran [Point Radius] mora biti prisoten v [Združevanje]" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:150 -#: superset/templates/superset/import_dashboards.html:47 -msgid "Choose File" -msgstr "Izberite datoteko" - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:80 -msgid "Choose a chart or dashboard not both" -msgstr "Izberite grafikon ali nadzorno ploščo, ne obojega" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:674 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Choose a database..." -msgstr "Izberite podatkovni set" - -#: superset-frontend/src/addSlice/AddSliceContainer.tsx:278 -#: superset-frontend/src/addSlice/AddSliceContainer.tsx:288 -msgid "Choose a dataset" -msgstr "Izberite podatkovni set" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/controlPanel.ts:69 -msgid "Choose a metric for left axis" -msgstr "Izberite mero za levo os" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:120 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:185 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:217 -msgid "Choose a metric for right axis" -msgstr "Izberite mero za desno os" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts:57 -msgid "Choose a number format" -msgstr "Izberite obliko zapisa števila" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts:63 -msgid "Choose a source" -msgstr "Izberite izvor" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/controlPanel.ts:105 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/controlPanel.ts:44 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/controlPanel.ts:34 -msgid "Choose a source and a target" -msgstr "Izberite izhodišče in cilj" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts:69 -msgid "Choose a target" -msgstr "Izberite cilj" - -#: superset-frontend/src/addSlice/AddSliceContainer.tsx:308 -msgid "Choose chart type" -msgstr "Izberite tip grafikona" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:100 -msgid "Choose one or more charts for left axis" -msgstr "Izberite enega ali več grafikonov za levo os" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:135 -msgid "Choose one or more charts for right axis" -msgstr "Izberite enega ali več grafikonov za desno os" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:745 -msgid "Choose the annotation layer type" -msgstr "Izberite tip sloja z oznakami" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:757 -msgid "Choose the source of your annotations" -msgstr "Izberite vir svojih oznak" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/index.js:34 -msgid "Chord Diagram" -msgstr "Tetivni grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/RangeFilterPlugin.tsx:281 -msgid "Chosen non-numeric column" -msgstr "Izbran ne-numeričen stolpec" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:218 -msgid "Circle" -msgstr "Krog" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:130 -msgid "Circle -> Arrow" -msgstr "Krog -> Puščica" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:131 -msgid "Circle -> Circle" -msgstr "Krog -> Krog" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:198 -msgid "Circle radar shape" -msgstr "Okrogla oblika radarja" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/index.js:37 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js:33 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:112 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/index.ts:40 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts:67 -msgid "Circular" -msgstr "Krožno" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/index.js:32 -msgid "Classic chart that visualizes how metrics change over time." -msgstr "Standardni grafikon za prikaz spreminjanje mere skozi čas." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:37 -msgid "" -"Classic row-by-column spreadsheet like view of a dataset. Use tables to " -"showcase a view into the underlying data or to show aggregated metrics." -msgstr "Standardna razpredelnica za prikaz podatkovnega seta." - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:369 -msgid "Clause" -msgstr "Stavek" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:53 -msgid "Clear" -msgstr "Počisti" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/Header/index.tsx:133 -msgid "Clear all" -msgstr "Počisti vse" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:997 -msgid "Click the lock to make changes." -msgstr "Kliknite ključavnico, da omogočite spreminjanje." - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1000 -msgid "Click the lock to prevent further changes." -msgstr "Kliknite ključavnico, da onemogočite spreminjanje." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1306 -msgid "" -"Click this link to switch to an alternate form that allows you to input " -"the SQLAlchemy URL for this database manually." -msgstr "" -"Kliknite to povezavo za drugo vnosno formo, ki omogoča ročni vnos " -"SQLAlchemy URL-ja za to podatkovno bazo." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1071 -msgid "" -"Click this link to switch to an alternate form that exposes only the " -"required fields needed to connect this database." -msgstr "" -"Kliknite to povezavo za drugo vnosno formo, ki prikaže samo zahtevana " -"polja za povezavo s podatkovno bazo." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/index.tsx:114 -msgid "Click to change visualization type" -msgstr "Kliknite za spremembo tipa vizualizacije" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeader/index.tsx:151 -msgid "Click to clear emitted filters" -msgstr "S klikom počistite oddane filtre" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/EditableTitle/index.tsx:197 -msgid "Click to edit" -msgstr "Kliknite za urejanje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/DndColumnSelectPopoverTitle.jsx:76 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Click to edit label" -msgstr "Kliknite za urejanje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/FaveStar/index.tsx:81 -msgid "Click to favorite/unfavorite" -msgstr "Kliknite za priljubljeno/nepriljubljeno" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CachedLabel/TooltipContent.tsx:39 -msgid "Click to force-refresh" -msgstr "Kliknite za prisilno osvežitev" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/AlteredSliceTag/index.jsx:177 -msgid "Click to see difference" -msgstr "Kliknite za prikaz razlike" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/ErrorAlert.tsx:192 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/filterscope/FilterScopeSelector.jsx:523 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:307 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopover/index.jsx:247 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:476 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/TimeSeriesColumnControl/index.jsx:337 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Zapri" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:360 -msgid "Close all other tabs" -msgstr "Zapri vse ostale zavihke" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:339 -msgid "Close tab" -msgstr "Zapri zavihek" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:344 -msgid "Cluster" -msgstr "Gruča" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:232 -msgid "Cluster Name" -msgstr "Ime gruče" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:171 -msgid "Cluster label aggregator" -msgstr "Agregator za oznako gruče" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:74 -msgid "Clustering Radius" -msgstr "Radij gručenja" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/Separator.js:25 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/Separator.js:46 -msgid "Code" -msgstr "Koda" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/filterscope/treeIcons.jsx:39 -msgid "Collapse all" -msgstr "Skrči vse" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditorLeftBar/index.jsx:152 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Collapse table preview" -msgstr "Odstrani predogled tabele" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:648 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "Barva" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:137 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:439 -msgid "Color +/-" -msgstr "Barva +/-" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:159 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:206 -msgid "Color Metric" -msgstr "Mera za barvo" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:108 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:474 -msgid "Color Scheme" -msgstr "Barvna shema" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:129 -msgid "Color Steps" -msgstr "Barvni koraki" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:235 -msgid "Color metric" -msgstr "P" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ColorSchemeControl/index.jsx:50 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:214 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:218 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:79 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:480 -msgid "Color scheme" -msgstr "Barvna shema" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:172 -msgid "" -"Color will be rendered based on a ratio of the cell against the sum of " -"across this criteria" -msgstr "" -"Barva bo prikazana na osnovi razmerja med celico in vsoto glede na ta " -"kriterij" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:374 -msgid "Colors" -msgstr "Barve" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:283 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/new/NewColumn.jsx:31 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/getControlItemsMap.tsx:109 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:204 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:227 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:137 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:140 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/SpatialControl.jsx:194 -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:91 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:143 -msgid "Column" -msgstr "Stolpec" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:712 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Column \"%(column)s\" is not numeric or does not exists in the query " -"results." -msgstr "Stolpec \"%(column)s\" ni numeričen ali ne obstaja v rezultatu poizvedbe." - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:224 superset/views/database/forms.py:357 -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:445 -msgid "Column Label(s)" -msgstr "Naslovi stolpcev" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/controlPanel.ts:79 -msgid "" -"Column containing ISO 3166-2 codes of region/province/department in your " -"table." -msgstr "" -"Stolpec, ki vsebuje ISO 3166-2 oznake regij/provinc/departmajev v vaši " -"tabeli." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:64 -msgid "Column containing latitude data" -msgstr "Stolpec s podatki zemljepisne širine" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:54 -msgid "Column containing longitude data" -msgstr "Stolpec s podatki zemljepisne dolžine" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/getControlItemsMap.tsx:115 -msgid "Column is required" -msgstr "Zahtevan je stolpec" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:225 superset/views/database/forms.py:358 -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:446 -msgid "" -"Column label for index column(s). If None is given and Dataframe Index is" -" True, Index Names are used." -msgstr "" -"Naslovi stolpcev za indeksne stolpce. Če le-ti niso podani in indeksi " -"Dataframe-a obstajajo, se uporabijo imena indeksov." - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:652 -#, python-format -msgid "Column name [%s] is duplicated" -msgstr "Ime stolpca [%s] je podvojeno" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ExploreResultsButton/index.jsx:139 -msgid "Column name(s) " -msgstr "Imena stolpcev " - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:168 -#, python-format -msgid "Column referenced by aggregate is undefined: %(column)s" -msgstr "Stolpec referenciran z agregacijo ni definiran: %(column)s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/ColumnSelect.tsx:130 -msgid "Column select" -msgstr "Izbira stolpca" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:163 superset/views/database/forms.py:316 -msgid "" -"Column to use as the row labels of the dataframe. Leave empty if no index" -" column." -msgstr "" -"Stolpec, ki se uporabi za naslove vrstic v dataframe-u. Pustite prazno, " -"če ni indeksnega stolpca." - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:385 -msgid "Columnar File" -msgstr "Stoplčna datoteka" - -#: superset/views/database/views.py:550 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Columnar file \"%(columnar_filename)s\" uploaded to table " -"\"%(table_name)s\" in database \"%(db_name)s\"" -msgstr "" -"Stolpčna datoteka \"%(columnar_filename)s\" naložena v tabelo " -"\"%(table_name)s\" v podatkovni bazi \"%(db_name)s\"" - -#: superset/views/database/views.py:414 -msgid "Columnar to Database configuration" -msgstr "Nastavitve pretvorbe Stolpci v Podatkovno bazo" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:55 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:214 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:36 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:59 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:82 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:101 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:124 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1207 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:334 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:245 -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:70 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:63 -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "Stolpci" - -#: superset/common/query_context_processor.py:114 superset/viz.py:554 -#, python-format -msgid "Columns missing in datasource: %(invalid_columns)s" -msgstr "V podatkovnem viru manjkajo stolpci: %(invalid_columns)s" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:302 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Columns subtotal position" -msgstr "Položaj vsot stolpcev" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:134 -msgid "" -"Columns to calculate distribution across. Defaults to temporal column if " -"left empty." -msgstr "" -"Stolpci za izračun porazdelitve. Privzeto je izbran časovni stolpec (če " -"je prazno)." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:44 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:45 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:54 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:102 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:125 -msgid "Columns to display" -msgstr "Stolpci za prikaz" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:43 -msgid "Columns to group by" -msgstr "Stolpci za združevanje" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:60 -msgid "Columns to group by on the columns" -msgstr "Stolpci za združevanje stolpcev" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:50 -msgid "Columns to group by on the rows" -msgstr "Stolpci za združevanje vrstic" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:96 -msgid "Combine Metrics" -msgstr "Združuj mere" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:185 -msgid "Combine metrics" -msgstr "Združuj mere" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:301 -msgid "" -"Comma-separated color picks for the intervals, e.g. 1,2,4. Integers " -"denote colors from the chosen color scheme and are 1-indexed. Length must" -" be matching that of interval bounds." -msgstr "" -"Z vejico ločene barve za intervale, npr. 1,2,4. Cela števila " -"predstavljajo barve iz barvne sheme (začnejo se z 1). Dolžina mora " -"ustrezati mejam intervala." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:287 -msgid "" -"Comma-separated interval bounds, e.g. 2,4,5 for intervals 0-2, 2-4 and " -"4-5. Last number should match the value provided for MAX." -msgstr "" -"Z vejico ločeni intervali, npr. 2,4,5 za intervale 0-2, 2-4 in 4-5. " -"Zadnja številka naj bo enaka vrednosti za MAX." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:312 -msgid "Comparator option" -msgstr "Možnosti komparatorja" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/TimeTableChartPlugin.ts:26 -msgid "" -"Compare multiple time series charts (as sparklines) and related metrics " -"quickly." -msgstr "" -"Hitra primerjava več grafikonov časovnih vrst (sparkline način) in " -"povezanih mer." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/index.js:26 -msgid "Compare the same summarized metric across multiple groups." -msgstr "Primerja isto mero med različnimi skupinami." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/index.js:28 -msgid "" -"Compares how a metric changes over time between different groups. Each " -"group is mapped to a row and change over time is visualized bar lengths " -"and color." -msgstr "" -"Primerja kako se mera spreminja s časom med različnimi skupinami. Vsaka " -"skupina predstavlja eno vrstico, časovne spremembe pa so prikazane z " -"dolžino stolpcev in barvami." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:30 -msgid "" -"Compares metrics from different categories using bars. Bar lengths are " -"used to indicate the magnitude of each value and color is used to " -"differentiate groups." -msgstr "" -"Primerjava mer različnih kategorij s pomočjo stolpcev. Dolžina stolpca " -"prestavlja višino vrednosti, z barvami pa so ločene skupine." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/index.ts:26 -msgid "" -"Compares the lengths of time different activities take in a shared " -"timeline view." -msgstr "Primerja dolžine časovno različnih aktivnosti na skupni časovnici." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js:33 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js:33 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/index.js:38 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/index.js:28 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:37 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:45 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:34 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:36 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:42 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js:35 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/index.ts:46 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/index.ts:41 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts:68 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/index.ts:56 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/index.ts:60 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts:43 -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/TimeTableChartPlugin.ts:31 -msgid "Comparison" -msgstr "Primerjava" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:48 -msgid "Comparison Period Lag" -msgstr "Zaostanek obdobja za primerjavo" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:61 -msgid "Comparison suffix" -msgstr "Pripona za primerjavo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/BuilderComponentPane.tsx:102 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "Komponente" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts:53 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:56 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:59 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:57 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:72 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:367 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:136 -msgid "Compute the contribution to the total" -msgstr "Izračunaj prispevek k celoti" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1173 -msgid "Condition" -msgstr "Pogoj" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:320 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:473 -msgid "Conditional formatting" -msgstr "Pogojno oblikovanje" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/forecastInterval.tsx:70 -msgid "Confidence interval" -msgstr "Interval zaupanja" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:827 -msgid "Confidence interval must be between 0 and 1 (exclusive)" -msgstr "Interval zaupanja mora biti med 0 in 1 (odprt)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:252 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:276 -msgid "Configuration" -msgstr "Nastavitve" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/AdvancedFrame.tsx:58 -msgid "Configure Advanced Time Range " -msgstr "Nastavi napredno časovno obdobje " - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CommonFrame.tsx:41 -msgid "Configure Time Range: Last..." -msgstr "Nastavi časovno obdobje: Zadnji ..." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CalendarFrame.tsx:46 -msgid "Configure Time Range: Previous..." -msgstr "Nastavi časovno obdobje: Prejšnji ..." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:111 -msgid "Configure custom time range" -msgstr "Nastavi prilagojeno časovno obdobje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/filterscope/FilterScopeSelector.jsx:500 -msgid "Configure filter scopes" -msgstr "Nastavi doseg filtrov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:718 -msgid "Configure the basics of your Annotation Layer." -msgstr "Osnovne nastavitve sloja z oznakami." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:616 -msgid "Configure your how you overlay is displayed here." -msgstr "Nastavite kako se tukaj prikazuje vrhnja plast." - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceModal.tsx:179 -msgid "Confirm save" -msgstr "Potrdite shranjevanje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:777 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1006 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1193 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "Poveži" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/TableCatalog.tsx:41 -msgid "Connect Google Sheets as tables to this database" -msgstr "Googlove preglednice poveži s to podatkovno bazo kot tabele" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1011 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1197 -msgid "Connect a database" -msgstr "Poveži se s podatkovno bazo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1068 -msgid "Connect this database using the dynamic form instead" -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1301 -msgid "Connect this database with a SQLAlchemy URI string instead" -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:224 -msgid "Connection" -msgstr "Povezava" - -#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:105 -#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:122 superset/views/core.py:1383 -msgid "Connection failed, please check your connection settings" -msgstr "Povezava neuspešna. Preverite nastavitve povezave" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:625 -msgid "Connection looks good!" -msgstr "Povezava izgleda v redu!" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:46 -msgid "Continuous" -msgstr "Zvezno" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts:51 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:54 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:57 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:55 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:70 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:365 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:134 -msgid "Contribution" -msgstr "Prispevek" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:69 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:66 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:63 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:69 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:70 -msgid "Contribution Mode" -msgstr "Način deležev" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreViewContainer.jsx:430 -msgid "Control labeled " -msgstr "Nastavitev " - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreViewContainer.jsx:430 -msgid "Controls labeled " -msgstr "Kontrolniki imenovani " - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/index.js:31 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/index.ts:57 -msgid "Coordinates" -msgstr "Koordinate" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CopyToClipboard/index.jsx:75 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/menu/ShareMenuItems/index.tsx:53 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreActionButtons.tsx:113 -msgid "Copied to clipboard!" -msgstr "Kopirano na odložišče!" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTableControl/index.tsx:48 -msgid "Copy" -msgstr "Kopiraj" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TableElement/index.tsx:192 -msgid "Copy SELECT statement to the clipboard" -msgstr "Kopiraj stavek SELECT na odložišče" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:106 -msgid "Copy and Paste JSON credentials" -msgstr "Kopiraj in prilepi JSON prijavne podatke" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:124 -msgid "Copy and paste the entire service account .json file here" -msgstr "Tukaj kopirajte in prilepite celotno json datoteko servisnega računa" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:316 -msgid "Copy chart URL" -msgstr "Kopiraj URL grafikona" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreActionButtons.tsx:103 -msgid "Copy chart URL to clipboard" -msgstr "Kopiraj URL grafikona na odložišče" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:263 -msgid "Copy dashboard URL" -msgstr "Kopiraj URL nadzorne plošče" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ShareSqlLabQuery/index.tsx:98 -msgid "Copy link" -msgstr "Kopiraj povezavo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/ErrorAlert.tsx:184 -msgid "Copy message" -msgstr "Kopiraj sporočilo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:548 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/reducers/sqlLab.js:74 -#, python-format -msgid "Copy of %s" -msgstr "Kopija %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TableElement/index.tsx:103 -msgid "Copy partition query to clipboard" -msgstr "Kopiraj particijsko poizvedbo na odložišče" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:390 -msgid "Copy query URL" -msgstr "Kopiraj URL poizvedbe" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ShareSqlLabQuery/index.tsx:88 -msgid "Copy query link to your clipboard" -msgstr "Kopiraj povezavo do poizvedbe v odložišče" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/ValidatedInputField.tsx:26 -msgid "Copy the account name of that database you are trying to connect to." -msgstr "Kopirajte ime računa podatkovne baze, s katero se skušate povezati." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:91 -msgid "Copy the name of the database you are trying to connect to." -msgstr "Kopirajte ime podatkovne baze, s katero se skušate povezati." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:552 -msgid "Copy to Clipboard" -msgstr "Kopiraj na odložišče" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CopyToClipboard/index.jsx:43 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/URLShortLinkButton/index.jsx:65 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/EmbedCodeButton.jsx:106 -msgid "Copy to clipboard" -msgstr "Kopiraj na odložišče" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js:25 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:28 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/index.js:25 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:25 -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "Korelacija" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/EstimateQueryCostButton/index.tsx:95 -msgid "Cost estimate" -msgstr "Ocena potratnosti" - -#: superset/views/utils.py:547 -msgid "Could not determine datasource type" -msgstr "Ni mogoče določiti tipa podatkovnega vira" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/sliceEntities.js:116 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/reducers/sliceEntities.js:65 -msgid "Could not fetch all saved charts" -msgstr "Vseh shranjenih grafikonov ni bilo mogoče pridobiti" - -#: superset/views/utils.py:563 -msgid "Could not find viz object" -msgstr "Ni mogoče najti vizualizacijskega objekta" - -#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:130 -msgid "Could not load database driver" -msgstr "Ni mogoče naložiti gonilnika podatkovne baze" - -#: superset/views/core.py:1366 +#: superset/views/core.py:1386 #, python-format msgid "Could not load database driver: %(driver_name)s" msgstr "Gonilnika podatkovne baze ni mogoče naložiti: %(driver_name)s" -#: superset/databases/commands/test_connection.py:99 -msgid "Could not load database driver: {}" -msgstr "Ni mogoče naložiti gonilnika podatkovne baze: {}" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:97 -msgid "Could not verify the host" +#: superset/views/core.py:1395 +msgid "" +"Invalid connection string, a valid string usually follows:\n" +"'DRIVER://USER:PASSWORD@DB-HOST/DATABASE-NAME'" msgstr "" +"Neveljaven niz povezave, veljaven niz običajno sledi:\n" +"'DRIVER://USER:PASSWORD@DB-HOST/DATABASE-NAME'" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/controlPanel.ts:40 -msgid "Country" -msgstr "Država" +#: superset/views/core.py:1788 +msgid "Malformed request. slice_id or table_name and db_name arguments are expected" +msgstr "" +"Deformirana zahteva. Pričakovani so argumenti slice_id ali table_name in db_name" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:130 -msgid "Country Color Scheme" -msgstr "Barvna shema držav" +#: superset/views/core.py:1798 +#, python-format +msgid "Chart %(id)s not found" +msgstr "Grafikon %(id)s ni najden" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:115 -msgid "Country Column" -msgstr "Stolpec z državami" +#: superset/views/core.py:1811 +#, python-format +msgid "Table %(table)s wasn't found in the database %(db)s" +msgstr "Tabela %(table)s ni bila najdena v podatkovni bazi %(db)s" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:39 -msgid "Country Field Type" -msgstr "Tip polja za države" +#: superset/views/core.py:1983 +msgid "permalink state not found" +msgstr "stanje povezave ni najdeno" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js:30 -#: superset/viz.py:2007 -msgid "Country Map" -msgstr "Zemljevid držav" +#: superset/views/core.py:2053 +msgid "" +"One or more required fields are missing in the request. Please try again, and if " +"the problem persists conctact your administrator." +msgstr "" +"Eno ali več zahtevanih polj manjka v zahtevi. Poskusite znova, če težava ostane, " +"kontaktirajte administratorja." -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/Footer.tsx:96 -msgid "Create" -msgstr "Ustvari" +#: superset/views/core.py:2063 +msgid "The database was not found." +msgstr "Podatkovna baza ni bila najdena." -#: superset-frontend/src/addSlice/AddSliceContainer.tsx:275 -msgid "Create a new chart" -msgstr "Ustvari nov grafikon" +#: superset/views/core.py:2193 +msgid "" +"Data could not be retrieved from the results backend. You need to re-run the " +"original query." +msgstr "" +"Podatkov ni bilo mogoče pridobiti iz zalednega sistema rezultatov. Ponovno morate " +"zagnati izvorno poizvedbo." -#: superset-frontend/src/addSlice/AddSliceContainer.tsx:330 -msgid "Create new chart" -msgstr "Ustvari nov grafikon" +#: superset/views/core.py:2207 +msgid "" +"The query associated with these results could not be find. You need to re-run the " +"original query." +msgstr "" +"Poizvedbe, povezane s temi rezultati, ni bilo mogoče najti. Ponovno morate " +"zagnati izvorno poizvedbo." -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/Footer.tsx:111 -msgid "Create new filter set" -msgstr "Ustvarite nov set filtrov" +#: superset/views/core.py:2222 +msgid "" +"You are not authorized to see this query. If you think this is an error, please " +"reach out to your administrator." +msgstr "" +"Nimate dovoljenja za ogled te poizvedbe. Če menite, da je to napaka, " +"kontaktirajte administratorja." -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:124 -msgid "Create or select schema..." -msgstr "Ustvarite ali izberite shemo..." +#: superset/views/core.py:2240 +msgid "" +"Data could not be deserialized from the results backend. The storage format might " +"have changed, rendering the old data stake. You need to re-run the original query." +msgstr "" +"Podatkov ni bilo mogoče deserializirati iz zalednega sistema rezultatov. Lahko je " +"prišlo do spremembe oblike zapisa. Ponovno zaženite izvorno poizvedbo." -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ActivityTable.tsx:169 -msgid "Created" -msgstr "Ustvarjene" +#: superset/views/core.py:2257 +msgid "The provided `rows` argument is not a valid integer." +msgstr "Podani argument `rows` ni veljavno celo število." -#: superset/views/access_requests.py:46 superset/views/schedules.py:237 -#: superset/views/schedules.py:317 -msgid "Created On" -msgstr "Ustvarjeno" +#: superset/views/core.py:2706 +#, python-format +msgid "%(user)s's profile" +msgstr "Profil uporabnika: %(user)s" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:383 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:212 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:286 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:333 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:474 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:192 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:273 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:323 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:471 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:292 -msgid "Created by" -msgstr "Ustvaril" +#: superset/views/css_templates.py:36 +msgid "Show CSS Template" +msgstr "Prikaži CSS predlogo" -#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/App.tsx:62 -msgid "Created content" -msgstr "Ustvarjena vsebina" +#: superset/views/css_templates.py:37 +msgid "Add CSS Template" +msgstr "Dodaj CSS predlogo" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:205 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:184 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:349 -msgid "Created on" -msgstr "Ustvarjeno" +#: superset/views/css_templates.py:38 +msgid "Edit CSS Template" +msgstr "Uredi CSS predlogo" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ExploreCtasResultsButton/index.jsx:72 -msgid "Creating a data source and creating a new tab" -msgstr "Ustvarjanje podatkovnega vira in novega zavihka" +#: superset/views/css_templates.py:43 +msgid "Template Name" +msgstr "Ime predloge" -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:370 superset/views/chart/mixin.py:78 -#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:85 superset/views/dashboard/views.py:157 -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:192 -msgid "Creator" -msgstr "Avtor" +#: superset/views/dynamic_plugins.py:47 +msgid "A human-friendly name" +msgstr "Človeku prijazno ime" -#: superset/views/schedules.py:241 superset/views/schedules.py:321 -msgid "Crontab" -msgstr "Crontab" +#: superset/views/dynamic_plugins.py:48 +msgid "" +"Used internally to identify the plugin. Should be set to the package name from " +"the pluginʼs package.json" +msgstr "" +"Uporablja se za interno identifikacijo vtičnika. Naj bo nastavljeno na ime paketa " +"v vtičnikovem package.json" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/CrossFilterScopingModal/CrossFilterScopingModal.tsx:65 -msgid "Cross Filter Scoping" -msgstr "Doseg medsebojnega filtra" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:349 -msgid "Cross-filter scoping" -msgstr "Doseg medsebojnega filtra" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:153 -msgid "Cumulative" -msgstr "Kumulativno" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:33 -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Prilagojen" - -#: superset/views/dynamic_plugins.py:59 -msgid "Custom Plugin" -msgstr "Prilagojeni vtičnik" +#: superset/views/dynamic_plugins.py:52 +msgid "" +"A full URL pointing to the location of the built plugin (could be hosted on a CDN " +"for example)" +msgstr "" +"Celoten URL, ki kaže na lokacijo zgrajenega vtičnika (lahko gostuje npr. na CDN)" #: superset/views/dynamic_plugins.py:58 msgid "Custom Plugins" msgstr "Prilagojeni vtičniki" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:283 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopover/index.jsx:226 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopover/index.jsx:229 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:440 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:443 -msgid "Custom SQL" -msgstr "Prilagojen SQL" +#: superset/views/dynamic_plugins.py:59 +msgid "Custom Plugin" +msgstr "Prilagojeni vtičnik" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopover/index.jsx:222 -msgid "Custom SQL ad-hoc filters are not available for the native Druid connector" -msgstr "Ad-hoc SQL filtri po meri niso na voljo za nativni konektor za Druid" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:432 -msgid "Custom SQL ad-hoc metrics are not available for the native Druid connector" -msgstr "Ad-hoc SQL mere po meri niso na voljo za nativni konektor za Druid" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:435 -msgid "Custom SQL ad-hoc metrics are not enabled for this dataset" -msgstr "Ad-hoc SQL mere po meri za ta podatkovni set niso omogočene" - -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Time/index.ts:28 -msgid "Custom time filter plugin" -msgstr "Prilagojeni vtičnik za časovni filter" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.tsx:417 -msgid "Customize" -msgstr "Prilagodi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:167 -msgid "Customize Metrics" -msgstr "Prilagodi mere" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:453 -msgid "Customize columns" -msgstr "Prilagodi stolpce" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:261 -msgid "D3 Format" -msgstr "D3 zapis" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:58 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:69 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1060 -msgid "D3 format" -msgstr "D3 format" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/D3Formatting.ts:22 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:150 -msgid "D3 format syntax: https://github.com/d3/d3-format" -msgstr "Sintaksa D3 formata: https://github.com/d3/d3-format" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:154 -msgid "" -"D3 number format for numbers between -1.0 and 1.0, useful when you want " -"to have different siginificant digits for small and large numbers" -msgstr "" -"D3 oblika zapisa za števila med -1.0 in 1.0. Uporabno, če želite različno" -" število števk za majhna in velika števila" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:220 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:377 -msgid "D3 time format for datetime columns" -msgstr "D3 oblika zapisa za časovne stolpce" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/D3Formatting.ts:44 -msgid "D3 time format syntax: https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format" -msgstr "Sintaksa D3 časovnega formata:: https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:102 -msgid "DEC" -msgstr "DEC" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/DeleteModal/index.tsx:69 -msgid "DELETE" -msgstr "IZBRIŠI" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:345 -msgid "DESCRIPTION ERROR" -msgstr "NAPAKA OPISA" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:259 -msgid "DML" -msgstr "DML" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js:31 -msgid "Dark mode" -msgstr "Temni način" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Menu/MenuRight.tsx:46 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1296 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1317 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:582 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/DashboardTable.tsx:210 -#: superset/templates/appbuilder/navbar_right.html:40 -#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:78 superset/views/dashboard/views.py:155 -#: superset/views/schedules.py:236 -msgid "Dashboard" -msgstr "Nadzorna plošča" - -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:444 -msgid "Dashboard Emails" -msgstr "E-pošta za nadzorno ploščo" - -#: superset/views/core.py:1028 -msgid "Dashboard [{}] just got created and chart [{}] was added to it" -msgstr "Nadzorna plošča [{}] je bila ravno ustvarjena in grafikon [{}] dodan nanjo" - -#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:54 -msgid "Dashboard could not be created." -msgstr "Nadzorne plošče ni mogoče ustvariti." - -#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:70 -msgid "Dashboard could not be deleted." -msgstr "Nadzorne plošče ni mogoče izbrisati." - -#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:66 -msgid "Dashboard could not be updated." -msgstr "Nadzorne plošče ni mogoče posodobiti." - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:44 -msgid "Dashboard does not exist" -msgstr "Nadzorna plošča ne obstaja" - -#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:43 -msgid "Dashboard parameters are invalid." -msgstr "Parametri nadzorne plošče so neveljavni." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:464 -msgid "Dashboard properties" -msgstr "Lastnosti nadzorne plošče" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ColorSchemeControl/index.jsx:153 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Dashboard scheme" -msgstr "[ime nadzorne plošče]" - -#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/CreatedContent.tsx:73 -#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/Favorites.tsx:74 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:609 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/Welcome.tsx:294 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:238 superset/views/chart/mixin.py:79 -#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:25 -msgid "Dashboards" -msgstr "Nadzorne plošče" - -#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:58 -msgid "Dashboards could not be deleted." -msgstr "Nadzornih plošč ni mogoče izbrisati." - -#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:91 -msgid "Dashboards do not exist" -msgstr "Nadzorna plošča ne obstaja" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.tsx:401 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTablesPane/index.tsx:388 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/common.ts:22 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:354 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:363 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:373 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:387 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:404 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:509 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:519 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:532 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:545 -msgid "Data" -msgstr "Podatki" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:343 -msgid "Data Source" -msgstr "Podatkovni vir" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/controlPanel.ts:57 -msgid "Data Table" -msgstr "Tabela podatkov" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:290 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:181 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:142 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:122 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:139 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:197 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:200 -msgid "Data Zoom" -msgstr "Zoom funkcija" - -#: superset/views/core.py:2313 -msgid "" -"Data could not be deserialized from the results backend. The storage " -"format might have changed, rendering the old data stake. You need to re-" -"run the original query." -msgstr "" -"Podatkov ni bilo mogoče deserializirati iz zalednega sistema rezultatov. " -"Lahko je prišlo do spremembe oblike zapisa. Ponovno zaženite izvorno " -"poizvedbo." - -#: superset/views/core.py:2266 -msgid "" -"Data could not be retrieved from the results backend. You need to re-run " -"the original query." -msgstr "" -"Podatkov ni bilo mogoče pridobiti iz zalednega sistema rezultatov. " -"Ponovno morate zagnati izvorno poizvedbo." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.jsx:219 -msgid "Data preview" -msgstr "Ogled podatkov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/AddSliceCard.jsx:136 -msgid "Data source" -msgstr "Podatkovni vir" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:213 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:216 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:284 -msgid "Data type" -msgstr "Tip podatka" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:832 -msgid "DataFrame include at least one series" -msgstr "DataFrame vsebuje vsaj eno serijo" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:830 -msgid "DataFrame must include temporal column" -msgstr "DataFrame mora vsebovati časovni stolpec" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/DatabaseSelector/index.tsx:271 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1127 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1132 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:179 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:223 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:294 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:436 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:223 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:331 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:277 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:424 -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:490 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:491 -#: superset/templates/superset/import_dashboards.html:53 -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:120 superset/views/database/forms.py:279 -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:407 superset/views/database/mixins.py:191 -#: superset/views/sql_lab.py:70 -msgid "Database" -msgstr "Podatkovna baza" - -#: superset/views/database/views.py:452 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Database \"%(database_name)s\" schema \"%(schema_name)s\" is not allowed " -"for columnar uploads. Please contact your Superset Admin." -msgstr "" -"Shema \"%(schema_name)s\" podatkovne baze \"%(database_name)s\" ni " -"dovoljena za nalaganje stolpčnih datotek. Kontaktirajte administratorja " -"za Superset." - -#: superset/views/database/views.py:136 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Database \"%(database_name)s\" schema \"%(schema_name)s\" is not allowed " -"for csv uploads. Please contact your Superset Admin." -msgstr "" -"Shema \"%(schema_name)s\" podatkovne baze \"%(database_name)s\" ni " -"dovoljena za nalaganje CSV. Kontaktirajte administratorja za Superset." - -#: superset/views/database/views.py:283 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Database \"%(database_name)s\" schema \"%(schema_name)s\" is not allowed " -"for excel uploads. Please contact your Superset Admin." -msgstr "" -"Shema \"%(schema_name)s\" podatkovne baze \"%(database_name)s\" ni " -"dovoljena za nalaganje Excel datotek. Kontaktirajte administratorja za " -"Superset." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:910 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Database Creation Error" -msgstr "Napaka podatkovne baze" - -#: superset/views/access_requests.py:43 -msgid "Database URL" -msgstr "URL podatkovne baze" - -#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:95 -msgid "Database could not be created." -msgstr "Podatkovne baze ni mogoče ustvariti." - -#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:113 -msgid "Database could not be deleted." -msgstr "Podatkovne baze ni mogoče izbrisati." - -#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:99 -msgid "Database could not be updated." -msgstr "Podatkovne baze ni mogoče posodobiti." - -#: superset/errors.py:117 -msgid "Database does not allow data manipulation." -msgstr "Podatkovna baza ne dovoljuje manipulacije podatkov." - -#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:82 -#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:41 -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:35 -msgid "Database does not exist" -msgstr "Podatkovna baza ne obstaja" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1478 -msgid "Database does not support subqueries" -msgstr "Podatkovna baza ne podpira podpoizvedb" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:688 -msgid "Database error" -msgstr "Napaka podatkovne baze" - -#: superset/databases/commands/validate.py:136 -msgid "Database is offline." -msgstr "Podatkovna baza ni povezana." - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:62 -msgid "Database is required for alerts" -msgstr "Podatkovna baza je obvezna za opozorila" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:89 -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:1396 -msgid "Database name" -msgstr "Ime podatkovne baze" - -#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:50 -msgid "Database not allowed to change" -msgstr "Podatkovne baze ni dovoljeno spreminjati" - -#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:91 -msgid "Database not found." -msgstr "Podatkovna baza ni najdena." - -#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:32 -msgid "Database parameters are invalid." -msgstr "Parametri podatkovne baze so neveljavni." - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:1393 -msgid "Database port" -msgstr "Vrata podatkovne baze" - -#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/Security.tsx:46 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/common.ts:26 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:351 superset/views/database/mixins.py:33 -msgid "Databases" -msgstr "Podatkovne baze" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:221 superset/views/database/forms.py:354 -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:442 -msgid "Dataframe Index" -msgstr "Indeks dataframe-a" - -#: superset-frontend/src/addSlice/AddSliceContainer.tsx:284 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/DatasetSelect.tsx:89 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:833 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:862 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreViewContainer.jsx:521 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:189 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:283 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:520 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:505 -msgid "Dataset" -msgstr "Podatkovni set" - -#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:32 -#, python-format -msgid "Dataset %(name)s already exists" -msgstr "Podatkovni set %(name)s že obstaja" - -#: superset/datasets/columns/commands/exceptions.py:27 -msgid "Dataset column delete failed." -msgstr "Brisanje stolpca podatkovnega seta neuspešno." - -#: superset/datasets/columns/commands/exceptions.py:23 -msgid "Dataset column not found." -msgstr "Stolpec podatkovnega seta ni najden." - -#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:157 -msgid "Dataset could not be created." -msgstr "Podatkovnega niza ni mogoče ustvariti." - -#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:165 -msgid "Dataset could not be deleted." -msgstr "Podatkovnega niza ni mogoče izbrisati." - -#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:161 -#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:173 -msgid "Dataset could not be updated." -msgstr "Podatkovnega niza ni mogoče posodobiti." - -#: superset/commands/exceptions.py:119 -#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:149 -msgid "Dataset does not exist" -msgstr "Podatkovni set ne obstaja" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:843 -msgid "Dataset is required" -msgstr "Zahtevan je podatkovni set" - -#: superset/datasets/metrics/commands/exceptions.py:27 -msgid "Dataset metric delete failed." -msgstr "Brisanje mere podatkovnega seta ni uspelo." - -#: superset/datasets/metrics/commands/exceptions.py:23 -msgid "Dataset metric not found." -msgstr "Mer podatkovnega seta ni najdena." - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:881 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:888 -msgid "Dataset name" -msgstr "Ime podatkovnega seta" - -#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:153 -msgid "Dataset parameters are invalid." -msgstr "Parametri podatkovnega seta so neveljavni." - -#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:169 -msgid "Dataset(s) could not be bulk deleted." -msgstr "Podatkovnih nizov ni mogoče množično izbrisati." - -#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/Security.tsx:60 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/common.ts:32 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:359 -msgid "Datasets" -msgstr "Podatkovni seti" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:809 -msgid "Datasets do not contain a temporal column" -msgstr "Podatkovni seti ne vsebujejo časovnega stolpca" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:157 -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:93 superset/views/access_requests.py:44 -#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:80 -msgid "Datasource" -msgstr "Podatkovni vir" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:48 -msgid "Datasource & Chart Type" -msgstr "Tip podatkovnega vira in grafikona" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:352 -msgid "Datasource Name" -msgstr "Ime podatkovnega vira" - -#: superset/connectors/connector_registry.py:99 -#, python-format -msgid "Datasource id not found: %(id)s" -msgstr "ID podatkovnega vira ni bil najden: %(id)s" - -#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:101 -msgid "Datasource type is required when datasource_id is given" -msgstr "Ko se podaja datasource_id, je potreben tip podatkovnega vira" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:163 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:87 -msgid "Date Time Format" -msgstr "Oblika zapisa Datum-Časa" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:79 -msgid "Date filter" -msgstr "Filter po datumu" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:142 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts:73 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:115 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:136 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:153 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:129 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:216 -msgid "Date format" -msgstr "Oblika zapisa datuma" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:235 -msgid "Date/Time" -msgstr "Datum/Čas" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:151 -msgid "Datetime Format" -msgstr "Oblika zapisa datuma,časa" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1062 -msgid "" -"Datetime column not provided as part table configuration and is required " -"by this type of chart" -msgstr "" -"Stolpec datum-čas ni podan kot del tabele, čeprav mora biti za ta tip " -"grafikona" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:227 -msgid "Datetime format" -msgstr "Oblika datum-časa" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:96 -msgid "Day" -msgstr "Dan" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:66 -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "Days %s" -msgstr "Pretečeno %s" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1593 -msgid "Db engine did not return all queried columns" -msgstr "Sitem podatkovne baze ni vrnil vse stolpcev poizvedbe" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:77 -msgid "December" -msgstr "December" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:214 superset/views/database/forms.py:347 -msgid "Decimal Character" -msgstr "Decimalno ločilo" - -#: superset/viz.py:2706 -msgid "Deck.gl - 3D Grid" -msgstr "Deck.gl - 3D mreža" - -#: superset/viz.py:2822 -msgid "Deck.gl - 3D HEX" -msgstr "Deck.gl - 3D HEX" - -#: superset/viz.py:2862 -msgid "Deck.gl - Arc" -msgstr "Deck.gl - Arc" - -#: superset/viz.py:2843 -msgid "Deck.gl - GeoJSON" -msgstr "Deck.gl - GeoJSON" - -#: superset/viz.py:2431 -msgid "Deck.gl - Multiple Layers" -msgstr "Deck.gl - Večplastni" - -#: superset/viz.py:2738 -msgid "Deck.gl - Paths" -msgstr "Deck.gl - Poti" - -#: superset/viz.py:2789 -msgid "Deck.gl - Polygon" -msgstr "Deck.gl - Poligon" - -#: superset/viz.py:2625 -msgid "Deck.gl - Scatter plot" -msgstr "Deck.gl - Raztreseni graf" - -#: superset/viz.py:2677 -msgid "Deck.gl - Screen Grid" -msgstr "Deck.gl - Mreža" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:167 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Privzeto" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:349 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:495 -msgid "Default Endpoint" -msgstr "Privzeta končna točka" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:699 -msgid "Default URL" -msgstr "Privzeti URL" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:700 -msgid "Default URL to redirect to when accessing from the dataset list page" -msgstr "" -"Privzeti URL za preusmeritev, ko dostopate iz strani s seznamom " -"podatkovnih setov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:907 -msgid "Default Value" -msgstr "Privzeta vrednost" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:290 -msgid "Default latitude" -msgstr "Privzeta širina" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:276 -msgid "Default longitude" -msgstr "Privzeta dolžina" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:91 -msgid "" -"Default minimal column width in pixels, actual width may still be larger " -"than this if other columns don't need much space" -msgstr "" -"Privzeta min. širina stolpca v pikslih. Dejanska širina bo lahko večja, " -"če drugi stolpci ne potrebujejo veliko prostora" - -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:105 -msgid "Default to first item" -msgstr "Privzet prvi element" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:936 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/DateFilterLabel.tsx:222 -msgid "Default value is required" -msgstr "Zahtevana je privzeta vrednost" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/state.ts:95 -msgid "Default value must be set when \"Filter has default value\" is checked" -msgstr "" -"Privzeta vrednost mora biti določena, če je izbrano \"Filter ima privzeto" -" vrednost\"" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/state.ts:93 -msgid "Default value must be set when \"Required\" is checked" -msgstr "Privzeta vrednost mora biti določena, če je izbrano \"Obvezno\"" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/state.ts:89 -msgid "Default value set automatically when \"Default to first item\" is checked" -msgstr "" -"Privzeta vrednost je samodejno izbrana, če je izbrano \"Privzet prvi " -"element\"" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:44 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:266 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:149 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:167 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:398 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:167 -msgid "" -"Defines a rolling window function to apply, works along with the " -"[Periods] text box" -msgstr "Določi funkcijo drsečega okna. Dela skupaj s tekstovnim okvirjem [Obdobja]" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:134 -msgid "Defines how each series is broken down" -msgstr "Določa, kako se vsaka podatkovna serija razčleni" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:64 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:388 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:403 -msgid "" -"Defines the grouping of entities. Each series is shown as a specific " -"color on the chart and has a legend toggle" -msgstr "" -"Določa združevanje entitet. Vsak niz je na grafikonu prikazan z določeno " -"barvo in ima lahko prikazano legendo" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:227 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:258 -msgid "" -"Defines the origin where time buckets start, accepts natural dates as in " -"`now`, `sunday` or `1970-01-01`" -msgstr "" -"Določa izhodišče, kadar se začnejo časovni razdelki. Sprejema naravne " -"zapise kot so `zdaj`, `nedelja` ali `1970-01-01`" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:58 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:280 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:163 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:181 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:412 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:179 -msgid "" -"Defines the size of the rolling window function, relative to the time " -"granularity selected" -msgstr "Določi velikost funkcije drsečega okna, glede na izbrano granulacijo časa" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:120 -msgid "" -"Defines whether the step should appear at the beginning, middle or end " -"between two data points" -msgstr "" -"Določa, če se na začetku, na sredini ali na koncu pojavi stopnica med " -"dvema točkama" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/FilterSetUnit.tsx:82 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:325 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:497 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:310 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:374 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartCard.tsx:103 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:369 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:653 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:336 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardCard.tsx:131 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:367 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:622 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:357 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:628 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:508 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:238 -#: superset/views/base.py:595 -msgid "Delete" -msgstr "Izbriši" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:481 -#, python-format -msgid "Delete %s?" -msgstr "Izbrišem %s?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:296 -msgid "Delete Annotation?" -msgstr "Izbrišem oznako?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:453 -msgid "Delete Database?" -msgstr "Izbrišem podatkovno bazo?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:605 -msgid "Delete Dataset?" -msgstr "Izbrišem podatkovni set?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:361 -msgid "Delete Layer?" -msgstr "Izbrišem sloj?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:485 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:261 -msgid "Delete Query?" -msgstr "Izbrišem poizvedbo?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/HeaderReportActionsDropdown/index.tsx:110 -msgid "Delete Report?" -msgstr "Izbrišem poročilo?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:321 -msgid "Delete Template?" -msgstr "Izbrišem predlogo?" - -#: superset/views/base.py:595 -msgid "Delete all Really?" -msgstr "Ali resnično vse izbrišem?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:181 -msgid "Delete annotation" -msgstr "Izbriši oznako" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/Tabs.jsx:202 -msgid "Delete dashboard tab?" -msgstr "Ali izbrišem zavihek nadzorne plošče?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:332 -msgid "Delete database" -msgstr "Izbriši podatkovno bazo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/HeaderReportActionsDropdown/index.tsx:78 -msgid "Delete email report" -msgstr "Izbriši e-poštno poročilo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:404 -msgid "Delete query" -msgstr "Izbriši poizvedbo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:239 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:219 -msgid "Delete template" -msgstr "Izbriši predlogo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/MissingChart.jsx:36 -msgid "Delete this container and save to remove this message." -msgstr "Izbrišite ta okvir in shranite za odpravo tega sporočila." - -#: superset/annotation_layers/annotations/api.py:502 -#, python-format -msgid "Deleted %(num)d annotation" -msgid_plural "Deleted %(num)d annotations" -msgstr[0] "Izbrisana je %(num)d oznaka" -msgstr[1] "Izbrisani sta %(num)d oznaki" -msgstr[2] "Izbrisane so %(num)d oznake" -msgstr[3] "Izbrisanih je %(num)d oznak" - -#: superset/annotation_layers/api.py:353 -#, python-format -msgid "Deleted %(num)d annotation layer" -msgid_plural "Deleted %(num)d annotation layers" -msgstr[0] "Izbrisan je %(num)d sloj z oznakami" -msgstr[1] "Izbrisana sta %(num)d sloja z oznakami" -msgstr[2] "Izbrisanih so %(num)d sloji z oznakami" -msgstr[3] "Izbrisanih je %(num)d slojev z oznakami" - -#: superset/charts/api.py:480 -#, python-format -msgid "Deleted %(num)d chart" -msgid_plural "Deleted %(num)d charts" -msgstr[0] "Izbrisan je %(num)d grafikon" -msgstr[1] "Izbrisana sta %(num)d grafikona" -msgstr[2] "Izbrisani so %(num)d grafikoni" -msgstr[3] "Izbrisanih je %(num)d grafikonov" - -#: superset/css_templates/api.py:137 -#, python-format -msgid "Deleted %(num)d css template" -msgid_plural "Deleted %(num)d css templates" -msgstr[0] "Izbrisana %(num)d css predloga" -msgstr[1] "Izbrisani %(num)d css predlogi" -msgstr[2] "Izbrisane %(num)d css predloge" -msgstr[3] "Izbrisanih %(num)d css predlog" - -#: superset/dashboards/api.py:674 -#, python-format -msgid "Deleted %(num)d dashboard" -msgid_plural "Deleted %(num)d dashboards" -msgstr[0] "Izbrisana je %(num)d nadzorna plošča" -msgstr[1] "Izbrisani sta %(num)d nadzorni plošči" -msgstr[2] "Izbrisane so %(num)d nadzorne plošče" -msgstr[3] "Izbrisanih je %(num)d nadzornih plošč" - -#: superset/datasets/api.py:666 -#, python-format -msgid "Deleted %(num)d dataset" -msgid_plural "Deleted %(num)d datasets" -msgstr[0] "Izbrisan %(num)d podatkovni set" -msgstr[1] "Izbrisana %(num)d podatkovna niza" -msgstr[2] "Izbrisani %(num)d podatkovni nizi" -msgstr[3] "Izbrisanih %(num)d podatkovnih nizov" - -#: superset/reports/api.py:452 -#, python-format -msgid "Deleted %(num)d report schedule" -msgid_plural "Deleted %(num)d report schedules" -msgstr[0] "Izbrisan %(num)d urnik poročanja" -msgstr[1] "Izbrisana %(num)d urnika poročanja" -msgstr[2] "Izbrisani %(num)d urniki poročanja" -msgstr[3] "Izbrisanih %(num)d urnikov poročanja" - -#: superset/queries/saved_queries/api.py:197 -#, python-format -msgid "Deleted %(num)d saved query" -msgid_plural "Deleted %(num)d saved queries" -msgstr[0] "Izbrisana %(num)d shranjena poizvedba" -msgstr[1] "Izbrisani %(num)d shranjeni poizvedbi" -msgstr[2] "Izbrisane %(num)d shranjene poizvedbe" -msgstr[3] "Izbrisanih %(num)d shranjenih poizvedb" - -#: superset-frontend/src/reports/actions/reports.js:176 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:162 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:103 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:91 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:93 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:142 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:546 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:232 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/utils.tsx:246 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/utils.tsx:285 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:172 -#, python-format -msgid "Deleted: %s" -msgstr "Izbrisano: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/SpatialControl.jsx:184 -msgid "Delimited long & lat single column" -msgstr "En stolpec z ločenima zemljepisno dolžino in širino" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:132 -msgid "Delimiter" -msgstr "Ločilnik" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:133 -msgid "Delimiter used by CSV file (for whitespace use \\s+)." -msgstr "Ločilnik, uporabljen v CSV datoteki (za presledek uporabi \\s+)." - -#: superset/views/schedules.py:244 superset/views/schedules.py:324 -msgid "Deliver As Group" -msgstr "Dostavi kot skupino" - -#: superset/views/schedules.py:245 superset/views/schedules.py:325 -msgid "Delivery Type" -msgstr "Tip dostave" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/NotificationMethod.tsx:124 -msgid "Delivery method" -msgstr "Način dostave" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js:33 -msgid "Demographics" -msgstr "Demografija" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:43 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js:38 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts:45 -msgid "Density" -msgstr "Gostota" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:55 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/index.js:45 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js:38 -msgid "Deprecated" -msgstr "Zastarelo" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/index.ts:42 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:47 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:51 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts:44 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:131 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ScheduleQueryButton/index.tsx:163 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:202 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:206 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:692 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1050 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1054 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/DividerConfigForm.tsx:52 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:994 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:243 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1100 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1106 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:147 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:157 -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:188 -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:345 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:145 -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:256 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:502 -#: superset/views/annotations.py:78 superset/views/annotations.py:126 -#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:81 superset/views/sql_lab.py:71 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Opis" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:331 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayerModal.tsx:262 -msgid "Description (this can be seen in the list)" -msgstr "Opis (lahko je viden na seznamu)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:520 -msgid "Description Columns" -msgstr "Stolpci z opisi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts:48 -msgid "Description text that shows up below your Big Number" -msgstr "Besedilo, ki se prikaže pod veliko številko" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/ListView.tsx:348 -msgid "Deselect all" -msgstr "Počisti izbor" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:271 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1081 -msgid "Details of the certification" -msgstr "Podrobnosti certifikacije" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:53 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:47 -msgid "Determines how whiskers and outliers are calculated." -msgstr "Določa kako so izračunani kvantili in izstopajoče vrednosti." - -#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:71 -msgid "" -"Determines whether or not this dashboard is visible in the list of all " -"dashboards" -msgstr "Določa ali je nadzorna plošča vidna na seznamu vseh nadzornih plošč" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:230 -msgid "Diamond" -msgstr "Karo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/ParameterErrorMessage.tsx:77 -msgid "Did you mean:" -msgstr "Ste mislili:" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:101 -msgid "Difference" -msgstr "Razlika" - -#: superset/viz.py:1968 -msgid "Directed Force Layout" -msgstr "Izgled usmerjene sile" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/index.js:31 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js:39 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/index.ts:42 -msgid "Directional" -msgstr "Usmerjeni" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:165 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:185 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:274 -msgid "Disabled" -msgstr "Onemogočeno" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/index.jsx:579 -msgid "Discard changes" -msgstr "Zavrzi spremembe" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:43 -msgid "Discrete" -msgstr "Diskretno" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:149 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/SqlAlchemyForm.tsx:42 -msgid "Display Name" -msgstr "Ime za prikaz" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:164 -msgid "Display column level total" -msgstr "Prikaži vsote na nivoju stolpcev" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:615 -msgid "Display configuration" -msgstr "Prikaži nastavitve" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:98 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:187 -msgid "" -"Display metrics side by side within each column, as opposed to each " -"column being displayed side by side for each metric." -msgstr "" -"Prikazuj mere eno ob drugi ob vsakem stolpcu, drugače je vsak stolpec " -"prikazan en ob drugem za vsako mero." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:152 -msgid "Display row level total" -msgstr "Prikaži vsote na nivoju vrstic" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:89 -msgid "Display total row/column" -msgstr "Pokaži vsote vrstic/stolpcev" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/index.ts:34 -msgid "" -"Displays connections between entities in a graph structure. Useful for " -"mapping relationships and showing which nodes are important in a network." -" Graph charts can be configured to be force-directed or circulate. If " -"your data has a geospatial component, try the deck.gl Arc chart." -msgstr "" -"Prikaže povezave med entitetami v strukturi grafa. Uporabno za prikaz " -"razmerij in pomembnih točk v omrežju. Grafikon je lahko krožnega tipa ali" -" z usmerjenimi silami. Če imajo podatki geoprostorsko komponento, " -"poskusite grafikon decl.gl - Arc." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:132 -msgid "Distribute across" -msgstr "Porazdeli glede na" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/index.js:28 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/index.js:26 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/index.ts:48 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/createMetadata.ts:25 -msgid "Distribution" -msgstr "Porazdelitev" - -#: superset/viz.py:1769 -msgid "Distribution - Bar Chart" -msgstr "Porazdelitev - Stolpčni grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/new/NewDivider.jsx:31 -msgid "Divider" -msgstr "Ločilnik" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:86 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:211 -msgid "Do you want a donut or a pie?" -msgstr "Želite kolobar ali torto?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Menu/MenuRight.tsx:214 -msgid "Documentation" -msgstr "Dokumentacija" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:40 -msgid "Domain" -msgstr "Domena" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:29 -msgid "Don't refresh" -msgstr "Ne osvežuj" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:83 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:208 -msgid "Donut" -msgstr "Kolobar" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:319 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:328 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:105 -msgid "Download as image" -msgstr "Izvozi kot sliko" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:543 -msgid "Download to CSV" -msgstr "Izvozi kot CSV" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PublishedStatus/index.jsx:72 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PublishedStatus/index.jsx:83 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:301 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:499 -msgid "Draft" -msgstr "Osnutek" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:214 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:152 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:113 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:93 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:110 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:168 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:171 -msgid "Draw a marker on data points. Only applicable for line types." -msgstr "Nariši markerje na točke grafikona. Samo za črtne grafikone." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:171 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:135 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:138 -msgid "Draw area under curves. Only applicable for line types." -msgstr "Izriši površino pod krivuljo. Samo za črtne grafikone." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:178 -msgid "Draw line from Pie to label when labels outside?" -msgstr "Ali želite črto do oznake, ko so le-te zunaj?" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:331 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:246 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:209 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:189 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:206 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:262 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:265 -msgid "Draw split lines for minor y-axis ticks" -msgstr "Izriši ločilne črte za pomožne oznake y-osi" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/DndColumnSelect.tsx:217 -msgid "Drop a column here or click" -msgstr "Spustite stolpec sem ali kliknite" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/DndMetricSelect.tsx:367 -msgid "Drop a column/metric here or click" -msgstr "Spustite stolpec/mero sem ali kliknite" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/DndColumnSelect.tsx:222 -msgid "Drop column here" -msgstr "Spustite stolpec sem" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/DndMetricSelect.tsx:372 -msgid "Drop column or metric here" -msgstr "Spustite stolpec ali mero sem" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/DndSelectLabel.tsx:80 -msgid "Drop columns here" -msgstr "Spustite stolpce sem" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/DndFilterSelect.tsx:389 -msgid "Drop columns or metrics here" -msgstr "Spustite stolpce ali mere sem" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/DndFilterSelect.tsx:388 -msgid "Drop columns/metrics here or click" -msgstr "Spustite stolpce/mere sem ali kliknite" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:176 -msgid "Drop temporal column here" -msgstr "Spustite časovni stolpec sem" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:213 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:516 -msgid "Druid Clusters" -msgstr "Druid gruče" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:192 -msgid "Druid Datasource" -msgstr "Podatkovni vir Druid" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:277 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:507 -msgid "Druid Datasources" -msgstr "Druid podatkovni viri" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:248 -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:253 -msgid "" -"Druid supports basic authentication. See " -"[auth](http://druid.io/docs/latest/design/auth.html) and druid-basic-" -"security extension" -msgstr "" -"Druid podpira osnovno avtentikacijo. Glejte " -"[auth](http://druid.io/docs/latest/design/auth.html) in razširitev druid-" -"basic-security" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/index.js:30 -msgid "Dual Line Chart" -msgstr "Grafikon z dvojno krivuljo" - -#: superset/views/datasource/views.py:119 -#, python-format -msgid "Duplicate column name(s): %(columns)s" -msgstr "Podvojena imena stolpcev: %(columns)s" - -#: superset/common/query_object.py:284 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Duplicate column/metric labels: %(labels)s. Please make sure all columns " -"and metrics have a unique label." -msgstr "" -"Podvojene oznake stolpcev/mer: %(labels)s. Poskrbite, da bodo imeli " -"stolpci in mere unikatne oznake." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:366 -msgid "Duplicate tab" -msgstr "Podvoji zavihek" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/ExecutionLog.tsx:135 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "Trajanje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:227 -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:175 -msgid "" -"Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for charts of this database." -" A timeout of 0 indicates that the cache never expires. Note this " -"defaults to the global timeout if undefined." -msgstr "" -"Trajanje (v sekundah) predpomnjenja za grafikon v tej podatkovni bazi. " -"Vrednost 0 označuje, da predpomnilnik nikoli ne poteče. V primeru, da ni " -"definirano, ima globalno nastavitev." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:282 -msgid "" -"Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this chart. Note this " -"defaults to the dataset's timeout if undefined." -msgstr "" -"Časovna veljavnost (v sekundah) predpomnjenja za ta grafikon. Če ni " -"definirana, je uporabljena vrednost za podatkovni set." - -#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:70 -msgid "" -"Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this chart. Note this " -"defaults to the datasource/table timeout if undefined." -msgstr "" -"Časovna veljavnost (v sekundah) predpomnjenja za ta grafikon. Če ni " -"definirana, je uporabljena vrednost za podatkovni vir/tabelo." - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:243 -msgid "" -"Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this cluster. A timeout " -"of 0 indicates that the cache never expires. Note this defaults to the " -"global timeout if undefined." -msgstr "" -"Trajanje (v sekundah) predpomnjenja za to gručo. Vrednost 0 označuje, da " -"predpomnilnik nikoli ne poteče. V primeru, da ni definirano, ima globalno" -" nastavitev trajanja." - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:334 -msgid "" -"Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this datasource. A " -"timeout of 0 indicates that the cache never expires. Note this defaults " -"to the cluster timeout if undefined." -msgstr "" -"Trajanje (v sekundah) predpomnjenja za ta podatkovni vir. Vrednost 0 " -"označuje, da predpomnilnik nikoli ne poteče. V primeru, da ni definirano," -" ima nastavitev trajanja za gručo." - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:473 -msgid "" -"Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this table. A timeout of" -" 0 indicates that the cache never expires. Note this defaults to the " -"database timeout if undefined." -msgstr "" -"Trajanje (v sekundah) predpomnjenja za to tabelo. Vrednost 0 označuje, da" -" predpomnilnik nikoli ne poteče. V primeru, da ni definirano, ima " -"nastavitev trajanja za podatkovno bazo." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:250 -msgid "" -"Duration (in seconds) of the metadata caching timeout for schemas of this" -" database. If left unset, the cache never expires." -msgstr "" -"Trajanje (v sekundah) predpomnilnika metapodatkov za sheme v tej " -"podatkovni bazi. Če ni nastavljeno, predpomnilnik ne poteče." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:272 -msgid "" -"Duration (in seconds) of the metadata caching timeout for tables of this " -"database. If left unset, the cache never expires. " -msgstr "" -"Trajanje (v sekundah) predpomnilnika metapodatkov za tabele v tej " -"podatkovni bazi. Če ni nastavljeno, predpomnilnik ne poteče. " - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/D3Formatting.ts:41 -msgid "Duration in ms (1.40008 => 1ms 400µs 80ns)" -msgstr "Trajanje v ms (1.40008 => 1ms 400µs 80ns)" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/D3Formatting.ts:40 -msgid "Duration in ms (66000 => 1m 6s)" -msgstr "Trajanje v ms (66000 => 1m 6s)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:205 -#, python-format -msgid "Duration: %s" -msgstr "Trajanje: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/index.ts:55 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/index.ts:55 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/index.ts:47 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/index.ts:43 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:71 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts:72 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/index.ts:61 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:77 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:77 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Line/index.ts:72 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:71 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:71 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:62 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/index.ts:42 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/index.ts:61 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:124 -msgid "ECharts" -msgstr "ECharts" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/AdvancedFrame.tsx:76 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:169 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:176 -msgid "END (EXCLUSIVE)" -msgstr "KONEC (NI VKLJUČEN)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:628 -#, python-format -msgid "ERROR: %s" -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:241 -msgid "Edge length" -msgstr "Dolžina povezave" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:247 -msgid "Edge length between nodes" -msgstr "Dolžina povezave med vozlišči" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:124 -msgid "Edge symbols" -msgstr "Simboli povezav" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:226 -msgid "Edge width" -msgstr "Debelina povezave" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.jsx:197 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/menu/MarkdownModeDropdown.tsx:35 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/FilterSetUnit.tsx:75 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/TextAreaControl.jsx:121 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:316 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartCard.tsx:128 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:404 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardCard.tsx:85 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:401 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:358 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:389 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:219 -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "Urejanje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1053 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edit Alert" -msgstr "Uredi tabelo" - -#: superset/views/annotations.py:61 -msgid "Edit Annotation" -msgstr "Uredi oznako" - -#: superset/views/annotations.py:120 -msgid "Edit Annotation Layer" -msgstr "Uredi sloj z oznakami" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:309 -msgid "Edit CSS" -msgstr "Uredi CSS" - -#: superset/views/css_templates.py:39 -msgid "Edit CSS Template" -msgstr "Uredi CSS predlogo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplateModal.tsx:231 -msgid "Edit CSS template properties" -msgstr "Uredi lastnosti CSS predloge" - -#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:29 -msgid "Edit Chart" -msgstr "Uredi grafikon" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:66 -msgid "Edit Column" -msgstr "Uredi stolpec" - -#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:28 -msgid "Edit Dashboard" -msgstr "Uredi nadzorno ploščo" - -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:36 -msgid "Edit Database" -msgstr "Uredi podatkovno bazo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceModal.tsx:192 -msgid "Edit Dataset " -msgstr "Uredi podatkovni set " - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:216 -msgid "Edit Druid Cluster" -msgstr "Uredi Druid gručo" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:73 -msgid "Edit Druid Column" -msgstr "Uredi Druid stolpec" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:280 -msgid "Edit Druid Datasource" -msgstr "Uredi podatkovni vir za Druid" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:162 -msgid "Edit Druid Metric" -msgstr "Uredi Druid mere" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:251 -msgid "Edit Email Report" -msgstr "Uredi e-poštno poročilo" - -#: superset/views/log/__init__.py:24 -msgid "Edit Log" -msgstr "Uredi dnevnik" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:215 -msgid "Edit Metric" -msgstr "Uredi mero" +#: superset/views/dynamic_plugins.py:60 +msgid "Add a Plugin" +msgstr "Dodaj vtičnik" #: superset/views/dynamic_plugins.py:61 msgid "Edit Plugin" msgstr "Uredi vtičnik" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1051 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edit Report" -msgstr "Uredi zapis" +#: superset/views/sql_lab.py:44 +msgid "List Saved Query" +msgstr "Seznam shranjenih poizvedb" -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:317 -msgid "Edit Row level security filter" -msgstr "Uredi filter za varnost na nivoju vrstic" +#: superset/views/sql_lab.py:45 +msgid "Show Saved Query" +msgstr "Prikaži shranjeno poizvedbo" -#: superset/views/sql_lab.py:42 +#: superset/views/sql_lab.py:46 +msgid "Add Saved Query" +msgstr "Dodaj shranjeno poizvedbo" + +#: superset/views/sql_lab.py:47 msgid "Edit Saved Query" msgstr "Uredi shranjeno poizvedbo" -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:398 -msgid "Edit Table" -msgstr "Uredi tabelo" +#: superset/views/sql_lab.py:78 +msgid "End Time" +msgstr "Končni čas" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:174 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:283 -msgid "Edit annotation" -msgstr "Uredi oznako" +#: superset/views/sql_lab.py:79 +msgid "Pop Tab Link" +msgstr "Prikaži povezavo zavihka" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/index.jsx:170 -msgid "Edit annotation layer" -msgstr "Uredi sloj z oznakami" +#: superset/views/sql_lab.py:80 +msgid "Changed on" +msgstr "Spremenjen" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayerModal.tsx:237 -msgid "Edit annotation layer properties" -msgstr "Uredi lastnosti sloja z oznakami" +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Chart/Chart.jsx:80 superset/views/utils.py:271 +msgid "The dataset associated with this chart no longer exists" +msgstr "Podatkovni set, povezan s tem grafikonom, ne obstaja več" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreChartHeader/index.jsx:305 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreChartHeader/index.jsx:308 -msgid "Edit chart properties" -msgstr "Uredi lastnosti grafikona" +#: superset/views/utils.py:500 +msgid "Could not determine datasource type" +msgstr "Ni mogoče določiti tipa podatkovnega vira" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/index.jsx:605 -msgid "Edit dashboard" +#: superset/views/utils.py:516 +msgid "Could not find viz object" +msgstr "Ni mogoče najti vizualizacijskega objekta" + +#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:27 +msgid "Show Chart" +msgstr "Prikaži grafikon" + +#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:28 +msgid "Add Chart" +msgstr "Dodaj grafikon" + +#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:29 +msgid "Edit Chart" +msgstr "Uredi grafikon" + +#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:64 +msgid "" +"These parameters are generated dynamically when clicking the save or overwrite " +"button in the explore view. This JSON object is exposed here for reference and " +"for power users who may want to alter specific parameters." +msgstr "" +"Ti parametri se ustvarijo dinamično s klikom gumba Shrani ali Prepiši v " +"raziskovalnem pogledu. Ta JSON objekt je prikazan kot vzorec za napredne " +"uporabnike, ki želijo spreminjati posamezne parametre." + +#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:70 +msgid "" +"Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this chart. Note this defaults " +"to the datasource/table timeout if undefined." +msgstr "" +"Časovna veljavnost (v sekundah) predpomnjenja za ta grafikon. Če ni definirana, " +"je uporabljena vrednost za podatkovni vir/tabelo." + +#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:82 +msgid "Last Modified" +msgstr "Zadnja sprememba" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:56 +#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:84 +msgid "Parameters" +msgstr "Parametri" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:189 +#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:88 +msgid "Visualization Type" +msgstr "Tip vizualizacije" + +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:26 +msgid "Show Dashboard" +msgstr "Prikaži nadzorno ploščo" + +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:27 +msgid "Add Dashboard" +msgstr "Dodaj nadzorno ploščo" + +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:28 +msgid "Edit Dashboard" msgstr "Uredi nadzorno ploščo" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:302 -msgid "Edit dashboard properties" -msgstr "Uredi lastnosti nadzorne plošče" +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:47 +msgid "" +"This json object describes the positioning of the widgets in the dashboard. It is " +"dynamically generated when adjusting the widgets size and positions by using drag " +"& drop in the dashboard view" +msgstr "" +"Ta JSON objekt opisuje postavitev pripomočkov na nadzorni plošči. Ustvari se " +"dinamično, ko prilagajamo velikost in postavitev pripomočkov z uporabo " +"povleci&spusti v pogledu nadzorne plošče" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1011 -msgid "Edit database" +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:53 +msgid "" +"The CSS for individual dashboards can be altered here, or in the dashboard view " +"where changes are immediately visible" +msgstr "" +"CSS za posamezne nadzorne plošče lahko spreminjamo tukaj ali pa v pogledu " +"nadzorne plošče, kjer so spremembe vidne takoj" + +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:58 +msgid "To get a readable URL for your dashboard" +msgstr "Za pridobitev berljivega URL-ja za nadzorno ploščo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:625 +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:59 +msgid "" +"This JSON object is generated dynamically when clicking the save or overwrite " +"button in the dashboard view. It is exposed here for reference and for power " +"users who may want to alter specific parameters." +msgstr "" +"Ta JSON objekt se ustvari dinamično s klikom gumba Shrani ali Prepiši v pogledu " +"nadzorne plošče. Tukaj je prikazan kot vzorec za napredne uporabnike, ki želijo " +"spreminjati posamezne parametre." + +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:65 +msgid "Owners is a list of users who can alter the dashboard." +msgstr "\"Lastniki\" je seznam uporabnikov, ki lahko spreminjajo nadzorno ploščo." + +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:66 +msgid "" +"Roles is a list which defines access to the dashboard. Granting a role access to " +"a dashboard will bypass dataset level checks.If no roles defined then the " +"dashboard is available to all roles." +msgstr "" +"\"Vloge\" je seznam, ki definira dostop do nadzorne plošče. Dodelitev vloge za " +"dostop do nadzorne plošče bo obšlo preverjanje na nivoju podatkovnega seta. Če " +"vloga ni definirana, bo nadzorna plošča dostopna vsem vlogam." + +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:71 +msgid "" +"Determines whether or not this dashboard is visible in the list of all dashboards" +msgstr "Določa ali je nadzorna plošča vidna na seznamu vseh nadzornih plošč" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/DynamicEditableTitle/index.tsx:186 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/DynamicEditableTitle/index.tsx:207 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:550 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/DividerConfigForm.tsx:41 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:281 +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:79 superset/views/dashboard/views.py:195 +msgid "Title" +msgstr "Naslov" + +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:80 +msgid "Slug" +msgstr "Slug" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PublishedStatus/index.jsx:101 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:304 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:506 +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:84 +msgid "Published" +msgstr "Objavljeno" + +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:87 +msgid "Position JSON" +msgstr "JSON za postavitev" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/CssEditor/index.jsx:105 +#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:88 +msgid "CSS" +msgstr "CSS" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartCard.tsx:117 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:416 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:704 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardCard.tsx:99 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:388 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:651 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:399 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:410 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:683 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:518 +#: superset/views/dashboard/views.py:66 +msgid "Export" +msgstr "Izvoz" + +#: superset/views/dashboard/views.py:66 +msgid "Export dashboards?" +msgstr "Izvozim nadzorne plošče?" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:96 +msgid "Name of table to be created from csv data." +msgstr "Ime tabele, ki bo ustvarjena iz CSV podatkov." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:99 superset/views/database/forms.py:253 +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:389 +msgid "Table name cannot contain a schema" +msgstr "Ime tabele ne sme vsebovati sheme" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:104 +msgid "CSV File" +msgstr "CSV datoteka" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:105 +msgid "Select a CSV file to be uploaded to a database." +msgstr "Izberite CSV datoteko, ki bo naložena v podatkovno bazo." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:114 superset/views/database/forms.py:268 +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:406 +#, python-format +msgid "Only the following file extensions are allowed: %(allowed_extensions)s" +msgstr "Dovoljene so le naslednje končnice: %(allowed_extensions)s" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:130 superset/views/database/forms.py:292 +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:423 +msgid "Specify a schema (if database flavor supports this)." +msgstr "Podajte shemo (če vrsta podatkovne baze to podpira)" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:135 +msgid "Delimiter" +msgstr "Ločilnik" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:136 +msgid "Delimiter used by CSV file (for whitespace use \\s+)." +msgstr "Ločilnik, uporabljen v CSV datoteki (za presledek uporabi \\s+)." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:141 superset/views/database/forms.py:297 +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:428 +msgid "Table Exists" +msgstr "Tabela obstaja" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:142 superset/views/database/forms.py:298 +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:429 +msgid "" +"If table exists do one of the following: Fail (do nothing), Replace (drop and " +"recreate table) or Append (insert data)." +msgstr "" +"Če tabela obstaja, naredite nekaj od sledečega: Prekini (ne naredi nič), Zamenjaj " +"(zbriši in ponovno ustvari tabelo) ali Dodaj (vstavi podatke)." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:148 superset/views/database/forms.py:304 +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:435 +msgid "Fail" +msgstr "Prekini" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:149 superset/views/database/forms.py:305 +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:436 +msgid "Replace" +msgstr "Zamenjaj" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:150 superset/views/database/forms.py:306 +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:437 +msgid "Append" +msgstr "Dodaj" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:155 superset/views/database/forms.py:311 +msgid "Header Row" +msgstr "Naslovna vrstica" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:156 superset/views/database/forms.py:312 +msgid "" +"Row containing the headers to use as column names (0 is first line of data). " +"Leave empty if there is no header row." +msgstr "" +"Vrstica z naslovi, ki se uporabi za imena stolpcev (0 je prva vrstica podatkov). " +"Pustite prazno, če ni naslovne vrstice." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:165 superset/views/database/forms.py:321 +msgid "Index Column" +msgstr "Indeksni stolpec" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:166 superset/views/database/forms.py:322 +msgid "" +"Column to use as the row labels of the dataframe. Leave empty if no index column." +msgstr "" +"Stolpec, ki se uporabi za naslove vrstic v dataframe-u. Pustite prazno, če ni " +"indeksnega stolpca." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:174 superset/views/database/forms.py:330 +msgid "Mangle Duplicate Columns" +msgstr "Odstrani podvojene stolpce" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:175 superset/views/database/forms.py:331 +msgid "Specify duplicate columns as \"X.0, X.1\"." +msgstr "Določite podvojene stolpce kot \"X.0, X.1\"." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:178 superset/views/database/forms.py:442 +msgid "Use Columns" +msgstr "Uporabi stolpce" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:180 superset/views/database/forms.py:444 +msgid "" +"Json list of the column names that should be read. If not None, only these " +"columns will be read from the file." +msgstr "" +"JSON seznam imen stolpcev, ki morajo biti prebrani. Če ni prazen, bodo iz " +"datoteke prebrani le ti stolpci." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:187 +msgid "Skip Initial Space" +msgstr "Izpusti začetni presledek" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:187 +msgid "Skip spaces after delimiter." +msgstr "Izpusti presledek za ločilnikom." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:190 superset/views/database/forms.py:334 +msgid "Skip Rows" +msgstr "Izpusti vrstice" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:191 superset/views/database/forms.py:335 +msgid "Number of rows to skip at start of file." +msgstr "Število vrstic, ki se izpustijo na začetku datoteke." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:196 superset/views/database/forms.py:340 +msgid "Rows to Read" +msgstr "Vrstice za branje" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:197 superset/views/database/forms.py:341 +msgid "Number of rows of file to read." +msgstr "Število vrstic v datoteki za branje." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:202 +msgid "Skip Blank Lines" +msgstr "Izpusti prazne vrstice" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:203 +msgid "Skip blank lines rather than interpreting them as NaN values." +msgstr "Raje izpusti prazne vrstice, kot pa da so prepoznane kot NaN vrednosti." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:206 superset/views/database/forms.py:346 +msgid "Parse Dates" +msgstr "Prepoznaj datume" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:207 superset/views/database/forms.py:347 +msgid "A comma separated list of columns that should be parsed as dates." +msgstr "Z vejico ločen seznam stolpcev, v katerih bodo prepoznani datumi." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:213 +msgid "Infer Datetime Format" +msgstr "Prepoznaj obliko datuma/časa" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:214 +msgid "Use Pandas to interpret the datetime format automatically." +msgstr "Uporabi Pandas za samodejno prepoznavo oblike datumov/časov." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:217 superset/views/database/forms.py:353 +msgid "Decimal Character" +msgstr "Decimalno ločilo" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:219 superset/views/database/forms.py:355 +msgid "Character to interpret as decimal point." +msgstr "Znak, ki bo prepoznan kot decimalno ločilo." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:224 superset/views/database/forms.py:360 +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:451 +msgid "Dataframe Index" +msgstr "Indeks dataframe-a" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:224 superset/views/database/forms.py:360 +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:451 +msgid "Write dataframe index as a column." +msgstr "Zapiši indeks dataframe-a kot stolpec." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:227 superset/views/database/forms.py:363 +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:454 +msgid "Column Label(s)" +msgstr "Naslovi stolpcev" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:228 superset/views/database/forms.py:364 +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:455 +msgid "" +"Column label for index column(s). If None is given and Dataframe Index is True, " +"Index Names are used." +msgstr "" +"Naslovi stolpcev za indeksne stolpce. Če le-ti niso podani in indeksi Dataframe-a " +"obstajajo, se uporabijo imena indeksov." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:236 superset/views/database/forms.py:372 +msgid "Null values" +msgstr "Prazne (Null) vrednosti" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:238 superset/views/database/forms.py:374 +msgid "" +"Json list of the values that should be treated as null. Examples: [\"\"], [\"None" +"\", \"N/A\"], [\"nan\", \"null\"]. Warning: Hive database supports only single " +"value. Use [\"\"] for empty string." +msgstr "" +"JSON seznam vrednosti, ki naj bodo obravnavane kot prazne (Null). Primeri: " +"[\"\"], [\"None\", \"N/A\"], [\"nan\", \"null\"]. Opozorilo: Podatkovna baza Hive " +"podpira le eno vrednost. Uporabite [\"\"] za prazen znakovni niz." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:250 +msgid "Name of table to be created from excel data." +msgstr "Ime tabele, ki bo ustvarjena iz Excel-ovih podatkov." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:258 +msgid "Excel File" +msgstr "Excel-ova datoteka" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:259 +msgid "Select a Excel file to be uploaded to a database." +msgstr "Izberite Excel-ovo datoteko, ki bo naložena v podatkovno bazo." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:278 +msgid "Sheet Name" +msgstr "Ime zvezka" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:279 +msgid "Strings used for sheet names (default is the first sheet)." +msgstr "" +"Znakovni nizi uporabljeni za imena preglednic (privzeto je prva preglednica)." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:386 +msgid "Name of table to be created from columnar data." +msgstr "Ime tabele, ki bo ustvarjena iz podatkov v stolpcih." + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:394 +msgid "Columnar File" +msgstr "Stoplčna datoteka" + +#: superset/views/database/forms.py:395 +msgid "Select a Columnar file to be uploaded to a database." +msgstr "Izberite stolpčno datoteko, ki bo naložena v podatkovno bazo." + +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:34 +msgid "Show Database" +msgstr "Prikaži podatkovno bazo" + +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:35 +msgid "Add Database" +msgstr "Dodaj podatkovno bazo" + +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:36 +msgid "Edit Database" msgstr "Uredi podatkovno bazo" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:192 -msgid "Edit dataset" -msgstr "Uredi podatkovni set" +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:104 +msgid "Expose this DB in SQL Lab" +msgstr "Uporabi to podatkovno bazo v SQL laboratoriju" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/HeaderReportActionsDropdown/index.tsx:73 -msgid "Edit email report" -msgstr "Uredi e-poštno poročilo" +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:105 +msgid "" +"Operate the database in asynchronous mode, meaning that the queries are executed " +"on remote workers as opposed to on the web server itself. This assumes that you " +"have a Celery worker setup as well as a results backend. Refer to the " +"installation docs for more information." +msgstr "" +"Upravljanje podatkovne baze v asinhronem načinu pomeni, da se poizvedbe zaženejo " +"na oddaljenih »delavcih« in ne na samem spletnem strežniku. S tem je " +"predpostavljeno, da imate nastavljenega »delavca« za Celery in zaledni sistem za " +"rezultate. Več informacij je v navodilih za namestitev." -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/ConditionalFormattingControl.tsx:151 -msgid "Edit formatter" -msgstr "Uredi oblikovanje" +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:113 +msgid "Allow CREATE TABLE AS option in SQL Lab" +msgstr "Dovoli opcijo CREATE TABLE AS v SQL laboratoriju" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:80 -msgid "Edit properties" -msgstr "Uredi lastnosti" +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:114 +msgid "Allow CREATE VIEW AS option in SQL Lab" +msgstr "Dovoli opcijo CREATE VIEW AS v SQL laboratoriju" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:383 -msgid "Edit query" -msgstr "Uredi poizvedbo" +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:115 +msgid "" +"Allow users to run non-SELECT statements (UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, ...) in SQL Lab" +msgstr "" +"Dovoli uporabnikom poganjanje ne-SELECT stavkov (UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, ...) v " +"SQL laboratoriju" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:230 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:210 -msgid "Edit template" -msgstr "Uredi predlogo" +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:120 +msgid "" +"When allowing CREATE TABLE AS option in SQL Lab, this option forces the table to " +"be created in this schema" +msgstr "" +"Z dovolitvijo opcije CREATE TABLE AS v SQL laboratoriju se tabele ustvarjajo s to " +"shemo" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TemplateParamsEditor/index.tsx:99 -msgid "Edit template parameters" -msgstr "Uredi parametre predloge" +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:166 +msgid "" +"If Presto, all the queries in SQL Lab are going to be executed as the currently " +"logged on user who must have permission to run them.
If Hive and hive.server2." +"enable.doAs is enabled, will run the queries as service account, but impersonate " +"the currently logged on user via hive.server2.proxy.user property." +msgstr "" +"V primeru Presto se vse poizvedbe v SQL laboratoriju zaženejo pod trenutno " +"prijavljenim uporabnikom, ki mora imeti pravice za poganjanje.
Če je omogočen " +"Hive in hive.server2.enable.doAs, poizvedbe tečejo pod servisnim računom, vendar " +"je trenutno prijavljen uporabnik predstavljen z lastnostjo hive.server2.proxy." +"user." -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/DateFilterLabel.tsx:353 -msgid "Edit time range" -msgstr "Uredi časovno obdobje" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:161 +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:173 +msgid "" +"Allow SQL Lab to fetch a list of all tables and all views across all database " +"schemas. For large data warehouse with thousands of tables, this can be expensive " +"and put strain on the system." +msgstr "" +"Dovoli SQL laboratoriju, da pridobi seznam vseh tabel in pogledov iz vseh shem " +"podatkovne baze. Pri velikih podatkovnih skladiščih s tisoči tabel je to lahko " +"potratno in obremeni sistem." -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ActivityTable.tsx:161 -msgid "Edited" -msgstr "Urejane" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:245 +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:178 +msgid "" +"Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for charts of this database. A " +"timeout of 0 indicates that the cache never expires. Note this defaults to the " +"global timeout if undefined." +msgstr "" +"Trajanje (v sekundah) predpomnjenja za grafikon v tej podatkovni bazi. Vrednost 0 " +"označuje, da predpomnilnik nikoli ne poteče. V primeru, da ni definirano, ima " +"globalno nastavitev." -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/filterscope/FilterScopeSelector.jsx:484 -msgid "Editing 1 filter:" -msgstr "Urejanje enega filtra:" +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:183 +msgid "If selected, please set the schemas allowed for csv upload in Extra." +msgstr "Če je izbrano, nastavite dovoljene sheme za nalaganje CSV v Dodatno." -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/EditSection.tsx:119 -msgid "Editing filter set:" -msgstr "Urejanje seta filtrov:" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:338 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:444 +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:189 +msgid "Expose in SQL Lab" +msgstr "Uporabi v SQL laboratoriju" -#: superset/errors.py:110 -msgid "Either the database is spelled incorrectly or does not exist." -msgstr "Ime podatkovne baze je zapisano napačno ali pa ne obstaja." +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:95 +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:190 +msgid "Allow CREATE TABLE AS" +msgstr "Dovoli CREATE TABLE AS" -#: superset/db_engine_specs/mysql.py:124 superset/db_engine_specs/presto.py:195 -#: superset/db_engine_specs/redshift.py:63 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:109 +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:191 +msgid "Allow CREATE VIEW AS" +msgstr "Dovoli CREATE VIEW AS" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:142 +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:192 +msgid "Allow DML" +msgstr "Dovoli DML" + +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:193 +msgid "CTAS Schema" +msgstr "CTAS shema" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/SqlAlchemyForm.tsx:74 +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:197 +msgid "SQLAlchemy URI" +msgstr "SQLAlchemy URI" + +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:198 +msgid "Chart Cache Timeout" +msgstr "Trajanje predpomnilnika grafikona" + +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:200 +msgid "Secure Extra" +msgstr "Dodatna varnost" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:369 +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:201 +msgid "Root certificate" +msgstr "Korenski certifikat" + +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:202 +msgid "Async Execution" +msgstr "Asinhrono izvajanje" + +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:203 +msgid "Impersonate the logged on user" +msgstr "Predstavljaj se kot prijavljeni uporabnik" + +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:204 +msgid "Allow Csv Upload" +msgstr "Dovoli nalaganje CSV" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:158 +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:206 +msgid "Allow Multi Schema Metadata Fetch" +msgstr "Dovoli pridobivanje metapodatkov z več shemami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:284 +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:207 +msgid "Backend" +msgstr "Vrsta" + +#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:247 superset/views/database/mixins.py:271 #, python-format -msgid "Either the username \"%(username)s\" or the password is incorrect." -msgstr "Uporabniško ime \"%(username)s\" ali geslo sta napačna." +msgid "Extra field cannot be decoded by JSON. %(msg)s" +msgstr "Dodatnega polja ni mogoče dekodirati z JSON. %(msg)s" -#: superset/db_engine_specs/mssql.py:74 +#: superset/views/database/validators.py:40 +msgid "" +"Invalid connection string, a valid string usually follows:'DRIVER://USER:" +"PASSWORD@DB-HOST/DATABASE-NAME'

Example:'postgresql://user:password@your-" +"postgres-db/database'

" +msgstr "" +"Neveljaven niz povezave. Veljaven niz običajno sledi zapisu:'DRIVER://USER:" +"PASSWORD@DB-HOST/DATABASE-NAME'

Primer:'postgresql://user:password@your-" +"postgres-db/database'

" + +#: superset/views/database/views.py:115 +msgid "CSV to Database configuration" +msgstr "Nastavitve pretvorbe CSV v podatkovno bazo" + +#: superset/views/database/views.py:133 #, python-format msgid "" -"Either the username \"%(username)s\", password, or database name " -"\"%(database)s\" is incorrect." +"Database \"%(database_name)s\" schema \"%(schema_name)s\" is not allowed for csv " +"uploads. Please contact your Superset Admin." msgstr "" -"Uporabniško ime \"%(username)s\", geslo ali ime podatkovne baze " -"\"%(database)s\" so napačni." +"Shema \"%(schema_name)s\" podatkovne baze \"%(database_name)s\" ni dovoljena za " +"nalaganje CSV. Kontaktirajte administratorja za Superset." -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:114 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:118 -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "Either the username or password is incorrect." -msgstr "Uporabniško ime \"%(username)s\" ali geslo sta napačna." +#: superset/views/database/views.py:226 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Unable to upload CSV file \"%(filename)s\" to table \"%(table_name)s\" in " +"database \"%(db_name)s\". Error message: %(error_msg)s" +msgstr "" +"CSV datoteke \"%(filename)s\" ni mogoče naložiti v tabelo \"%(table_name)s\" v " +"podatkovni bazi \"%(db_name)s\". Sporočilo napake: %(error_msg)s" -#: superset/errors.py:109 -msgid "Either the username or the password is wrong." -msgstr "Uporabniško ime ali/in geslo sta napačna." +#: superset/views/database/views.py:238 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"CSV file \"%(csv_filename)s\" uploaded to table \"%(table_name)s\" in database " +"\"%(db_name)s\"" +msgstr "" +"CSV datoteka \"%(csv_filename)s\" naložena v tabelo \"%(table_name)s\" v " +"podatkovni bazi \"%(db_name)s\"" -#: superset/views/schedules.py:326 -msgid "Email Format" -msgstr "Oblika e-pošte" +#: superset/views/database/views.py:254 +msgid "Excel to Database configuration" +msgstr "Nastavitve pretvorbe Excel v Podatkovno bazo" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/HeaderReportActionsDropdown/index.tsx:64 -msgid "Email reports active" -msgstr "E-poštna poročila aktivna" +#: superset/views/database/views.py:269 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Database \"%(database_name)s\" schema \"%(schema_name)s\" is not allowed for " +"excel uploads. Please contact your Superset Admin." +msgstr "" +"Shema \"%(schema_name)s\" podatkovne baze \"%(database_name)s\" ni dovoljena za " +"nalaganje Excel datotek. Kontaktirajte administratorja za Superset." -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:47 -msgid "Emit Target" -msgstr "Cilj oddajanja" +#: superset/views/database/views.py:363 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Unable to upload Excel file \"%(filename)s\" to table \"%(table_name)s\" in " +"database \"%(db_name)s\". Error message: %(error_msg)s" +msgstr "" +"Excel datoteke \"%(filename)s\" ni mogoče naložiti v tabelo \"%(table_name)s\" v " +"podatkovni bazi \"%(db_name)s\". Sporočilo napake: %(error_msg)s" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/emitFilterControl.tsx:30 -msgid "Emit dashboard cross filters" -msgstr "Oddajaj medsebojne filtre nadzorne plošče" +#: superset/views/database/views.py:375 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Excel file \"%(excel_filename)s\" uploaded to table \"%(table_name)s\" in " +"database \"%(db_name)s\"" +msgstr "" +"Excel datoteka \"%(excel_filename)s\" naložena v tabelo \"%(table_name)s\" v " +"podatkovni bazi \"%(db_name)s\"" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/emitFilterControl.tsx:33 -msgid "Emit dashboard cross filters." -msgstr "Oddajaj medsebojne filtre nadzorne plošče." +#: superset/views/database/views.py:391 +msgid "Columnar to Database configuration" +msgstr "Nastavitve pretvorbe Stolpci v Podatkovno bazo" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeader/index.tsx:95 -msgid "Emitted values" -msgstr "Oddane vrednosti" +#: superset/views/database/views.py:416 +msgid "" +"Multiple file extensions are not allowed for columnar uploads. Please make sure " +"all files are of the same extension." +msgstr "" +"Za nalaganje stolpčnih datotek niso dovoljene različne končnice. Poskrbite, da " +"imajo vse datoteke enake končnice." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:191 -msgid "Emphasis" -msgstr "Poudari" +#: superset/views/database/views.py:429 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Database \"%(database_name)s\" schema \"%(schema_name)s\" is not allowed for " +"columnar uploads. Please contact your Superset Admin." +msgstr "" +"Shema \"%(schema_name)s\" podatkovne baze \"%(database_name)s\" ni dovoljena za " +"nalaganje stolpčnih datotek. Kontaktirajte administratorja za Superset." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:36 -msgid "Employment and education" -msgstr "Zaposlitev in izobrazba" +#: superset/views/database/views.py:504 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Unable to upload Columnar file \"%(filename)s\" to table \"%(table_name)s\" in " +"database \"%(db_name)s\". Error message: %(error_msg)s" +msgstr "" +"Stolpčne datoteke \"%(filename)s\" ni mogoče naložiti v tabelo \"%(table_name)s\" " +"v podatkovni bazi \"%(db_name)s\". Sporočilo napake: %(error_msg)s" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:214 -msgid "Empty circle" -msgstr "Prazen krog" +#: superset/views/database/views.py:516 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Columnar file \"%(columnar_filename)s\" uploaded to table \"%(table_name)s\" in " +"database \"%(db_name)s\"" +msgstr "" +"Stolpčna datoteka \"%(columnar_filename)s\" naložena v tabelo \"%(table_name)s\" " +"v podatkovni bazi \"%(db_name)s\"" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/CollectionControl/index.jsx:59 -msgid "Empty collection" -msgstr "Prazen izbor" +#: superset/views/datasource/views.py:71 +msgid "Request missing data field." +msgstr "Zahtevaj manjkajoča podatkovna polja." -#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1068 -msgid "Empty query?" -msgstr "Prazna poizvedba?" +#: superset/views/datasource/views.py:105 +#, python-format +msgid "Duplicate column name(s): %(columns)s" +msgstr "Podvojena imena stolpcev: %(columns)s" -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:348 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:493 -msgid "Enable Filter Select" -msgstr "Omogoči izbiro filtra" +#: superset/views/log/__init__.py:21 +msgid "Logs" +msgstr "Dnevniki" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:293 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:184 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:145 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:125 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:142 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:200 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:203 -msgid "Enable data zooming controls" -msgstr "Omogoči kontrolnik za povečavo podatkov" +#: superset/views/log/__init__.py:22 +msgid "Show Log" +msgstr "Prikaži dnevnik" + +#: superset/views/log/__init__.py:23 +msgid "Add Log" +msgstr "Dodaj dnevnik" + +#: superset/views/log/__init__.py:24 +msgid "Edit Log" +msgstr "Uredi dnevnik" + +#: superset/views/log/__init__.py:31 +msgid "Action" +msgstr "Aktivnost" + +#: superset/views/log/__init__.py:32 +msgid "dttm" +msgstr "dttm" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1095 +#: superset/views/log/__init__.py:33 +msgid "JSON" +msgstr "JSON" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts:31 +msgid "Time Range" +msgstr "Časovno obdobje" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts:32 +msgid "Time Column" +msgstr "Časovni stolpec" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts:33 +msgid "Time Grain" +msgstr "Granulacija časa" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts:34 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/constants.ts:122 +msgid "Origin" +msgstr "Izhodišče" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts:35 +msgid "Time Granularity" +msgstr "Granulacija časa" + +# SUPERSET UI +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts:39 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:26 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js:36 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:52 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:39 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:37 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js:36 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/index.js:29 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:84 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:79 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:87 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:83 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:83 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:74 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts:73 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:25 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:75 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:182 +msgid "Time" +msgstr "Čas" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts:46 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:113 +msgid "A reference to the [Time] configuration, taking granularity into account" +msgstr "Sklic na nastavitve za [Čas], ki upošteva granulacijo" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts:58 +msgid "Aggregate" +msgstr "Agregacija" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts:59 +msgid "Raw records" +msgstr "Surovi podatki" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/CertifiedIconWithTooltip.tsx:46 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CertifiedBadge/index.tsx:44 +#, python-format +msgid "Certified by %s" +msgstr "Certificiral/a %s" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/ControlHeader.tsx:64 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlHeader.tsx:82 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:327 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayerModal.tsx:262 +msgid "description" +msgstr "opis" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/ControlHeader.tsx:74 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlHeader.tsx:92 +msgid "bolt" +msgstr "vijak" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/ControlHeader.tsx:75 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:42 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:57 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:70 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:85 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:100 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:72 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:89 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:103 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:120 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:137 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlHeader.tsx:93 +msgid "Changing this control takes effect instantly" +msgstr "Sprememba tega kontrolnika se odrazi takoj" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/InfoTooltipWithTrigger.tsx:52 +msgid "Show info tooltip" +msgstr "Prikaži opis orodja" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/SQLPopover.tsx:64 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:233 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1198 +msgid "SQL expression" +msgstr "SQL izraz" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/labelUtils.tsx:80 +msgid "Column name" +msgstr "Ime stolpca" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/labelUtils.tsx:108 +msgid "Metric name" +msgstr "Ime mere" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/ColumnTypeLabel/ColumnTypeLabel.tsx:53 +msgid "unknown type icon" +msgstr "ikona neznanega tipa" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/ColumnTypeLabel/ColumnTypeLabel.tsx:57 +msgid "function type icon" +msgstr "ikona funkcijskega tipa" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/ColumnTypeLabel/ColumnTypeLabel.tsx:59 +msgid "string type icon" +msgstr "ikona znakovnega tipa" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/ColumnTypeLabel/ColumnTypeLabel.tsx:61 +msgid "numeric type icon" +msgstr "ikona numeričnega tipa" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/ColumnTypeLabel/ColumnTypeLabel.tsx:63 +msgid "boolean type icon" +msgstr "ikona binarnega tipa" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/ColumnTypeLabel/ColumnTypeLabel.tsx:65 +msgid "temporal type icon" +msgstr "ikona časovnega tipa" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:25 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:127 +msgid "Advanced analytics" +msgstr "Napredna analitika" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:27 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:236 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:119 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:367 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:129 +msgid "" +"This section contains options that allow for advanced analytical post processing " +"of query results" +msgstr "" +"Ta sekcija vsebuje možnosti, ki omogočajo napredno analitično poprocesiranje " +"rezultatov poizvedb" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:33 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:135 +msgid "Rolling window" +msgstr "Drseče okno" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:39 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:141 +msgid "Rolling function" +msgstr "Drseča funkcija" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:41 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:242 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/constants.ts:75 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/FiltersHeader.tsx:124 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterCard/ScopeRow.tsx:77 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:120 +msgid "None" +msgstr "Brez" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:44 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:258 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:141 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:388 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:182 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:150 +msgid "" +"Defines a rolling window function to apply, works along with the [Periods] text " +"box" +msgstr "Določi funkcijo drsečega okna. Dela skupaj s tekstovnim okvirjem [Obdobja]" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:56 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:270 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:153 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:400 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:194 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:160 +msgid "Periods" +msgstr "Št. period" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:58 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:272 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:155 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:402 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:196 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:162 +msgid "" +"Defines the size of the rolling window function, relative to the time granularity " +"selected" +msgstr "Določi velikost funkcije drsečega okna, glede na izbrano granulacijo časa" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:80 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:172 +msgid "Min periods" +msgstr "Min. št. period" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:82 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:284 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:167 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:416 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:210 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:174 +msgid "" +"The minimum number of rolling periods required to show a value. For instance if " +"you do a cumulative sum on 7 days you may want your \"Min Period\" to be 7, so " +"that all data points shown are the total of 7 periods. This will hide the \"ramp " +"up\" taking place over the first 7 periods" +msgstr "" +"Minimalno število drsečih obdobij, potrebnih za prikaz vrednosti. Če računate " +"kumulativno vsoto 7-dnevnega obdobja, boste nastavili \"Min. št. period\" na 7. " +"Tako bodo vse prikazane točke skupaj obsegale 7 obdobij. To bo prikrilo rampo, ki " +"bi trajala prvih 7 obdobij" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:102 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:184 +msgid "Time comparison" +msgstr "Časovna primerjava" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:110 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:192 +msgid "Time shift" +msgstr "Časovni zamik" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:123 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:316 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:199 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:447 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:205 +msgid "" +"Overlay one or more timeseries from a relative time period. Expects relative time " +"deltas in natural language (example: 24 hours, 7 days, 52 weeks, 365 days). Free " +"text is supported." +msgstr "" +"Zamaknite eno ali več časovnih vrst za relativno časovno obdobje. Vnaša se " +"relativne časovne razlike v naravnem jeziku (npr. 24 ur, 7 dni, 52 tednov, 365 " +"dni). Prosto besedilo je podprto." + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:137 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:328 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:211 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:461 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:217 +msgid "Calculation type" +msgstr "Tip izračuna" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:145 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:336 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:219 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:469 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:225 +msgid "" +"How to display time shifts: as individual lines; as the difference between the " +"main time series and each time shift; as the percentage change; or as the ratio " +"between series and time shifts." +msgstr "" +"Način prikaza časovnih zamikov: kot samostojne črte; kot razlike med osnovno " +"časovno vrsto in vsakim časovnim zamikom; kot procentualna sprememba; kot " +"razmerje med vrsto in časovnim zamikom." + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:153 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:344 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:227 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:477 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:220 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:233 +msgid "Resample" +msgstr "Prevzorči" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:160 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:351 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:234 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:484 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:227 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:240 +msgid "Rule" +msgstr "Pravilo" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:172 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:361 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:244 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:487 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:239 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:243 +msgid "Pandas resample rule" +msgstr "Pravilo za prevzorčenje v Pandas" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:182 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:249 +msgid "Fill method" +msgstr "Način polnjenja" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:194 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:379 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:262 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:507 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:261 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:261 +msgid "Pandas resample method" +msgstr "Metoda za prevzorčenje v Pandas" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/annotationsAndLayers.tsx:25 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:104 +msgid "Annotations and Layers" +msgstr "Oznake in sloji" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:29 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:326 +msgid "Chart Title" +msgstr "Naslov grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:33 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:162 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:449 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/controlPanel.ts:69 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/controlPanel.ts:99 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/controlPanel.ts:83 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/controlPanel.ts:45 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:97 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/controlPanel.ts:69 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:77 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/controlPanel.ts:90 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:327 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:214 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:330 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:355 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:123 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:140 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:198 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:201 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:417 +msgid "X Axis" +msgstr "X os" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:39 +msgid "X Axis Title" +msgstr "Naslov X osi" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:53 +msgid "X AXIS TITLE BOTTOM MARGIN" +msgstr "SPODNJA OBROBA NASLOVA X OSI" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:61 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:168 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:456 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/controlPanel.ts:79 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/controlPanel.ts:111 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/controlPanel.ts:115 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/controlPanel.ts:54 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/controlPanel.ts:80 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/controlPanel.ts:109 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:256 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:351 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:249 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:332 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:358 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:160 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:176 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:233 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:236 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:424 +msgid "Y Axis" +msgstr "Y os" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:67 +msgid "Y Axis Title" +msgstr "Naslov Y osi" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:81 +msgid "Y AXIS TITLE MARGIN" +msgstr "OBROBA NASLOVA Y OSI" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:96 +msgid "Y AXIS TITLE POSITION" +msgstr "POZICIJA NASLOVA Y OSI" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/forecastInterval.tsx:36 +msgid "Predictive Analytics" +msgstr "Prediktivna analitika" #: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/forecastInterval.tsx:44 msgid "Enable forecast" @@ -5289,715 +4471,920 @@ msgstr "Omogoči napoved" msgid "Enable forecasting" msgstr "Omogoči napovedovanje" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:161 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:270 -msgid "Enable graph roaming" -msgstr "Omogoči preoblikovanje grafikona" +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/forecastInterval.tsx:56 +msgid "Forecast periods" +msgstr "Periode napovedi" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:141 -msgid "Enable node dragging" -msgstr "Omogoči premikanje vozlišč" +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/forecastInterval.tsx:59 +msgid "How many periods into the future do we want to predict" +msgstr "Za koliko period v prihodnosti želite napoved" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:176 -msgid "Enable query cost estimation" -msgstr "Omogoči ocenjevanje potratnosti poizvedbe" +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/forecastInterval.tsx:70 +msgid "Confidence interval" +msgstr "Interval zaupanja" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:290 -msgid "Enable server side pagination of results (experimental feature)" -msgstr "" -"Omogoči številčenje strani rezultatov na strani strežnika (preizkusna " -"funkcija)" +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/forecastInterval.tsx:73 +msgid "Width of the confidence interval. Should be between 0 and 1" +msgstr "Širina intervala zaupanja. Mora bit med 0 in 1" -#: superset/viz.py:2530 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/forecastInterval.tsx:92 msgid "" -"Encountered invalid NULL spatial entry," -" please consider filtering those " -"out" +"Should yearly seasonality be applied. An integer value will specify Fourier order " +"of seasonality." msgstr "" -"Prišlo je do neveljavnega NULL prostorskega vnosa," -" poskusite ga izločiti s filtrom" +"Če želite letno sezonskost. Celo število določa Fourier-jev red sezonskosti." -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:164 -#: superset/views/annotations.py:80 -msgid "End" -msgstr "Konec" - -#: superset/views/sql_lab.py:73 -msgid "End Time" -msgstr "Končni čas" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:120 -msgid "End angle" -msgstr "Končni kot" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/AdvancedFrame.tsx:78 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:171 -msgid "End date excluded from time range" -msgstr "Končni datum ni vključen v časovno obdobje" - -#: superset/annotation_layers/annotations/commands/exceptions.py:35 -msgid "End date must be after start date" -msgstr "Končni datum mora biti za začetnim" - -#: superset/databases/commands/validate.py:71 -#, python-format -msgid "Engine \"%(engine)s\" cannot be configured through parameters." -msgstr "Podatkovne baze tipa \"%(engine)s\" ni mogoče konfigurirati s parametri." - -#: superset/databases/commands/validate.py:59 superset/databases/schemas.py:308 -#, python-format -msgid "Engine \"%(engine)s\" is not a valid engine." -msgstr "\"%(engine)s\" ni veljaven tip podatkovne baze." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:459 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:464 -msgid "Engine Parameters" -msgstr "Parametri podatkovne baze" - -#: superset/databases/schemas.py:272 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/forecastInterval.tsx:111 msgid "" -"Engine spec \"InvalidEngine\" does not support being configured via " -"individual parameters." +"Should weekly seasonality be applied. An integer value will specify Fourier order " +"of seasonality." msgstr "" -"Specifikacija baze \"InvalidEngine\" ne podpira konfiguracije s " -"posameznimi parametri." +"Če želite tedensko sezonskost. Celo število določa Fourier-jev red sezonskosti." -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:356 -msgid "Enter CA_BUNDLE" -msgstr "Vnesite CA_BUNDLE" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/TableCatalog.tsx:55 -msgid "Enter a name for this sheet" -msgstr "Vnesite ime te preglednice" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:238 -msgid "Enter a new title for the tab" -msgstr "Vnesite novo naslov zavihka" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:222 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:244 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:266 -msgid "Enter duration in seconds" -msgstr "Vnesite trajanje v sekundah" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:327 -msgid "Enter fullscreen" -msgstr "Vklopi celozaslonski način" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:73 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:397 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:412 -msgid "Entity" -msgstr "Entiteta" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:125 -msgid "Entity ID" -msgstr "ID entitete" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:216 -msgid "Equal Date Sizes" -msgstr "Enaki datumi" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:56 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Error" -msgstr "Operator" - -#: superset/views/alerts.py:83 -msgid "Error Message" -msgstr "Sporočilo napake" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1349 -#, python-format -msgid "Error in jinja expression in HAVING clause: %(msg)s" -msgstr "Napaka v jinja izrazu HAVING stavka: %(msg)s" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:976 -#, python-format -msgid "Error in jinja expression in RLS filters: %(msg)s" -msgstr "Napaka v jinja izrazu RLS filtrov: %(msg)s" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1337 -#, python-format -msgid "Error in jinja expression in WHERE clause: %(msg)s" -msgstr "Napaka v jinja izrazu WHERE stavka: %(msg)s" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:735 -#, python-format -msgid "Error in jinja expression in fetch values predicate: %(msg)s" -msgstr "Napaka v jinja izrazu za pridobivanje vrednosti predikatov: %(msg)s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/containers/DashboardPage.tsx:190 -msgid "Error loading chart datasources. Filters may not work correctly." -msgstr "" -"Napaka pri nalaganju podatkovnih virov grafikona. Filtri lahko ne " -"delujejo pravilno." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/ExecutionLog.tsx:144 -msgid "Error message" -msgstr "Sporočilo napake" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:104 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:139 -msgid "Error while fetching charts" -msgstr "Napaka pri pridobivanju grafikonov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/SelectAsyncControl/index.tsx:89 -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "Error while fetching data: %s" -msgstr "Napaka pri pridobivanju grafikonov" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:842 -#, python-format -msgid "Error while rendering virtual dataset query: %(msg)s" -msgstr "Napaka pri izvajanju poizvedbe virtualnega podatkovnega seta: %(msg)s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/EstimateQueryCostButton/index.tsx:91 -msgid "Estimate cost" -msgstr "Oceni potratnost" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/EstimateQueryCostButton/index.tsx:90 -msgid "Estimate selected query cost" -msgstr "Oceni potratnost izbrane poizvedbe" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:648 -msgid "Estimate the cost before running a query" -msgstr "Oceni potratnost pred zagonom poizvedbe" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/index.ts:29 -msgid "Event Flow" -msgstr "Potek dogodkov" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:43 -msgid "Event Names" -msgstr "Imena dogodkov" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:35 -msgid "Event definition" -msgstr "Definicija dogodka" - -#: superset/viz.py:2896 -msgid "Event flow" -msgstr "Potek dogodkov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:478 -msgid "Event time column" -msgstr "Stolpec časa dogodka" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:43 -msgid "Every" -msgstr "Vsak" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:30 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:29 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:25 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/index.js:25 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/index.js:30 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js:25 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/index.js:25 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:56 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:63 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:59 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Line/index.ts:58 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:57 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:57 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:48 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts:57 -msgid "Evolution" -msgstr "Evolucija" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1263 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Exact" -msgstr "Besedilo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:34 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:49 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:67 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:81 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:95 -msgid "Example" -msgstr "Primer" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:92 -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "Example %(tableName)s will appear here" -msgstr "Primer ${tableName.toLowerCase()} se bo prikazal tukaj" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:759 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ChartTable.tsx:180 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/DashboardTable.tsx:178 -msgid "Examples" -msgstr "Vzorci" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:252 -msgid "Excel File" -msgstr "Excel-ova datoteka" - -#: superset/views/database/views.py:398 -#, python-format +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/forecastInterval.tsx:130 msgid "" -"Excel file \"%(excel_filename)s\" uploaded to table \"%(table_name)s\" in" -" database \"%(db_name)s\"" +"Should daily seasonality be applied. An integer value will specify Fourier order " +"of seasonality." msgstr "" -"Excel datoteka \"%(excel_filename)s\" naložena v tabelo " -"\"%(table_name)s\" v podatkovni bazi \"%(db_name)s\"" +"Če želite dnevno sezonskost. Celo število določa Fourier-jev red sezonskosti." -#: superset/views/database/views.py:268 -msgid "Excel to Database configuration" -msgstr "Nastavitve pretvorbe Excel v Podatkovno bazo" +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:28 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:27 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:76 +msgid "Time related form attributes" +msgstr "S časom povezani atributi prikaza" -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:126 -msgid "Exclude selected values" -msgstr "Izloči izbrane vrednosti" +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:48 +msgid "Datasource & Chart Type" +msgstr "Tip podatkovnega vira in grafikona" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/HighlightedSql/index.tsx:82 -msgid "Executed SQL" -msgstr "Izvedena poizvedba" +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:58 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:42 +msgid "Chart ID" +msgstr "ID grafikona" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryPreviewModal.tsx:162 -msgid "Executed query" -msgstr "Zagnana poizvedba" +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:60 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:44 +msgid "The id of the active chart" +msgstr "Identifikator aktivnega grafikona" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/ExecutionLog.tsx:105 -msgid "Execution ID" -msgstr "ID izvedbe" +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:67 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:51 +msgid "Cache Timeout (seconds)" +msgstr "Trajanje predpomnilnika (sekunde)" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:307 -msgid "Execution log" -msgstr "Dnevnik izvajanja" +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:69 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:53 +msgid "The number of seconds before expiring the cache" +msgstr "Trajanje (v sekundah) do razveljavitve predpomnilnika" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:326 -msgid "Exit fullscreen" -msgstr "Izhod iz celozaslonskega načina" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/filterscope/treeIcons.jsx:36 -msgid "Expand all" -msgstr "Razširi vse" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditorLeftBar/index.jsx:152 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Expand table preview" -msgstr "Odstrani predogled tabele" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:351 -msgid "Expand tool bar" -msgstr "Razširi orodno vrstico" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:72 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/GroupBy/index.ts:31 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/index.ts:31 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/index.ts:32 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Time/index.ts:31 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeColumn/index.ts:31 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeGrain/index.ts:31 -msgid "Experimental" -msgstr "Eksperimentalno" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ExploreCtasResultsButton/index.jsx:98 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ExploreResultsButton/index.jsx:168 -#: superset/views/core.py:883 -msgid "Explore" -msgstr "Raziskovanje" - -#: superset/views/core.py:881 -#, python-format -msgid "Explore - %(table)s" -msgstr "Razišči - %(table)s" - -#: superset/reports/notifications/email.py:91 -msgid "Explore in Superset" -msgstr "Razišči v Supersetu" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ExploreCtasResultsButton/index.jsx:91 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ExploreResultsButton/index.jsx:161 -msgid "Explore the result set in the data exploration view" -msgstr "Raziščite rezultate v pogledu raziskovanja podatkov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartCard.tsx:116 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:388 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:661 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardCard.tsx:98 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:385 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:630 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:342 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:373 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:636 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:516 -#: superset/views/dashboard/views.py:67 -msgid "Export" -msgstr "Izvoz" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:333 -msgid "Export CSV" -msgstr "Izvozi CSV" - -#: superset/views/dashboard/views.py:67 -msgid "Export dashboards?" -msgstr "Izvozim nadzorne plošče?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:341 -msgid "Export full CSV" -msgstr "Izvozi celoten CSV" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:397 -msgid "Export query" -msgstr "Izvozi poizvedbe" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreActionButtons.tsx:202 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreActionButtons.tsx:210 -msgid "Export to .CSV format" -msgstr "Izvozi v .csv format" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreActionButtons.tsx:182 -msgid "Export to .JSON format" -msgstr "Izvozi v .json format" - -#: superset/views/base.py:538 -msgid "Export to YAML" -msgstr "Izvozi v YAML" - -#: superset/views/base.py:538 -msgid "Export to YAML?" -msgstr "Izvozim v YAML?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:76 -msgid "Expose database in SQL Lab" -msgstr "Razkrij podatkovno bazo v SQL laboratoriju" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:281 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:387 -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:186 -msgid "Expose in SQL Lab" -msgstr "Uporabi v SQL laboratoriju" - -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:104 -msgid "Expose this DB in SQL Lab" -msgstr "Uporabi to podatkovno bazo v SQL laboratoriju" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:149 -msgid "Expression" -msgstr "Izraz" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:735 -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:262 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:505 -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:196 -msgid "Extra" -msgstr "Dodatno" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:160 -msgid "Extra Controls" -msgstr "Dodatni kontrolniki" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:87 -msgid "Extra Parameters" -msgstr "Dodatni parametri" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:736 -msgid "" -"Extra data to specify table metadata. Currently supports metadata of the " -"format: `{ \"certification\": { \"certified_by\": \"Data Platform Team\"," -" \"details\": \"This table is the source of truth.\" }, " -"\"warning_markdown\": \"This is a warning.\" }`." -msgstr "" -"Dodatni podatki za tabelo metapodatkov. Trenutno je podprta naslednja " -"oblika zapisa metapodatkov: `{ \"certification\": { \"certified_by\": " -"\"Tim za razvoj\", \"details\": \"Ta tabela je vir resnice.\" }, " -"\"warning_markdown\": \"To je opozorilo.\" }`." - -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:244 superset/views/database/mixins.py:268 -#, python-format -msgid "Extra field cannot be decoded by JSON. %(msg)s" -msgstr "Dodatnega polja ni mogoče dekodirati z JSON. %(msg)s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:62 -msgid "Extra parameters for use in jinja templated queries" -msgstr "Dodatni parametri za poizvedbe z jinja predlogami" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:89 -msgid "" -"Extra parameters that any plugins can choose to set for use in Jinja " -"templated queries" -msgstr "" -"Dodatni parametri, ki jih lahko uporabi kateri koli vtičnik za poizvedbe " -"z Jinja predlogami" +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:76 +msgid "URL Parameters" +msgstr "Parametri URL" #: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:78 msgid "Extra url parameters for use in Jinja templated queries" msgstr "Dodatni parametri za poizvedbe z Jinja predlogami" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:92 -msgid "FEB" -msgstr "FEB" +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:87 +msgid "Extra Parameters" +msgstr "Dodatni parametri" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:86 -msgid "FRI" -msgstr "PET" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:115 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "Faktor" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:145 superset/views/database/forms.py:298 -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:426 -msgid "Fail" -msgstr "Prekini" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.jsx:69 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.jsx:75 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:153 -msgid "Failed" -msgstr "Ni uspelo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:194 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:305 -msgid "Failed at retrieving results" -msgstr "Napaka pri pridobivanju rezultatov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:409 -#, python-format -msgid "Failed at stopping query. %s" -msgstr "" - -#: superset/errors.py:137 superset/sqllab/sql_json_executer.py:194 -msgid "Failed to start remote query on a worker." -msgstr "Na delavcu ni bilo mogoče zagnati oddaljene poizvedbe." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/withAsyncVerification.tsx:201 -#, python-format -msgid "Failed to verify select options: %s" -msgstr "Preverjanje možnosti izbire ni uspelo: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:436 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:433 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ChartTable.tsx:162 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/DashboardTable.tsx:159 -msgid "Favorite" -msgstr "Priljubljene" - -#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/App.tsx:52 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "Priljubljene" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:67 -msgid "February" -msgstr "Februar" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:353 -msgid "Fetch Values From" -msgstr "Pridobi vrednosti iz" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:499 -msgid "Fetch Values Predicate" -msgstr "Pridobi vrednosti predikatov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:788 -msgid "Fetch data preview" -msgstr "Pridobi predogled podatkov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:244 -#, python-format -msgid "Fetched %s" -msgstr "Pridobljeno %s" - -#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:62 -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "Field cannot be decoded by JSON. %(json_error)s" -msgstr "Polja ni mogoče dekodirati z JSON. %{json_error}s" - -#: superset/databases/schemas.py:183 superset/databases/schemas.py:198 -#, python-format -msgid "Field cannot be decoded by JSON. %(msg)s" -msgstr "Polja ni mogoče dekodirati z JSON. %(msg)s" - -#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:50 -msgid "Field is required" -msgstr "Polje je obvezno" - -#: superset/templates/superset/import_dashboards.html:37 -msgid "File" -msgstr "Datoteka" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:982 -msgid "Fill all required fields to enable \"Default Value\"" -msgstr "Izpolnite vsa polja, da omogočite \"Privzeto vrednost\"" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:166 -msgid "Fill method" -msgstr "Način polnjenja" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/Filters/Select.tsx:77 -msgid "Filter" -msgstr "Filter" - -#: superset/templates/appbuilder/general/widgets/search.html:24 -msgid "Filter List" -msgstr "Seznam filtrov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:787 -msgid "Filter Type" -msgstr "Tip filtra" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/FilterBoxChartPlugin.js:26 -msgid "Filter box" -msgstr "Izbirnik za filtriranje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QuerySearch/index.tsx:204 -msgid "Filter by database" -msgstr "Filtriraj po podatkovni bazi" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QuerySearch/index.tsx:240 -msgid "Filter by status" -msgstr "Filtriraj po statusu" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QuerySearch/index.tsx:195 -msgid "Filter by user" -msgstr "Filtriraj po uporabniku" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:282 -msgid "Filter configuration" -msgstr "Nastavitve filtra" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:66 -msgid "Filter configuration for the filter box" -msgstr "Nastavitve za polje filtra" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:895 -msgid "Filter has default value" -msgstr "Filter ima privzeto vrednost" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1010 -msgid "Filter is hierarchical" -msgstr "Filter je hierarhičen" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/FiltersHeader.tsx:109 -msgid "Filter metadata changed in dashboard. It will not be applied." -msgstr "Metapodatki filtra so se spremenili v nadzorni plošči. Ne bo uveljavljen." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:777 -msgid "Filter name" -msgstr "Ime filtra" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:563 -msgid "Filter results" -msgstr "Filtriraj rezultate" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/EditSection.tsx:144 -msgid "Filter set already exists" -msgstr "Set filtrov že obstaja" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/EditSection.tsx:143 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/Footer.tsx:83 -msgid "Filter set with this name already exists" -msgstr "Set filtrov z enakim imenom že obstaja" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/index.tsx:348 -#, python-format -msgid "Filter sets (%(filterSetCount)d)" -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:791 -msgid "Filter type" -msgstr "Tip filtra" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:417 -msgid "Filter value (case sensitive)" -msgstr "Vrednost filtra (razlik. velikih/malih črk)" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1278 -msgid "Filter value list cannot be empty" -msgstr "Seznam vrednosti filtra ne sme biti prazen" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceAdder.jsx:245 -msgid "Filter your charts" -msgstr "Filtriraj grafikone" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:95 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:147 -msgid "Filterable" -msgstr "Filtriranje" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:82 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:459 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/Header/index.tsx:103 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:466 superset/viz.py:2105 -msgid "Filters" -msgstr "Filtri" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/FiltersHeader.tsx:84 -#, python-format -msgid "Filters (%d)" -msgstr "Filtri (%d)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSqlTabContent/index.jsx:134 -msgid "Filters by columns" -msgstr "Filtrira po stolpcu" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSqlTabContent/index.jsx:136 -msgid "Filters by metrics" -msgstr "Filtrira po merah" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:57 -msgid "Filters configuration" -msgstr "Nastavitve filtrov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigModal.tsx:467 -msgid "Filters configuration and scoping" -msgstr "Nastavitve in doseg filtrov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterControls/FilterControls.tsx:159 -#, python-format -msgid "Filters out of scope (%d)" -msgstr "" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:348 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:89 msgid "" -"Filters with the same group key will be ORed together within the group, " -"while different filter groups will be ANDed together. Undefined group " -"keys are treated as unique groups, i.e. are not grouped together. For " -"example, if a table has three filters, of which two are for departments " -"Finance and Marketing (group key = 'department'), and one refers to the " -"region Europe (group key = 'region'), the filter clause would apply the " -"filter (department = 'Finance' OR department = 'Marketing') AND (region =" -" 'Europe')." +"Extra parameters that any plugins can choose to set for use in Jinja templated " +"queries" msgstr "" -"Filtri z enakim skupinskim ključem bodo znotraj skupine združeni z OR " -"funkcijo, medtem ko bodo različne skupine združene z AND funkcijo. " -"Nedefinirani skupinski ključi so obravnavani kot unikatne skupine in niso" -" združeni v svojo skupino. Npr., če ima tabela tri filtre, pri čemer sta " -"dva za oddelka marketinga in financ (skupinski ključ = 'oddelek') tretji " -"pa se nanaša na regijo Evropa (skupinski ključ = 'regija'), bo filtrski " -"izraz (oddelek = 'Finance' OR oddelek = 'Marketing') AND (regija = " -"'Evropa')." +"Dodatni parametri, ki jih lahko uporabi kateri koli vtičnik za poizvedbe z Jinja " +"predlogami" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:794 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:808 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1193 -msgid "Finish" -msgstr "Končaj" +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:99 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:525 +msgid "Color Scheme" +msgstr "Barvna shema" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:124 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:34 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:74 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:116 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:428 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:128 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:123 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:396 +msgid "Dimensions" +msgstr "Dimenzije" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:36 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:126 msgid "" -"Fix the trend line to the full time range specified in case filtered " -"results do not include the start or end dates" +"One or many columns to group by. High cardinality groupings should include a " +"series limit to limit the number of fetched and rendered series." msgstr "" -"Trendno črto nastavite na izbrano obdobje, v primeru, da filtrirani " -"rezultati ne vsebujejo začetnega in/ali končnega datuma" +"Eden ali več stolpcev za združevanje. Združevanje z visoko kardinalnostjo naj " +"vsebuje omejitev serij, s čimer omejite število pridobljenih in prikazanih serij." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:123 -msgid "Fix to selected Time Range" -msgstr "Nastavi na izbrano časovno obdobje" +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:69 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:239 +msgid "One or many columns to pivot as columns" +msgstr "En ali več stolpcev za stolpčno vrtenje" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FixedOrMetricControl/index.jsx:149 -msgid "Fixed" -msgstr "Fiksno" +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:77 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:431 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:399 +msgid "" +"Defines the grouping of entities. Each series is shown as a specific color on the " +"chart and has a legend toggle" +msgstr "" +"Določa združevanje entitet. Vsak niz je na grafikonu prikazan z določeno barvo in " +"ima lahko prikazano legendo" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:175 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:86 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:440 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:408 +msgid "Entity" +msgstr "Entiteta" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:90 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:444 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:412 +msgid "This defines the element to be plotted on the chart" +msgstr "Določa element, ki bo izrisan na grafikonu" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:122 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:165 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:162 +msgid "One or many metrics to display" +msgstr "Ena ali več mer za prikaz" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:134 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:204 +msgid "Right Axis Metric" +msgstr "Mera desne osi" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:135 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:206 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:217 +msgid "Choose a metric for right axis" +msgstr "Izberite mero za desno os" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:140 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:412 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceAdder.jsx:307 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:380 +msgid "Sort by" +msgstr "Razvrščanje" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:142 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:414 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:383 +msgid "" +"Metric used to define how the top series are sorted if a series or row limit is " +"present. If undefined reverts to the first metric (where appropriate)." +msgstr "" +"Mera, ki določa kako so razvrščene prve serije, če je določena omejitev serij ali " +"vrstic. Če ni določena, se uporabi prva mera (kjer je ustrezno)." + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:156 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:463 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:138 +msgid "Bubble Size" +msgstr "Velikost mehurčka" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:157 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:464 +msgid "Metric used to calculate bubble size" +msgstr "Mera za izračun velikosti mehurčkov" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:163 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:450 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:418 +msgid "Metric assigned to the [X] axis" +msgstr "Mera za [X] os" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:169 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:458 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:426 +msgid "Metric assigned to the [Y] axis" +msgstr "Mera za [Y] os" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:174 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:230 +msgid "Color Metric" +msgstr "Mera za barvo" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:176 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:233 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:238 +msgid "A metric to use for color" +msgstr "Mera za barvo" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:182 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:290 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:297 +msgid "" +"The time column for the visualization. Note that you can define arbitrary " +"expression that return a DATETIME column in the table. Also note that the filter " +"below is applied against this column or expression" +msgstr "" +"Časovni stolpec za vizualizacijo. Določite lahko poljuben izraz, ki vrne DATETIME " +"stolpec v tabeli. Spodnji filter se nanaša na ta stolpec ali izraz" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:191 +msgid "Drop temporal column here" +msgstr "Spustite časovni stolpec sem" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/emitFilterControl.tsx:30 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/emitFilterControl.tsx:33 +msgid "Enable dashboard cross filters" +msgstr "Omogoči medsebojne filtre nadzorne plošče" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:122 +msgid "" +"One or many columns to group by. High cardinality groupings should include a sort " +"by metric and series limit to limit the number of fetched and rendered series." +msgstr "" +"Eden ali več stolpcev za združevanje. Združevanje z visoko kardinalnostjo naj " +"vsebuje mero za razvrščanje in omjitev serij, s čimer omejite število " +"pridobljenih in prikazanih serij." + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:191 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:202 +msgid "The type of visualization to display" +msgstr "Tip vizualizacije za prikaz" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:196 msgid "Fixed Color" msgstr "Izbrana barva" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:206 -msgid "Fixed color" -msgstr "Izbrana barva" +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:197 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:207 +msgid "Use this to define a static color for all circles" +msgstr "S tem definirate določeno barvo za vse kroge" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:211 +msgid "Linear Color Scheme" +msgstr "Linearna barvna shema" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:251 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:258 +msgid "" +"Defines the origin where time buckets start, accepts natural dates as in `now`, " +"`sunday` or `1970-01-01`" +msgstr "" +"Določa izhodišče, kadar se začnejo časovni razdelki. Sprejema naravne zapise kot " +"so `zdaj`, `nedelja` ali `1970-01-01`" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:280 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:287 +msgid "" +"The time granularity for the visualization. Note that you can type and use simple " +"natural language as in `10 seconds`, `1 day` or `56 weeks`" +msgstr "" +"Granulacija časa za vizualizacijo. Uporabite lahko vnos z naravnim jezikom, kot " +"npr. `10 sekund`, `1 dni` ali `56 tednov`" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:329 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:326 +msgid "" +"The time granularity for the visualization. This applies a date transformation to " +"alter your time column and defines a new time granularity. The options here are " +"defined on a per database engine basis in the Superset source code." +msgstr "" +"Granulacija časa za to vizualizacijo. Izvede transformacijo podatkov, ki spremeni " +"vaš časovni stolpec in določi novo časovno granulacija. Ta možnost je definirana " +"na ravni sistema podatkovne baze v izvorni kodi Superseta." + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:345 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:35 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:342 +msgid "No filter" +msgstr "Brez filtra" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:346 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:343 +msgid "" +"The time range for the visualization. All relative times, e.g. \"Last month\", " +"\"Last 7 days\", \"now\", etc. are evaluated on the server using the server's " +"local time (sans timezone). All tooltips and placeholder times are expressed in " +"UTC (sans timezone). The timestamps are then evaluated by the database using the " +"engine's local timezone. Note one can explicitly set the timezone per the ISO " +"8601 format if specifying either the start and/or end time." +msgstr "" +"Časovno obdobje za vizualizacijo. Vsi relativni časi, kot npr. \"Zadnji mesec\", " +"Zadnjih 7 dni\", \"Zdaj\" so izračunani na strežniku z njegovim lokalnim časom. " +"Vsi opisi orodij in časi so izraženi v UTC. Časovne značke se nato izračunajo v " +"podatkovni bazi z njenim lokalnim časovnim pasom. Eksplicitno lahko nastavite " +"časovni pas v ISO 8601 formatu, če določite čas začetka ali konca." + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:362 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:356 +msgid "Row limit" +msgstr "Omejitev števila vrstic" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:366 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:360 +msgid "Limits the number of rows that get displayed." +msgstr "Omeji število vrstic za prikaz." + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:371 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:111 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:124 +msgid "Sort Descending" +msgstr "Razvrsti padajoče" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:373 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:113 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/orderBy.tsx:47 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:126 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:357 +msgid "Whether to sort descending or ascending" +msgstr "Če želite padajoče ali naraščajoče razvrščanje" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:384 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:399 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:366 +msgid "Series limit" +msgstr "Omejitev števila serij" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:388 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:402 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:370 +msgid "" +"Limits the number of series that get displayed. A joined subquery (or an extra " +"phase where subqueries are not supported) is applied to limit the number of " +"series that get fetched and rendered. This feature is useful when grouping by " +"high cardinality column(s) though does increase the query complexity and cost." +msgstr "" +"Omeji število časovnih vrst za prikaz. S podpoizvedbo (ali dodatno fazo, kjer " +"podpoizvedbe niso podprte) se omeji število časovnih vrst, ki bodo pridobljene za " +"prikaz. Ta funkcija je uporabna pri združevanju s stolpci z veliko " +"kardinalnostjo, vendar poveča kompleksnost poizvedbe." + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:472 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:438 +msgid "Y Axis Format" +msgstr "Oblika Y osi" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:497 +msgid "Time format" +msgstr "Oblika zapisa časa" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:529 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:480 +msgid "The color scheme for rendering chart" +msgstr "Barvna shema za izris grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:538 +msgid "Truncate Metric" +msgstr "Odstrani mero" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:540 +msgid "Whether to truncate metrics" +msgstr "Če želite odstraniti naziv mere" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/legacySortBy.tsx:29 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/orderBy.tsx:45 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:355 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1008 +msgid "Sort descending" +msgstr "Razvrsti padajoče" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/legacySortBy.tsx:31 +msgid "" +"Whether to sort descending or ascending. Takes effect only when \"Sort by\" is set" +msgstr "" +"Če želite padajoče ali naraščajoče razvrščanje. Učinkuje samo, ko je vključen " +"\"Sort by\"" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/ColumnConfigControl.tsx:168 +msgid "Show less columns" +msgstr "Prikaži manj stolpcev" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/ColumnConfigControl.tsx:173 +msgid "Show all columns" +msgstr "Prikaži vse stolpce" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:47 +msgid "Emit Target" +msgstr "Cilj oddajanja" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:48 +msgid "" +"If you wish to specify a different target column than the original column, it can " +"be entered here" +msgstr "" +"Če želite nastaviti drug ciljni stolpec od izvornega, ga lahko vnesete tukaj" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:58 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:69 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1215 +msgid "D3 format" +msgstr "D3 format" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:80 +msgid "Fraction digits" +msgstr "Število decimalk" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:81 +msgid "Number of decimal digits to round numbers to" +msgstr "Število decimalnih mest za zaokroževanje števil" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:90 +msgid "Min Width" +msgstr "Min. širina" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:91 +msgid "" +"Default minimal column width in pixels, actual width may still be larger than " +"this if other columns don't need much space" +msgstr "" +"Privzeta min. širina stolpca v pikslih. Dejanska širina bo lahko večja, če drugi " +"stolpci ne potrebujejo veliko prostora" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:105 +msgid "Text align" +msgstr "Poravnava besedila" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:106 +msgid "Horizontal alignment" +msgstr "Vodoravna poravnava" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:111 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:334 +msgid "Left" +msgstr "Levo" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:112 +msgid "Center" +msgstr "Na sredino" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:113 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:335 +msgid "Right" +msgstr "Desno" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:119 +msgid "Show cell bars" +msgstr "Prikaži stolp. graf v celicah" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:120 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:435 +msgid "Whether to display a bar chart background in table columns" +msgstr "" +"Če želite omogočiti prikaz manjših stolpčnih grafikonov v ozadju stolpcev tabele" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:127 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:446 +msgid "Align +/-" +msgstr "Poravnaj +/-" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:128 +msgid "Whether to align positive and negative values in cell bar chart at 0" +msgstr "" +"Če želite poravnati pozitivne in negativne vrednosti v stolpčnem grafikonu celic " +"pri 0" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:137 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:458 +msgid "Color +/-" +msgstr "Barva +/-" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:138 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:461 +msgid "Whether to colorize numeric values by if they are positive or negative" +msgstr "Če želite obarvati številske vrednosti, ko so le-te pozitivne ali negativne" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:153 +msgid "Small number format" +msgstr "Oblika zapisa majhnih števil" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:154 +msgid "" +"D3 number format for numbers between -1.0 and 1.0, useful when you want to have " +"different siginificant digits for small and large numbers" +msgstr "" +"D3 oblika zapisa za števila med -1.0 in 1.0. Uporabno, če želite različno število " +"števk za majhna in velika števila" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/D3Formatting.ts:22 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:149 +msgid "D3 format syntax: https://github.com/d3/d3-format" +msgstr "Sintaksa D3 formata: https://github.com/d3/d3-format" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/D3Formatting.ts:28 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/D3Formatting.ts:51 +msgid "Adaptive formatting" +msgstr "Adaptivno oblikovanje" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/D3Formatting.ts:42 +msgid "Duration in ms (66000 => 1m 6s)" +msgstr "Trajanje v ms (66000 => 1m 6s)" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/D3Formatting.ts:43 +msgid "Duration in ms (1.40008 => 1ms 400µs 80ns)" +msgstr "Trajanje v ms (1.40008 => 1ms 400µs 80ns)" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/D3Formatting.ts:46 +msgid "D3 time format syntax: https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format" +msgstr "Sintaksa D3 časovnega formata:: https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/NoResultsComponent.tsx:65 +msgid "" +"No results were returned for this query. If you expected results to be returned, " +"ensure any filters are configured properly and the datasource contains data for " +"the selected time range." +msgstr "" +"Poizvedba ni vrnila rezultatov. Če ste pričakovali rezultate, poskrbite, da so " +"filtri pravilno nastavljeni in podatkovni vir vsebuje podatke za izbrano časovno " +"obdobje." + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/NoResultsComponent.tsx:78 +msgid "No Results" +msgstr "Ni rezultatov" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/extractQueryFields.ts:130 +msgid "Found invalid orderby options" +msgstr "Najdene so neveljavne možnosti razvrščanja" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/legacyValidateInteger.ts:31 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/validateInteger.ts:32 +msgid "is expected to be an integer" +msgstr "pričakovano je celo število" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/legacyValidateNumber.ts:28 +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/validateNumber.ts:32 +msgid "is expected to be a number" +msgstr "pričakovano je število" + +#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/validateNonEmpty.ts:29 +msgid "cannot be empty" +msgstr "ne sme biti prazno" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:32 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts:26 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/controlPanel.ts:32 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:90 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:65 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:60 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts:30 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:54 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:26 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/controlPanel.ts:26 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:36 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:34 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/controlPanel.ts:26 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/controlPanel.ts:26 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:30 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/controlPanel.ts:31 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:31 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/Multi/controlPanel.js:63 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/controlPanel.ts:44 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Geojson/controlPanel.ts:54 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Grid/controlPanel.ts:39 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Hex/controlPanel.ts:40 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Path/controlPanel.ts:41 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/controlPanel.ts:56 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/controlPanel.ts:54 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Screengrid/controlPanel.ts:39 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/controlPanel.ts:44 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:26 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:45 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/controlPanel.ts:60 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:158 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:341 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:29 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/controlPanel.ts:43 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts:32 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:34 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:34 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/controlPanel.tsx:41 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:34 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:44 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:48 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:63 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:62 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:269 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:53 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:54 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:60 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:61 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:42 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:38 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:56 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:42 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:185 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts:26 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:30 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.test.tsx:62 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:104 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/GroupBy/controlPanel.ts:34 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/controlPanel.ts:31 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:41 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Time/controlPanel.ts:29 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:178 +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/controlPanel.js:26 +msgid "Query" +msgstr "Poizvedba" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:40 +msgid "Domain" +msgstr "Domena" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:49 +msgid "The time unit used for the grouping of blocks" +msgstr "Časovna enota za združevanje blokov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:56 +msgid "Subdomain" +msgstr "Poddomena" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:65 +msgid "" +"The time unit for each block. Should be a smaller unit than domain_granularity. " +"Should be larger or equal to Time Grain" +msgstr "" +"Časovna enota za vsak blok. Mora biti manjša enota kot domenska_granulacija. Mora " +"biti večja ali enaka Granulaciji časa" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:77 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts:49 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/controlPanel.ts:54 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:75 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts:53 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:132 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:57 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/controlPanel.ts:36 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/controlPanel.ts:65 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:53 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/controlPanel.ts:43 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/controlPanel.ts:42 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/controlPanel.ts:84 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/controlPanel.ts:77 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:31 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/controlPanel.ts:40 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:69 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/controlPanel.ts:35 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/controlPanel.ts:45 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:54 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:39 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/controlPanel.ts:81 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts:57 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:125 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:69 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/controlPanel.tsx:73 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:74 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:308 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:72 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:83 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:98 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:337 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:73 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:90 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:96 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:97 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:61 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:35 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/fixtures.tsx:33 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/fixtures.tsx:76 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/fixtures.tsx:85 +msgid "Chart Options" +msgstr "Možnosti grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:91 +msgid "Cell Size" +msgstr "Velikost celice" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:92 +msgid "The size of the square cell, in pixels" +msgstr "Velikost kvadratne celice v pikslih" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:103 +msgid "Cell Padding" +msgstr "Razmak med celicami" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:104 +msgid "The distance between cells, in pixels" +msgstr "Razdalja med celicami v pikslih" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:117 +msgid "Cell Radius" +msgstr "Polmer celice" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:118 +msgid "The pixel radius" +msgstr "Polmer piksla" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:129 +msgid "Color Steps" +msgstr "Barvni koraki" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:130 +msgid "The number color \"steps\"" +msgstr "Število barvnih korakov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:141 +msgid "Time Format" +msgstr "Oblika zapisa časa" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:154 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:275 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:129 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:149 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:104 +msgid "Legend" +msgstr "Legenda" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:157 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:278 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:132 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:152 +msgid "Whether to display the legend (toggles)" +msgstr "Preklapljanje prikaza legende" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:164 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:301 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:197 +msgid "Show Values" +msgstr "Pokaži vrednosti" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:167 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:304 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:200 +msgid "Whether to display the numerical values within the cells" +msgstr "Če želite v celicah prikazati numerične vrednosti" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:178 +msgid "Show Metric Names" +msgstr "Pokaži imena mer" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:181 +msgid "Whether to display the metric name as a title" +msgstr "Če želite prikazati ime mere kot naslov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:191 +msgid "Number Format" +msgstr "Oblika zapisa števila" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js:25 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:28 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/index.js:25 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:25 +msgid "Correlation" +msgstr "Korelacija" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js:27 +msgid "" +"Visualizes how a metric has changed over a time using a color scale and a " +"calendar view. Gray values are used to indicate missing values and the linear " +"color scheme is used to encode the magnitude of each day's value." +msgstr "" +"Prikaže kako se je mera spreminjala s časom s pomočjo barvne lestvice in " +"koledarskega pogleda. Sive vrednosti ponazarjajo manjkajoče vrednosti. Amplituda " +"dnevnih vrednosti je ponazorjena z linearno barvno shemo." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js:32 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:40 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js:35 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/index.js:31 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:40 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/index.ts:54 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/index.ts:45 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/index.ts:55 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:44 +msgid "Business" +msgstr "Aktivnost" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/index.js:38 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/index.js:28 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:37 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Grid/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Hex/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/index.js:35 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Screengrid/index.js:35 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:45 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:34 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:36 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:43 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js:35 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/index.ts:46 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/index.ts:41 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts:68 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/index.ts:56 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/index.ts:60 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts:43 +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/index.ts:32 +msgid "Comparison" +msgstr "Primerjava" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js:34 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:41 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js:36 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:38 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/index.js:39 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Screengrid/index.js:36 +msgid "Intensity" +msgstr "Intenzivnost" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js:35 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/index.js:38 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js:35 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:46 +msgid "Pattern" +msgstr "Vzorec" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js:36 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js:36 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/index.js:31 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:45 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/index.ts:43 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/index.ts:57 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/index.ts:48 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/index.ts:59 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/index.ts:55 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:48 +msgid "Report" +msgstr "Poročilo" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js:37 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js:37 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:53 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:40 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:38 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:40 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/index.ts:45 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/index.ts:59 +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/index.ts:37 +msgid "Trend" +msgstr "Trend" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts:39 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:94 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/controlPanel.ts:55 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:43 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:63 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/controlPanel.tsx:63 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:64 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:62 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:49 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts:38 +msgid "Sort by metric" +msgstr "Mera za razvrščanje" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts:40 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:95 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/controlPanel.ts:56 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:44 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:64 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/controlPanel.tsx:64 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:65 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:63 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:50 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts:39 +msgid "Whether to sort results by the selected metric in descending order." +msgstr "Če želite padajoče razvrstiti rezultate z izbrano mero." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts:56 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/controlPanel.ts:64 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:143 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:118 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:67 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/controlPanel.ts:67 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:66 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts:96 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:270 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:99 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/controlPanel.tsx:112 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:148 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:120 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:137 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:113 +msgid "Number format" +msgstr "Oblika zapisa števila" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts:57 +msgid "Choose a number format" +msgstr "Izberite obliko zapisa števila" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts:60 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:52 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1346 +msgid "Source" +msgstr "Izvor" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts:63 +msgid "Choose a source" +msgstr "Izberite izvor" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts:66 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:62 +msgid "Target" +msgstr "Cilj" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts:69 +msgid "Choose a target" +msgstr "Izberite cilj" #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/index.js:26 #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/index.ts:24 @@ -6006,992 +5393,52 @@ msgstr "Izbrana barva" msgid "Flow" msgstr "Potek" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:133 -msgid "Font size" -msgstr "Velikost pisave" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:134 -msgid "Font size for axis labels, detail value and other text elements" -msgstr "Velikost pisave za oznake osi, podrobnosti in druge besedilne elemente" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts:71 -msgid "Font size for the biggest value in the list" -msgstr "Velikost pisave za največjo vrednost na seznamu" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts:60 -msgid "Font size for the smallest value in the list" -msgstr "Velikost pisave za najmanjšo vrednost na seznamu" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:179 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/index.js:28 msgid "" -"For Presto and Postgres, shows a button to compute cost before running a " -"query." +"Showcases the flow or link between categories using thickness of chords. The " +"value and corresponding thickness can be different for each side." msgstr "" -"Za Presto in Postgres prikaže gumb za izračun potratnosti pred zagonom " -"poizvedbe." - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:342 -msgid "" -"For regular filters, these are the roles this filter will be applied to. " -"For base filters, these are the roles that the filter DOES NOT apply to, " -"e.g. Admin if admin should see all data." -msgstr "" -"Za regularne filtre so te vloge tiste, ki bodo filtrirane. Za osnovne " -"filtre, so te vloge tiste, ki NE bodo filtrirane, npr. Admin, če naj " -"administrator vidi vse podatke." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:111 -msgid "Force" -msgstr "Sila" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:129 -msgid "" -"Force all tables and views to be created in this schema when clicking " -"CTAS or CVAS in SQL Lab." -msgstr "" -"Vsilite, da bodo vse tabele in pogledi ustvarjeni s to shemo, ko kliknete" -" CTAS ali CVAS v SQL laboratoriju." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:270 -msgid "Force refresh" -msgstr "Osveži" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/DatabaseSelector/index.tsx:287 -msgid "Force refresh schema list" -msgstr "Osveži seznam shem" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/TableSelector/index.tsx:317 -msgid "Force refresh table list" -msgstr "Osveži seznam tabel" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/index.js:27 -msgid "Force-directed Graph" -msgstr "Graf usmerjenih sil" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/forecastInterval.tsx:56 -msgid "Forecast periods" -msgstr "Periode napovedi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/index.ts:37 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:42 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:45 -msgid "Formattable" -msgstr "Prilagodljiv" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:296 -msgid "Formatted CSV attached in email" -msgstr "Oblikovan CSV pripet e-pošti" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/query/extractQueryFields.ts:130 -msgid "Found invalid orderby options" -msgstr "Najdene so neveljavne možnosti razvrščanja" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:80 -msgid "Fraction digits" -msgstr "Število decimalk" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/controlPanel.ts:53 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "Frekvenca" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:304 -msgid "Friction" -msgstr "Trenje" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:310 -msgid "Friction between nodes" -msgstr "Trenje med vozlišči" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:61 -msgid "Friday" -msgstr "Petek" - -#: superset/utils/date_parser.py:264 superset/viz.py:370 -msgid "From date cannot be larger than to date" -msgstr "Začetni datum ne sme biti večji od končnega datuma" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/index.ts:52 -msgid "Funnel Chart" -msgstr "Lijakasti grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:454 -msgid "Further customize how to display each column" -msgstr "Dodatne prilagoditve prikaza posameznih stolpcev" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:168 -msgid "Further customize how to display each metric" -msgstr "Dodatne prilagoditve prikaza posameznih mer" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/index.ts:42 -msgid "Gauge Chart" -msgstr "Števčni grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:78 -msgid "General" -msgstr "Splošno" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js:34 -msgid "Geo" -msgstr "Geo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/SpatialControl.jsx:203 -msgid "Geohash" -msgstr "Geohash" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:75 -msgid "Get the last date by the date unit." -msgstr "Pridobi zadnji datum glede na časovno enoto." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:88 -msgid "Get the specify date for the holiday" -msgstr "Določi datum praznika" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/TableCatalog.tsx:47 -msgid "Google Sheet Name and URL" -msgstr "Ime Googlove preglednice in URL" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1275 -msgid "Grace period" -msgstr "Obdobje mirovanja" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/index.ts:37 -msgid "Graph Chart" -msgstr "Graf" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:108 -msgid "Graph layout" -msgstr "Izgled grafikona" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:262 -msgid "Gravity" -msgstr "Gravitacija" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:299 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/GroupBy/index.ts:28 -msgid "Group By" -msgstr "Združevanje (Group by)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/GroupBy/index.ts:29 -msgid "Group By filter plugin" -msgstr "Vtičnik za filter za združevanje" - -#: superset/viz.py:895 -msgid "Group By' and 'Columns' can't overlap" -msgstr "'Združevanje' in 'Stolpci' se ne smeta prekrivati" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:83 -msgid "Group By, Metrics or Percentage Metrics must have a value" -msgstr "Združevanje, Mera ali Procentualna mera morajo imeti vrednost" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:31 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:99 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:42 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:299 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:123 -msgid "Group by" -msgstr "Združevanje (Group by)" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:94 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:146 -msgid "Groupable" -msgstr "Združevanje" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:238 -msgid "" -"Hard value bounds applied for color coding. Is only relevant and applied " -"when the normalization is applied against the whole heatmap." -msgstr "" -"Mejne vrednosti za barvno lestvico. Upošteva se le, če je normiranje " -"uporabljeno glede na celotni toplotni prikaz." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/new/NewHeader.jsx:31 -msgid "Header" -msgstr "Glava" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:152 superset/views/database/forms.py:305 -msgid "Header Row" -msgstr "Naslovna vrstica" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:38 -#: superset/viz.py:2212 -msgid "Heatmap" -msgstr "Toplotni prikaz" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:104 -msgid "Heatmap Options" -msgstr "Možnosti toplotnega prikaza" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/EmbedCodeButton.jsx:116 -msgid "Height" -msgstr "Višina" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:730 -msgid "Hide layer" -msgstr "Skrij sloj" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:351 -msgid "Hide tool bar" -msgstr "Skrij orodno vrstico" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:81 -msgid "Hierarchy" -msgstr "Hierarhija" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/index.js:37 -#: superset/viz.py:1711 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "Histogram" - -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:222 -msgid "Home" -msgstr "Domov" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/index.js:32 -msgid "Horizon Chart" -msgstr "Horizontni grafikon" - -#: superset/viz.py:2273 -msgid "Horizon Charts" -msgstr "Horizontni grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:106 -msgid "Horizontal alignment" -msgstr "Vodoravna poravnava" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:47 -msgid "Host" -msgstr "" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:1390 -msgid "Hostname or IP address" -msgstr "Ime gostitelja ali IP naslov" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:94 -msgid "Hour" -msgstr "Ura" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:65 -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "Hours %s" -msgstr "ura" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:779 -msgid "Hours offset" -msgstr "Urni premik" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:94 -msgid "How do you want to enter service account credentials?" -msgstr "Kako želite vnesti prijavne podatke servisnega računa?" - -#: superset/views/alerts.py:190 -msgid "How long to keep the logs around for this alert" -msgstr "Kako dolgo ohraniti dnevnike za to opozorilo" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/forecastInterval.tsx:59 -msgid "How many periods into the future do we want to predict" -msgstr "Za koliko period v prihodnosti želite napoved" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:129 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:342 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:225 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:477 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:240 -msgid "" -"How to display time shifts: as individual lines; as the difference " -"between the main time series and each time shift; as the percentage " -"change; or as the ratio between series and time shifts." -msgstr "" -"Način prikaza časovnih zamikov: kot samostojne črte; kot razlike med " -"osnovno časovno vrsto in vsakim časovnim zamikom; kot procentualna " -"sprememba; kot razmerje med vrsto in časovnim zamikom." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/sharedControls.ts:51 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/sharedControls.ts:85 -msgid "Huge" -msgstr "Ogromna" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/controlPanel.ts:78 -msgid "ISO 3166-2 Codes" -msgstr "Oznake po ISO 3166-2" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:237 -msgid "ISO 8601" -msgstr "ISO 8601" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:50 -msgid "Id" -msgstr "Id" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:85 -msgid "Id of root node of the tree." -msgstr "Id korenskega vozlišča drevesa." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:400 -msgid "" -"If Presto or Trino, all the queries in SQL Lab are going to be executed " -"as the currently logged on user who must have permission to run them. If " -"Hive and hive.server2.enable.doAs is enabled, will run the queries as " -"service account, but impersonate the currently logged on user via " -"hive.server2.proxy.user property." -msgstr "" -"V primeru Presto ali Trino se vse poizvedbe v SQL laboratoriju zaženejo " -"pod trenutno prijavljenim uporabnikom, ki mora imeti pravice za " -"poganjanje. Če je omogočen Hive in hive.server2.enable.doAs, poizvedbe " -"tečejo pod servisnim računom, vendar je trenutno prijavljen uporabnik " -"predstavljen z lastnostjo hive.server2.proxy.user." - -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:163 -msgid "" -"If Presto, all the queries in SQL Lab are going to be executed as the " -"currently logged on user who must have permission to run them.
If " -"Hive and hive.server2.enable.doAs is enabled, will run the queries as " -"service account, but impersonate the currently logged on user via " -"hive.server2.proxy.user property." -msgstr "" -"V primeru Presto se vse poizvedbe v SQL laboratoriju zaženejo pod " -"trenutno prijavljenim uporabnikom, ki mora imeti pravice za " -"poganjanje.
Če je omogočen Hive in hive.server2.enable.doAs, " -"poizvedbe tečejo pod servisnim računom, vendar je trenutno prijavljen " -"uporabnik predstavljen z lastnostjo hive.server2.proxy.user." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1201 -msgid "If a metric is specified, sorting will be done based on the metric value" -msgstr "Če je določena mera, bo razvrščanje izvedeno na podlagi vrednosti mere" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ExploreResultsButton/index.jsx:121 -msgid "If activated you can use the " -msgstr "Če je aktivirana, lahko uporabite " - -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:180 -msgid "If selected, please set the schemas allowed for csv upload in Extra." -msgstr "Če je izbrano, nastavite dovoljene sheme za nalaganje CSV v Dodatno." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:420 -msgid "If selected, please set the schemas allowed for data upload in Extra." -msgstr "Če je izbrano, nastavite dovoljene sheme za nalaganje podatkov v Dodatno." - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:139 superset/views/database/forms.py:292 -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:420 -msgid "" -"If table exists do one of the following: Fail (do nothing), Replace (drop" -" and recreate table) or Append (insert data)." -msgstr "" -"Če tabela obstaja, naredite nekaj od sledečega: Prekini (ne naredi nič), " -"Zamenjaj (zbriši in ponovno ustvari tabelo) ali Dodaj (vstavi podatke)." - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:48 -msgid "" -"If you wish to specify a different target column than the original " -"column, it can be entered here" -msgstr "" -"Če želite nastaviti drug ciljni stolpec od izvornega, ga lahko vnesete " -"tukaj" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:83 -msgid "Ignore time" -msgstr "Ne upoštevaj časa" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:293 -msgid "Image (PNG) embedded in email" -msgstr "Slika (PNG) vključena v e-pošto" - -#: superset-frontend/src/utils/downloadAsImage.ts:63 -msgid "Image download failed, please refresh and try again." -msgstr "Prenos slike ni uspel. Osvežite in poskusite ponovno." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:395 -msgid "Impersonate logged in user (Presto, Trino, Drill, Hive, and GSheets)" -msgstr "" -"Predstavljanje kot prijavljeni uporabnik (Presto, Trino, Drill, Hive in " -"GSheets)" - -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:200 -msgid "Impersonate the logged on user" -msgstr "Predstavljaj se kot prijavljeni uporabnik" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ImportModal/index.tsx:282 -msgid "Import" -msgstr "Uvozi" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ImportModal/index.tsx:286 -#, python-format -msgid "Import %s" -msgstr "Uvozi %s" - -#: superset/templates/superset/import_dashboards.html:26 -msgid "Import Dashboard(s)" -msgstr "Uvozi nadzorne plošče" - -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:314 -msgid "Import Dashboards" -msgstr "Uvozi nadzorne plošče" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:397 -msgid "Import a table definition" -msgstr "Uvozi definicijo tabele" - -#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:151 -msgid "Import chart failed for an unknown reason" -msgstr "Uvoz grafikona ni uspel zaradi neznanega razloga" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:621 -msgid "Import charts" -msgstr "Uvozi grafikone" - -#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:82 -msgid "Import dashboard failed for an unknown reason" -msgstr "Uvoz nadzorne plošče ni uspel zaradi neznanega razloga" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:596 -#: superset/templates/superset/import_dashboards.html:21 -msgid "Import dashboards" -msgstr "Uvozi nadzorne plošče" - -#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:139 -msgid "Import database failed for an unknown reason" -msgstr "Uvoz podatkovne baze ni uspel zaradi neznanega razloga" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:195 -msgid "Import databases" -msgstr "Uvozi podatkovne baze" - -#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:181 -msgid "Import dataset failed for an unknown reason" -msgstr "Uvoz podatkovnega seta ni uspel zaradi neznanega razloga" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:517 -msgid "Import datasets" -msgstr "Uvozi podatkovne sete" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:190 -msgid "Import queries" -msgstr "Uvozi poizvedbe" - -#: superset/queries/saved_queries/commands/exceptions.py:36 -msgid "Import saved query failed for an unknown reason." -msgstr "Uvoz shranjene poizvedbe ni uspel zaradi neznanega razloga." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:64 -msgid "" -"Important! Select this if the table is not already sorted by entity id, " -"else there is no guarantee that all events for each entity are returned." -msgstr "" -"Pomembno! Izberite, če tabela še ni razvrščena po ID entitete, v " -"nasprotnem primeru ni nujno, da bodo vrnjeni vsi dogodki za posamezno " -"entiteto." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/controlPanel.ts:67 -msgid "Include Series" -msgstr "Vključi serijo" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/controlPanel.ts:70 -msgid "Include series name as an axis" -msgstr "Vključi ime podatkovne serije v naslov osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:325 -msgid "Include time" -msgstr "Vključi čas" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/FiltersBadge/DetailsPanel/index.tsx:231 -#, python-format -msgid "Incompatible Filters (%d)" -msgstr "Neskladni filtri (%d)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:121 -msgid "Incorrect Fields" -msgstr "" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:162 superset/views/database/forms.py:315 -msgid "Index Column" -msgstr "Indeksni stolpec" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:210 -msgid "Infer Datetime Format" -msgstr "Prepoznaj obliko datuma/časa" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Menu/MenuRight.tsx:166 -#: superset/templates/appbuilder/navbar_right.html:110 -msgid "Info" -msgstr "Informacije" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:220 -msgid "Inner Radius" -msgstr "Notranji polmer" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:226 -msgid "Inner radius of donut hole" -msgstr "Notranji polmer kolobarja" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:314 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:216 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:177 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:158 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:174 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:232 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:235 -msgid "Input field supports custom rotation. e.g. 30 for 30°" -msgstr "Vnosno polje omogoča poljubno rotacijo (vnesite 30 za 30°)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:90 -msgid "Instant filtering" -msgstr "Takojšnje filtriranje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/addSlice/AddSliceContainer.tsx:293 -msgid "Instructions to add a dataset are available in the Superset tutorial." -msgstr "Navodila za dodajanje podatkovnega seta so v vodiču za Superset." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js:34 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:41 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js:36 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:38 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "Intenzivnost" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:495 -msgid "Interval End column" -msgstr "Stolpec konca intervala" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:286 -msgid "Interval bounds" -msgstr "Meje intervalov" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:300 -msgid "Interval colors" -msgstr "Barve intervalov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:477 -msgid "Interval start column" -msgstr "Stolpec začetka intervala" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:280 -msgid "Intervals" -msgstr "Intervali" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TemplateParamsEditor/index.tsx:109 -msgid "Invalid JSON" -msgstr "Neveljaven JSON" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:107 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Invalid Port Number" -msgstr "Število razdelitev" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:113 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:117 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Invalid account information" -msgstr "Osnovne informacije" - -#: superset/databases/schemas.py:170 superset/exceptions.py:182 -msgid "Invalid certificate" -msgstr "Neveljaven certifikat" - -#: superset/views/core.py:1375 -msgid "" -"Invalid connection string, a valid string usually follows:\n" -"'DRIVER://USER:PASSWORD@DB-HOST/DATABASE-NAME'" -msgstr "" -"Neveljaven niz povezave, veljaven niz običajno sledi:\n" -"'DRIVER://USER:PASSWORD@DB-HOST/DATABASE-NAME'" - -#: superset/databases/schemas.py:148 -msgid "" -"Invalid connection string, a valid string usually follows: " -"driver://user:password@database-host/database-name" -msgstr "" -"Neveljaven niz povezave - veljaven niz običajno sledi: " -"driver://user:password@database-host/database-name" - -#: superset/views/database/validators.py:40 -msgid "" -"Invalid connection string, a valid string usually " -"follows:'DRIVER://USER:PASSWORD@DB-HOST/DATABASE-" -"NAME'

Example:'postgresql://user:password@your-postgres-" -"db/database'

" -msgstr "" -"Neveljaven niz povezave. Veljaven niz običajno sledi " -"zapisu:'DRIVER://USER:PASSWORD@DB-HOST/DATABASE-" -"NAME'


" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:52 -msgid "Invalid cron expression" -msgstr "Neveljaven cron izraz" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:578 -#, python-format -msgid "Invalid cumulative operator: %(operator)s" -msgstr "Neveljaven kumulativni operand: %(operator)s" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:168 superset/datasets/schemas.py:39 -msgid "Invalid date/timestamp format" -msgstr "Neveljaven zapis datuma/časa" - -#: superset/viz.py:2123 -msgid "Invalid filter configuration, please select a column" -msgstr "Neveljavna nastavitev filtrov, izberite stolpec" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1326 -#, python-format -msgid "Invalid filter operation type: %(op)s" -msgstr "Neveljaven tip operacije filtra: %(op)s" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:679 -msgid "Invalid geodetic string" -msgstr "Neveljaven geodetski niz" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:614 -msgid "Invalid geohash string" -msgstr "Neveljaven niz za geohash" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/SpatialControl.jsx:82 -msgid "Invalid lat/long configuration." -msgstr "Neveljavna nastavitev zemljepisne dolžine/širine." - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:637 -msgid "Invalid longitude/latitude" -msgstr "Neveljavna zemljepisna dolžina/širina" - -#: superset/utils/core.py:1318 -msgid "Invalid metric object" -msgstr "Neveljaven objekt mere" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:184 -#, python-format -msgid "Invalid numpy function: %(operator)s" -msgstr "Neveljavna numpy funkcija: %(operator)s" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:414 -#, python-format -msgid "Invalid options for %(rolling_type)s: %(options)s" -msgstr "Neveljavne možnosti za %(rolling_type)s: %(options)s" - -#: superset/common/query_actions.py:192 -#, python-format -msgid "Invalid result type: %(result_type)s" -msgstr "Neveljaven tip rezultata: %(result_type)s" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:408 -#, python-format -msgid "Invalid rolling_type: %(type)s" -msgstr "Neveljaven rolling_type: %(type)s" - -#: superset/viz.py:2493 -#, python-format -msgid "Invalid spatial point encountered: %s" -msgstr "Neustrezna prostorska točka: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:124 -msgid "Inverse selection" -msgstr "Invertiraj izbiro" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:347 -msgid "Is Hidden" -msgstr "Skrito" - -#: superset/charts/filters.py:63 superset/dashboards/filters.py:168 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Is certified" -msgstr "Certificiral/a" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:285 -msgid "Is dimension" -msgstr "Dimenzija" - -#: superset/views/base_api.py:107 -msgid "Is favorite" -msgstr "Je priljubljen" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:287 -msgid "Is filterable" -msgstr "Filtriranje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:286 -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:150 -msgid "Is temporal" -msgstr "Časoven" - -#: superset-frontend/src/utils/getClientErrorObject.ts:112 -msgid "Issue 1000 - The dataset is too large to query." -msgstr "Težava 1000 - podatkovni vir je prevelik za poizvedbo." - -#: superset-frontend/src/utils/getClientErrorObject.ts:118 -msgid "Issue 1001 - The database is under an unusual load." -msgstr "Težava 1001 - podatkovni vir je neobičajno obremenjen." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QuerySearch/index.tsx:180 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditorLeftBar/index.jsx:125 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/DatabaseSelector/index.tsx:183 -msgid "It seems you don't have access to any database" -msgstr "Zdi se, da nimate dostopa do nobene podatkovne baz" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:221 -msgid "It’s not recommended to truncate y-axis in Bar chart." -msgstr "V stolpčnem grafikonu ni priporočljivo omejiti y-osi." - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:91 -msgid "JAN" -msgstr "JAN" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:918 -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:191 superset/views/log/__init__.py:33 -msgid "JSON" -msgstr "JSON" - -#: superset/views/annotations.py:81 superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:89 -msgid "JSON Metadata" -msgstr "JSON metapodatki" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:584 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:336 -msgid "JSON metadata" -msgstr "JSON metapodatki" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:341 -msgid "" -"JSON string containing additional connection configuration. This is used " -"to provide connection information for systems like Hive, Presto and " -"BigQuery which do not conform to the username:password syntax normally " -"used by SQLAlchemy." -msgstr "" -"JSON niz, ki vsebuje dodatno konfiguracijo povezave. Uporablja se za " -"zagotavljanje dodatnih informacij povezave za sisteme kot sta Presto in " -"BigQuery, ki nista skladna s sintakso username:password, ki jo običajno " -"uporablja SQLAlchemy." - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:97 -msgid "JUL" -msgstr "JUL" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:96 -msgid "JUN" -msgstr "JUN" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:66 -msgid "January" -msgstr "Januar" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:177 superset/views/database/forms.py:435 -msgid "" -"Json list of the column names that should be read. If not None, only " -"these columns will be read from the file." -msgstr "" -"JSON seznam imen stolpcev, ki morajo biti prebrani. Če ni prazen, bodo iz" -" datoteke prebrani le ti stolpci." - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:235 superset/views/database/forms.py:368 -msgid "" -"Json list of the values that should be treated as null. Examples: [\"\"]," -" [\"None\", \"N/A\"], [\"nan\", \"null\"]. Warning: Hive database " -"supports only single value. Use [\"\"] for empty string." -msgstr "" -"JSON seznam vrednosti, ki naj bodo obravnavane kot prazne (Null). " -"Primeri: [\"\"], [\"None\", \"N/A\"], [\"nan\", \"null\"]. Opozorilo: " -"Podatkovna baza Hive podpira le eno vrednost. Uporabite [\"\"] za prazen " -"znakovni niz." - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:72 -msgid "July" -msgstr "Julij" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:71 -msgid "June" -msgstr "Junij" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/index.ts:29 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:30 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/index.js:25 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/index.ts:47 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/index.ts:37 -msgid "KPI" -msgstr "KPI" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/Footer/CancelConfirmationAlert.tsx:56 -msgid "Keep editing" -msgstr "Nadaljuj z urejanjem" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TableElement/index.tsx:157 -msgid "Keys for table" -msgstr "Ključi za tabele" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ScheduleQueryButton/index.tsx:149 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:192 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:196 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1037 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1045 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:157 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:143 -#: superset/views/annotations.py:77 superset/views/sql_lab.py:68 -msgid "Label" -msgstr "Naziv" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:175 -msgid "Label Line" -msgstr "Črta oznake" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:47 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/controlPanel.tsx:85 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:99 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:106 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:95 -msgid "Label Type" -msgstr "Oblika oznake" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ScheduleQueryButton/index.tsx:152 -msgid "Label for your query" -msgstr "Ime vaše poizvedbe" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:123 -msgid "Label position" -msgstr "Položaj oznake" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:198 -msgid "Label threshold" -msgstr "Prag oznak" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:144 -msgid "Labelling" -msgstr "Oznake" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/controlPanel.tsx:79 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:93 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:88 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:65 -msgid "Labels" -msgstr "Oznake" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:90 -msgid "Labels for the marker lines" -msgstr "Oznake za markirne črtice" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:70 -msgid "Labels for the markers" -msgstr "Oznake za markerje" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:50 -msgid "Labels for the ranges" -msgstr "Oznake za razpone" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/sharedControls.ts:47 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/sharedControls.ts:81 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/util/headerStyleOptions.ts:35 -msgid "Large" -msgstr "Veliko" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:31 -msgid "Last" -msgstr "Zadnji" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:492 superset/views/database/mixins.py:193 -msgid "Last Changed" -msgstr "Zadnja sprememba" - -#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:82 -msgid "Last Modified" -msgstr "Zadnja sprememba" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/LastUpdated/index.tsx:74 -#, python-format -msgid "Last Updated %s" -msgstr "Zadnja posodobitev %s" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/BigNumber.tsx:149 -#, python-format -msgid "Last available value seen on %s" -msgstr "Zadnja razpoložljiva vrednost na %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:180 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:317 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:158 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:307 -msgid "Last modified" -msgstr "Zadnja sprememba" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:151 -#, python-format -msgid "Last modified by %s" -msgstr "Nazadnje spremenil %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:228 -msgid "Last run" -msgstr "Zadnji zagon" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:63 -msgid "Latitude" -msgstr "Širina" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:294 -msgid "Latitude of default viewport" -msgstr "Širina privzetega pogleda" - -#: superset/views/annotations.py:76 -msgid "Layer" -msgstr "Sloj" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:717 -msgid "Layer configuration" -msgstr "Nastavitve sloja" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:101 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:110 -msgid "Layout" -msgstr "Izgled" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:114 -msgid "Layout type of graph" -msgstr "Tip izgleda grafikona" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:123 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:246 -msgid "Layout type of tree" -msgstr "Način izgleda drevesa" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:81 -msgid "" -"Leaf nodes that represent fewer than this number of events will be " -"initially hidden in the visualization" -msgstr "" -"Listna vozlišča, ki predstavljajo manjše število dogodkov od te " -"vrednosti, bodo v vizualizaciji skrita" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:567 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:541 -msgid "Least recently modified" -msgstr "Zadnje spremenjeno" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:111 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:306 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "Levo" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/controlPanel.ts:72 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:166 -msgid "Left Axis Format" -msgstr "Oblika leve osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/controlPanel.ts:68 -msgid "Left Axis Metric" -msgstr "Mera za levo os" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:97 -msgid "Left Axis chart(s)" -msgstr "Grafikoni leve osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:187 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:77 -msgid "Left Margin" -msgstr "Levi rob" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:199 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:81 -msgid "Left margin, in pixels, allowing for more room for axis labels" -msgstr "Levi rob, v pikslih, s katerim povečamo prostor za oznake osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:137 -msgid "Left to Right" -msgstr "Iz leve proti desni" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:147 -msgid "Left value" -msgstr "Leva vrednost" +"Prikaže potek ali povezave med kategorijami z debelino tetiv. Vrednost in " +"debelina sta lahko različni za vsako stran." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/index.js:32 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:35 +msgid "Relationships between community channels" +msgstr "Razmerja med skupnostnimi kanali" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/index.js:34 +msgid "Chord Diagram" +msgstr "Tetivni grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/index.js:36 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:36 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Geojson/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:44 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/index.js:45 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/index.ts:39 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:79 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts:65 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:78 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:86 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Line/index.ts:83 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:82 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:82 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:73 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts:70 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/index.ts:58 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts:41 +msgid "Aesthetic" +msgstr "Estetika" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/index.js:37 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:112 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/index.ts:40 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts:67 +msgid "Circular" +msgstr "Krožno" #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/index.js:38 #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/index.ts:30 @@ -7008,1659 +5455,968 @@ msgstr "Leva vrednost" #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/index.js:33 #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/index.js:43 #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:39 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:43 #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:47 #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:35 #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/index.js:31 #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:32 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:44 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:45 #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/index.js:31 #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/index.js:45 #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js:33 #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/index.js:29 -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/TimeTableChartPlugin.ts:32 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:42 +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/index.ts:33 msgid "Legacy" msgstr "Staro" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:154 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:275 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:129 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:149 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:95 -msgid "Legend" -msgstr "Legenda" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:68 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:88 -msgid "Legend type" -msgstr "Tip legende" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:98 -msgid "Lift percent precision" -msgstr "Točnost procentualnega dviga" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js:30 -msgid "Light mode" -msgstr "Svetli način" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/RowCountLabel.jsx:45 -msgid "Limit reached" -msgstr "Omejitev dosežena" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:134 -msgid "Limit selector values" -msgstr "Omeji vrednosti izbirnikov" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/controlPanel.ts:44 -msgid "" -"Limiting rows may result in incomplete data and misleading charts. " -"Consider filtering or grouping source/target names instead." -msgstr "" -"Omejitev vrstic lahko povzroči nepopolne podatke in zavajajoč grafikon. " -"Premislite o uporabi filtriranja ali združevanja imen izvorov/ciljev." - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:335 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:364 -msgid "Limits the number of rows that get displayed." -msgstr "Omeji število vrstic za prikaz." - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:345 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:359 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:374 -msgid "" -"Limits the number of series that get displayed. A joined subquery (or an " -"extra phase where subqueries are not supported) is applied to limit the " -"number of series that get fetched and rendered. This feature is useful " -"when grouping by high cardinality column(s) though does increase the " -"query complexity and cost." -msgstr "" -"Omeji število časovnih vrst za prikaz. S podpoizvedbo (ali dodatno fazo, " -"kjer podpoizvedbe niso podprte) se omeji število časovnih vrst, ki bodo " -"pridobljene za prikaz. Ta funkcija je uporabna pri združevanju s stolpci " -"z veliko kardinalnostjo, vendar poveča kompleksnost poizvedbe." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/index.ts:38 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:48 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:37 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:73 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:82 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Line/index.ts:76 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:76 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts:73 -msgid "Line" -msgstr "Črta" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/index.js:38 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/createMetadata.ts:26 -msgid "Line Chart" -msgstr "Črtni grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:113 -msgid "Line Style" -msgstr "Slog črte" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:124 -msgid "Line interpolation as defined by d3.js" -msgstr "Interpolacija krivulje na osnovi d3.js" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:667 -msgid "Line width" -msgstr "Debelina črte" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:190 -msgid "Linear Color Scheme" -msgstr "Linearna barvna shema" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:222 -msgid "Linear color scheme" -msgstr "Linearna barvna shema" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:216 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:601 -msgid "Link Copied!" -msgstr "Povezava kopirana!" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/controlPanel.ts:58 -msgid "Link Length" -msgstr "Dolžina povezave" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/controlPanel.ts:70 -msgid "Link length in the force layout" -msgstr "Dolžina povezave v postavitvi sil" - -#: superset/views/alerts.py:75 -msgid "List Observations" -msgstr "Naštej opažanja" - -#: superset/views/sql_lab.py:39 -msgid "List Saved Query" -msgstr "Seznam shranjenih poizvedb" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:81 -msgid "List of values to mark with lines" -msgstr "Seznam vrednosti, ki bodo markirane s črticami" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:61 -msgid "List of values to mark with triangles" -msgstr "Seznam vrednosti, ki bodo markirane s trikotniki" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/CssEditor/index.jsx:108 -msgid "Live CSS editor" -msgstr "CSS urejevalnik v živo" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:199 -msgid "Live render" -msgstr "Sprotni izris" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/CssEditor/index.jsx:93 -msgid "Load a CSS template" -msgstr "Naloži CSS predlogo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CachedLabel/TooltipContent.tsx:30 -msgid "Loaded data cached" -msgstr "Podatki so naloženi v predpomnilnik" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CachedLabel/TooltipContent.tsx:34 -msgid "Loaded from cache" -msgstr "Naloženo iz predpomnilnika" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Select/Select.tsx:603 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Select/Select.tsx:714 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreActionButtons.tsx:110 -msgid "Loading..." -msgstr "Nalagam ..." - -#: superset/views/alerts.py:180 -msgid "Log Retentions (days)" -msgstr "Ohranjanje dnevnika (dnevi)" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:204 -msgid "Log Scale" -msgstr "Logaritemska skala" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1238 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1243 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1244 -msgid "Log retention" -msgstr "Hranjenje dnevnikov" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:383 -msgid "Logarithmic scale on primary y-axis" -msgstr "Logaritemska skala na primarni y-osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:416 -msgid "Logarithmic scale on secondary y-axis" -msgstr "Logaritemska skala na sekundarni y-osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:380 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:404 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:413 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:231 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:234 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:194 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:197 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:174 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:177 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:191 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:194 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:247 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:250 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:250 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:253 -msgid "Logarithmic y-axis" -msgstr "Logaritemska y-os" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Menu/MenuRight.tsx:233 -#: superset/templates/appbuilder/navbar_right.html:126 -msgid "Login" -msgstr "Prijava" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Menu/MenuRight.tsx:170 -#: superset/templates/appbuilder/navbar_right.html:111 -msgid "Logout" -msgstr "Odjava" - -#: superset/views/log/__init__.py:21 -msgid "Logs" -msgstr "Dnevniki" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:53 -msgid "Longitude" -msgstr "Dolžina" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/SpatialControl.jsx:168 -msgid "Longitude & Latitude columns" -msgstr "Stolpci zemljepisne dolžine in širine" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:280 -msgid "Longitude of default viewport" -msgstr "Dolžina privzetega pogleda" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:93 -msgid "MAR" -msgstr "MAR" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:95 -msgid "MAY" -msgstr "MAJ" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:82 -msgid "MON" -msgstr "PON" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:501 -msgid "Main Datetime Column" -msgstr "Glavni stolpec Datum-Čas" - -#: superset/views/core.py:1738 -msgid "" -"Malformed request. slice_id or table_name and db_name arguments are " -"expected" -msgstr "" -"Deformirana zahteva. Pričakovani so argumenti slice_id ali table_name in " -"db_name" - -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:232 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:256 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:268 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:318 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:446 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:455 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:470 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:482 -msgid "Manage" -msgstr "Upravljaj" - -#: superset/views/schedules.py:276 -msgid "Manage Email Reports for Charts" -msgstr "Upravljaj e-poštna poročila za grafikone" - -#: superset/views/schedules.py:198 -msgid "Manage Email Reports for Dashboards" -msgstr "Upravljaj e-poštna poročila za nadzorne plošče" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:726 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:763 -msgid "Mandatory" -msgstr "Obvezno" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:171 superset/views/database/forms.py:324 -msgid "Mangle Duplicate Columns" -msgstr "Odstrani podvojene stolpce" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js:25 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js:26 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:27 -msgid "Map" -msgstr "Zemljevid" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:212 -msgid "Map Style" -msgstr "Slog zemljevida" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js:33 -msgid "MapBox" -msgstr "MapBox" - -#: superset/viz.py:2285 -msgid "Mapbox" -msgstr "Mapbox" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:68 -msgid "March" -msgstr "Marec" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:46 -msgid "Margin" -msgstr "Rob" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:211 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:149 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:110 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:90 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:107 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:165 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:168 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "Marker" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:163 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:124 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:104 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:121 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:179 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:182 -msgid "Marker Size" -msgstr "Velikost markerja" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:68 -msgid "Marker labels" -msgstr "Oznake markerjev" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:88 -msgid "Marker line labels" -msgstr "Oznake markirnih črtic" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:79 -msgid "Marker lines" -msgstr "Markirne črtice" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:225 -msgid "Marker size" -msgstr "Velikost markerja" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:59 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "Markerji" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/Separator.js:32 -msgid "Markup type" -msgstr "Tip označevanja" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:100 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:48 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/BoundsControl.jsx:118 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "Max" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:94 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/controlPanel.ts:59 -msgid "Max Bubble Size" -msgstr "Max. velikost mehurčka" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:129 -msgid "Max Events" -msgstr "Max. dogodkov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:257 -msgid "Maximize chart" -msgstr "Povečaj grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1266 -msgid "Maximum" -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts:68 -msgid "Maximum Font Size" -msgstr "Max. velikost pisave" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:101 -msgid "Maximum value on the gauge axis" -msgstr "Največja vrednost na številčnici" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:70 -msgid "May" -msgstr "Maj" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:93 -msgid "Mean of values over specified period" -msgstr "Povprečna vrednost v dani periodi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:230 -msgid "" -"Median edge width, the thickest edge will be 4 times thicker than the " -"thinnest." -msgstr "" -"Mediana debeline povezave. Najdebelejša povezava bo 4-krat debelejša od " -"najtanjše." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:217 -msgid "" -"Median node size, the largest node will be 4 times larger than the " -"smallest" -msgstr "" -"Mediana velikosti vozlišča. Največje vozlišče bo 4-krat večje od " -"najmanjšega" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/util/headerStyleOptions.ts:30 -msgid "Medium" -msgstr "Srednje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:275 -msgid "Message Content" -msgstr "Vsebina sporočila" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1292 -msgid "Message content" -msgstr "Vsebina sporočila" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:105 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "Metapodatki" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:240 -msgid "Metadata Last Refreshed" -msgstr "Meta-podatki nazadnje osveženi" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:437 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:442 -msgid "Metadata Parameters" -msgstr "Parametri metapodatkov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:617 -msgid "Metadata has been synced" -msgstr "Metapodatki so sinhronizirani" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:602 -#, python-format -msgid "Metadata refreshed for the following table(s): %(tables)s" -msgstr "Metapodatki osveženi za naslednje tabele: %(tables)s" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:378 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:261 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:506 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:268 -msgid "Method" -msgstr "Metoda" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:113 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:114 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:151 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:152 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/controlPanel.ts:84 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:97 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1036 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:167 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:168 -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:187 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:255 -msgid "Metric" -msgstr "Mera" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1079 -#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1509 -#, python-format -msgid "Metric '%(metric)s' does not exist" -msgstr "Mera '%(metric)s' ne obstaja" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:38 -msgid "Metric ascending" -msgstr "Naraščajoča mera" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:148 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:407 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:422 -msgid "Metric assigned to the [X] axis" -msgstr "Mera za [X] os" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:154 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:415 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:430 -msgid "Metric assigned to the [Y] axis" -msgstr "Mera za [Y] os" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:103 -msgid "Metric change in value from `since` to `until`" -msgstr "Sprememba mere od vrednosti \"OD\" do \"DO\"" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:39 -msgid "Metric descending" -msgstr "Padajoča mera" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:117 -msgid "Metric factor change from `since` to `until`" -msgstr "Sprememba faktorja mere od vrednosti \"OD\" do \"DO\"" - +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/index.js:39 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/index.js:28 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js:42 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/index.js:46 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:50 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:44 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts:71 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/index.ts:64 +msgid "Proportional" +msgstr "Proporcionalno" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/index.js:40 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/index.js:31 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js:43 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/index.ts:44 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/index.ts:44 +msgid "Relational" +msgstr "Relacijsko" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/controlPanel.ts:40 #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:119 -msgid "Metric for Color" -msgstr "Mera za barvo" +msgid "Country" +msgstr "Država" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:98 -msgid "Metric for node values" -msgstr "Mera za vrednosti vozlišč" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/controlPanel.ts:43 +msgid "Which country to plot the map for?" +msgstr "Za katero državo želite grafikon?" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:658 -#, python-format -msgid "Metric name [%s] is duplicated" -msgstr "Ime mere [%s] je podvojeno" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/controlPanel.ts:78 +msgid "ISO 3166-2 Codes" +msgstr "Oznake po ISO 3166-2" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:110 -msgid "Metric percent change in value from `since` to `until`" -msgstr "Procentualna sprememba mere od vrednosti \"OD\" do \"DO\"" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:120 -msgid "Metric that defines the color of the country" -msgstr "Mera, ki določa barvo države" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:124 -msgid "Metric that defines the size of the bubble" -msgstr "Mera, ki določa velikost mehurčka" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/controlPanel.ts:79 +msgid "" +"Column containing ISO 3166-2 codes of region/province/department in your table." +msgstr "" +"Stolpec, ki vsebuje ISO 3166-2 oznake regij/provinc/departmajev v vaši tabeli." #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/controlPanel.ts:85 msgid "Metric to display bottom title" msgstr "Mera za prikaz spodnjega naslova" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:185 -msgid "Metric to sort the results by" -msgstr "Mera za razvrščanje rezultatov" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js:25 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js:26 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:27 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/Multi/controlPanel.js:27 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/Multi/index.js:25 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/controlPanel.ts:78 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/index.js:25 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Geojson/controlPanel.ts:64 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Geojson/index.js:25 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Grid/controlPanel.ts:50 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Grid/index.js:25 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Hex/controlPanel.ts:51 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Hex/index.js:25 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Path/controlPanel.ts:67 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Path/index.js:25 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/controlPanel.ts:94 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/index.js:25 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/controlPanel.ts:63 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/index.js:25 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Screengrid/controlPanel.ts:50 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Screengrid/index.js:25 +msgid "Map" +msgstr "Zemljevid" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:142 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:421 -msgid "Metric used to calculate bubble size" -msgstr "Mera za izračun velikosti mehurčkov" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:127 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:371 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:387 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js:27 msgid "" -"Metric used to define how the top series are sorted if a series or row " -"limit is present. If undefined reverts to the first metric (where " -"appropriate)." +"Visualizes how a single metric varies across a country's principal subdivisions " +"(states, provinces, etc) on a chloropleth map. Each subdivision's value is " +"elevated when you hover over the corresponding geographic boundary." msgstr "" -"Mera, ki določa kako so razvrščene prve serije, če je določena omejitev " -"serij ali vrstic. Če ni določena, se uporabi prva mera (kjer je " -"ustrezno)." +"Prikaže kako se posamezna mera spreminja glede na območja države (dežele, " +"province, itd.) na kloropletnem zemljevidu. Vsak podrazdelek se dvigne, ko z " +"miško preidete mejo njegovega območja." -#: superset/connectors/druid/models.py:1072 -msgid "Metric(s) {} must be aggregations." -msgstr "Mere {} morajo biti agregacije." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js:32 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:35 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Geojson/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/index.js:37 +msgid "2D" +msgstr "2D" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:99 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:137 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1196 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:301 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:152 -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:159 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:212 -msgid "Metrics" -msgstr "Mere" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js:34 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Hex/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/index.js:37 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/index.js:38 +msgid "Geo" +msgstr "Geo" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:148 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js:35 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/index.js:38 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/index.ts:55 +msgid "Range" +msgstr "Doseg" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js:37 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:51 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:41 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:48 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:82 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:89 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:76 +msgid "Stacked" +msgstr "Naložen" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/EventFlow.tsx:50 +msgid "Sorry, there appears to be no data" +msgstr "Ni podatkov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:36 +msgid "Event definition" +msgstr "Definicija dogodka" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:44 +msgid "Event Names" +msgstr "Imena dogodkov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:45 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:45 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:54 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/columns.tsx:39 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/columns.tsx:63 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:105 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:129 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/fixtures.tsx:98 +msgid "Columns to display" +msgstr "Stolpci za prikaz" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:62 +msgid "Order by entity id" +msgstr "Uredi po ID entitete" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:63 msgid "" -"Metrics for which percentage of total are to be displayed. Calculated " -"from only data within the row limit." +"Important! Select this if the table is not already sorted by entity id, else " +"there is no guarantee that all events for each entity are returned." msgstr "" -"Mera, za katero je prikazan odstotek od celote. Izračunan je samo iz " -"podatkov znotraj omejitve števila vrstic." +"Pomembno! Izberite, če tabela še ni razvrščena po ID entitete, v nasprotnem " +"primeru ni nujno, da bodo vrnjeni vsi dogodki za posamezno entiteto." -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:93 -msgid "Midnight" -msgstr "Polnoč" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:88 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/BoundsControl.jsx:112 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "Min" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:290 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:173 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:193 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:424 -msgid "Min Periods" -msgstr "Min. št. period" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:90 -msgid "Min Width" -msgstr "Min. širina" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:73 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:189 -msgid "Min periods" -msgstr "Min. št. period" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ChartTable.tsx:170 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/DashboardTable.tsx:167 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:278 -msgid "Mine" -msgstr "Moje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:257 -msgid "Minimize chart" -msgstr "Pomanjšaj grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1260 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Minimum" -msgstr "minuta" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts:57 -msgid "Minimum Font Size" -msgstr "Min. velikost pisave" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:78 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:77 msgid "Minimum leaf node event count" msgstr "Min. število dogodkov za list" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:85 -msgid "Minimum threshold in percentage points for showing labels." -msgstr "Minimalni prag v odstotnih točkah za prikaz oznak." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:202 -msgid "Minimum value for label to be displayed on graph." -msgstr "Najmanjša vrednost, za katero bo na grafikonu prikazana oznaka." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:89 -msgid "Minimum value on the gauge axis" -msgstr "Najmanjša vrednost na številčnici" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:328 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:243 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:206 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:186 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:203 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:259 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:262 -msgid "Minor Split Line" -msgstr "Manjša ločilna črta" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:89 -msgid "Minute" -msgstr "Minuta" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:64 -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "Minutes %s" -msgstr "minuta" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:93 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Missing Required Fields" -msgstr "Zahtevano je ime" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/DatasetNotFoundErrorMessage.tsx:34 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:251 -msgid "Missing dataset" -msgstr "Manjka podatkovni set" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:67 -msgid "Mixed Time-Series" -msgstr "Kombiniran grafikon časovne vrste" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/AddSliceCard.jsx:128 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:312 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:309 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:359 -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:355 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:371 -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:506 superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:86 -#: superset/views/dashboard/views.py:158 superset/views/database/mixins.py:202 -#: superset/views/sql_lab.py:72 -msgid "Modified" -msgstr "Spremenjeno" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartCard.tsx:155 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardCard.tsx:164 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ActivityTable.tsx:130 -#, python-format -msgid "Modified %s" -msgstr "Zadnja sprememba %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:303 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:291 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:319 -msgid "Modified by" -msgstr "Spremenil" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:604 -#, python-format -msgid "Modified columns: %s" -msgstr "Spremenjeni stolpci: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:57 -msgid "Monday" -msgstr "Ponedeljek" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:98 -msgid "Month" -msgstr "Mesec" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:68 -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "Months %s" -msgstr "mesec" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:238 -msgid "More dataset related options" -msgstr "Več nastavitev za podatkovni set" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:167 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:276 -msgid "Move only" -msgstr "Samo premikanje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:43 -msgid "Moves the given set of dates by a specified interval." -msgstr "Premakne dani nabor datumov za definirano obdobje." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:40 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:32 -msgid "Multi-Dimensions" -msgstr "Večdimenzionalni" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js:34 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:41 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js:37 -msgid "Multi-Layers" -msgstr "Večplastni" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/index.js:33 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/index.js:44 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/index.ts:43 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/index.ts:62 -msgid "Multi-Levels" -msgstr "Večplastni" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:42 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js:32 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/index.ts:44 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:74 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/index.ts:58 -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/TimeTableChartPlugin.ts:30 -msgid "Multi-Variables" -msgstr "Več spremenljivk" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:187 -msgid "Multiple" -msgstr "Več" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js:30 -msgid "Multiple Line Charts" -msgstr "Veččrtni grafikon" - -#: superset/views/database/views.py:439 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:80 msgid "" -"Multiple file extensions are not allowed for columnar uploads. Please " -"make sure all files are of the same extension." +"Leaf nodes that represent fewer than this number of events will be initially " +"hidden in the visualization" msgstr "" -"Za nalaganje stolpčnih datotek niso dovoljene različne končnice. " -"Poskrbite, da imajo vse datoteke enake končnice." +"Listna vozlišča, ki predstavljajo manjše število dogodkov od te vrednosti, bodo v " +"vizualizaciji skrita" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/SpatialControl.jsx:185 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:95 +msgid "Additional metadata" +msgstr "Dodatni metapodatki" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:104 +msgid "Metadata" +msgstr "Metapodatki" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:106 +msgid "Select any columns for metadata inspection" +msgstr "Izberite poljubne stolpce za pregled metapodatkov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:124 +msgid "Entity ID" +msgstr "ID entitete" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:125 +msgid "e.g., a \"user id\" column" +msgstr "t.j. stolpec \"id uporabnika\"" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:128 +msgid "Max Events" +msgstr "Max. dogodkov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:129 +msgid "The maximum number of events to return, equivalent to the number of rows" +msgstr "Največje število dogodkov, ki bodo vrnjeni - enako številu vrstic" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/index.ts:26 msgid "" -"Multiple formats accepted, look the geopy.points Python library for more " -"details" -msgstr "" -"Sprejema različne zapise - podrobnosti najdete v Pythonovi knjižnici " -"geopy.points" +"Compares the lengths of time different activities take in a shared timeline view." +msgstr "Primerja dolžine časovno različnih aktivnosti na skupni časovnici." -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/GroupBy/controlPanel.ts:59 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:77 -msgid "Multiple select" -msgstr "Več izborov" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/index.ts:29 +msgid "Event Flow" +msgstr "Potek dogodkov" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:218 -msgid "Multiple selections allowed, otherwise filter is limited to a single value" -msgstr "Lahko izberete več elementov, drugače pa je filter omejen na eno vrednost" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/index.ts:30 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/index.ts:56 +msgid "Progressive" +msgstr "Progresivno" -#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:39 -msgid "Must be unique" -msgstr "Mora biti unikaten" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:36 +msgid "Axis ascending" +msgstr "Naraščajoča os" -#: superset/viz.py:2309 -msgid "Must have a [Group By] column to have 'count' as the [Label]" -msgstr "Mora imeti stolpec [Združevanje], da ima število (count) kot [Oznaka]" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:37 +msgid "Axis descending" +msgstr "Padajoča os" -#: superset/viz.py:1720 -msgid "Must have at least one numeric column specified" -msgstr "Definiran mora biti vsaj en numerični stolpec" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:38 +msgid "Metric ascending" +msgstr "Naraščajoča mera" -#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1303 -msgid "Must specify a value for filters with comparison operators" -msgstr "Potrebno je podati vrednost za filter s primerjalnim operandom" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:39 +msgid "Metric descending" +msgstr "Padajoča mera" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopoverTrigger.tsx:47 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/DndColumnSelectPopoverTitle.jsx:59 -#, fuzzy -msgid "My column" -msgstr "stolpec" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:104 +msgid "Heatmap Options" +msgstr "Možnosti toplotnega prikaza" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopoverTitle.jsx:73 -msgid "My metric" -msgstr "Moja mera" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:114 +msgid "XScale Interval" +msgstr "Interval X-osi" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/BigNumber.tsx:76 -msgid "N/A" -msgstr "N/A" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:119 +msgid "Number of steps to take between ticks when displaying the X scale" +msgstr "Število korakov med oznakami pri prikazu X-osi" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:101 -msgid "NOV" -msgstr "NOV" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:130 +msgid "YScale Interval" +msgstr "Interval Y-osi" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:232 -msgid "NOW" -msgstr "ZDAJ" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:135 +msgid "Number of steps to take between ticks when displaying the Y scale" +msgstr "Število korakov med oznakami pri prikazu Y-osi" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:72 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:123 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:211 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:230 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:232 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:722 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:233 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:131 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:131 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:279 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:273 -#: superset/views/annotations.py:126 superset/views/chart/mixin.py:86 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Ime" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:146 +msgid "Rendering" +msgstr "Izris" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:779 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:785 -msgid "Name is required" -msgstr "Zahtevano je ime" - -#: superset/annotation_layers/commands/exceptions.py:66 -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:167 -msgid "Name must be unique" -msgstr "Ime mora biti unikatno" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:380 -msgid "Name of table to be created from columnar data." -msgstr "Ime tabele, ki bo ustvarjena iz podatkov v stolpcih." - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:96 -msgid "Name of table to be created from csv data." -msgstr "Ime tabele, ki bo ustvarjena iz CSV podatkov." - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:247 -msgid "Name of table to be created from excel data." -msgstr "Ime tabele, ki bo ustvarjena iz Excel-ovih podatkov." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:61 -msgid "Name of the column containing the id of the parent node" -msgstr "Ime stolpca, ki vsebuje id nadrejenega vozlišča" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:51 -msgid "Name of the id column" -msgstr "Naziv id-stolpca" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:53 -msgid "Name of the source nodes" -msgstr "Imena izvornih vozlišč" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:439 -msgid "Name of the table that exists in the source database" -msgstr "Ime tabele, ki obstaja v izvorni podatkovni bazi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:63 -msgid "Name of the target nodes" -msgstr "Imena ciljnih vozlišč" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/SqlAlchemyForm.tsx:51 -msgid "Name your database" -msgstr "Poimenujte podatkovno bazo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/chart/chartReducer.ts:106 -#: superset-frontend/src/chart/chartReducer.ts:170 -msgid "Network error." -msgstr "Napaka omrežja." - -#: superset/templates/appbuilder/navbar_right.html:35 -msgid "New" -msgstr "Nov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:251 -msgid "New Email Report" -msgstr "Novo e-poštno poročilo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:61 -msgid "New chart" -msgstr "Nov grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:614 -#, python-format -msgid "New columns added: %s" -msgstr "Dodani novi stolpci: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/index.tsx:81 -msgid "New filter set" -msgstr "Nov set filtrov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:327 -msgid "New tab" -msgstr "Nov zavihek" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:420 -msgid "New tab (Ctrl + q)" -msgstr "Nov zavihek (Ctrl + q)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:421 -msgid "New tab (Ctrl + t)" -msgstr "Nov zavihek (Ctrl + t)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryPreviewModal.tsx:133 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryPreviewModal.tsx:113 -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Naslednji" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js:29 -msgid "Nightingale Rose Chart" -msgstr "Nightingale Rose grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:444 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:538 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:441 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:512 -msgid "No" -msgstr "Ne" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:74 -#, python-format -msgid "No %(tableName)s yet" -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:376 -#, python-format -msgid "No %s yet" -msgstr "%s še ne obstajajo" - -#: superset/templates/superset/request_access.html:20 -msgid "No Access!" -msgstr "Ni dostopa!" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/ListView.tsx:398 -msgid "No Data" -msgstr "Ni podatkov" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/NoResultsComponent.tsx:75 -msgid "No Results" -msgstr "Ni rezultatov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:328 -msgid "No annotation layers yet" -msgstr "Slojev z oznakami še ni" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:254 -msgid "No annotation yet" -msgstr "Oznak še ni" - -#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/CreatedContent.tsx:45 -msgid "No charts" -msgstr "Ni grafikonov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/GroupBy/GroupByFilterPlugin.tsx:82 -msgid "No columns" -msgstr "Brez stolpcev" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/ColumnSelect.tsx:134 -msgid "No compatible columns found" -msgstr "Ni najdenih skladnih stolpcev" - -#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/CreatedContent.tsx:63 -msgid "No dashboards" -msgstr "Ni nadzornih plošč" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/BigNumber.tsx:189 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTablesPane/index.tsx:146 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/SelectFilterPlugin.tsx:255 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeGrain/TimeGrainFilterPlugin.tsx:91 -msgid "No data" -msgstr "Ni podatkov" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/BigNumber.tsx:219 -msgid "No data after filtering or data is NULL for the latest time record" -msgstr "" -"Ni podatkov po filtriranju ali pa imajo vrednost NULL za zadnji časovni " -"zapis" - -#: superset/dashboards/commands/importers/v0.py:321 -msgid "No data in file" -msgstr "V datoteki ni podatkov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:752 -msgid "No description available." -msgstr "Opisa ni na razpolago." - -#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/Favorites.tsx:46 -msgid "No favorite charts yet, go click on stars!" -msgstr "Priljubljenih grafikonov še ni. Kliknite na zvezdice!" - -#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/Favorites.tsx:64 -msgid "No favorite dashboards yet, go click on stars!" -msgstr "Priljubljenih nadzornih plošč še ni. Kliknite na zvezdice!" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:313 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:35 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:342 -msgid "No filter" -msgstr "Brez filtra" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/filterscope/FilterScopeSelector.jsx:483 -msgid "No filter is selected." -msgstr "Noben filter ni izbran." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:86 -msgid "No of Bins" -msgstr "Št. razdelkov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryHistory/index.tsx:49 -msgid "No query history yet..." -msgstr "Zgodovine poizvedb še ni." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/TableChart.tsx:494 -#: superset/templates/appbuilder/general/widgets/base_list.html:64 -msgid "No records found" -msgstr "Ni zapisov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/FilterBox.jsx:400 -msgid "No results found" -msgstr "Rezultati niso najdeni" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/chart/components/NoResultsComponent.tsx:63 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:153 msgid "" -"No results were returned for this query. If you expected results to be " -"returned, ensure any filters are configured properly and the datasource " -"contains data for the selected time range." -msgstr "" -"Poizvedba ni vrnila rezultatov. Če ste pričakovali rezultate, poskrbite, " -"da so filtri pravilno nastavljeni in podatkovni vir vsebuje podatke za " -"izbrano časovno obdobje." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SouthPane/index.tsx:133 -msgid "No stored results found, you need to re-run your query" -msgstr "Rezultatov še ni shranjenih, ponovno morate zagnati poizvedbo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:268 -msgid "No such column found. To filter on a metric, try the Custom SQL tab." -msgstr "" -"Tak stolpec ni najden. Za filtriranje po meri uporabite prilagojen SQL " -"zavihek." - -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeColumn/TimeColumnFilterPlugin.tsx:81 -msgid "No time columns" -msgstr "Ni časovnih stolpcev" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:155 -msgid "Node label position" -msgstr "Položaj oznake vozlišča" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:182 -msgid "Node select mode" -msgstr "Način izbire vozlišč" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:213 -msgid "Node size" -msgstr "Velikost vozlišča" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:41 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:242 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/FiltersHeader.tsx:120 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:644 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:124 -msgid "None" -msgstr "Brez" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:129 -msgid "None -> Arrow" -msgstr "Brez -> Puščica" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:128 -msgid "None -> None" -msgstr "Brez -> Brez" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/sharedControls.ts:43 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/sharedControls.ts:77 -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normalna" +"image-rendering CSS attribute of the canvas object that defines how the browser " +"scales up the image" +msgstr "atribut CSS za izris objekta platna, ki določa, kako brskalnik poveča sliko" #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:165 msgid "Normalize Across" msgstr "Normiraj glede na" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:172 +msgid "" +"Color will be rendered based on a ratio of the cell against the sum of across " +"this criteria" +msgstr "" +"Barva bo prikazana na osnovi razmerja med celico in vsoto glede na ta kriterij" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:187 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:77 +msgid "Left Margin" +msgstr "Levi rob" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:199 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:81 +msgid "Left margin, in pixels, allowing for more room for axis labels" +msgstr "Levi rob, v pikslih, s katerim povečamo prostor za oznake osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:212 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:187 +msgid "Bottom Margin" +msgstr "Spodnji rob" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:224 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:191 +msgid "Bottom margin, in pixels, allowing for more room for axis labels" +msgstr "Spodnji rob, v pikslih, s katerim povečamo prostor za oznake osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:235 +msgid "Value bounds" +msgstr "Meje vrednosti" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:238 +msgid "" +"Hard value bounds applied for color coding. Is only relevant and applied when the " +"normalization is applied against the whole heatmap." +msgstr "" +"Mejne vrednosti za barvno lestvico. Upošteva se le, če je normiranje uporabljeno " +"glede na celotni toplotni prikaz." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:251 +msgid "Sort X Axis" +msgstr "Razvrsti X-os" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:263 +msgid "Sort Y Axis" +msgstr "Razvrsti Y-os" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:287 +msgid "Show percentage" +msgstr "Prikaži procente" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:289 +msgid "Whether to include the percentage in the tooltip" +msgstr "Če želite prikaz procentov v opisu orodja" + #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:315 #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:141 msgid "Normalized" msgstr "Normiran" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:81 -msgid "Not Time Series" -msgstr "Ni časovna vrsta" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:116 -msgid "Not null" -msgstr "Ni nič (null)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:57 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Not triggered" -msgstr "Ni ni sproženo" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/BigNumber.tsx:152 -msgid "Not up to date" -msgstr "Ni posodobljeno" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/AlertStatusIcon.tsx:87 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/AlertStatusIcon.tsx:97 -msgid "Nothing triggered" -msgstr "Ni ni sproženo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:260 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1348 -msgid "Notification method" -msgstr "Način obveščanja" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:76 -msgid "November" -msgstr "November" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:92 -msgid "Now" -msgstr "Zdaj" - -#: superset/datasets/filters.py:26 -msgid "Null or Empty" -msgstr "Nič (NULL) ali prazen" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:233 superset/views/database/forms.py:366 -msgid "Null values" -msgstr "Prazne (Null) vrednosti" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:191 -msgid "Number Format" -msgstr "Oblika zapisa števila" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts:56 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/controlPanel.ts:64 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:151 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:128 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:75 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/controlPanel.ts:77 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:210 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts:95 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:66 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:99 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/controlPanel.tsx:112 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:149 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:120 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:137 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:113 -msgid "Number format" -msgstr "Oblika zapisa števila" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:81 -msgid "Number of decimal digits to round numbers to" -msgstr "Število decimalnih mest za zaokroževanje števil" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:100 -msgid "Number of decimal places with which to display lift values" -msgstr "Število decimalnih mest za prikaz vrednosti dviga" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:87 -msgid "Number of decimal places with which to display p-values" -msgstr "Število decimalnih mest za prikaz p-vrednosti" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:194 superset/views/database/forms.py:335 -msgid "Number of rows of file to read." -msgstr "Število vrstic v datoteki za branje." - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:188 superset/views/database/forms.py:329 -msgid "Number of rows to skip at start of file." -msgstr "Število vrstic, ki se izpustijo na začetku datoteke." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:231 -msgid "Number of split segments on the axis" -msgstr "Število razdelkov na osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:119 -msgid "Number of steps to take between ticks when displaying the X scale" -msgstr "Število korakov med oznakami pri prikazu X-osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:135 -msgid "Number of steps to take between ticks when displaying the Y scale" -msgstr "Število korakov med oznakami pri prikazu Y-osi" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:295 -msgid "Numerical range" -msgstr "Številski obseg" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:100 -msgid "OCT" -msgstr "OKT" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Modal/Modal.tsx:198 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:797 -msgid "OK" -msgstr "OK" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ImportModal/index.tsx:210 -msgid "OVERWRITE" -msgstr "OVERWRITE" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:75 -msgid "October" -msgstr "Oktober" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.jsx:93 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:163 -msgid "Offline" -msgstr "Offline" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:496 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "Odmik" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:58 -#, fuzzy -msgid "On Grace" -msgstr "Sila" - -#: superset/views/alerts.py:191 -msgid "" -"Once an alert is triggered, how long, in seconds, before Superset nags " -"you again." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:317 +msgid "Whether to apply a normal distribution based on rank on the color scale" msgstr "" -"Kako dolgo naj traja (v sekundah), da vas Superset ponovno opomni, ko je " -"opozorilo sproženo." +"Če želite uporabiti normalno porazdelitev glede na stopnjo na barvni lestvici" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:33 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:126 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:329 +msgid "Value Format" +msgstr "Oblika zapisa vrednosti" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:30 msgid "" -"One or many columns to group by. High cardinality groupings should " -"include a series limit to limit the number of fetched and rendered " -"series." -msgstr "" -"Eden ali več stolpcev za združevanje. Združevanje z visoko kardinalnostjo" -" naj vsebuje omejitev serij, s čimer omejite število pridobljenih in " -"prikazanih serij." +"Visualize a related metric across pairs of groups. Heatmaps excel at showcasing " +"the correlation or strength between two groups. Color is used to emphasize the " +"strength of the link between each pair of groups." +msgstr "Vizualizacija povezanih mer med pari skupin." -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:105 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:34 +msgid "Sizes of vehicles" +msgstr "Velikosti vozil" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:36 +msgid "Employment and education" +msgstr "Zaposlitev in izobrazba" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:43 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js:38 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/index.js:40 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Screengrid/index.js:38 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts:45 +msgid "Density" +msgstr "Gostota" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:44 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:39 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:76 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:84 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Line/index.ts:81 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:80 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:80 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:71 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts:72 +msgid "Predictive" +msgstr "Prediktivno" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:45 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts:46 +msgid "Single Metric" +msgstr "Ena mera" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/Histogram.jsx:117 +msgid "count" +msgstr "število" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/Histogram.jsx:121 +msgid "cumulative" +msgstr "kumulativno" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/Histogram.jsx:125 +msgid "percentile (exclusive)" +msgstr "percentil (ekskluzivno)" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:38 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:48 +msgid "Select the numeric columns to draw the histogram" +msgstr "Izberite numerične stolpce za izris histograma" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:86 +msgid "No of Bins" +msgstr "Št. razdelkov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:98 +msgid "Select the number of bins for the histogram" +msgstr "Izberite število razdelkov za histogram" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:107 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:175 +msgid "X Axis Label" +msgstr "Naslov X osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:118 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:333 +msgid "Y Axis Label" +msgstr "Naslov Y osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:143 +msgid "Whether to normalize the histogram" +msgstr "Če želite normirati histogram" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:153 +msgid "Cumulative" +msgstr "Kumulativno" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:155 +msgid "Whether to make the histogram cumulative" +msgstr "Če želite kumulativni histogram" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/index.js:28 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/index.js:26 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/index.ts:48 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/createMetadata.ts:25 +msgid "Distribution" +msgstr "Porazdelitev" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/index.js:29 msgid "" -"One or many columns to group by. High cardinality groupings should " -"include a sort by metric and series limit to limit the number of fetched " -"and rendered series." +"Take your data points, and group them into \"bins\" to see where the densest " +"areas of information lie" msgstr "" -"Eden ali več stolpcev za združevanje. Združevanje z visoko kardinalnostjo" -" naj vsebuje mero za razvrščanje in omjitev serij, s čimer omejite " -"število pridobljenih in prikazanih serij." +"Vzame podatkovne točke in jih razporedi v razdelke, kjer se vidi območja z " +"največjo gostoto informacij" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:56 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:215 -msgid "One or many columns to pivot as columns" -msgstr "En ali več stolpcev za stolpčno vrtenje" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/index.js:33 +msgid "Population age data" +msgstr "Podatki starosti populacije" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:323 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts:43 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:46 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:49 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:47 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:60 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:355 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:117 +msgid "Contribution" +msgstr "Prispevek" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts:45 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:48 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:51 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:49 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:62 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:357 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:119 +msgid "Compute the contribution to the total" +msgstr "Izračunaj prispevek k celoti" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts:63 +msgid "Series Height" +msgstr "Višina serije" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts:75 +msgid "Pixel height of each series" +msgstr "Višina vsake serije v pikslih" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts:83 +msgid "Value Domain" +msgstr "Domena vrednosti" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts:90 msgid "" -"One or many controls to group by. If grouping, latitude and longitude " -"columns must be present." +"series: Treat each series independently; overall: All series use the same scale; " +"change: Show changes compared to the first data point in each series" msgstr "" -"Eden ali več kontrolnikov za združevanje. Pri združevanju morata biti " -"prisotna stolpca širine in dolžine." +"serije: Obravnavaj vsako podatkovno serijo neodvisno; skupno: Vse vrste " +"uporabljajo enako skalo; razlika: Pokaži razlike glede na prvo točko vsake serije" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:246 -msgid "One or many controls to pivot as columns" -msgstr "En ali več kontrolnikov za stolpčno vrtenje" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:107 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:145 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:162 -msgid "One or many metrics to display" -msgstr "Ena ali več mer za prikaz" - -#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:90 -msgid "One or more columns already exist" -msgstr "En ali več stolpcev že obstaja" - -#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:80 -msgid "One or more columns are duplicated" -msgstr "En ali več stolpcev je podvojenih" - -#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:70 -msgid "One or more columns do not exist" -msgstr "En ali več stolpcev ne obstaja" - -#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:119 -msgid "One or more metrics already exist" -msgstr "Ena ali več mer že obstaja" - -#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:109 -msgid "One or more metrics are duplicated" -msgstr "Ena ali več mer je podvojenih" - -#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:99 -msgid "One or more metrics do not exist" -msgstr "Ena ali več mer ne obstaja" - -#: superset/errors.py:113 -msgid "One or more parameters needed to configure a database are missing." -msgstr "En ali več parametrov, potrebnih za nastavitev podatkovne baze, manjka." - -#: superset/errors.py:127 -msgid "One or more parameters specified in the query are malformatted." -msgstr "En ali več parametrov v SQL-poizvedbi ima napačno obliko." - -#: superset/errors.py:101 -msgid "One or more parameters specified in the query are missing." -msgstr "En ali več parametrov v SQL-poizvedbi manjka." - -#: superset/views/core.py:2075 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/index.js:28 msgid "" -"One or more required fields are missing in the request. Please try again," -" and if the problem persists conctact your administrator." +"Compares how a metric changes over time between different groups. Each group is " +"mapped to a row and change over time is visualized bar lengths and color." msgstr "" -"Eno ali več zahtevanih polj manjka v zahtevi. Poskusite znova, če težava " -"ostane, kontaktirajte administratorja." +"Primerja kako se mera spreminja s časom med različnimi skupinami. Vsaka skupina " +"predstavlja eno vrstico, časovne spremembe pa so prikazane z dolžino stolpcev in " +"barvami." -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeader/index.tsx:46 -msgid "One ore more annotation layers failed loading." -msgstr "Eden ali več slojev z oznakami se ni naložil." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/index.js:32 +msgid "Horizon Chart" +msgstr "Horizontni grafikon" -#: superset/sql_lab.py:201 -msgid "Only SELECT statements are allowed against this database." -msgstr "Za to podatkovno bazo so dovoljeni le `SELECT` stavki." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:62 +msgid "Longitude" +msgstr "Dolžina" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:128 -msgid "Only Total" -msgstr "Samo vsota" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:63 +msgid "Column containing longitude data" +msgstr "Stolpec s podatki zemljepisne dolžine" -#: superset/connectors/sqla/utils.py:96 -msgid "Only `SELECT` statements are allowed" -msgstr "Dovoljeni so le `SELECT` stavki" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:72 +msgid "Latitude" +msgstr "Širina" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FilterScope/FilterScope.tsx:131 -msgid "Only selected panels will be affected by this filter" -msgstr "Ta filter bo vplival le na izbrane panele" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:73 +msgid "Column containing latitude data" +msgstr "Stolpec s podatki zemljepisne širine" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:131 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:83 +msgid "Clustering Radius" +msgstr "Radij gručenja" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:96 msgid "" -"Only show the total value on the stacked chart, and not show on the " -"selected category" +"The radius (in pixels) the algorithm uses to define a cluster. Choose 0 to turn " +"off clustering, but beware that a large number of points (>1000) will cause lag." msgstr "" -"Na naloženem grafikonu prikaži samo skupno vsoto, za izbrane kategorije " -"pa ne" +"Radij (v pikslih), s katerim algoritem definira gručo. Izberite 0 za izklop " +"gručenja - veliko število točk (>1000) bo povzročilo upočasnitev." -#: superset/connectors/sqla/utils.py:105 -msgid "Only single queries supported" -msgstr "Podprte so le enojne poizvedbe" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:110 +msgid "Points" +msgstr "Točke" -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:111 superset/views/database/forms.py:262 -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:397 -#, python-format -msgid "Only the following file extensions are allowed: %(allowed_extensions)s" -msgstr "Dovoljene so le naslednje končnice: %(allowed_extensions)s" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:117 +msgid "Point Radius" +msgstr "Radij točk" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:119 +msgid "" +"The radius of individual points (ones that are not in a cluster). Either a " +"numerical column or `Auto`, which scales the point based on the largest cluster" +msgstr "" +"Radij posameznih točk (tistih, ki niso v gruči). Numerični stolpec ali `Auto` " +"(skalira točke na osnovi največje gruče)" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:141 +msgid "Point Radius Unit" +msgstr "Enota radija točk" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:144 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/controlPanel.ts:90 +msgid "The unit of measure for the specified point radius" +msgstr "Enota merila za definiran radij točk" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:153 +msgid "Labelling" +msgstr "Oznake" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:161 +msgid "label" +msgstr "oznaka" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:163 +msgid "" +"`count` is COUNT(*) if a group by is used. Numerical columns will be aggregated " +"with the aggregator. Non-numerical columns will be used to label points. Leave " +"empty to get a count of points in each cluster." +msgstr "" +"`število` je COUNT(*), če je uporabljeno združevanje (group by). Numerični " +"stolpci bodo agregirani z agregatorjem. Ne-numerični stolpci, bodo uporabljeni za " +"oznake točk. Pustite prazno, da dobite število točk v posamezni gruči." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:180 +msgid "Cluster label aggregator" +msgstr "Agregator za oznako gruče" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:191 +msgid "" +"Aggregate function applied to the list of points in each cluster to produce the " +"cluster label." +msgstr "" +"Agregacijska funkcija za seznam točk v vsaki gruči, s katero se ustvari oznaka " +"gruče." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:201 +msgid "Visual Tweaks" +msgstr "Nastavitve izgleda" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:208 +msgid "Live render" +msgstr "Sprotni izris" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:210 +msgid "Points and clusters will update as the viewport is being changed" +msgstr "Točke in gruče se bodo posodabljale, če se bo spremenil pogled" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:221 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:370 +msgid "Map Style" +msgstr "Slog zemljevida" #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:236 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:196 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:636 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:382 +msgid "Base layer map style" +msgstr "Slog osnovnega sloja zemljevida" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:245 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/controlPanel.ts:115 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:211 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:671 msgid "Opacity" msgstr "Prosojnost" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:137 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:152 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:155 -msgid "Opacity of Area Chart. Also applies to confidence band." -msgstr "Prosojnost ploščinskega grafikona. Upošteva se tudi za interval zaupanja." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:239 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:248 msgid "Opacity of all clusters, points, and labels. Between 0 and 1." msgstr "Prosojnost vseh gruč, točk in oznak (vrednost med 0 in 1)." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:202 -msgid "Opacity of area chart." -msgstr "Prosojnost ploščinskega grafikona." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:260 +msgid "RGB Color" +msgstr "RGB barva" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreViewContainer.jsx:550 -msgid "Open Datasource tab" -msgstr "Odpri zavihek s podatkovnim virom" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:263 +msgid "The color for points and clusters in RGB" +msgstr "Barva točk in gruč v RGB zapisu" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryPreviewModal.tsx:141 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryPreviewModal.tsx:121 -msgid "Open in SQL Lab" -msgstr "Odpri v SQL laboratoriju" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:270 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:293 +msgid "Viewport" +msgstr "Pogled" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:317 -msgid "Open query in SQL Lab" -msgstr "Odpri poizvedbo v SQL laboratoriju" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:278 +msgid "Default longitude" +msgstr "Privzeta dolžina" -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:105 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:282 +msgid "Longitude of default viewport" +msgstr "Dolžina privzetega pogleda" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:292 +msgid "Default latitude" +msgstr "Privzeta širina" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:296 +msgid "Latitude of default viewport" +msgstr "Širina privzetega pogleda" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:308 +msgid "Zoom" +msgstr "Povečava" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:312 +msgid "Zoom level of the map" +msgstr "Stopnja povečave zemljevida" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:325 msgid "" -"Operate the database in asynchronous mode, meaning that the queries are " -"executed on remote workers as opposed to on the web server itself. This " -"assumes that you have a Celery worker setup as well as a results backend." -" Refer to the installation docs for more information." +"One or many controls to group by. If grouping, latitude and longitude columns " +"must be present." msgstr "" -"Upravljanje podatkovne baze v asinhronem načinu pomeni, da se poizvedbe " -"zaženejo na oddaljenih »delavcih« in ne na samem spletnem strežniku. S " -"tem je predpostavljeno, da imate nastavljenega »delavca« za Celery in " -"zaledni sistem za rezultate. Več informacij je v navodilih za namestitev." +"Eden ali več kontrolnikov za združevanje. Pri združevanju morata biti prisotna " +"stolpca širine in dolžine." -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:288 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js:30 +msgid "Light mode" +msgstr "Svetli način" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js:31 +msgid "Dark mode" +msgstr "Temni način" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js:33 +msgid "MapBox" +msgstr "MapBox" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js:39 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:43 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/index.js:36 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:36 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:85 +msgid "Scatter" +msgstr "Raztreseni" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js:40 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/index.ts:46 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:85 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:81 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:88 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:84 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:85 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:75 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts:74 +msgid "Transformable" +msgstr "Prilagodljiv" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:64 +msgid "Significance Level" +msgstr "Stopnja značilnosti" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:66 +msgid "Threshold alpha level for determining significance" +msgstr "Mejna vrednost alfa za določanje značilnosti" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:77 +msgid "p-value precision" +msgstr "točnost p-vrednosti" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:79 +msgid "Number of decimal places with which to display p-values" +msgstr "Število decimalnih mest za prikaz p-vrednosti" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:90 +msgid "Lift percent precision" +msgstr "Točnost procentualnega dviga" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:92 +msgid "Number of decimal places with which to display lift values" +msgstr "Število decimalnih mest za prikaz vrednosti dviga" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/index.js:26 msgid "" -"Operate the database in asynchronous mode, meaning that the queries are " -"executed on remote workers as opposed to on the web server itself. This " -"assumes that you have a Celery worker setup as well as a results backend." -" Refer to the installation docs for more information." +"Table that visualizes paired t-tests, which are used to understand statistical " +"differences between groups." msgstr "" -"Upravljanje podatkovne baze v asinhronem načinu pomeni, da se poizvedbe " -"zaženejo na oddaljenih »delavcih« in ne na samem spletnem strežniku. S " -"tem je predpostavljeno, da imate nastavljenega »delavca« za Celery in " -"zaledni sistem za rezultate. Več informacij je v navodilih za namestitev." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:125 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:130 -msgid "Operator" -msgstr "Operator" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:175 -#, python-format -msgid "Operator undefined for aggregator: %(name)s" -msgstr "Operand ni definiran za agregatorja: %(name)s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:361 -msgid "" -"Optional CA_BUNDLE contents to validate HTTPS requests. Only available on" -" certain database engines." -msgstr "" -"Opcijska CA_BUNDLE vsebina, za potrjevanje HTTPS zahtev. Razpoložljivo le" -" na določenih sistemih podatkovnih baz." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:73 -msgid "Optional name of the data column." -msgstr "Opcijsko ime podatkovnega stolpca." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1135 -msgid "" -"Optional time column if time range should apply to another column than " -"the default time column" -msgstr "" -"Izbirni časovni stolpec se mora nanašati na drug stolpec kot privzeti " -"časovni stolpec" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1092 -msgid "Optional warning about use of this metric" -msgstr "Opcijsko opozorilo za uporabo te mere" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/controlPanel.ts:49 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:75 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:119 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:72 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:39 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts:37 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:105 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:198 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:363 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts:48 -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Možnosti" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:668 -msgid "Or choose from a list of other databases we support:" -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:63 -msgid "Order by entity id" -msgstr "Uredi po ID entitete" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:272 -msgid "Order results by selected columns" -msgstr "Razvrsti rezultate glede na izbrani stolpec" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:271 -msgid "Ordering" -msgstr "Razvrščanje" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:142 -msgid "Orientation of tree" -msgstr "Orientacija drevesa" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts:27 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/constants.ts:116 -msgid "Origin" -msgstr "Izhodišče" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExportToCSVDropdown/index.tsx:74 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Original" -msgstr "Izhodišče" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TableElement/index.tsx:183 -msgid "Original table column order" -msgstr "Vrstni red stolpcev izvorne tabele" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/utils/D3Formatting.ts:29 -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:85 -msgid "Original value" -msgstr "Izvorna vrednost" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:120 -msgid "Orthogonal" -msgstr "Pravokotna" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:120 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:687 -msgid "Other" -msgstr "Ostali" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:193 -msgid "Outer Radius" -msgstr "Zunanji polmer" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:199 -msgid "Outer edge of Pie chart" -msgstr "Zunanji rob tortnega grafikona" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:257 -msgid "Overlap" -msgstr "Prekrivanje" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:107 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:322 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:205 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:455 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:220 -msgid "" -"Overlay one or more timeseries from a relative time period. Expects " -"relative time deltas in natural language (example: 24 hours, 7 days, 52 " -"weeks, 365 days). Free text is supported." -msgstr "" -"Zamaknite eno ali več časovnih vrst za relativno časovno obdobje. Vnaša " -"se relativne časovne razlike v naravnem jeziku (npr. 24 ur, 7 dni, 52 " -"tednov, 365 dni). Prosto besedilo je podprto." - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ImportModal/index.tsx:282 -msgid "Overwrite" -msgstr "Prepiši" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveDatasetModal/index.tsx:120 -msgid "Overwrite & Explore" -msgstr "Prepiši & Razišči" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SaveModal.tsx:191 -#, python-format -msgid "Overwrite Dashboard [%s]" -msgstr "Prepiši nadzorno ploščo [%s]" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.jsx:264 -msgid "Overwrite text in the editor with a query on this table" -msgstr "Besedilo v urejevalniku prepišite s poizvedbo na to tabelo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:453 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:450 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:417 -msgid "Owner" -msgstr "Lastnik" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:234 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:399 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:355 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:358 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:402 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:405 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:168 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:276 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1079 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1084 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:334 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:334 -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:346 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:500 -#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:83 superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:82 -msgid "Owners" -msgstr "Lastniki" - -#: superset/commands/exceptions.py:105 -#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:144 -msgid "Owners are invalid" -msgstr "Lastniki niso veljavni" - -#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:65 -msgid "Owners is a list of users who can alter the dashboard." -msgstr "\"Lastniki\" je seznam uporabnikov, ki lahko spreminjajo nadzorno ploščo." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:367 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:414 -msgid "" -"Owners is a list of users who can alter the dashboard. Searchable by name" -" or username." -msgstr "" -"\"Lastniki\" je seznam uporabnikov, ki lahko spreminjajo nadzorno ploščo." -" Iskanje je možno po imenu ali uporabniškem imenu." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:388 -msgid "Page length" -msgstr "Dolžina strani" +"Tabela, ki prikazuje uparjene t-teste, ki se uporabljajo za prikaz statističnih " +"razlik med skupinami." #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/index.js:29 msgid "Paired t-test Table" msgstr "Tabela t-testa za odvisne vzorce" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:177 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:388 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:271 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:516 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:278 -msgid "Pandas resample method" -msgstr "Metoda za prevzorčenje v Pandas" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/index.js:30 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/index.ts:55 +msgid "Statistical" +msgstr "Statistično" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:156 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:370 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:253 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:496 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:260 -msgid "Pandas resample rule" -msgstr "Pravilo za prevzorčenje v Pandas" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/index.js:30 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/index.ts:55 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:50 +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/index.ts:35 +msgid "Tabular" +msgstr "Tabelarično" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/index.js:30 -#: superset/viz.py:2182 -msgid "Parallel Coordinates" -msgstr "Vzporedne koordinate" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/controlPanel.ts:39 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:67 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:109 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:73 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:39 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:73 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:133 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:226 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:382 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts:48 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.test.tsx:67 +msgid "Options" +msgstr "Možnosti" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/ParameterErrorMessage.tsx:116 -msgid "Parameter error" -msgstr "Napaka parametra" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/controlPanel.ts:47 +msgid "Data Table" +msgstr "Tabela podatkov" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:64 -#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:84 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "Parametri" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/controlPanel.ts:50 +msgid "Whether to display the interactive data table" +msgstr "Če želite prikaz interaktivne podatkovne tabele" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TemplateParamsEditor/index.tsx:103 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Parameters " -msgstr "Parametri" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/controlPanel.ts:57 +msgid "Include Series" +msgstr "Vključi serijo" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:60 -msgid "Parent" -msgstr "Nadrejeni" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/controlPanel.ts:60 +msgid "Include series name as an axis" +msgstr "Vključi ime podatkovne serije v naslov osi" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:643 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1037 -msgid "Parent filter" -msgstr "Nadrejeni filter" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/index.js:25 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js:25 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:28 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/index.ts:48 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts:33 +msgid "Ranking" +msgstr "Rangiranje" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1045 -msgid "Parent filter is required" -msgstr "Zahtevan je nadrejeni filter" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/index.js:27 +msgid "" +"Plots the individual metrics for each row in the data vertically and links them " +"together as a line. This chart is useful for comparing multiple metrics across " +"all of the samples or rows in the data." +msgstr "" +"Izriše posamezne mere za vsako vrstico podatkov navpično in jih med seboj poveže " +"kot črto. Grafikon je uporaben za primerjavo več mer med vsemi vzorci ali " +"vrsticami podatkov." -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:203 superset/views/database/forms.py:340 -msgid "Parse Dates" -msgstr "Prepoznaj datume" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/index.js:31 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/index.ts:57 +msgid "Coordinates" +msgstr "Koordinate" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/index.js:31 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js:39 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/index.ts:42 +msgid "Directional" +msgstr "Usmerjeni" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:59 +msgid "Time Series Options" +msgstr "Možnosti časovne vrste" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:73 +msgid "Not Time Series" +msgstr "Ni časovna vrsta" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:75 +msgid "Ignore time" +msgstr "Ne upoštevaj časa" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:78 +msgid "Time Series" +msgstr "Časovna vrsta" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:80 +msgid "Standard time series" +msgstr "Standardna časovna vrsta" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:83 +msgid "Aggregate Mean" +msgstr "Agregirano povprečje" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:85 +msgid "Mean of values over specified period" +msgstr "Povprečna vrednost v dani periodi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:88 +msgid "Aggregate Sum" +msgstr "Agregirana vsota" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:90 +msgid "Sum of values over specified period" +msgstr "Vsota vrednosti v dani periodi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:93 +msgid "Difference" +msgstr "Razlika" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:95 +msgid "Metric change in value from `since` to `until`" +msgstr "Sprememba mere od vrednosti \"OD\" do \"DO\"" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:100 +msgid "Percent Change" +msgstr "Procentualna sprememba" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:102 +msgid "Metric percent change in value from `since` to `until`" +msgstr "Procentualna sprememba mere od vrednosti \"OD\" do \"DO\"" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:107 +msgid "Factor" +msgstr "Faktor" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:109 +msgid "Metric factor change from `since` to `until`" +msgstr "Sprememba faktorja mere od vrednosti \"OD\" do \"DO\"" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:114 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:234 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:117 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:365 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:163 +msgid "Advanced Analytics" +msgstr "Napredna analitika" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:116 +msgid "Use the Advanced Analytics options below" +msgstr "Uporabite spodnje možnosti napredne analitike" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:125 +msgid "Settings for time series" +msgstr "Nastavitve časovne vrste" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:155 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:79 +msgid "Date Time Format" +msgstr "Oblika zapisa Datum-Časa" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:168 +msgid "Partition Limit" +msgstr "Omejitev particij" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:171 +msgid "" +"The maximum number of subdivisions of each group; lower values are pruned first" +msgstr "" +"Največje število podrazdelkov posamezne skupine; nižje vrednosti so zanemarjene " +"prve" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:181 +msgid "Partition Threshold" +msgstr "Prag particije" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:184 +msgid "" +"Partitions whose height to parent height proportions are below this value are " +"pruned" +msgstr "" +"Particije z nižjim razmerjem med njihovo višino in dolžino starša so zanemarjene" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:196 +msgid "Log Scale" +msgstr "Logaritemska skala" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:199 +msgid "Use a log scale" +msgstr "Uporabi logaritemsko skalo" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:208 +msgid "Equal Date Sizes" +msgstr "Enaki datumi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:211 +msgid "Check to force date partitions to have the same height" +msgstr "Če želite, da imajo datumske particije enako višino" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:222 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:92 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:281 +msgid "Rich Tooltip" +msgstr "Podroben opis orodja" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:225 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:95 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:284 +msgid "The rich tooltip shows a list of all series for that point in time" +msgstr "" +"Podroben opis orodja prikaže seznam vseh podatkovnih serij za posamezno časovno " +"točko" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:243 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:126 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:373 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:167 +msgid "Rolling Window" +msgstr "Drseče okno" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:249 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:132 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:379 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:173 +msgid "Rolling Function" +msgstr "Drseča funkcija" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:282 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:165 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:414 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:208 +msgid "Min Periods" +msgstr "Min. št. period" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:295 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:178 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:426 +msgid "Time Comparison" +msgstr "Časovna primerjava" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:303 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:186 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:434 +msgid "Time Shift" +msgstr "Časovni zamik" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:369 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:252 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:497 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:251 +msgid "Method" +msgstr "Metoda" #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/index.js:25 #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/index.js:26 @@ -8671,762 +6427,1211 @@ msgstr "Prepoznaj datume" msgid "Part of a Whole" msgstr "Del celote" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/index.js:26 +msgid "Compare the same summarized metric across multiple groups." +msgstr "Primerja isto mero med različnimi skupinami." + #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/index.js:27 msgid "Partition Chart" msgstr "Grafikon razdelkov" -#: superset/viz.py:3035 -msgid "Partition Diagram" -msgstr "Grafikon s pravokotniki" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/index.js:28 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js:38 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/index.js:42 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:42 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts:66 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/index.ts:41 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/index.ts:59 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts:42 +msgid "Categorical" +msgstr "Kategorični" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:176 -msgid "Partition Limit" -msgstr "Omejitev particij" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:189 -msgid "Partition Threshold" -msgstr "Prag particije" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:192 -msgid "" -"Partitions whose height to parent height proportions are below this value" -" are pruned" -msgstr "" -"Particije z nižjim razmerjem med njihovo višino in dolžino starša so " -"zanemarjene" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:130 -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:1389 -msgid "Password" -msgstr "Geslo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/TableCatalog.tsx:79 -msgid "Paste the shareable Google Sheet URL here" -msgstr "Prilepite deljeni URL Googlove preglednice sem" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js:35 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/index.js:38 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js:35 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:46 -msgid "Pattern" -msgstr "Vzorec" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:108 -msgid "Percent Change" -msgstr "Procentualna sprememba" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:147 -msgid "Percentage metrics" -msgstr "Procentualne mere" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:81 -msgid "Percentage threshold" -msgstr "Procentualni prag" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js:41 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/index.js:45 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/index.ts:39 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:44 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:49 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:42 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:38 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:45 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts:69 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/index.ts:63 -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/TimeTableChartPlugin.ts:33 -msgid "Percentages" -msgstr "Procenti" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:56 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:278 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:161 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:179 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:410 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:177 -msgid "Periods" -msgstr "Št. period" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:824 -msgid "Periods must be a positive integer value" -msgstr "Periode morajo biti pozitivno celo število" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:258 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Person or group that has certified this chart." -msgstr "Oseba ali skupina, ki je certificirala to mero" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:548 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Person or group that has certified this dashboard." -msgstr "Oseba ali skupina, ki je certificirala to mero" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:260 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1068 -msgid "Person or group that has certified this metric" -msgstr "Oseba ali skupina, ki je certificirala to mero" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:936 -msgid "Physical" -msgstr "Fizičen" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:132 -msgid "Physical (table or view)" -msgstr "Fizičen (tabela ali pogled)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:223 -msgid "Physical dataset" -msgstr "Fizičen podatkovni set" - -#: superset/viz.py:742 -msgid "Pick a granularity in the Time section or uncheck 'Include Time'" -msgstr "Izberite granulacijo v razdelku 'Čas' ali odstranite 'Vključi čas'" - -#: superset/viz.py:1573 -msgid "Pick a metric for left axis!" -msgstr "Izberite mero za levo os!" - -#: superset/viz.py:1575 -msgid "Pick a metric for right axis!" -msgstr "Izberite mero za desno os!" - -#: superset/viz.py:1163 -msgid "Pick a metric for x, y and size" -msgstr "Izberite mere za x, y in velikost" - -#: superset/viz.py:1202 -msgid "Pick a metric to display" -msgstr "Izberite mero za prikaz" - -#: superset/viz.py:1228 superset/viz.py:1262 -msgid "Pick a metric!" -msgstr "Izberite mero!" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/SqlAlchemyForm.tsx:56 -msgid "Pick a name to help you identify this database." -msgstr "Izberite ime za lažjo prepoznavo podatkovne baze." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:151 -msgid "Pick a nickname for this database to display as in Superset." -msgstr "Izberite vzdevek za to podatkovno bazo, ki bo prikazan v Supersetu." - -#: superset/viz.py:1358 superset/viz.py:1621 -msgid "Pick a time granularity for your time series" -msgstr "Izberite granulacijo časa za časovno vrsto" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:510 -msgid "Pick a title for you annotation." -msgstr "Izberite naslov za oznako." - -#: superset/viz.py:1783 -msgid "Pick at least one field for [Series]" -msgstr "Izberite vsaj eno polje za [Serije]" - -#: superset/viz.py:830 superset/viz.py:1781 -msgid "Pick at least one metric" -msgstr "Izberite vsaj eno mero" - -#: superset/viz.py:1911 -msgid "Pick exactly 2 columns as [Source / Target]" -msgstr "Izberite natanko dva stolpca za [Izvor / Cilj]" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:521 -msgid "" -"Pick one or more columns that should be shown in the annotation. If you " -"don't select a column all of them will be shown." -msgstr "" -"Izberite enega ali več stolpcev, ki bodo prikazani v oznakah. Če ne " -"izberete stolpca, bodo prikazani vsi." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/Separator.js:37 -msgid "Pick your favorite markup language" -msgstr "Izberite svoj priljubljen označevalni jezik" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/index.js:27 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts:63 -msgid "Pie Chart" -msgstr "Tortni grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:187 -msgid "Pie shape" -msgstr "Oblika torte" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:234 -msgid "Pin" -msgstr "Žebljiček" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:56 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:46 msgid "Pivot Options" msgstr "Vrtilne možnosti" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/index.js:30 -#: superset/viz.py:862 -msgid "Pivot Table" -msgstr "Vrtilna tabela" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:53 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:142 +msgid "Aggregation function" +msgstr "Agregacijska funkcija" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/index.ts:54 -msgid "Pivot Table v2" -msgstr "Vrtilna tabela v2" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:260 -msgid "Pivot operation must include at least one aggregate" -msgstr "Vrtilna operacija mora vsebovati vsaj en agregat" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:256 -msgid "Pivot operation requires at least one index" -msgstr "Vrtilna operacija zahteva vsaj en indeks" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExportToCSVDropdown/index.tsx:80 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Pivoted" -msgstr "priljubljeno" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts:83 -msgid "Pixel height of each series" -msgstr "Višina vsake serije v pikslih" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/utils/index.ts:28 -msgid "Please apply filter changes" -msgstr "Potrdite spremembe filtra" - -#: superset/sqllab/query_render.py:116 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:64 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:165 msgid "" -"Please check your query and confirm that all template parameters are " -"surround by double braces, for example, \"{{ ds }}\". Then, try running " -"your query again." -msgstr "" -"V poizvedbi preverite, da so vsi parametri obdani z dvojnimi oklepaji, " -"npr. \"{{ ds }}\". Potem poskusite ponovno." +"Aggregate function to apply when pivoting and computing the total rows and columns" +msgstr "Agregacijska funkcija za vrtenje in izračun vseh vrstic in stolpcev" -#: superset/db_engine_specs/athena.py:55 -#: superset/db_engine_specs/bigquery.py:179 -#: superset/db_engine_specs/postgres.py:158 -#: superset/db_engine_specs/snowflake.py:104 -#, python-format +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:77 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/metrics.tsx:105 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:368 +msgid "Show totals" +msgstr "Pokaži vsote" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:79 +msgid "Display total row/column" +msgstr "Pokaži vsote vrstic/stolpcev" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:86 +msgid "Combine Metrics" +msgstr "Združuj mere" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:88 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:215 msgid "" -"Please check your query for syntax errors at or near " -"\"%(syntax_error)s\". Then, try running your query again." +"Display metrics side by side within each column, as opposed to each column being " +"displayed side by side for each metric." msgstr "" -"Preverite, če ima vaša poizvedba sintaktične napake pri " -"\"%(syntax_error)s\". Potem ponovno poženite poizvedbo." +"Prikazuj mere eno ob drugi ob vsakem stolpcu, drugače je vsak stolpec prikazan en " +"ob drugem za vsako mero." -#: superset/db_engine_specs/gsheets.py:74 superset/db_engine_specs/mysql.py:144 -#, python-format +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:100 +msgid "Transpose Pivot" +msgstr "Transponirano vrtenje" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:102 +msgid "Swap Groups and Columns" +msgstr "Zamenjaj Skupine in Stolpce" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:132 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts:69 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:138 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:115 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:136 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:153 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:129 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:244 +msgid "Date format" +msgstr "Oblika zapisa datuma" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/index.js:27 msgid "" -"Please check your query for syntax errors near \"%(server_error)s\". " -"Then, try running your query again." +"Used to summarize a set of data by grouping together multiple statistics along " +"two axes. Examples: Sales numbers by region and month, tasks by status and " +"assignee, active users by age and location.\n" +"\n" +" This chart is being deprecated and we recommend checking out Pivot Table V2 " +"instead!" msgstr "" -"Preverite, če ima vaša poizvedba sintaktične napake pri " -"\"%(server_error)s\". Potem ponovno poženite poizvedbo." +"Uporablja se za predstavitev podatkov z združevanjem različnih statistik na dveh " +"oseh. Npr. Prodaja po regijah in mesecih, Naloge po statusih in izvajalcih, " +"aktivni uporabniki po starosti in lokaciji.\n" +"\n" +" Ta grafikon se opušča. Priporočamo uporabo Vrtilne tabele V2!" -#: superset/viz.py:879 -msgid "Please choose at least one 'Group by' field " -msgstr "Izberite vsaj eno 'Group by' polje " +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:104 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlUtils/controlUtils.test.tsx:112 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/fixtures.tsx:42 +msgid "Use Area Proportions" +msgstr "Uporabi razmerje površin" -#: superset/viz.py:891 -msgid "Please choose at least one metric" -msgstr "Izberite vsaj eno mero" - -#: superset/viz.py:1578 -msgid "Please choose different metrics on left and right axis" -msgstr "Izberite različni meri za levo in desno os" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:94 -msgid "Please complete all required fields." -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:485 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:300 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:365 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartCard.tsx:77 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:357 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:644 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:325 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardCard.tsx:105 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:355 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:611 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:617 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:499 -msgid "Please confirm" -msgstr "Prosim, potrdite" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:485 -msgid "Please enter a SQLAlchemy URI to test" -msgstr "Vnesite SQLAlchemy URI za test" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:133 -msgid "Please enter a chart name" -msgstr "Vnesite ime grafikona" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/Footer.tsx:81 -msgid "Please filter set name" -msgstr "Vnesite ime seta filtrov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:122 -msgid "Please make sure all fields are filled out correctly" -msgstr "" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/postgres.py:122 -msgid "Please re-enter the password." -msgstr "Ponovno vpišite geslo." - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/DatabaseErrorMessage.tsx:59 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/TimeoutErrorMessage.tsx:72 -msgid "Please reach out to the Chart Owner for assistance." -msgstr "Za pomoč se obrnite na lastnika grafikona." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ShareSqlLabQuery/index.tsx:75 -msgid "Please save the query to enable sharing" -msgstr "Shranite poizvedbo za deljenje" - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:90 -msgid "Please save your chart first, then try creating a new email report." -msgstr "" -"Najprej shranite grafikon, potem pa poskusite ustvariti novo e-poštno " -"poročilo." - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:102 -msgid "Please save your dashboard first, then try creating a new email report." -msgstr "" -"Najprej shranite nadzorno ploščo, potem pa poskusite ustvariti novo " -"e-poštno poročilo." - -#: superset-frontend/src/addSlice/AddSliceContainer.tsx:322 -msgid "Please select both a Dataset and a Chart type to proceed" -msgstr "Za nadaljevanje izberite podatkovni set in tip grafikona" - -#: superset/viz.py:1161 -msgid "Please use 3 different metric labels" -msgstr "Uporabite 3 različne oznake mer" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:104 -msgid "Please verify that port is open to connect." -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/index.js:27 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:105 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlUtils/controlUtils.test.tsx:113 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/fixtures.tsx:43 msgid "" -"Plots the individual metrics for each row in the data vertically and " -"links them together as a line. This chart is useful for comparing " -"multiple metrics across all of the samples or rows in the data." +"Check if the Rose Chart should use segment area instead of segment radius for " +"proportioning" msgstr "" -"Izriše posamezne mere za vsako vrstico podatkov navpično in jih med seboj" -" poveže kot črto. Grafikon je uporaben za primerjavo več mer med vsemi " -"vzorci ali vrsticami podatkov." +"Če želite, da grafikon \"Rose\" uporablja površino segmenta namesto radija za " +"proporcioniranje" -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:254 -msgid "Plugins" -msgstr "Vtičniki" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js:26 +msgid "" +"A polar coordinate chart where the circle is broken into wedges of equal angle, " +"and the value represented by any wedge is illustrated by its area, rather than " +"its radius or sweep angle." +msgstr "" +"Grafikon s polarnimi koordinatami, kjer je krog razdeljen na enakokotne izseke, " +"vrednosti pa so ponazorjene s ploščino izseka (namesto polmera ali kota)." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:108 -msgid "Point Radius" -msgstr "Radij točk" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js:29 +msgid "Nightingale Rose Chart" +msgstr "Nightingale Rose grafikon" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:132 -msgid "Point Radius Unit" -msgstr "Enota radija točk" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js:32 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:45 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:35 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/index.ts:38 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:78 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:77 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:85 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Line/index.ts:82 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:81 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:81 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:72 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts:69 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:128 +msgid "Advanced-Analytics" +msgstr "Napredna analitika" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:101 -msgid "Points" -msgstr "Točke" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js:34 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:41 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/Multi/index.js:31 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js:37 +msgid "Multi-Layers" +msgstr "Večplastni" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:201 -msgid "Points and clusters will update as the viewport is being changed" -msgstr "Točke in gruče se bodo posodabljale, če se bo spremenil pogled" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/controlPanel.ts:43 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/controlPanel.ts:33 +msgid "Source / Target" +msgstr "Izhodišče/Cilj" -#: superset/views/sql_lab.py:74 -msgid "Pop Tab Link" -msgstr "Prikaži povezavo zavihka" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/controlPanel.ts:44 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/controlPanel.ts:34 +msgid "Choose a source and a target" +msgstr "Izberite izhodišče in cilj" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:44 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/index.ts:40 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:45 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/controlPanel.ts:44 +msgid "" +"Limiting rows may result in incomplete data and misleading charts. Consider " +"filtering or grouping source/target names instead." +msgstr "" +"Omejitev vrstic lahko povzroči nepopolne podatke in zavajajoč grafikon. " +"Premislite o uporabi filtriranja ali združevanja imen izvorov/ciljev." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js:29 +msgid "" +"Visualizes the flow of different group's values through different stages of a " +"system. New stages in the pipeline are visualized as nodes or layers. The " +"thickness of the bars or edges represent the metric being visualized." +msgstr "" +"Prikaže potek vrednosti različnih skupin na različnih nivojih sistema. Novi " +"nivoji so prikazani kot točke ali plasti. Debelina stolpcev ali povezav " +"predstavlja prikazano mero." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js:33 +msgid "Demographics" +msgstr "Demografija" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js:34 +msgid "Survey Responses" +msgstr "Rezultati anket" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js:36 +msgid "Sankey Diagram" +msgstr "Sankey grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js:41 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/index.js:45 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:49 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:43 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:38 #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:46 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts:70 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:85 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:86 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Line/index.ts:77 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:78 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/index.ts:55 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:47 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:124 -msgid "Popular" -msgstr "Priljubljeni" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:43 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/index.ts:41 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts:69 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/index.ts:63 +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/index.ts:34 +msgid "Percentages" +msgstr "Procenti" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/getControlItemsMap.tsx:170 -msgid "Populate \"Default value\" to enable this control" -msgstr "Izpolnite \"Privzeto vrednost\", da omogočite ta kontrolnik" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/index.js:27 +msgid "Sankey Diagram with Loops" +msgstr "Sankey grafikon z zankami" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/index.js:33 -msgid "Population age data" -msgstr "Podatki starosti populacije" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/mssql.py:87 -#: superset/db_engine_specs/postgres.py:132 -#: superset/db_engine_specs/presto.py:213 -#: superset/db_engine_specs/redshift.py:73 -#, python-format -msgid "Port %(port)s on hostname \"%(hostname)s\" refused the connection." -msgstr "Vrata %(port)s na gostitelju \"%(hostname)s\" niso sprejela povezave." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:103 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Port is closed" -msgstr "Vrata so zaprta." - -#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:87 -msgid "Position JSON" -msgstr "JSON za postavitev" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:181 -msgid "Position of child node label on tree" -msgstr "Položaj oznake podrejenega vozlišča na drevesu" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:310 -msgid "Position of column level subtotal" -msgstr "Položaj vsot na nivoju stolpcev" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:163 -msgid "Position of intermidiate node label on tree" -msgstr "Položaj vmesne oznake vozlišča na drevesu" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:293 -msgid "Position of row level subtotal" -msgstr "Položaj vsot na nivoju vrstic" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Menu/MenuRight.tsx:180 -msgid "Powered by Apache Superset" -msgstr "Omogoča Apache Superset" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1096 -msgid "Pre-filter" -msgstr "Predfilter" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1061 -msgid "Pre-filter available values" -msgstr "Predfiltriraj razpoložljive vrednosti" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:623 -msgid "Pre-filter is required" -msgstr "Zahtevan je predfilter" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:451 -msgid "" -"Predicate applied when fetching distinct value to populate the filter " -"control component. Supports jinja template syntax. Applies only when " -"`Enable Filter Select` is on." -msgstr "" -"Privzeta vrednost za pridobivanje različnih vrednost pri oblikovanju " -"filtrov. Podpira sintakso za jinja predloge. Potrebno le, ko je vključeno" -" `Omogoči izbiro filtra`." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:44 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:39 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:75 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:78 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:78 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Line/index.ts:73 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:72 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:72 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:63 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts:74 -msgid "Predictive" -msgstr "Prediktivno" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/forecastInterval.tsx:36 -msgid "Predictive Analytics" -msgstr "Prediktivna analitika" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:64 -msgid "Prefix metric name with slice name" -msgstr "Imenu mere pripni ime rezine" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/menu/MarkdownModeDropdown.tsx:39 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Predogled" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SouthPane/index.tsx:166 -#, python-format -msgid "Preview: `%s`" -msgstr "Predogled: `%s`" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:32 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryPreviewModal.tsx:125 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryPreviewModal.tsx:105 -msgid "Previous" -msgstr "Prejšnji" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:243 -msgid "Primary" -msgstr "Primarna" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:56 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:60 msgid "Primary Metric" msgstr "Primarna mera" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:248 -msgid "Primary or secondary y-axis" -msgstr "Primarna ali sekundarna y-os" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:61 +msgid "The primary metric is used to define the arc segment sizes" +msgstr "Primarna mera določa velikost lokov segmentov" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:371 -msgid "Primary y-axis format" -msgstr "Oblika primarne y-osi" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:66 +msgid "Secondary Metric" +msgstr "Sekundarna mera" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Menu/MenuRight.tsx:161 -#: superset/templates/appbuilder/navbar_right.html:109 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "Profil" - -#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/UserInfo.tsx:44 -msgid "Profile picture provided by Gravatar" -msgstr "Profilno sliko je zagotovil Gravatar" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:239 -msgid "Progress" -msgstr "Območje" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/index.ts:30 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/index.ts:56 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "Progresivno" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/controlPanel.ts:55 -msgid "Propagate" -msgstr "Razširi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/index.js:39 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/index.js:28 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js:42 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/index.js:33 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/index.js:46 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:50 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:43 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts:71 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/index.ts:64 -msgid "Proportional" -msgstr "Proporcionalno" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:86 -msgid "Public and privately shared sheets" -msgstr "Javno in zasebno deljene preglednice" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:83 -msgid "Publicly shared sheets only" -msgstr "Samo javno deljene preglednice" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PublishedStatus/index.jsx:101 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:301 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:498 -#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:84 -msgid "Published" -msgstr "Objavljeno" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:109 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:161 -msgid "Put labels outside" -msgstr "Postavi oznake zunaj" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:164 -msgid "Put the labels outside of the pie?" -msgstr "Postavim oznake zunaj torte?" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:112 -msgid "Put the labels outside the pie?" -msgstr "Postavim oznake zunaj torte?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/Separator.js:47 -msgid "Put your code here" -msgstr "Vstavite svojo kodo sem" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:351 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:234 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:485 -msgid "Python Functions" -msgstr "Pythonove funkcije" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:233 -msgid "Python datetime string pattern" -msgstr "Pythonov vzorec zapisa datum-časa" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:248 -msgid "Python functions" -msgstr "Pythonove funkcije" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:99 -msgid "Quarter" -msgstr "Četrtletje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:69 -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "Quarters %s" -msgstr "Četrtletje" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:32 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts:26 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/controlPanel.ts:32 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:91 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/controlPanel.ts:26 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:65 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:60 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts:30 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:45 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:26 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/controlPanel.ts:26 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:36 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:33 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:34 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/controlPanel.ts:26 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/controlPanel.ts:26 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:26 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/controlPanel.ts:31 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:30 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:34 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts:32 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/controlPanel.ts:44 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:26 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:45 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/controlPanel.ts:60 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:158 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:341 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:29 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/controlPanel.ts:43 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:34 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/controlPanel.tsx:41 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:34 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:44 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:48 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:63 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:59 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:56 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:52 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:53 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:59 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:60 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:42 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:38 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:41 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:179 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts:26 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:30 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/TimeTable.js:26 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:113 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/GroupBy/controlPanel.ts:34 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/controlPanel.ts:31 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:41 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Time/controlPanel.ts:29 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:178 -msgid "Query" -msgstr "Poizvedba" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:253 -#, python-format -msgid "Query %s: %s" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:68 +msgid "" +"[optional] this secondary metric is used to define the color as a ratio against " +"the primary metric. When omitted, the color is categorical and based on labels" msgstr "" +"[opcijsko] sekundarna mera določa barvo kot razmerje do primarne mere. Če je " +"izpuščena, je barva določena kategorično na podlagi oznak" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:258 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:283 -msgid "Query A" -msgstr "Poizvedba A" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:75 +msgid "When only a primary metric is provided, a categorical color scale is used." +msgstr "" +"Če je podana samo primarna metrika, je uporabljena kategorična barvna skala." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:259 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:284 -msgid "Query B" -msgstr "Poizvedba B" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:85 +msgid "When a secondary metric is provided, a linear color scale is used." +msgstr "Če je podana sekundarna metrika, je uporabljena linearna barvna skala." -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:341 -msgid "Query History" -msgstr "Zgodovina poizvedb" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:95 +msgid "Hierarchy" +msgstr "Hierarhija" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SouthPane/index.tsx:197 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/common.ts:44 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:89 -msgid "Query history" -msgstr "Zgodovina poizvedb" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:96 +msgid "This defines the level of the hierarchy" +msgstr "Določa stopnjo hierarhije" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:722 -msgid "Query in a new tab" -msgstr "Poizvedba v novem zavihku" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/index.js:28 +msgid "" +"Uses circles to visualize the flow of data through different stages of a system. " +"Hover over individual paths in the visualization to understand the stages a value " +"took. Useful for multi-stage, multi-group visualizing funnels and pipelines." +msgstr "" +"S pomočjo krogov prikaže potek podatkov na različnih nivojih sistema. S premikom " +"kurzorja prikaže vrednosti na posameznem nivoju. Uporabno za večnivojsko, " +"večskupinsko vizualizacijo." -#: superset/errors.py:125 -msgid "Query is too complex and takes too long to run." -msgstr "Poizvedba je prekompleksna in se izvaja predolgo." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/index.js:32 +msgid "Sunburst Chart" +msgstr "Večnivojski tortni grafikon" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:89 -msgid "Query mode" -msgstr "Poizvedbeni način" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/index.js:44 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/index.ts:43 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/index.ts:62 +msgid "Multi-Levels" +msgstr "Večplastni" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryPreviewModal.tsx:125 -msgid "Query name" -msgstr "Ime poizvedbe" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/controlPanel.ts:53 +msgid "Ratio" +msgstr "Razmerje" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryPreviewModal.tsx:117 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:376 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryPreviewModal.tsx:97 -msgid "Query preview" -msgstr "Predogled poizvedbe" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/controlPanel.ts:57 +msgid "Target aspect ratio for treemap tiles." +msgstr "Ciljno razmerje za razdelke drevesnega grafikona." -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QuerySearch/index.tsx:213 -msgid "Query search string" -msgstr "Iskalni niz za poizvedbo" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/index.js:31 +msgid "" +"Shows the composition of a dataset by segmenting a given rectangle as smaller " +"rectangles with areas proportional to their value or contribution to the whole. " +"Those rectangles may also, in turn, be further segmented hierarchically." +msgstr "" +"Prikaže zgradbo podatkovnega seta na podlagi segmentacije danega pravokotnika na " +"manjše pravokotnike, pri čemer je ploščina sorazmerna vrednostim oz. deležem. " +"Pravokotniki se lahko dodatno hierarhično segmentirajo." -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:682 -msgid "Query was stopped" -msgstr "Poizvedba je bila ustavljena" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:40 +msgid "Country Field Type" +msgstr "Tip polja za države" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:407 -msgid "Query was stopped." -msgstr "Poizvedba je bila ustavljena." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:48 +msgid "" +"The country code standard that Superset should expect to find in the [country] " +"column" +msgstr "Standard za oznake držav, ki bodo podane v stolpcu z državami" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/DateFilterLabel.tsx:292 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/DateFilterLabel.tsx:294 -msgid "RANGE TYPE" -msgstr "TIP OBDOBJA" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:81 +msgid "Show Bubbles" +msgstr "Prikaži mehurčke" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:327 -msgid "REPORT NAME ERROR" -msgstr "NAPAKA NAZIVA POROČILA" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:84 +msgid "Whether to display bubbles on top of countries" +msgstr "Če želite prikaz mehurčkov nad državami" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:251 -msgid "RGB Color" -msgstr "RGB barva" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:95 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/controlPanel.ts:59 +msgid "Max Bubble Size" +msgstr "Max. velikost mehurčka" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:161 -msgid "Radar" -msgstr "Radar" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:115 +msgid "Color by" +msgstr "Barva glede na" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/index.ts:53 -msgid "Radar Chart" -msgstr "Radarski grafikon" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:121 +msgid "" +"Choose whether a country should be shaded by the metric, or assigned a color " +"based on a categorical color palette" +msgstr "" +"Izberite, če želite barvanje držav glede na mero ali kategorično določeno barvno " +"paleto" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:201 -msgid "Radar render type, whether to display 'circle' shape." -msgstr "Način prikaza radarja - če se prikaže okrogla oblika." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:134 +msgid "Country Column" +msgstr "Stolpec z državami" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:121 -msgid "Radial" -msgstr "Radialna" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:135 +msgid "3 letter code of the country" +msgstr "Tričrkovna oznaka države" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:318 -#, python-format -msgid "Ran %s" -msgstr "Pretečeno %s" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:139 +msgid "Metric that defines the size of the bubble" +msgstr "Mera, ki določa velikost mehurčka" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js:35 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/index.js:38 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/index.ts:55 -msgid "Range" -msgstr "Doseg" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:142 +msgid "Bubble Color" +msgstr "Barva mehurčka" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:295 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/index.ts:28 -msgid "Range filter" -msgstr "Filter obdobja" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:145 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:150 +msgid "Country Color Scheme" +msgstr "Barvna shema držav" -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/index.ts:29 -msgid "Range filter plugin using AntD" -msgstr "Vtičnik za filter obdobja z uporabo AntD" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:29 +msgid "A map of the world, that can indicate values in different countries." +msgstr "Zemljevid sveta, ki lahko prikazuje vrednosti po državah." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:48 -msgid "Range labels" -msgstr "Oznake razponov" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:40 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/index.js:36 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:32 +msgid "Multi-Dimensions" +msgstr "Večdimenzionalni" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:42 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js:32 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/index.ts:44 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:83 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/index.ts:58 +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/index.ts:31 +msgid "Multi-Variables" +msgstr "Več spremenljivk" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:44 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:47 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:44 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/index.ts:42 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts:70 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:83 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:92 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Line/index.ts:85 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:86 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/index.ts:55 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:47 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:128 +msgid "Popular" +msgstr "Priljubljeni" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/Multi/controlPanel.js:37 +msgid "deck.gl charts" +msgstr "grafikoni deck.gl" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/Multi/controlPanel.js:40 +msgid "Pick a set of deck.gl charts to layer on top of one another" +msgstr "Izberite nabor deck.gl grafikonov, ki bodo nanizani en na drugem" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/Multi/controlPanel.js:45 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:103 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:138 +msgid "Select charts" +msgstr "Izberi grafikone" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/Multi/controlPanel.js:46 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:104 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:139 +msgid "Error while fetching charts" +msgstr "Napaka pri pridobivanju grafikonov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/Multi/index.js:27 +msgid "Compose multiple layers together to form complex visuals." +msgstr "Združi več plasti za oblikovanje kompleksnih vizualizacij." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/Multi/index.js:28 +msgid "deck.gl Multiple Layers" +msgstr "deck.gl - večplastni grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/Multi/index.js:31 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Geojson/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Grid/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Hex/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Path/index.js:31 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/index.js:34 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/index.js:34 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Screengrid/index.js:34 +msgid "deckGL" +msgstr "deckGL" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/components/PlaySlider.jsx:182 +msgid "Data has no time steps" +msgstr "Podatki nimajo časovnih korakov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/controlPanel.ts:52 +msgid "Start Longitude & Latitude" +msgstr "Začetna Dolž. in Širina" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/controlPanel.ts:54 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/controlPanel.ts:66 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:309 +msgid "Point to your spatial columns" +msgstr "Pokažite na stolpec z lokacijskimi podatki" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/controlPanel.ts:64 +msgid "End Longitude & Latitude" +msgstr "Končna Dolž. in Širina" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/controlPanel.ts:85 +msgid "Arc" +msgstr "Lok" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/controlPanel.ts:92 +msgid "Target Color" +msgstr "Ciljna barva" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/controlPanel.ts:93 +msgid "Color of the target location" +msgstr "Barva ciljne lokacije" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/controlPanel.ts:105 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/controlPanel.ts:142 +msgid "Categorical Color" +msgstr "Kategorična barva" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/controlPanel.ts:106 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/controlPanel.ts:143 +msgid "Pick a dimension from which categorical colors are defined" +msgstr "Izberite dimenzijo, ki bo določala kategorične barve" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/controlPanel.ts:119 +msgid "Stroke Width" +msgstr "Debelina obrobe" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/controlPanel.ts:132 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Geojson/controlPanel.ts:91 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Grid/controlPanel.ts:58 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Hex/controlPanel.ts:90 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Path/controlPanel.ts:76 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/controlPanel.ts:182 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/controlPanel.ts:153 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Screengrid/controlPanel.ts:62 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:925 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:607 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:34 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1375 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Napredno" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/index.js:27 +msgid "Plot the distance (like flight paths) between origin and destination." +msgstr "Izriši razdalje (kot letalske koridorje) med izhodiščem in ciljem." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/index.js:30 +msgid "deck.gl Arc" +msgstr "deck.gl - grafikon lokov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Grid/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Hex/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/index.js:35 +msgid "3D" +msgstr "3D" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Arc/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Path/index.js:31 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/index.ts:60 +msgid "Web" +msgstr "Mreža" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Geojson/controlPanel.ts:68 +msgid "GeoJson Settings" +msgstr "GeoJson nastavitve" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Geojson/controlPanel.ts:80 +msgid "Point Radius Scale" +msgstr "Skaliranje radija točk" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Geojson/index.js:27 +msgid "" +"The GeoJsonLayer takes in GeoJSON formatted data and renders it as interactive " +"polygons, lines and points (circles, icons and/or texts)." +msgstr "" +"GeoJsonLayer uporablja podatke v formatu GeoJSON in jih izriše kot interaktivne " +"poligone, črte in točke (krogi, ikone in/ali besedila)." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Geojson/index.js:30 +msgid "deck.gl Geojson" +msgstr "deck.gl - GeoJson grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Grid/controlPanel.ts:69 +msgid "Height" +msgstr "Višina" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Grid/controlPanel.ts:70 +msgid "Metric used to control height" +msgstr "Mera za določanje višine" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Grid/index.js:27 +msgid "" +"Visualize geospatial data like 3D buildings, landscapes, or objects in grid view." +msgstr "" +"Prikaz geoprostorskih podatkov kot so 3D zgradbe, parcele ali objekti v mrežnem " +"pogledu." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Grid/index.js:30 +msgid "deck.gl Grid" +msgstr "deck.gl - grafikon mreže" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Grid/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Hex/index.js:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/index.js:38 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Screengrid/index.js:37 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:81 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/GroupBy/index.ts:31 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/index.ts:31 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/index.ts:32 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Time/index.ts:31 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeColumn/index.ts:31 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeGrain/index.ts:31 +msgid "Experimental" +msgstr "Eksperimentalno" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Hex/controlPanel.ts:63 +msgid "Dynamic Aggregation Function" +msgstr "Dinamična agregacijska funkcija" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Hex/controlPanel.ts:64 +msgid "The function to use when aggregating points into groups" +msgstr "Funkcija za agregacijo točk v skupine" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Hex/index.js:27 +msgid "" +"Overlays a hexagonal grid on a map, and aggregates data within the boundary of " +"each cell." +msgstr "" +"Prikaže šestkotno mrežo na zemljevidu in agregira podatke znotraj meja vsake " +"celice." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Hex/index.js:30 +msgid "deck.gl 3D Hexagon" +msgstr "deck.gl - grafikon 3D šestkotnikov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Path/index.js:27 +msgid "Visualizes connected points, which form a path, on a map." +msgstr "Na zemljevidu prikaže povezane točke, ki tvorijo pot." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Path/index.js:28 +msgid "deck.gl Path" +msgstr "deck.gl - grafikon poti" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/controlPanel.ts:64 +msgid "Polygon Column" +msgstr "Stolpec poligonov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/controlPanel.ts:73 +msgid "Polygon Encoding" +msgstr "Kodiranje poligonov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/controlPanel.ts:84 +msgid "Elevation" +msgstr "Višina" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/controlPanel.ts:102 +msgid "Polygon Settings" +msgstr "Nastavitve poligonov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/controlPanel.ts:121 +msgid "Opacity, expects values between 0 and 100" +msgstr "Prosojnost, vnesite vrednosti med 0 in 100" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/controlPanel.ts:132 +msgid "Number of buckets to group data" +msgstr "Število razdelkov za združevanje podatkov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/controlPanel.ts:135 +msgid "How many buckets should the data be grouped in." +msgstr "V koliko razdelkov bodo razvrščeni podatki." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/controlPanel.ts:145 +msgid "Bucket break points" +msgstr "Točke za razčlenitev razdelkov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/controlPanel.ts:147 +msgid "List of n+1 values for bucketing metric into n buckets." +msgstr "Seznam n+1 vrednosti za mero razvrščanja v n razdelkov." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/controlPanel.ts:159 +msgid "Emit Filter Events" +msgstr "Oddajaj dogodke filtrov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/controlPanel.ts:162 +msgid "Whether to apply filter when items are clicked" +msgstr "Če želite uporabiti filter, ko kliknete na elemente" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/controlPanel.ts:169 +msgid "Multiple filtering" +msgstr "Večkratno filtriranje" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/controlPanel.ts:172 +msgid "Allow sending multiple polygons as a filter event" +msgstr "Dovoli pošiljanje več poligonov kot dogodek filtra" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/index.js:27 +msgid "" +"Visualizes geographic areas from your data as polygons on a Mapbox rendered map. " +"Polygons can be colored using a metric." +msgstr "" +"Prikaže geografsko območje kot poligone na zemljevidu zagotovljenim preko " +"storitve Mapbox. Poligoni so lahko obarvani glede na mero." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Polygon/index.js:30 +msgid "deck.gl Polygon" +msgstr "deck.gl - grafikon poligonov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/controlPanel.ts:71 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:320 +msgid "Point Size" +msgstr "Velikost točke" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/controlPanel.ts:79 +msgid "Point Unit" +msgstr "Enota točke" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/controlPanel.ts:101 +msgid "Minimum Radius" +msgstr "Min. polmer" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/controlPanel.ts:106 +msgid "" +"Minimum radius size of the circle, in pixels. As the zoom level changes, this " +"insures that the circle respects this minimum radius." +msgstr "" +"Minimalni polmer kroga v pikslih. S tem je določen minimalni polmer kroga, ko se " +"spreminja stopnja povečave." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/controlPanel.ts:116 +msgid "Maximum Radius" +msgstr "Max. polmer" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/controlPanel.ts:121 +msgid "" +"Maxium radius size of the circle, in pixels. As the zoom level changes, this " +"insures that the circle respects this maximum radius." +msgstr "" +"Maksimalni polmer kroga v pikslih. S tem je določen maksimalni polmer kroga, ko " +"se spreminja stopnja povečave." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/controlPanel.ts:132 +msgid "Point Color" +msgstr "Barva točke" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/index.js:27 +msgid "" +"A map that takes rendering circles with a variable radius at latitude/longitude " +"coordinates" +msgstr "" +"Zemljevid, ki na zemljepisnih koordinatah prikazuje kroge s spremenljivim polmerom" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Scatter/index.js:30 +msgid "deck.gl Scatterplot" +msgstr "deck.gl - raztreseni grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Screengrid/controlPanel.ts:57 +msgid "Grid" +msgstr "Mreža" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Screengrid/controlPanel.ts:73 +msgid "Weight" +msgstr "Utež" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Screengrid/controlPanel.ts:74 +msgid "Metric used as a weight for the grid's coloring" +msgstr "Mera, ki služi kot utež za barvo mreže" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Screengrid/index.js:27 +msgid "" +"Aggregates data within the boundary of grid cells and maps the aggregated values " +"to a dynamic color scale" +msgstr "" +"Agregira podatke znotraj meja celic in agregirane vrednosti ponazori z dinamično " +"barvno lestvico" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/layers/Screengrid/index.js:30 +msgid "deck.gl Screen Grid" +msgstr "deck.gl - grafikon mreže" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:45 +msgid "" +"For more information about objects are in context in the scope of this function, " +"refer to the" +msgstr "Za dodatne informacije o objektih v kontekstu te funkcije si oglejte" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:48 +msgid " source code of Superset's sandboxed parser" +msgstr " izvorno kodo za Supersetov \"sandboxed parser\"" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:75 +msgid "This functionality is disabled in your environment for security reasons." +msgstr "Ta funkcionalnost je v vašem okolju onemogočena zaradi varnosti." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:87 +msgid "Ignore null locations" +msgstr "Izpusti prazne lokacije" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:89 +msgid "Whether to ignore locations that are null" +msgstr "Če ne želite upoštevati praznih (NULL) lokacij" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:97 +msgid "Auto Zoom" +msgstr "Samodejna povečava" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:100 +msgid "When checked, the map will zoom to your data after each query" +msgstr "Če želite, da se zemljevid prilagodi vašim podatkom po vsaki poizvedbi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:110 +msgid "Dimension" +msgstr "Dimenzija" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:111 +msgid "Select a dimension" +msgstr "Izberite dimenzijo" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:121 +msgid "Extra data for JS" +msgstr "Dodatni podatki za JS" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:123 +msgid "List of extra columns made available in Javascript functions" +msgstr "Seznam dodatnih podatkov, ki so na razpolago v Javascript funkcijah" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:132 +msgid "Javascript data interceptor" +msgstr "Javascript prestreznik podatkov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:133 +msgid "" +"Define a javascript function that receives the data array used in the " +"visualization and is expected to return a modified version of that array. This " +"can be used to alter properties of the data, filter, or enrich the array." +msgstr "" +"Določite Javascript funkcijo, ki sprejme podatkovni niz za vizualizacijo in vrne " +"spremenjeno verzijo tega niza. Lahko se uporabi za spreminjanje lastnosti " +"podatkov, filtra ali obogatitve niza." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:144 +msgid "Javascript tooltip generator" +msgstr "Javascript generator opisa orodja" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:145 +msgid "" +"Define a function that receives the input and outputs the content for a tooltip" +msgstr "Določite funkcijo, ki sprejme vhodne podatke in vrne vsebino opisa orodja" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:154 +msgid "Javascript onClick href" +msgstr "Javascript onClick href" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:155 +msgid "Define a function that returns a URL to navigate to when user clicks" +msgstr "Določite funkcijo, ki vrne URL za navigacijo, ko uporabnik klikne" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:162 +msgid "Legend Format" +msgstr "Oblika legende" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:163 +msgid "Choose the format for legend values" +msgstr "Izberite obliko vrednosti legende" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:176 +msgid "Legend Position" +msgstr "Položaj legende" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:177 +msgid "Choose the position of the legend" +msgstr "Izberite položaj legende" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:196 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/sharedDndControls.jsx:27 +msgid "Lines column" +msgstr "Stolpec črt" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:198 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/sharedDndControls.jsx:28 +msgid "The database columns that contains lines information" +msgstr "Stolpec v podatkovni bazi, ki vsebuje podatke črt" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:210 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:702 +msgid "Line width" +msgstr "Debelina črte" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:214 +msgid "The width of the lines" +msgstr "Debelina črt" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:221 +msgid "Fill Color" +msgstr "Barva polnila" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:222 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:235 +msgid "" +" Set the opacity to 0 if you do not want to override the color specified in the " +"GeoJSON" +msgstr " Nastavite prosojnost na 0, če želite obdržati barvo določeno v GeoJSON" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:234 +msgid "Stroke Color" +msgstr "Barva obrobe" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:248 +msgid "Filled" +msgstr "Zapolnjeno" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:250 +msgid "Whether to fill the objects" +msgstr "Če želite zapolniti objekte" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:259 +msgid "Stroked" +msgstr "Obrobljeno" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:261 +msgid "Whether to display the stroke" +msgstr "Če želite prikazati obrobe" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:270 +msgid "Extruded" +msgstr "Relief" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:281 +msgid "Grid Size" +msgstr "Velikost mreže" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:285 +msgid "Defines the grid size in pixels" +msgstr "Določa velikost mreže v pikslih" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:295 +msgid "Parameters related to the view and perspective on the map" +msgstr "Parametri povezani s pogledom in perspektivo zemljevida" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:307 +msgid "Longitude & Latitude" +msgstr "Dolžina in širina" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:322 +msgid "Fixed point radius" +msgstr "Fiksni radij točk" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:333 +msgid "Multiplier" +msgstr "Množitelj" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:337 +msgid "Factor to multiply the metric by" +msgstr "Faktor, s katerim množite mero" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:345 +msgid "Lines encoding" +msgstr "Kodiranje črt" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:348 +msgid "The encoding format of the lines" +msgstr "Oblika kodiranja črt" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:361 +msgid "Reverse Lat & Long" +msgstr "Zamenjaj širino in dolžino" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:390 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/sharedDndControls.jsx:36 +msgid "GeoJson Column" +msgstr "GeoJson stolpec" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/Shared_DeckGL.jsx:392 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-deckgl/src/utilities/sharedDndControls.jsx:37 +msgid "Select the geojson column" +msgstr "Izberite geojson stolpec" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:53 +msgid "Right Axis Format" +msgstr "Oblika desne osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:64 +msgid "Show Markers" +msgstr "Prikaži markerje" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:67 +msgid "Show data points as circle markers on the lines" +msgstr "Pokaži točke kot krožne markerje na krivuljah" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:91 +msgid "Y bounds" +msgstr "Y meje" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:94 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:105 +msgid "Whether to display the min and max values of the Y-axis" +msgstr "Če želite prikaz min. in max. vrednosti Y-osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:102 +msgid "Y 2 bounds" +msgstr "Meje Y 2" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:113 +msgid "Line Style" +msgstr "Slog črte" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:124 +msgid "Line interpolation as defined by d3.js" +msgstr "Interpolacija krivulje na osnovi d3.js" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:132 +msgid "Show Range Filter" +msgstr "Pokaži filter obdobja" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:141 +msgid "Whether to display the time range interactive selector" +msgstr "Če želite prikaz interaktivnega izbirnika časovnega obdobja" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:160 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:158 +msgid "Extra Controls" +msgstr "Dodatni kontrolniki" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:163 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:161 +msgid "" +"Whether to show extra controls or not. Extra controls include things like making " +"mulitBar charts stacked or side by side." +msgstr "" +"Če želite prikaz dodatnih kontrolnikov. Dodatni kontrolniki vključujejo možnost " +"izdelave večstolpčnih grafikonov, naloženih ali drug ob drugem." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:201 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:78 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:62 +msgid "X Tick Layout" +msgstr "Postavitev oznak na X-osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:206 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:89 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:72 +msgid "The way the ticks are laid out on the X-axis" +msgstr "Način razporeditve oznak na X-osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:215 +msgid "X Axis Format" +msgstr "Oblika X-osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:227 +msgid "Y Log Scale" +msgstr "Logaritemska Y-os" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:230 +msgid "Use a log scale for the Y-axis" +msgstr "Uporabi logaritemsko skalo za Y-os" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:238 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:383 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:294 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:205 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:222 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:278 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:281 +msgid "Y Axis Bounds" +msgstr "Meje Y-osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:241 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:257 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:386 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:297 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:208 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:225 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:281 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:284 +msgid "" +"Bounds for the Y-axis. When left empty, the bounds are dynamically defined based " +"on the min/max of the data. Note that this feature will only expand the axis " +"range. It won't narrow the data's extent." +msgstr "" +"Meje Y-osi. Če je prazno, se meje nastavijo dinamično na podlagi min./max. " +"vrednosti podatkov. Funkcija omeji le prikaz, obseg podatkov pa ostane enak." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:254 +msgid "Y Axis 2 Bounds" +msgstr "Meje Y 2-osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:270 +msgid "X bounds" +msgstr "Meje X-osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:273 +msgid "Whether to display the min and max values of the X-axis" +msgstr "Če želite prikaz min. in max. vrednosti X-osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:294 +msgid "Bar Values" +msgstr "Vrednosti stolpcev" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:297 +msgid "Show the value on top of the bar" +msgstr "Prikaži vrednosti na vrhu stolpcev" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:305 +msgid "Stacked Bars" +msgstr "Naloženi stolpci" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:316 +msgid "Reduce X ticks" +msgstr "Manj oznak X-osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:319 +msgid "" +"Reduces the number of X-axis ticks to be rendered. If true, the x-axis will not " +"overflow and labels may be missing. If false, a minimum width will be applied to " +"columns and the width may overflow into an horizontal scroll." +msgstr "" +"Zmanjša število izrisanih oznak na X-osi. Če je vklopljeno, se x-os ne bo prelila " +"in lahko oznake manjkajo. Če je izklopljeno, bo upoštevana min. širina stolpcev, " +"ki pa se lahko prelije v horizontalni drsnik." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Vis.js:367 +msgid "You cannot use 45° tick layout along with the time range filter" +msgstr "" +"Skupaj s filtriranjem časovnega obdobja ne morete uporabiti oznak pod 45° kotom" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/controlPanel.ts:52 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:144 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/fixtures.tsx:57 +msgid "Stacked Style" +msgstr "Slog nalaganja" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:30 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:29 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:25 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/index.js:25 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/index.js:30 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js:25 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/index.js:25 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:58 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:55 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:61 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Line/index.ts:60 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:59 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:59 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:50 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts:49 +msgid "Evolution" +msgstr "Evolucija" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:32 +msgid "" +"A time series chart that visualizes how a related metric from multiple groups " +"vary over time. Each group is visualized using a different color." +msgstr "" +"Grafikon časovne vrste, ki prikaže kako se povezane mere skupin spreminjajo skozi " +"čas. Vsaka skupina je prikazana s svojo barvo." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:36 +msgid "Stretched style" +msgstr "Raztegnjen slog" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:37 +msgid "Stacked style" +msgstr "Naložen slog" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:38 +msgid "Video game consoles" +msgstr "Igralne konzole" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:39 +msgid "Vehicle Types" +msgstr "Vrste vozil" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:41 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:125 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:128 +msgid "Area Chart" +msgstr "Ploščinski grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:46 +msgid "Continuous" +msgstr "Zvezno" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:48 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:37 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/index.ts:40 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:82 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:80 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Line/index.ts:84 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:84 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts:71 +msgid "Line" +msgstr "Črta" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:54 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:46 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:39 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/index.js:31 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:34 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:50 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/index.js:31 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/index.js:45 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js:34 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/index.js:29 +msgid "nvd3" +msgstr "nvd3" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:55 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/index.js:45 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js:38 +msgid "Deprecated" +msgstr "Zastarelo" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/controlPanel.ts:53 +msgid "Series Limit Sort By" +msgstr "Razvrščanje omejitev serije" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/controlPanel.ts:54 +msgid "" +"Metric used to order the limit if a series limit is present. If undefined reverts " +"to the first metric (where appropriate)." +msgstr "" +"Mera, ki določa kako je razvrščena meja, če je določena omejitev serij. Če ni " +"določena, se uporabi prva mera (kjer je to ustrezno)." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/controlPanel.ts:72 +msgid "Series Limit Sort Descending" +msgstr "Razvrsti padajoče" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/controlPanel.ts:74 +msgid "Whether to sort descending or ascending if a series limit is present" +msgstr "" +"Če želite padajoče ali naraščajoče razvrščanje, ko je prisotna omejitev serije" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:31 +msgid "" +"Visualize how a metric changes over time using bars. Add a group by column to " +"visualize group level metrics and how they change over time." +msgstr "" +"Prikaže spreminjanje mere skozi čas s pomočjo stolpcev. Z dodajanjem stolpcev za " +"združevanje prikaže mere skupin in njihovo spreminjanje." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:35 +msgid "Time-series Bar Chart" +msgstr "Stolpčni grafikon za časovno vrsto" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:38 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:41 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:91 +msgid "Bar" +msgstr "Stolpec" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:42 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:49 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:316 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:90 +msgid "Vertical" +msgstr "Navpično" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/BoxPlot/index.js:26 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/index.ts:54 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/createMetadata.ts:27 +msgid "Box Plot" +msgstr "Box Plot" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/controlPanel.ts:104 +msgid "X Log Scale" +msgstr "Logaritemska X-os" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/controlPanel.ts:107 +msgid "Use a log scale for the X-axis" +msgstr "Uporabi logaritemsko skalo za X-os" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:27 +msgid "" +"Visualizes a metric across three dimensions of data in a single chart (X axis, Y " +"axis, and bubble size). Bubbles from the same group can be showcased using bubble " +"color." +msgstr "" +"Prikaže mero v treh dimenzijah podatkov na istem grafikonu (x os, y os, velikost " +"mehurčka). Mehurčki v isti skupini so predstavljeni z barvo." #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:39 msgid "Ranges" @@ -9436,1416 +7641,233 @@ msgstr "Razponi" msgid "Ranges to highlight with shading" msgstr "Razponi za označitev s senčenjem" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/index.js:25 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js:25 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:28 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/index.ts:48 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts:33 -msgid "Ranking" -msgstr "Rangiranje" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:48 +msgid "Range labels" +msgstr "Oznake razponov" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/controlPanel.ts:63 -msgid "Ratio" -msgstr "Razmerje" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:50 +msgid "Labels for the ranges" +msgstr "Oznake za razpone" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts:46 -msgid "Raw records" -msgstr "Surovi podatki" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:59 +msgid "Markers" +msgstr "Markerji" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/FilterBoxMigrationModal.tsx:64 -msgid "Ready to review filters in this dashboard?" -msgstr "Ste pripravljeni za pregled filtrov v tej nadzorni plošči?" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:61 +msgid "List of values to mark with triangles" +msgstr "Seznam vrednosti, ki bodo markirane s trikotniki" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/FilterSetUnit.tsx:78 -msgid "Rebuild" -msgstr "Obnovi" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:68 +msgid "Marker labels" +msgstr "Oznake markerjev" -#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/App.tsx:72 -msgid "Recent activity" -msgstr "Nedavna aktivnost" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:70 +msgid "Labels for the markers" +msgstr "Oznake za markerje" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:86 -msgid "Recently created charts, dashboards, and saved queries will appear here" -msgstr "" -"Nedavno ustvarjeni grafikoni, nadzorne plošče in shranjene poizvedbe bodo" -" prikazane tukaj" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:79 +msgid "Marker lines" +msgstr "Markirne črtice" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:96 -msgid "Recently edited charts, dashboards, and saved queries will appear here" -msgstr "" -"Nedavno urejani grafikoni, nadzorne plošče in shranjene poizvedbe bodo " -"prikazane tukaj" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:81 +msgid "List of values to mark with lines" +msgstr "Seznam vrednosti, ki bodo markirane s črticami" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:561 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:535 -msgid "Recently modified" -msgstr "Nedavno spremenjeno" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:88 +msgid "Marker line labels" +msgstr "Oznake markirnih črtic" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:81 -msgid "Recently viewed charts, dashboards, and saved queries will appear here" -msgstr "" -"Nedavno ogledani grafikoni, nadzorne plošče in shranjene poizvedbe bodo " -"prikazane tukaj" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/controlPanel.ts:90 +msgid "Labels for the marker lines" +msgstr "Oznake za markirne črtice" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/Welcome.tsx:277 -msgid "Recents" -msgstr "Nedavno" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/index.js:25 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:29 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/index.ts:31 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/index.ts:47 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/index.ts:37 +msgid "KPI" +msgstr "KPI" -#: superset/views/schedules.py:242 superset/views/schedules.py:322 -msgid "Recipients" -msgstr "Prejemniki" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/NotificationMethod.tsx:160 -msgid "Recipients are separated by \",\" or \";\"" -msgstr "Prejemniki so ločeni z \",\" ali \";\"" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:597 -msgid "Recommended tags" -msgstr "Priporočene značke" - -#: superset/templates/appbuilder/general/widgets/base_list.html:55 -msgid "Record Count" -msgstr "Število zapisov" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:222 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "Pravokotnik" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:330 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/index.js:27 msgid "" -"Redirects to this endpoint when clicking on the datasource from the " -"datasource list" +"Showcases the progress of a single metric against a given target. The higher the " +"fill, the closer the metric is to the target." msgstr "" -"Preusmeri v to končno točko, ko kliknete na podatkovni vir v seznamu " -"podatkovnih virov" +"Prikaže napredovanje posamezne mere glede na cilj. Večja napolnjenost, pomeni, da " +"je mera bližje cilju." -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:457 -msgid "Redirects to this endpoint when clicking on the table from the table list" -msgstr "Preusmeri v to končno točko, ko kliknete na tabelo v seznamu tabel" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:316 -msgid "Reduce X ticks" -msgstr "Manj oznak X-osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:319 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:27 msgid "" -"Reduces the number of X-axis ticks to be rendered. If true, the x-axis " -"will not overflow and labels may be missing. If false, a minimum width " -"will be applied to columns and the width may overflow into an horizontal " -"scroll." +"Visualizes many different time-series objects in a single chart. This chart is " +"being deprecated and we recommend using the Time-series Chart instead." msgstr "" -"Zmanjša število izrisanih oznak na X-osi. Če je vklopljeno, se x-os ne bo" -" prelila in lahko oznake manjkajo. Če je izklopljeno, bo upoštevana min. " -"širina stolpcev, ki pa se lahko prelije v horizontalni drsnik." +"Prikaže več različnih časovnih vrst na istem grafikonu. Grafikon se opušča, zato " +"priporočamo uporabo Grafikona časovne vrste." -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/SqlAlchemyForm.tsx:78 -msgid "Refer to the" -msgstr "Obrnite se na" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:30 +msgid "Time-series Percent Change" +msgstr "Časovna vrsta - Procentualna sprememba" -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:143 -msgid "Referenced columns not available in DataFrame." -msgstr "Referencirani stolpci niso razpoložljivi v Dataframe-u." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:82 +msgid "Sort Bars" +msgstr "Uredi stolpce" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:799 -msgid "Refetch results" -msgstr "Ponovno pridobi rezultate" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:85 +msgid "Sort bars by x labels." +msgstr "Uredi stolpce po x-oznakah." -#: superset/templates/appbuilder/general/widgets/search.html:57 -msgid "Refresh" -msgstr "Osveži" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:122 +msgid "Breakdowns" +msgstr "Razčlenitev" -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:542 -msgid "Refresh Druid Metadata" -msgstr "Osveži metapodatke za Druid" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:123 +msgid "Defines how each series is broken down" +msgstr "Določa, kako se vsaka podatkovna serija razčleni" -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:565 -msgid "Refresh Metadata" -msgstr "Osveži metapodatke" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:565 -msgid "Refresh column metadata" -msgstr "Osveži metapodatke stolpca" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:276 -msgid "Refresh dashboard" -msgstr "Osveži nadzorno ploščo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:117 -msgid "Refresh frequency" -msgstr "Frekvenca osveževanja" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:114 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:119 -msgid "Refresh interval" -msgstr "Interval osveževanja" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:976 -msgid "Refresh the default values" -msgstr "Osveži privzete vrednosti" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:420 -msgid "Refreshed metadata from cluster [{}]" -msgstr "Osveženi meta-podatki iz gruče [{}]" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/models.py:259 -msgid "Refreshing datasource [{}]" -msgstr "Osveževanje podatkovnega vira [{}]" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:335 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:30 msgid "" -"Regular filters add where clauses to queries if a user belongs to a role " -"referenced in the filter. Base filters apply filters to all queries " -"except the roles defined in the filter, and can be used to define what " -"users can see if no RLS filters within a filter group apply to them." +"Compares metrics from different categories using bars. Bar lengths are used to " +"indicate the magnitude of each value and color is used to differentiate groups." msgstr "" -"Navadni filtri dodajo WHERE stavek v poizvedbe, če ima uporabnik vlogo " -"podano v filtru. Osnovni filtri filtrirajo vse poizvedbe, razen vlog, " -"definiranih v filtru, in jih je mogoče uporabiti za nastavitev tega kaj " -"uporabnik vidi, če v skupini filtrov ni RLS-filtrov, ki bi se nanašali " -"nanje." +"Primerjava mer različnih kategorij s pomočjo stolpcev. Dolžina stolpca prestavlja " +"višino vrednosti, z barvami pa so ločene skupine." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/index.js:40 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/index.js:31 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js:43 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/index.ts:44 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/index.ts:44 -msgid "Relational" -msgstr "Relacijsko" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:38 +msgid "Bar Chart" +msgstr "Stolpčni grafikon" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/index.js:32 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:35 -msgid "Relationships between community channels" -msgstr "Razmerja med skupnostnimi kanali" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:91 -msgid "Relative Date/Time" -msgstr "Relativen Datum/Čas" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:157 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:210 -msgid "Relative period" -msgstr "Relativno obdobje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:145 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:198 -msgid "Relative quantity" -msgstr "Relativne vrednosti" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/FilterBoxMigrationModal.tsx:69 -msgid "Remind me in 24 hours" -msgstr "Opomni me čez 24 ur" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:779 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Odstrani" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/FilterSetUnit.tsx:77 -msgid "Remove invalid filters" -msgstr "Odstrani neveljavne filtre" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/CollectionControl/index.jsx:142 -msgid "Remove item" -msgstr "Odstrani element" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.jsx:282 -msgid "Remove query from log" -msgstr "Odstrani poizvedbo iz dnevnika" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TableElement/index.tsx:211 -msgid "Remove table preview" -msgstr "Odstrani predogled tabele" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:609 -#, python-format -msgid "Removed columns: %s" -msgstr "Odstranjeni stolpci: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:345 -msgid "Rename tab" -msgstr "Preimenuj zavihek" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:146 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "Izris" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:146 superset/views/database/forms.py:299 -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:427 -msgid "Replace" -msgstr "Zamenjaj" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js:36 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js:36 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/index.ts:41 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:46 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/index.js:31 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/index.ts:57 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/index.ts:48 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/index.ts:59 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:40 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:39 #: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/index.ts:55 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:48 -msgid "Report" -msgstr "Poročilo" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:43 +msgid "Additive" +msgstr "Aditivno" -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:118 -msgid "Report Schedule could not be created." -msgstr "Urnika poročanja ni mogoče ustvariti." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:44 +msgid "Discrete" +msgstr "Diskretno" -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:114 -msgid "Report Schedule could not be deleted." -msgstr "Urnika poročanja ni mogoče izbrisati." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/controlPanel.ts:40 +msgid "Y Axis 1" +msgstr "Y-os 1" -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:122 -msgid "Report Schedule could not be updated." -msgstr "Urnika poročanja ni mogoče posodobiti." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/controlPanel.ts:50 +msgid "Y Axis 2" +msgstr "Y-os 2" -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:130 -msgid "Report Schedule delete failed." -msgstr "Izbris urnika poročanja ni uspel." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/controlPanel.ts:68 +msgid "Left Axis Metric" +msgstr "Mera za levo os" -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:142 -msgid "Report Schedule execution failed when generating a csv." -msgstr "Izvajanje urnika poročanja je bilo neuspešno pri ustvarjanju csv." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/controlPanel.ts:69 +msgid "Choose a metric for left axis" +msgstr "Izberite mero za levo os" -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:146 -msgid "Report Schedule execution failed when generating a dataframe." -msgstr "" -"Izvajanje urnika poročanja je bilo neuspešno pri ustvarjanju podatkovnega" -" okvira." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/controlPanel.ts:72 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:166 +msgid "Left Axis Format" +msgstr "Oblika leve osi" -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:138 -msgid "Report Schedule execution failed when generating a screenshot." -msgstr "" -"Izvajanje urnika poročanja je bilo neuspešno pri ustvarjanju zaslonske " -"slike." - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:150 -msgid "Report Schedule execution got an unexpected error." -msgstr "Pri izvajanju urnika poročanja je prišlo do nepričakovane napake." - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:154 -msgid "Report Schedule is still working, refusing to re-compute." -msgstr "Urnik poročanja se še vedno izvaja, ponovni izračun je zavrnjen." - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:134 -msgid "Report Schedule log prune failed." -msgstr "Krajšanje dnevnika urnika poročanja ni uspelo." - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:126 -msgid "Report Schedule not found." -msgstr "Urnika poročanja ni najden." - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:110 -msgid "Report Schedule parameters are invalid." -msgstr "Parametri urnika poročanja so neveljavni." - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:158 -msgid "Report Schedule reached a working timeout." -msgstr "Urnik poročanja je dosegel mejo časa izvedbe." - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:226 -msgid "Report Schedule sellenium user not found" -msgstr "Selenium uporabnik za urnik poročanja ni najden" - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:230 -msgid "Report Schedule state not found" -msgstr "Stanje urnika poročanj ni najdeno" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Menu/MenuRight.tsx:225 -msgid "Report a bug" -msgstr "Sporočite napako" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/AlertStatusIcon.tsx:81 -msgid "Report failed" -msgstr "Poročilo ni uspelo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1064 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1072 -msgid "Report name" -msgstr "Naslov poročila" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1214 -msgid "Report schedule" -msgstr "Urnik poročanja" - -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:234 -msgid "Report schedule unexpected error" -msgstr "Nepričakovana napaka urnika poročanja" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/AlertStatusIcon.tsx:74 -msgid "Report sending" -msgstr "Pošiljanje poročila" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/AlertStatusIcon.tsx:67 -msgid "Report sent" -msgstr "Poročilo poslano" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:443 -msgid "Reports" -msgstr "Poročila" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:283 -msgid "Repulsion" -msgstr "Odbijanje" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:289 -msgid "Repulsion strength between nodes" -msgstr "Odbojna sila med vozlišči" - -#: superset/templates/superset/request_access.html:31 -msgid "Request Permissions" -msgstr "Zahtevaj dovoljenja" - -#: superset/charts/data/api.py:145 superset/charts/data/api.py:233 -#: superset/charts/data/api.py:297 -#, python-format -msgid "Request is incorrect: %(error)s" -msgstr "Zahtevek je napačen: %(error)s" - -#: superset/charts/data/api.py:222 -msgid "Request is not JSON" -msgstr "Zahtevek ni JSON" - -#: superset/views/datasource/views.py:71 -msgid "Request missing data field." -msgstr "Zahtevaj manjkajoča podatkovna polja." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:93 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:97 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:104 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:252 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/GroupBy/controlPanel.ts:73 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/controlPanel.ts:55 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:91 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Time/controlPanel.ts:53 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeColumn/controlPanel.ts:33 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeGrain/controlPanel.ts:33 -msgid "Required" -msgstr "Obvezno" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:137 -msgid "Resample" -msgstr "Prevzorči" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditorLeftBar/index.jsx:231 -msgid "Reset state" -msgstr "Ponastavi stanje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/RemovedFilter.tsx:46 -msgid "Restore Filter" -msgstr "Povrni filter" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SouthPane/index.tsx:194 -msgid "Results" -msgstr "Rezultati" - -#: superset/sql_lab.py:375 superset/views/core.py:2251 -msgid "Results backend is not configured." -msgstr "Zaledni sistem rezultatov ni konfiguriran." - -#: superset/errors.py:116 -msgid "Results backend needed for asynchronous queries is not configured." -msgstr "" -"Zaledni sistem za rezultate, potreben za asinhrone poizvedbe, ni " -"konfiguriran." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:29 -msgid "Return to specific datetime." -msgstr "Vrne določen datum-čas." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/SpatialControl.jsx:155 -msgid "Reverse lat/long " -msgstr "Zamenjaj zemljepisno dolžino/širino " - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:230 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:100 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:281 -msgid "Rich Tooltip" -msgstr "Podroben opis orodja" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:149 -msgid "Rich tooltip" -msgstr "Podroben opis orodja" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:113 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:307 -msgid "Right" -msgstr "Desno" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:53 -msgid "Right Axis Format" -msgstr "Oblika desne osi" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:119 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:183 -msgid "Right Axis Metric" -msgstr "Mera desne osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:132 -msgid "Right Axis chart(s)" -msgstr "Grafikoni desne osi" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:215 -msgid "Right axis metric" -msgstr "Mera desne osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:138 -msgid "Right to Left" -msgstr "Iz desne proti levi" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:160 -msgid "Right value" -msgstr "Desna vrednost" - -#: superset/dashboards/filters.py:153 -msgid "Role" -msgstr "Vloga" - -#: superset/views/core.py:389 -#, python-format -msgid "Role %(r)s was extended to provide the access to the datasource %(ds)s" -msgstr "" -"Vloga %(r)s je bila razširjena za zagotovitev dostopa do podatkovnega " -"vira %(ds)s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:421 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:424 -#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/Security.tsx:35 -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:368 superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:83 -msgid "Roles" -msgstr "Vloge" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:433 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/index.js:27 msgid "" -"Roles is a list which defines access to the dashboard. Granting a role " -"access to a dashboard will bypass dataset level checks. If no roles " -"defined then the dashboard is available to all roles." +"Visualizes 2 metrics as line plots using the same x-axis. This chart is useful " +"for comparing metrics across the same time range." msgstr "" -"\"Vloge\" je seznam, ki definira dostop do nadzorne plošče. Dodelitev " -"vloge za dostop do nadzorne plošče bo obšlo preverjanje na nivoju " -"podatkovnega seta. Če vloga ni definirana, bo nadzorna plošča dostopna " -"vsem vlogam." +"Prikaže dve meri na črtnem grafu z isto x-osjo. Grafikon je uporaben za " +"primerjavo mer v istem časovnem obdobju." -#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:66 -msgid "" -"Roles is a list which defines access to the dashboard. Granting a role " -"access to a dashboard will bypass dataset level checks.If no roles " -"defined then the dashboard is available to all roles." -msgstr "" -"\"Vloge\" je seznam, ki definira dostop do nadzorne plošče. Dodelitev " -"vloge za dostop do nadzorne plošče bo obšlo preverjanje na nivoju " -"podatkovnega seta. Če vloga ni definirana, bo nadzorna plošča dostopna " -"vsem vlogam." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/index.js:30 +msgid "Dual Line Chart" +msgstr "Grafikon z dvojno krivuljo" -#: superset/views/access_requests.py:45 -msgid "Roles to grant" -msgstr "Vloge za dovoljevanje" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:257 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:140 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:158 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:389 -msgid "Rolling Function" -msgstr "Drseča funkcija" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:251 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:134 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:152 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:383 -msgid "Rolling Window" -msgstr "Drseče okno" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:39 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:158 -msgid "Rolling function" -msgstr "Drseča funkcija" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:33 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:152 -msgid "Rolling window" -msgstr "Drseče okno" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:351 -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:198 -msgid "Root certificate" -msgstr "Korenski certifikat" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:84 -msgid "Root node id" -msgstr "Id korenskega vozlišča" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:307 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:209 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:170 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:151 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:167 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:225 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:228 -msgid "Rotate x axis label" -msgstr "Zavrti oznako x-osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts:89 -msgid "Rotation to apply to words in the cloud" -msgstr "Če želite vrtenje besed v oblaku" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:271 -msgid "Round cap" -msgstr "Zaobljeni konci" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/new/NewRow.jsx:31 -msgid "Row" -msgstr "Vrstica" - -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:274 -msgid "Row Level Security" -msgstr "Varnost na nivoju vrstic" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:153 superset/views/database/forms.py:306 -msgid "" -"Row containing the headers to use as column names (0 is first line of " -"data). Leave empty if there is no header row." -msgstr "" -"Vrstica z naslovi, ki se uporabi za imena stolpcev (0 je prva vrstica " -"podatkov). Pustite prazno, če ni naslovne vrstice." - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:314 -msgid "Row level security filter" -msgstr "Filter za varnost na nivoju vrstic" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:331 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:360 -msgid "Row limit" -msgstr "Omejitev št. vrstic" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:49 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:83 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:289 -msgid "Rows" -msgstr "Vrstice" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:314 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:391 -msgid "Rows per page, 0 means no pagination" -msgstr "Vrstic na stran (0 pomeni brez številčenja strani)" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:285 -msgid "Rows subtotal position" -msgstr "Položaj vsot vrstic" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:193 superset/views/database/forms.py:334 -msgid "Rows to Read" -msgstr "Vrstice za branje" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:144 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:360 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:243 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:493 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:257 -msgid "Rule" -msgstr "Pravilo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/RunQueryActionButton/index.tsx:56 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/QueryAndSaveBtns.jsx:76 -msgid "Run" -msgstr "Zaženi" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SouthPane/index.tsx:157 -msgid "Run a query to display results here" -msgstr "Za prikaz rezultatov morate zagnati poizvedbo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:101 -msgid "Run in SQL Lab" -msgstr "Zaženi v SQL laboratoriju" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:307 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:317 -#: superset-frontend/src/chart/Chart.jsx:280 -msgid "Run query" -msgstr "Zaženi poizvedbo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/RunQueryActionButton/index.tsx:116 -msgid "Run query (Ctrl + Return)" -msgstr "Zaženi poizvedbo (Ctrl + Return)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.jsx:273 -msgid "Run query in a new tab" -msgstr "Zaženi poizvedbo v novem zavihku" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/RunQueryActionButton/index.tsx:54 -msgid "Run selection" -msgstr "Zaženi izbrano" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.jsx:81 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:158 -msgid "Running" -msgstr "V teku" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:87 -msgid "SAT" -msgstr "SOB" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:99 -msgid "SEP" -msgstr "SEP" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/HighlightedSql/index.tsx:101 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:897 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:294 -msgid "SQL" -msgstr "SQL" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/components/SyntaxHighlighterCopy/index.tsx:71 -msgid "SQL Copied!" -msgstr "SQL kopiran!" - -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:326 -msgid "SQL Editor" -msgstr "SQL urejevalnik" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:259 -msgid "SQL Expression" -msgstr "SQL izraz" - -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:331 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:346 -msgid "SQL Lab" -msgstr "SQL laboratorij" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:503 -msgid "SQL Lab View" -msgstr "Pogled SQL laboratorija" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/App/index.jsx:91 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"SQL Lab uses your browser's local storage to store queries and results.\n" -"Currently, you are using %(currentUsage)s KB out of %(maxStorage)d KB " -"storage space.\n" -"To keep SQL Lab from crashing, please delete some query tabs.\n" -"You can re-access these queries by using the Save feature before you " -"delete the tab.\n" -"Note that you will need to close other SQL Lab windows before you do this." -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1150 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:287 -#: superset/templates/appbuilder/navbar_right.html:38 -msgid "SQL Query" -msgstr "SQL poizvedba" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:181 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1038 -msgid "SQL expression" -msgstr "SQL izraz" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Menu/MenuRight.tsx:32 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:124 -msgid "SQL query" -msgstr "SQL poizvedba" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/SqlAlchemyForm.tsx:61 -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:194 -msgid "SQLAlchemy URI" -msgstr "SQLAlchemy URI" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:202 -msgid "SSL Mode \"require\" will be used." -msgstr "Uporabljen bo SSL način \"require\"." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/AdvancedFrame.tsx:64 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:115 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:122 -msgid "START (INCLUSIVE)" -msgstr "ZAČETEK (VKLJUČEN)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:81 -msgid "SUN" -msgstr "NED" - -#: superset/viz.py:1903 -msgid "Sankey" -msgstr "Sankey" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js:36 -msgid "Sankey Diagram" -msgstr "Sankey grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/index.js:27 -msgid "Sankey Diagram with Loops" -msgstr "Sankey grafikon z zankami" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:62 -msgid "Saturday" -msgstr "Sobota" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:160 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:166 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:181 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceModal.tsx:227 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:267 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/CrossFilterScopingModal/CrossFilterScopingModal.tsx:88 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/index.jsx:588 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:458 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:148 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SaveModal.tsx:224 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/filterscope/FilterScopeSelector.jsx:531 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/EditSection.tsx:157 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/Footer/Footer.tsx:71 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:205 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/QueryAndSaveBtns.jsx:112 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:202 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:318 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopover/index.jsx:260 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:488 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/TimeSeriesColumnControl/index.jsx:345 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1039 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:273 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayerModal.tsx:226 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplateModal.tsx:220 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1006 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Shrani" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveDatasetModal/index.tsx:108 -msgid "Save & Explore" -msgstr "Shrani & Razišči" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:190 -msgid "Save & go to dashboard" -msgstr "Shrani in pojdi na nadzorno ploščo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:234 -msgid "Save (Overwrite)" -msgstr "Shrani (prepiši)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:160 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:166 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:254 -msgid "Save as" -msgstr "Shrani kot" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:243 -msgid "Save as ..." -msgstr "Shrani kot ..." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:181 -msgid "Save as new" -msgstr "Shrani kot novo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:201 -msgid "Save as new chart" -msgstr "Shrani kot nov grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SaveModal.tsx:199 -msgid "Save as:" -msgstr "Shrani kot:" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:171 -msgid "Save chart" -msgstr "Shrani grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SaveModal.tsx:182 -msgid "Save dashboard" -msgstr "Shrani nadzorno ploščo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:148 -msgid "Save for this session" -msgstr "Shranite za to sejo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:169 -msgid "Save query" -msgstr "Shrani poizvedbo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ShareSqlLabQuery/index.tsx:89 -msgid "Save the query to enable this feature" -msgstr "Za omogočenje te funkcije shranite poizvedbo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:241 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:368 -msgid "Saved" -msgstr "Shranjeno" - -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:334 -msgid "Saved Queries" -msgstr "Shranjene poizvedbe" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:226 -msgid "Saved expressions" -msgstr "Shranjeni izrazi" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:369 -msgid "Saved metric" -msgstr "Shranjena mera" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/common.ts:38 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:108 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/Welcome.tsx:318 -msgid "Saved queries" -msgstr "Shranjene poizvedbe" - -#: superset/queries/saved_queries/commands/exceptions.py:28 -msgid "Saved queries could not be deleted." -msgstr "Shranjenih poizvedb ni mogoče izbrisati." - -#: superset/queries/saved_queries/commands/exceptions.py:32 -msgid "Saved query not found." -msgstr "Shranjena poizvedba ni najdena." - -#: superset/queries/saved_queries/commands/exceptions.py:40 -msgid "Saved query parameters are invalid." -msgstr "Parametri shranjene poizvedbe so neveljavni." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:168 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:277 -msgid "Scale and Move" -msgstr "Povečava in premikanje" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:166 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:275 -msgid "Scale only" -msgstr "Samo povečava" - -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:529 -msgid "Scan New Datasources" -msgstr "Preišči nove podatkovne vire" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js:39 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:43 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:36 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:77 -msgid "Scatter" -msgstr "Raztreseni" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/ScatterPlot/createMetadata.ts:26 -msgid "Scatter Plot" -msgstr "Raztreseni grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ScheduleQueryButton/index.tsx:221 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:357 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:237 -msgid "Schedule" -msgstr "Urnik" - -#: superset/views/schedules.py:274 -msgid "Schedule Email Reports for Charts" -msgstr "Razporedi e-poštna poročila za grafikone" - -#: superset/views/schedules.py:196 -msgid "Schedule Email Reports for Dashboards" -msgstr "Razporedi e-poštna poročila za nadzorne plošče" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/index.jsx:423 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreChartHeader/index.jsx:218 -msgid "Schedule email report" -msgstr "Dodaj e-poštno poročilo na urnik" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ScheduleQueryButton/index.tsx:211 -msgid "Schedule query" -msgstr "Urnik poizvedb" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1234 -msgid "Schedule settings" -msgstr "Nastavitve urnika" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:517 -msgid "Schedule the query periodically" -msgstr "Periodično zaganjaj poizvedbo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.jsx:99 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.jsx:105 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:168 -msgid "Scheduled" -msgstr "V urniku" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/ExecutionLog.tsx:117 -msgid "Scheduled at (UTC)" -msgstr "Izvede se ob (UTC)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:359 -msgid "Scheduled reports will be sent to your email as a PNG" -msgstr "Poročila na urniku bodo poslana na vaš e-naslov kot PNG" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/DatabaseSelector/index.tsx:295 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:220 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:299 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:451 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:232 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:287 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:444 -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:494 superset/views/database/forms.py:126 -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:285 superset/views/database/forms.py:413 -msgid "Schema" -msgstr "Shema" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:235 -msgid "Schema cache timeout" -msgstr "Trajanje prepomnilnika sheme" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:440 -msgid "Schema, as used only in some databases like Postgres, Redshift and DB2" -msgstr "" -"Shema, ki se uporablja pri nekaterih podatkovnih bazah, kot so Postgres, " -"Redshift in DB2" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:369 -msgid "Schemas allowed for CSV upload" -msgstr "Dovoljene sheme za nalaganje CSV" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:256 -msgid "Scoping" -msgstr "Doseg" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/TableChart.tsx:121 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QuerySearch/index.tsx:256 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTableControl/index.tsx:77 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:419 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:305 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:542 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:292 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:516 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:417 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:477 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:461 -#: superset/templates/appbuilder/general/widgets/search.html:40 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Iskanje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:293 -msgid "Search / Filter" -msgstr "Iskanje / Filter" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:291 -msgid "Search Metrics & Columns" -msgstr "Iskanje mer in stolpcev" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:703 -msgid "Search all charts" -msgstr "Išči vse grafikone" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/OmniContainer/index.tsx:102 -msgid "Search all dashboards" -msgstr "Išči vse nadzorne plošče" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:232 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:137 -msgid "Search all filter options" -msgstr "Poišči vse možnosti filtra" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:403 -msgid "Search box" -msgstr "Iskalno polje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:388 -msgid "Search by query text" -msgstr "Išči z besedilom poizvedbe" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/filterscope/FilterScopeSelector.jsx:452 -msgid "Search..." -msgstr "Iskanje ..." - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:86 -msgid "Second" -msgstr "Sekunda" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:244 -msgid "Secondary" -msgstr "Sekundarna" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:62 -msgid "Secondary Metric" -msgstr "Sekundarna mera" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:392 -msgid "Secondary y-axis format" -msgstr "Oblika sekundarne y-osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:401 -msgid "Secondary y-axis title" -msgstr "Naslov sekundarne y-osi" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:63 -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "Seconds %s" -msgstr "sekunda" - -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:197 -msgid "Secure Extra" -msgstr "Dodatna varnost" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:326 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:331 -msgid "Secure extra" -msgstr "Dodatna varnost" - -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:276 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:421 -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:493 -msgid "Security" -msgstr "Varnost" - -#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/App.tsx:82 -msgid "Security & Access" -msgstr "Varnost in Dostopi" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:157 -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "See all %(tableName)s" -msgstr "Razišči - %(table)s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/ErrorAlert.tsx:155 -msgid "See less" -msgstr "Oglejte si manj" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/ErrorAlert.tsx:126 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/ErrorAlert.tsx:142 -msgid "See more" -msgstr "Oglejte si več" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/TableSelector/index.tsx:291 -msgid "See table schema" -msgstr "Ogled sheme tabele" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/index.tsx:132 -msgid "Select" -msgstr "Izberi" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/AsyncSelect/index.jsx:41 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Select/Select.tsx:290 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/SelectAsyncControl/index.tsx:106 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/SelectControl.jsx:227 -msgid "Select ..." -msgstr "Izberite ..." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/NotificationMethod.tsx:127 -msgid "Select Delivery Method" -msgstr "Izberite način dostave" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/index.tsx:106 -msgid "Select Viz Type" -msgstr "Izberite tip vizualizacije" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:102 -msgid "Select a CSV file to be uploaded to a database." -msgstr "Izberite CSV datoteko, ki bo naložena v podatkovno bazo." - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:386 -msgid "Select a Columnar file to be uploaded to a database." -msgstr "Izberite stolpčno datoteko, ki bo naložena v podatkovno bazo." - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:253 -msgid "Select a Excel file to be uploaded to a database." -msgstr "Izberite Excel-ovo datoteko, ki bo naložena v podatkovno bazo." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/ColumnSelect.tsx:133 -msgid "Select a column" -msgstr "Izberite stolpec" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:264 -msgid "Select a dashboard" -msgstr "Izberite nadzorno ploščo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/index.tsx:131 -msgid "Select a visualization type" -msgstr "Izberite tip vizualizacije" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:310 -msgid "Select aggregate options" -msgstr "Izberite agregacijske možnosti" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:107 -msgid "Select any columns for metadata inspection" -msgstr "Izberite poljubne stolpce za pregled metapodatkov" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:103 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:138 -msgid "Select charts" -msgstr "Izberi grafikone" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ColorSchemeControl/index.jsx:188 -msgid "Select color scheme" -msgstr "Izberite barvno shemo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:208 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSqlTabContent/index.jsx:63 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:301 -msgid "Select column" -msgstr "Izberite stolpec" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/DatabaseSelector/index.tsx:268 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/DatabaseSelector/index.tsx:275 -msgid "Select database or type database name" -msgstr "Izberite ali vnesite ime podatkovne baze" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1127 -msgid "" -"Select databases require additional fields to be completed in the " -"Advanced tab to successfully connect the database. Learn what " -"requirements your databases has " -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:294 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/index.ts:28 -msgid "Select filter" -msgstr "Izbirni filter" - -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/index.ts:29 -msgid "Select filter plugin using AntD" -msgstr "Izberite Vtičnik za filter z uporabo AntD" - -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:111 -msgid "" -"Select first item by default (when using this option, default value can’t" -" be set)" -msgstr "" -"Izberi prvi element kot privzet (ko uporabljate to možnost, privzete " -"vrednost ni mogoče nastaviti)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:303 -msgid "Select operator" -msgstr "Izberite operator" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/Filters/Select.tsx:84 -msgid "Select or type a value" -msgstr "Izberite ali vnesite vrednost" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:393 -msgid "Select owners" -msgstr "Izberite lastnike" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/CascadeFilters/CascadePopover/index.tsx:177 -msgid "Select parent filters" -msgstr "Izberi starševske filtre" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:319 -msgid "Select saved metrics" -msgstr "Izberite shranjene mere" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/DatabaseSelector/index.tsx:293 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/DatabaseSelector/index.tsx:300 -msgid "Select schema or type schema name" -msgstr "Izberite ali vnesite ime sheme" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ColorSchemeControl/index.jsx:194 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select scheme" -msgstr "Izberite barvno shemo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/FilterBox.jsx:273 -msgid "Select start and end date" -msgstr "Izberite začetni in končni datum" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:265 -msgid "Select subject" -msgstr "Izberite zadevo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/TableSelector/index.tsx:298 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/TableSelector/index.tsx:308 -msgid "Select table or type table name" -msgstr "Izberite ali vnesite ime tabele" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:98 -msgid "Select the number of bins for the histogram" -msgstr "Izberite število razdelkov za histogram" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:38 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:48 -msgid "Select the numeric columns to draw the histogram" -msgstr "Izberite numerične stolpce za izris histograma" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1340 -msgid "Send as CSV" -msgstr "Pošlji kot CSV" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1339 -msgid "Send as PNG" -msgstr "Pošlji kot PNG" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1342 -msgid "Send as text" -msgstr "Pošlji kot besedilo" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/controlPanel.ts:55 +msgid "Propagate" +msgstr "Razširi" #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/controlPanel.ts:58 msgid "Send range filter events to other charts" msgstr "Pošlji dogodke filtra obdobja na druge grafikone" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:74 -msgid "September" -msgstr "September" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/index.js:32 +msgid "Classic chart that visualizes how metrics change over time." +msgstr "Standardni grafikon za prikaz spreminjanje mere skozi čas." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/index.ts:58 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:49 -msgid "Sequential" -msgstr "Sekvenčni" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/index.js:36 +msgid "Battery level over time" +msgstr "Napolnjenost baterije skozi čas" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:61 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:385 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:119 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:128 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:400 -msgid "Series" -msgstr "Niz" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/index.js:38 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Line/index.ts:77 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/Line/createMetadata.ts:26 +msgid "Line Chart" +msgstr "Črtni grafikon" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts:71 -msgid "Series Height" -msgstr "Višina serije" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:64 +msgid "Prefix metric name with slice name" +msgstr "Imenu mere pripni ime rezine" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:112 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:113 -msgid "Series Style" -msgstr "Slog serije" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:88 +msgid "Y Axis Left" +msgstr "Y-os levo" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:147 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:122 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:125 -msgid "Series chart type (line, bar etc)" -msgstr "Tip grafikona za posamezno podatkovno serijo (črtni, stolpčni, ...)" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:97 +msgid "Left Axis chart(s)" +msgstr "Grafikoni leve osi" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:341 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:356 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:370 -msgid "Series limit" -msgstr "Omejitev št. serij" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:100 +msgid "Choose one or more charts for left axis" +msgstr "Izberite enega ali več grafikonov za levo os" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:135 -msgid "Series type" -msgstr "Tip serije" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:123 +msgid "Y Axis Right" +msgstr "Y-os desno" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:311 -msgid "Server Page Length" -msgstr "Dolžina strani strežnika" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:132 +msgid "Right Axis chart(s)" +msgstr "Grafikoni desne osi" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:289 -msgid "Server pagination" -msgstr "Paginacija na strani strežnika" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:135 +msgid "Choose one or more charts for right axis" +msgstr "Izberite enega ali več grafikonov za desno os" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:115 -msgid "Service Account" -msgstr "Servisni račun" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:286 -msgid "Set auto-refresh interval" -msgstr "Nastavi interval samodejnega osveževanja" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:295 -msgid "Set filter mapping" -msgstr "Nastavi shemo filtrov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1264 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Menu/MenuRight.tsx:133 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "Nastavitve" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:133 -msgid "Settings for time series" -msgstr "Nastavitve časovne vrste" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:229 -msgid "Share" -msgstr "Deljenje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:317 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreActionButtons.tsx:175 -msgid "Share chart by email" -msgstr "Deli grafikon po e-pošti" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:264 -msgid "Share dashboard by email" -msgstr "Deli nadzorno ploščo po e-pošti" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1221 -msgid "Shared query" -msgstr "Deljene poizvedbe" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:272 -msgid "Sheet Name" -msgstr "Ime zvezka" - -#: superset/annotation_layers/annotations/commands/exceptions.py:46 -msgid "Short description must be unique for this layer" -msgstr "Kratek opis mora biti za ta sloj unikaten" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/forecastInterval.tsx:126 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js:27 msgid "" -"Should daily seasonality be applied. An integer value will specify " -"Fourier order of seasonality." +"Visualize two different time series using the same x-axis time range. This chart " +"is being deprecated and we recommend using the Mixed Timeseries Chart instead!" msgstr "" -"Če želite dnevno sezonskost. Celo število določa Fourier-jev red " -"sezonskosti." +"Prikaže dve različni časovni vrsti z isto x-osjo oz. časovnim obdobjem. Grafikon " +"se opušča, zato priporočamo uporabo kombiniranega grafikona časovne vrste!" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/forecastInterval.tsx:109 -msgid "" -"Should weekly seasonality be applied. An integer value will specify " -"Fourier order of seasonality." -msgstr "" -"Če želite tedensko sezonskost. Celo število določa Fourier-jev red " -"sezonskosti." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js:30 +msgid "Multiple Line Charts" +msgstr "Veččrtni grafikon" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/forecastInterval.tsx:90 -msgid "" -"Should yearly seasonality be applied. An integer value will specify " -"Fourier order of seasonality." -msgstr "" -"Če želite letno sezonskost. Celo število določa Fourier-jev red " -"sezonskosti." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:47 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/controlPanel.tsx:85 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:99 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:106 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:95 +msgid "Label Type" +msgstr "Oblika oznake" -#: superset/views/annotations.py:59 -msgid "Show Annotation" -msgstr "Prikaži oznako" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:58 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/controlPanel.tsx:102 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:110 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:113 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:103 +msgid "What should be shown on the label?" +msgstr "Kaj bo prikazano na oznaki?" -#: superset/views/annotations.py:118 -msgid "Show Annotation Layer" -msgstr "Prikaži sloj z oznakami" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:83 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:220 +msgid "Donut" +msgstr "Kolobar" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:80 -msgid "Show Bubbles" -msgstr "Prikaži mehurčke" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TableElement/index.tsx:204 -msgid "Show CREATE VIEW statement" -msgstr "Prikaži CREATE VIEW stavek" - -#: superset/views/css_templates.py:37 -msgid "Show CSS Template" -msgstr "Prikaži CSS predlogo" - -#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:27 -msgid "Show Chart" -msgstr "Prikaži grafikon" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:64 -msgid "Show Column" -msgstr "Pokaži stolpec" - -#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:26 -msgid "Show Dashboard" -msgstr "Prikaži nadzorno ploščo" - -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:34 -msgid "Show Database" -msgstr "Prikaži podatkovno bazo" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:214 -msgid "Show Druid Cluster" -msgstr "Pokaži Druid gručo" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:71 -msgid "Show Druid Column" -msgstr "Pokaži Druid stolpec" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:278 -msgid "Show Druid Datasource" -msgstr "Prikaži podatkovni vir za Druid" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:160 -msgid "Show Druid Metric" -msgstr "Prikaži Druid mere" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:33 -msgid "Show Druid granularity dropdown" -msgstr "Prikaži spustni seznam za Druid granulacijo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:44 -msgid "Show Druid time origin" -msgstr "Prikaži časovno izhodišče za Druid" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:86 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:223 +msgid "Do you want a donut or a pie?" +msgstr "Želite kolobar ali torto?" #: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:96 #: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/controlPanel.tsx:127 @@ -10855,1139 +7877,3656 @@ msgstr "Prikaži časovno izhodišče za Druid" msgid "Show Labels" msgstr "Pokaži oznake" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:359 -msgid "Show Less..." -msgstr "Prikaži manj..." - -#: superset/views/log/__init__.py:22 -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "Prikaži dnevnik" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:64 -msgid "Show Markers" -msgstr "Prikaži markerje" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:213 -msgid "Show Metric" -msgstr "Pokaži mero" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:178 -msgid "Show Metric Names" -msgstr "Pokaži imena mer" - -#: superset/views/alerts.py:76 -msgid "Show Observation" -msgstr "Prikaži opažanja" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:132 -msgid "Show Range Filter" -msgstr "Pokaži filter obdobja" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:315 -msgid "Show Row level security filter" -msgstr "Prikaži filter za varnost na nivoju vrstic" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:120 -msgid "Show SQL time column" -msgstr "Prikaži stolpec SQL čas" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:105 -msgid "Show SQL time grain dropdown" -msgstr "Prikaži SQL spustni seznam za časovno granulacijo" - -#: superset/views/sql_lab.py:40 -msgid "Show Saved Query" -msgstr "Prikaži shranjeno poizvedbo" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:396 -msgid "Show Table" -msgstr "Prikaži tabelo" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:85 -msgid "Show Timestamp" -msgstr "Prikaži časovno značko" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:97 -msgid "Show Trend Line" -msgstr "Pokaži trendno črto" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:83 -msgid "Show Upper Labels" -msgstr "Prikaži zgornje oznake" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:106 -msgid "Show Value" -msgstr "Prikaži vrednost" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:164 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:301 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:182 -msgid "Show Values" -msgstr "Pokaži vrednosti" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/ColumnConfigControl.tsx:173 -msgid "Show all columns" -msgstr "Prikaži vse stolpce" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:326 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:359 -msgid "Show all..." -msgstr "Prikaži vse..." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:206 -msgid "Show axis line ticks" -msgstr "Prikaži oznake na X-osi" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:119 -msgid "Show cell bars" -msgstr "Prikaži stolp. graf v celicah" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:161 -msgid "Show columns total" -msgstr "Prikaži vsoto stolpcev" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:67 -msgid "Show data points as circle markers on the lines" -msgstr "Pokaži točke kot krožne markerje na krivuljah" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/index.ts:52 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:99 msgid "" -"Show hierarchical relationships of data, with with the value represented " -"by area, showing proportion and contribution to the whole." +"Whether to display the labels. Note that the label only displays when the the 5% " +"threshold." msgstr "" -"Prikaže hierarhična razmerja podatkov, pri čemer je vrednost ponazorjena " -"s ploščino, in deleže oz. prispevke k celoti." +"Če želite prikazati oznake. Oznake so prikazane le pri vsaj 5-odstotnem pragu." -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/InfoTooltipWithTrigger.tsx:50 -msgid "Show info tooltip" -msgstr "Prikaži opis orodja" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:109 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:161 +msgid "Put labels outside" +msgstr "Postavi oznake zunaj" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:736 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show label" -msgstr "Pokaži oznake" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:112 +msgid "Put the labels outside the pie?" +msgstr "Postavim oznake zunaj torte?" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:86 -msgid "Show labels when the node has children." -msgstr "Prikaži oznake, ko ima vozlišče podrejene elemente." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/index.js:27 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts:63 +msgid "Pie Chart" +msgstr "Tortni grafikon" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:35 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/controlPanel.ts:53 +msgid "Frequency" +msgstr "Frekvenca" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/controlPanel.ts:65 +msgid "" +"The periodicity over which to pivot time. Users can provide\n" +" \"Pandas\" offset alias.\n" +" Click on the info bubble for more details on accepted \"freq\" " +"expressions." +msgstr "" +"Periodičnost za vrtenje časa. Uporabnik lahko poda\n" +" psevdonim za zamik v \"Pandas\".\n" +" Kliknite na mehurček za podrobnosti dovoljenih izrazov za \"freq\"." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/index.js:28 +msgid "Time-series Period Pivot" +msgstr "Časovna serija - Vrtenje periode" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/constants.ts:76 +msgid "Stack" +msgstr "Naloži" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/constants.ts:77 +msgid "Expand" +msgstr "Razširi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:44 msgid "Show legend" msgstr "Prikaži legendo" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/ColumnConfigControl.tsx:168 -msgid "Show less columns" -msgstr "Prikaži manj stolpcev" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:47 +msgid "Whether to display a legend for the chart" +msgstr "Če želite prikaz legende za grafikon" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:326 -msgid "Show less..." -msgstr "Prikaži manj..." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:55 +msgid "Margin" +msgstr "Rob" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:287 -msgid "Show percentage" -msgstr "Prikaži procente" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:59 +msgid "Additional padding for legend." +msgstr "Dodatni razmak za legendo." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:179 -msgid "Show pointer" -msgstr "Prikaži kazalec" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:77 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:97 +msgid "Legend type" +msgstr "Tip legende" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:245 -msgid "Show progress" -msgstr "Prikaži območje" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:115 +msgid "Show Value" +msgstr "Prikaži vrednost" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:149 -msgid "Show rows total" -msgstr "Prikaži vsoto vrstic" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:109 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:118 msgid "Show series values on the chart" msgstr "Na grafikonu prikaži vrednosti serij" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:218 -msgid "Show split lines" -msgstr "Prikaži razdelitvene črte" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:171 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:126 +msgid "Stack series" +msgstr "Nalagaj serije" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:297 -msgid "Show the value on top of the bar" -msgstr "Prikaži vrednosti na vrhu stolpcev" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:174 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:148 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:129 +msgid "Stack series on top of each other" +msgstr "Nalagaj serije eno na drugo" -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:121 -msgid "Show time column" -msgstr "Prikaži časovni stolpec" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:137 +msgid "Only Total" +msgstr "Samo vsota" -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:106 -msgid "Show time grain dropdown" -msgstr "Prikaži spustni seznam za časovno granulacijo" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:351 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:140 msgid "" -"Show total aggregations of selected metrics. Note that row limit does not" -" apply to the result." +"Only show the total value on the stacked chart, and not show on the selected " +"category" msgstr "" -"Prikaži skupno agregacijo izbrane mere. Omejitev števila vrstic ne vpliva" -" na rezultat." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:87 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:349 -msgid "Show totals" -msgstr "Pokaži vsote" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:31 -msgid "" -"Showcases a single metric front-and-center. Big number is best used to " -"call attention to a KPI or the one thing you want your audience to focus " -"on." -msgstr "" -"Prikaže eno vrednost. Velika številka je primerna za poudarek KPI-ja ali " -"vrednosti, na katero želite usmeriti pozornost." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/index.ts:30 -msgid "" -"Showcases a single number accompanied by a simple line chart, to call " -"attention to an important metric along with its change over time or other" -" dimension." -msgstr "" -"Prikaže eno vrednost skupaj s preprostim črtnim grafikonom, za poudarek " -"pomembne mere skupaj z njeno časovno spremembo." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/index.ts:49 -msgid "" -"Showcases how a metric changes as the funnel progresses. This classic " -"chart is useful for visualizing drop-off between stages in a pipeline or " -"lifecycle." -msgstr "" -"Prikaže kako se mera spreminja, ko lijak napreduje. Standardni grafikon " -"za prikaz sprememb med nivoji v procesu ali življenjskem ciklu." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/index.js:28 -msgid "" -"Showcases the flow or link between categories using thickness of chords. " -"The value and corresponding thickness can be different for each side." -msgstr "" -"Prikaže potek ali povezave med kategorijami z debelino tetiv. Vrednost in" -" debelina sta lahko različni za vsako stran." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/index.js:27 -msgid "" -"Showcases the progress of a single metric against a given target. The " -"higher the fill, the closer the metric is to the target." -msgstr "" -"Prikaže napredovanje posamezne mere glede na cilj. Večja napolnjenost, " -"pomeni, da je mera bližje cilju." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:305 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:338 -#, python-format -msgid "Showing %s of %s" -msgstr "Prikazanih %s od %s" +"Na naloženem grafikonu prikaži samo skupno vsoto, za izbrane kategorije pa ne" #: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:152 +msgid "X-axis" +msgstr "X-os" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:170 +msgid "Dimension to use on x-axis." +msgstr "Dimenzija z x-os." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:81 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:179 +msgid "Percentage threshold" +msgstr "Procentualni prag" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:85 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:183 +msgid "Minimum threshold in percentage points for showing labels." +msgstr "Minimalni prag v odstotnih točkah za prikaz oznak." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:209 +msgid "Rich tooltip" +msgstr "Podroben opis orodja" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:212 msgid "Shows a list of all series available at that point in time" msgstr "Prikaže seznam vseh razpoložljivih podatkovnih serij za istočasno točko" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/index.js:31 -msgid "" -"Shows the composition of a dataset by segmenting a given rectangle as " -"smaller rectangles with areas proportional to their value or contribution" -" to the whole. Those rectangles may also, in turn, be further segmented " -"hierarchically." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:222 +msgid "Tooltip time format" +msgstr "Oblika zapisa časa v opisu orodja" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:232 +msgid "Tooltip sort by metric" +msgstr "Mera za razvrščanje opisa orodja" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:235 +msgid "Whether to sort tooltip by the selected metric in descending order." +msgstr "Če želite padajoče razvrstiti opis orodja z izbrano mero." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:244 +msgid "Tooltip" +msgstr "Opis orodja" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberViz.tsx:109 +#, python-format +msgid "Last available value seen on %s" +msgstr "Zadnja razpoložljiva vrednost na %s" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberViz.tsx:112 +msgid "Not up to date" +msgstr "Ni posodobljeno" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberViz.tsx:149 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/SelectFilterPlugin.tsx:259 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeGrain/TimeGrainFilterPlugin.tsx:93 +msgid "No data" +msgstr "Ni podatkov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberViz.tsx:179 +msgid "No data after filtering or data is NULL for the latest time record" msgstr "" -"Prikaže zgradbo podatkovnega seta na podlagi segmentacije danega " -"pravokotnika na manjše pravokotnike, pri čemer je ploščina sorazmerna " -"vrednostim oz. deležem. Pravokotniki se lahko dodatno hierarhično " -"segmentirajo." +"Ni podatkov po filtriranju ali pa imajo vrednost NULL za zadnji časovni zapis" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:72 -msgid "Significance Level" -msgstr "Stopnja značilnosti" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:262 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopover/index.jsx:201 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:394 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:397 -msgid "Simple" -msgstr "Preprosto" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:390 -msgid "Simple ad-hoc metrics are not enabled for this dataset" -msgstr "Preproste ad-hoc mere za ta podatkovni set niso omogočene" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:186 -msgid "Single" -msgstr "Posamezno" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:45 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts:46 -msgid "Single Metric" -msgstr "Ena mera" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1234 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Single Value" -msgstr "Desna vrednost" - -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/controlPanel.ts:65 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Single value" -msgstr "Desna vrednost" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1251 -msgid "Single value type" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberViz.tsx:182 +msgid "Try applying different filters or ensuring your datasource has data" msgstr "" +"Poskusite uporabiti druge filtre oz. zagotovite, da so v podatkovnem viru podatki" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:261 -msgid "Size of edge symbols" -msgstr "Velikost simbola povezave" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/sharedControls.ts:28 +msgid "Big Number Font Size" +msgstr "Velikost pisave Velike številke" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:230 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:168 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:129 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:109 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:126 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:184 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:187 -msgid "Size of marker. Also applies to forecast observations." -msgstr "Velikost markerja. Upošteva se tudi za napovedi." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/sharedControls.ts:35 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/sharedControls.ts:69 +msgid "Tiny" +msgstr "Drobna" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:34 -msgid "Sizes of vehicles" -msgstr "Velikosti vozil" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:199 -msgid "Skip Blank Lines" -msgstr "Izpusti prazne vrstice" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:184 -msgid "Skip Initial Space" -msgstr "Izpusti začetni presledek" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:187 superset/views/database/forms.py:328 -msgid "Skip Rows" -msgstr "Izpusti vrstice" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:200 -msgid "Skip blank lines rather than interpreting them as NaN values." -msgstr "Raje izpusti prazne vrstice, kot pa da so prepoznane kot NaN vrednosti." - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:184 -msgid "Skip spaces after delimiter." -msgstr "Izpusti presledek za ločilnikom." - -#: superset/views/schedules.py:243 superset/views/schedules.py:323 -msgid "Slack Channel" -msgstr "Slack Channel" - -#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:80 -msgid "Slug" -msgstr "Slug" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/sharedControls.ts:39 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/sharedControls.ts:73 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/sharedControls.ts:39 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/sharedControls.ts:73 #: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/util/headerStyleOptions.ts:25 msgid "Small" msgstr "Majhno" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:153 -msgid "Small number format" -msgstr "Oblika zapisa majhnih števil" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/sharedControls.ts:43 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/sharedControls.ts:77 +msgid "Normal" +msgstr "Normalna" -#: superset/commands/exceptions.py:112 -msgid "Some roles do not exist" -msgstr "Nekatere vloge ne obstajajo" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/sharedControls.ts:47 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/sharedControls.ts:81 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/util/headerStyleOptions.ts:35 +msgid "Large" +msgstr "Veliko" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:623 -#, python-format -msgid "Sorry there was an error fetching database information: %s" -msgstr "Pri pridobivanju informacij o podatkovni bazi je prišlo do napake: %s" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/sharedControls.ts:51 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/sharedControls.ts:85 +msgid "Huge" +msgstr "Ogromna" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/sliceEntities.js:121 -msgid "Sorry there was an error fetching saved charts: " -msgstr "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju shranjenih grafikonov: " +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/sharedControls.ts:62 +msgid "Subheader Font Size" +msgstr "Velikost pisave podnaslova" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTablesPane/index.tsx:273 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ViewQueryModal.tsx:84 -msgid "Sorry, An error occurred" -msgstr "Prišlo je do napake" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts:37 +msgid "Display settings" +msgstr "Nastavitve prikaza" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/menu/ShareMenuItems/index.tsx:65 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreActionButtons.tsx:126 -msgid "Sorry, something went wrong. Try again later." -msgstr "Nekaj je šlo narobe. Poskusite ponovno kasneje." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts:46 +msgid "Subheader" +msgstr "Podnaslov" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/EventFlow.tsx:50 -msgid "Sorry, there appears to be no data" -msgstr "Ni podatkov" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts:48 +msgid "Description text that shows up below your Big Number" +msgstr "Besedilo, ki se prikaže pod veliko številko" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardState.js:238 -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "Sorry, there was an error saving this dashboard: %s" -msgstr "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju shranjenih grafikonov: " +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts:82 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:151 +msgid "Force date format" +msgstr "Vsili obliko zapisa datuma" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/menu/ShareMenuItems/index.tsx:55 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreActionButtons.tsx:115 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/components/SyntaxHighlighterCopy/index.tsx:76 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:219 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:604 -msgid "Sorry, your browser does not support copying." -msgstr "Vaš brskalnik ne podpira kopiranja." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts:85 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:154 +msgid "Use date formatting even when metric value is not a timestamp" +msgstr "Oblikovanje datuma uporabi tudi, ko vrednost mere ni časovna značka" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CopyToClipboard/index.jsx:79 -msgid "Sorry, your browser does not support copying. Use Ctrl / Cmd + C!" -msgstr "Vaš brskalnik ne podpira kopiranja. Uporabite Ctrl / Cmd + C!" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:30 +msgid "" +"Showcases a single metric front-and-center. Big number is best used to call " +"attention to a KPI or the one thing you want your audience to focus on." +msgstr "" +"Prikaže eno vrednost. Velika številka je primerna za poudarek KPI-ja ali " +"vrednosti, na katero želite usmeriti pozornost." -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/CardSortSelect.tsx:82 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/CardSortSelect.tsx:83 -msgid "Sort" -msgstr "Razvrsti" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:34 +msgid "A Big Number" +msgstr "Velika številka" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:92 -msgid "Sort Bars" -msgstr "Uredi stolpce" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:35 +msgid "With a subheader" +msgstr "S podnaslovom" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts:42 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:45 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/controlPanel.ts:40 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:48 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:47 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:46 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/controlPanel.ts:44 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:59 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:354 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:105 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:89 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:86 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:66 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:83 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:89 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:90 -msgid "Sort Descending" -msgstr "Razvrsti padajoče" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:41 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/index.ts:39 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:45 +msgid "Formattable" +msgstr "Prilagodljiv" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1198 -msgid "Sort Metric" -msgstr "Mera za razvrščanje" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:48 +msgid "Comparison Period Lag" +msgstr "Zaostanek obdobja za primerjavo" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:251 -msgid "Sort X Axis" -msgstr "Razvrsti X-os" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:50 +msgid "Based on granularity, number of time periods to compare against" +msgstr "Na osnovi granulacije, število časovnih obdobij za primerjavo" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:263 -msgid "Sort Y Axis" -msgstr "Razvrsti Y-os" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:61 +msgid "Comparison suffix" +msgstr "Pripona za primerjavo" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1188 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:205 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:66 -msgid "Sort ascending" -msgstr "Razvrsti naraščajoče" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:62 +msgid "Suffix to apply after the percentage display" +msgstr "Pripona za prikaz procenta" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:95 -msgid "Sort bars by x labels." -msgstr "Uredi stolpce po x-oznakah." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:71 +msgid "Show Timestamp" +msgstr "Prikaži časovno značko" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:125 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:369 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceAdder.jsx:259 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:384 -msgid "Sort by" -msgstr "Razvrščanje" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:74 +msgid "Whether to display the timestamp" +msgstr "Če želite prikazati časovno značko" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceAdder.jsx:256 -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "Sort by %s" -msgstr "Razvrščanje" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:83 +msgid "Show Trend Line" +msgstr "Pokaži trendno črto" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts:39 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/controlPanel.ts:38 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:94 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/controlPanel.ts:55 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:39 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:62 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/controlPanel.tsx:63 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:65 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:62 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:49 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts:38 -msgid "Sort by metric" -msgstr "Mera za razvrščanje" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:86 +msgid "Whether to display the trend line" +msgstr "Če želite prikazati trendno črto" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TableElement/index.tsx:184 -msgid "Sort columns alphabetically" -msgstr "Razvrsti stolpce po abecedi" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:95 +msgid "Start y-axis at 0" +msgstr "Začni y-os z 0" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:257 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Sort columns by" -msgstr "Brez stolpcev" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:98 +msgid "Start y-axis at zero. Uncheck to start y-axis at minimum value in the data." +msgstr "" +"Začni y-os z nič. Ne izberite, če želite, da se y-os začne z najmanjšo vrednostjo " +"podatkov." -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/legacySortBy.tsx:29 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:337 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1189 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:125 -msgid "Sort descending" -msgstr "Razvrsti padajoče" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:109 +msgid "Fix to selected Time Range" +msgstr "Nastavi na izbrano časovno obdobje" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1167 -msgid "Sort filter values" -msgstr "Razvrsti vrednosti filtra" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/controlPanel.tsx:110 +msgid "" +"Fix the trend line to the full time range specified in case filtered results do " +"not include the start or end dates" +msgstr "" +"Trendno črto nastavite na izbrano obdobje, v primeru, da filtrirani rezultati ne " +"vsebujejo začetnega in/ali končnega datuma" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1211 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:184 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:188 -msgid "Sort metric" -msgstr "Mera za razvrščanje" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BigNumber/BigNumberWithTrendline/index.ts:32 +msgid "" +"Showcases a single number accompanied by a simple line chart, to call attention " +"to an important metric along with its change over time or other dimension." +msgstr "" +"Prikaže eno vrednost skupaj s preprostim črtnim grafikonom, za poudarek pomembne " +"mere skupaj z njeno časovno spremembo." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:229 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Sort rows by" -msgstr "Razvrščanje" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:51 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:45 +msgid "Whisker/outlier options" +msgstr "Možnosti grafikona kvantilov" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1181 -msgid "Sort type" -msgstr "Način razvrščanja" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:53 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:47 +msgid "Determines how whiskers and outliers are calculated." +msgstr "Določa kako so izračunani kvantili in izstopajoče vrednosti." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts:60 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:52 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1189 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "Izvor" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:129 +msgid "Categories to group by on the x-axis." +msgstr "Kategorije za združevanje po x-osi." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/controlPanel.ts:104 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey-loop/src/controlPanel.ts:43 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/controlPanel.ts:33 -msgid "Source / Target" -msgstr "Izhodišče/Cilj" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:132 +msgid "Distribute across" +msgstr "Porazdeli glede na" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/HighlightedSql/index.tsx:76 -msgid "Source SQL" -msgstr "Izvorni SQL" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:134 +msgid "" +"Columns to calculate distribution across. Defaults to temporal column if left " +"empty." +msgstr "" +"Stolpci za izračun porazdelitve. Privzeto je izbran časovni stolpec (če je " +"prazno)." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/index.ts:50 +msgid "" +"Also known as a box and whisker plot, this visualization compares the " +"distributions of a related metric across multiple groups. The box in the middle " +"emphasizes the mean, median, and inner 2 quartiles. The whiskers around each box " +"visualize the min, max, range, and outer 2 quartiles." +msgstr "" +"Znan tudi kot grafikon škatla z brki. prikaže primerjavo porazdelitev povezanih " +"mer v različnih skupinah. Škatla na sredini predstavlja povprečje, mediano in " +"notranja 2 kvartila. Brki na vsaki škatli prikazujejo minimum, maksimum, območje " +"in zunanja dva kvartila." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/index.ts:55 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/index.ts:55 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/index.ts:47 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/index.ts:43 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:80 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts:72 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/index.ts:61 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:75 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:83 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Line/index.ts:80 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:79 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:79 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:70 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/index.ts:42 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/index.ts:61 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:128 +msgid "ECharts" +msgstr "ECharts" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/controlPanel.tsx:79 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:93 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:88 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:65 +msgid "Labels" +msgstr "Oznake" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/controlPanel.tsx:130 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:152 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:97 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:74 +msgid "Whether to display the labels." +msgstr "Če želite prikaz oznak." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/index.ts:49 +msgid "" +"Showcases how a metric changes as the funnel progresses. This classic chart is " +"useful for visualizing drop-off between stages in a pipeline or lifecycle." +msgstr "" +"Prikaže kako se mera spreminja, ko lijak napreduje. Standardni grafikon za prikaz " +"sprememb med nivoji v procesu ali življenjskem ciklu." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/index.ts:52 +msgid "Funnel Chart" +msgstr "Lijakasti grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/index.ts:58 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:49 +msgid "Sequential" +msgstr "Sekvenčni" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:42 +msgid "Columns to group by" +msgstr "Stolpci za združevanje" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:77 +msgid "General" +msgstr "Splošno" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:87 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/BoundsControl.tsx:88 +msgid "Min" +msgstr "Min" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:88 +msgid "Minimum value on the gauge axis" +msgstr "Najmanjša vrednost na številčnici" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:99 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:48 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/BoundsControl.tsx:96 +msgid "Max" +msgstr "Max" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:100 +msgid "Maximum value on the gauge axis" +msgstr "Največja vrednost na številčnici" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:109 +msgid "Start angle" +msgstr "Začetni kot" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:110 +msgid "Angle at which to start progress axis" +msgstr "Kot, pri katerem se začne os območja" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:119 +msgid "End angle" +msgstr "Končni kot" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:120 +msgid "Angle at which to end progress axis" +msgstr "Kot, pri katerem se konča os območja" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:132 +msgid "Font size" +msgstr "Velikost pisave" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:133 +msgid "Font size for axis labels, detail value and other text elements" +msgstr "Velikost pisave za oznake osi, podrobnosti in druge besedilne elemente" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:164 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:234 +msgid "Value format" +msgstr "Oblika zapisa vrednosti" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:165 +msgid "Additional text to add before or after the value, e.g. unit" +msgstr "Dodatno besedilo, ki ga dodate pred ali za vrednost, npr. enota" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:178 +msgid "Show pointer" +msgstr "Prikaži kazalec" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:179 +msgid "Whether to show the pointer" +msgstr "Če želite prikazati kazalec" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:190 +msgid "Animation" +msgstr "Animacija" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:191 +msgid "Whether to animate the progress and the value or just display them" +msgstr "Če želite animiran prikaz grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:199 +msgid "Axis" +msgstr "Os" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:205 +msgid "Show axis line ticks" +msgstr "Prikaži oznake na X-osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:206 +msgid "Whether to show minor ticks on the axis" +msgstr "Če želite prikaz manjših oznak na osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:217 +msgid "Show split lines" +msgstr "Prikaži razdelitvene črte" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:218 +msgid "Whether to show the split lines on the axis" +msgstr "Če želite prikazati razdelitvene črte na osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:229 +msgid "Split number" +msgstr "Število razdelitev" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:230 +msgid "Number of split segments on the axis" +msgstr "Število razdelkov na osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:238 +msgid "Progress" +msgstr "Območje" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:244 +msgid "Show progress" +msgstr "Prikaži območje" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:245 +msgid "Whether to show the progress of gauge chart" +msgstr "Prikaži merilno območje števčnega grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:256 +msgid "Overlap" +msgstr "Prekrivanje" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:257 +msgid "Whether the progress bar overlaps when there are multiple groups of data" +msgstr "Če želite prekrivanje območij, ko imate več skupin podatkov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:270 +msgid "Round cap" +msgstr "Zaobljeni konci" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:271 +msgid "Style the ends of the progress bar with a round cap" +msgstr "Zaobljena oblika koncev območja" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:279 +msgid "Intervals" +msgstr "Intervali" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:285 +msgid "Interval bounds" +msgstr "Meje intervalov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:286 +msgid "" +"Comma-separated interval bounds, e.g. 2,4,5 for intervals 0-2, 2-4 and 4-5. Last " +"number should match the value provided for MAX." +msgstr "" +"Z vejico ločeni intervali, npr. 2,4,5 za intervale 0-2, 2-4 in 4-5. Zadnja " +"številka naj bo enaka vrednosti za MAX." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:299 +msgid "Interval colors" +msgstr "Barve intervalov" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:300 +msgid "" +"Comma-separated color picks for the intervals, e.g. 1,2,4. Integers denote colors " +"from the chosen color scheme and are 1-indexed. Length must be matching that of " +"interval bounds." +msgstr "" +"Z vejico ločene barve za intervale, npr. 1,2,4. Cela števila predstavljajo barve " +"iz barvne sheme (začnejo se z 1). Dolžina mora ustrezati mejam intervala." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/index.ts:39 +msgid "" +"Uses a gauge to showcase progress of a metric towards a target. The position of " +"the dial represents the progress and the terminal value in the gauge represents " +"the target value." +msgstr "" +"Uporablja števec za prikaz napredovanja mere k ciljni vrednosti. Položaj kazalca " +"predstavlja napredek, končna vrednost na števcu pa ciljno vrednost." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/index.ts:42 +msgid "Gauge Chart" +msgstr "Števčni grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:53 +msgid "Name of the source nodes" +msgstr "Imena izvornih vozlišč" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:63 +msgid "Name of the target nodes" +msgstr "Imena ciljnih vozlišč" #: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:73 msgid "Source category" msgstr "Kategorija izvora" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:804 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "Prostorski" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:90 -msgid "Specific Date/Time" -msgstr "Fiksen Datum/Čas" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:127 superset/views/database/forms.py:286 -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:414 -msgid "Specify a schema (if database flavor supports this)." -msgstr "Podajte shemo (če vrsta podatkovne baze to podpira)" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:172 superset/views/database/forms.py:325 -msgid "Specify duplicate columns as \"X.0, X.1\"." -msgstr "Določite podvojene stolpce kot \"X.0, X.1\"." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:494 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:74 msgid "" -"Specify the database version. This should be used with Presto in order to" -" enable query cost estimation." +"The category of source nodes used to assign colors. If a node is associated with " +"more than one category, only the first will be used." msgstr "" -"Podajte verzijo podatkovne baze. Uporablja se s Presto, za potrebe " -"ocenjevanja potratnosti poizvedbe." +"Kategorija izvornih vozlišč, na podlagi katere je določena barva. Če je vozlišče " +"povezano z več kot eno kategorijo, bo uporabljena samo prva." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:230 -msgid "Split number" -msgstr "Število razdelitev" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:86 +msgid "Target category" +msgstr "Kategorija cilja" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:156 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:117 -msgid "Stack series" -msgstr "Nalagaj serije" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:87 +msgid "Category of target nodes" +msgstr "Kategorija ciljnih vozlišč" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:159 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:120 -msgid "Stack series on top of each other" -msgstr "Nalagaj serije eno na drugo" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:96 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:107 +msgid "Chart options" +msgstr "Možnosti grafikona" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js:37 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:51 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:40 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:47 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:84 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:83 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:68 -msgid "Stacked" -msgstr "Naložen" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:101 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:110 +msgid "Layout" +msgstr "Izgled" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:305 -msgid "Stacked Bars" -msgstr "Naloženi stolpci" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:108 +msgid "Graph layout" +msgstr "Izgled grafikona" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/controlPanel.ts:52 -msgid "Stacked Style" -msgstr "Slog nalaganja" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:111 +msgid "Force" +msgstr "Sila" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:37 -msgid "Stacked style" -msgstr "Naložen slog" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:114 +msgid "Layout type of graph" +msgstr "Tip izgleda grafikona" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:88 -msgid "Standard time series" -msgstr "Standardna časovna vrsta" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:124 +msgid "Edge symbols" +msgstr "Simboli povezav" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:155 -#: superset/views/annotations.py:79 -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Začetek" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:125 +msgid "Symbol of two ends of edge line" +msgstr "Simbol za konca povezave" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/FilterBoxMigrationModal.tsx:79 -msgid "Start Review" -msgstr "Začetek pregleda" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:128 +msgid "None -> None" +msgstr "Brez -> Brez" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:110 -msgid "Start angle" -msgstr "Začetni kot" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:129 +msgid "None -> Arrow" +msgstr "Brez -> Puščica" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/ExecutionLog.tsx:125 -msgid "Start at (UTC)" -msgstr "Zažene se ob (UTC)" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:130 +msgid "Circle -> Arrow" +msgstr "Krog -> Puščica" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/AdvancedFrame.tsx:66 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:117 -msgid "Start date included in time range" -msgstr "Začetni datum je vključen v časovno obdobje" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:131 +msgid "Circle -> Circle" +msgstr "Krog -> Krog" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:109 -msgid "Start y-axis at 0" -msgstr "Začni y-os z 0" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:141 +msgid "Enable node dragging" +msgstr "Omogoči premikanje vozlišč" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:112 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:144 +msgid "Whether to enable node dragging in force layout mode." +msgstr "Če želite omogočiti premikanje vozlišč v načinu vsiljenega prikaza." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:161 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:270 +msgid "Enable graph roaming" +msgstr "Omogoči preoblikovanje grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:165 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:185 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:274 +msgid "Disabled" +msgstr "Onemogočeno" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:166 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:275 +msgid "Scale only" +msgstr "Samo povečava" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:167 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:276 +msgid "Move only" +msgstr "Samo premikanje" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:168 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:277 +msgid "Scale and Move" +msgstr "Povečava in premikanje" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:170 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:279 +msgid "Whether to enable changing graph position and scaling." +msgstr "Če želite omogočiti premikanje in povečevanje/zmanjševanje grafikona." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:182 +msgid "Node select mode" +msgstr "Način izbire vozlišč" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:186 +msgid "Single" +msgstr "Posamezno" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:187 +msgid "Multiple" +msgstr "Več" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:189 +msgid "Allow node selections" +msgstr "Dovoli izbiro vozlišča" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:198 +msgid "Label threshold" +msgstr "Prag oznak" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:202 +msgid "Minimum value for label to be displayed on graph." +msgstr "Najmanjša vrednost, za katero bo na grafikonu prikazana oznaka." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:213 +msgid "Node size" +msgstr "Velikost vozlišča" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:217 +msgid "Median node size, the largest node will be 4 times larger than the smallest" +msgstr "" +"Mediana velikosti vozlišča. Največje vozlišče bo 4-krat večje od najmanjšega" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:226 +msgid "Edge width" +msgstr "Debelina povezave" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:230 msgid "" -"Start y-axis at zero. Uncheck to start y-axis at minimum value in the " -"data." +"Median edge width, the thickest edge will be 4 times thicker than the thinnest." msgstr "" -"Začni y-os z nič. Ne izberite, če želite, da se y-os začne z najmanjšo " -"vrednostjo podatkov." +"Mediana debeline povezave. Najdebelejša povezava bo 4-krat debelejša od najtanjše." -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/ExecutionLog.tsx:94 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:348 -msgid "State" -msgstr "Status" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:241 +msgid "Edge length" +msgstr "Dolžina povezave" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/index.js:30 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/index.ts:55 -msgid "Statistical" -msgstr "Statistično" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:247 +msgid "Edge length between nodes" +msgstr "Dolžina povezave med vozlišči" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:399 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:302 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:492 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "Status" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:112 -msgid "Step type" -msgstr "Stopnični tip" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/RunQueryActionButton/index.tsx:49 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/QueryAndSaveBtns.jsx:66 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Ustavi" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:339 -msgid "Stop query" -msgstr "Ustavi poizvedbo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/RunQueryActionButton/index.tsx:115 -msgid "Stop running (Ctrl + x)" -msgstr "Ustavi (Ctrl + x)" - -#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:126 -msgid "Stopped an unsafe database connection" -msgstr "Nevarna povezava s podatkovno bazo je bila ustavljena" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:262 +msgid "Gravity" +msgstr "Gravitacija" #: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:268 msgid "Strength to pull the graph toward center" msgstr "Sila privlačnosti med grafikonom in središčem" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:36 -msgid "Stretched style" -msgstr "Raztegnjen slog" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:283 +msgid "Repulsion" +msgstr "Odbijanje" -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:273 -msgid "Strings used for sheet names (default is the first sheet)." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:289 +msgid "Repulsion strength between nodes" +msgstr "Odbojna sila med vozlišči" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:304 +msgid "Friction" +msgstr "Trenje" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:310 +msgid "Friction between nodes" +msgstr "Trenje med vozlišči" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/index.ts:34 +msgid "" +"Displays connections between entities in a graph structure. Useful for mapping " +"relationships and showing which nodes are important in a network. Graph charts " +"can be configured to be force-directed or circulate. If your data has a " +"geospatial component, try the deck.gl Arc chart." msgstr "" -"Znakovni nizi uporabljeni za imena preglednic (privzeto je prva " -"preglednica)." +"Prikaže povezave med entitetami v strukturi grafa. Uporabno za prikaz razmerij in " +"pomembnih točk v omrežju. Grafikon je lahko krožnega tipa ali z usmerjenimi " +"silami. Če imajo podatki geoprostorsko komponento, poskusite grafikon decl.gl - " +"Arc." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/index.ts:37 +msgid "Graph Chart" +msgstr "Graf" #: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/index.ts:45 #: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/index.ts:45 msgid "Structural" msgstr "Strukturni" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:621 -msgid "Style" -msgstr "Slog" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:150 +msgid "Series type" +msgstr "Tip serije" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:272 -msgid "Style the ends of the progress bar with a round cap" -msgstr "Zaobljena oblika koncev območja" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:162 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:117 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:118 +msgid "Series chart type (line, bar etc)" +msgstr "Tip grafikona za posamezno podatkovno serijo (črtni, stolpčni, ...)" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:56 -msgid "Subdomain" -msgstr "Poddomena" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:183 +msgid "Area chart" +msgstr "Ploščinski grafikon" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts:46 -msgid "Subheader" -msgstr "Podnaslov" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:186 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:128 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:131 +msgid "Draw area under curves. Only applicable for line types." +msgstr "Izriši površino pod krivuljo. Samo za črtne grafikone." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/sharedControls.ts:62 -msgid "Subheader Font Size" -msgstr "Velikost pisave podnaslova" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:217 +msgid "Opacity of area chart." +msgstr "Prosojnost ploščinskega grafikona." -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.jsx:63 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:54 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:142 -msgid "Success" -msgstr "Uspelo" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:226 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:174 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:83 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:100 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:158 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:161 +msgid "Marker" +msgstr "Marker" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:62 -msgid "Suffix to apply after the percentage display" -msgstr "Pripona za prikaz procenta" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:229 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:177 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:86 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:103 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:161 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:164 +msgid "Draw a marker on data points. Only applicable for line types." +msgstr "Nariši markerje na točke grafikona. Samo za črtne grafikone." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:98 -msgid "Sum of values over specified period" -msgstr "Vsota vrednosti v dani periodi" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:240 +msgid "Marker size" +msgstr "Velikost markerja" -#: superset/viz.py:1856 -msgid "Sunburst" -msgstr "Sunburst" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:245 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:193 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:102 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:119 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:177 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:180 +msgid "Size of marker. Also applies to forecast observations." +msgstr "Velikost markerja. Upošteva se tudi za napovedi." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/index.js:32 -msgid "Sunburst Chart" -msgstr "Večnivojski tortni grafikon" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:258 +msgid "Primary" +msgstr "Primarna" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:56 -msgid "Sunday" -msgstr "Nedelja" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:259 +msgid "Secondary" +msgstr "Sekundarna" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreActionButtons.tsx:121 -msgid "Superset Chart" -msgstr "Superset grafikon" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:264 +msgid "Primary or secondary y-axis" +msgstr "Primarna ali sekundarna y-os" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/AnchorLink/index.jsx:84 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:318 -msgid "Superset chart" -msgstr "Superset grafikon" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:296 +msgid "Shared query fields" +msgstr "Polja deljenih poizvedb" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:218 -msgid "Superset dashboard" -msgstr "Superset nadzorna plošča" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:301 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:312 +msgid "Query A" +msgstr "Poizvedba A" -#: superset/errors.py:105 -msgid "Superset encountered an error while running a command." -msgstr "Superset je naletel na napako pri izvajanju ukaza." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:302 +msgid "Advanced analytics Query A" +msgstr "Poizvedba A za napredno analitiko" -#: superset/errors.py:106 -msgid "Superset encountered an unexpected error." -msgstr "Superset je naletel na nepričakovano napako." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:303 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:313 +msgid "Query B" +msgstr "Poizvedba B" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:670 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Supported databases" -msgstr "Uvozi podatkovne baze" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:304 +msgid "Advanced analytics Query B" +msgstr "Poizvedba B za napredno analitiko" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js:34 -msgid "Survey Responses" -msgstr "Rezultati anket" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:319 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:206 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:347 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:115 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:132 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:190 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:193 +msgid "Data Zoom" +msgstr "Zoom funkcija" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:112 -msgid "Swap Groups and Columns" -msgstr "Zamenjaj Skupine in Stolpce" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:322 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:209 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:350 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:118 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:135 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:193 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:196 +msgid "Enable data zooming controls" +msgstr "Omogoči kontrolnik za povečavo podatkov" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:175 -msgid "Swap rows and columns" -msgstr "Zamenjaj vrstice in stolpce" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:336 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:234 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:144 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:160 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:218 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:221 +msgid "Rotate x axis label" +msgstr "Zavrti oznako x-osi" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts:59 -msgid "" -"Swiss army knife for visualizing time series data. Choose between step, " -"line, scatter, and bar charts. This viz type has many customization " -"options as well." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:343 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:241 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:181 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:151 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:167 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:225 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:228 +msgid "Input field supports custom rotation. e.g. 30 for 30°" +msgstr "Vnosno polje omogoča poljubno rotacijo (vnesite 30 za 30°)" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:357 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:268 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:219 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:179 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:196 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:252 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:255 +msgid "Minor Split Line" +msgstr "Manjša ločilna črta" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:360 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:271 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:182 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:199 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:255 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:258 +msgid "Draw split lines for minor y-axis ticks" +msgstr "Izriši ločilne črte za pomožne oznake y-osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:369 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:280 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:191 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:208 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:264 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:267 +msgid "Truncate Y Axis" +msgstr "Prireži Y-os" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:372 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:283 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:194 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:211 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:267 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:270 +msgid "Truncate Y Axis. Can be overridden by specifying a min or max bound." msgstr "" -"Univerzalni grafikon za prikaz časovnih vrst. Izbirajte med stopničnimi, " +"Prireži Y-os. Če določite spodnjo ali zgornjo mejo, preprečite prirezovanje." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:400 +msgid "Primary y-axis format" +msgstr "Oblika primarne y-osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:409 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:433 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:442 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:256 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:259 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:167 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:170 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:184 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:187 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:240 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:243 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:243 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:246 +msgid "Logarithmic y-axis" +msgstr "Logaritemska y-os" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:412 +msgid "Logarithmic scale on primary y-axis" +msgstr "Logaritemska skala na primarni y-osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:421 +msgid "Secondary y-axis format" +msgstr "Oblika sekundarne y-osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:430 +msgid "Secondary y-axis title" +msgstr "Naslov sekundarne y-osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:445 +msgid "Logarithmic scale on secondary y-axis" +msgstr "Logaritemska skala na sekundarni y-osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:61 +msgid "" +"Visualize two different series using the same x-axis. Note that both series can " +"be visualized with a different chart type (e.g. 1 using bars and 1 using a line)." +msgstr "" +"Prikaže dva različna niza na isti x-osi. Niza sta lahko prikazana z različnim " +"tipom grafikona (npr. en s stolpci in drug s črto)." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:64 +msgid "" +"Visualize two different time series using the same x-axis. Note that each time " +"series can be visualized differently (e.g. 1 using bars and 1 using a line)." +msgstr "" +"Prikaže dve različni časovni vrsti na isti x-osi. Časovni vrsti sta lahko " +"prikazani različno (npr. ena s stolpci in druga s črto)." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:74 +msgid "Mixed Chart" +msgstr "Kombinirani grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:75 +msgid "Mixed Time-Series" +msgstr "Kombiniran grafikon časovne vrste" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:164 +msgid "Put the labels outside of the pie?" +msgstr "Postavim oznake zunaj torte?" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:175 +msgid "Label Line" +msgstr "Črta oznake" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:178 +msgid "Draw line from Pie to label when labels outside?" +msgstr "Ali želite črto do oznake, ko so le-te zunaj?" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:191 +msgid "Show Total" +msgstr "Pokaži vsoto" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:194 +msgid "Whether to display the aggregate count" +msgstr "Če želite prikazati agregirano število" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:199 +msgid "Pie shape" +msgstr "Oblika torte" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:205 +msgid "Outer Radius" +msgstr "Zunanji polmer" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:211 +msgid "Outer edge of Pie chart" +msgstr "Zunanji rob tortnega grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:232 +msgid "Inner Radius" +msgstr "Notranji polmer" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:238 +msgid "Inner radius of donut hole" +msgstr "Notranji polmer kolobarja" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts:54 +msgid "" +"The classic. Great for showing how much of a company each investor gets, what " +"demographics follow your blog, or what portion of the budget goes to the military " +"industrial complex.\n" +"\n" +" Pie charts can be difficult to interpret precisely. If clarity of " +"relative proportion is important, consider using a bar or other chart type " +"instead." +msgstr "" +"Standardni grafikon za prikaz deležev. Tortne grafikone je težje natančno " +"interpretirati, takrat lahko uporabite npr. stolpčni grafikon." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/transformProps.ts:319 +#, python-format +msgid "Total: %s" +msgstr "Vsota: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:49 +msgid "The maximum value of metrics. It is an optional configuration" +msgstr "Največja vrednost mere. To je opcijska nastavitev" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:123 +msgid "Label position" +msgstr "Položaj oznake" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:161 +msgid "Radar" +msgstr "Radar" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:167 +msgid "Customize Metrics" +msgstr "Prilagodi mere" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:168 +msgid "Further customize how to display each metric" +msgstr "Dodatne prilagoditve prikaza posameznih mer" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:201 +msgid "Circle radar shape" +msgstr "Okrogla oblika radarja" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:204 +msgid "Radar render type, whether to display 'circle' shape." +msgstr "Način prikaza radarja - če se prikaže okrogla oblika." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/index.ts:50 +msgid "" +"Visualize a parallel set of metrics across multiple groups. Each group is " +"visualized using its own line of points and each metric is represented as an edge " +"in the chart." +msgstr "" +"Prikaže vzporedni nabor mer za različne skupine. Vsaka skupina je prikazana s " +"svojim naborom točk in vsaka mera s povezavo na grafikonu." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/index.ts:53 +msgid "Radar Chart" +msgstr "Radarski grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:73 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:280 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:65 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:71 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:72 +msgid "Contribution Mode" +msgstr "Način deležev" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:80 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:287 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:72 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:78 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:79 +msgid "Calculate contribution per series or row" +msgstr "Izračunaj delež za serijo ali vrstico" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:107 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:106 +msgid "Series Style" +msgstr "Slog serije" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:126 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:139 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:142 +msgid "Area chart opacity" +msgstr "Prosojnost ploščinskega grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:132 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:145 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:148 +msgid "Opacity of Area Chart. Also applies to confidence band." +msgstr "Prosojnost ploščinskega grafikona. Upošteva se tudi za interval zaupanja." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:188 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:97 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:114 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:172 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:175 +msgid "Marker Size" +msgstr "Velikost markerja" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts:52 +msgid "" +"Swiss army knife for visualizing data. Choose between step, line, scatter, and " +"bar charts. This viz type has many customization options as well." +msgstr "" +"Univerzalni grafikon za vizualizacijo podatkov. Izbirajte med stopničastimi, " "črtnimi, raztresenimi in stolpčnimi grafikoni. Grafikon ima širok nabor " "prilagoditev." +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts:55 +msgid "" +"Swiss army knife for visualizing time series data. Choose between step, line, " +"scatter, and bar charts. This viz type has many customization options as well." +msgstr "" +"Univerzalni grafikon za prikaz časovnih vrst. Izbirajte med stopničnimi, črtnimi, " +"raztresenimi in stolpčnimi grafikoni. Grafikon ima širok nabor prilagoditev." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts:66 +msgid "Generic Chart" +msgstr "Generičen grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts:67 +msgid "Time-series Chart" +msgstr "Grafikon časovne vrste" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/transformProps.ts:408 +msgid "zoom area" +msgstr "približaj območje" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/transformProps.ts:409 +msgid "restore zoom" +msgstr "ponastavi prikaz" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:58 +msgid "" +"Area charts are similar to line charts in that they represent variables with the " +"same scale, but area charts stack the metrics on top of each other." +msgstr "" +"Ploščinski grafikoni so podobni črtnim grafikonom, saj predstavljajo " +"spremenljivke v istem razmerju, vendar se pri ploščinskih grafikonih mere " +"nalagajo ena na drugo." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:61 +msgid "" +"Time-series Area chart are similar to line chart in that they represent variables " +"with the same scale, but area charts stack the metrics on top of each other. An " +"area chart in Superset can be stream, stack, or expand." +msgstr "" +"Ploščinski grafikoni časovne vrste so podobni črtnim grafikonom, saj " +"predstavljajo spremenljivke v istem razmerju, vendar se pri ploščinskih " +"grafikonih mere nalagajo ena na drugo." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:72 +msgid "Area Chart v2" +msgstr "Ploščinski grafikon v2" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:73 +msgid "Time-series Area Chart" +msgstr "Ploščinski grafikon časovne vrste" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:69 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:100 +msgid "Axis Title" +msgstr "Naslov osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:85 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:116 +msgid "AXIS TITLE MARGIN" +msgstr "OBROBA OZNAKE OSI" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:133 +msgid "AXIS TITLE POSITION" +msgstr "POLOŽAJ OZNAKE OSI" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:174 +msgid "Rotate axis label" +msgstr "Zavrti oznako osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:194 +msgid "Axis Format" +msgstr "Oblika osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:205 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:208 +msgid "Logarithmic axis" +msgstr "Logaritemska os" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:222 +msgid "Draw split lines for minor axis ticks" +msgstr "Izriši ločilne črte za pomožne oznake osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:233 +msgid "Truncate Axis" +msgstr "Prireži os" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:236 +msgid "It’s not recommended to truncate axis in Bar chart." +msgstr "V stolpčnem grafikonu ni priporočljivo omejiti osi." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:247 +msgid "Axis Bounds" +msgstr "Meje osi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:250 +msgid "" +"Bounds for the axis. When left empty, the bounds are dynamically defined based on " +"the min/max of the data. Note that this feature will only expand the axis range. " +"It won't narrow the data's extent." +msgstr "" +"Meje osi. Če je prazno, se meje nastavijo dinamično na podlagi min./max. " +"vrednosti podatkov. Funkcija omeji le prikaz, obseg podatkov pa ostane enak." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:304 +msgid "Chart Orientation" +msgstr "Orientacija grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:313 +msgid "Bar orientation" +msgstr "Orientacija stolpcev" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:317 +msgid "Horizontal" +msgstr "Vodoravno" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:319 +msgid "Orientation of bar chart" +msgstr "Orientacija stolpčnega grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:64 +msgid "Bar Charts are used to show metrics as a series of bars." +msgstr "Stolpčni grafikoni se uporabljajo za prikaz mer z nizi stolpcev." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:65 +msgid "" +"Time-series Bar Charts are used to show the changes in a metric over time as a " +"series of bars." +msgstr "" +"Stolpčni grafikoni časovne vrste se uporabljajo za prikaz sprememb mere skozi čas " +"s pomočjo niza stolpcev." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:80 +msgid "Bar Chart v2" +msgstr "Stolpčni grafikon v2" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:81 +msgid "Time-series Bar Chart v2" +msgstr "Stolpčni grafikon časovne vrste v2" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Line/index.ts:63 +msgid "" +"Line chart is used to visualize measurements taken over a given category. Line " +"chart is a type of chart which displays information as a series of data points " +"connected by straight line segments. It is a basic type of chart common in many " +"fields." +msgstr "" +"Črtni grafikon se uporablja se za vizualizacijo meritev zajetih skozi čas. " +"Posamezne točke so med seboj povezane z ravnimi črtami." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Line/index.ts:66 +msgid "" +"Time-series line chart is used to visualize repeated measurements taken over " +"regular time intervals. Line chart is a type of chart which displays information " +"as a series of data points connected by straight line segments. It is a basic " +"type of chart common in many fields." +msgstr "" +"Črtni grafikon časovne vrste je osnovni grafikon, ki se uporablja na različnih " +"področjih. Uporablja se za vizualizacijo meritev zajetih skozi čas. Posamezne " +"točke so med seboj povezane z ravnimi črtami." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Line/index.ts:78 +msgid "Time-series Line Chart" +msgstr "Črtni grafikon časovne vrste" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:62 +msgid "" +"Scatter Plot has the horizontal axis in linear units, and the points are " +"connected in order. It shows a statistical relationship between two variables." +msgstr "" +"Raztreseni grafikon ima vodoravno os v linearnih enotah, prikazuje podatkovne " +"točke v povezanem redu in prikazuje statistično razmerje med dvema " +"spremenljivkama." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:65 +msgid "" +"Time-series Scatter Plot has time on the horizontal axis in linear units, and the " +"points are connected in order. It shows a statistical relationship between two " +"variables." +msgstr "" +"Raztreseni grafikon časovne vrste prikazuje podatkovne točke v povezanem redu in " +"prikazuje statistično razmerje med spremenljivkami." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:76 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/ScatterPlot/createMetadata.ts:26 +msgid "Scatter Plot" +msgstr "Raztreseni grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:77 +msgid "Time-series Scatter Plot" +msgstr "Raztreseni grafikon časovne vrste" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:62 +msgid "" +"Smooth-line is a variation of the line chart. Without angles and hard edges, " +"Smooth-line sometimes looks smarter and more professional." +msgstr "" +"Zglajeni črtni grafikon je izpeljanka črtnega grafikona, ki zgladi ostre robove " +"krivulje." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:65 +msgid "" +"Time-series Smooth-line is a variation of the line chart. Without angles and hard " +"edges, Smooth-line sometimes looks smarter and more professional." +msgstr "" +"Zglajeni grafikon časovne vrste je izpeljanka črtnega grafikona, ki zgladi ostre " +"robove krivulje." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:76 +msgid "Smooth Line" +msgstr "Zglajena črta" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:77 +msgid "Time-series Smooth Line" +msgstr "Zglajeni črtni grafikon časovne vrste" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:105 +msgid "Step type" +msgstr "Stopnični tip" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:113 +msgid "" +"Defines whether the step should appear at the beginning, middle or end between " +"two data points" +msgstr "" +"Določa, če se na začetku, na sredini ali na koncu pojavi stopnica med dvema " +"točkama" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:53 +msgid "" +"Stepped-line graph (also called step chart) is a variation of line chart but with " +"the line forming a series of steps between data points. A step chart can be " +"useful when you want to show the changes that occur at irregular intervals." +msgstr "" +"Stopničasti grafikon je izpeljanka črtnega grafikona, pri čemer krivuljo tvorijo " +"stopnice med posameznimi točkami. Koristen je za prikaz sprememb na posameznih " +"intervalih." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:56 +msgid "" +"Time-series Stepped-line graph (also called step chart) is a variation of line " +"chart but with the line forming a series of steps between data points. A step " +"chart can be useful when you want to show the changes that occur at irregular " +"intervals." +msgstr "" +"Stopnični grafikon časovne vrste je izpeljanka črtnega grafikona, pri čemer " +"krivuljo tvorijo stopnice med posameznimi točkami. Koristen je za prikaz sprememb " +"na posameznih intervalih." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:67 +msgid "Stepped Line" +msgstr "Stopničasta črta" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:68 +msgid "Time-series Stepped Line" +msgstr "Stopnični črtni grafikon časovne vrste" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:50 +msgid "Id" +msgstr "Id" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:51 +msgid "Name of the id column" +msgstr "Naziv id-stolpca" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:60 +msgid "Parent" +msgstr "Nadrejeni" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:61 +msgid "Name of the column containing the id of the parent node" +msgstr "Ime stolpca, ki vsebuje id nadrejenega vozlišča" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:73 +msgid "Optional name of the data column." +msgstr "Opcijsko ime podatkovnega stolpca." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:84 +msgid "Root node id" +msgstr "Id korenskega vozlišča" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:85 +msgid "Id of root node of the tree." +msgstr "Id korenskega vozlišča drevesa." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:98 +msgid "Metric for node values" +msgstr "Mera za vrednosti vozlišč" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:117 +msgid "Tree layout" +msgstr "Oblika drevesa" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:120 +msgid "Orthogonal" +msgstr "Pravokotna" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:121 +msgid "Radial" +msgstr "Radialna" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:123 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:246 +msgid "Layout type of tree" +msgstr "Način izgleda drevesa" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:134 +msgid "Tree orientation" +msgstr "Orientacija drevesa" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:137 +msgid "Left to Right" +msgstr "Iz leve proti desni" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:138 +msgid "Right to Left" +msgstr "Iz desne proti levi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:139 +msgid "Top to Bottom" +msgstr "Iz vrha proti dnu" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:140 +msgid "Bottom to Top" +msgstr "Iz dna proti vrhu" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:142 +msgid "Orientation of tree" +msgstr "Orientacija drevesa" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:155 +msgid "Node label position" +msgstr "Položaj oznake vozlišča" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:158 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:176 +msgid "left" +msgstr "levo" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:159 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:177 +msgid "top" +msgstr "zgoraj" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:160 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:178 +msgid "right" +msgstr "desno" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:161 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:179 +msgid "bottom" +msgstr "spodaj" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:163 +msgid "Position of intermidiate node label on tree" +msgstr "Položaj vmesne oznake vozlišča na drevesu" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:173 +msgid "Child label position" +msgstr "Položaj podrejene oznake" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:181 +msgid "Position of child node label on tree" +msgstr "Položaj oznake podrejenega vozlišča na drevesu" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:191 +msgid "Emphasis" +msgstr "Poudari" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:194 +msgid "ancestor" +msgstr "nadrejeni" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:195 +msgid "descendant" +msgstr "podrejeni" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:197 +msgid "Which relatives to highlight on hover" +msgstr "Kateri element se poudari na prehodu z miško" + #: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:210 msgid "Symbol" msgstr "Simbol" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:125 -msgid "Symbol of two ends of edge line" -msgstr "Simbol za konca povezave" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:214 +msgid "Empty circle" +msgstr "Prazen krog" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:218 +msgid "Circle" +msgstr "Krog" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:222 +msgid "Rectangle" +msgstr "Pravokotnik" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:226 +msgid "Triangle" +msgstr "Trikotnik" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:230 +msgid "Diamond" +msgstr "Karo" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:234 +msgid "Pin" +msgstr "Žebljiček" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:238 +msgid "Arrow" +msgstr "Puščica" #: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:255 msgid "Symbol size" msgstr "Velikost simbola" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1223 -msgid "Sync columns from source" -msgstr "Sinhroniziraj stolpce z virom" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:261 +msgid "Size of edge symbols" +msgstr "Velikost simbola povezave" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:30 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:44 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:62 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:76 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:89 -msgid "Syntax" -msgstr "Sintaksa" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/index.ts:35 +msgid "Visualize multiple levels of hierarchy using a familiar tree-like structure." +msgstr "Prikaz več hierarhičnih nivojev z drevesno strukturo." -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:250 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:305 -msgid "TABLES" -msgstr "TABELE" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/index.ts:39 +msgid "Tree Chart" +msgstr "Drevesni grafikon" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:85 -msgid "THU" -msgstr "ČET" +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:83 +msgid "Show Upper Labels" +msgstr "Prikaži zgornje oznake" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:86 +msgid "Show labels when the node has children." +msgstr "Prikaži oznake, ko ima vozlišče podrejene elemente." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/index.ts:52 +msgid "" +"Show hierarchical relationships of data, with with the value represented by area, " +"showing proportion and contribution to the whole." +msgstr "" +"Prikaže hierarhična razmerja podatkov, pri čemer je vrednost ponazorjena s " +"ploščino, in deleže oz. prispevke k celoti." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/index.ts:56 +msgid "Treemap v2" +msgstr "Drevesni grafikon s pravokotniki v2" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/consts.ts:27 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/consts.ts:26 +msgid "page_size.all" +msgstr "page_size.all" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/index.ts:39 +msgid "Handlebars" +msgstr "Handlebars" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/columns.tsx:53 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/columns.tsx:78 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:119 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:142 +msgid "must have a value" +msgstr "mora imeti vrednost" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/handlebarTemplate.tsx:60 +msgid "Handlebars Template" +msgstr "Predloga za Handlebars" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/handlebarTemplate.tsx:61 +msgid "A handlebars template that is applied to the data" +msgstr "Predloga za Handlebars, ki je uporabljena za podatke" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/includeTime.ts:27 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:342 +msgid "Include time" +msgstr "Vključi čas" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/includeTime.ts:28 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:343 +msgid "Whether to include the time granularity as defined in the time section" +msgstr "Če želite vključiti granulacijo časa, ki je določena v sekciji Čas" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/metrics.tsx:33 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:152 +msgid "Percentage metrics" +msgstr "Procentualne mere" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/metrics.tsx:34 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:153 +msgid "" +"Metrics for which percentage of total are to be displayed. Calculated from only " +"data within the row limit." +msgstr "" +"Mera, za katero je prikazan odstotek od celote. Izračunan je samo iz podatkov " +"znotraj omejitve števila vrstic." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/metrics.tsx:107 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:370 +msgid "" +"Show total aggregations of selected metrics. Note that row limit does not apply " +"to the result." +msgstr "" +"Prikaži skupno agregacijo izbrane mere. Omejitev števila vrstic ne vpliva na " +"rezultat." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/orderBy.tsx:27 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:285 +msgid "Ordering" +msgstr "Razvrščanje" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/orderBy.tsx:28 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:286 +msgid "Order results by selected columns" +msgstr "Razvrsti rezultate glede na izbrani stolpec" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/pagination.tsx:35 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:306 +msgid "Server pagination" +msgstr "Paginacija na strani strežnika" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/pagination.tsx:36 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:307 +msgid "Enable server side pagination of results (experimental feature)" +msgstr "" +"Omogoči številčenje strani rezultatov na strani strežnika (preizkusna funkcija)" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/pagination.tsx:50 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:328 +msgid "Server Page Length" +msgstr "Dolžina strani strežnika" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/pagination.tsx:53 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:331 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:410 +msgid "Rows per page, 0 means no pagination" +msgstr "Vrstic na stran (0 pomeni brez številčenja strani)" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/queryMode.tsx:29 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:92 +msgid "Query mode" +msgstr "Poizvedbeni način" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/shared.ts:59 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:86 +msgid "Group By, Metrics or Percentage Metrics must have a value" +msgstr "Združevanje, Mera ali Procentualna mera morajo imeti vrednost" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/style.tsx:59 +msgid "CSS Styles" +msgstr "CSS slogi" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-handlebars/src/plugin/controls/style.tsx:60 +msgid "CSS applied to the chart" +msgstr "CSS slogi uporabljeni za grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:51 +msgid "Columns to group by on the columns" +msgstr "Stolpci za združevanje stolpcev" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:60 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:85 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:289 +msgid "Rows" +msgstr "Vrstice" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:61 +msgid "Columns to group by on the rows" +msgstr "Stolpci za združevanje vrstic" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:81 +msgid "Apply metrics on" +msgstr "Uporabi mero na" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:87 +msgid "Use metrics as a top level group for columns or for rows" +msgstr "Uporabi mere kot vrhovni nivo grupiranja za stolpce ali vrstice" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:101 +msgid "Cell limit" +msgstr "Omejitev celice" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:102 +msgid "Limits the number of cells that get retrieved." +msgstr "Omeji število pridobljenih celic." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:112 +msgid "" +"Metric used to define how the top series are sorted if a series or cell limit is " +"present. If undefined reverts to the first metric (where appropriate)." +msgstr "" +"Mera, ki določa kako so razvrščene prve serije, če je določena omejitev serij ali " +"vrstic. Če ni določena, se uporabi prva mera (kjer je ustrezno)." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:177 +msgid "Show rows total" +msgstr "Prikaži vsoto vrstic" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:180 +msgid "Display row level total" +msgstr "Prikaži vsote na nivoju vrstic" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:189 +msgid "Show columns total" +msgstr "Prikaži vsoto stolpcev" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:192 +msgid "Display column level total" +msgstr "Prikaži vsote na nivoju stolpcev" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:201 +msgid "Transpose pivot" +msgstr "Transponirano vrtenje" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:203 +msgid "Swap rows and columns" +msgstr "Zamenjaj vrstice in stolpce" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:213 +msgid "Combine metrics" +msgstr "Združuj mere" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:248 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:396 +msgid "D3 time format for datetime columns" +msgstr "D3 oblika zapisa za časovne stolpce" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:257 +msgid "Sort rows by" +msgstr "Razvrsti vrstice" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:261 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:289 +msgid "key a-z" +msgstr "a - ž" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:262 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:290 +msgid "key z-a" +msgstr "ž - a" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:263 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:291 +msgid "value ascending" +msgstr "0 - 9" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:264 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:292 +msgid "value descending" +msgstr "9 - 0" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:269 +msgid "Change order of rows." +msgstr "Spremeni vrstni red vrstic." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:270 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:298 +msgid "Available sorting modes:" +msgstr "Razpoložljivi načini razvrščanja:" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:272 +msgid "By key: use row names as sorting key" +msgstr "Po ključu: za razvrščanje uporabite imena vrstic" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:273 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:301 +msgid "By value: use metric values as sorting key" +msgstr "Po vrednosti: za razvrščanje uporabite vrednosti mere" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:285 +msgid "Sort columns by" +msgstr "Razvrsti stolpce" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:297 +msgid "Change order of columns." +msgstr "Spremeni vrstni red stolpcev." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:300 +msgid "By key: use column names as sorting key" +msgstr "Po ključu: za razvrščanje uporabite imena stolpcev" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:313 +msgid "Rows subtotal position" +msgstr "Položaj vsot vrstic" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:317 +msgid "Top" +msgstr "Zgoraj" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:318 +msgid "Bottom" +msgstr "Spodaj" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:321 +msgid "Position of row level subtotal" +msgstr "Položaj vsot na nivoju vrstic" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:330 +msgid "Columns subtotal position" +msgstr "Položaj delnih vsot stolpcev" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:338 +msgid "Position of column level subtotal" +msgstr "Položaj vsot na nivoju stolpcev" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:348 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:509 +msgid "Conditional formatting" +msgstr "Pogojno oblikovanje" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:349 +msgid "Apply conditional color formatting to metrics" +msgstr "Za mere uporabi pogojno oblikovanje z barvami" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/index.ts:51 +msgid "" +"Used to summarize a set of data by grouping together multiple statistics along " +"two axes. Examples: Sales numbers by region and month, tasks by status and " +"assignee, active users by age and location. Not the most visually stunning " +"visualization, but highly informative and versatile." +msgstr "" +"Ponazori podatke na podlagi združevanja več statistik vzdolž dveh osi. Npr. " +"prodaja po regijah in mesecih, opravila po statusih in izvajalcih, itd." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/index.ts:54 +msgid "Pivot Table v2" +msgstr "Vrtilna tabela v2" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/react-pivottable/utilities.js:842 +msgid "Unknown input format" +msgstr "Neznana oblika vnosa" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/TableChart.tsx:125 +msgid "search.num_records" +msgstr "search.num_records" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/TableChart.tsx:140 +msgid "page_size.show" +msgstr "page_size.show" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/TableChart.tsx:160 +msgid "page_size.entries" +msgstr "page_size.entries" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/TableChart.tsx:462 +msgid "Totals" +msgstr "Vsote" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:391 +msgid "Timestamp format" +msgstr "Oblika zapisa časovne značke" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:407 +msgid "Page length" +msgstr "Dolžina strani" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:422 +msgid "Search box" +msgstr "Iskalno polje" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:425 +msgid "Whether to include a client-side search box" +msgstr "Če želite vključiti iskalno polje za uporabnika" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:432 +msgid "Cell bars" +msgstr "Stolp. graf v celicah" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:449 +msgid "" +"Whether to align background charts with both positive and negative values at 0" +msgstr "" +"Če želite poravnati graf v ozadju celic za negativne in pozitivne vrednosti okrog " +"0" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:472 +msgid "Allow columns to be rearranged" +msgstr "Omogoči razvrščanje stolpcev" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:475 +msgid "" +"Allow end user to drag-and-drop column headers to rearrange them. Note their " +"changes won't persist for the next time they open the chart." +msgstr "" +"Uporabniku omogočite, da s potegom razvrsti stolpce. Sprememba se ne bo ohranila, " +"ko bo grafikon ponovno naložen." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:486 +msgid "Customize columns" +msgstr "Prilagodi stolpce" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:487 +msgid "Further customize how to display each column" +msgstr "Dodatne prilagoditve prikaza posameznih stolpcev" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:510 +msgid "Apply conditional color formatting to numeric columns" +msgstr "Za numerične stolpce uporabi pogojno oblikovanje z barvami" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:37 +msgid "" +"Classic row-by-column spreadsheet like view of a dataset. Use tables to showcase " +"a view into the underlying data or to show aggregated metrics." +msgstr "Standardna razpredelnica za prikaz podatkovnega seta." + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/legacyPlugin/index.ts:29 +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts:39 +msgid "Word Cloud" +msgstr "Oblak besed" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts:57 +msgid "Minimum Font Size" +msgstr "Min. velikost pisave" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts:60 +msgid "Font size for the smallest value in the list" +msgstr "Velikost pisave za najmanjšo vrednost na seznamu" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts:68 +msgid "Maximum Font Size" +msgstr "Max. velikost pisave" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts:71 +msgid "Font size for the biggest value in the list" +msgstr "Velikost pisave za največjo vrednost na seznamu" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts:80 +msgid "Word Rotation" +msgstr "Vrtenje besed" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts:89 +msgid "Rotation to apply to words in the cloud" +msgstr "Če želite vrtenje besed v oblaku" + +#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts:35 +msgid "" +"Visualizes the words in a column that appear the most often. Bigger font " +"corresponds to higher frequency." +msgstr "" +"Prikaže besede v stolpcu, glede na pogostost pojavljanja. Večja pisava pomeni " +"večjo frekvenco." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:106 +msgid "The query couldn't be loaded" +msgstr "Poizvedbe ni mogoče naložiti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:159 +msgid "" +"Your query has been scheduled. To see details of your query, navigate to Saved " +"queries" +msgstr "" +"Vaša poizvedba je v urniku. Za ogled podrobnosti poizvedbe pojdite na shranjene " +"poizvedbe" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:166 +msgid "Your query could not be scheduled" +msgstr "Vaše poizvedbe ni mogoče uvrstiti v urnik" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:194 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:305 +msgid "Failed at retrieving results" +msgstr "Napaka pri pridobivanju rezultatov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:232 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:258 +msgid "" +"An error occurred while storing the latest query id in the backend. Please " +"contact your administrator if this problem persists." +msgstr "" +"Pri shranjevanju zadnjega id-ja poizvedbe v sistem je prišlo do napake. Če se " +"težava ponavlja, kontaktirajte administratorja." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:350 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:385 +msgid "Unknown error" +msgstr "Neznana napaka" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:403 +msgid "Query was stopped." +msgstr "Poizvedba je bila ustavljena." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:405 +#, python-format +msgid "Failed at stopping query. %s" +msgstr "Neuspešno ustavljanje poizvedbe. %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:430 +msgid "" +"Unable to migrate table schema state to backend. Superset will retry later. " +"Please contact your administrator if this problem persists." +msgstr "" +"Stanja sheme tabele ni mogoče prenesti v sistem. Superset bo ponovil poskus " +"kasneje. Če se težava ponavlja, kontaktirajte administratorja." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:448 +msgid "" +"Unable to migrate query state to backend. Superset will retry later. Please " +"contact your administrator if this problem persists." +msgstr "" +"Stanja poizvedbe ni mogoče prenesti v sistem. Superset bo ponovil poskus kasneje. " +"Če se težava ponavlja, kontaktirajte administratorja." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:494 +msgid "" +"Unable to migrate query editor state to backend. Superset will retry later. " +"Please contact your administrator if this problem persists." +msgstr "" +"Stanja urejevalnika poizvedb ni mogoče prenesti v sistem. Superset bo ponovil " +"poskus kasneje. Če se težava ponavlja, kontaktirajte administratorja." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:527 +msgid "Unable to add a new tab to the backend. Please contact your administrator." +msgstr "Novega zavihka ni mogoče dodati v sistem. Kontaktirajte administratorja." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:544 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/reducers/sqlLab.js:74 +#, python-format +msgid "Copy of %s" +msgstr "Kopija %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:571 +msgid "" +"An error occurred while setting the active tab. Please contact your administrator." +msgstr "" +"Pri določanju aktivnega zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte " +"administratorja." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:659 +msgid "An error occurred while fetching tab state" +msgstr "Pri pridobivanju stanja zavihka je prišlo do napake" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:695 +msgid "" +"An error occurred while hiding the left bar. Please contact your administrator." +msgstr "" +"Pri skrivanju leve vrstice je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:717 +msgid "An error occurred while removing tab. Please contact your administrator." +msgstr "" +"Pri odstranjevanju zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:741 +msgid "An error occurred while removing query. Please contact your administrator." +msgstr "" +"Pri odstranjevanju poizvedbe je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:764 +msgid "" +"An error occurred while setting the tab database ID. Please contact your " +"administrator." +msgstr "" +"Pri določanju ID-ja v podatkovne baze za zavihek je prišlo do napake. " +"Kontaktirajte administratorja." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:795 +msgid "" +"An error occurred while setting the tab schema. Please contact your administrator." +msgstr "" +"Pri določanju sheme zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:828 +msgid "" +"An error occurred while setting the tab autorun. Please contact your " +"administrator." +msgstr "" +"Pri določanju samodejnega zagona zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte " +"administratorja." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:853 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:967 +msgid "" +"An error occurred while setting the tab title. Please contact your administrator." +msgstr "" +"Pri določanju naslova zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:880 +msgid "Your query could not be saved" +msgstr "Vaše poizvedbe ni mogoče shraniti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:895 +msgid "Your query was not properly saved" +msgstr "Vaša poizvedba ni bila pravilno shranjena" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:898 +msgid "Your query was saved" +msgstr "Vaša poizvedba je shranjena" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:910 +msgid "Your query was updated" +msgstr "Vaša poizvedba je posodobljena" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:914 +msgid "Your query could not be updated" +msgstr "Vaše poizvedbe ni mogoče posodobiti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:934 +msgid "" +"An error occurred while storing your query in the backend. To avoid losing your " +"changes, please save your query using the \"Save Query\" button." +msgstr "" +"Pri shranjevanju vaše poizvedbe v sistem je prišlo do napake. Da ne izgubite " +"sprememb, shranite poizvedbo z gumbom \"Shrani poizvedbo\"." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:993 +msgid "" +"An error occurred while setting the tab template parameters. Please contact your " +"administrator." +msgstr "" +"Pri določanju parametrov predloge zavihka je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte " +"administratorja." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1038 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1063 +msgid "An error occurred while fetching table metadata" +msgstr "Pri pridobivanju metapodatkov tabele je prišlo do napake" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1134 +msgid "" +"An error occurred while fetching table metadata. Please contact your " +"administrator." +msgstr "" +"Pri pridobivanju metapodatkov tabele je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte " +"administratorja." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1182 +msgid "" +"An error occurred while expanding the table schema. Please contact your " +"administrator." +msgstr "" +"Pri širitvi sheme tabele je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1206 +msgid "" +"An error occurred while collapsing the table schema. Please contact your " +"administrator." +msgstr "" +"Pri krčenju sheme tabele je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte administratorja." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1229 +msgid "" +"An error occurred while removing the table schema. Please contact your " +"administrator." +msgstr "" +"Pri odstranjevanju sheme tabele je prišlo do napake. Kontaktirajte " +"administratorja." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1262 +msgid "Shared query" +msgstr "Deljene poizvedbe" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1325 +msgid "The datasource couldn't be loaded" +msgstr "Podatkovnega vira ni mogoče naložiti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1355 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1377 +msgid "An error occurred while creating the data source" +msgstr "Pri ustvarjanju podatkovnega vira je prišlo do težave" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1407 +msgid "An error occurred while fetching function names." +msgstr "Pri pridobivanju imen funkcij je prišlo do napake." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/App/index.jsx:89 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"SQL Lab uses your browser's local storage to store queries and results.\n" +"Currently, you are using %(currentUsage)s KB out of %(maxStorage)d KB storage " +"space.\n" +"To keep SQL Lab from crashing, please delete some query tabs.\n" +"You can re-access these queries by using the Save feature before you delete the " +"tab.\n" +"Note that you will need to close other SQL Lab windows before you do this." +msgstr "" +"SQL laboratorij uporablja lokalno shrambo brskalnika za shranjevanje poizvedb in " +"rezultatov.\n" +"Trenutno uporabljate %(currentUsage)s KB od %(maxStorage)d KB prostora.\n" +"Da preprečite sesutje SQL laba, izbrišite nekaj zavihkov s poizvedbami.\n" +"Poizvedbe lahko ponovno pridobite, če pred brisanjem uporabite funkcijo Shrani.\n" +"Pred tem morate zapreti druga okna SQL laboratorija." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/EstimateQueryCostButton/index.tsx:84 +msgid "Estimate selected query cost" +msgstr "Oceni potratnost izbrane poizvedbe" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/EstimateQueryCostButton/index.tsx:85 +msgid "Estimate cost" +msgstr "Oceni potratnost" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/EstimateQueryCostButton/index.tsx:89 +msgid "Cost estimate" +msgstr "Ocena potratnosti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ExploreCtasResultsButton/index.tsx:70 +msgid "Creating a data source and creating a new tab" +msgstr "Ustvarjanje podatkovnega vira in novega zavihka" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ExploreCtasResultsButton/index.tsx:75 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/TableLoader/index.tsx:55 +#: superset-frontend/src/utils/getClientErrorObject.ts:161 +msgid "An error occurred" +msgstr "Prišlo je do napake" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ExploreCtasResultsButton/index.tsx:83 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ExploreResultsButton/index.tsx:41 +msgid "Explore the result set in the data exploration view" +msgstr "Raziščite rezultate v pogledu raziskovanja podatkov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ExploreResultsButton/index.tsx:48 +msgid "Create Chart" +msgstr "Ustvarite grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/HighlightedSql/index.tsx:76 +msgid "Source SQL" +msgstr "Izvorni SQL" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/HighlightedSql/index.tsx:82 +msgid "Executed SQL" +msgstr "Izvedena poizvedba" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/HighlightedSql/index.tsx:101 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1074 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:294 +msgid "SQL" +msgstr "SQL" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryHistory/index.tsx:74 +msgid "Run a query to display query history" +msgstr "Za prikaz zgodovine poizvedb zaženite poizvedbo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QuerySearch/index.tsx:136 +msgid "An error occurred when refreshing queries" +msgstr "Pri osveževanju poizvedb je prišlo do napake" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QuerySearch/index.tsx:184 +msgid "It seems you don't have access to any database" +msgstr "Zdi se, da nimate dostopa do nobene podatkovne baz" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QuerySearch/index.tsx:199 +msgid "Filter by user" +msgstr "Filtriraj po uporabniku" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QuerySearch/index.tsx:208 +msgid "Filter by database" +msgstr "Filtriraj po podatkovni bazi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QuerySearch/index.tsx:217 +msgid "Query search string" +msgstr "Iskalni niz za poizvedbo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QuerySearch/index.tsx:223 +msgid "[From]-" +msgstr "[Od]-" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QuerySearch/index.tsx:235 +msgid "[To]-" +msgstr "[Do]-" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QuerySearch/index.tsx:244 +msgid "Filter by status" +msgstr "Filtriraj po statusu" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.tsx:121 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:53 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:142 +msgid "Success" +msgstr "Uspelo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.tsx:127 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.tsx:133 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:153 +msgid "Failed" +msgstr "Ni uspelo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.tsx:139 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:158 +msgid "Running" +msgstr "V teku" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.tsx:145 +msgid "Fetching" +msgstr "Pridobivam" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.tsx:151 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:163 +msgid "Offline" +msgstr "Offline" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.tsx:157 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.tsx:163 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:168 +msgid "Scheduled" +msgstr "V urniku" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.tsx:169 +msgid "Unknown Status" +msgstr "Neznan status" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.tsx:218 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/menu/MarkdownModeDropdown.tsx:35 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/FilterSetUnit.tsx:83 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/TextAreaControl.jsx:127 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:334 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartCard.tsx:129 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:432 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardCard.tsx:86 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:404 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:415 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:428 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:220 +msgid "Edit" +msgstr "Urejanje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.tsx:237 +msgid "View" +msgstr "Pogled" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.tsx:240 +msgid "Data preview" +msgstr "Ogled podatkov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.tsx:280 +msgid "Overwrite text in the editor with a query on this table" +msgstr "Besedilo v urejevalniku prepišite s poizvedbo na to tabelo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.tsx:289 +msgid "Run query in a new tab" +msgstr "Zaženi poizvedbo v novem zavihku" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.tsx:296 +msgid "Remove query from log" +msgstr "Odstrani poizvedbo iz dnevnika" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:228 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:397 +msgid "Save & Explore" +msgstr "Shrani & Razišči" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:229 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:398 +msgid "Overwrite & Explore" +msgstr "Prepiši & Razišči" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:230 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:399 +msgid "Save this query as a virtual dataset to continue exploring" +msgstr "Shranite poizvedbo kot virtualni podatkovni set" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:245 +msgid "Download to CSV" +msgstr "Izvozi kot CSV" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:254 +msgid "Copy to Clipboard" +msgstr "Kopiraj na odložišče" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:269 +msgid "Too many columns to filter" +msgstr "Preveč stolpcev za filtriranje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:270 +msgid "Filter results" +msgstr "Filtriraj rezultate" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:289 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"The number of results displayed is limited to %(rows)d by the configuration " +"DISPLAY_MAX_ROWS. Please add additional limits/filters or download to csv to see " +"more rows up to the %(limit)d limit." +msgstr "" +"Število prikazanih rezultatov je omejeno na %(rows)d na podlagi parametra " +"DISPLAY_MAX_ROWS. V csv dodajte dodatne omejitve/filtre, da boste lahko videli " +"več vrstic do meje %(limit)d ." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:295 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"The number of results displayed is limited to %(rows)d. Please add additional " +"limits/filters, download to csv, or contact an admin to see more rows up to the " +"%(limit)d limit." +msgstr "" +"Število prikazanih rezultatov je omejeno na %(rows)d . V csv dodajte dodatne " +"omejitve/filtre, da boste lahko videli več vrstic do meje %(limit)d ." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:307 +#, python-format +msgid "The number of rows displayed is limited to %(rows)d by the query" +msgstr "Število prikazanih vrstic je omejeno na %(rows)d s poizvedbo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:315 +#, python-format +msgid "The number of rows displayed is limited to %(rows)d by the limit dropdown." +msgstr "Število prikazanih rezultatov je omejeno na %(rows)d s poizvedbo." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:320 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"The number of rows displayed is limited to %(rows)d by the query and limit " +"dropdown." +msgstr "" +"Število prikazanih vrstic je omejeno na %(rows)d s poizvedbo in spustnim " +"izbirnikom omejitev." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:326 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:344 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:358 +#, python-format +msgid "%(rows)d rows returned" +msgstr "%(rows)d vrnjenih vrstic" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:346 +#, python-format +msgid "The number of rows displayed is limited to %s by the dropdown." +msgstr "Število prikazanih vrstic je omejeno na %s s spustnim izbirnikom." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:383 +msgid "Query was stopped" +msgstr "Poizvedba je bila ustavljena" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:389 +msgid "Database error" +msgstr "Napaka podatkovne baze" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:416 +msgid "was created" +msgstr "ustvarjeno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:423 +msgid "Query in a new tab" +msgstr "Poizvedba v novem zavihku" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:479 +msgid "The query returned no data" +msgstr "Poizvedba ni vrnila podatkov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:496 +msgid "Fetch data preview" +msgstr "Pridobi predogled podatkov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:507 +msgid "Refetch results" +msgstr "Ponovno pridobi rezultate" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:528 +msgid "Track job" +msgstr "Sledi opravilom" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/RunQueryActionButton/index.tsx:50 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/RunQueryButton/index.tsx:45 +msgid "Stop" +msgstr "Ustavi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/RunQueryActionButton/index.tsx:55 +msgid "Run selection" +msgstr "Zaženi izbrano" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/RunQueryActionButton/index.tsx:57 +msgid "Run" +msgstr "Zaženi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/RunQueryActionButton/index.tsx:113 +msgid "Stop running (Ctrl + x)" +msgstr "Ustavi (Ctrl + x)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/RunQueryActionButton/index.tsx:114 +msgid "Stop running (Ctrl + e)" +msgstr "Ustavi (Ctrl + e)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/RunQueryActionButton/index.tsx:129 +msgid "Run query (Ctrl + Return)" +msgstr "Zaženi poizvedbo (Ctrl + Return)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveDatasetModal/index.tsx:252 +msgid "An error occurred saving dataset" +msgstr "Pri shranjevanju podatkovnega seta je prišlo do napake" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveDatasetModal/index.tsx:294 +msgid "Save or Overwrite Dataset" +msgstr "Shrani ali prepiši podatkovni set" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveDatasetModal/index.tsx:336 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:187 +msgid "Save as new" +msgstr "Shrani kot novo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveDatasetModal/index.tsx:345 +msgid "Overwrite existing" +msgstr "Prepiši obstoječe" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveDatasetModal/index.tsx:355 +msgid "Select or type dataset name" +msgstr "Izberite ali vnesite naziv podatkovnega seta" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveDatasetModal/index.tsx:366 +msgid "Are you sure you want to overwrite this dataset?" +msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati podatkovni set?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:76 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ScheduleQueryButton/index.tsx:134 +msgid "Undefined" +msgstr "Ni definirano" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:166 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:172 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:187 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceModal.tsx:240 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:223 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/CrossFilterScopingModal/CrossFilterScopingModal.tsx:88 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/index.jsx:589 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/index.jsx:591 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:100 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:150 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SaveModal.tsx:220 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/filterscope/FilterScopeSelector.jsx:532 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/EditSection.tsx:156 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/Footer/Footer.tsx:71 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:446 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreChartHeader/index.jsx:202 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:217 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:219 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:354 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopover/index.jsx:271 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:498 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/TimeSeriesColumnControl/index.jsx:345 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1057 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:273 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayerModal.tsx:230 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplateModal.tsx:220 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1235 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Shrani" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:166 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:172 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:303 +msgid "Save as" +msgstr "Shrani kot" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:175 +msgid "Save query" +msgstr "Shrani poizvedbo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:196 +msgid "Update" +msgstr "Posodobi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ScheduleQueryButton/index.tsx:172 +msgid "Label for your query" +msgstr "Ime vaše poizvedbe" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ScheduleQueryButton/index.tsx:186 +msgid "Write a description for your query" +msgstr "Dodajte opis vaše poizvedbe" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ScheduleQueryButton/index.tsx:231 +msgid "Schedule query" +msgstr "Urnik poizvedb" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ScheduleQueryButton/index.tsx:241 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:300 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:236 +msgid "Schedule" +msgstr "Urnik" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ShareSqlLabQuery/index.tsx:61 +msgid "There was an error with your request" +msgstr "Pri zahtevi je prišlo do napake" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ShareSqlLabQuery/index.tsx:75 +msgid "Please save the query to enable sharing" +msgstr "Shranite poizvedbo za deljenje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ShareSqlLabQuery/index.tsx:88 +msgid "Copy query link to your clipboard" +msgstr "Kopiraj povezavo do poizvedbe v odložišče" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ShareSqlLabQuery/index.tsx:89 +msgid "Save the query to enable this feature" +msgstr "Za omogočenje te funkcije shranite poizvedbo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ShareSqlLabQuery/index.tsx:98 +msgid "Copy link" +msgstr "Kopiraj povezavo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SouthPane/index.tsx:157 +msgid "No stored results found, you need to re-run your query" +msgstr "Rezultatov še ni shranjenih, ponovno morate zagnati poizvedbo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SouthPane/index.tsx:183 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTablesPane/components/useResultsPane.tsx:95 +msgid "Run a query to display results" +msgstr "Za prikaz rezultatov morate zagnati poizvedbo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SouthPane/index.tsx:195 +#, python-format +msgid "Preview: `%s`" +msgstr "Predogled: `%s`" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SouthPane/index.tsx:223 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTablesPane/DataTablesPane.tsx:200 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTablesPane/components/ResultsPaneOnDashboard.tsx:52 +msgid "Results" +msgstr "Rezultati" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SouthPane/index.tsx:226 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/common.ts:44 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:89 +msgid "Query history" +msgstr "Zgodovina poizvedb" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:326 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:336 +msgid "Run query" +msgstr "Zaženi poizvedbo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:346 +msgid "New tab" +msgstr "Nov zavihek" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:358 +msgid "Stop query" +msgstr "Ustavi poizvedbo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:367 +msgid "Previous Line" +msgstr "Prejšnja linija" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:560 +msgid "Schedule the query periodically" +msgstr "Periodično zaganjaj poizvedbo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:561 +msgid "You must run the query successfully first" +msgstr "Najprej morate uspešno izvesti poizvedbo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:566 +msgid "Autocomplete" +msgstr "Samodokončaj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:647 +msgid "CREATE TABLE AS" +msgstr "CREATE TABLE AS" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:660 +msgid "CREATE VIEW AS" +msgstr "CREATE VIEW AS" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:692 +msgid "Estimate the cost before running a query" +msgstr "Oceni potratnost pred zagonom poizvedbe" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:776 +msgid "Select a database to write a query" +msgstr "Izberite podatkovno bazo za poizvedbo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:777 +msgid "Choose one of the available databases from the panel on the left." +msgstr "Izberite eno od razpoložljivih podatkovnih baz v panelu na levi." + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditorLeftBar/index.tsx:171 +msgid "Collapse table preview" +msgstr "Zapri predogled tabele" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditorLeftBar/index.tsx:171 +msgid "Expand table preview" +msgstr "Odpri predogled tabele" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditorLeftBar/index.tsx:191 +msgid "No databases match your search" +msgstr "Nobena podatkovna baza ne ustreza iskanju" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditorLeftBar/index.tsx:192 +msgid "There are no databases available" +msgstr "Podatkovnih baz ni na voljo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditorLeftBar/index.tsx:196 +msgid "Manage your databases" +msgstr "Upravljajte podatkovne baze" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditorLeftBar/index.tsx:197 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ImportModal/ErrorAlert.tsx:55 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:122 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:771 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1365 +msgid "here" +msgstr "tukaj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditorLeftBar/index.tsx:266 +msgid "Reset state" +msgstr "Ponastavi stanje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:241 +msgid "Enter a new title for the tab" +msgstr "Vnesite novo naslov zavihka" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:262 +msgid "" +"-- Note: Unless you save your query, these tabs will NOT persist if you clear " +"your cookies or change browsers.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"-- Opomba: Če ne shranite poizvedbe, se ti zavihki NE bodo ohranili, ko boste " +"počistili piškote ali zamenjali brskalnik.\n" +"\n" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:345 +msgid "Close tab" +msgstr "Zapri zavihek" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:351 +msgid "Rename tab" +msgstr "Preimenuj zavihek" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:357 +msgid "Expand tool bar" +msgstr "Razširi orodno vrstico" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:357 +msgid "Hide tool bar" +msgstr "Skrij orodno vrstico" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:366 +msgid "Close all other tabs" +msgstr "Zapri vse ostale zavihke" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:372 +msgid "Duplicate tab" +msgstr "Podvoji zavihek" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:410 +msgid "Add a new tab" +msgstr "Dodaj nov zavihek" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:416 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:458 +msgid "New tab (Ctrl + q)" +msgstr "Nov zavihek (Ctrl + q)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:417 +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:459 +msgid "New tab (Ctrl + t)" +msgstr "Nov zavihek (Ctrl + t)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:434 +msgid "Add a new tab to create SQL Query" +msgstr "Dodaj nov zavihek za SQL-poizvedbo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TableElement/index.tsx:103 +msgid "Copy partition query to clipboard" +msgstr "Kopiraj particijsko poizvedbo na odložišče" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TableElement/index.tsx:120 +msgid "latest partition:" +msgstr "zadnja particija:" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TableElement/index.tsx:157 +msgid "Keys for table" +msgstr "Ključi za tabele" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TableElement/index.tsx:166 +#, python-format +msgid "View keys & indexes (%s)" +msgstr "Ogled ključev in indeksov (%s)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TableElement/index.tsx:183 +msgid "Original table column order" +msgstr "Vrstni red stolpcev izvorne tabele" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TableElement/index.tsx:184 +msgid "Sort columns alphabetically" +msgstr "Razvrsti stolpce po abecedi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TableElement/index.tsx:192 +msgid "Copy SELECT statement to the clipboard" +msgstr "Kopiraj stavek SELECT na odložišče" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TableElement/index.tsx:204 +msgid "Show CREATE VIEW statement" +msgstr "Prikaži CREATE VIEW stavek" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TableElement/index.tsx:205 +msgid "CREATE VIEW statement" +msgstr "CREATE VIEW stavek" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TableElement/index.tsx:211 +msgid "Remove table preview" +msgstr "Odstrani predogled tabele" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TemplateParamsEditor/index.tsx:98 +msgid "Edit template parameters" +msgstr "Uredi parametre predloge" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TemplateParamsEditor/index.tsx:102 +msgid "Parameters " +msgstr "Parametri " + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TemplateParamsEditor/index.tsx:108 +msgid "Invalid JSON" +msgstr "Neveljaven JSON" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/reducers/getInitialState.js:44 +msgid "Untitled query" +msgstr "Neimenovana poizvedba" + +#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/utils/newQueryTabName.ts:43 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:124 +#, python-format +msgid "%s%s" +msgstr "%s%s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/addSlice/AddSliceContainer.tsx:281 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardGrid.jsx:168 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardGrid.jsx:191 +msgid "Create a new chart" +msgstr "Ustvari nov grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/src/addSlice/AddSliceContainer.tsx:284 +#: superset-frontend/src/addSlice/AddSliceContainer.tsx:295 +msgid "Choose a dataset" +msgstr "Izberite podatkovni set" + +#: superset-frontend/src/addSlice/AddSliceContainer.tsx:290 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/DatasetSelect.tsx:89 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:802 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:831 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreViewContainer/index.jsx:606 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:189 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:311 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:553 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:560 +msgid "Dataset" +msgstr "Podatkovni set" + +#: superset-frontend/src/addSlice/AddSliceContainer.tsx:300 +msgid "Instructions to add a dataset are available in the Superset tutorial." +msgstr "Navodila za dodajanje podatkovnega seta so v vodiču za Superset." + +#: superset-frontend/src/addSlice/AddSliceContainer.tsx:315 +msgid "Choose chart type" +msgstr "Izberite tip grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/src/addSlice/AddSliceContainer.tsx:329 +msgid "Please select both a Dataset and a Chart type to proceed" +msgstr "Za nadaljevanje izberite podatkovni set in tip grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/src/addSlice/AddSliceContainer.tsx:337 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceAdder.jsx:288 +msgid "Create new chart" +msgstr "Ustvari nov grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/AlteredSliceTag/index.jsx:201 +msgid "Click to see difference" +msgstr "Kliknite za prikaz razlike" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/AlteredSliceTag/index.jsx:202 +msgid "Altered" +msgstr "Spremenjeno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/AlteredSliceTag/index.jsx:218 +msgid "Chart changes" +msgstr "Spremembe grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/AsyncSelect/index.jsx:41 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Select/Select.tsx:311 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/SelectAsyncControl/index.tsx:106 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/SelectControl.jsx:231 +msgid "Select ..." +msgstr "Izberite ..." + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CachedLabel/TooltipContent.tsx:30 +msgid "Loaded data cached" +msgstr "Podatki so naloženi v predpomnilnik" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CachedLabel/TooltipContent.tsx:34 +msgid "Loaded from cache" +msgstr "Naloženo iz predpomnilnika" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CachedLabel/TooltipContent.tsx:39 +msgid "Click to force-refresh" +msgstr "Kliknite za prisilno osvežitev" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CachedLabel/index.tsx:51 +msgid "Cached" +msgstr "Predpomnjeno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Chart/Chart.jsx:265 +msgid "Add required control values to preview chart" +msgstr "Dodaj potrebne parametre za predogled grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Chart/Chart.jsx:281 +msgid "Your chart is ready to go!" +msgstr "Grafikon je pripravljen!" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Chart/Chart.jsx:284 +msgid "" +"Click on \"Create chart\" button in the control panel on the left to preview a " +"visualization or" +msgstr "" +"Kliknite na gumb \"Ustvari grafikon\" v kontrolni plošči na levi za predogled ali" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Chart/Chart.jsx:288 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreChartPanel.jsx:305 +msgid "click here" +msgstr "kliknite tukaj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Chart/ChartRenderer.jsx:227 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTablesPane/components/useResultsPane.tsx:119 +msgid "No results were returned for this query" +msgstr "Poizvedba ni vrnila rezultatov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Chart/ChartRenderer.jsx:230 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the controls are configured properly and the datasource contains " +"data for the selected time range" +msgstr "" +"Poskrbite, da so kontrolniki pravilno nastavljeni in podatkovni vir vsebuje " +"podatke za izbrano časovno obdobje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Chart/chartAction.js:571 +msgid "An error occurred while loading the SQL" +msgstr "Pri nalaganju SQL je prišlo do napake" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Chart/chartAction.js:609 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTablesPane/components/useResultsPane.tsx:75 +msgid "Sorry, an error occurred" +msgstr "Prišlo je do napake" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Chart/chartReducer.ts:82 +msgid "Updating chart was stopped" +msgstr "Posodabljanje grafikona je bilo ustavljeno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Chart/chartReducer.ts:94 +#, python-format +msgid "An error occurred while rendering the visualization: %s" +msgstr "Pri prikazovanju vizualizacije je prišlo do napake: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Chart/chartReducer.ts:106 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Chart/chartReducer.ts:170 +msgid "Network error." +msgstr "Napaka omrežja." + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CopyToClipboard/index.jsx:44 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/URLShortLinkButton/index.tsx:73 +msgid "Copy to clipboard" +msgstr "Kopiraj na odložišče" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CopyToClipboard/index.jsx:77 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/menu/ShareMenuItems/index.tsx:68 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:172 +msgid "Copied to clipboard!" +msgstr "Kopirano na odložišče!" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CopyToClipboard/index.jsx:81 +msgid "Sorry, your browser does not support copying. Use Ctrl / Cmd + C!" +msgstr "Vaš brskalnik ne podpira kopiranja. Uporabite Ctrl / Cmd + C!" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:27 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:35 +msgid "every" +msgstr "vsak" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:28 +msgid "every month" +msgstr "vsak mesec" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:29 +msgid "every day of the month" +msgstr "vsak dan v mesecu" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:30 +msgid "day of the month" +msgstr "dan v mesecu" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:31 +msgid "every day of the week" +msgstr "vsak dan v tednu" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:32 +msgid "day of the week" +msgstr "dan v tednu" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:33 +msgid "every hour" +msgstr "vsako uro" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:34 +msgid "every minute" +msgstr "vsako minuto" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:36 +msgid "year" +msgstr "leto" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:37 +msgid "month" +msgstr "mesec" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:38 +msgid "week" +msgstr "teden" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:39 +msgid "day" +msgstr "dan" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:40 +msgid "hour" +msgstr "ura" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:41 +msgid "minute" +msgstr "minuta" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:42 +msgid "reboot" +msgstr "ponovni zagon" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:43 +msgid "Every" +msgstr "Vsak" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:44 +msgid "in" +msgstr "v" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:45 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:46 +msgid "on" +msgstr "v" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:47 +msgid "and" +msgstr "in" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:48 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:50 +msgid "at" +msgstr "ob" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:49 +msgid ":" +msgstr ":" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:51 +msgid "minute(s)" +msgstr "minuta/e" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:52 +msgid "Invalid cron expression" +msgstr "Neveljaven cron izraz" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:53 +msgid "Clear" +msgstr "Počisti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:56 +msgid "Sunday" +msgstr "Nedelja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:57 +msgid "Monday" +msgstr "Ponedeljek" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:58 +msgid "Tuesday" +msgstr "Torek" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:59 +msgid "Wednesday" +msgstr "Sreda" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:60 +msgid "Thursday" +msgstr "Četrtek" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:61 +msgid "Friday" +msgstr "Petek" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:62 +msgid "Saturday" +msgstr "Sobota" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:66 +msgid "January" +msgstr "Januar" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:67 +msgid "February" +msgstr "Februar" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:68 +msgid "March" +msgstr "Marec" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:69 +msgid "April" +msgstr "April" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:70 +msgid "May" +msgstr "Maj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:71 +msgid "June" +msgstr "Junij" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:72 +msgid "July" +msgstr "Julij" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:73 +msgid "August" +msgstr "Avgust" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:74 +msgid "September" +msgstr "September" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:75 +msgid "October" +msgstr "Oktober" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:76 +msgid "November" +msgstr "November" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:77 +msgid "December" +msgstr "December" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:81 +msgid "SUN" +msgstr "NED" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:82 +msgid "MON" +msgstr "PON" #: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:83 msgid "TUE" msgstr "TOR" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:218 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryPreviewModal.tsx:145 -msgid "Tab name" -msgstr "Naslov zavihka" +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:84 +msgid "WED" +msgstr "SRE" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/util/newComponentFactory.js:56 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/util/newComponentFactory.js:57 -msgid "Tab title" -msgstr "Naslov zavihka" +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:85 +msgid "THU" +msgstr "ČET" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/index.js:25 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/index.ts:50 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:35 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:41 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/TableSelector/index.tsx:293 -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/TimeTableChartPlugin.ts:24 -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:148 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:260 -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:488 superset/views/chart/mixin.py:87 -msgid "Table" -msgstr "Tabela" +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:86 +msgid "FRI" +msgstr "PET" -#: superset/views/core.py:1761 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:87 +msgid "SAT" +msgstr "SOB" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:91 +msgid "JAN" +msgstr "JAN" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:92 +msgid "FEB" +msgstr "FEB" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:93 +msgid "MAR" +msgstr "MAR" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:94 +msgid "APR" +msgstr "APR" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:95 +msgid "MAY" +msgstr "MAJ" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:96 +msgid "JUN" +msgstr "JUN" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:97 +msgid "JUL" +msgstr "JUL" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:98 +msgid "AUG" +msgstr "AVG" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:99 +msgid "SEP" +msgstr "SEP" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:100 +msgid "OCT" +msgstr "OKT" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:101 +msgid "NOV" +msgstr "NOV" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:102 +msgid "DEC" +msgstr "DEC" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/DatabaseSelector/index.tsx:238 +msgid "There was an error loading the schemas" +msgstr "Napaka pri nalaganju shem" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/DatabaseSelector/index.tsx:276 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/DatabaseSelector/index.tsx:284 +msgid "Select database or type database name" +msgstr "Izberite ali vnesite ime podatkovne baze" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/DatabaseSelector/index.tsx:296 +msgid "Force refresh schema list" +msgstr "Osveži seznam shem" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/DatabaseSelector/index.tsx:301 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/DatabaseSelector/index.tsx:308 +msgid "Select schema or type schema name" +msgstr "Izberite ali vnesite ime sheme" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:47 +msgid "" +"Warning! Changing the dataset may break the chart if the metadata does not exist." +msgstr "" +"Opozorilo! Sprememba podatkovnega seta lahko pokvari grafikon, če metapodatki ne " +"obstajajo." + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:51 +msgid "" +"Changing the dataset may break the chart if the chart relies on columns or " +"metadata that does not exist in the target dataset" +msgstr "" +"Sprememba podatkovnega seta lahko pokvari grafikon, če se le-ta zanaša na stolpce " +"ali metapodatke, ki ne obstajajo v ciljnem podatkovnem nizu" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:117 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/AddDatasetModal.tsx:64 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:144 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:746 +msgid "dataset" +msgstr "podatkovni set" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:225 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Povezava" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:254 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:267 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:369 +msgid "Change dataset" +msgstr "Spremeni podatkovni set" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:286 +msgid "Warning!" +msgstr "Opozorilo!" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:294 +msgid "Search / Filter" +msgstr "Iskanje / Filter" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/CollectionTable.tsx:442 +msgid "Add item" +msgstr "Dodaj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:144 +msgid "Physical (table or view)" +msgstr "Fizičen (tabela ali pogled)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:145 +msgid "Virtual (SQL)" +msgstr "Virtualen (SQL)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:265 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:268 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:353 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:361 +msgid "Data type" +msgstr "Tip podatka" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:280 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:352 +msgid "Advanced data type" +msgstr "Napredni podatkovni tip" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:284 +msgid "Advanced Data type" +msgstr "Napredni podatkovni tip" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:293 +msgid "Datetime format" +msgstr "Oblika datum-časa" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:297 +msgid "The pattern of timestamp format. For strings use " +msgstr "Vzorec zapisa časovne značke. Za znakovne nize uporabite " + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:299 +msgid "Python datetime string pattern" +msgstr "Pythonov vzorec zapisa datum-časa" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:301 +msgid " expression which needs to adhere to the " +msgstr " , ki mora upoštevati " + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:303 +msgid "ISO 8601" +msgstr "ISO 8601" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:305 +msgid "" +" standard to ensure that the lexicographical ordering\n" +" coincides with the chronological ordering. If the\n" +" timestamp format does not adhere to the ISO 8601 standard\n" +" you will need to define an expression and type for\n" +" transforming the string into a date or timestamp. Note\n" +" currently time zones are not supported. If time is stored\n" +" in epoch format, put `epoch_s` or `epoch_ms`. If no " +"pattern\n" +" is specified we fall back to using the optional defaults on " +"a per\n" +" database/column name level via the extra parameter." +msgstr "" +" standard, ki zagotavlja, de se leksikografsko razvrščanje\n" +" sklada s kronološkim razvrščanjem. Če oblika\n" +" časovne značke ni v skladu s standardom ISO 8601,\n" +" boste morali definirati izraz in tip za transformacijo\n" +" znakovnega niza v datum ali časovno značko.\n" +" Trenutno časovni pasovi niso podprti.\n" +" Če je čas shranjen v obliki epohe, dodajte `epoch_s` ali " +"`epoch_ms`.\n" +" Če ni podan vzorec, se uporabijo privzete vrednosti na " +"podlagi imena\n" +" podatkovne baze oz. stolpca s pomočjo dodatnega parametra." + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:325 +msgid "Certified By" +msgstr "Certificiral/a" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:326 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1223 +msgid "Person or group that has certified this metric" +msgstr "Oseba ali skupina, ki je certificirala to mero" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:330 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1221 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1229 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:577 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:266 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:267 +msgid "Certified by" +msgstr "Certificiral/a" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:336 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:341 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1234 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1240 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:586 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:275 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:278 +msgid "Certification details" +msgstr "Podrobnosti certifikacije" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:337 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1236 +msgid "Details of the certification" +msgstr "Podrobnosti certifikacije" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:354 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:362 +msgid "Is dimension" +msgstr "Dimenzija" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:356 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:364 +msgid "Default datetime" +msgstr "Privzet datumčas" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:357 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:365 +msgid "Is filterable" +msgstr "Filtriranje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:552 +msgid "Select owners" +msgstr "Izberite lastnike" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:764 #, python-format -msgid "Table %(table)s wasn't found in the database %(db)s" -msgstr "Tabela %(table)s ni bila najdena v podatkovni bazi %(db)s" +msgid "Modified columns: %s" +msgstr "Spremenjeni stolpci: %s" -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:138 superset/views/database/forms.py:291 -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:419 -msgid "Table Exists" -msgstr "Tabela obstaja" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:498 superset/views/database/forms.py:95 -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:246 superset/views/database/forms.py:379 -msgid "Table Name" -msgstr "Ime tabele" - -#: superset/viz.py:671 -msgid "Table View" -msgstr "Tabelarični pogled" - -#: superset/datasets/commands/exceptions.py:130 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:769 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Table [%(table_name)s] could not be found, please double check your " -"database connection, schema, and table name" -msgstr "" -"Tabele [%(table_name)s] ni mogoče najti. Preverite povezavo, shemo in ime" -" podatkovne baze" +msgid "Removed columns: %s" +msgstr "Odstranjeni stolpci: %s" -#: superset/views/base.py:251 -msgid "" -"Table [%{table}s] could not be found, please double check your database " -"connection, schema, and table name, error: {}" -msgstr "" -"Tabela [%{table}s] ni najdena. Preverite povezavo, shemo in ime tabele v " -"podatkovni bazi. Napaka: {}" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:257 -msgid "Table cache timeout" -msgstr "Trajanje predpomnilnika tabele" - -#: superset/databases/decorators.py:46 -msgid "Table name undefined" -msgstr "Ime tabele ni definirano" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/index.js:26 -msgid "" -"Table that visualizes paired t-tests, which are used to understand " -"statistical differences between groups." -msgstr "" -"Tabela, ki prikazuje uparjene t-teste, ki se uporabljajo za prikaz " -"statističnih razlik med skupinami." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:269 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:324 -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:367 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:395 -msgid "Tables" -msgstr "Tabele" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/new/NewTabs.jsx:31 -msgid "Tabs" -msgstr "Zavihki" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/index.js:30 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/index.ts:55 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/index.ts:50 -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/TimeTableChartPlugin.ts:34 -msgid "Tabular" -msgstr "Tabelarično" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:607 -msgid "Tags" -msgstr "Značke" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/index.js:29 -msgid "" -"Take your data points, and group them into \"bins\" to see where the " -"densest areas of information lie" -msgstr "" -"Vzame podatkovne točke in jih razporedi v razdelke, kjer se vidi območja " -"z največjo gostoto informacij" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts:66 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:62 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Cilj" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/controlPanel.ts:67 -msgid "Target aspect ratio for treemap tiles." -msgstr "Ciljno razmerje za razdelke drevesnega grafikona." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:86 -msgid "Target category" -msgstr "Kategorija cilja" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:176 -msgid "Target value" -msgstr "Ciljna vrednost" - -#: superset/views/css_templates.py:44 -msgid "Template Name" -msgstr "Ime predloge" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TemplateParamsEditor/index.tsx:94 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:788 -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:504 -msgid "Template parameters" -msgstr "Parametri predlog" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/TimeTable.js:52 -msgid "" -"Templated link, it's possible to include {{ metric }} or other values " -"coming from the controls." -msgstr "" -"Vzorčna povezava, vključiti je mogoče {{ metric }} ali drugo vrednost iz " -"kontrolnikov." - -#: superset/models/sql_types/base.py:54 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:774 #, python-format -msgid "Temporal expression not supported for type: %(col_type)s" -msgstr "Časovni izraz ni podprt za podatkovne tipe: %(col_type)s" +msgid "New columns added: %s" +msgstr "Dodani novi stolpci: %s" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:307 -msgid "" -"Terminate running queries when browser window closed or navigated to " -"another page. Available for Presto, Hive, MySQL, Postgres and Snowflake " -"databases." +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:777 +msgid "Metadata has been synced" +msgstr "Metapodatki so sinhronizirani" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:783 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceModal.tsx:137 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:104 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/ColumnSelect.tsx:115 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/DatasetSelect.tsx:46 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:67 +msgid "An error has occurred" +msgstr "Prišlo je do napake" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:812 +#, python-format +msgid "Column name [%s] is duplicated" +msgstr "Ime stolpca [%s] je podvojeno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:818 +#, python-format +msgid "Metric name [%s] is duplicated" +msgstr "Ime mere [%s] je podvojeno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:827 +#, python-format +msgid "Calculated column [%s] requires an expression" +msgstr "Izračunan stolpec [%s] zahteva izraz" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:846 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1263 +msgid "Basic" +msgstr "Osnovno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:859 +msgid "Default URL" +msgstr "Privzeti URL" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:860 +msgid "Default URL to redirect to when accessing from the dataset list page" msgstr "" -"Ustavi zagnane poizvedbe, ko se zapre okno brskalnika ali gre na drugo " -"stran. na razpolago za Presto, Hive, MySQL, Postgres in Snowflake " -"podatkovne baze." +"Privzeti URL za preusmeritev, ko dostopate iz strani s seznamom podatkovnih setov" -#: superset/templates/superset/models/database/macros.html:22 -msgid "Test Connection" -msgstr "Preizkusi povezavo" +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:868 +msgid "Autocomplete filters" +msgstr "Samodokončaj filtre" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/SqlAlchemyForm.tsx:95 -msgid "Test connection" -msgstr "Preizkus povezave" +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:869 +msgid "Whether to populate autocomplete filters options" +msgstr "Če želite napolniti možnosti za samodokončanje filtrov" -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/TimeTableChartPlugin.ts:35 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "Besedilo" +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:875 +msgid "Autocomplete query predicate" +msgstr "Predikat za samodokončanje poizvedb" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:105 -msgid "Text align" -msgstr "Poravnava besedila" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:289 -msgid "Text embedded in email" -msgstr "Besedilo vključeno v e-pošto" - -#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:53 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:876 msgid "" -"The CSS for individual dashboards can be altered here, or in the " -"dashboard view where changes are immediately visible" +"When using \"Autocomplete filters\", this can be used to improve performance of " +"the query fetching the values. Use this option to apply a predicate (WHERE " +"clause) to the query selecting the distinct values from the table. Typically the " +"intent would be to limit the scan by applying a relative time filter on a " +"partitioned or indexed time-related field." msgstr "" -"CSS za posamezne nadzorne plošče lahko spreminjamo tukaj ali pa v pogledu" -" nadzorne plošče, kjer so spremembe vidne takoj" +"Ko uporabljate \"Samodokončaj filtre\", lahko s tem izboljšate hitrost " +"pridobivanja rezultatov s poizvedbo. Z uporabo te možnosti dodate predikat (WHERE " +"stavek) k poizvedbi za izbiro različnih vrednosti iz tabele. Običajno je namen " +"omejiti poizvedbo z uporabo filtra za relativni čas na particioniranem ali " +"indeksiranem časovnem polju." -#: superset/errors.py:118 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:896 msgid "" -"The CTAS (create table as select) doesn't have a SELECT statement at the " -"end. Please make sure your query has a SELECT as its last statement. " -"Then, try running your query again." +"Extra data to specify table metadata. Currently supports metadata of the format: " +"`{ \"certification\": { \"certified_by\": \"Data Platform Team\", \"details\": " +"\"This table is the source of truth.\" }, \"warning_markdown\": \"This is a " +"warning.\" }`." msgstr "" -"CTAS (create table as select) na koncu nima SELECT stavka. Poskrbite, da " -"bo v poizvedbi SELECT zadnji stavek. Potem ponovno poženite poizvedbo." +"Dodatni podatki za tabelo metapodatkov. Trenutno je podprta naslednja oblika " +"zapisa metapodatkov: `{ \"certification\": { \"certified_by\": \"Tim za razvoj\", " +"\"details\": \"Ta tabela je vir resnice.\" }, \"warning_markdown\": \"To je " +"opozorilo.\" }`." -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:921 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:931 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:290 +msgid "Cache timeout" +msgstr "Časovna omejitev predpomnilnika" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:932 +msgid "The duration of time in seconds before the cache is invalidated" +msgstr "Trajanje (v sekundah) do razveljavitve predpomnilnika" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:939 +msgid "Hours offset" +msgstr "Urni premik" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:941 +msgid "" +"The number of hours, negative or positive, to shift the time column. This can be " +"used to move UTC time to local time." +msgstr "" +"Število ur, negativno ali pozitivno, za zamik časovnega stolpca. Na ta način je " +"mogoče UTC čas prestaviti na lokalni čas." + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:964 +msgid "Spatial" +msgstr "Prostorski" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1004 +msgid "Click the lock to make changes." +msgstr "Kliknite ključavnico, da omogočite spreminjanje." + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1007 +msgid "Click the lock to prevent further changes." +msgstr "Kliknite ključavnico, da onemogočite spreminjanje." + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1034 +msgid "virtual" +msgstr "virtualni" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1058 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1065 +msgid "Dataset name" +msgstr "Ime podatkovnega seta" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1075 +msgid "" +"When specifying SQL, the datasource acts as a view. Superset will use this " +"statement as a subquery while grouping and filtering on the generated parent " +"queries." +msgstr "" +"Ko podajate SQL, se podatkovni vir obnaša kot pogled (view). Superset bo ta zapis " +"uporabil kot podpoizvedbo, pri čemer bo združeval in filtriral na podlagi " +"ustvarjenih starševskih poizvedb." + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1098 msgid "The JSON metric or post aggregation definition." msgstr "JSON mera ali po-agregacijska definicija." -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:126 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1113 +msgid "Physical" +msgstr "Fizičen" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1154 msgid "" -"The URL could not be identified. Please check for typos and make sure " -"that \"Type of google sheet allowed\" selection matches the input" +"The pointer to a physical table (or view). Keep in mind that the chart is " +"associated to this Superset logical table, and this logical table points the " +"physical table referenced here." msgstr "" +"Kazalec na fizično tabelo (ali pogled). Grafikon je povezan s to Supersetovo " +"logično tabelo, ki kaže na tukaj referencirano fizično tabelo." -#: superset/views/core.py:354 -msgid "The access requests seem to have been deleted" -msgstr "Zdi se, da je bila zahteva za dostop izbrisana" +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1245 +msgid "Warning" +msgstr "Opozorilo" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:168 -msgid "The annotation has been saved" -msgstr "Označba je bila shranjena" +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1247 +msgid "Optional warning about use of this metric" +msgstr "Opcijsko opozorilo za uporabo te mere" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:152 -msgid "The annotation has been updated" -msgstr "Označba je bila posodobljena" +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1332 +msgid "Be careful." +msgstr "Bodite previdni." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:74 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1333 msgid "" -"The category of source nodes used to assign colors. If a node is " -"associated with more than one category, only the first will be used." +"Changing these settings will affect all charts using this dataset, including " +"charts owned by other people." msgstr "" -"Kategorija izvornih vozlišč, na podlagi katere je določena barva. Če je " -"vozlišče povezano z več kot eno kategorijo, bo uporabljena samo prva." +"Spreminjanje teh nastavitev bo vplivalo na vse grafikone, ki uporabljajo ta " +"podatkovni set, vključno z grafikoni v lasti drugih oseb." -#: superset/common/query_context_processor.py:449 -msgid "The chart does not exist" -msgstr "Grafikon ne obstaja" +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1380 +msgid "Sync columns from source" +msgstr "Sinhroniziraj stolpce z virom" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/index.ts:54 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"The classic. Great for showing how much of a company each investor gets, " -"what demographics follow your blog, or what portion of the budget goes to" -" the military industrial complex.\n" -"\n" -" Pie charts can be difficult to interpret precisely. If clarity of" -" relative proportion is important, consider using a bar or other chart " -"type instead." -msgstr "" -"Standardni grafikon za prikaz deležev. Tortne grafikone je težje natančno" -" interpretirati, takrat lahko uporabite npr. stolpčni grafikon." +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1400 +msgid "Calculated columns" +msgstr "Izračunani stolpci" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:261 -msgid "The color for points and clusters in RGB" -msgstr "Barva točk in gruč v RGB zapisu" +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1427 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:264 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/MenuRight.tsx:332 +msgid "Settings" +msgstr "Nastavitve" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:478 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:484 -msgid "The color scheme for rendering chart" -msgstr "Barvna shema za izris grafikona" +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceModal.tsx:125 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/AddDatasetModal.tsx:112 +msgid "The dataset has been saved" +msgstr "Podatkovni set je shranjen" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ColorSchemeControl/index.jsx:66 -msgid "" -"The color scheme is determined by the related dashboard.\n" -" Edit the color scheme in the dashboard properties." -msgstr "" - -#: superset/errors.py:99 -msgid "The column was deleted or renamed in the database." -msgstr "Stolpec je bil izbrisan ali preimenovan v podatkovni bazi." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:47 -msgid "" -"The country code standard that Superset should expect to find in the " -"[country] column" -msgstr "Standard za oznake držav, ki bodo podane v stolpcu z državami" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:327 -msgid "The dashboard has been saved" -msgstr "Nadzorna plošča je bila shranjena" - -#: superset/views/core.py:182 -msgid "The data source seems to have been deleted" -msgstr "Zdi se, da je bil podatkovni vir izbrisan" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:103 -msgid "" -"The data type that was inferred by the database. It may be necessary to " -"input a type manually for expression-defined columns in some cases. In " -"most case users should not need to alter this." -msgstr "" -"Podatkovni tip, ki izvira iz podatkovne baze. V nekaterih primerih je " -"potrebno ročno vnesti tip za stolpce, ki temeljijo na izrazih. V večini " -"primerov uporabniku tega ni potrebno spreminjati." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:439 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"The database %s is linked to %s charts that appear on %s dashboards and " -"users have %s SQL Lab tabs using this database open. Are you sure you " -"want to continue? Deleting the database will break those objects." -msgstr "" -"Podatkovna baza %s je povezana z grafikoni %s, ki so prisotni na nadzorni" -" plošči %s in uporabniki imajo odprtih %s zavihkov SQL laboratorija. Ali " -"želite nadaljevati? Izbris podatkovne baze bo pokvaril te objekte." - -#: superset/errors.py:126 -msgid "The database is currently running too many queries." -msgstr "Podatkovna baza trenutno izvaja preveč poizvedb." - -#: superset/errors.py:93 -msgid "The database is under an unusual load." -msgstr "Podatkovni vir je neobičajno obremenjen." - -#: superset/sqllab/command.py:149 -msgid "" -"The database referenced in this query was not found. Please contact an " -"administrator for further assistance or try again." -msgstr "" -"Podatkovna baza, referencirana v tej poizvedbi, ni bila najdena. " -"Kontaktirajte administratorja za napotke ali pa poskusite znova." - -#: superset/errors.py:94 -msgid "The database returned an unexpected error." -msgstr "Podatkovna baza je vrnila nepričakovano napako." - -#: superset/errors.py:138 -msgid "The database was deleted." -msgstr "Podatkovna baza je bila izbrisana." - -#: superset/views/core.py:2085 superset/views/core.py:2155 -msgid "The database was not found." -msgstr "Podatkovna baza ni bila najdena." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:592 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"The dataset %s is linked to %s charts that appear on %s dashboards. Are " -"you sure you want to continue? Deleting the dataset will break those " -"objects." -msgstr "" -"Podatkovni set %s je povezan z grafikoni %s, ki so prisotni na nadzorni " -"plošči %s. Ali želite nadaljevati? Izbris podatkovnega seta bo pokvaril " -"te objekte." - -#: superset-frontend/src/chart/Chart.jsx:73 superset/views/utils.py:268 -msgid "The dataset associated with this chart no longer exists" -msgstr "Podatkovni set, povezan s tem grafikonom, ne obstaja več" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceModal.tsx:167 -#, fuzzy +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceModal.tsx:164 msgid "" "The dataset configuration exposed here\n" " affects all the charts using this dataset.\n" @@ -11995,994 +11534,1140 @@ msgid "" " here may affect other charts\n" " in undesirable ways." msgstr "" -"Tukaj prikazane nastavitve podatkovnega seta\r\n" -" vplivajo na vse grafikone, ki uporabljajo\r\n" -" ta podatkovni set. Spreminjanje\r\n" -" nastavitev lahko nezaželeno vpliva\r\n" +"Tukaj prikazane nastavitve podatkovnega seta\n" +" vplivajo na vse grafikone, ki uporabljajo\n" +" ta podatkovni set. Spreminjanje\n" +" nastavitev lahko nezaželeno vpliva\n" " na druge grafikone." -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceModal.tsx:128 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/AddDatasetModal.tsx:109 -msgid "The dataset has been saved" -msgstr "Podatkovni set je shranjen" +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceModal.tsx:170 +msgid "Are you sure you want to save and apply changes?" +msgstr "Ali resnično želite shraniti in uporabiti spremembe?" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:256 -msgid "The dataset linked to this chart may have been deleted." -msgstr "Podatkovni set, povezan s tem grafikonom, je bil izbrisan." +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceModal.tsx:176 +msgid "Confirm save" +msgstr "Potrdite shranjevanje" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:1283 -msgid "The datasource couldn't be loaded" -msgstr "Podatkovnega vira ni mogoče naložiti" +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceModal.tsx:193 +msgid "Edit Dataset " +msgstr "Uredi podatkovni set " -#: superset/errors.py:92 -msgid "The datasource is too large to query." -msgstr "Podatkovni vir je prevelik za poizvedbo." +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceModal.tsx:211 +msgid "Use legacy datasource editor" +msgstr "Uporabi starejši urejevalnik podatkovnega vira" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:247 -msgid "" -"The description can be displayed as widget headers in the dashboard view." -" Supports markdown." -msgstr "" -"Opis je lahko prikazan kot glava gradnika in pogledu nadzorne plošče. " -"Podpira markdown." +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceModal.tsx:234 +msgid "This dataset is managed externally, and can't be edited in Superset" +msgstr "Ta podatkovni set se ne ureja znotraj Superseta" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:104 -msgid "The distance between cells, in pixels" -msgstr "Razdalja med celicami v pikslih" +#: superset-frontend/src/components/DeleteModal/index.tsx:69 +msgid "DELETE" +msgstr "IZBRIŠI" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:772 -msgid "The duration of time in seconds before the cache is invalidated" -msgstr "Trajanje (v sekundah) do razveljavitve predpomnilnika" +#: superset-frontend/src/components/DeleteModal/index.tsx:84 +msgid "delete" +msgstr "izbriši" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:474 -msgid "" -"The engine_params object gets unpacked into the sqlalchemy.create_engine " -"call." -msgstr "Objekt engine_params se razširi v klic sqlalchemy.create_engine." +#: superset-frontend/src/components/DeleteModal/index.tsx:92 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ImportModal/index.tsx:252 +#, python-format +msgid "Type \"%s\" to confirm" +msgstr "Vnesite \"%s\" za potrditev" -#: superset/common/query_object.py:295 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/EditableTitle/index.tsx:210 +msgid "Click to edit" +msgstr "Kliknite za urejanje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/EditableTitle/index.tsx:212 +msgid "You don't have the rights to alter this title." +msgstr "Nimate pravic za spreminjanje tega naslova." + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorBoundary/index.jsx:51 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/ErrorMessageWithStackTrace.tsx:26 +msgid "Unexpected error" +msgstr "Nepričakovana napaka" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/DatabaseErrorMessage.tsx:47 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/TimeoutErrorMessage.tsx:62 +msgid "This may be triggered by:" +msgstr "To je lahko sproženo z/s:" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/DatabaseErrorMessage.tsx:59 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/TimeoutErrorMessage.tsx:72 +msgid "Please reach out to the Chart Owner for assistance." +msgstr "Za pomoč se obrnite na lastnika grafikona." + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/DatabaseErrorMessage.tsx:70 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/TimeoutErrorMessage.tsx:83 +#, python-format +msgid "Chart Owner: %s" +msgstr "Lastnik grafikona: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/DatabaseErrorMessage.tsx:84 #, python-format msgid "" -"The following entries in `series_columns` are missing in `columns`: " -"%(columns)s. " -msgstr "V 'columns' manjkajo naslednji vnosi iz 'series_columns': %(columns)s. " +"%(message)s\n" +"This may be triggered by: \n" +"%(issues)s" +msgstr "" +"%(message)s\n" +"To je lahko sproženo z/s: \n" +"%(issues)s" -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:612 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/DatabaseErrorMessage.tsx:90 #, python-format -msgid "The following tables added new columns: %(tables)s" -msgstr "Nove stolpce so dodale naslednje tabele: %(tables)s" +msgid "%s Error" +msgstr "%s napaka" -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:623 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/DatasetNotFoundErrorMessage.tsx:34 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:353 +msgid "Missing dataset" +msgstr "Manjka podatkovni set" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/ErrorAlert.tsx:126 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/ErrorAlert.tsx:142 +msgid "See more" +msgstr "Oglejte si več" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/ErrorAlert.tsx:155 +msgid "See less" +msgstr "Oglejte si manj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/ErrorAlert.tsx:184 +msgid "Copy message" +msgstr "Kopiraj sporočilo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/ErrorAlert.tsx:192 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/filterscope/FilterScopeSelector.jsx:524 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:342 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopover/index.jsx:258 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:486 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/TimeSeriesColumnControl/index.jsx:337 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:882 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Zapri" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/ParameterErrorMessage.tsx:61 +msgid "This was triggered by:" +msgstr "To je bilo sproženo z/s:" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/ParameterErrorMessage.tsx:77 +msgid "Did you mean:" +msgstr "Ste mislili:" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/ParameterErrorMessage.tsx:88 #, python-format -msgid "The following tables removed columns: %(tables)s" -msgstr "Stolpce so odstranile naslednje tabele: %(tables)s" +msgid "%(suggestion)s instead of \"%(undefinedParameter)s?\"" +msgstr "%(suggestion)s namesto \"%(undefinedParameter)s?\"" -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:634 -#, python-format -msgid "The following tables update column metadata: %(tables)s" -msgstr "Metapodatke stolpcev so posodobile naslednje tabele: %(tables)s" +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/ParameterErrorMessage.tsx:116 +msgid "Parameter error" +msgstr "Napaka parametra" -#: superset/db_engine_specs/mysql.py:134 -#, python-format -msgid "The host \"%(hostname)s\" might be down and can't be reached." -msgstr "Gostitelj \"%(hostname)s\" mogoče ne deluje in ga ni mogoče doseči." - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/mssql.py:92 -#: superset/db_engine_specs/postgres.py:137 -#: superset/db_engine_specs/presto.py:205 -#: superset/db_engine_specs/redshift.py:78 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/TimeoutErrorMessage.tsx:46 #, python-format msgid "" -"The host \"%(hostname)s\" might be down, and can't be reached on port " -"%(port)s." +"We’re having trouble loading this visualization. Queries are set to timeout after " +"%s second." msgstr "" -"Gostitelj \"%(hostname)s\" mogoče ne deluje in ga ni mogoče doseči na " -"vratih %(port)s." +"Težava pri nalaganju vizualizacije. Časovni iztek poizvedb je nastavljen na %s " +"sekund." -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:98 -msgid "The host is invalid. Please verify that this field is entered correctly." -msgstr "" - -#: superset/errors.py:104 -msgid "The host might be down, and can't be reached on the provided port." -msgstr "Gostitelj mogoče ne deluje in ga ni mogoče doseči preko podanih vrat." - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/mssql.py:82 -#: superset/db_engine_specs/postgres.py:127 -#: superset/db_engine_specs/presto.py:200 -#: superset/db_engine_specs/redshift.py:68 -#, python-format -msgid "The hostname \"%(hostname)s\" cannot be resolved." -msgstr "Imena gostitelja \"%(hostname)s\" ni mogoče razrešiti." - -#: superset/errors.py:102 -msgid "The hostname provided can't be resolved." -msgstr "Imena gostitelja ni mogoče razrešiti." - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:60 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:44 -msgid "The id of the active chart" -msgstr "Identifikator aktivnega grafikona" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ImportModal/index.tsx:187 -msgid "The import was successful" -msgstr "Uvoz je uspel" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:303 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:429 -msgid "" -"The list of charts associated with this table. By altering this " -"datasource, you may change how these associated charts behave. Also note " -"that charts need to point to a datasource, so this form will fail at " -"saving if removing charts from a datasource. If you want to change the " -"datasource for a chart, overwrite the chart from the 'explore view'" -msgstr "" -"Seznam grafikonov, povezanih s to tabelo. S spreminjanjem podatkovnega " -"vira lahko spremenite, kako se povezani grafikoni obnašajo. Poleg tega " -"morajo biti grafikoni povezani s podatkovnim virom. Če odstranite " -"grafikon s podatkovnega vira ne bo mogoče shraniti tega vnosa. Če želite " -"spremeniti podatkovni vir grafikona, prepišite grafikon v raziskovalnem " -"pogledu." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:130 -msgid "The maximum number of events to return, equivalent to the number of rows" -msgstr "Največje število dogodkov, ki bodo vrnjeni - enako številu vrstic" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:179 -msgid "" -"The maximum number of subdivisions of each group; lower values are pruned" -" first" -msgstr "" -"Največje število podrazdelkov posamezne skupine; nižje vrednosti so " -"zanemarjene prve" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:49 -msgid "The maximum value of metrics. It is an optional configuration" -msgstr "Največja vrednost mere. To je opcijska nastavitev" - -#: superset/databases/schemas.py:206 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/TimeoutErrorMessage.tsx:52 #, python-format msgid "" -"The metadata_params in Extra field is not configured correctly. The key " -"%(key)s is invalid." +"We’re having trouble loading these results. Queries are set to timeout after %s " +"second." msgstr "" -"Metadata_params v polju Dodatno niso pravilno nastavljeni. Ključ %(key)s " -"je neveljaven." +"Težava pri nalaganju rezultatov. Časovni iztek poizvedb je nastavljen na %s " +"sekund." -#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:79 -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:252 -msgid "" -"The metadata_params in Extra field is not configured correctly. The key " -"%{key}s is invalid." -msgstr "" -"Metadata_params v polju Dodatno niso pravilno nastavljeni. Ključ %{key}s " -"je neveljaven." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:452 -msgid "" -"The metadata_params object gets unpacked into the sqlalchemy.MetaData " -"call." -msgstr "Objekt metadata_params se razpakira v klic sqlalchemy.MetaData." - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:75 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:292 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:175 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:195 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:426 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:191 -msgid "" -"The minimum number of rolling periods required to show a value. For " -"instance if you do a cumulative sum on 7 days you may want your \"Min " -"Period\" to be 7, so that all data points shown are the total of 7 " -"periods. This will hide the \"ramp up\" taking place over the first 7 " -"periods" -msgstr "" -"Minimalno število drsečih obdobij, potrebnih za prikaz vrednosti. Če " -"računate kumulativno vsoto 7-dnevnega obdobja, boste nastavili \"Min. št." -" period\" na 7. Tako bodo vse prikazane točke skupaj obsegale 7 obdobij. " -"To bo prikrilo rampo, ki bi trajala prvih 7 obdobij" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:130 -msgid "The number color \"steps\"" -msgstr "Število barvnih korakov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:781 -msgid "" -"The number of hours, negative or positive, to shift the time column. This" -" can be used to move UTC time to local time." -msgstr "" -"Število ur, negativno ali pozitivno, za zamik časovnega stolpca. Na ta " -"način je mogoče UTC čas prestaviti na lokalni čas." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:583 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/TimeoutErrorMessage.tsx:93 #, python-format msgid "" -"The number of results displayed is limited to %(rows)d by the " -"configuration DISPLAY_MAX_ROWS. Please add additional limits/filters or " -"download to csv to see more rows up to the %(limit)d limit." +"%(subtitle)s\n" +"This may be triggered by:\n" +" %(issue)s" msgstr "" +"%(subtitle)s\n" +"To je lahko sproženo z/s: \n" +" %(issue)s" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:589 -#, python-format +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/TimeoutErrorMessage.tsx:98 +msgid "Timeout error" +msgstr "Napaka pretečenega časa" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/FaveStar/index.tsx:79 +msgid "Click to favorite/unfavorite" +msgstr "Kliknite za priljubljeno/nepriljubljeno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/FilterableTable/index.tsx:465 +msgid "Cell content" +msgstr "Vsebina celice" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ImportModal/ErrorAlert.tsx:46 msgid "" -"The number of results displayed is limited to %(rows)d. Please add " -"additional limits/filters, download to csv, or contact an admin to see " -"more rows up to the %(limit)d limit." +"Database driver for importing maybe not installed. Visit the Superset " +"documentation page for installation instructions:" msgstr "" +"Gonilnik podatkovne baze za uvoz ni nameščen. Za navodila pojdite na " +"dokumentacijo Superseta:" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:615 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ImportModal/index.tsx:209 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1019 +msgid "OVERWRITE" +msgstr "OVERWRITE" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ImportModal/index.tsx:281 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:447 +msgid "Overwrite" +msgstr "Prepiši" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ImportModal/index.tsx:281 +msgid "Import" +msgstr "Uvozi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ImportModal/index.tsx:285 #, python-format -msgid "The number of rows displayed is limited to %(rows)d by the limit dropdown." -msgstr "Število prikazanih rezultatov je omejeno na %(rows)d s poizvedbo." +msgid "Import %s" +msgstr "Uvozi %s" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:603 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/LastUpdated/index.tsx:74 #, python-format -msgid "The number of rows displayed is limited to %(rows)d by the query" -msgstr "Število prikazanih vrstic je omejeno na %(rows)d s poizvedbo" +msgid "Last Updated %s" +msgstr "Zadnja posodobitev %s" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:624 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/CardSortSelect.tsx:82 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/CardSortSelect.tsx:83 +msgid "Sort" +msgstr "Razvrsti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/ListView.tsx:244 #, python-format -msgid "" -"The number of rows displayed is limited to %(rows)d by the query and " -"limit dropdown." -msgstr "" -"Število prikazanih vrstic je omejeno na %(rows)d s poizvedbo in spustnim " -"izbirnikom omejitev." +msgid "%s Selected" +msgstr "Izbranih: %s" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:644 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/ListView.tsx:358 +msgid "Deselect all" +msgstr "Počisti izbor" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/ListView.tsx:408 +msgid "No results match your filter criteria" +msgstr "Noben rezultat ne ustreza vašim kriterijem" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/ListView.tsx:409 +msgid "Try different criteria to display results." +msgstr "Za prikaz rezultatov poskusite z drugačnimi kriteriji." + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/ListView.tsx:412 +msgid "clear all filters" +msgstr "počisti vse filtre" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/ListView.tsx:417 +msgid "No Data" +msgstr "Ni podatkov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/ListView.tsx:438 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/TableView/TableView.tsx:240 #, python-format -msgid "The number of rows displayed is limited to %s by the dropdown." -msgstr "Število prikazanih vrstic je omejeno na %s s spustnim izbirnikom." +msgid "%s-%s of %s" +msgstr "%s-%s od %s" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:69 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:53 -msgid "The number of seconds before expiring the cache" -msgstr "Trajanje (v sekundah) do razveljavitve predpomnilnika" +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/Filters/Search.tsx:75 +msgid "Type a value" +msgstr "Vnesite vrednost" -#: superset/errors.py:128 -msgid "The object does not exist in the given database." -msgstr "Objekt ne obstaja v podani podatkovni bazi." +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/Filters/Select.tsx:91 +msgid "Filter" +msgstr "Filter" -#: superset/sqllab/query_render.py:97 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/Filters/Select.tsx:98 +msgid "Select or type a value" +msgstr "Izberite ali vnesite vrednost" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Modal/Modal.tsx:211 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:835 +msgid "OK" +msgstr "OK" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/PageHeaderWithActions/index.tsx:154 +msgid "Menu actions trigger" +msgstr "Preklapljanje funkcionalnosti menijev" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:119 #, python-format -msgid "The parameter %(parameters)s in your query is undefined." -msgid_plural "The following parameters in your query are undefined: %(parameters)s." -msgstr[0] "V vaši poizvedbi ni definiranih naslednjih parametrov: %(parameters)s." -msgstr[1] "V vaši poizvedbi ni definiranih naslednjih parametrov: %(parameters)s." -msgstr[2] "V vaši poizvedbi ni definiranih naslednjih parametrov: %(parameters)s." -msgstr[3] "V vaši poizvedbi ni definiranih naslednjih parametrov: %(parameters)s." - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/postgres.py:117 -#, python-format -msgid "The password provided for username \"%(username)s\" is incorrect." -msgstr "Geslo za uporabniško ime \"%(username)s\" je napačno." - -#: superset/errors.py:108 -msgid "The password provided when connecting to a database is not valid." -msgstr "Geslo za povezavo s podatkovno bazo je neveljavno." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:65 -msgid "" -"The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them " -"together with the charts. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and " -"\"Certificate\" sections of the database configuration are not present in" -" export files, and should be added manually after the import if they are " -"needed." -msgstr "" -"Gesla za spodnje podatkovne baze so potrebna za uvoz skupaj z grafikoni. " -"Sekciji \"Dodatna varnost\" in \"Certifikati\" v nastavitvah podatkovne " -"baze nista prisotni v izvoženih datotekah in jih je potrebno dodati ročno" -" po uvozu, če je to potrebno." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:57 -msgid "" -"The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them " -"together with the dashboards. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and " -"\"Certificate\" sections of the database configuration are not present in" -" export files, and should be added manually after the import if they are " -"needed." -msgstr "" -"Gesla za spodnje podatkovne baze so potrebna za uvoz skupaj z nadzornimi " -"ploščami. Sekciji \"Dodatna varnost\" in \"Certifikati\" v nastavitvah " -"podatkovne baze nista prisotni v izvoženih datotekah in jih je potrebno " -"dodati ročno po uvozu, če je to potrebno." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/constants.ts:23 -msgid "" -"The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them " -"together with the datasets. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and " -"\"Certificate\" sections of the database configuration are not present in" -" export files, and should be added manually after the import if they are " -"needed." -msgstr "" -"Gesla za spodnje podatkovne baze so potrebna za uvoz skupaj s " -"podatkovnimi seti. Sekciji \"Dodatna varnost\" in \"Certifikati\" v " -"nastavitvah podatkovne baze nista prisotni v izvoženih datotekah in jih " -"je potrebno dodati ročno po uvozu, če je to potrebno." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:56 -msgid "" -"The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them " -"together with the saved queries. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" " -"and \"Certificate\" sections of the database configuration are not " -"present in export files, and should be added manually after the import if" -" they are needed." -msgstr "" -"Gesla za spodnje podatkovne baze so potrebna za uvoz skupaj s shranjenimi" -" poizvedbami. Sekciji \"Dodatna varnost\" in \"Certifikati\" v " -"nastavitvah podatkovne baze nista prisotni v izvoženih datotekah in jih " -"je potrebno dodati ročno po uvozu, če je to potrebno." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:39 -msgid "" -"The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them." -" Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and \"Certificate\" sections of " -"the database configuration are not present in export files, and should be" -" added manually after the import if they are needed." -msgstr "" -"Gesla za spodnje podatkovne baze so potrebna za njihov uvoz. Sekciji " -"\"Dodatna varnost\" in \"Certifikati\" v nastavitvah podatkovne baze " -"nista prisotni v izvoženih datotekah in jih je potrebno dodati ročno po " -"uvozu, če je to potrebno." - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:231 -msgid "The pattern of timestamp format. For strings use " -msgstr "Vzorec zapisa časovne značke. Za znakovne nize uporabite " - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/controlPanel.ts:65 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"The periodicity over which to pivot time. Users can provide\n" -" \"Pandas\" offset alias.\n" -" Click on the info bubble for more details on accepted " -"\"freq\" expressions." -msgstr "" -"Periodičnost za vrtenje časa. Uporabnik lahko poda\n" -" psevdonim za zamik v \"Pandas\".\n" -" Kliknite na mehurček za podrobnosti dovoljenih izrazov za " -"\"freq\"." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:118 -msgid "The pixel radius" -msgstr "Polmer piksla" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:977 -msgid "" -"The pointer to a physical table (or view). Keep in mind that the chart is" -" associated to this Superset logical table, and this logical table points" -" the physical table referenced here." -msgstr "" -"Kazalec na fizično tabelo (ali pogled). Grafikon je povezan s to " -"Supersetovo logično tabelo, ki kaže na tukaj referencirano fizično " -"tabelo." - -#: superset/errors.py:103 -msgid "The port is closed." -msgstr "Vrata so zaprta." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:108 -#, fuzzy -msgid "The port must be a whole number less than or equal to 65535." -msgstr "`row_limit` mora biti večja ali enaka 0" - -#: superset/errors.py:136 -msgid "The port number is invalid." -msgstr "Številka vrat je neveljavna." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:57 -msgid "The primary metric is used to define the arc segment sizes" -msgstr "Primarna mera določa velikost lokov segmentov" - -#: superset/views/core.py:2330 -msgid "The provided `rows` argument is not a valid integer." -msgstr "Podani argument `rows` ni veljavno celo število." - -#: superset/errors.py:131 -msgid "The query associated with the results was deleted." -msgstr "Poizvedba, povezana z rezultati, je bila izbrisana." - -#: superset/views/core.py:2280 -msgid "" -"The query associated with these results could not be find. You need to " -"re-run the original query." -msgstr "" -"Poizvedbe, povezane s temi rezultati, ni bilo mogoče najti. Ponovno " -"morate zagnati izvorno poizvedbo." - -#: superset/sqllab/query_render.py:113 -msgid "The query contains one or more malformed template parameters." -msgstr "Poizvedba vsebuje enega ali več parametrov predlog z napačno obliko." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:106 -msgid "The query couldn't be loaded" -msgstr "Poizvedbe ni mogoče naložiti" - -#: superset/errors.py:129 -msgid "The query has a syntax error." -msgstr "Poizvedba ima sintaktično napako." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:771 -msgid "The query returned no data" -msgstr "Poizvedba ni vrnila podatkov" - -#: superset/sql_lab.py:265 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"The query was killed after %(sqllab_timeout)s seconds. It might be too " -"complex, or the database might be under heavy load." -msgstr "" -"Poizvedba je bila ustavljena po %(sqllab_timeout)s sekundah. Lahko je " -"prekompleksna ali pa je podatkovna baza preobremenjena." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:87 -msgid "" -"The radius (in pixels) the algorithm uses to define a cluster. Choose 0 " -"to turn off clustering, but beware that a large number of points (>1000) " -"will cause lag." -msgstr "" -"Radij (v pikslih), s katerim algoritem definira gručo. Izberite 0 za " -"izklop gručenja - veliko število točk (>1000) bo povzročilo upočasnitev." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:110 -msgid "" -"The radius of individual points (ones that are not in a cluster). Either " -"a numerical column or `Auto`, which scales the point based on the largest" -" cluster" -msgstr "" -"Radij posameznih točk (tistih, ki niso v gruči). Numerični stolpec ali " -"`Auto` (skalira točke na osnovi največje gruče)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/reports/actions/reports.js:111 -msgid "The report has been created" -msgstr "Poročilo je bilo ustvarjeno" - -#: superset/errors.py:130 -msgid "The results backend no longer has the data from the query." -msgstr "Zaledni sistem rezultatov nima več podatkov iz poizvedbe." - -#: superset/errors.py:132 -msgid "" -"The results stored in the backend were stored in a different format, and " -"no longer can be deserialized." -msgstr "" -"Rezultati v zalednem sistemu so bili shranjeni v drugačni obliki in jih " -"ni več mogoče deserializirati." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:233 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:103 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:284 -msgid "The rich tooltip shows a list of all series for that point in time" -msgstr "" -"Podroben opis orodja prikaže seznam vseh podatkovnih serij za posamezno " -"časovno točko" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/bigquery.py:171 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"The schema \"%(schema)s\" does not exist. A valid schema must be used to " -"run this query." -msgstr "" -"Shema \"%(schema)s\" ne obstaja. Za poizvedbo mora biti uporabljena " -"veljavna shema." - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/presto.py:187 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"The schema \"%(schema_name)s\" does not exist. A valid schema must be " -"used to run this query." -msgstr "" -"Shema \"%(schema_name)s\" ne obstaja. Za poizvedbo mora biti uporabljena " -"veljavna shema." - -#: superset/errors.py:111 -msgid "The schema was deleted or renamed in the database." -msgstr "Shema je bila izbrisana ali preimenovana v podatkovni bazi." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:92 -msgid "The size of the square cell, in pixels" -msgstr "Velikost kvadratne celice v pikslih" - -#: superset/errors.py:114 -msgid "The submitted payload has the incorrect format." -msgstr "Podani podatki so v neustrezni obliki." - -#: superset/errors.py:115 -msgid "The submitted payload has the incorrect schema." -msgstr "Podani podatki imajo neustrezno shemo." - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/bigquery.py:158 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"The table \"%(table)s\" does not exist. A valid table must be used to run" -" this query." -msgstr "" -"Tabela \"%(table)s\" ne obstaja. V poizvedbi mora biti uporabljena " -"veljavna tabela." - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/presto.py:179 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"The table \"%(table_name)s\" does not exist. A valid table must be used " -"to run this query." -msgstr "" -"Tabela \"%(table_name)s\" ne obstaja. V poizvedbi mora biti uporabljena " -"veljavna tabela." - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:540 -msgid "" -"The table was created. As part of this two-phase configuration process, " -"you should now click the edit button by the new table to configure it." -msgstr "" -"Tabela je ustvarjena. Sedaj morate v tem dvodelnem postopku klikniti gumb" -" za urejanje nove tabele." - -#: superset/errors.py:100 -msgid "The table was deleted or renamed in the database." -msgstr "Tabela je bila izbrisana ali preimenovana v podatkovni bazi." - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:167 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:266 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:297 -msgid "" -"The time column for the visualization. Note that you can define arbitrary" -" expression that return a DATETIME column in the table. Also note that " -"the filter below is applied against this column or expression" -msgstr "" -"Časovni stolpec za vizualizacijo. Določite lahko poljuben izraz, ki vrne " -"DATETIME stolpec v tabeli. Spodnji filter se nanaša na ta stolpec ali " -"izraz" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:256 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:287 -msgid "" -"The time granularity for the visualization. Note that you can type and " -"use simple natural language as in `10 seconds`, `1 day` or `56 weeks`" -msgstr "" -"Granulacija časa za vizualizacijo. Uporabite lahko vnos z naravnim " -"jezikom, kot npr. `10 sekund`, `1 dni` ali `56 tednov`" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:297 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:326 -msgid "" -"The time granularity for the visualization. This applies a date " -"transformation to alter your time column and defines a new time " -"granularity. The options here are defined on a per database engine basis " -"in the Superset source code." -msgstr "" -"Granulacija časa za to vizualizacijo. Izvede transformacijo podatkov, ki " -"spremeni vaš časovni stolpec in določi novo časovno granulacija. Ta " -"možnost je definirana na ravni sistema podatkovne baze v izvorni kodi " -"Superseta." - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:314 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:343 -msgid "" -"The time range for the visualization. All relative times, e.g. \"Last " -"month\", \"Last 7 days\", \"now\", etc. are evaluated on the server using" -" the server's local time (sans timezone). All tooltips and placeholder " -"times are expressed in UTC (sans timezone). The timestamps are then " -"evaluated by the database using the engine's local timezone. Note one can" -" explicitly set the timezone per the ISO 8601 format if specifying either" -" the start and/or end time." -msgstr "" -"Časovno obdobje za vizualizacijo. Vsi relativni časi, kot npr. \"Zadnji " -"mesec\", Zadnjih 7 dni\", \"Zdaj\" so izračunani na strežniku z njegovim " -"lokalnim časom. Vsi opisi orodij in časi so izraženi v UTC. Časovne " -"značke se nato izračunajo v podatkovni bazi z njenim lokalnim časovnim " -"pasom. Eksplicitno lahko nastavite časovni pas v ISO 8601 formatu, če " -"določite čas začetka ali konca." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:65 -msgid "" -"The time unit for each block. Should be a smaller unit than " -"domain_granularity. Should be larger or equal to Time Grain" -msgstr "" -"Časovna enota za vsak blok. Mora biti manjša enota kot " -"domenska_granulacija. Mora biti večja ali enaka Granulaciji časa" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:49 -msgid "The time unit used for the grouping of blocks" -msgstr "Časovna enota za združevanje blokov" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:170 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:202 -msgid "The type of visualization to display" -msgstr "Tip vizualizacije za prikaz" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:135 -msgid "The unit of measure for the specified point radius" -msgstr "Enota merila za definiran radij točk" - -#: superset/views/core.py:183 -msgid "The user seems to have been deleted" -msgstr "Zdi se, da je bil uporabnik izbrisan" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/postgres.py:112 -#, python-format -msgid "The username \"%(username)s\" does not exist." -msgstr "Uporabniško ime \"%(username)s\" ne obstaja." - -#: superset/errors.py:107 -msgid "The username provided when connecting to a database is not valid." -msgstr "Uporabniško ime za povezavo s podatkovno bazo je neveljavno." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:206 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:89 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:72 -msgid "The way the ticks are laid out on the X-axis" -msgstr "Način razporeditve oznak na X-osi" - -#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:127 -#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:147 -#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:62 -#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:74 -#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:117 -msgid "There are associated alerts or reports" -msgstr "Prisotna so povezana opozorila in poročila" - -#: superset/charts/commands/bulk_delete.py:64 -#: superset/charts/commands/delete.py:68 -#: superset/dashboards/commands/bulk_delete.py:65 -#: superset/dashboards/commands/delete.py:66 -#: superset/databases/commands/delete.py:65 -#, python-format -msgid "There are associated alerts or reports: %s," -msgstr "Prisotna so opozorila in poročila: %s," - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/filterscope/FilterScopeSelector.jsx:507 -msgid "There are no filters in this dashboard." -msgstr "V nadzorni plošči ni filtrov." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/Footer/Footer.tsx:45 -msgid "There are unsaved changes." -msgstr "Imate neshranjene spremembe." - -#: superset/errors.py:95 -msgid "" -"There is a syntax error in the SQL query. Perhaps there was a misspelling" -" or a typo." -msgstr "V SQL-poizvedbi je sintaktična napaka. Mogoče ste se zatipkali." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/MissingChart.jsx:31 -msgid "" -"There is no chart definition associated with this component, could it " -"have been deleted?" -msgstr "" -"S to komponento ni povezana nobena definicija grafikona. Ali je bila " -"izbrisana?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardLayout.js:180 -msgid "" -"There is not enough space for this component. Try decreasing its width, " -"or increasing the destination width." -msgstr "" -"Za to komponento ni dovolj prostora. Poskusite zmanjšati širino ali pa " -"povečati širino cilja." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:522 -#, python-format -msgid "There was an error fetching the favorite status: %s" -msgstr "Napaka pri pridobivanju statusa \"Priljubljeno\": %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/utils.tsx:181 -msgid "There was an error fetching your recent activity:" -msgstr "Pri pridobivanju nedavnih aktivnosti je prišlo do napake:" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/DatabaseSelector/index.tsx:230 -msgid "There was an error loading the schemas" -msgstr "Napaka pri nalaganju shem" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/TableSelector/index.tsx:218 -msgid "There was an error loading the tables" -msgstr "Napaka pri nalaganju tabel" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:543 -#, python-format -msgid "There was an error saving the favorite status: %s" -msgstr "Napaka pri shranjevanju statusa \"Priljubljeno\": %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ShareSqlLabQuery/index.tsx:61 -msgid "There was an error with your request" -msgstr "Pri zahtevi je prišlo do napake" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:165 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:107 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:94 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:97 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:148 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:550 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:235 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/utils.tsx:289 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:175 -#, python-format -msgid "There was an issue deleting %s: %s" -msgstr "Težava pri brisanju %s: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:180 -#, python-format -msgid "There was an issue deleting the selected %s: %s" -msgstr "Težava pri brisanju izbranih %s: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:127 -#, python-format -msgid "There was an issue deleting the selected annotations: %s" -msgstr "Pri brisanju izbranih oznak je prišlo do težave: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:209 -#, python-format -msgid "There was an issue deleting the selected charts: %s" -msgstr "Pri brisanju izbranih grafikonov je prišlo do težave: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:226 -msgid "There was an issue deleting the selected dashboards: " -msgstr "Pri brisanju izbranih nadzornih plošč je prišlo do težave: " - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:568 -#, python-format -msgid "There was an issue deleting the selected datasets: %s" -msgstr "Pri brisanju izbranih podatkovnih setov je prišlo do težave: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:111 -#, python-format -msgid "There was an issue deleting the selected layers: %s" -msgstr "Pri brisanju izbranih slojev je prišlo do težave: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:262 -#, python-format -msgid "There was an issue deleting the selected queries: %s" -msgstr "Do težave je prišlo pri brisanju izbranih poizvedb: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:115 -#, python-format -msgid "There was an issue deleting the selected templates: %s" -msgstr "Pri brisanju izbranih predlog je prišlo do težave: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/utils.tsx:249 -#, python-format -msgid "There was an issue deleting: %s" -msgstr "Težava pri brisanju: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardState.js:100 -msgid "There was an issue favoriting this dashboard." -msgstr "Pri uvrščanju nadzorne plošče med priljubljene je prišlo do težave." - -#: superset-frontend/src/reports/actions/reports.js:68 -msgid "There was an issue fetching reports attached to this dashboard." -msgstr "Pri pridobivanju poročil za to nadzorno ploščo je prišlo do težave." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardState.js:79 -msgid "There was an issue fetching the favorite status of this dashboard." -msgstr "" -"Pri pridobivanju statusa \"priljubljeno\" za to nadzorno ploščo je prišlo" -" do težave." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/Welcome.tsx:195 -#, python-format -msgid "There was an issue fetching your recent activity: %s" -msgstr "Pri pridobivanju vaše nedavne aktivnosti je prišlo do napake: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:152 -#, python-format -msgid "There was an issue previewing the selected query %s" -msgstr "Do težave je prišlo pri predogledu izbrane poizvedbe %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:109 -#, python-format -msgid "There was an issue previewing the selected query. %s" -msgstr "Pri predogledu izbrane poizvedbe je prišlo do težave. %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/Welcome.tsx:222 -#, python-format -msgid "There was an issues fetching your chart: %s" -msgstr "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju grafikona: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/Welcome.tsx:211 -#, python-format -msgid "There was an issues fetching your dashboards: %s" -msgstr "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju nadzornih plošč: %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/Welcome.tsx:233 -#, python-format -msgid "There was an issues fetching your saved queries: %s" -msgstr "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju shranjenih poizvedb: %s" - -#: superset/viz.py:1955 -msgid "" -"There's a loop in your Sankey, please provide a tree. Here's a faulty " -"link: {}" -msgstr "V 'Sankey' je zanka, določite drevo. To je okvarjena povezava: {}" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:341 -msgid "These are the tables this filter will be applied to." -msgstr "To so tabele, na katere se nanaša ta filter." - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:135 -msgid "These filters apply to the values available in the dropdowns" -msgstr "Ti filtri se nanašajo na vrednosti v spustnih seznamih" - -#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:64 -msgid "" -"These parameters are generated dynamically when clicking the save or " -"overwrite button in the explore view. This JSON object is exposed here " -"for reference and for power users who may want to alter specific " -"parameters." -msgstr "" -"Ti parametri se ustvarijo dinamično s klikom gumba Shrani ali Prepiši v " -"raziskovalnem pogledu. Ta JSON objekt je prikazan kot vzorec za napredne " -"uporabnike, ki želijo spreminjati posamezne parametre." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:597 -#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:59 -msgid "" -"This JSON object is generated dynamically when clicking the save or " -"overwrite button in the dashboard view. It is exposed here for reference " -"and for power users who may want to alter specific parameters." -msgstr "" -"Ta JSON objekt se ustvari dinamično s klikom gumba Shrani ali Prepiši v " -"pogledu nadzorne plošče. Tukaj je prikazan kot vzorec za napredne " -"uporabnike, ki želijo spreminjati posamezne parametre." - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/HeaderReportActionsDropdown/index.tsx:99 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:470 +msgid "Weekly Report for %s" +msgstr "Tedensko poročilo za %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:120 +msgid "Weekly Report" +msgstr "Tedensko poročilo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/HeaderReportDropdown/index.tsx:197 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/HeaderReportDropdown/index.tsx:225 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:206 +msgid "Edit email report" +msgstr "Uredi e-poštno poročilo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:206 +msgid "Schedule a new email report" +msgstr "Dodaj novo e-poštno poročilo na urnik" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:223 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1057 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:273 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayerModal.tsx:230 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplateModal.tsx:220 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/AddDatasetModal.tsx:123 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "Dodaj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:231 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1315 +msgid "Message content" +msgstr "Vsebina sporočila" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:242 +msgid "Text embedded in email" +msgstr "Besedilo vključeno v e-pošto" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:246 +msgid "Image (PNG) embedded in email" +msgstr "Slika (PNG) vključena v e-pošto" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:249 +msgid "Formatted CSV attached in email" +msgstr "Oblikovan CSV pripet e-pošti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:289 +msgid "Include a description that will be sent with your report" +msgstr "Vključite opis, ki bo vključen v poročilo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:303 +msgid "A screenshot of the dashboard will be sent to your email at" +msgstr "Zaslonska slika nadzorne plošče bo poslana na vaš e-naslov ob" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:320 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1245 +msgid "Timezone" +msgstr "Časovni pas" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:336 +msgid "Failed to update report" +msgstr "Posodabljanje poročila neuspešno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:337 +msgid "Failed to create report" +msgstr "Ustvarjanje poročila nesupešno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/HeaderReportDropdown/index.tsx:193 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/HeaderReportDropdown/index.tsx:215 +msgid "Email reports active" +msgstr "E-poštna poročila aktivna" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/HeaderReportDropdown/index.tsx:200 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/HeaderReportDropdown/index.tsx:231 +msgid "Delete email report" +msgstr "Izbriši e-poštno poročilo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/HeaderReportDropdown/index.tsx:207 +msgid "Set up an email report" +msgstr "Nastavite e-poštno poročilo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/HeaderReportDropdown/index.tsx:258 +msgid "Schedule email report" +msgstr "Dodaj e-poštno poročilo na urnik" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/HeaderReportDropdown/index.tsx:285 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:504 #, python-format msgid "This action will permanently delete %s." msgstr "S tem dejanjem boste trajno izbrisali %s." -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:353 -msgid "This action will permanently delete the layer." -msgstr "S tem dejanjem boste trajno izbrisali sloj." +#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/HeaderReportDropdown/index.tsx:296 +msgid "Delete Report?" +msgstr "Izbrišem poročilo?" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:475 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:249 -msgid "This action will permanently delete the saved query." -msgstr "S tem dejanjem boste trajno izbrisali shranjeno poizvedbo." +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Select/Select.tsx:614 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/Select/Select.tsx:694 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/DynamicComponent.tsx:165 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/RowCountLabel/index.tsx:40 +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "Nalagam ..." -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:313 -msgid "This action will permanently delete the template." -msgstr "S tem dejanjem boste trajno izbrisali predlogo." +#: superset-frontend/src/components/TableLoader/index.tsx:91 +msgid "Access to user activity data is restricted" +msgstr "Dostop do aktivnosti uporabnikov je omejen" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:40 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/TableSelector/index.tsx:240 +msgid "There was an error loading the tables" +msgstr "Napaka pri nalaganju tabel" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/TableSelector/index.tsx:324 +msgid "See table schema" +msgstr "Ogled sheme tabele" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/TableSelector/index.tsx:331 +#: superset-frontend/src/components/TableSelector/index.tsx:343 +msgid "Select table or type table name" +msgstr "Izberite ali vnesite ime tabele" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/TableSelector/index.tsx:354 +msgid "Force refresh table list" +msgstr "Osveži seznam tabel" + +#: superset-frontend/src/components/TimezoneSelector/index.tsx:129 +msgid "Timezone selector" +msgstr "Izbira časovnega pasa" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardLayout.js:182 msgid "" -"This can be either an IP address (e.g. or a domain name (e.g. " -"mydatabase.com)." +"There is not enough space for this component. Try decreasing its width, or " +"increasing the destination width." msgstr "" -"To je lahko bodisi IP naslov (npr. bodisi ime domene (npr. " -"mydatabase.com)." +"Za to komponento ni dovolj prostora. Poskusite zmanjšati širino ali pa povečati " +"širino cilja." -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardLayout.js:258 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardLayout.js:213 +msgid "Can not move top level tab into nested tabs" +msgstr "Najvišjega zavihka ni mogoče premakniti v gnezdene zavihke" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardLayout.js:260 msgid "This chart has been moved to a different filter scope." msgstr "Ta grafikon je bil prestavljen v drug doseg filtrov." -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FilterScope/utils.ts:56 -msgid "This chart might be incompatible with the filter (datasets don't match)" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardState.js:98 +msgid "There was an issue fetching the favorite status of this dashboard." msgstr "" -"Ta grafikon je lahko nekompatibilen s filtrom (podatkovni seti se ne " -"ujemajo)" +"Pri pridobivanju statusa \"priljubljeno\" za to nadzorno ploščo je prišlo do " +"težave." -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ColorSchemeControl/index.jsx:127 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardState.js:119 +msgid "There was an issue favoriting this dashboard." +msgstr "Pri uvrščanju nadzorne plošče med priljubljene je prišlo do težave." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardState.js:143 +msgid "This dashboard is now published" +msgstr "Ta nadzorna plošča je sedaj objavljena" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardState.js:144 +msgid "This dashboard is now hidden" +msgstr "Ta nadzorna plošča je sedaj skrita" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardState.js:152 +msgid "You do not have permissions to edit this dashboard." +msgstr "Nimate dovoljenj za urejanje te nadzorne plošče." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardState.js:233 +msgid "[ untitled dashboard ]" +msgstr "[ neimenovana nadzorna plošča ]" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardState.js:284 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardState.js:322 +msgid "This dashboard was saved successfully." +msgstr "Nadzorna plošča je bila uspešno shranjena." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardState.js:328 +msgid "Sorry, an unknown error occured" +msgstr "Prišlo je do neznane napake" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardState.js:331 +#, python-format +msgid "Sorry, there was an error saving this dashboard: %s" +msgstr "Prišlo je do napake pri shranjevanju nadzorne plošče: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardState.js:337 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:111 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/ColumnSelect.tsx:117 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/DatasetSelect.tsx:48 +msgid "You do not have permission to edit this dashboard" +msgstr "Nimate dovoljenja za urejanje te nadzorne plošče" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/sliceEntities.js:119 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/reducers/sliceEntities.js:65 +msgid "Could not fetch all saved charts" +msgstr "Vseh shranjenih grafikonov ni bilo mogoče pridobiti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/sliceEntities.js:124 +msgid "Sorry there was an error fetching saved charts: " +msgstr "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju shranjenih grafikonov: " + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/AddSliceCard.jsx:131 +msgid "Visualization" +msgstr "Vizualizacija" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/AddSliceCard.jsx:135 +msgid "Data source" +msgstr "Podatkovni vir" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/AddSliceCard.jsx:140 +msgid "Added" +msgstr "Dodano" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/ColorSchemeControlWrapper.jsx:56 msgid "" -"This color scheme is being overriden by custom label colors.\n" -" Check the JSON metadata in the Advanced settings" +"Any color palette selected here will override the colors applied to this " +"dashboard's individual charts" msgstr "" +"Na tem mestu izbrana barvna shema bo nadomestila barve posameznih grafikonov v " +"tej nadzorni plošči" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:480 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:496 -msgid "This column must contain date/time information." -msgstr "Ta stolpec mora vsebovati informacijo o datumu/času." +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Dashboard.jsx:87 +msgid "You have unsaved changes." +msgstr "Imate neshranjene spremembe." -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/index.jsx:303 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardEmbedControls.tsx:80 +msgid "Changes saved." +msgstr "Spremembe shranjene." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardEmbedControls.tsx:98 +msgid "Disable embedding?" +msgstr "Onemogočite vgrajevanje?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardEmbedControls.tsx:99 +msgid "This will remove your current embed configuration." +msgstr "To bo odstranilo trenutno konfiguracijo za vgrajevanje." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardEmbedControls.tsx:108 +msgid "Embedding deactivated." +msgstr "Vgrajevanje deaktivirano." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardEmbedControls.tsx:114 +msgid "Sorry, something went wrong. Embedding could not be deactivated." +msgstr "Nekaj je šlo narobe. Vgrajevanja ni mogoče deaktivirati." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardEmbedControls.tsx:163 +msgid "" +"This dashboard is ready to embed. In your application, pass the following id to " +"the SDK:" +msgstr "" +"Nadzorna plošča je pripravljena za vgradnjo. V svoji aplikaciji v SDK vključite " +"naslednji ID:" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardEmbedControls.tsx:170 +msgid "Configure this dashboard to embed it into an external web application." +msgstr "Nastavite nadzorno ploščo za vgradnjo v zunanjo spletno aplikacijo." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardEmbedControls.tsx:176 +msgid "For further instructions, consult the" +msgstr "Za nadaljnja navodila se posvetujte z" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardEmbedControls.tsx:180 +msgid "Superset Embedded SDK documentation." +msgstr "Dokumentacija SDK za vgrajevanje." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardEmbedControls.tsx:186 +msgid "Allowed Domains (comma separated)" +msgstr "Dovoljene domene (ločeno z vejico)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardEmbedControls.tsx:188 +msgid "" +"A list of domain names that can embed this dashboard. Leaving this field empty " +"will allow embedding from any domain." +msgstr "" +"Seznam imen domen, ki lahko vgradijo to nadzorno ploščo. Če polje ostane prazno, " +"je vgrajevanje dovoljeno iz vseh domen." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardEmbedControls.tsx:208 +msgid "Deactivate" +msgstr "Deaktiviraj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardEmbedControls.tsx:216 +msgid "Save changes" +msgstr "Shrani spremembe" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardEmbedControls.tsx:225 +msgid "Enable embedding" +msgstr "Omogoči vgrajevanje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardEmbedControls.tsx:237 +msgid "Embed" +msgstr "Vgradi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardGrid.jsx:161 +msgid "Drag and drop components and charts to the dashboard" +msgstr "Povlecite in spustite elemente in grafikone na nadzorno ploščo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardGrid.jsx:162 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardGrid.jsx:185 +msgid "You can create a new chart or use existing ones from the panel on the right" +msgstr "Ustvarite lahko nove grafikone ali uporabite obstoječe iz panela na desni" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardGrid.jsx:184 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/Tab.jsx:178 +msgid "Drag and drop components to this tab" +msgstr "Povlecite in spustite elemente na zavihek" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardGrid.jsx:205 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/Tab.jsx:179 +msgid "There are no components added to this tab" +msgstr "Na zavihek niso bili dodani elementi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardGrid.jsx:207 +msgid "You can add the components in the edit mode." +msgstr "Elemente lahko dodate v načinu urejanja." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardBuilder/DashboardBuilder.tsx:447 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardGrid.jsx:209 +msgid "Edit the dashboard" +msgstr "Uredi nadzorno ploščo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/FilterBoxMigrationModal.tsx:64 +msgid "Ready to review filters in this dashboard?" +msgstr "Ste pripravljeni za pregled filtrov v tej nadzorni plošči?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/FilterBoxMigrationModal.tsx:69 +msgid "Remind me in 24 hours" +msgstr "Opomni me čez 24 ur" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/FilterBoxMigrationModal.tsx:79 +msgid "Start Review" +msgstr "Začetek pregleda" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/FilterBoxMigrationModal.tsx:86 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/containers/DashboardPage.tsx:169 +msgid "" +"filter_box will be deprecated in a future version of Superset. Please replace " +"filter_box by dashboard filter components." +msgstr "" +"Element filter_box bo v prihodnjih verzijah Superseta opuščen. Nadomestite ga s " +"filtri nadzorne plošče." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/MissingChart.jsx:31 +msgid "" +"There is no chart definition associated with this component, could it have been " +"deleted?" +msgstr "" +"S to komponento ni povezana nobena definicija grafikona. Ali je bila izbrisana?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/MissingChart.jsx:36 +msgid "Delete this container and save to remove this message." +msgstr "Izbrišite ta okvir in shranite za odpravo tega sporočila." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:29 +msgid "Don't refresh" +msgstr "Ne osvežuj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:30 +msgid "10 seconds" +msgstr "10 sekund" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:31 +msgid "30 seconds" +msgstr "30 sekund" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:32 +msgid "1 minute" +msgstr "1 minuta" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:33 +msgid "5 minutes" +msgstr "5 minut" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:34 +msgid "30 minutes" +msgstr "30 minut" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:35 +msgid "1 hour" +msgstr "1 ura" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:36 +msgid "6 hours" +msgstr "6 ur" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:37 +msgid "12 hours" +msgstr "12 ur" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:38 +msgid "24 hours" +msgstr "24 ur" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:90 +msgid "Refresh interval saved" +msgstr "Interval osveževanja shranjen" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:116 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:121 +msgid "Refresh interval" +msgstr "Interval osveževanja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:119 +msgid "Refresh frequency" +msgstr "Frekvenca osveževanja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:135 +msgid "Are you sure you want to proceed?" +msgstr "Ali želite nadaljevati?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/RefreshIntervalModal.tsx:150 +msgid "Save for this session" +msgstr "Shranite za to sejo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SaveModal.tsx:156 +msgid "You must pick a name for the new dashboard" +msgstr "Izbrati morate ime nove nadzorne plošče" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SaveModal.tsx:178 +msgid "Save dashboard" +msgstr "Shrani nadzorno ploščo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SaveModal.tsx:187 +#, python-format +msgid "Overwrite Dashboard [%s]" +msgstr "Prepiši nadzorno ploščo [%s]" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SaveModal.tsx:195 +msgid "Save as:" +msgstr "Shrani kot:" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SaveModal.tsx:199 +msgid "[dashboard name]" +msgstr "[ime nadzorne plošče]" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SaveModal.tsx:209 +msgid "also copy (duplicate) charts" +msgstr "kopiraj (podvoji) tudi grafikone" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceAdder.jsx:293 +msgid "Filter your charts" +msgstr "Filtriraj grafikone" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceAdder.jsx:304 +#, python-format +msgid "Sort by %s" +msgstr "Razvrščanje po %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/AnchorLink/index.tsx:71 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:388 +msgid "Superset chart" +msgstr "Superset grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/AnchorLink/index.tsx:72 +msgid "Check out this chart in dashboard:" +msgstr "Preizkusite ta grafikon v nadzorni plošči:" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/BuilderComponentPane/index.tsx:115 +msgid "Layout elements" +msgstr "Postavitev elementov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/CrossFilterScopingModal/CrossFilterScopingModal.tsx:65 +msgid "Cross Filter Scoping" +msgstr "Doseg medsebojnega filtra" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/CssEditor/index.jsx:94 +msgid "Load a CSS template" +msgstr "Naloži CSS predlogo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/CssEditor/index.jsx:109 +msgid "Live CSS editor" +msgstr "CSS urejevalnik v živo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardBuilder/DashboardBuilder.tsx:440 +msgid "There are no charts added to this dashboard" +msgstr "V nadzorni plošči ni grafikonov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/DashboardBuilder/DashboardBuilder.tsx:443 +msgid "Go to the edit mode to configure the dashboard and add charts" +msgstr "" +"Za nastavitve nadzorne plošče in dodajanje grafikonov pojdite v način urejanja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/FiltersBadge/DetailsPanel/index.tsx:186 +#, python-format +msgid "Applied Cross Filters (%d)" +msgstr "Uporabljeni medsebojni filtri (%d)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/FiltersBadge/DetailsPanel/index.tsx:210 +#, python-format +msgid "Applied Filters (%d)" +msgstr "Uporabljeni filtri (%d)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/FiltersBadge/DetailsPanel/index.tsx:231 +#, python-format +msgid "Incompatible Filters (%d)" +msgstr "Neskladni filtri (%d)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/FiltersBadge/DetailsPanel/index.tsx:255 +#, python-format +msgid "Unset Filters (%d)" +msgstr "Neuporabljeni filtri (%d)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/index.jsx:306 #, python-format msgid "" -"This dashboard is currently auto refreshing; the next auto refresh will " -"be in %s." +"This dashboard is currently auto refreshing; the next auto refresh will be in %s." msgstr "" -"Nadzorna plošča se trenutno samodejno osvežuje. Naslednja samodejna " -"osvežitev bo čez %s." +"Nadzorna plošča se trenutno samodejno osvežuje. Naslednja samodejna osvežitev bo " +"čez %s." -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PublishedStatus/index.jsx:38 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/index.jsx:396 +msgid "Your dashboard is too large. Please reduce its size before saving it." +msgstr "Vaša nadzorna plošča je prevelika. Pred shranjevanjem jo zmanjšajte." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/index.jsx:497 +msgid "Add the name of the dashboard" +msgstr "Dodajte naziv nadzorne plošče" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/index.jsx:498 +msgid "Dashboard title" +msgstr "Naziv nadzorne plošče" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/index.jsx:533 +msgid "Undo the action" +msgstr "Razveljavi dejanje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/index.jsx:553 +msgid "Redo the action" +msgstr "Ponovno uveljavi dejanje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/index.jsx:578 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/index.jsx:580 +msgid "Discard" +msgstr "Zavrzi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/index.jsx:611 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/index.jsx:613 +msgid "Edit dashboard" +msgstr "Uredi nadzorno ploščo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:129 +msgid "An error occurred while fetching available CSS templates" +msgstr "Pri pridobivanju CSS predlog je prišlo do napake" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:162 +msgid "Refreshing charts" +msgstr "Osveževanje grafikonov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:233 +msgid "Superset dashboard" +msgstr "Superset nadzorna plošča" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:235 +msgid "Check out this dashboard: " +msgstr "Preizkusite to nadzorno ploščo: " + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:252 +msgid "Refresh dashboard" +msgstr "Osveži nadzorno ploščo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:261 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:274 +msgid "Exit fullscreen" +msgstr "Izhod iz celozaslonskega načina" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:262 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:275 +msgid "Enter fullscreen" +msgstr "Vklopi celozaslonski način" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:270 +msgid "Edit properties" +msgstr "Uredi lastnosti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:276 +msgid "Edit CSS" +msgstr "Uredi CSS" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:314 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:422 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:300 +msgid "Download as image" +msgstr "Izvozi kot sliko" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:322 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:382 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:303 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:230 +msgid "Share" +msgstr "Deljenje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:326 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:386 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:305 +msgid "Copy permalink to clipboard" +msgstr "Kopiraj povezavo v odložišče" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:327 +msgid "Share permalink by email" +msgstr "Deli povezavo po e-pošti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:341 +msgid "Embed dashboard" +msgstr "Vgradi nadzorno ploščo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:348 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:331 +msgid "Manage email report" +msgstr "Upravljaj e-poštno poročilo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:377 +msgid "Set filter mapping" +msgstr "Nastavi shemo filtrov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/HeaderActionsDropdown/index.jsx:390 +msgid "Set auto-refresh interval" +msgstr "Nastavi interval samodejnega osveževanja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:100 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:826 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:228 +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/FilterBox.jsx:484 +msgid "Apply" +msgstr "Uporabi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:272 +msgid "A valid color scheme is required" +msgstr "Zahtevana je veljavna barvna shema" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:337 +msgid "Dashboard properties updated" +msgstr "Lastnosti nadzorne plošče posodobljene" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:355 +msgid "The dashboard has been saved" +msgstr "Nadzorna plošča je bila shranjena" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:371 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:414 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:299 +msgid "Access" +msgstr "Dostop" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:386 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:433 msgid "" -"This dashboard is not published which means it will not show up in the " -"list of dashboards. Favorite it to see it there or access it by using the" -" URL directly." +"Owners is a list of users who can alter the dashboard. Searchable by name or " +"username." msgstr "" -"Ta nadzorna plošča ni objavljena in se ne bo prikazala na seznamu " -"nadzornih plošč. Uvrstite jo med priljubljene, da jo boste videli tam, " -"ali pa uporabite URL za neposredni dostop." +"\"Lastniki\" je seznam uporabnikov, ki lahko spreminjajo nadzorno ploščo. Iskanje " +"je možno po imenu ali uporabniškem imenu." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:392 +msgid "Colors" +msgstr "Barve" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:453 +msgid "" +"Roles is a list which defines access to the dashboard. Granting a role access to " +"a dashboard will bypass dataset level checks. If no roles are defined, then the " +"dashboard is available to all roles." +msgstr "" +"\"Vloge\" je seznam, ki definira dostop do nadzorne plošče. Dodelitev vloge za " +"dostop do nadzorne plošče bo obšlo preverjanje na nivoju podatkovnega seta. Če " +"vloga ni definirana, bo nadzorna plošča dostopna vsem vlogam." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:503 +msgid "Dashboard properties" +msgstr "Lastnosti nadzorne plošče" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:524 +msgid "This dashboard is managed externally, and can't be edited in Superset" +msgstr "Ta nadzorna plošča se ne ureja znotraj Superseta" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:545 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:241 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:288 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayerModal.tsx:247 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplateModal.tsx:237 +msgid "Basic information" +msgstr "Osnovne informacije" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:559 +msgid "URL slug" +msgstr "URL slug" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:563 +msgid "A readable URL for your dashboard" +msgstr "Berljiv URL za vašo nadzorno ploščo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:572 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:264 +msgid "Certification" +msgstr "Certifikacija" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:581 +msgid "Person or group that has certified this dashboard." +msgstr "Oseba ali skupina, ki je certificirala to nadzorno ploščo." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:592 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:281 +msgid "Any additional detail to show in the certification tooltip." +msgstr "Dodatne podrobnosti za prikaz v certifikacijskem orodju." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:612 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:336 +msgid "JSON metadata" +msgstr "JSON metapodatki" #: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PublishedStatus/index.jsx:33 msgid "" -"This dashboard is not published, it will not show up in the list of " -"dashboards. Click here to publish this dashboard." +"This dashboard is not published, it will not show up in the list of dashboards. " +"Click here to publish this dashboard." msgstr "" -"Ta nadzorna plošča ni objavljena in se ne bo prikazala na seznamu " -"nadzornih plošč. Kliknite tukaj za njeno objavo." +"Ta nadzorna plošča ni objavljena in se ne bo prikazala na seznamu nadzornih " +"plošč. Kliknite tukaj za njeno objavo." -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardState.js:125 -#, fuzzy -msgid "This dashboard is now hidden" -msgstr "Spreminjanje te nadzorne plošče ni dovoljeno" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardState.js:124 -#, fuzzy -msgid "This dashboard is now published" -msgstr "Ta nadzorna plošča je sedaj ${nowPublished}" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PublishedStatus/index.jsx:38 +msgid "" +"This dashboard is not published which means it will not show up in the list of " +"dashboards. Favorite it to see it there or access it by using the URL directly." +msgstr "" +"Ta nadzorna plošča ni objavljena in se ne bo prikazala na seznamu nadzornih " +"plošč. Uvrstite jo med priljubljene, da jo boste videli tam, ali pa uporabite URL " +"za neposredni dostop." #: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PublishedStatus/index.jsx:43 msgid "This dashboard is published. Click to make it a draft." msgstr "Ta nadzorna plošča je objavljena. Kliknite, da jo uvrstite med osnutke." -#: superset/views/core.py:1273 -msgid "" -"This dashboard was changed recently. Please reload dashboard to get " -"latest version." -msgstr "" -"Nadzorna plošča je bila pred kratkim spremenjena. Ponovno jo naložite, da" -" dobite zadnjo verzijo." +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PublishedStatus/index.jsx:72 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PublishedStatus/index.jsx:83 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:304 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:507 +msgid "Draft" +msgstr "Osnutek" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardState.js:231 -msgid "This dashboard was saved successfully." -msgstr "Nadzorna plošča je bila uspešno shranjena." +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeader/index.tsx:48 +msgid "Annotation layers are still loading." +msgstr "Sloj z oznakami se še vedno nalaga." -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:77 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:401 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:416 -msgid "This defines the element to be plotted on the chart" -msgstr "Določa element, ki bo izrisan na grafikonu" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeader/index.tsx:49 +msgid "One ore more annotation layers failed loading." +msgstr "Eden ali več slojev z oznakami se ni naložil." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:82 -msgid "This defines the level of the hierarchy" -msgstr "Določa stopnjo hierarhije" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeader/index.tsx:102 +msgid "Emitted values" +msgstr "Oddane vrednosti" -#: superset/views/alerts.py:232 superset/views/schedules.py:253 -#: superset/views/schedules.py:334 -msgid "" -"This feature is deprecated and will be removed on 2.0. Take a look at the" -" replacement feature Alerts & Reports documentation" -msgstr "" -"Ta funkcija je zastarela in bo odstranjena v verziji 2.0. Oglejte si " -"zamenjavo Dokumentacija za Opozorila & Poročila" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:447 -msgid "" -"This fields acts a Superset view, meaning that Superset will run a query " -"against this string as a subquery." -msgstr "" -"To polje se obnaša kot Supersetov pogled, kar pomeni, da bo Superset " -"izvedel poizvedbo za ta niz kot podpoizvedbo." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/FiltersHeader.tsx:105 -msgid "This filter doesn't exist in dashboard. It will not be applied." -msgstr "Ta filter ne obstaja v nadzorni plošči in ne bo uveljavljen." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/EditSection.tsx:165 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeader/index.tsx:115 #, python-format -msgid "This filter set is identical to: \"%s\"" -msgstr "Ta set filtrov je enak: \"%s\"" +msgid "Click to edit %s in a new tab" +msgstr "Kliknite za urejanje %s v novem zavihku" -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:358 -msgid "" -"This is the condition that will be added to the WHERE clause. For " -"example, to only return rows for a particular client, you might define a " -"regular filter with the clause `client_id = 9`. To display no rows unless" -" a user belongs to a RLS filter role, a base filter can be created with " -"the clause `1 = 0` (always false)." -msgstr "" -"To je pogoj, ki bo dodan WHERE stavku. Npr., če želite dobiti vrstice za " -"določeno stranko, lahko definirate regularni filter z izrazom 'id_stranke" -" = 9'. Če ne želimo prikazati vrstic, razen če uporabnik pripada RLS " -"vlogi, lahko filter ustvarimo z izrazom `1 = 0` (vedno neresnično)." +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeader/index.tsx:116 +msgid "Click to edit chart in a new tab" +msgstr "Kliknite za urejanje grafikona v novem zavihku" -#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:47 -msgid "" -"This json object describes the positioning of the widgets in the " -"dashboard. It is dynamically generated when adjusting the widgets size " -"and positions by using drag & drop in the dashboard view" -msgstr "" -"Ta JSON objekt opisuje postavitev pripomočkov na nadzorni plošči. Ustvari" -" se dinamično, ko prilagajamo velikost in postavitev pripomočkov z " -"uporabo povleci&spusti v pogledu nadzorne plošče" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeader/index.tsx:183 +msgid "Click to clear emitted filters" +msgstr "S klikom počistite oddane filtre" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:179 +msgid "Data refreshed" +msgstr "Podatki osveženi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:257 +#, python-format +msgid "Cached %s" +msgstr "Predpomnjeno %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:260 +#, python-format +msgid "Fetched %s" +msgstr "Pridobljeno %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:269 +#, python-format +msgid "Query %s: %s" +msgstr "Poizvedba %s: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:288 +msgid "Force refresh" +msgstr "Osveži" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:301 +msgid "Hide chart description" +msgstr "Skrij opis grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:302 +msgid "Show chart description" +msgstr "Prikaži opis grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:311 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:356 +msgid "Edit chart" +msgstr "Uredi grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:319 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:321 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:357 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:359 +msgid "View query" +msgstr "Ogled poizvedbe" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:337 +msgid "Drill to detail" +msgstr "Vrtaj v podrobnosti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:340 +#, python-format +msgid "Chart Data: %s" +msgstr "Podatki grafikona: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:375 +msgid "Cross-filter scoping" +msgstr "Doseg medsebojnega filtra" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:387 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:308 +msgid "Share chart by email" +msgstr "Deli grafikon po e-pošti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:389 +msgid "Check out this chart: " +msgstr "Preizkusite ta grafikon: " + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:398 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:266 +msgid "Download" +msgstr "Prenos" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:403 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:290 +msgid "Export to .CSV" +msgstr "Izvozi v .CSV" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:414 +msgid "Export to full .CSV" +msgstr "Izvozi v celoten .CSV" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/filterscope/FilterScopeSelector.jsx:453 +msgid "Search..." +msgstr "Iskanje ..." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/filterscope/FilterScopeSelector.jsx:484 +msgid "No filter is selected." +msgstr "Noben filter ni izbran." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/filterscope/FilterScopeSelector.jsx:485 +msgid "Editing 1 filter:" +msgstr "Urejanje enega filtra:" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/filterscope/FilterScopeSelector.jsx:487 +#, python-format +msgid "Batch editing %d filters:" +msgstr "Skupinsko urejanje %d filtrov:" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/filterscope/FilterScopeSelector.jsx:501 +msgid "Configure filter scopes" +msgstr "Nastavi doseg filtrov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/filterscope/FilterScopeSelector.jsx:508 +msgid "There are no filters in this dashboard." +msgstr "V nadzorni plošči ni filtrov." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/filterscope/treeIcons.jsx:36 +msgid "Expand all" +msgstr "Razširi vse" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/filterscope/treeIcons.jsx:39 +msgid "Collapse all" +msgstr "Skrči vse" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/Chart.jsx:293 +msgid "An error occurred while opening Explore" +msgstr "Pri odpiranju Raziskovalca je prišlo do napake" #: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/Markdown.jsx:80 msgid "This markdown component has an error." @@ -12992,616 +12677,1928 @@ msgstr "Markdown komponenta ima napako." msgid "This markdown component has an error. Please revert your recent changes." msgstr "Markdown komponenta ima napako. Povrnite nedavne spremembe." -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/DatabaseErrorMessage.tsx:47 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/TimeoutErrorMessage.tsx:62 -msgid "This may be triggered by:" -msgstr "To je lahko sproženo z/s:" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/Tab.jsx:185 +msgid "You can" +msgstr "Lahko" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ExploreResultsButton/index.jsx:109 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/Tab.jsx:191 +msgid "create a new chart" +msgstr "ustvarite nov grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/Tab.jsx:193 +msgid "or use existing ones from the panel on the right" +msgstr "ali uporabite obstoječe iz panela na desni" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/Tab.jsx:197 +msgid "You can add the components in the" +msgstr "Lahko dodate elemente v" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/Tab.jsx:203 +msgid "edit mode" +msgstr "načinu urejanja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/Tabs.jsx:193 +msgid "Delete dashboard tab?" +msgstr "Ali izbrišem zavihek nadzorne plošče?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/new/NewDivider.jsx:31 +msgid "Divider" +msgstr "Ločilnik" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/new/NewHeader.jsx:31 +msgid "Header" +msgstr "Glava" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/new/NewRow.jsx:31 +msgid "Row" +msgstr "Vrstica" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/gridComponents/new/NewTabs.jsx:31 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterCard/ScopeRow.tsx:60 +msgid "Tabs" +msgstr "Zavihki" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/menu/MarkdownModeDropdown.tsx:39 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Predogled" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/menu/ShareMenuItems/index.tsx:71 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/menu/ShareMenuItems/index.tsx:84 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/EmbedCodeContent.jsx:58 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:127 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:174 +msgid "Sorry, something went wrong. Try again later." +msgstr "Nekaj je šlo narobe. Poskusite ponovno kasneje." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/index.tsx:419 #, python-format -msgid "This query took %s seconds to run, " -msgstr "Trajanje poizvedbe v sekundah: %s, " +msgid "All filters (%(filterCount)d)" +msgstr "Vsi filtri (%(filterCount)d)" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:466 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"This section allows you to configure how to use the slice\n" -" to generate annotations." -msgstr "" -"V tem sklopu lahko nastavite način uporabe rezine\r\n" -" za ustvarjanje oznak." +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/index.tsx:436 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/index.tsx:476 +msgid "No filters are currently added" +msgstr "Trenutno ni dodanih filtrov" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:27 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:244 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:127 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:377 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:146 -msgid "" -"This section contains options that allow for advanced analytical post " -"processing of query results" -msgstr "" -"Ta sekcija vsebuje možnosti, ki omogočajo napredno analitično " -"poprocesiranje rezultatov poizvedb" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/index.tsx:440 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/index.tsx:480 +msgid "Click the button above to add a filter to the dashboard" +msgstr "S klikom gumba zgoraj dodate filter na nadzorno ploščo" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:84 -msgid "This value should be greater than the left target value" -msgstr "Ta vrednost mora biti večja od leve ciljne vrednosti" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:79 -msgid "This value should be smaller than the right target value" -msgstr "Ta vrednost mora biti manjša od desne ciljne vrednosti" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/index.tsx:67 -msgid "This visualization type is not supported." -msgstr "Ta tip vizualizacije ni podprt." - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/ParameterErrorMessage.tsx:61 -msgid "This was triggered by:" -msgstr "To je bilo sproženo z/s:" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:74 -msgid "Threshold alpha level for determining significance" -msgstr "Mejna vrednost alfa za določanje značilnosti" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:60 -msgid "Thursday" -msgstr "Četrtek" - -# SUPERSET UI -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts:32 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:26 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js:36 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:52 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:38 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:37 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:33 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js:36 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/index.js:29 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:76 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:81 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:81 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:75 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:75 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:66 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts:75 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:25 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:84 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:182 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "Čas" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts:25 -msgid "Time Column" -msgstr "Časovni stolpec" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:303 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:186 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:436 -msgid "Time Comparison" -msgstr "Časovna primerjava" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:141 -msgid "Time Format" -msgstr "Oblika zapisa časa" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts:26 -msgid "Time Grain" -msgstr "Granulacija časa" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts:28 -msgid "Time Granularity" -msgstr "Granulacija časa" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:350 -msgid "Time Offset" -msgstr "Časovni zamik" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/constants.ts:24 -msgid "Time Range" -msgstr "Časovno obdobje" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:86 -msgid "Time Series" -msgstr "Časovna vrsta" - -#: superset/viz.py:1638 -msgid "Time Series - Bar Chart" -msgstr "Časovna vrsta - Stolpčni grafikon" - -#: superset/viz.py:1564 -msgid "Time Series - Dual Axis Line Chart" -msgstr "Časovna vrsta - Črtni grafikon z dvojno osjo" - -#: superset/viz.py:1276 -msgid "Time Series - Line Chart" -msgstr "Časovna vrsta - Črtni grafikon" - -#: superset/viz.py:1486 -msgid "Time Series - Multiple Line Charts" -msgstr "Časovna vrsta - Veččrtni grafikon" - -#: superset/viz.py:3000 -msgid "Time Series - Nightingale Rose Chart" -msgstr "Časovna vrsta - Nightingale Rose grafikon" - -#: superset/viz.py:2928 -msgid "Time Series - Paired t-test" -msgstr "Časovna vrsta - t-test za odvisne vzorce" - -#: superset/viz.py:1693 -msgid "Time Series - Percent Change" -msgstr "Časovna vrsta - Procentualna sprememba" - -#: superset/viz.py:1647 -msgid "Time Series - Period Pivot" -msgstr "Časovna vrsta - Vrtenje period" - -#: superset/viz.py:1701 -msgid "Time Series - Stacked" -msgstr "Časovna vrsta - Naložen graf" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:67 -msgid "Time Series Options" -msgstr "Možnosti časovne vrste" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:311 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:194 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:444 -msgid "Time Shift" -msgstr "Časovni zamik" - -#: superset/viz.py:822 -msgid "Time Table View" -msgstr "Pogled urnika" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:297 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1132 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/constants.ts:114 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeColumn/index.ts:28 -msgid "Time column" -msgstr "Časovni stolpec" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1173 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/index.tsx:456 #, python-format -msgid "Time column \"%(col)s\" does not exist in dataset" -msgstr "Časovni stolpec \"%(col)s\" ne obstaja v podatkovnem setu" +msgid "Filter sets (%(filterSetCount)d)" +msgstr "Nastavljeni filtri (%(filterSetCount)d)" -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeColumn/index.ts:29 -msgid "Time column filter plugin" -msgstr "Vtičnik za časovni filter" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/ActionButtons/index.tsx:115 +msgid "Apply filters" +msgstr "Uporabi filtre" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:88 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:201 -msgid "Time comparison" -msgstr "Časovna primerjava" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/ActionButtons/index.tsx:125 +msgid "Clear all" +msgstr "Počisti vse" -#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:66 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterControls/FilterControls.tsx:152 #, python-format -msgid "" -"Time delta is ambiguous. Please specify [%(human_readable)s ago] or " -"[%(human_readable)s later]." -msgstr "" -"Časovna razlika je nejasna. Podajte [%(human_readable)s ago] ali " -"[%(human_readable)s later]." +msgid "Filters out of scope (%d)" +msgstr "Filtri izven dosega (%d)" -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:317 -msgid "" -"Time expression to use as a predicate when retrieving distinct values to " -"populate the filter component. Only applies when `Enable Filter Select` " -"is on. If you enter `7 days ago`, the distinct list of values in the " -"filter will be populated based on the distinct value over the past week" -msgstr "" -"Prednastavljeni časovni izraz za pridobitev različnih vrednosti filtrirne" -" komponente. Upošteva se le v primeru, da je vključeno `Omogoči izbiro " -"filtra`. Če vnesete `7 days ago`, bo seznam vrednosti filtra napolnjen na" -" podlagi različnih vrednosti v prejšnjem tednu" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterControls/FilterValue.tsx:179 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:502 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:519 +msgid "Check configuration" +msgstr "Preveri nastavitve" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:296 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterControls/FilterValue.tsx:257 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1170 +msgid "Cannot load filter" +msgstr "Filtra ni mogoče naložiti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/EditSection.tsx:118 +msgid "Editing filter set:" +msgstr "Urejanje seta filtrov:" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/EditSection.tsx:142 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/Footer.tsx:83 +msgid "Filter set with this name already exists" +msgstr "Set filtrov z enakim imenom že obstaja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/EditSection.tsx:143 +msgid "Filter set already exists" +msgstr "Set filtrov že obstaja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/EditSection.tsx:164 +#, python-format +msgid "This filter set is identical to: \"%s\"" +msgstr "Ta set filtrov je enak: \"%s\"" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/FilterSetUnit.tsx:85 +msgid "Remove invalid filters" +msgstr "Odstrani neveljavne filtre" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/FilterSetUnit.tsx:86 +msgid "Rebuild" +msgstr "Obnovi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/FiltersHeader.tsx:88 +#, python-format +msgid "Filters (%d)" +msgstr "Filtri (%d)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/FiltersHeader.tsx:109 +msgid "This filter doesn't exist in dashboard. It will not be applied." +msgstr "Ta filter ne obstaja v nadzorni plošči in ne bo uveljavljen." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/FiltersHeader.tsx:113 +msgid "Filter metadata changed in dashboard. It will not be applied." +msgstr "Metapodatki filtra so se spremenili v nadzorni plošči. Ne bo uveljavljen." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/Footer.tsx:81 +msgid "Please filter set name" +msgstr "Vnesite ime seta filtrov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/Footer.tsx:96 +msgid "Create" +msgstr "Ustvari" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/Footer.tsx:111 +msgid "Create new filter set" +msgstr "Ustvarite nov set filtrov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/index.tsx:90 +msgid "New filter set" +msgstr "Nov set filtrov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/utils/index.ts:26 +msgid "Please apply filter changes" +msgstr "Potrdite spremembe filtra" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/utils/index.ts:43 +msgid "Unknown value" +msgstr "Neznana vrednost" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/Header/index.tsx:104 +msgid "Add/Edit Filters" +msgstr "Dodaj/uredi filter" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterCard/DependenciesRow.tsx:86 +msgid "Dependent on" +msgstr "Odvisen od" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterCard/DependenciesRow.tsx:88 +msgid "Filter only displays values relevant to selections made in other filters." +msgstr "Filter prikazuje samo vrednosti vezane na izbire v drugih filtrih." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterCard/ScopeRow.tsx:56 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterCard/useFilterScope.ts:70 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/util/getFilterScopeNodesTree.js:85 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:126 +msgid "All charts" +msgstr "Vsi grafikoni" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterCard/ScopeRow.tsx:68 +msgid "Scope" +msgstr "Doseg" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterCard/TypeRow.tsx:31 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:760 +msgid "Filter type" +msgstr "Tip filtra" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/DividerConfigForm.tsx:44 +msgid "Title is required" +msgstr "Naslov je obvezen" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FilterTitleContainer.tsx:115 +msgid "(Removed)" +msgstr "(Odstranjeno)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FilterTitleContainer.tsx:131 +msgid "Undo?" +msgstr "Povrni?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FilterTitlePane.tsx:109 +msgid "Add filters and dividers" +msgstr "Dodaj filtre in ločilnike" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigModal.tsx:245 +msgid "[untitled]" +msgstr "[neimenovana]" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigModal.tsx:416 +msgid "Cyclic dependency detected" +msgstr "Zaznana krožna odvisnost" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigModal.tsx:500 +msgid "Add and edit filters" +msgstr "Dodaj in uredi filtre" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/ColumnSelect.tsx:129 +msgid "Column select" +msgstr "Izbira stolpca" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/ColumnSelect.tsx:132 +msgid "Select a column" +msgstr "Izberite stolpec" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/ColumnSelect.tsx:133 +msgid "No compatible columns found" +msgstr "Ni najdenih skladnih stolpcev" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/DefaultValue.tsx:75 +msgid "Value is required" +msgstr "Zahtevana je vrednost" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/DependencyList.tsx:92 +msgid "(deleted or invalid type)" +msgstr "(izbrisan ali neveljaven tip)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/DependencyList.tsx:98 +msgid "Limit type" +msgstr "Tip omejitve" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/DependencyList.tsx:148 +msgid "No available filters." +msgstr "Ni razpoložljivih filtrov." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/DependencyList.tsx:167 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterControl/index.jsx:367 +msgid "Add filter" +msgstr "Dodaj filter" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/DependencyList.tsx:194 +msgid "Values are dependent on other filters" +msgstr "Vrednosti so odvisne od drugih filtrov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/DependencyList.tsx:197 +msgid "" +"Values selected in other filters will affect the filter options to only show " +"relevant values" +msgstr "Vrednosti izbrane v drugih filtrih bodo vplivale na možnosti filtra" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/DependencyList.tsx:201 +msgid "Values dependent on" +msgstr "Vrednosti so odvisne od" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:268 +msgid "Scoping" +msgstr "Doseg" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:275 +msgid "Filter Configuration" +msgstr "Nastavitve filtra" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:279 +msgid "Filter Settings" +msgstr "Nastavitve filtra" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:302 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/index.ts:28 +msgid "Select filter" +msgstr "Izbirni filter" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:302 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1203 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1224 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/ExecutionLog.tsx:143 +msgid "Value" +msgstr "Vrednost" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:303 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/index.ts:28 +msgid "Range filter" +msgstr "Filter obdobja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:303 +msgid "Numerical range" +msgstr "Številski obseg" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:304 #: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Time/index.ts:27 msgid "Time filter" msgstr "Časovni filter" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:450 -msgid "Time format" -msgstr "Oblika zapisa časa" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:298 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/constants.ts:115 -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeGrain/index.ts:28 -msgid "Time grain" -msgstr "Granulacija časa" - -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeGrain/index.ts:29 -msgid "Time grain filter plugin" -msgstr "Vtičnik za filter časovne granulacije" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:815 -msgid "Time grain missing" -msgstr "Časovna granulacija manjka" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/constants.ts:117 -msgid "Time granularity" -msgstr "Granulacija časa" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1267 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1282 -msgid "Time in seconds" -msgstr "Čas v sekundah" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:296 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1105 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/constants.ts:113 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:304 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:925 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/constants.ts:119 #: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:382 msgid "Time range" msgstr "Časovno obdobje" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:98 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:69 -msgid "Time range endpoints" -msgstr "Krajne točke časovnega obdobja" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:305 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:951 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/constants.ts:120 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeColumn/index.ts:28 +msgid "Time column" +msgstr "Časovni stolpec" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:100 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:71 -msgid "Time range endpoints (SIP-15)" -msgstr "Krajne točke časovnega obdobja (SIP-15)" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:306 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/constants.ts:121 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeGrain/index.ts:28 +msgid "Time grain" +msgstr "Granulacija časa" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:28 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:27 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:85 -msgid "Time related form attributes" -msgstr "S časom povezani atributi prikaza" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:307 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/GroupBy/index.ts:28 +msgid "Group By" +msgstr "Združevanje (Group by)" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/TimeSeriesColumnControl/index.jsx:48 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/TimeTable.js:38 -msgid "Time series columns" -msgstr "Stolpci s časovnimi vrstami" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:307 +msgid "Group by" +msgstr "Združevanje (Group by)" -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/advancedAnalytics.tsx:96 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:209 -msgid "Time shift" -msgstr "Časovni zamik" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:638 +msgid "Pre-filter is required" +msgstr "Zahtevan je predfilter" -#: superset/charts/commands/exceptions.py:38 -#, python-format +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:746 +msgid "Filter name" +msgstr "Ime filtra" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:748 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:754 +msgid "Name is required" +msgstr "Zahtevano je ime" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:756 +msgid "Filter Type" +msgstr "Tip filtra" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:778 +msgid "Datasets do not contain a temporal column" +msgstr "Podatkovni seti ne vsebujejo časovnega stolpca" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:812 +msgid "Dataset is required" +msgstr "Zahtevan je podatkovni set" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:881 +msgid "Pre-filter available values" +msgstr "Predfiltriraj razpoložljive vrednosti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:916 +msgid "Pre-filter" +msgstr "Predfilter" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:954 msgid "" -"Time string is ambiguous. Please specify [%(human_readable)s ago] or " -"[%(human_readable)s later]." +"Optional time column if time range should apply to another column than the " +"default time column" msgstr "" -"Časovni niz je nejasen. Podajte [%(human_readable)s ago] ali " -"[%(human_readable)s later]." +"Izbirni časovni stolpec se mora nanašati na drug stolpec kot privzeti časovni " +"stolpec" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:75 -msgid "Time-series Area Chart" -msgstr "Ploščinski grafikon časovne vrste" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:986 +msgid "Sort filter values" +msgstr "Razvrsti vrednosti filtra" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:65 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1000 +msgid "Sort type" +msgstr "Način razvrščanja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1007 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:205 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:66 +msgid "Sort ascending" +msgstr "Razvrsti naraščajoče" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1017 +msgid "Sort Metric" +msgstr "Mera za razvrščanje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1020 +msgid "If a metric is specified, sorting will be done based on the metric value" +msgstr "Če je določena mera, bo razvrščanje izvedeno na podlagi vrednosti mere" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1030 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:184 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:188 +msgid "Sort metric" +msgstr "Mera za razvrščanje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1053 +msgid "Single Value" +msgstr "Ena vrednost" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1070 +msgid "Single value type" +msgstr "Tip z eno vrednostjo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1079 +msgid "Minimum" +msgstr "Minimum" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1082 +msgid "Exact" +msgstr "Natančno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1085 +msgid "Maximum" +msgstr "Maksimum" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1116 +msgid "Filter has default value" +msgstr "Filter ima privzeto vrednost" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1133 +msgid "Default Value" +msgstr "Privzeta vrednost" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1162 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/DateFilterLabel.tsx:223 +msgid "Default value is required" +msgstr "Zahtevana je privzeta vrednost" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1202 +msgid "Refresh the default values" +msgstr "Osveži privzete vrednosti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:1208 +msgid "Fill all required fields to enable \"Default Value\"" +msgstr "Izpolnite vsa polja, da omogočite \"Privzeto vrednost\"" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/RemovedFilter.tsx:39 +msgid "You have removed this filter." +msgstr "Odstranili ste ta filter." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/RemovedFilter.tsx:46 +msgid "Restore Filter" +msgstr "Povrni filter" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/getControlItemsMap.tsx:118 +msgid "Column is required" +msgstr "Zahtevan je stolpec" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/getControlItemsMap.tsx:173 +msgid "Populate \"Default value\" to enable this control" +msgstr "Izpolnite \"Privzeto vrednost\", da omogočite ta kontrolnik" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/state.ts:88 msgid "" -"Time-series Area chart are similar to line chart in that they represent " -"variables with the same scale, but area charts stack the metrics on top " -"of each other. An area chart in Superset can be stream, stack, or expand." +"Default value set automatically when \"Select first filter value by default\" is " +"checked" msgstr "" -"Ploščinski grafikoni časovne vrste so podobni črtnim grafikonom, saj " -"predstavljajo spremenljivke v istem razmerju, vendar se pri ploščinskih " -"grafikonih mere nalagajo ena na drugo." +"Privzeta vrednost je samodejno izbrana, če je izbrano \"Prvi element je izbran " +"kot privzet\"" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:35 -msgid "Time-series Bar Chart" -msgstr "Stolpčni grafikon za časovno vrsto" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:75 -msgid "Time-series Bar Chart v2" -msgstr "Stolpčni grafikon časovne vrste v2" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:61 -msgid "" -"Time-series Bar Charts are used to show the changes in a metric over time" -" as a series of bars." +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/state.ts:92 +msgid "Default value must be set when \"Filter value is required\" is checked" msgstr "" -"Stolpčni grafikoni časovne vrste se uporabljajo za prikaz sprememb mere " -"skozi čas s pomočjo niza stolpcev." +"Privzeta vrednost mora biti določena, če je izbrano \"Vrednost filtra obvezna\"" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts:69 -msgid "Time-series Chart" -msgstr "Grafikon časovne vrste" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Line/index.ts:70 -msgid "Time-series Line Chart" -msgstr "Črtni grafikon časovne vrste" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:30 -msgid "Time-series Percent Change" -msgstr "Časovna vrsta - Procentualna sprememba" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/index.js:28 -msgid "Time-series Period Pivot" -msgstr "Časovna serija - Vrtenje periode" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:69 -msgid "Time-series Scatter Plot" -msgstr "Raztreseni grafikon časovne vrste" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:59 -msgid "" -"Time-series Scatter Plot has time on the horizontal axis in linear units," -" and the points are connected in order. It shows a statistical " -"relationship between two variables." +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/state.ts:96 +msgid "Default value must be set when \"Filter has default value\" is checked" msgstr "" -"Raztreseni grafikon časovne vrste prikazuje podatkovne točke v povezanem " -"redu in prikazuje statistično razmerje med spremenljivkami." +"Privzeta vrednost mora biti določena, če je izbrano \"Filter ima privzeto vrednost" +"\"" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:69 -msgid "Time-series Smooth Line" -msgstr "Zglajeni črtni grafikon časovne vrste" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FilterScope/FilterScope.tsx:122 +msgid "Apply to all panels" +msgstr "Uporabi za vse panele" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:59 -msgid "" -"Time-series Smooth-line is a variation of line chart. Without angles and " -"hard edges, Smooth-line looks more smarter and more professional." +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FilterScope/FilterScope.tsx:124 +msgid "Apply to specific panels" +msgstr "Uporabi za določene panele" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FilterScope/FilterScope.tsx:130 +msgid "Only selected panels will be affected by this filter" +msgstr "Ta filter bo vplival le na izbrane panele" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FilterScope/FilterScope.tsx:131 +msgid "All panels with this column will be affected by this filter" +msgstr "Ta filter bo vplival na vse panele s tem stolpcem" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FilterScope/state.ts:49 +msgid "All panels" +msgstr "Vsi paneli" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FilterScope/utils.ts:55 +msgid "This chart might be incompatible with the filter (datasets don't match)" msgstr "" -"Zglajeni grafikon časovne vrste je izpeljanka črtnega grafikona, ki " -"zgladi ostre robove krivulje." +"Ta grafikon je lahko nekompatibilen s filtrom (podatkovni seti se ne ujemajo)" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:60 -msgid "Time-series Stepped Line" -msgstr "Stopnični črtni grafikon časovne vrste" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/Footer/CancelConfirmationAlert.tsx:56 +msgid "Keep editing" +msgstr "Nadaljuj z urejanjem" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:50 -msgid "" -"Time-series Stepped-line graph (also called step chart) is a variation of" -" line chart but with the line forming a series of steps between data " -"points. A step chart can be useful when you want to show the changes that" -" occur at irregular intervals." +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/Footer/CancelConfirmationAlert.tsx:64 +msgid "Yes, cancel" +msgstr "Da, prekini" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/Footer/Footer.tsx:45 +msgid "There are unsaved changes." +msgstr "Imate neshranjene spremembe." + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/Footer/Footer.tsx:49 +msgid "Are you sure you want to cancel?" +msgstr "Ali želite prekiniti?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/containers/DashboardPage.tsx:257 +msgid "Error loading chart datasources. Filters may not work correctly." msgstr "" -"Stopnični grafikon časovne vrste je izpeljanka črtnega grafikona, pri " -"čemer krivuljo tvorijo stopnice med posameznimi točkami. Koristen je za " -"prikaz sprememb na posameznih intervalih." - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/TimeTableChartPlugin.ts:25 -msgid "Time-series Table" -msgstr "Tabela s časovno vrsto" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Line/index.ts:60 -msgid "" -"Time-series line chart is used to visualize repeated measurements taken " -"over regular time intervals. Line chart is a type of chart which displays" -" information as a series of data points connected by straight line " -"segments. It is a basic type of chart common in many fields." -msgstr "" -"Črtni grafikon časovne vrste je osnovni grafikon, ki se uporablja na " -"različnih področjih. Uporablja se za vizualizacijo meritev zajetih skozi " -"čas. Posamezne točke so med seboj povezane z ravnimi črtami." - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/TimeoutErrorMessage.tsx:98 -msgid "Timeout error" -msgstr "Napaka pretečenega časa" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts:60 -msgid "Timestamp Format" -msgstr "Oblika časovne značke" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:73 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:372 -msgid "Timestamp format" -msgstr "Oblika zapisa časovne značke" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ReportModal/index.tsx:378 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1223 -msgid "Timezone" -msgstr "Časovni pas" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:312 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:438 -msgid "Timezone offset (in hours) for this datasource" -msgstr "Razlika časovnega pasu (v urah) za ta podatkovni vir" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/TimezoneSelector/index.tsx:120 -msgid "Timezone selector" -msgstr "Izbira časovnega pasa" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/sharedControls.ts:35 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/sharedControls.ts:69 -msgid "Tiny" -msgstr "Drobna" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:502 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/DividerConfigForm.tsx:42 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:278 -#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:79 superset/views/dashboard/views.py:156 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "Naslov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:509 -msgid "Title Column" -msgstr "Stolpec z naslovi" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/DividerConfigForm.tsx:45 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Title is required" -msgstr "Zahtevana je vrednost" - -#: superset/dashboards/filters.py:33 -msgid "Title or Slug" -msgstr "Naslov ali `Slug`" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:287 -msgid "To filter on a metric, use Custom SQL tab." -msgstr "Za filtriranje po meri uporabite prilagojen SQL zavihek." - -#: superset/views/dashboard/mixin.py:58 -msgid "To get a readable URL for your dashboard" -msgstr "Za pridobitev berljivega URL-ja za nadzorno ploščo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:280 -msgid "Toggle chart description" -msgstr "Preklopi opis grafikona" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/FilterBoxChartPlugin.js:25 -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "Orodja" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:184 -msgid "Tooltip" -msgstr "Opis orodja" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:172 -msgid "Tooltip sort by metric" -msgstr "Mera za razvrščanje opisa orodja" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:162 -msgid "Tooltip time format" -msgstr "Oblika zapisa časa v opisu orodja" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:289 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "Zgoraj" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:139 -msgid "Top to Bottom" -msgstr "Iz vrha proti dnu" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/TableChart.tsx:439 -msgid "Totals" -msgstr "Vsote" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:820 -msgid "Track job" -msgstr "Sledi opravilom" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/index.js:40 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/index.ts:46 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:77 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/index.ts:83 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:82 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/index.ts:76 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/SmoothLine/index.ts:77 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/index.ts:67 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/index.ts:76 -msgid "Transformable" -msgstr "Prilagodljiv" +"Napaka pri nalaganju podatkovnih virov grafikona. Filtri lahko ne delujejo " +"pravilno." #: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/util/backgroundStyleOptions.ts:25 msgid "Transparent" msgstr "Prozorno" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:110 -msgid "Transpose Pivot" -msgstr "Transponirano vrtenje" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/util/backgroundStyleOptions.ts:30 +msgid "White" +msgstr "Belo" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:173 -msgid "Transpose pivot" -msgstr "Transponirano vrtenje" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/util/getFilterFieldNodesTree.js:44 +msgid "All filters" +msgstr "Vsi filtri" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/index.ts:39 -msgid "Tree Chart" -msgstr "Drevesni grafikon" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/util/headerStyleOptions.ts:30 +msgid "Medium" +msgstr "Srednje" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:117 -msgid "Tree layout" -msgstr "Oblika drevesa" +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/util/newComponentFactory.js:58 +#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/util/newComponentFactory.js:59 +msgid "Tab title" +msgstr "Naslov zavihka" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:134 -msgid "Tree orientation" -msgstr "Orientacija drevesa" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/index.js:40 -#: superset/viz.py:1003 -msgid "Treemap" -msgstr "Drevesni grafikon s pravokotniki" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/index.ts:56 -msgid "Treemap v2" -msgstr "Drevesni grafikon s pravokotniki v2" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js:37 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/index.js:37 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/index.ts:43 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:53 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:39 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:38 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:40 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/index.ts:59 -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/TimeTableChartPlugin.ts:36 -msgid "Trend" -msgstr "Trend" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:226 -msgid "Triangle" -msgstr "Trikotnik" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1168 -msgid "Trigger Alert If..." -msgstr "Sproži opozorilo v primeru ..." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:340 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:255 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:218 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:198 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:215 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:271 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:274 -msgid "Truncate Y Axis" -msgstr "Prireži Y-os" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:343 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:258 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:201 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:218 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:274 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:277 -msgid "Truncate Y Axis. Can be overridden by specifying a min or max bound." +#: superset-frontend/src/embedded/index.tsx:107 +msgid "" +"This session has encountered an interruption, and some controls may not work as " +"intended. If you are the developer of this app, please check that the guest token " +"is being generated correctly." msgstr "" -"Prireži Y-os. Če določite spodnjo ali zgornjo mejo, preprečite " -"prirezovanje." +"Ta seja je bila prekinjena in nekateri kontrolniki mogoče ne delujejo kot bi " +"morali. Če ste razvijalec te aplikacije, preverite, da je žeton za gosta pravilno " +"generiran." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/constants.ts:123 +msgid "Time granularity" +msgstr "Granulacija časa" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:32 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:200 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:298 +msgid "Visualization type" +msgstr "Tip vizualizacije" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:206 +msgid "Fixed color" +msgstr "Izbrana barva" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:215 +msgid "Right axis metric" +msgstr "Mera desne osi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:222 +msgid "Linear color scheme" +msgstr "Linearna barvna shema" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:235 +msgid "Color metric" +msgstr "P" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:246 +msgid "One or many controls to pivot as columns" +msgstr "En ali več kontrolnikov za stolpčno vrtenje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:431 +msgid "Bubble size" +msgstr "Velikost mehurčka" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:450 +msgid "" +"When `Calculation type` is set to \"Percentage change\", the Y Axis Format is " +"forced to `.1%`" +msgstr "" +"Če je `Vrsta izračuna` nastavljena na \"Procentualna sprememba\", bo oblika Y-osi " +"vsiljena na `.1%`" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ColorSchemeControl/index.jsx:50 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:214 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:218 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:70 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:476 +msgid "Color scheme" +msgstr "Barvna shema" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/actions/exploreActions.ts:95 +msgid "An error occurred while starring this chart" +msgstr "Pri ocenjevanju grafikona je prišlo do napake" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.test.tsx:38 +msgid "GROUP BY" +msgstr "GROUP BY" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.test.tsx:39 +msgid "Use this section if you want a query that aggregates" +msgstr "Ta sklop uporabite če želite poizvedbo za agregacijo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.test.tsx:52 +msgid "NOT GROUPED BY" +msgstr "NOT GROUPED BY" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.test.tsx:53 +msgid "Use this section if you want to query atomic rows" +msgstr "Ta sklop uporabite, če želite poizvedbo za posamezne vrstice" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.tsx:465 +msgid "Keep control settings?" +msgstr "Obdržim nastavitve kontrolnika?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.tsx:466 +msgid "" +"You've changed datasets. Any controls with data (columns, metrics) that match " +"this new dataset have been retained." +msgstr "" +"Spremenili ste podatkovne sete. Vsi kontrolniki nad podatki (stolpci, mere), ki " +"se ujemajo z novim podatkovnim setom, se bodo ohranili." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.tsx:471 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.tsx:482 +msgid "Continue" +msgstr "Nadaljuj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.tsx:472 +msgid "Clear form" +msgstr "Počisti polja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.tsx:477 +msgid "No form settings were maintained" +msgstr "Nastavitve forme se niso ohranile" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.tsx:478 +msgid "" +"We were unable to carry over any controls when switching to this new dataset." +msgstr "Prenos kontrolnikov pri preklopu na nov podatkovni set ni bil uspešen." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlPanelsContainer.tsx:544 +msgid "Customize" +msgstr "Prilagodi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/EmbedCodeContent.jsx:57 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:55 +msgid "Error" +msgstr "Napaka" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/EmbedCodeContent.jsx:82 +msgid "Generating link, please wait.." +msgstr "Ustvarjam povezavo, prosim počakajte..." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/EmbedCodeContent.jsx:130 +msgid "Chart height" +msgstr "Višina grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/EmbedCodeContent.jsx:139 +msgid "Chart width" +msgstr "Širina grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreChartPanel.jsx:293 +msgid "Required control values have been removed" +msgstr "Zahtevane kontrolne vrednosti so bile odstranjene" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreChartPanel.jsx:294 +msgid "Your chart is not up to date" +msgstr "Grafikon ni aktualen" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreChartPanel.jsx:301 +msgid "" +"You updated the values in the control panel, but the chart was not updated " +"automatically. Run the query by clicking on the \"Update chart\" button or" +msgstr "" +"Posodobili ste vrednosti v kontrolni plošči, vendar se grafikon ni samodejno " +"posodobil. Zaženite poizvedbo z gumbom \"Posodobi grafikon\" ali" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:35 +msgid "**Select** a dashboard OR **create** a new one" +msgstr "**Izberite** nadzorno ploščo ALI **ustvarite** novo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:141 +msgid "Please enter a chart name" +msgstr "Vnesite ime grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:184 +msgid "Save chart" +msgstr "Shrani grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:204 +msgid "Save & go to new dashboard" +msgstr "Shrani in pojdi na novo nadzorno ploščo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:205 +msgid "Save & go to dashboard" +msgstr "Shrani in pojdi na nadzorno ploščo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:216 +msgid "Save as new chart" +msgstr "Shrani kot nov grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:218 +msgid "Save to new dashboard" +msgstr "Shrani v novo nadzorno ploščo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:251 +msgid "Save (Overwrite)" +msgstr "Shrani (prepiši)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:259 +msgid "Save as..." +msgstr "Shrani kot ..." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:263 +msgid "Chart name" +msgstr "Ime grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:274 +msgid "Add to dashboard" +msgstr "Dodaj na nadzorno ploščo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/SaveModal.tsx:280 +msgid "Select a dashboard" +msgstr "Izberite nadzorno ploščo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTableControl/index.tsx:84 +msgid "Copy" +msgstr "Kopiraj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTableControl/index.tsx:142 +msgid "Formatted date" +msgstr "Oblikovan datum" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTableControl/index.tsx:194 +msgid "Column Formatting" +msgstr "Oblikovanje stolpca" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTableControl/index.tsx:239 +msgid "N/A" +msgstr "N/A" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTablesPane/DataTablesPane.tsx:158 +msgid "Collapse data panel" +msgstr "Skrij podatkovni panel" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTablesPane/DataTablesPane.tsx:163 +msgid "Expand data panel" +msgstr "Razširi podatkovni panel" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTablesPane/DataTablesPane.tsx:208 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTablesPane/components/ResultsPaneOnDashboard.tsx:60 +#, python-format +msgid "Results %s" +msgstr "Rezultati %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTablesPane/DataTablesPane.tsx:227 +msgid "Samples" +msgstr "Vzorci" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTablesPane/components/SamplesPane.tsx:119 +msgid "No samples were returned for this dataset" +msgstr "Za podatkovni set ni vrnjenih vzorcev" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTablesPane/components/SamplesPane.tsx:137 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTablesPane/components/SingleQueryResultPane.tsx:64 +msgid "No results" +msgstr "Ni rezultatov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:321 +msgid "Search Metrics & Columns" +msgstr "Iskanje mer in stolpcev" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:339 +msgid "Create a dataset" +msgstr "Ustvarite podatkovni set" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:341 +#, python-format +msgid " to edit or add columns and metrics." +msgstr " za urejanje ali dodajanje stolpcev in mer." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:357 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:393 +#, python-format +msgid "Showing %s of %s" +msgstr "Prikazanih %s od %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:381 +msgid "Show less..." +msgstr "Prikaži manj..." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:381 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:417 +msgid "Show all..." +msgstr "Prikaži vse..." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DatasourcePanel/index.tsx:417 +msgid "Show Less..." +msgstr "Prikaži manj..." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreChartHeader/index.jsx:156 +msgid "Add the name of the chart" +msgstr "Dodajte naslov grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreChartHeader/index.jsx:157 +msgid "Chart title" +msgstr "Naslov grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreChartHeader/index.jsx:188 +msgid "Add required control values to save chart" +msgstr "Dodaj potrebne parametre za shranjenje grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreViewContainer/index.jsx:499 +msgid "Controls labeled " +msgstr "Kontrolniki imenovani " + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreViewContainer/index.jsx:499 +msgid "Control labeled " +msgstr "Nastavitev " + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreViewContainer/index.jsx:637 +msgid "Open Datasource tab" +msgstr "Odpri zavihek s podatkovnim virom" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExportToCSVDropdown/index.tsx:75 +msgid "Original" +msgstr "Izvoren" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExportToCSVDropdown/index.tsx:81 +msgid "Pivoted" +msgstr "Vrtilni" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:69 +msgid "You do not have permission to edit this chart" +msgstr "Nimate dovoljenja za urejanje tega grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:164 +msgid "Chart properties updated" +msgstr "Lastnosti grafikona posodobljene" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:210 +msgid "This chart is managed externally, and can't be edited in Superset" +msgstr "Ta grafikon se ne ureja znotraj Superseta" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:259 +msgid "" +"The description can be displayed as widget headers in the dashboard view. " +"Supports markdown." +msgstr "" +"Opis je lahko prikazan kot glava gradnika in pogledu nadzorne plošče. Podpira " +"markdown." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:270 +msgid "Person or group that has certified this chart." +msgstr "Oseba ali skupina, ki je certificirala ta grafikon." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:288 +msgid "Configuration" +msgstr "Nastavitve" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:294 +msgid "" +"Duration (in seconds) of the caching timeout for this chart. Note this defaults " +"to the dataset's timeout if undefined." +msgstr "" +"Časovna veljavnost (v sekundah) predpomnjenja za ta grafikon. Če ni definirana, " +"je uporabljena vrednost za podatkovni set." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:312 +msgid "A list of users who can alter the chart. Searchable by name or username." +msgstr "" +"Seznam uporabnikov, ki lahko spreminjajo ta grafikon. Možno je iskanje po imenu " +"ali uporabniškem imenu." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/RowCountLabel/index.tsx:41 +#, python-format +msgid "%s row" +msgstr "%s vrstica" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/RowCountLabel/index.tsx:45 +msgid "Limit reached" +msgstr "Omejitev dosežena" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/RunQueryButton/index.tsx:54 +msgid "Create chart" +msgstr "Ustvari grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/RunQueryButton/index.tsx:54 +msgid "Update chart" +msgstr "Posodobi grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/SpatialControl.jsx:82 +msgid "Invalid lat/long configuration." +msgstr "Neveljavna nastavitev zemljepisne dolžine/širine." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/SpatialControl.jsx:155 +msgid "Reverse lat/long " +msgstr "Zamenjaj zemljepisno dolžino/širino " + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/SpatialControl.jsx:168 +msgid "Longitude & Latitude columns" +msgstr "Stolpci zemljepisne dolžine in širine" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/SpatialControl.jsx:184 +msgid "Delimited long & lat single column" +msgstr "En stolpec z ločenima zemljepisno dolžino in širino" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/SpatialControl.jsx:185 +msgid "" +"Multiple formats accepted, look the geopy.points Python library for more details" +msgstr "" +"Sprejema različne zapise - podrobnosti najdete v Pythonovi knjižnici geopy.points" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/SpatialControl.jsx:203 +msgid "Geohash" +msgstr "Geohash" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/TextAreaControl.jsx:98 +msgid "textarea" +msgstr "področje besedila" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/TextAreaControl.jsx:128 +msgid "in modal" +msgstr "v modalnem oknu" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ViewQueryModal.tsx:84 +msgid "Sorry, An error occurred" +msgstr "Prišlo je do napake" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/withAsyncVerification.tsx:201 +#, python-format +msgid "Failed to verify select options: %s" +msgstr "Preverjanje možnosti izbire ni uspelo: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:113 +msgid "No annotation layers" +msgstr "Ni slojev z oznakami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:116 +msgid "Add an annotation layer" +msgstr "Dodaj sloj z oznakami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:425 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Use another existing chart as a source for annotations and overlays.\n" +" Your chart must be one of these visualization types: [%s]" +msgstr "" +"Uporabite enega izmed obstoječih grafikonov kot vir oznak.\n" +" Grafikon mora biti naslednjega tipa: [%s]" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:437 +msgid "Annotation layer value" +msgstr "Vrednost sloja z oznakami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:500 +msgid "Annotation Slice Configuration" +msgstr "Nastavitve rezine z oznakami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:501 +msgid "" +"This section allows you to configure how to use the slice\n" +" to generate annotations." +msgstr "" +"V tem sklopu lahko nastavite način uporabe rezine\n" +" za ustvarjanje oznak." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:507 +msgid "Annotation layer time column" +msgstr "Časovni stolpec sloja z oznakami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:512 +msgid "Interval start column" +msgstr "Stolpec začetka intervala" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:513 +msgid "Event time column" +msgstr "Stolpec časa dogodka" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:515 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:531 +msgid "This column must contain date/time information." +msgstr "Ta stolpec mora vsebovati informacijo o datumu/času." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:527 +msgid "Annotation layer interval end" +msgstr "Konec intervala sloja z oznakami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:530 +msgid "Interval End column" +msgstr "Stolpec konca intervala" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:541 +msgid "Annotation layer title column" +msgstr "Stolpec z naslovom sloja z oznakami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:544 +msgid "Title Column" +msgstr "Stolpec z naslovi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:545 +msgid "Pick a title for you annotation." +msgstr "Izberite naslov za oznako." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:552 +msgid "Annotation layer description columns" +msgstr "Stolpci z opisi slojev z oznakami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:555 +msgid "Description Columns" +msgstr "Stolpci z opisi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:556 +msgid "" +"Pick one or more columns that should be shown in the annotation. If you don't " +"select a column all of them will be shown." +msgstr "" +"Izberite enega ali več stolpcev, ki bodo prikazani v oznakah. Če ne izberete " +"stolpca, bodo prikazani vsi." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:650 +msgid "Display configuration" +msgstr "Prikaži nastavitve" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:651 +msgid "Configure your how you overlay is displayed here." +msgstr "Nastavite kako se tukaj prikazuje vrhnja plast." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:654 +msgid "Annotation layer stroke" +msgstr "Obroba sloja z oznakami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:656 +msgid "Style" +msgstr "Slog" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:669 +msgid "Annotation layer opacity" +msgstr "Prosojnost sloja z oznakami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:683 +msgid "Color" +msgstr "Barva" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:754 +msgid "Layer configuration" +msgstr "Nastavitve sloja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:755 +msgid "Configure the basics of your Annotation Layer." +msgstr "Osnovne nastavitve sloja z oznakami." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:763 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:801 +msgid "Mandatory" +msgstr "Obvezno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:767 +msgid "Hide layer" +msgstr "Skrij sloj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:773 +msgid "Show label" +msgstr "Pokaži oznako" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:776 +msgid "Whether to always show the annotation label" +msgstr "Če želite vedno prikazati naslov oznake" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:780 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:783 +msgid "Annotation layer type" +msgstr "Tip sloja z oznakami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:782 +msgid "Choose the annotation layer type" +msgstr "Izberite tip sloja z oznakami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:792 +msgid "Annotation source type" +msgstr "Tip vira oznak" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:794 +msgid "Choose the source of your annotations" +msgstr "Izberite vir svojih oznak" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:795 +msgid "Annotation source" +msgstr "Vir oznak" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:817 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Odstrani" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/index.jsx:177 +msgid "Edit annotation layer" +msgstr "Uredi sloj z oznakami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/index.jsx:207 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/index.jsx:219 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayerModal.tsx:242 +msgid "Add annotation layer" +msgstr "Dodaj sloj z oznakami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/CollectionControl/index.jsx:59 +msgid "Empty collection" +msgstr "Prazen izbor" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/CollectionControl/index.jsx:63 +msgid "Add an item" +msgstr "Dodaj element" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/CollectionControl/index.jsx:142 +msgid "Remove item" +msgstr "Odstrani element" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ColorSchemeControl/index.jsx:66 +msgid "" +"The color scheme is determined by the related dashboard.\n" +" Edit the color scheme in the dashboard properties." +msgstr "" +"Barvna shema je določena s povezano nadzorno ploščo.\n" +" Barvno shemo uredite v nastavitvah nadzorne plošče." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ColorSchemeControl/index.jsx:127 +msgid "" +"This color scheme is being overriden by custom label colors.\n" +" Check the JSON metadata in the Advanced settings" +msgstr "" +"Barvna shema je bila preglasovana z barvo oznake po meri.\n" +" Preverite JSON metapodatke v naprednih nastavitvah" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ColorSchemeControl/index.jsx:153 +msgid "Dashboard scheme" +msgstr "Shema nadzorne plošče" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ColorSchemeControl/index.jsx:188 +msgid "Select color scheme" +msgstr "Izberite barvno shemo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ColorSchemeControl/index.jsx:194 +msgid "Select scheme" +msgstr "Izberite shemo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/ConditionalFormattingControl.tsx:151 +msgid "Edit formatter" +msgstr "Uredi oblikovanje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/ConditionalFormattingControl.tsx:169 +msgid "Add new formatter" +msgstr "Dodaj novo oblikovanje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/ConditionalFormattingControl.tsx:176 +msgid "Add new color formatter" +msgstr "Dodaj novo oblikovanje barve" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:42 +msgid "green" +msgstr "zelena" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:43 +msgid "yellow" +msgstr "rumena" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:44 +msgid "red" +msgstr "rdeča" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:80 +msgid "This value should be smaller than the right target value" +msgstr "Ta vrednost mora biti manjša od desne ciljne vrednosti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:85 +msgid "This value should be greater than the left target value" +msgstr "Ta vrednost mora biti večja od leve ciljne vrednosti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:94 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:98 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:105 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:252 +msgid "Required" +msgstr "Obvezno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:126 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:130 +msgid "Operator" +msgstr "Operator" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:144 +msgid "Left value" +msgstr "Leva vrednost" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:157 +msgid "Right value" +msgstr "Desna vrednost" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:173 +msgid "Target value" +msgstr "Ciljna vrednost" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:208 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSqlTabContent/index.jsx:63 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:300 +msgid "Select column" +msgstr "Izberite stolpec" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:244 +msgid "Edit dataset" +msgstr "Uredi podatkovni set" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:256 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:429 +msgid "" +"You must be a dataset owner in order to edit. Please reach out to a dataset owner " +"to request modifications or edit access." +msgstr "" +"Za urejanje morate biti lastnik podatkovnega seta. Za dostop do urejanja " +"kontaktirajte lastnika podatkovnega seta." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:269 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:277 +msgid "View in SQL Lab" +msgstr "Ogled v SQL laboratoriju" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:276 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryPreviewModal.tsx:117 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:378 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryPreviewModal.tsx:97 +msgid "Query preview" +msgstr "Predogled poizvedbe" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:278 +msgid "Save as dataset" +msgstr "Shrani kot podatkovni set" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:322 +msgid "More dataset related options" +msgstr "Več nastavitev za podatkovni set" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:335 +msgid "Missing URL parameters" +msgstr "Manjkajo parametri URL-ja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:340 +msgid "The URL is missing the dataset_id or slice_id parameters." +msgstr "V URL-ju manjkata parametra dataset_id ali slice_id." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:358 +msgid "The dataset linked to this chart may have been deleted." +msgstr "Podatkovni set, povezan s tem grafikonom, je bil izbrisan." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/DateFilterLabel.tsx:293 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/DateFilterLabel.tsx:295 +msgid "RANGE TYPE" +msgstr "TIP OBDOBJA" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/DateFilterLabel.tsx:316 +msgid "Actual time range" +msgstr "Dejansko časovno obdobje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/DateFilterLabel.tsx:334 +msgid "CANCEL" +msgstr "PREKINI" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/DateFilterLabel.tsx:344 +msgid "APPLY" +msgstr "UPORABI" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/DateFilterLabel.tsx:353 +msgid "Edit time range" +msgstr "Uredi časovno obdobje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/AdvancedFrame.tsx:58 +msgid "Configure Advanced Time Range " +msgstr "Nastavi napredno časovno obdobje " + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/AdvancedFrame.tsx:64 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:114 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:121 +msgid "START (INCLUSIVE)" +msgstr "ZAČETEK (VKLJUČEN)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/AdvancedFrame.tsx:66 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:116 +msgid "Start date included in time range" +msgstr "Začetni datum je vključen v časovno obdobje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/AdvancedFrame.tsx:76 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:166 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:173 +msgid "END (EXCLUSIVE)" +msgstr "KONEC (NI VKLJUČEN)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/AdvancedFrame.tsx:78 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:168 +msgid "End date excluded from time range" +msgstr "Končni datum ni vključen v časovno obdobje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CalendarFrame.tsx:46 +msgid "Configure Time Range: Previous..." +msgstr "Nastavi časovno obdobje: Prejšnji ..." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CommonFrame.tsx:41 +msgid "Configure Time Range: Last..." +msgstr "Nastavi časovno obdobje: Zadnji ..." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:110 +msgid "Configure custom time range" +msgstr "Nastavi prilagojeno časovno obdobje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:143 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:194 +msgid "Relative quantity" +msgstr "Relativne vrednosti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:155 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:206 +msgid "Relative period" +msgstr "Relativno obdobje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:218 +msgid "Anchor to" +msgstr "Sidraj na" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:227 +msgid "NOW" +msgstr "ZDAJ" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/CustomFrame.tsx:230 +msgid "Date/Time" +msgstr "Datum/Čas" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:29 +msgid "Return to specific datetime." +msgstr "Vrne določen datum-čas." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:30 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:44 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:62 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:76 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:89 +msgid "Syntax" +msgstr "Sintaksa" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:34 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:49 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:67 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:81 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:95 +msgid "Example" +msgstr "Primer" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:43 +msgid "Moves the given set of dates by a specified interval." +msgstr "Premakne dani nabor datumov za definirano obdobje." #: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:58 msgid "Truncates the specified date to the accuracy specified by the date unit." msgstr "Zaokroži določen datum, glede na natančnost, definirano s časovno enoto." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/BigNumber.tsx:222 -msgid "Try applying different filters or ensuring your datasource has data" -msgstr "" -"Poskusite uporabiti druge filtre oz. zagotovite, da so v podatkovnem viru" -" podatki" +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:75 +msgid "Get the last date by the date unit." +msgstr "Pridobi zadnji datum glede na časovno enoto." -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:58 -msgid "Tuesday" -msgstr "Torek" +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/components/DateFunctionTooltip.tsx:88 +msgid "Get the specify date for the holiday" +msgstr "Določi datum praznika" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:215 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/TimeSeriesColumnControl/index.jsx:219 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/TimeSeriesColumnControl/index.jsx:276 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:288 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:466 -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:92 superset/connectors/druid/views.py:190 -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:152 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:258 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "Tip" +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:31 +msgid "Last" +msgstr "Zadnji" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/DeleteModal/index.tsx:92 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ImportModal/index.tsx:253 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:32 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryPreviewModal.tsx:125 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryPreviewModal.tsx:105 +msgid "Previous" +msgstr "Prejšnji" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:33 +msgid "Custom" +msgstr "Prilagojen" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:39 +msgid "last day" +msgstr "zadnji dan" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:40 +msgid "last week" +msgstr "zadnji teden" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:41 +msgid "last month" +msgstr "zadnji mesec" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:42 +msgid "last quarter" +msgstr "zadnje četrletje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:43 +msgid "last year" +msgstr "zadnje leto" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:50 +msgid "previous calendar week" +msgstr "prejšnji koledarski teden" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:53 +msgid "previous calendar month" +msgstr "prejšnji koledarski mesec" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:55 +msgid "previous calendar year" +msgstr "prejšnje koledarsko leto" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:62 #, python-format -msgid "Type \"%s\" to confirm" -msgstr "Vnesite \"%s\" za potrditev" +msgid "Seconds %s" +msgstr "Sekunde %s" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ListView/Filters/Search.tsx:71 -msgid "Type a value" -msgstr "Vnesite vrednost" +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:63 +#, python-format +msgid "Minutes %s" +msgstr "Minute %s" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:319 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Hours %s" +msgstr "Ure %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:65 +#, python-format +msgid "Days %s" +msgstr "Dnevi %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:66 +#, python-format +msgid "Weeks %s" +msgstr "Tedni %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:67 +#, python-format +msgid "Months %s" +msgstr "Meseci %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:68 +#, python-format +msgid "Quarters %s" +msgstr "Četrtletja %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:69 +#, python-format +msgid "Years %s" +msgstr "Leta %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:75 +msgid "Before" +msgstr "PRED" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:82 +msgid "After" +msgstr "PO" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:87 +msgid "Specific Date/Time" +msgstr "Fiksen Datum/Čas" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:88 +msgid "Relative Date/Time" +msgstr "Relativen Datum/Čas" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:89 +msgid "Now" +msgstr "Zdaj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:90 +msgid "Midnight" +msgstr "Polnoč" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:230 +msgid "Saved expressions" +msgstr "Shranjeni izrazi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:246 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:367 +msgid "Saved" +msgstr "Shranjeno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:255 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:305 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:330 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:301 +#, python-format +msgid "%s column(s)" +msgstr "Stolpci: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:273 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:292 +msgid "No temporal columns found" +msgstr "Ni najdenih časovnih stolpcev" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:274 +msgid "No saved expressions found" +msgstr "Shranjeni izrazi niso najdeni" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:278 +msgid "Add calculated temporal columns to dataset in \"Edit datasource\" modal" +msgstr "" +"Dodaj izračunan časovni stolpec v podatkovni set v oknu \"Uredi podatkovni vir\"" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:281 +msgid "Add calculated columns to dataset in \"Edit datasource\" modal" +msgstr "Dodaj izračunan stolpec v podatkovni set v oknu \"Uredi podatkovni vir\"" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:288 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopover/index.jsx:211 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:401 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:404 +msgid "Simple" +msgstr "Preprosto" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:293 +msgid "Mark a column as temporal in \"Edit datasource\" modal" +msgstr "Označite stolpec kot časoven preko okna \"Uredi podatkovni vir\"" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopover.tsx:319 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopover/index.jsx:237 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopover/index.jsx:240 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:447 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:450 +msgid "Custom SQL" +msgstr "Prilagojen SQL" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/ColumnSelectPopoverTrigger.tsx:43 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/DndColumnSelectPopoverTitle.jsx:65 +msgid "My column" +msgstr "Moj stolpec" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/DndColumnSelect.tsx:211 +msgid "Drop a column here or click" +msgstr "Spustite stolpec sem ali kliknite" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/DndColumnSelect.tsx:216 +msgid "Drop column here" +msgstr "Spustite stolpec sem" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/DndColumnSelectPopoverTitle.jsx:81 +msgid "Click to edit label" +msgstr "Kliknite za urejanje oznake" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/DndFilterSelect.tsx:388 +msgid "Drop columns/metrics here or click" +msgstr "Spustite stolpce/mere sem ali kliknite" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/DndFilterSelect.tsx:389 +msgid "Drop columns or metrics here" +msgstr "Spustite stolpce ali mere sem" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/DndMetricSelect.tsx:367 +msgid "Drop a column/metric here or click" +msgstr "Spustite stolpec/mero sem ali kliknite" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/DndMetricSelect.tsx:372 +msgid "Drop column or metric here" +msgstr "Spustite stolpec ali mero sem" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/DndSelectLabel.tsx:83 +msgid "Drop columns here" +msgstr "Spustite stolpce sem" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DndColumnSelectControl/Option.tsx:68 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/OptionControls/index.tsx:322 +msgid "" +"\n" +" This filter was inherited from the dashboard's context.\n" +" It won't be saved when saving the chart.\n" +" " +msgstr "" +"\n" +" Ta filter izvira iz konteksta nadzorne plošče.\n" +" Pri shranjevanju grafikona se ne bo shranil.\n" +" " + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:167 +msgid "Default" +msgstr "Privzeto" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:168 +msgid "" +"(optional) default value for the filter, when using the multiple option, you can " +"use a semicolon-delimited list of options." +msgstr "" +"(opcijsko) privzeta vrednost za filter, če uporabite opcijo izbire večih , lahko " +"uporabite seznam nastavitev ločen s podpičji." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:185 +msgid "Metric to sort the results by" +msgstr "Mera za razvrščanje rezultatov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:206 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:68 +msgid "Check for sorting ascending" +msgstr "Označi za naraščajoče razvrščanje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:216 +msgid "Allow multiple selections" +msgstr "Dovoli več izbir" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:218 +msgid "Multiple selections allowed, otherwise filter is limited to a single value" +msgstr "Lahko izberete več elementov, drugače pa je filter omejen na eno vrednost" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:232 +msgid "Search all filter options" +msgstr "Poišči vse možnosti filtra" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:233 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:138 +msgid "" +"By default, each filter loads at most 1000 choices at the initial page load. " +"Check this box if you have more than 1000 filter values and want to enable " +"dynamically searching that loads filter values as users type (may add stress to " +"your database)." +msgstr "" +"Privzeto vsak filter pri nalaganju začetne strani naloži največ 1000 možnosti. " +"Označite polje, če imate več kot 1000 vrednosti filtra in želite omogočiti " +"dinamično iskanje, ki nalaga vrednosti filtra ko uporabnik tipka (to lahko " +"preobremeni vašo podatkovno bazo)." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:253 +msgid "User must select a value for this filter" +msgstr "Uporabnik mora izbrati vrednost za ta filter" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:281 +msgid "Filter configuration" +msgstr "Nastavitve filtra" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopover/index.jsx:233 +msgid "Custom SQL ad-hoc filters are not available for the native Druid connector" +msgstr "Ad-hoc SQL filtri po meri niso na voljo za nativni konektor za Druid" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:296 +#, python-format +msgid "%s option(s)" +msgstr "Možnosti: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:309 +msgid "Select subject" +msgstr "Izberite zadevo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:312 +msgid "No such column found. To filter on a metric, try the Custom SQL tab." +msgstr "" +"Tak stolpec ni najden. Za filtriranje po meri uporabite prilagojen SQL zavihek." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:320 +#, python-format +msgid "%s column(s) and metric(s)" +msgstr "Stolpcev in mer: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:331 +msgid "To filter on a metric, use Custom SQL tab." +msgstr "Za filtriranje po meri uporabite prilagojen SQL zavihek." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:341 +#, python-format +msgid "%s operator(s)" +msgstr "Operatorji: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:347 +msgid "Select operator" +msgstr "Izberite operator" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:356 +msgid "Comparator option" +msgstr "Možnosti komparatorja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:363 msgid "Type a value here" msgstr "Vnesite vrednost sem" -#: superset/reports/commands/exceptions.py:71 -msgid "Type is required" -msgstr "Tip je obvezen" +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/index.tsx:496 +msgid "Filter value (case sensitive)" +msgstr "Vrednost filtra (razlik. velikih/malih črk)" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:73 -msgid "Type of Google Sheets allowed" -msgstr "Dovoljeni tipi Googlovih preglednic" +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSimpleTabContent/useAdvancedDataTypes.ts:70 +msgid "Failed to retrieve advanced type" +msgstr "Napaka pri pridobivanju naprednega tipa" -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/FilterBox.jsx:379 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSqlTabContent/index.jsx:101 +msgid "choose WHERE or HAVING..." +msgstr "izberite WHERE ali HAVING..." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSqlTabContent/index.jsx:134 +msgid "Filters by columns" +msgstr "Filtrira po stolpcu" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSqlTabContent/index.jsx:136 +msgid "Filters by metrics" +msgstr "Filtrira po merah" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FixedOrMetricControl/index.jsx:149 +msgid "Fixed" +msgstr "Fiksno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FixedOrMetricControl/index.jsx:165 +msgid "Based on a metric" +msgstr "Osnovan na meri" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopoverTitle.tsx:55 +msgid "My metric" +msgstr "Moja mera" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/MetricsControl.jsx:336 +msgid "Add metric" +msgstr "Dodaj mero" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:309 +msgid "Select aggregate options" +msgstr "Izberite agregacijske možnosti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:310 #, python-format -msgid "Type or Select [%s]" -msgstr "Vnesite ali izberite [%s]" +msgid "%s aggregates(s)" +msgstr "Agreg. funkcije: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:318 +msgid "Select saved metrics" +msgstr "Izberite shranjene mere" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:319 +#, python-format +msgid "%s saved metric(s)" +msgstr "Shranjene mere: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:369 +msgid "Saved metric" +msgstr "Shranjena mera" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:385 +msgid "No saved metrics found" +msgstr "Shranjene mere niso najdene" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:386 +msgid "Add metrics to dataset in \"Edit datasource\" modal" +msgstr "Dodaj mero v podatkovni set v oknu \"Uredi podatkovni vir\"" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:397 +msgid "Simple ad-hoc metrics are not enabled for this dataset" +msgstr "Preproste ad-hoc mere za ta podatkovni set niso omogočene" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:409 +msgid "column" +msgstr "stolpec" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:420 +msgid "aggregate" +msgstr "agregacija" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:439 +msgid "Custom SQL ad-hoc metrics are not available for the native Druid connector" +msgstr "Ad-hoc SQL mere po meri niso na voljo za nativni konektor za Druid" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:442 +msgid "Custom SQL ad-hoc metrics are not enabled for this dataset" +msgstr "Ad-hoc SQL mere po meri za ta podatkovni set niso omogočene" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/SelectAsyncControl/index.tsx:89 +#, python-format +msgid "Error while fetching data: %s" +msgstr "Napaka pri pridobivanju podatkov: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/TimeSeriesColumnControl/index.jsx:48 +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/controlPanel.js:38 +msgid "Time series columns" +msgstr "Stolpci s časovnimi vrstami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/FastVizSwitcher.tsx:83 +msgid "Select Viz Type" +msgstr "Izberite tip vizualizacije" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/FastVizSwitcher.tsx:120 +#, python-format +msgid "Currently rendered: %s" +msgstr "Trenutno izrisano: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:124 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:734 +msgid "Other" +msgstr "Ostali" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:666 +msgid "Recommended tags" +msgstr "Priporočene značke" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:671 +msgid "Category" +msgstr "Kategorija" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:676 +msgid "Tags" +msgstr "Značke" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:772 +msgid "Search all charts" +msgstr "Išči vse grafikone" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:838 +msgid "No description available." +msgstr "Opisa ni na razpolago." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/VizTypeGallery.tsx:845 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ChartTable.tsx:183 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/DashboardTable.tsx:197 +msgid "Examples" +msgstr "Vzorci" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/index.tsx:63 +msgid "This visualization type is not supported." +msgstr "Ta tip vizualizacije ni podprt." + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/index.tsx:125 +msgid "View all charts" +msgstr "Pokaži vse grafikone" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/index.tsx:131 +msgid "Select a visualization type" +msgstr "Izberite tip vizualizacije" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/VizTypeControl/index.tsx:132 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Izberi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:122 +msgid "Superset Chart" +msgstr "Superset grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:205 +msgid "New chart" +msgstr "Nov grafikon" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:261 +msgid "Edit chart properties" +msgstr "Uredi lastnosti grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:274 +msgid "Export to original .CSV" +msgstr "Izvozi v izvorni .CSV" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:281 +msgid "Export to pivoted .CSV" +msgstr "Izvozi v vrtilni .CSV" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:294 +msgid "Export to .JSON" +msgstr "Izvozi v .JSON" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:313 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:315 +msgid "Embed code" +msgstr "Vgradi kodo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/useExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:370 +msgid "Run in SQL Lab" +msgstr "Zaženi v SQL laboratoriju" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/Separator.js:25 +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/Separator.js:46 +msgid "Code" +msgstr "Koda" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/Separator.js:32 +msgid "Markup type" +msgstr "Tip označevanja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/Separator.js:37 +msgid "Pick your favorite markup language" +msgstr "Izberite svoj priljubljen označevalni jezik" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/Separator.js:47 +msgid "Put your code here" +msgstr "Vstavite svojo kodo sem" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:60 +msgid "URL parameters" +msgstr "Parametri URL" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:62 +msgid "Extra parameters for use in jinja templated queries" +msgstr "Dodatni parametri za poizvedbe z jinja predlogami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:82 +msgid "Annotations and layers" +msgstr "Oznake in sloji" + +#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlUtils/controlUtils.test.tsx:73 +msgid "My beautiful colors" +msgstr "Moje čudovite barve" + +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/GroupBy/GroupByFilterPlugin.tsx:84 +msgid "No columns" +msgstr "Brez stolpcev" + +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/GroupBy/GroupByFilterPlugin.tsx:85 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/SelectFilterPlugin.tsx:260 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeColumn/TimeColumnFilterPlugin.tsx:84 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeGrain/TimeGrainFilterPlugin.tsx:94 +#, python-format +msgid "%s option" +msgstr "%s možnost" #: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/GroupBy/controlPanel.ts:51 #: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/controlPanel.ts:47 @@ -13612,2248 +14609,2181 @@ msgstr "Vnesite ali izberite [%s]" msgid "UI Configuration" msgstr "UI nastavitve" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/TimeTable.js:51 -msgid "URL" -msgstr "URL" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/sections.tsx:76 -msgid "URL Parameters" -msgstr "Parametri URL" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:125 -#, fuzzy -msgid "URL could not be identified" -msgstr "Grafikona ni mogoče izbrisati." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:60 -msgid "URL parameters" -msgstr "Parametri URL" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:514 -msgid "URL slug" -msgstr "URL slug" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:531 -msgid "Unable to add a new tab to the backend. Please contact your administrator." -msgstr "Novega zavihka ni mogoče dodati v sistem. Kontaktirajte administratorja." - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/presto.py:218 -#, python-format -msgid "Unable to connect to catalog named \"%(catalog_name)s\"." -msgstr "Povezava na katalog \"%(catalog_name)s\" ni uspela." - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/mysql.py:139 -#: superset/db_engine_specs/postgres.py:145 -#, python-format -msgid "Unable to connect to database \"%(database)s\"." -msgstr "Povezava s podatkovno bazo \"%(database)s\" ni uspela." - -#: superset/utils/date_parser.py:390 -#, python-format -msgid "Unable to find such a holiday: [%(holiday)s]" -msgstr "Ni mogoče najti takšnega praznika: [%(holiday)s]" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:498 -msgid "" -"Unable to migrate query editor state to backend. Superset will retry " -"later. Please contact your administrator if this problem persists." -msgstr "" -"Stanja urejevalnika poizvedb ni mogoče prenesti v sistem. Superset bo " -"ponovil poskus kasneje. Če se težava ponavlja, kontaktirajte " -"administratorja." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:452 -msgid "" -"Unable to migrate query state to backend. Superset will retry later. " -"Please contact your administrator if this problem persists." -msgstr "" -"Stanja poizvedbe ni mogoče prenesti v sistem. Superset bo ponovil poskus " -"kasneje. Če se težava ponavlja, kontaktirajte administratorja." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:434 -msgid "" -"Unable to migrate table schema state to backend. Superset will retry " -"later. Please contact your administrator if this problem persists." -msgstr "" -"Stanja sheme tabele ni mogoče prenesti v sistem. Superset bo ponovil " -"poskus kasneje. Če se težava ponavlja, kontaktirajte administratorja." - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:641 -#, python-format -msgid "Unable to refresh metadata for the following table(s): %(tables)s" -msgstr "Ni mogoče osvežiti metapodatkov za naslednje tabele: %(tables)s" - -#: superset/views/database/views.py:240 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Unable to upload CSV file \"%(filename)s\" to table \"%(table_name)s\" in" -" database \"%(db_name)s\". Error message: %(error_msg)s" -msgstr "" -"CSV datoteke \"%(filename)s\" ni mogoče naložiti v tabelo " -"\"%(table_name)s\" v podatkovni bazi \"%(db_name)s\". Sporočilo napake: " -"%(error_msg)s" - -#: superset/views/database/views.py:538 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Unable to upload Columnar file \"%(filename)s\" to table " -"\"%(table_name)s\" in database \"%(db_name)s\". Error message: " -"%(error_msg)s" -msgstr "" -"Stolpčne datoteke \"%(filename)s\" ni mogoče naložiti v tabelo " -"\"%(table_name)s\" v podatkovni bazi \"%(db_name)s\". Sporočilo napake: " -"%(error_msg)s" - -#: superset/views/database/views.py:386 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"Unable to upload Excel file \"%(filename)s\" to table \"%(table_name)s\" " -"in database \"%(db_name)s\". Error message: %(error_msg)s" -msgstr "" -"Excel datoteke \"%(filename)s\" ni mogoče naložiti v tabelo " -"\"%(table_name)s\" v podatkovni bazi \"%(db_name)s\". Sporočilo napake: " -"%(error_msg)s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:75 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ScheduleQueryButton/index.tsx:114 -msgid "Undefined" -msgstr "Ni definirano" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:391 -msgid "Undefined window for rolling operation" -msgstr "Nedefinirano okno za drsečo operacijo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FilterTitleContainer.tsx:126 -msgid "Undo?" -msgstr "Povrni?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorBoundary/index.jsx:51 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/ErrorMessageWithStackTrace.tsx:26 -msgid "Unexpected error" -msgstr "Nepričakovana napaka" - -#: superset/databases/commands/exceptions.py:135 superset/views/core.py:1391 -msgid "Unexpected error occurred, please check your logs for details" -msgstr "Zgodila se je nepričakovana napaka. Podrobnosti preverite v dnevnikih" - -#: superset-frontend/src/utils/getClientErrorObject.ts:55 -msgid "Unexpected error: " -msgstr "Nepričakovana napaka: " - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ActivityTable.tsx:95 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Neznano" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/mysql.py:129 -#, python-format -msgid "Unknown MySQL server host \"%(hostname)s\"." -msgstr "Neznan MySQL strežnik \"%(hostname)s\"." - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/presto.py:1005 -msgid "Unknown Presto Error" -msgstr "Neznana Presto napaka" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.jsx:111 -msgid "Unknown Status" -msgstr "Neznan status" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:1121 -#, python-format -msgid "Unknown column used in orderby: %(col)s" -msgstr "Za razvrščanje je uporabljen neznan stolpec: %(col)s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:349 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:389 -msgid "Unknown error" -msgstr "Neznana napaka" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FilterBar/FilterSets/utils/index.ts:45 -msgid "Unknown value" -msgstr "Neznana vrednost" - -#: superset/jinja_context.py:347 -#, python-format -msgid "Unsafe return type for function %(func)s: %(value_type)s" -msgstr "Nevaren tip rezultata, ki ga vrne funkcija %(func)s: %(value_type)s" - -#: superset/jinja_context.py:371 -#, python-format -msgid "Unsafe template value for key %(key)s: %(value_type)s" -msgstr "Nevaren vzorec za ključ %(key)s: %(value_type)s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/FiltersBadge/DetailsPanel/index.tsx:255 -#, python-format -msgid "Unset Filters (%d)" -msgstr "Neuporabljeni filtri (%d)" - -#: superset/utils/core.py:1048 -#, python-format -msgid "Unsupported clause type: %(clause)s" -msgstr "Nepodprt tip izraza: %(clause)s" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/models.py:1492 -msgid "Unsupported extraction function: " -msgstr "Nepodprta ekstrakcijska funkcija: " - -#: superset/common/query_object.py:392 -#, python-format -msgid "Unsupported post processing operation: %(operation)s" -msgstr "Nepodprta poprocesirna operacija: %(operation)s" - -#: superset/jinja_context.py:358 -#, python-format -msgid "Unsupported return value for method %(name)s" -msgstr "Nepodprt rezultat vračanja za metodo %(name)s" - -#: superset/jinja_context.py:382 -#, python-format -msgid "Unsupported template value for key %(key)s" -msgstr "Nepodprta vrednost vzorca za ključ %(key)s" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:818 -#, python-format -msgid "Unsupported time grain: %(time_grain)s" -msgstr "Nepodprta časovna granulacija: %(time_grain)s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TabbedSqlEditors/index.jsx:264 -#, python-format -msgid "Untitled Query %s" -msgstr "Neimenovana poizvedba %s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:331 -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/reducers/getInitialState.js:44 -msgid "Untitled query" -msgstr "Neimenovana poizvedba" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SaveQuery/index.tsx:190 -msgid "Update" -msgstr "Posodobi" - -#: superset-frontend/src/chart/chartReducer.ts:82 -msgid "Updating chart was stopped" -msgstr "Posodabljanje grafikona je bilo ustavljeno" - -#: superset/templates/superset/import_dashboards.html:63 -msgid "Upload" -msgstr "Naloži" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:134 -msgid "Upload Credentials" -msgstr "Naloži prijavne podatke" - -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:400 -msgid "Upload Excel" -msgstr "Naloži Excel" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:102 -msgid "Upload JSON file" -msgstr "Naloži JSON datoteko" - -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:369 -msgid "Upload a CSV" -msgstr "Naloži CSV" - -#: superset/initialization/__init__.py:383 -msgid "Upload a Columnar File" -msgstr "Naloži datoteko s stolpci" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:112 -msgid "Use Area Proportions" -msgstr "Uporabi razmerje površin" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:175 superset/views/database/forms.py:433 -msgid "Use Columns" -msgstr "Uporabi stolpce" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:211 -msgid "Use Pandas to interpret the datetime format automatically." -msgstr "Uporabi Pandas za samodejno prepoznavo oblike datumov/časov." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:207 -msgid "Use a log scale" -msgstr "Uporabi logaritemsko skalo" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/controlPanel.ts:107 -msgid "Use a log scale for the X-axis" -msgstr "Uporabi logaritemsko skalo za X-os" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:230 -msgid "Use a log scale for the Y-axis" -msgstr "Uporabi logaritemsko skalo za Y-os" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:1401 -msgid "Use an encrypted connection to the database" -msgstr "Uporabite šifrirano povezavo s podatkovno bazo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceModal.tsx:209 -msgid "Use legacy datasource editor" -msgstr "Uporabi starejši urejevalnik podatkovnega vira" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:85 -msgid "Use metrics as a top level group for columns or for rows" -msgstr "Uporabi mere kot vrhovni nivo grupiranja za stolpce ali vrstice" - -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/controlPanel.ts:68 -msgid "Use only a single value." -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:124 -msgid "Use the Advanced Analytics options below" -msgstr "Uporabite spodnje možnosti napredne analitike" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:136 -msgid "" -"Use the JSON file you automatically downloaded when creating your service" -" account." -msgstr "" -"Uporabite JSON datoteko, ki ste jo prenesli pri ustvarjanju servisnega " -"računa." - -#: superset/templates/superset/fab_overrides/list_with_checkboxes.html:82 -msgid "Use the edit buttom to change this field" -msgstr "Za spreminjanje tega polja uporabite gumb za urejanje" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:176 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:207 -msgid "Use this to define a static color for all circles" -msgstr "S tem definirate določeno barvo za vse kroge" - -#: superset/views/dynamic_plugins.py:48 -msgid "" -"Used internally to identify the plugin. Should be set to the package name" -" from the pluginʼs package.json" -msgstr "" -"Uporablja se za interno identifikacijo vtičnika. Naj bo nastavljeno na " -"ime paketa v vtičnikovem package.json" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/index.js:27 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Used to summarize a set of data by grouping together multiple statistics " -"along two axes. Examples: Sales numbers by region and month, tasks by " -"status and assignee, active users by age and location.\n" -"\n" -" This chart is being deprecated and we recommend checking out Pivot " -"Table V2 instead!" -msgstr "" -"Uporablja se za predstavitev podatkov z združevanjem različnih statistik " -"na dveh oseh. Npr. Prodaja po regijah in mesecih, Naloge po statusih in " -"izvajalcih, aktivni uporabniki po starosti in lokaciji.\r\n" -"\r\n" -" Ta grafikon se opušča. Priporočamo uporabo Vrtilne tabele V2!" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/index.ts:51 -msgid "" -"Used to summarize a set of data by grouping together multiple statistics " -"along two axes. Examples: Sales numbers by region and month, tasks by " -"status and assignee, active users by age and location. Not the most " -"visually stunning visualization, but highly informative and versatile." -msgstr "" -"Ponazori podatke na podlagi združevanja več statistik vzdolž dveh osi. " -"Npr. prodaja po regijah in mesecih, opravila po statusih in izvajalcih, " -"itd." - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Menu/MenuRight.tsx:158 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:275 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:365 -#: superset/views/access_requests.py:41 superset/views/log/__init__.py:30 -#: superset/views/schedules.py:239 superset/views/schedules.py:319 -#: superset/views/sql_lab.py:69 -msgid "User" -msgstr "Uporabnik" - -#: superset/views/access_requests.py:42 -msgid "User Roles" -msgstr "Vloge uporabnikov" - -#: superset/errors.py:112 -msgid "User doesn't have the proper permissions." -msgstr "Uporabnik nima ustreznih dovoljenj." - -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:94 -msgid "User must select a value before applying the filter" -msgstr "Uporabnik mora izbrati vrednost pred uporabo filtra" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterBoxItemControl/index.jsx:253 -msgid "User must select a value for this filter" -msgstr "Uporabnik mora izbrati vrednost za ta filter" - -#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/GroupBy/controlPanel.ts:76 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/GroupBy/controlPanel.ts:59 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:77 +msgid "Can select multiple values" +msgstr "Dovoli izbiro več vrednosti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/GroupBy/controlPanel.ts:72 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/controlPanel.ts:55 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:90 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Time/controlPanel.ts:53 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeColumn/controlPanel.ts:33 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeGrain/controlPanel.ts:33 +msgid "Filter value is required" +msgstr "Vrednost filtra je obvezna" + +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/GroupBy/controlPanel.ts:75 #: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/controlPanel.ts:58 +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:93 #: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Time/controlPanel.ts:56 #: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeColumn/controlPanel.ts:36 #: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeGrain/controlPanel.ts:36 -msgid "User must select a value for this filter." -msgstr "Uporabnik mora izbrati vrednost za ta filter." +msgid "User must select a value before applying the filter" +msgstr "Uporabnik mora izbrati vrednost pred uporabo filtra" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryPreviewModal.tsx:154 -msgid "User query" -msgstr "Uporabnikova poizvedba" +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/GroupBy/index.ts:29 +msgid "Group By filter plugin" +msgstr "Vtičnik za filter za združevanje" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:109 -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:1388 -msgid "Username" -msgstr "Uporabniško ime" +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/RangeFilterPlugin.tsx:283 +msgid "Chosen non-numeric column" +msgstr "Izbran ne-numeričen stolpec" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/index.ts:39 -msgid "" -"Uses a gauge to showcase progress of a metric towards a target. The " -"position of the dial represents the progress and the terminal value in " -"the gauge represents the target value." -msgstr "" -"Uporablja števec za prikaz napredovanja mere k ciljni vrednosti. Položaj " -"kazalca predstavlja napredek, končna vrednost na števcu pa ciljno " -"vrednost." +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/controlPanel.ts:67 +msgid "Single value" +msgstr "Ena vrednost" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/index.js:28 -msgid "" -"Uses circles to visualize the flow of data through different stages of a " -"system. Hover over individual paths in the visualization to understand " -"the stages a value took. Useful for multi-stage, multi-group visualizing " -"funnels and pipelines." -msgstr "" -"S pomočjo krogov prikaže potek podatkov na različnih nivojih sistema. S " -"premikom kurzorja prikaže vrednosti na posameznem nivoju. Uporabno za " -"večnivojsko, večskupinsko vizualizacijo." +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/controlPanel.ts:70 +msgid "Use only a single value." +msgstr "Uporabite le eno vrednost." -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/FiltersConfigForm.tsx:294 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1186 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1202 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/ExecutionLog.tsx:140 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "Vrednost" +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Range/index.ts:29 +msgid "Range filter plugin using AntD" +msgstr "Vtičnik za filter obdobja z uporabo AntD" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts:91 -msgid "Value Domain" -msgstr "Domena vrednosti" +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/SelectFilterPlugin.tsx:125 +msgid " (excluded)" +msgstr " (ni vključeno)" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:329 -msgid "Value Format" -msgstr "Oblika zapisa vrednosti" +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:104 +msgid "Select first filter value by default" +msgstr "Izberi prvo vrednost kot privzeto" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:235 -msgid "Value bounds" -msgstr "Meje vrednosti" +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:110 +msgid "When using this option, default value can’t be set" +msgstr "Če uporabite to možnost, privzeta vrednost ne more biti nastavljena" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:165 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:206 -msgid "Value format" -msgstr "Oblika zapisa vrednosti" +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:123 +msgid "Inverse selection" +msgstr "Invertiraj izbiro" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/DefaultValue.tsx:75 -msgid "Value is required" -msgstr "Zahtevana je vrednost" +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:125 +msgid "Exclude selected values" +msgstr "Izloči izbrane vrednosti" -#: superset/reports/schemas.py:185 superset/reports/schemas.py:191 -#: superset/reports/schemas.py:197 superset/reports/schemas.py:275 -#: superset/reports/schemas.py:281 superset/reports/schemas.py:288 -msgid "Value must be greater than 0" -msgstr "Vrednost mora biti večja od 0" +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/controlPanel.ts:136 +msgid "Dynamically search all filter values" +msgstr "Dinamično poišče vse možnosti filtra" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:39 -msgid "Vehicle Types" -msgstr "Vrste vozil" +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Select/index.ts:29 +msgid "Select filter plugin using AntD" +msgstr "Izberite Vtičnik za filter z uporabo AntD" -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:189 -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:238 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:144 -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:257 -msgid "Verbose Name" -msgstr "Podrobno ime" +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/Time/index.ts:28 +msgid "Custom time filter plugin" +msgstr "Prilagojeni vtičnik za časovni filter" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:482 -msgid "Version" -msgstr "Verzija" +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeColumn/TimeColumnFilterPlugin.tsx:83 +msgid "No time columns" +msgstr "Ni časovnih stolpcev" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:489 -msgid "Version number" -msgstr "Številka verzije" +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeColumn/index.ts:29 +msgid "Time column filter plugin" +msgstr "Vtičnik za časovni filter" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:41 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:48 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/index.ts:84 -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "Navpično" +#: superset-frontend/src/filters/components/TimeGrain/index.ts:29 +msgid "Time grain filter plugin" +msgstr "Vtičnik za filter časovne granulacije" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:38 -msgid "Video game consoles" -msgstr "Igralne konzole" +#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/App.tsx:52 +msgid "Favorites" +msgstr "Priljubljene" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ChartTable.tsx:217 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/DashboardTable.tsx:219 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:296 -msgid "View All »" -msgstr "" +#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/App.tsx:62 +msgid "Created content" +msgstr "Ustvarjena vsebina" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:287 -msgid "View chart in Explore" -msgstr "Ogled grafikona v Raziskovalcu" +#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/App.tsx:72 +msgid "Recent activity" +msgstr "Nedavna aktivnost" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DatasourceControl/index.jsx:197 -msgid "View in SQL Lab" -msgstr "Ogled v SQL laboratoriju" +#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/App.tsx:82 +msgid "Security & Access" +msgstr "Varnost in Dostopi" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TableElement/index.tsx:166 -#, python-format -msgid "View keys & indexes (%s)" -msgstr "Ogled ključev in indeksov (%s)" +#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/CreatedContent.tsx:46 +msgid "No charts" +msgstr "Ni grafikonov" -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:296 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SliceHeaderControls/index.tsx:298 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:86 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ExploreAdditionalActionsMenu/index.jsx:88 -msgid "View query" -msgstr "Ogled poizvedbe" +#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/CreatedContent.tsx:74 +msgid "No dashboards" +msgstr "Ni nadzornih plošč" -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.jsx:216 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTablesPane/index.tsx:396 -msgid "View results" -msgstr "Ogled rezultatov" +#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/Favorites.tsx:47 +msgid "No favorite charts yet, go click on stars!" +msgstr "Priljubljenih grafikonov še ni. Kliknite na zvezdice!" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTablesPane/index.tsx:409 -msgid "View samples" -msgstr "Ogled vzorcev" +#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/Favorites.tsx:75 +msgid "No favorite dashboards yet, go click on stars!" +msgstr "Priljubljenih nadzornih plošč še ni. Kliknite na zvezdice!" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ActivityTable.tsx:180 -msgid "Viewed" -msgstr "Ogledane" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ActivityTable.tsx:124 -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "Viewed %s" -msgstr "Ogledane" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:268 -msgid "Viewport" -msgstr "Pogled" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:133 -msgid "Virtual (SQL)" -msgstr "Virtualen (SQL)" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:231 -msgid "Virtual dataset" -msgstr "Virtualen podatkovni set" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:849 superset/connectors/sqla/utils.py:83 -msgid "Virtual dataset query cannot be empty" -msgstr "Poizvedba na virtualnem podatkovnem setu ne sme biti prazna" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:852 -msgid "Virtual dataset query cannot consist of multiple statements" -msgstr "" -"Poizvedba na virtualnem podatkovnem setu ne sme biti sestavljena iz več " -"stavkov" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/models.py:825 -msgid "Virtual dataset query must be read-only" -msgstr "Poizvedba na virtualnem podatkovnem setu mora biti samo za branje" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:192 -msgid "Visual Tweaks" -msgstr "Nastavitve izgleda" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/AddSliceCard.jsx:132 -msgid "Visualization" -msgstr "Vizualizacija" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:168 -#: superset/views/chart/mixin.py:88 -msgid "Visualization Type" -msgstr "Tip vizualizacije" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:200 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:270 -msgid "Visualization type" -msgstr "Tip vizualizacije" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/index.ts:50 -msgid "" -"Visualize a parallel set of metrics across multiple groups. Each group is" -" visualized using its own line of points and each metric is represented " -"as an edge in the chart." -msgstr "" -"Prikaže vzporedni nabor mer za različne skupine. Vsaka skupina je " -"prikazana s svojim naborom točk in vsaka mera s povezavo na grafikonu." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/index.js:30 -msgid "" -"Visualize a related metric across pairs of groups. Heatmaps excel at " -"showcasing the correlation or strength between two groups. Color is used " -"to emphasize the strength of the link between each pair of groups." -msgstr "Vizualizacija povezanih mer med pari skupin." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/index.js:31 -msgid "" -"Visualize how a metric changes over time using bars. Add a group by " -"column to visualize group level metrics and how they change over time." -msgstr "" -"Prikaže spreminjanje mere skozi čas s pomočjo stolpcev. Z dodajanjem " -"stolpcev za združevanje prikaže mere skupin in njihovo spreminjanje." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/index.ts:35 -msgid "" -"Visualize multiple levels of hierarchy using a familiar tree-like " -"structure." -msgstr "Prikaz več hierarhičnih nivojev z drevesno strukturo." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/index.ts:58 -msgid "" -"Visualize two different time series using the same x-axis time range. " -"Note that each time series can be visualized differently (e.g. 1 using " -"bars and 1 using a line)." -msgstr "" -"Prikaže dve različni časovni vrsti na isti x-osi. Časovni vrsti sta lahko" -" prikazani različno (npr. ena s stolpci in druga s črto)." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js:27 -msgid "" -"Visualize two different time series using the same x-axis time range. " -"This chart is being deprecated and we recommend using the Mixed " -"Timeseries Chart instead!" -msgstr "" -"Prikaže dve različni časovni vrsti z isto x-osjo oz. časovnim obdobjem. " -"Grafikon se opušča, zato priporočamo uporabo kombiniranega grafikona " -"časovne vrste!" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/index.js:27 -msgid "" -"Visualizes 2 metrics as line plots using the same x-axis. This chart is " -"useful for comparing metrics across the same time range." -msgstr "" -"Prikaže dve meri na črtnem grafu z isto x-osjo. Grafikon je uporaben za " -"primerjavo mer v istem časovnem obdobju." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:27 -msgid "" -"Visualizes a metric across three dimensions of data in a single chart (X " -"axis, Y axis, and bubble size). Bubbles from the same group can be " -"showcased using bubble color." -msgstr "" -"Prikaže mero v treh dimenzijah podatkov na istem grafikonu (x os, y os, " -"velikost mehurčka). Mehurčki v isti skupini so predstavljeni z barvo." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/index.js:27 -msgid "" -"Visualizes how a metric has changed over a time using a color scale and a" -" calendar view. Gray values are used to indicate missing values and the " -"linear color scheme is used to encode the magnitude of each day's value." -msgstr "" -"Prikaže kako se je mera spreminjala s časom s pomočjo barvne lestvice in " -"koledarskega pogleda. Sive vrednosti ponazarjajo manjkajoče vrednosti. " -"Amplituda dnevnih vrednosti je ponazorjena z linearno barvno shemo." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/index.js:27 -msgid "" -"Visualizes how a single metric varies across a country's principal " -"subdivisions (states, provinces, etc) on a chloropleth map. Each " -"subdivision's value is elevated when you hover over the corresponding " -"geographic boundary." -msgstr "" -"Prikaže kako se posamezna mera spreminja glede na območja države (dežele," -" province, itd.) na kloropletnem zemljevidu. Vsak podrazdelek se dvigne, " -"ko z miško preidete mejo njegovega območja." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:27 -msgid "" -"Visualizes many different time-series objects in a single chart. This " -"chart is being deprecated and we recommend using the Time-series Chart " -"instead." -msgstr "" -"Prikaže več različnih časovnih vrst na istem grafikonu. Grafikon se " -"opušča, zato priporočamo uporabo Grafikona časovne vrste." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/index.js:29 -msgid "" -"Visualizes the flow of different group's values through different stages " -"of a system. New stages in the pipeline are visualized as nodes or " -"layers. The thickness of the bars or edges represent the metric being " -"visualized." -msgstr "" -"Prikaže potek vrednosti različnih skupin na različnih nivojih sistema. " -"Novi nivoji so prikazani kot točke ali plasti. Debelina stolpcev ali " -"povezav predstavlja prikazano mero." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts:35 -msgid "" -"Visualizes the words in a column that appear the most often. Bigger font " -"corresponds to higher frequency." -msgstr "" -"Prikaže besede v stolpcu, glede na pogostost pojavljanja. Večja pisava " -"pomeni večjo frekvenco." - -#: superset/viz.py:133 -msgid "Viz is missing a datasource" -msgstr "Vizualizaciji manjka podatkovni vir" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:495 -msgid "Viz type" -msgstr "Tip vizualizacije" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:84 -msgid "WED" -msgstr "SRE" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:697 -msgid "Want to add a new database?" -msgstr "Želite dodati novo podatkovno bazo?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:1090 -msgid "Warning" -msgstr "Opozorilo" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:193 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:263 -msgid "Warning Message" -msgstr "Opozorilo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:285 -msgid "Warning!" -msgstr "Opozorilo!" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:46 -msgid "" -"Warning! Changing the dataset may break the chart if the metadata does " -"not exist." -msgstr "" -"Opozorilo! Sprememba podatkovnega seta lahko pokvari grafikon, če " -"metapodatki ne obstajajo." - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/bigquery.py:166 -#, python-format -msgid "We can't seem to resolve column \"%(column)s\" at line %(location)s." -msgstr "" -"Zdi se, da ni mogoče razrešiti stolpca \"%(column)s\" v vrstici " -"%(location)s." - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/sqlite.py:63 -#, python-format -msgid "We can't seem to resolve the column \"%(column_name)s\"" -msgstr "Zdi se, da ni mogoče razrešiti stolpca \"%(column_name)s\"" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/postgres.py:150 -#: superset/db_engine_specs/presto.py:171 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"We can't seem to resolve the column \"%(column_name)s\" at line " -"%(location)s." -msgstr "" -"Zdi se, da ni mogoče razrešiti stolpca \"%(column_name)s\" v vrstici " -"%(location)s." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ExploreResultsButton/index.jsx:118 -msgid "We recommend your summarize your data further before following that flow. " -msgstr "Priporočamo, da zahtevane podatke pred nadaljevanjem strnete. " - -#: superset-frontend/src/reports/actions/reports.js:156 -msgid "We were unable to active or deactivate this report." -msgstr "Aktiviranje ali deaktiviranje poročila ni uspelo." - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/redshift.py:86 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"We were unable to connect to your database named \"%(database)s\". Please" -" verify your database name and try again." -msgstr "" -"Povezava s podatkovno bazo \"%(database)s\" ni uspela. Preverite ime " -"podatkovne baze in poskusite ponovno." - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/bigquery.py:149 -msgid "" -"We were unable to connect to your database. Please confirm that your " -"service account has the Viewer and Job User roles on the project." -msgstr "" -"Povezava s podatkovno bazo ni uspela. Preverite, da ima vaš dostop " -"dodeljeni vlogi Viewer in Job User." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/index.ts:60 -msgid "Web" -msgstr "Mreža" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:59 -msgid "Wednesday" -msgstr "Sreda" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:97 -msgid "Week" -msgstr "Teden" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:103 -msgid "Week ending Saturday" -msgstr "Teden s koncem v soboto" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:102 -msgid "Week starting Monday" -msgstr "Teden z začetkom v ponedeljek" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:101 -msgid "Week starting Sunday" -msgstr "Teden z začetkom v nedeljo" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:104 -msgid "Week_ending Sunday" -msgstr "Teden s koncem v nedeljo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:67 -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "Weeks %s" -msgstr "teden" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/TimeoutErrorMessage.tsx:52 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"We’re having trouble loading these results. Queries are set to timeout " -"after %s second." -msgstr "" -"Težava pri nalaganju rezultatov. Časovni iztek poizvedb je nastavljen na " -"%s sekund." - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/ErrorMessage/TimeoutErrorMessage.tsx:46 -#, python-format -msgid "" -"We’re having trouble loading this visualization. Queries are set to " -"timeout after %s second." -msgstr "" -"Težava pri nalaganju vizualizacije. Časovni iztek poizvedb je nastavljen " -"na %s sekund." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:58 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/controlPanel.tsx:102 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:110 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:113 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:103 -msgid "What should be shown on the label?" -msgstr "Kaj bo prikazano na oznaki?" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:437 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:454 -msgid "" -"When `Calculation type` is set to \"Percentage change\", the Y Axis " -"Format is forced to `.1%`" -msgstr "" -"Če je `Vrsta izračuna` nastavljena na \"Procentualna sprememba\", bo " -"oblika Y-osi vsiljena na `.1%`" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:76 -msgid "When a secondary metric is provided, a linear color scale is used." -msgstr "Če je podana sekundarna metrika, je uporabljena linearna barvna skala." - -#: superset/views/database/mixins.py:120 -msgid "" -"When allowing CREATE TABLE AS option in SQL Lab, this option forces the " -"table to be created in this schema" -msgstr "" -"Z dovolitvijo opcije CREATE TABLE AS v SQL laboratoriju se tabele " -"ustvarjajo s to shemo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:195 -msgid "When enabled, users are able to visualize SQL Lab results in Explore." -msgstr "" -"Ko je omogočeno, lahko uporabniki prikazujejo rezultate SQL laboratorija " -"v raziskovalcu." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:71 -msgid "When only a primary metric is provided, a categorical color scale is used." -msgstr "" -"Če je podana samo primarna metrika, je uporabljena kategorična barvna " -"skala." - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:898 -msgid "" -"When specifying SQL, the datasource acts as a view. Superset will use " -"this statement as a subquery while grouping and filtering on the " -"generated parent queries." -msgstr "" -"Ko podajate SQL, se podatkovni vir obnaša kot pogled (view). Superset bo " -"ta zapis uporabil kot podpoizvedbo, pri čemer bo združeval in filtriral " -"na podlagi ustvarjenih starševskih poizvedb." - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:716 -msgid "" -"When using \"Autocomplete filters\", this can be used to improve " -"performance of the query fetching the values. Use this option to apply a " -"predicate (WHERE clause) to the query selecting the distinct values from " -"the table. Typically the intent would be to limit the scan by applying a " -"relative time filter on a partitioned or indexed time-related field." -msgstr "" -"Ko uporabljate \"Samodokončaj filtre\", lahko s tem izboljšate hitrost " -"pridobivanja rezultatov s poizvedbo. Z uporabo te možnosti dodate " -"predikat (WHERE stavek) k poizvedbi za izbiro različnih vrednosti iz " -"tabele. Običajno je namen omejiti poizvedbo z uporabo filtra za relativni" -" čas na particioniranem ali indeksiranem časovnem polju." - -#: superset/viz.py:834 -msgid "When using 'Group By' you are limited to use a single metric" -msgstr "Ko uporabljate 'Group By', ste omejeni na uporabo ene mere" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:258 -msgid "Whether the progress bar overlaps when there are multiple groups of data" -msgstr "Če želite prekrivanje območij, ko imate več skupin podatkov" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:466 -msgid "Whether the table was generated by the 'Visualize' flow in SQL Lab" -msgstr "" -"Če želite, da je tabela ustvarjena s postopkom 'Vizualizacija' v SQL " -"laboratoriju" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:98 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:99 -msgid "" -"Whether this column is exposed in the `Filters` section of the explore " -"view." -msgstr "" -"Če želite, da je ta stolpec na voljo v sekciji `Filtri` v raziskovalnem " -"pogledu." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:430 -msgid "" -"Whether to align background charts with both positive and negative values" -" at 0" -msgstr "" -"Če želite poravnati graf v ozadju celic za negativne in pozitivne " -"vrednosti okrog 0" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:128 -msgid "Whether to align positive and negative values in cell bar chart at 0" -msgstr "" -"Če želite poravnati pozitivne in negativne vrednosti v stolpčnem " -"grafikonu celic pri 0" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/AnnotationLayerControl/AnnotationLayer.jsx:739 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Whether to always show the annotation label" -msgstr "Če želite prikazati kazalec" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:192 -msgid "Whether to animate the progress and the value or just display them" -msgstr "Če želite animiran prikaz grafikona" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:317 -msgid "Whether to apply a normal distribution based on rank on the color scale" -msgstr "" -"Če želite uporabiti normalno porazdelitev glede na stopnjo na barvni " -"lestvici" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:138 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:442 -msgid "Whether to colorize numeric values by if they are positive or negative" -msgstr "" -"Če želite obarvati številske vrednosti, ko so le-te pozitivne ali " -"negativne" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/components/ColumnConfigControl/constants.tsx:120 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:416 -msgid "Whether to display a bar chart background in table columns" -msgstr "" -"Če želite omogočiti prikaz manjših stolpčnih grafikonov v ozadju stolpcev" -" tabele" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:38 -msgid "Whether to display a legend for the chart" -msgstr "Če želite prikaz legende za grafikon" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:83 -msgid "Whether to display bubbles on top of countries" -msgstr "Če želite prikaz mehurčkov nad državami" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/controlPanel.ts:60 -msgid "Whether to display the interactive data table" -msgstr "Če želite prikaz interaktivne podatkovne tabele" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/controlPanel.tsx:130 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:152 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Radar/controlPanel.tsx:97 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:74 -msgid "Whether to display the labels." -msgstr "Če želite prikaz oznak." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Pie/controlPanel.ts:99 -msgid "" -"Whether to display the labels. Note that the label only displays when the" -" the 5% threshold." -msgstr "" -"Če želite prikazati oznake. Oznake so prikazane le pri vsaj 5-odstotnem " -"pragu." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:157 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:278 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:132 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:152 -msgid "Whether to display the legend (toggles)" -msgstr "Preklapljanje prikaza legende" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:181 -msgid "Whether to display the metric name as a title" -msgstr "Če želite prikazati ime mere kot naslov" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:273 -msgid "Whether to display the min and max values of the X-axis" -msgstr "Če želite prikaz min. in max. vrednosti X-osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:94 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:105 -msgid "Whether to display the min and max values of the Y-axis" -msgstr "Če želite prikaz min. in max. vrednosti Y-osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-calendar/src/controlPanel.ts:167 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:304 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:185 -msgid "Whether to display the numerical values within the cells" -msgstr "Če želite v celicah prikazati numerične vrednosti" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:141 -msgid "Whether to display the time range interactive selector" -msgstr "Če želite prikaz interaktivnega izbirnika časovnega obdobja" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:88 -msgid "Whether to display the timestamp" -msgstr "Če želite prikazati časovno značko" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumber/controlPanel.tsx:100 -msgid "Whether to display the trend line" -msgstr "Če želite prikazati trendno črto" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:170 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:279 -msgid "Whether to enable changing graph position and scaling." -msgstr "Če želite omogočiti premikanje in povečevanje/zmanjševanje grafikona." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Graph/controlPanel.tsx:144 -msgid "Whether to enable node dragging in force layout mode." -msgstr "Če želite omogočiti premikanje vozlišč v načinu vsiljenega prikaza." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/controlPanel.ts:63 -msgid "Whether to format the timestamp" -msgstr "Če želite oblikovati časovno značko" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:406 -msgid "Whether to include a client-side search box" -msgstr "Če želite vključiti iskalno polje za uporabnika" - -#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:81 -msgid "Whether to include a time filter" -msgstr "Če želite vključiti časovni filter" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:289 -msgid "Whether to include the percentage in the tooltip" -msgstr "Če želite prikaz procentov v opisu orodja" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:326 -msgid "Whether to include the time granularity as defined in the time section" -msgstr "Če želite vključiti granulacijo časa, ki je določena v sekciji Čas" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:155 -msgid "Whether to make the histogram cumulative" -msgstr "Če želite kumulativni histogram" - -#: superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:94 -msgid "" -"Whether to make this column available as a [Time Granularity] option, " -"column has to be DATETIME or DATETIME-like" -msgstr "" -"Če želite, da bo ta stolpec na razpolago kot možnost [Granulacija časa]. " -"Stolpec mora biti tipa DATETIME ali DATETIME-like" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:143 -msgid "Whether to normalize the histogram" -msgstr "Če želite normirati histogram" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:709 -msgid "Whether to populate autocomplete filters options" -msgstr "Če želite napolniti možnosti za samodokončanje filtrov" - -#: superset/connectors/druid/views.py:325 superset/connectors/sqla/views.py:461 -msgid "" -"Whether to populate the filter's dropdown in the explore view's filter " -"section with a list of distinct values fetched from the backend on the " -"fly" -msgstr "" -"Če želite napolniti spustni seznam filtra v raziskovalnem pogledu " -"filtrske sekcije z različnimi vrednostmi, pridobljenimi sproti v ozadju" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:163 -msgid "" -"Whether to show extra controls or not. Extra controls include things like" -" making mulitBar charts stacked or side by side." -msgstr "" -"Če želite prikaz dodatnih kontrolnikov. Dodatni kontrolniki vključujejo " -"možnost izdelave večstolpčnih grafikonov, naloženih ali drug ob drugem." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:207 -msgid "Whether to show minor ticks on the axis" -msgstr "Če želite prikaz manjših oznak na osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:180 -msgid "Whether to show the pointer" -msgstr "Če želite prikazati kazalec" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:246 -msgid "Whether to show the progress of gauge chart" -msgstr "Prikaži merilno območje števčnega grafikona" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:219 -msgid "Whether to show the split lines on the axis" -msgstr "Če želite prikazati razdelitvene črte na osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts:44 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:47 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-parallel-coordinates/src/controlPanel.ts:42 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-partition/src/controlPanel.tsx:50 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/controlPanel.ts:49 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-rose/src/controlPanel.tsx:48 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-treemap/src/controlPanel.ts:46 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:61 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:356 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:107 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:91 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:88 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:68 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:85 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:91 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:92 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:339 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controlPanels/sections.tsx:127 -msgid "Whether to sort descending or ascending" -msgstr "Če želite padajoče ali naraščajoče razvrščanje" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/legacySortBy.tsx:31 -msgid "" -"Whether to sort descending or ascending. Takes effect only when \"Sort " -"by\" is set" -msgstr "" -"Če želite padajoče ali naraščajoče razvrščanje. Učinkuje samo, ko je " -"vključen \"Sort by\"" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-chord/src/controlPanel.ts:40 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-force-directed/src/controlPanel.ts:39 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:95 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sankey/src/controlPanel.ts:56 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:40 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/controlPanel.ts:63 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Funnel/controlPanel.tsx:64 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Gauge/controlPanel.tsx:66 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Pie/controlPanel.tsx:63 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Treemap/controlPanel.tsx:50 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts:39 -msgid "Whether to sort results by the selected metric in descending order." -msgstr "Če želite padajoče razvrstiti rezultate z izbrano mero." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/controls.tsx:175 -msgid "Whether to sort tooltip by the selected metric in descending order." -msgstr "Če želite padajoče razvrstiti opis orodja z izbrano mero." - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-country-map/src/controlPanel.ts:43 -msgid "Which country to plot the map for?" -msgstr "Za katero državo želite grafikon?" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:197 -msgid "Which relatives to highlight on hover" -msgstr "Kateri element se poudari na prehodu z miško" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:51 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:45 -msgid "Whisker/outlier options" -msgstr "Možnosti grafikona kvantilov" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/util/backgroundStyleOptions.ts:30 -msgid "White" -msgstr "Belo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/EmbedCodeButton.jsx:130 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "Širina" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/forecastInterval.tsx:73 -msgid "Width of the confidence interval. Should be between 0 and 1" -msgstr "Širina intervala zaupanja. Mora bit med 0 in 1" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:393 -msgid "Window must be > 0" -msgstr "Okno mora biti > 0" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-big-number/src/BigNumberTotal/index.ts:36 -msgid "With a subheader" -msgstr "S podnaslovom" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/legacyPlugin/index.ts:29 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/index.ts:39 -msgid "Word Cloud" -msgstr "Oblak besed" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-word-cloud/src/plugin/controlPanel.ts:80 -msgid "Word Rotation" -msgstr "Vrtenje besed" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:55 -msgid "Working" -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1258 -msgid "Working timeout" -msgstr "Pretek delovanja" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-world-map/src/index.js:33 -#: superset/viz.py:2042 -msgid "World Map" -msgstr "Zemljevid sveta" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ScheduleQueryButton/index.tsx:166 -msgid "Write a description for your query" -msgstr "Dodajte opis vaše poizvedbe" - -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:221 superset/views/database/forms.py:354 -#: superset/views/database/forms.py:442 -msgid "Write dataframe index as a column." -msgstr "Zapiši indeks dataframe-a kot stolpec." - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:51 -msgid "X AXIS TITLE BOTTOM MARGIN" -msgstr "SPODNJA OBROBA NASLOVA X OSI" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:31 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:147 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:406 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/controlPanel.ts:69 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/controlPanel.ts:63 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/controlPanel.ts:83 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/controlPanel.ts:45 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/controlPanel.ts:107 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/controlPanel.ts:69 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:77 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/controlPanel.ts:90 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:298 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:189 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:150 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:130 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:147 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:205 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:208 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:421 -msgid "X Axis" -msgstr "X os" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:215 -msgid "X Axis Format" -msgstr "Oblika X-osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:107 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:175 -msgid "X Axis Label" -msgstr "Naslov X osi" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:37 -msgid "X Axis Title" -msgstr "Naslov X osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/controlPanel.ts:104 -msgid "X Log Scale" -msgstr "Logaritemska X-os" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:201 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:78 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/preset-chart-xy/src/BoxPlot/controlPanel.ts:62 -msgid "X Tick Layout" -msgstr "Postavitev oznak na X-osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:270 -msgid "X bounds" -msgstr "Meje X-osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:114 -msgid "XScale Interval" -msgstr "Interval X-osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:102 -msgid "Y 2 bounds" -msgstr "Meje Y 2" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:79 -msgid "Y AXIS TITLE MARGIN" -msgstr "OBROBA NASLOVA Y OSI" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:94 -msgid "Y AXIS TITLE POSITION" -msgstr "POZICIJA NASLOVA Y OSI" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:59 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/dndControls.tsx:153 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:413 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/controlPanel.ts:79 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bar/controlPanel.ts:75 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/controlPanel.ts:115 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/controlPanel.ts:54 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/controlPanel.ts:80 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/controlPanel.ts:109 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:241 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:322 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:224 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:186 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:167 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:183 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:240 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:243 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:428 -msgid "Y Axis" -msgstr "Y os" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/controlPanel.ts:40 -msgid "Y Axis 1" -msgstr "Y-os 1" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DualLine/controlPanel.ts:50 -msgid "Y Axis 2" -msgstr "Y-os 2" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:254 -msgid "Y Axis 2 Bounds" -msgstr "Meje Y 2-osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:238 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/MixedTimeseries/controlPanel.tsx:354 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Area/controlPanel.tsx:269 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Bar/controlPanel.tsx:232 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/Scatter/controlPanel.tsx:212 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Regular/controlPanel.tsx:229 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/Step/controlPanel.tsx:285 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Timeseries/controlPanel.tsx:288 -msgid "Y Axis Bounds" -msgstr "Meje Y-osi" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/shared-controls/index.tsx:428 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/controls.jsx:442 -msgid "Y Axis Format" -msgstr "Oblika Y osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/controlPanel.ts:118 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:333 -msgid "Y Axis Label" -msgstr "Naslov Y osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:88 -msgid "Y Axis Left" -msgstr "Y-os levo" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/controlPanel.ts:123 -msgid "Y Axis Right" -msgstr "Y-os desno" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/sections/chartTitle.tsx:65 -msgid "Y Axis Title" -msgstr "Naslov Y osi" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:227 -msgid "Y Log Scale" -msgstr "Logaritemska Y-os" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Controls.tsx:91 -msgid "Y bounds" -msgstr "Y meje" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:130 -msgid "YScale Interval" -msgstr "Interval Y-osi" - -#: superset/db_engine_specs/base.py:100 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "Leto" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:70 -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "Years %s" -msgstr "leto" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:443 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:537 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:440 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:511 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Da" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/Footer/CancelConfirmationAlert.tsx:64 -msgid "Yes, cancel" -msgstr "Da, prekini" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:72 -msgid "" -"You are importing one or more charts that already exist. Overwriting " -"might cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to " -"overwrite?" -msgstr "" -"Uvažate enega ali več grafikonov, ki že obstajajo. S prepisom lahko " -"izgubite podatke. Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:64 -msgid "" -"You are importing one or more dashboards that already exist. Overwriting " -"might cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to " -"overwrite?" -msgstr "" -"Uvažate eno ali več nadzornih plošč, ki že obstajajo. S prepisom lahko " -"izgubite podatke. Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:45 -msgid "" -"You are importing one or more databases that already exist. Overwriting " -"might cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to " -"overwrite?" -msgstr "" -"Uvažate eno ali več podatkovnih baz, ki že obstajajo. S prepisom lahko " -"izgubite podatke. Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/constants.ts:30 -msgid "" -"You are importing one or more datasets that already exist. Overwriting " -"might cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to " -"overwrite?" -msgstr "" -"Uvažate enega ali več podatkovnih setov, ki že obstajajo. S prepisom " -"lahko izgubite podatke. Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati?" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:63 -msgid "" -"You are importing one or more saved queries that already exist. " -"Overwriting might cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you " -"want to overwrite?" -msgstr "" -"Uvažate eno ali več shranjenih poizvedb, ki že obstajajo. S prepisom " -"lahko izgubite podatke. Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati?" - -#: superset/views/core.py:2175 -msgid "" -"You are not authorized to fetch samples from this table. If you think " -"this is an error, please reach out to your administrator." -msgstr "" -"Nimate dovoljenja za pridobitev vzorcev iz te tabele. Če menite, da je to" -" napaka, kontaktirajte administratorja." - -#: superset/views/core.py:2295 -msgid "" -"You are not authorized to see this query. If you think this is an error, " -"please reach out to your administrator." -msgstr "" -"Nimate dovoljenja za ogled te poizvedbe. Če menite, da je to napaka, " -"kontaktirajte administratorja." - -#: superset/views/database/views.py:463 -msgid "" -"You cannot specify a namespace both in the name of the table: " -"\"%(columnar_table.table)s\" and in the schema field: " -"\"%(columnar_table.schema)s\". Please remove one" -msgstr "" -"Imenskega prostora ni mogoče podati hkrati v imenu tabele: " -"\"%(columnar_table.table)s\" in polju sheme: " -"\"%(columnar_table.schema)s\". Odstranite enega" - -#: superset/views/database/views.py:146 -msgid "" -"You cannot specify a namespace both in the name of the table: " -"\"%(csv_table.table)s\" and in the schema field: " -"\"%(csv_table.schema)s\". Please remove one" -msgstr "" -"Imenskega prostora ni mogoče podati hkrati v tabeli: " -"\"%(csv_table.table)s\" in polju sheme: \"%(csv_table.schema)s\". " -"Odstranite enega" - -#: superset/views/database/views.py:293 -msgid "" -"You cannot specify a namespace both in the name of the table: " -"\"%(excel_table.table)s\" and in the schema field: " -"\"%(excel_table.schema)s\". Please remove one" -msgstr "" -"Imenskega prostora ni mogoče podati hkrati v tabeli: " -"\"%(excel_table.table)s\" in polju sheme: \"%(excel_table.schema)s\". " -"Odstranite enega" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/NVD3Vis.js:366 -msgid "You cannot use 45° tick layout along with the time range filter" -msgstr "" -"Skupaj s filtriranjem časovnega obdobja ne morete uporabiti oznak pod 45°" -" kotom" - -#: superset/viz.py:696 -msgid "" -"You cannot use [Columns] in combination with [Group " -"By]/[Metrics]/[Percentage Metrics]. Please choose one or the other." -msgstr "" -"Ne smete uporabiti [Stolpci] v kombinaciji z " -"[Združevanje]/[Mere]/[Procentualne mere]. Izberite eno ali drugo." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/PropertiesModal/index.tsx:66 -msgid "You do not have permission to edit this chart" -msgstr "Nimate dovoljenja za urejanje tega grafikona" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/PropertiesModal/index.jsx:77 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/ColumnSelect.tsx:118 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/DatasetSelect.tsx:48 -msgid "You do not have permission to edit this dashboard" -msgstr "Nimate dovoljenja za urejanje te nadzorne plošče" - -#: superset/templates/superset/request_access.html:25 -#, python-format -msgid "You do not have permissions to access the datasource(s): %(name)s." -msgstr "Nimate dovoljenj za dostop do podatkovnih virov: %(name)s." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/actions/dashboardState.js:133 -msgid "You do not have permissions to edit this dashboard." -msgstr "Nimate dovoljenj za urejanje te nadzorne plošče." - -#: superset/dashboards/commands/exceptions.py:86 -msgid "You don't have access to this dashboard." -msgstr "Nimate dostopa do te nadzorne plošče." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:144 -msgid "You don't have any favorites yet!" -msgstr "Priljubljenih še niste izbrali!" - -#: superset/key_value/commands/exceptions.py:45 -#, fuzzy -msgid "You don't have permission to modify the value." -msgstr "Nimate dovoljenja za urejanje tega grafikona" - -#: superset/views/core.py:618 superset/views/core.py:823 -#: superset/views/core.py:829 superset/views/core.py:999 -#: superset/views/core.py:1017 -msgid "You don't have the rights to " -msgstr "Nimate pravic za " - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/EditableTitle/index.tsx:199 -msgid "You don't have the rights to alter this title." -msgstr "Nimate pravic za spreminjanje tega naslova." - -#: superset/views/core.py:406 -msgid "You have no permission to approve this request" -msgstr "Nimate dovoljenja za odobritev te zahteve" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/nativeFilters/FiltersConfigModal/FiltersConfigForm/RemovedFilter.tsx:39 -msgid "You have removed this filter." -msgstr "Odstranili ste ta filter." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Dashboard.jsx:88 -msgid "You have unsaved changes." -msgstr "Imate neshranjene spremembe." - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SaveModal.tsx:160 -msgid "You must pick a name for the new dashboard" -msgstr "Izbrati morate ime nove nadzorne plošče" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/SqlEditor/index.jsx:518 -msgid "You must run the query successfully first" -msgstr "Najprej morate uspešno izvesti poizvedbo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/Header/index.jsx:382 -msgid "Your dashboard is too large. Please reduce its size before saving it." -msgstr "Vaša nadzorna plošča je prevelika. Pred shranjevanjem jo zmanjšajte." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:876 -msgid "Your query could not be saved" -msgstr "Vaše poizvedbe ni mogoče shraniti" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:166 -msgid "Your query could not be scheduled" -msgstr "Vaše poizvedbe ni mogoče uvrstiti v urnik" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:892 -msgid "Your query could not be updated" -msgstr "Vaše poizvedbe ni mogoče posodobiti" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:159 -msgid "" -"Your query has been scheduled. To see details of your query, navigate to " -"Saved queries" -msgstr "" -"Vaša poizvedba je v urniku. Za ogled podrobnosti poizvedbe pojdite na " -"shranjene poizvedbe" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:872 -msgid "Your query was saved" -msgstr "Vaša poizvedba je shranjena" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/actions/sqlLab.js:888 -msgid "Your query was updated" -msgstr "Vaša poizvedba je posodobljena" - -#: superset-frontend/src/reports/actions/reports.js:172 -msgid "Your report could not be deleted" -msgstr "Vašega poročila ni mogoče izbrisati" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:306 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Povečava" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:310 -msgid "Zoom level of the map" -msgstr "Stopnja povečave zemljevida" - -#: superset/tasks/schedules.py:658 -#, python-format -msgid "[Alert] %(label)s" -msgstr "[Alert] %(label)s" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QuerySearch/index.tsx:219 -msgid "[From]-" -msgstr "[Od]-" - -#: superset/viz.py:2349 -msgid "[Longitude] and [Latitude] columns must be present in [Group By]" -msgstr "" -"Stolpca [Zemljepisna dolžina] in [Zemljepisna širina] morata biti " -"prisotna v [Združevanje]" - -#: superset/viz.py:2299 -msgid "[Longitude] and [Latitude] must be set" -msgstr "[Zemljepisna dolžina] in [Zemljepisna širina] morata biti nastavljeni" - -#: superset/views/core.py:783 -msgid "[Missing Dataset]" -msgstr "[Manjka podatkovni set]" - -#: superset/utils/core.py:864 -#, python-format -msgid "[Superset] Access to the datasource %(name)s was granted" -msgstr "[Superset] dostop do podatkovnega vira %(name)s je odobren" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QuerySearch/index.tsx:231 -msgid "[To]-" -msgstr "[Do]-" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ActivityTable.tsx:94 -msgid "[Untitled]" -msgstr "[Neimenovana]" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SaveModal.tsx:203 -msgid "[dashboard name]" -msgstr "[ime nadzorne plošče]" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-sunburst/src/controlPanel.ts:64 -msgid "" -"[optional] this secondary metric is used to define the color as a ratio " -"against the primary metric. When omitted, the color is categorical and " -"based on labels" -msgstr "" -"[opcijsko] sekundarna mera določa barvo kot razmerje do primarne mere. Če" -" je izpuščena, je barva določena kategorično na podlagi oznak" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:519 -msgid "`compare_columns` must have the same length as `source_columns`." -msgstr "`compare_columns` morajo imeti enako dolžino kot `source_columns`." - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:523 -msgid "`compare_type` must be `difference`, `percentage` or `ratio`" -msgstr "`compare_type` mora biti `difference`, `percentage` ali `ratio`" - -#: superset/charts/schemas.py:557 -msgid "`confidence_interval` must be between 0 and 1 (exclusive)" -msgstr "`confidence_interval` mora biti med 0 in 1 (odprt)" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:154 -msgid "" -"`count` is COUNT(*) if a group by is used. Numerical columns will be " -"aggregated with the aggregator. Non-numerical columns will be used to " -"label points. Leave empty to get a count of points in each cluster." -msgstr "" -"`število` je COUNT(*), če je uporabljeno združevanje (group by). " -"Numerični stolpci bodo agregirani z agregatorjem. Ne-numerični stolpci, " -"bodo uporabljeni za oznake točk. Pustite prazno, da dobite število točk v" -" posamezni gruči." - -#: superset/common/query_object.py:388 -msgid "`operation` property of post processing object undefined" -msgstr "Lastnost `operation` poprocesirnega objekta ni definirana" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:765 -msgid "`prophet` package not installed" -msgstr "Knjižnica `prophet` ni nameščena" - -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:722 -msgid "`rename_columns` must have the same length as `columns`." -msgstr "`rename_columns` morajo imeti enako dolžino kot `columns`." - -#: superset/charts/schemas.py:1070 -msgid "`row_limit` must be greater than or equal to 0" -msgstr "`row_limit` mora biti večja ali enaka 0" - -#: superset/charts/schemas.py:1077 -msgid "`row_offset` must be greater than or equal to 0" -msgstr "`row_offset` mora biti večja ali enaka 1" - -#: superset/charts/schemas.py:932 -msgid "`width` must be greater or equal to 0" -msgstr "`width` mora biti večja ali enaka 0" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:413 -msgid "aggregate" -msgstr "agregacija" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:90 -msgid "alert" -msgstr "opozorilo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:91 -msgid "alerts" -msgstr "opozorila" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/SaveModal.tsx:213 -msgid "also copy (duplicate) charts" -msgstr "kopiraj (podvoji) tudi grafikone" - -#: superset/views/core.py:823 superset/views/core.py:1000 -msgid "alter this " -msgstr "spreminjanje tega " - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:194 -msgid "ancestor" -msgstr "nadrejeni" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:47 -msgid "and" -msgstr "in" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ExploreResultsButton/index.jsx:111 -#, python-format -msgid "and the explore view times out at %s seconds " -msgstr "čas izteka raziskovalnega pogleda v sekundah: %s " - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:64 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:106 -msgid "annotation" -msgstr "oznaka" - -#: superset/views/annotations.py:40 -msgid "annotation start time or end time is required." -msgstr "začetni in končni čas oznake je obvezen." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayerModal.tsx:102 -msgid "annotation_layer" -msgstr "annotation_layer" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:48 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:50 -msgid "at" -msgstr "ob" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/ControlHeader.tsx:74 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlHeader.jsx:76 -msgid "bolt" -msgstr "vijak" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:161 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:179 -msgid "bottom" -msgstr "spodaj" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CachedLabel/index.tsx:51 -msgid "cached" -msgstr "predpomnjen" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/validateNonEmpty.ts:29 -msgid "cannot be empty" -msgstr "ne sme biti prazno" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ExploreResultsButton/index.jsx:143 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"cannot be used as a column name. The column name/alias \"__timestamp\"\n" -" is reserved for the main temporal expression, and column " -"aliases ending with\n" -" double underscores followed by a numeric value (e.g. " -"\"my_col__1\") are reserved\n" -" for deduplicating duplicate column names. Please use aliases to" -" rename the\n" -" invalid column names." -msgstr "" -"ni mogoče uporabiti kot imena stolpcev. Ime stolpca \"__timestamp\"\r\n" -" je rezervirano za glavni časovni izraz. Imena stolpcev, ki se " -"končajo z\r\n" -" dvojnim podčrtajem, ki mu sledi številska vrednost (npr. " -"\"moj_stolpec__1\") so rezervirana\r\n" -" za deduplikacijo duplikatov imen stolpcev. Za preimenovanje " -"neustreznih imen\r\n" -" uporabite psevdonime." - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:146 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:699 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ChartTable.tsx:81 -#: superset/views/core.py:823 superset/views/core.py:829 -msgid "chart" -msgstr "grafikona" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:26 -#, fuzzy -msgid "charts" -msgstr "grafikona" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/FilterControl/AdhocFilterEditPopoverSqlTabContent/index.jsx:101 -msgid "choose WHERE or HAVING..." -msgstr "izberite WHERE ali HAVING..." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/MetricControl/AdhocMetricEditPopover/index.jsx:402 -msgid "column" -msgstr "stolpec" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/Histogram.jsx:116 -msgid "count" -msgstr "število" - -#: superset/views/core.py:829 superset/views/core.py:1018 -msgid "create a " -msgstr "ustvarite " - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplateModal.tsx:253 -msgid "css" -msgstr "css" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplateModal.tsx:91 -msgid "css_template" -msgstr "css_template" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/Histogram.jsx:120 -msgid "cumulative" -msgstr "kumulativno" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:115 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:678 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/DashboardTable.tsx:77 -#: superset/views/core.py:1001 superset/views/core.py:1019 -msgid "dashboard" -msgstr "nadzorna plošča" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:27 -#, fuzzy -msgid "dashboards" -msgstr "nadzorna plošča" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:89 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:471 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:464 -msgid "database" -msgstr "podatkovna baza" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/ChangeDatasourceModal.tsx:116 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/AddDatasetModal.tsx:61 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:123 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:699 -msgid "dataset" -msgstr "podatkovni set" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:304 -msgid "date" -msgstr "datum" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:39 -msgid "day" -msgstr "dan" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:30 -msgid "day of the month" -msgstr "dan v mesecu" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:32 -msgid "day of the week" -msgstr "dan v tednu" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/DeleteModal/index.tsx:84 -msgid "delete" -msgstr "izbriši" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:195 -msgid "descendant" -msgstr "podrejeni" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-chart-controls/src/components/ControlHeader.tsx:64 -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/ControlHeader.jsx:66 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:327 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayerModal.tsx:258 -msgid "description" -msgstr "opis" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/SqlAlchemyForm.tsx:71 -msgid "dialect+driver://username:password@host:port/database" -msgstr "dialect+driver://username:password@host:port/database" - -#: superset/views/core.py:618 -msgid "download as csv" -msgstr "prenos kot csv" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardCard.tsx:153 -msgid "draft" -msgstr "osnutek" - -#: superset/views/log/__init__.py:32 -msgid "dttm" -msgstr "dttm" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:129 -msgid "e.g. ********" -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:45 -msgid "e.g." -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:67 -msgid "e.g. 5432" -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:108 -#, fuzzy -msgid "e.g. Analytics" -msgstr "Napredna analitika" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:172 -msgid "e.g. param1=value1¶m2=value2" -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:88 -msgid "e.g. world_population" -msgstr "" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-event-flow/src/controlPanel.tsx:126 -msgid "e.g., a \"user id\" column" -msgstr "t.j. stolpec \"id uporabnika\"" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:27 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:35 -msgid "every" -msgstr "vsak" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:29 -msgid "every day of the month" -msgstr "vsak dan v mesecu" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:31 -msgid "every day of the week" -msgstr "vsak dan v tednu" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:33 -msgid "every hour" -msgstr "vsako uro" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:34 -msgid "every minute" -msgstr "vsako minuto" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:28 -msgid "every month" -msgstr "vsak mesec" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ExploreResultsButton/index.jsx:123 -msgid "feature to store a summarized data set that you can then explore." -msgstr "funkcijo shranjevanja strnjenega podatkovnega seta, ki ga lahko raziščete." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/QueryTable/index.jsx:87 -msgid "fetching" -msgstr "pridobivam" - -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/components/FilterBoxMigrationModal.tsx:86 -#: superset-frontend/src/dashboard/containers/DashboardPage.tsx:143 -msgid "" -"filter_box will be deprecated in a future version of Superset. Please " -"replace filter_box by dashboard filter components." -msgstr "" -"Element filter_box bo v prihodnjih verzijah Superseta opuščen. " -"Nadomestite ga s filtri nadzorne plošče." - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ExploreResultsButton/index.jsx:115 -msgid "following this flow will most likely lead to your query timing out. " -msgstr "s takšnim potekom, bo poizvedba najverjetneje potekla. " - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/SqlAlchemyForm.tsx:86 -msgid "for more information on how to structure your URI." -msgstr "za več informacij o oblikovanju URI." - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:41 -msgid "green" -msgstr "zelena" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:724 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1136 -#, fuzzy -msgid "here" -msgstr "Deljenje" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:40 -msgid "hour" -msgstr "ura" - -#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/UserInfo.tsx:75 -msgid "id:" -msgstr "id:" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-heatmap/src/controlPanel.ts:153 -msgid "" -"image-rendering CSS attribute of the canvas object that defines how the " -"browser scales up the image" -msgstr "" -"atribut CSS za izris objekta platna, ki določa, kako brskalnik poveča " -"sliko" - -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:44 -msgid "in" -msgstr "v" - -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/TextAreaControl.jsx:122 -msgid "in modal" -msgstr "v modalnem" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/legacyValidateNumber.ts:28 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/validateNumber.ts:32 -msgid "is expected to be a number" -msgstr "pričakovano je število" - -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/legacyValidateInteger.ts:31 -#: superset-frontend/packages/superset-ui-core/src/validator/validateInteger.ts:32 -msgid "is expected to be an integer" -msgstr "pričakovano je celo število" +#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/UserInfo.tsx:44 +msgid "Profile picture provided by Gravatar" +msgstr "Profilno sliko je zagotovil Gravatar" #: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/UserInfo.tsx:64 msgid "joined" msgstr "pridružen" -#: superset/views/base.py:527 -msgid "json isn't valid" -msgstr "json ni veljaven" +#: superset-frontend/src/profile/components/UserInfo.tsx:75 +msgid "id:" +msgstr "id:" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:233 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:261 -msgid "key a-z" -msgstr "a - ž" +#: superset-frontend/src/reports/actions/reports.js:67 +msgid "There was an issue fetching reports attached to this dashboard." +msgstr "Pri pridobivanju poročil za to nadzorno ploščo je prišlo do težave." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:234 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:262 -msgid "key z-a" -msgstr "ž - a" +#: superset-frontend/src/reports/actions/reports.js:109 +msgid "The report has been created" +msgstr "Poročilo je bilo ustvarjeno" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-map-box/src/controlPanel.ts:152 -msgid "label" -msgstr "oznaka" +#: superset-frontend/src/reports/actions/reports.js:120 +msgid "Report updated" +msgstr "Poročilo posodobljeno" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:39 -msgid "last day" -msgstr "zadnji dan" +#: superset-frontend/src/reports/actions/reports.js:135 +msgid "We were unable to active or deactivate this report." +msgstr "Aktiviranje ali deaktiviranje poročila ni uspelo." -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:41 -msgid "last month" -msgstr "zadnji mesec" +#: superset-frontend/src/reports/actions/reports.js:151 +msgid "Your report could not be deleted" +msgstr "Vašega poročila ni mogoče izbrisati" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:42 -msgid "last quarter" -msgstr "zadnje četrletje" +#: superset-frontend/src/reports/actions/reports.js:155 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:161 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:117 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:90 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:93 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:153 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:601 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:234 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/utils.tsx:274 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/utils.tsx:313 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:173 +#, python-format +msgid "Deleted: %s" +msgstr "Izbrisano: %s" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:40 -msgid "last week" -msgstr "zadnji teden" +#: superset-frontend/src/utils/downloadAsImage.ts:62 +msgid "Image download failed, please refresh and try again." +msgstr "Prenos slike ni uspel. Osvežite in poskusite ponovno." -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:43 -msgid "last year" -msgstr "zadnje leto" - -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/TableElement/index.tsx:120 -msgid "latest partition:" -msgstr "zadnja particija:" - -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:158 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:176 -msgid "left" -msgstr "levo" - -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/ExecutionLog.tsx:63 -msgid "log" -msgstr "dnevnik" - -#: superset/charts/schemas.py:624 +#: superset-frontend/src/utils/getChartRequiredFieldsMissingMessage.ts:23 +#, python-format msgid "" -"lower percentile must be greater than 0 and less than 100. Must be lower " -"than upper percentile." +"Select values in highlighted field(s) in the control panel. Then run the query by " +"clicking on the %s button." msgstr "" -"spodnji percentil mora biti večji od 0 in manjši od 100 ter mora biti " -"manjši od zgornjega percentila." +"Izberite vrednosti v osvetljenih poljih na levi strani kontrolnika in zaženite " +"poizvedbo z gumbom %s." -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:41 -msgid "minute" -msgstr "minuta" +#: superset-frontend/src/utils/getClientErrorObject.ts:56 +msgid "Invalid input" +msgstr "Neveljaven vnos" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:51 -msgid "minute(s)" -msgstr "minuta/e" +#: superset-frontend/src/utils/getClientErrorObject.ts:62 +msgid "Unexpected error: " +msgstr "Nepričakovana napaka: " -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:37 -msgid "month" -msgstr "mesec" +#: superset-frontend/src/utils/getClientErrorObject.ts:63 +msgid "(no description, click to see stack trace)" +msgstr "(ni opisa, kliknite za ogled zapisov)" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:116 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/controlPanel.tsx:138 -msgid "must have a value" -msgstr "mora imeti vrednost" +#: superset-frontend/src/utils/getClientErrorObject.ts:96 +msgid "Network error" +msgstr "Napaka omrežja" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Area/index.js:54 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bubble/index.js:39 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Bullet/index.js:31 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Compare/index.js:34 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/DistBar/index.js:49 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/Line/index.js:45 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/LineMulti/index.js:34 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-preset-chart-nvd3/src/TimePivot/index.js:29 -msgid "nvd3" -msgstr "nvd3" +#: superset-frontend/src/utils/getClientErrorObject.ts:108 +msgid "Request timed out" +msgstr "Zahtevek pretečen" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:45 -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:46 -msgid "on" -msgstr "v" +#: superset-frontend/src/utils/getClientErrorObject.ts:117 +msgid "Issue 1000 - The dataset is too large to query." +msgstr "Težava 1000 - podatkovni vir je prevelik za poizvedbo." -#: superset/charts/schemas.py:1098 -msgid "orderby column must be populated" -msgstr "stolpec za razvrščanje (orderby) mora biti izpolnjen" +#: superset-frontend/src/utils/getClientErrorObject.ts:121 +msgid "Issue 1001 - The database is under an unusual load." +msgstr "Težava 1001 - podatkovni vir je neobičajno obremenjen." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-paired-t-test/src/controlPanel.ts:85 -msgid "p-value precision" -msgstr "točnost p-vrednosti" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:103 +#, python-format +msgid "An error occurred while fetching %s info: %s" +msgstr "Napaka pri pridobivanju informacij za %s: %s" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/consts.ts:26 -msgid "page_size.all" -msgstr "page_size.all" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:171 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:258 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:344 +#, python-format +msgid "An error occurred while fetching %ss: %s" +msgstr "Napaka pri pridobivanju informacij za %s: %s" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/TableChart.tsx:159 -msgid "page_size.entries" -msgstr "page_size.entries" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:301 +#, python-format +msgid "An error occurred while creating %ss: %s" +msgstr "Napaka pri ustvarjanju %s: %s" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/TableChart.tsx:139 -msgid "page_size.show" -msgstr "page_size.show" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:451 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:467 +#, python-format +msgid "An error occurred while importing %s: %s" +msgstr "Napaka pri uvažanju %s: %s" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-histogram/src/Histogram.jsx:124 -msgid "percentile (exclusive)" -msgstr "percentil (ekskluzivno)" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:538 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an error fetching the favorite status: %s" +msgstr "Napaka pri pridobivanju statusa \"Priljubljeno\": %s" -#: superset/utils/pandas_postprocessing.py:921 -msgid "" -"percentiles must be a list or tuple with two numeric values, of which the" -" first is lower than the second value" -msgstr "" -"percentili morajo biti tipa list ali tuple z vsaj dvema numeričnima " -"vrednostma, pri čemer je prva manjša od druge" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:559 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an error saving the favorite status: %s" +msgstr "Napaka pri shranjevanju statusa \"Priljubljeno\": %s" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:53 -msgid "previous calendar month" -msgstr "prejšnji koledarski mesec" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:218 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:620 +msgid "Link Copied!" +msgstr "Povezava kopirana!" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:50 -msgid "previous calendar week" -msgstr "prejšnji koledarski teden" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/components/SyntaxHighlighterCopy/index.tsx:76 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:221 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:623 +msgid "Sorry, your browser does not support copying." +msgstr "Vaš brskalnik ne podpira kopiranja." -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/DateFilterControl/utils/constants.ts:56 -msgid "previous calendar year" -msgstr "prejšnje koledarsko leto" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:644 +msgid "Connection looks good!" +msgstr "Povezava izgleda v redu!" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardCard.tsx:153 -msgid "published" -msgstr "objavljeno" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/hooks.ts:647 +#, python-format +msgid "ERROR: %s" +msgstr "NAPAKA: %s" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:543 -msgid "queries" -msgstr "poizvedbe" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/utils.tsx:209 +msgid "There was an error fetching your recent activity:" +msgstr "Pri pridobivanju nedavnih aktivnosti je prišlo do napake:" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:129 -msgid "query" -msgstr "poizvedba" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/utils.tsx:277 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an issue deleting: %s" +msgstr "Težava pri brisanju: %s" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:42 -msgid "reboot" -msgstr "ponovni zagon" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:164 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:121 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:93 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:97 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:159 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:605 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:237 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/utils.tsx:317 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:176 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an issue deleting %s: %s" +msgstr "Težava pri brisanju %s: %s" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:28 -#, fuzzy -msgid "recents" -msgstr "Nedavno" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:54 +msgid "Working" +msgstr "Delam" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:43 -msgid "red" -msgstr "rdeča" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:56 +msgid "Not triggered" +msgstr "Ni sproženo" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:90 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:484 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:57 +msgid "On Grace" +msgstr "V mirovanju" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:89 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:489 msgid "report" msgstr "poročilo" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:91 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:117 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:126 -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/ExecutionLog.tsx:72 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:89 +msgid "alert" +msgstr "opozorilo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:90 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:116 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:125 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/ExecutionLog.tsx:75 msgid "reports" msgstr "poročila" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:160 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:178 -msgid "right" -msgstr "desno" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:90 +msgid "alerts" +msgstr "opozorila" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/RowCountLabel.jsx:35 -msgid "rows" -msgstr "vrstic" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:179 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an issue deleting the selected %s: %s" +msgstr "Težava pri brisanju izbranih %s: %s" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/DataTableControl/index.tsx:96 -msgid "rows retrieved" -msgstr "vrnjenih vrstic" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:227 +msgid "Last run" +msgstr "Zadnji zagon" -#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:29 -#, fuzzy -msgid "saved queries" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:262 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1387 +msgid "Notification method" +msgstr "Način obveščanja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:273 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:417 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:211 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:285 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:361 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:507 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:192 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:273 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:326 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:479 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:349 +msgid "Created by" +msgstr "Ustvaril" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:308 +msgid "Active" +msgstr "Aktiven" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:325 +msgid "Execution log" +msgstr "Dnevnik izvajanja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:353 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:203 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:248 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:448 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:229 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:420 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:432 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:448 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:309 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:415 +msgid "Actions" +msgstr "Aktivnosti" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:380 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:226 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:276 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:640 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:262 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:593 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:550 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:169 +msgid "Bulk select" +msgstr "Izberi hkrati" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:388 +#, python-format +msgid "No %s yet" +msgstr "%s še ne obstajajo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:401 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:486 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:458 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:460 +msgid "Owner" +msgstr "Lastnik" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:410 +#, python-format +msgid "An error occurred while fetching owners values: %s" +msgstr "Pri pridobivanju polja lastnik je prišlo do napake: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:426 +#, python-format +msgid "An error occurred while fetching created by values: %s" +msgstr "Pri pridobivanju vrednosti \"Ustvaril\" je prišlo do napake: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:433 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:305 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:500 +msgid "Status" +msgstr "Status" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:466 +msgid "Alerts & reports" +msgstr "Opozorila in poročila" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:470 +msgid "Alerts" +msgstr "Opozorila" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:477 +msgid "Reports" +msgstr "Poročila" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:515 +#, python-format +msgid "Delete %s?" +msgstr "Izbrišem %s?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:519 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:297 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:357 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartCard.tsx:78 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:385 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:687 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:325 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardCard.tsx:106 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:358 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:632 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:664 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:501 +msgid "Please confirm" +msgstr "Prosim, potrdite" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertList.tsx:520 +#, python-format +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected %s?" +msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane %s?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:89 +msgid "< (Smaller than)" +msgstr "< (manjše kot)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:93 +msgid "> (Larger than)" +msgstr "> (večje kot)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:97 +msgid "<= (Smaller or equal)" +msgstr "<= (manjše ali enako)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:101 +msgid ">= (Larger or equal)" +msgstr ">= (večje ali enako)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:105 +msgid "== (Is equal)" +msgstr "== (je enako)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:109 +msgid "!= (Is not equal)" +msgstr "!= (ni enako)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:113 +msgid "Not null" +msgstr "Ni nič (null)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:124 +msgid "30 days" +msgstr "30 dni" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:128 +msgid "60 days" +msgstr "60 dni" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:132 +msgid "90 days" +msgstr "90 dni" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:389 +msgid "Add notification method" +msgstr "Dodajte način obveščanja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:390 +msgid "Add delivery method" +msgstr "Dodajte način dostave" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:562 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:578 +#, python-format +msgid "%s updated" +msgstr "%s posodobljeni" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1069 +msgid "Edit Report" +msgstr "Uredi poročilo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1071 +msgid "Edit Alert" +msgstr "Uredi opozorilo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1073 +msgid "Add Report" +msgstr "Dodaj poročilo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1074 +msgid "Add Alert" +msgstr "Dodaj opozorilo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1082 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1090 +msgid "Report name" +msgstr "Naslov poročila" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1082 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1090 +msgid "Alert name" +msgstr "Naslov opozorila" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1141 +msgid "Alert condition" +msgstr "Status opozorila" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1186 +msgid "Trigger Alert If..." +msgstr "Sproži opozorilo v primeru ..." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1191 +msgid "Condition" +msgstr "Pogoj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1205 +msgid "Threshold value should be double precision number" +msgstr "Mejna vrednost naj bo število z dvojno natančnostjo (double)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1236 +msgid "Report schedule" +msgstr "Urnik poročanja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1237 +msgid "Alert condition schedule" +msgstr "Urnik statusov opozoril" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1257 +msgid "Schedule settings" +msgstr "Nastavitve urnika" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1261 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1266 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1267 +msgid "Log retention" +msgstr "Hranjenje dnevnikov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1281 +msgid "Working timeout" +msgstr "Pretek delovanja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1290 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1305 +msgid "Time in seconds" +msgstr "Čas v sekundah" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1298 +msgid "Grace period" +msgstr "Obdobje mirovanja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1363 +msgid "Send as PNG" +msgstr "Pošlji kot PNG" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1364 +msgid "Send as CSV" +msgstr "Pošlji kot CSV" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/AlertReportModal.tsx:1367 +msgid "Send as text" +msgstr "Pošlji kot besedilo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/ExecutionLog.tsx:66 +msgid "log" +msgstr "dnevnik" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/ExecutionLog.tsx:97 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:348 +msgid "State" +msgstr "Status" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/ExecutionLog.tsx:108 +msgid "Execution ID" +msgstr "ID izvedbe" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/ExecutionLog.tsx:120 +msgid "Scheduled at (UTC)" +msgstr "Izvede se ob (UTC)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/ExecutionLog.tsx:128 +msgid "Start at (UTC)" +msgstr "Zažene se ob (UTC)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/ExecutionLog.tsx:138 +msgid "Duration" +msgstr "Trajanje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/ExecutionLog.tsx:147 +msgid "Error message" +msgstr "Sporočilo napake" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/AlertReportCronScheduler.tsx:94 +msgid "CRON expression" +msgstr "Izraz CRON" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/AlertStatusIcon.tsx:67 +msgid "Report sent" +msgstr "Poročilo poslano" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/AlertStatusIcon.tsx:68 +msgid "Alert triggered, notification sent" +msgstr "Opozorilo sproženo, obvestilo poslano" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/AlertStatusIcon.tsx:74 +msgid "Report sending" +msgstr "Pošiljanje poročila" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/AlertStatusIcon.tsx:75 +msgid "Alert running" +msgstr "Opozorilo aktivno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/AlertStatusIcon.tsx:81 +msgid "Report failed" +msgstr "Poročilo ni uspelo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/AlertStatusIcon.tsx:82 +msgid "Alert failed" +msgstr "Opozorilo ni uspelo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/AlertStatusIcon.tsx:87 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/AlertStatusIcon.tsx:97 +msgid "Nothing triggered" +msgstr "Ni ni sproženo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/AlertStatusIcon.tsx:92 +msgid "Alert Triggered, In Grace Period" +msgstr "Opozorilo sproženo, v obdobju mirovanja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/NotificationMethod.tsx:124 +msgid "Delivery method" +msgstr "Način dostave" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/NotificationMethod.tsx:127 +msgid "Select Delivery Method" +msgstr "Izberite način dostave" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/alert/components/NotificationMethod.tsx:160 +msgid "Recipients are separated by \",\" or \";\"" +msgstr "Prejemniki so ločeni z \",\" ali \";\"" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:78 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:106 +msgid "annotation" +msgstr "oznaka" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:141 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an issue deleting the selected annotations: %s" +msgstr "Pri brisanju izbranih oznak je prišlo do težave: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:188 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:283 +msgid "Edit annotation" +msgstr "Uredi oznako" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:195 +msgid "Delete annotation" +msgstr "Izbriši oznako" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:216 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:249 +msgid "Annotation" +msgstr "Oznaka" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:242 +msgid "No annotation yet" +msgstr "Oznak še ni" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:259 +#, python-format +msgid "Annotation Layer %s" +msgstr "Sloj z oznakami %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:282 +#, python-format +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %s?" +msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati %s?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:293 +msgid "Delete Annotation?" +msgstr "Izbrišem oznako?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationList.tsx:298 +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected annotations?" +msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane oznake?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:152 +msgid "The annotation has been updated" +msgstr "Označba je bila posodobljena" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:168 +msgid "The annotation has been saved" +msgstr "Označba je bila shranjena" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:283 +msgid "Add annotation" +msgstr "Dodaj oznako" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:292 +msgid "Annotation name" +msgstr "Ime oznake" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:304 +msgid "date" +msgstr "datum" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:324 +msgid "Additional information" +msgstr "Dodatne informacije" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotation/AnnotationModal.tsx:331 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayerModal.tsx:266 +msgid "Description (this can be seen in the list)" +msgstr "Opis (lahko je viden na seznamu)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayerModal.tsx:104 +msgid "annotation_layer" +msgstr "annotation_layer" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayerModal.tsx:139 +msgid "Annotation template updated" +msgstr "Predloga oznake posodobljena" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayerModal.tsx:154 +msgid "Annotation template created" +msgstr "Predloga oznake ustvarjena" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayerModal.tsx:241 +msgid "Edit annotation layer properties" +msgstr "Uredi lastnosti sloja z oznakami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayerModal.tsx:251 +msgid "Annotation layer name" +msgstr "Ime sloja z oznakami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:71 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:335 +msgid "Annotation layers" +msgstr "Sloji z oznakami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:110 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an issue deleting the selected layers: %s" +msgstr "Pri brisanju izbranih slojev je prišlo do težave: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:179 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:345 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:158 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:364 +msgid "Last modified" +msgstr "Zadnja sprememba" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:204 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:184 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:351 +msgid "Created on" +msgstr "Ustvarjeno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:229 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:210 +msgid "Edit template" +msgstr "Uredi predlogo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:238 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:219 +msgid "Delete template" +msgstr "Izbriši predlogo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:264 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:319 +msgid "Annotation layer" +msgstr "Sloj z oznakami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:294 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:282 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:436 +#, python-format +msgid "An error occurred while fetching dataset datasource values: %s" +msgstr "" +"Pri pridobivanju vrednosti podatkovnega vira podatkovnega seta je prišlo do " +"napake: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:314 +msgid "No annotation layers yet" +msgstr "Slojev z oznakami še ni" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:345 +msgid "This action will permanently delete the layer." +msgstr "S tem dejanjem boste trajno izbrisali sloj." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:353 +msgid "Delete Layer?" +msgstr "Izbrišem sloj?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/annotationlayers/AnnotationLayersList.tsx:358 +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected layers?" +msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane sloje?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartCard.tsx:81 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:388 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardCard.tsx:109 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:361 +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete" +msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartCard.tsx:156 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardCard.tsx:165 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ActivityTable.tsx:129 +#, python-format +msgid "Modified %s" +msgstr "Zadnja sprememba %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:82 +msgid "" +"The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them together " +"with the charts. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and \"Certificate\" " +"sections of the database configuration are not present in export files, and " +"should be added manually after the import if they are needed." +msgstr "" +"Gesla za spodnje podatkovne baze so potrebna za uvoz skupaj z grafikoni. Sekciji " +"\"Dodatna varnost\" in \"Certifikati\" v nastavitvah podatkovne baze nista " +"prisotni v izvoženih datotekah in jih je potrebno dodati ročno po uvozu, če je to " +"potrebno." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:89 +msgid "" +"You are importing one or more charts that already exist. Overwriting might cause " +"you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to overwrite?" +msgstr "" +"Uvažate enega ali več grafikonov, ki že obstajajo. S prepisom lahko izgubite " +"podatke. Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:203 +msgid "Chart imported" +msgstr "Grafikon uvožen" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:233 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an issue deleting the selected charts: %s" +msgstr "Pri brisanju izbranih grafikonov je prišlo do težave: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:331 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:294 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:351 +msgid "Modified by" +msgstr "Spremenil" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:469 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:441 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ChartTable.tsx:165 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/DashboardTable.tsx:175 +msgid "Favorite" +msgstr "Priljubljene" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:474 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:568 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:446 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:504 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:517 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:525 +msgid "Any" +msgstr "Katerikoli" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:476 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:570 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:448 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:519 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:527 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Da" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:477 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:571 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:449 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:520 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:528 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Ne" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:490 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:511 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:532 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:557 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:462 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:483 +msgid "All" +msgstr "Vsi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:496 +#, python-format +msgid "An error occurred while fetching chart owners values: %s" +msgstr "Pri pridobivanju polja lastnik grafikona je prišlo do napake: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:517 +#, python-format +msgid "An error occurred while fetching chart created by values: %s" +msgstr "Pri pridobivanju polja Grafikon ustvaril je prišlo do napake: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:528 +msgid "Chart type" +msgstr "Tip grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:563 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:512 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:520 +msgid "Certified" +msgstr "Certificirano" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:588 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:537 +msgid "Alphabetical" +msgstr "Po abecedi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:594 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:543 +msgid "Recently modified" +msgstr "Nedavno spremenjeno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:600 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:549 +msgid "Least recently modified" +msgstr "Zadnje spremenjeno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:664 +msgid "Import charts" +msgstr "Uvozi grafikone" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/chart/ChartList.tsx:688 +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected charts?" +msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane grafikone?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplateModal.tsx:91 +msgid "css_template" +msgstr "css_template" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplateModal.tsx:231 +msgid "Edit CSS template properties" +msgstr "Uredi lastnosti CSS predloge" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplateModal.tsx:232 +msgid "Add CSS template" +msgstr "Dodaj CSS predlogo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplateModal.tsx:241 +msgid "CSS template name" +msgstr "Ime CSS predloge" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplateModal.tsx:253 +msgid "css" +msgstr "css" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:71 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:240 +msgid "CSS templates" +msgstr "CSS predloge" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:115 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an issue deleting the selected templates: %s" +msgstr "Pri brisanju izbranih predlog je prišlo do težave: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:151 +#, python-format +msgid "Last modified by %s" +msgstr "Nazadnje spremenil %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:249 +msgid "CSS template" +msgstr "CSS predloga" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:313 +msgid "This action will permanently delete the template." +msgstr "S tem dejanjem boste trajno izbrisali predlogo." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:321 +msgid "Delete Template?" +msgstr "Izbrišem predlogo?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/csstemplates/CssTemplatesList.tsx:326 +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected templates?" +msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane predloge?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardCard.tsx:154 +msgid "published" +msgstr "objavljeno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardCard.tsx:154 +msgid "draft" +msgstr "osnutek" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:56 +msgid "" +"The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them together " +"with the dashboards. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and \"Certificate\" " +"sections of the database configuration are not present in export files, and " +"should be added manually after the import if they are needed." +msgstr "" +"Gesla za spodnje podatkovne baze so potrebna za uvoz skupaj z nadzornimi " +"ploščami. Sekciji \"Dodatna varnost\" in \"Certifikati\" v nastavitvah podatkovne " +"baze nista prisotni v izvoženih datotekah in jih je potrebno dodati ročno po " +"uvozu, če je to potrebno." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:63 +msgid "" +"You are importing one or more dashboards that already exist. Overwriting might " +"cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to overwrite?" +msgstr "" +"Uvažate eno ali več nadzornih plošč, ki že obstajajo. S prepisom lahko izgubite " +"podatke. Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:147 +msgid "Dashboard imported" +msgstr "Nadzorna plošča uvožena" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:205 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/DashboardTable.tsx:167 +#, python-format +msgid "An error occurred while fetching dashboards: %s" +msgstr "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju nadzornih plošč: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:231 +msgid "There was an issue deleting the selected dashboards: " +msgstr "Pri brisanju izbranih nadzornih plošč je prišlo do težave: " + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:468 +#, python-format +msgid "An error occurred while fetching dashboard owner values: %s" +msgstr "Pri pridobivanju polja lastnik nadzorne plošče je prišlo do napake: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:489 +#, python-format +msgid "An error occurred while fetching dashboard created by values: %s" +msgstr "Pri pridobivanju polja Nadzorno ploščo ustvaril je prišlo do napake: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/dashboard/DashboardList.tsx:633 +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected dashboards?" +msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane nadzorne plošče?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/common.ts:38 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:107 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/Welcome.tsx:332 +msgid "Saved queries" msgstr "Shranjene poizvedbe" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-table/src/TableChart.tsx:124 -msgid "search.num_records" -msgstr "search.num_records" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/components/SyntaxHighlighterCopy/index.tsx:71 +msgid "SQL Copied!" +msgstr "SQL kopiran!" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/legacy-plugin-chart-horizon/src/controlPanel.ts:98 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:89 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:432 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:533 +msgid "database" +msgstr "podatkovna baza" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:140 +#, python-format +msgid "An error occurred while fetching database related data: %s" +msgstr "Pri pridobivanju podatkov iz podatkovne baze je prišlo do napake: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:191 +msgid "Upload file to database" +msgstr "Naloži datoteko v podatkovno bazo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:194 +msgid "Upload CSV" +msgstr "Naloži CSV" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:201 +msgid "Upload columnar file" +msgstr "Naloži datoteko s stolpci" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:208 +msgid "Upload Excel file" +msgstr "Naloži Excel-ovo datoteko" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:293 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:458 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:303 +msgid "Asynchronous query execution" +msgstr "Asinhroni zagon poizvedb" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:296 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:461 +msgid "AQE" +msgstr "AQE" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:313 +msgid "Allow data manipulation language" +msgstr "Dovoli jezik za manipulacijo podatkov (DML)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:316 +msgid "DML" +msgstr "DML" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:328 +msgid "CSV upload" +msgstr "Nalaganje CSV" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:389 +msgid "Delete database" +msgstr "Izbriši podatkovno bazo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:496 +#, python-format msgid "" -"series: Treat each series independently; overall: All series use the same" -" scale; change: Show changes compared to the first data point in each " -"series" +"The database %s is linked to %s charts that appear on %s dashboards and users " +"have %s SQL Lab tabs using this database open. Are you sure you want to continue? " +"Deleting the database will break those objects." msgstr "" -"serije: Obravnavaj vsako podatkovno serijo neodvisno; skupno: Vse vrste " -"uporabljajo enako skalo; razlika: Pokaži razlike glede na prvo točko " -"vsake serije" +"Podatkovna baza %s je povezana z grafikoni %s, ki so prisotni na nadzorni plošči " +"%s in uporabniki imajo odprtih %s zavihkov SQL laboratorija. Ali želite " +"nadaljevati? Izbris podatkovne baze bo pokvaril te objekte." -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/TextAreaControl.jsx:92 -msgid "textarea" -msgstr "področje besedila" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseList.tsx:510 +msgid "Delete Database?" +msgstr "Izbrišem podatkovno bazo?" -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:159 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-echarts/src/Tree/controlPanel.tsx:177 -msgid "top" -msgstr "zgoraj" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:76 +msgid "Expose database in SQL Lab" +msgstr "Razkrij podatkovno bazo v SQL laboratoriju" -#: superset/charts/schemas.py:639 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:79 +msgid "Allow this database to be queried in SQL Lab" +msgstr "Dovoli poizvedbo na to podatkovno bazo v SQL laboratoriju" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:98 +msgid "Allow creation of new tables based on queries" +msgstr "Dovoli ustvarjanje novih tabel s poizvedbami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:112 +msgid "Allow creation of new views based on queries" +msgstr "Dovoli ustvarjanje novih pogledov s poizvedbami" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:118 +msgid "CTAS & CVAS SCHEMA" +msgstr "CTAS & CVAS SHEMA" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:124 +msgid "Create or select schema..." +msgstr "Ustvarite ali izberite shemo..." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:129 msgid "" -"upper percentile must be greater than 0 and less than 100. Must be higher" -" than lower percentile." +"Force all tables and views to be created in this schema when clicking CTAS or " +"CVAS in SQL Lab." msgstr "" -"zgornji percentil mora biti večji od 0 in manjši od 100 ter mora biti " -"večji od spodnjega percentila." +"Vsilite, da bodo vse tabele in pogledi ustvarjeni s to shemo, ko kliknete CTAS " +"ali CVAS v SQL laboratoriju." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:235 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:263 -msgid "value ascending" -msgstr "0 - 9" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:145 +msgid "" +"Allow manipulation of the database using non-SELECT statements such as UPDATE, " +"DELETE, CREATE, etc." +msgstr "" +"Dovoli manipulacije podatkovne baze z uporabo ne-SELECT stavkov, kot so UPDATE, " +"DELETE, CREATE, itd." -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:236 -#: superset-frontend/plugins/plugin-chart-pivot-table/src/plugin/controlPanel.tsx:264 -msgid "value descending" -msgstr "9 - 0" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:176 +msgid "Enable query cost estimation" +msgstr "Omogoči ocenjevanje potratnosti poizvedbe" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/Datasource/DatasourceEditor.jsx:857 -msgid "virtual" -msgstr "virtualni" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:179 +msgid "" +"For Presto and Postgres, shows a button to compute cost before running a query." +msgstr "" +"Za Presto in Postgres prikaže gumb za izračun potratnosti pred zagonom poizvedbe." -#: superset-frontend/src/SqlLab/components/ResultSet/index.tsx:715 -msgid "was created" -msgstr "ustvarjeno" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:192 +msgid "Allow this database to be explored" +msgstr "Dovoli raziskovanje te podatkovne baze" -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:38 -msgid "week" -msgstr "teden" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:195 +msgid "When enabled, users are able to visualize SQL Lab results in Explore." +msgstr "" +"Ko je omogočeno, lahko uporabniki prikazujejo rezultate SQL laboratorija v " +"raziskovalcu." -#: superset-frontend/src/components/CronPicker/CronPicker.tsx:36 -msgid "year" -msgstr "leto" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:208 +msgid "Disable SQL Lab data preview queries" +msgstr "Izključite poizvedbe za predogled podatkov v SQL Laboratoriju" -#: superset-frontend/src/explore/components/controls/ConditionalFormattingControl/FormattingPopoverContent.tsx:42 -msgid "yellow" -msgstr "rumena" +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:211 +msgid "" +"Disable data preview when fetching table metadata in SQL Lab. Useful to avoid " +"browser performance issues when using databases with very wide tables." +msgstr "" +"Izključite predogled podatkov pri pridobivanju metapodatkov v SQL laboratoriju. S " +"tem se zmanjša obremenitev brskalnika pri podatkovnih bazah z zelo širokimi " +"tabelami." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:234 +msgid "Chart cache timeout" +msgstr "Trajanje predpomnilnika grafikona" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:240 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:262 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:284 +msgid "Enter duration in seconds" +msgstr "Vnesite trajanje v sekundah" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:253 +msgid "Schema cache timeout" +msgstr "Trajanje prepomnilnika sheme" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:268 +msgid "" +"Duration (in seconds) of the metadata caching timeout for schemas of this " +"database. If left unset, the cache never expires." +msgstr "" +"Trajanje (v sekundah) predpomnilnika metapodatkov za sheme v tej podatkovni bazi. " +"Če ni nastavljeno, predpomnilnik ne poteče." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:275 +msgid "Table cache timeout" +msgstr "Trajanje predpomnilnika tabele" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:290 +msgid "" +"Duration (in seconds) of the metadata caching timeout for tables of this " +"database. If left unset, the cache never expires. " +msgstr "" +"Trajanje (v sekundah) predpomnilnika metapodatkov za tabele v tej podatkovni " +"bazi. Če ni nastavljeno, predpomnilnik ne poteče. " + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:306 +msgid "" +"Operate the database in asynchronous mode, meaning that the queries are executed " +"on remote workers as opposed to on the web server itself. This assumes that you " +"have a Celery worker setup as well as a results backend. Refer to the " +"installation docs for more information." +msgstr "" +"Upravljanje podatkovne baze v asinhronem načinu pomeni, da se poizvedbe zaženejo " +"na oddaljenih »delavcih« in ne na samem spletnem strežniku. S tem je " +"predpostavljeno, da imate nastavljenega »delavca« za Celery in zaledni sistem za " +"rezultate. Več informacij je v navodilih za namestitev." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:322 +msgid "Cancel query on window unload event" +msgstr "Prekini poizvedbo pri dogodku zaprtja okna (window unload event)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:325 +msgid "" +"Terminate running queries when browser window closed or navigated to another " +"page. Available for Presto, Hive, MySQL, Postgres and Snowflake databases." +msgstr "" +"Ustavi zagnane poizvedbe, ko se zapre okno brskalnika ali gre na drugo stran. na " +"razpolago za Presto, Hive, MySQL, Postgres in Snowflake podatkovne baze." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:344 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:349 +msgid "Secure extra" +msgstr "Dodatna varnost" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:359 +msgid "" +"JSON string containing additional connection configuration. This is used to " +"provide connection information for systems like Hive, Presto and BigQuery which " +"do not conform to the username:password syntax normally used by SQLAlchemy." +msgstr "" +"JSON niz, ki vsebuje dodatno konfiguracijo povezave. Uporablja se za " +"zagotavljanje dodatnih informacij povezave za sisteme kot sta Presto in BigQuery, " +"ki nista skladna s sintakso username:password, ki jo običajno uporablja " +"SQLAlchemy." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:374 +msgid "Enter CA_BUNDLE" +msgstr "Vnesite CA_BUNDLE" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:379 +msgid "" +"Optional CA_BUNDLE contents to validate HTTPS requests. Only available on certain " +"database engines." +msgstr "" +"Opcijska CA_BUNDLE vsebina, za potrjevanje HTTPS zahtev. Razpoložljivo le na " +"določenih sistemih podatkovnih baz." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:387 +msgid "Schemas allowed for CSV upload" +msgstr "Dovoljene sheme za nalaganje CSV" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:401 +msgid "A comma-separated list of schemas that CSVs are allowed to upload to." +msgstr "Z vejicami ločen seznam shem, kjer je dovoljeno nalaganje CSV-jev." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:413 +msgid "Impersonate logged in user (Presto, Trino, Drill, Hive, and GSheets)" +msgstr "" +"Predstavljanje kot prijavljeni uporabnik (Presto, Trino, Drill, Hive in GSheets)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:418 +msgid "" +"If Presto or Trino, all the queries in SQL Lab are going to be executed as the " +"currently logged on user who must have permission to run them. If Hive and hive." +"server2.enable.doAs is enabled, will run the queries as service account, but " +"impersonate the currently logged on user via hive.server2.proxy.user property." +msgstr "" +"V primeru Presto ali Trino se vse poizvedbe v SQL laboratoriju zaženejo pod " +"trenutno prijavljenim uporabnikom, ki mora imeti pravice za poganjanje. Če je " +"omogočen Hive in hive.server2.enable.doAs, poizvedbe tečejo pod servisnim " +"računom, vendar je trenutno prijavljen uporabnik predstavljen z lastnostjo hive." +"server2.proxy.user." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:435 +msgid "Allow data upload" +msgstr "Dovoli nalaganje podatkov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:438 +msgid "If selected, please set the schemas allowed for data upload in Extra." +msgstr "Če je izbrano, nastavite dovoljene sheme za nalaganje podatkov v Dodatno." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:455 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:460 +msgid "Metadata Parameters" +msgstr "Parametri metapodatkov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:470 +msgid "The metadata_params object gets unpacked into the sqlalchemy.MetaData call." +msgstr "Objekt metadata_params se razpakira v klic sqlalchemy.MetaData." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:477 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:482 +msgid "Engine Parameters" +msgstr "Parametri podatkovne baze" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:492 +msgid "" +"The engine_params object gets unpacked into the sqlalchemy.create_engine call." +msgstr "Objekt engine_params se razširi v klic sqlalchemy.create_engine." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:500 +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Verzija" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:507 +msgid "Version number" +msgstr "Številka verzije" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/ExtraOptions.tsx:512 +msgid "" +"Specify the database version. This should be used with Presto in order to enable " +"query cost estimation." +msgstr "" +"Podajte verzijo podatkovne baze. Uporablja se s Presto, za potrebe ocenjevanja " +"potratnosti poizvedbe." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:149 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/SqlAlchemyForm.tsx:55 +msgid "Display Name" +msgstr "Ime za prikaz" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/SqlAlchemyForm.tsx:64 +msgid "Name your database" +msgstr "Poimenujte podatkovno bazo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/SqlAlchemyForm.tsx:69 +msgid "Pick a name to help you identify this database." +msgstr "Izberite ime za lažjo prepoznavo podatkovne baze." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/SqlAlchemyForm.tsx:84 +msgid "dialect+driver://username:password@host:port/database" +msgstr "dialect+driver://username:password@host:port/database" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/SqlAlchemyForm.tsx:91 +msgid "Refer to the" +msgstr "Obrnite se na" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/SqlAlchemyForm.tsx:99 +msgid "for more information on how to structure your URI." +msgstr "za več informacij o oblikovanju URI." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/SqlAlchemyForm.tsx:109 +msgid "Test connection" +msgstr "Preizkus povezave" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:480 +msgid "Please enter a SQLAlchemy URI to test" +msgstr "Vnesite SQLAlchemy URI za test" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:620 +msgid "Database settings updated" +msgstr "Nastavitve podatkovne baze posodobljene" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:636 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:655 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:919 +msgid "Database connected" +msgstr "Podatkovna baza povezana" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:669 +#, python-format +msgid "Sorry there was an error fetching database information: %s" +msgstr "Pri pridobivanju informacij o podatkovni bazi je prišlo do napake: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:714 +msgid "Or choose from a list of other databases we support:" +msgstr "Ali izberite iz seznama drugih podatkovnih baz, ki jih podpiramo:" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:716 +msgid "Supported databases" +msgstr "Podprte podatkovne baze" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:720 +msgid "Choose a database..." +msgstr "Izberite podatkovno bazo..." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:744 +msgid "Want to add a new database?" +msgstr "Želite dodati novo podatkovno bazo?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:749 +msgid "Any databases that allow connections via SQL Alchemy URIs can be added. " +msgstr "" +"Dodate lahko katerokoli podatkovno bazo, ki podpira konekcije z SQL Alchemy URI-" +"ji. " + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:763 +msgid "" +"Any databases that allow connections via SQL Alchemy URIs can be added. Learn " +"about how to connect a database driver " +msgstr "" +"Dodate lahko katerokoli podatkovno bazo, ki podpira konekcije z SQL Alchemy URI-" +"ji. Naučite se kako povezati gonilnik podatkovne baze " + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:827 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:843 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:862 +msgid "Back" +msgstr "Nazaj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:834 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:870 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1199 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1235 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1422 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "Poveži" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:851 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:897 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1422 +msgid "Finish" +msgstr "Zaključi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:891 +msgid "This database is managed externally, and can't be edited in Superset" +msgstr "Ta podatkovna baza se ne ureja znotraj Superseta" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:995 +msgid "" +"The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them. Please " +"note that the \"Secure Extra\" and \"Certificate\" sections of the database " +"configuration are not present in explore files and should be added manually after " +"the import if they are needed." +msgstr "" +"Gesla za spodnje podatkovne baze so potrebna za njihov uvoz. Sekciji \"Dodatna " +"varnost\" in \"Certifikati\" v nastavitvah podatkovne baze nista prisotni v " +"izvoženih datotekah in jih je potrebno dodati ročno po uvozu, če je to potrebno." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1010 +#, python-format +msgid "%s PASSWORD" +msgstr "%s GESLO" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1034 +msgid "" +"You are importing one or more databases that already exist. Overwriting might " +"cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to overwrite?" +msgstr "" +"Uvažate eno ali več podatkovnih baz, ki že obstajajo. S prepisom lahko izgubite " +"podatke. Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1045 +#, python-format +msgid "TYPE \"OVERWRITE\" TO CONFIRM" +msgstr "VNESITE \"PREPIŠI\" ZA POTRDITEV" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1102 +msgid "Database Creation Error" +msgstr "Napaka pri ustvarjanju podatkovne baze" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1203 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1240 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1426 +msgid "Connect a database" +msgstr "Poveži se s podatkovno bazo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1240 +msgid "Edit database" +msgstr "Uredi podatkovno bazo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1297 +msgid "Connect this database using the dynamic form instead" +msgstr "S podatkovno bazo se povežite z dinamičnim obrazcem" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1300 +msgid "" +"Click this link to switch to an alternate form that exposes only the required " +"fields needed to connect this database." +msgstr "" +"Kliknite to povezavo za drugo vnosno formo, ki prikaže samo zahtevana polja za " +"povezavo s podatkovno bazo." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1356 +msgid "" +"Select databases require additional fields to be completed in the Advanced tab to " +"successfully connect the database. Learn what requirements your databases has " +msgstr "" +"Izbira podatkovnih baz za uspešno povezavo zahteva izpolnitev dodatnih polj v " +"zavihku Napredno. Naučite se, kaj zahteva vaša podatkovna baza " + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1476 +msgid "Import database from file" +msgstr "Uvozi podatkovno bazo iz datoteke" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1552 +msgid "Connect this database with a SQLAlchemy URI string instead" +msgstr "S to podatkovno bazo se raje povežite z SQLAlchemy URI nizom" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/index.tsx:1557 +msgid "" +"Click this link to switch to an alternate form that allows you to input the " +"SQLAlchemy URL for this database manually." +msgstr "" +"Kliknite to povezavo za drugo vnosno formo, ki omogoča ročni vnos SQLAlchemy URL-" +"ja za to podatkovno bazo." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:40 +msgid "" +"This can be either an IP address (e.g. or a domain name (e.g. " +"mydatabase.com)." +msgstr "" +"To je lahko bodisi IP naslov (npr. bodisi ime domene (npr. mydatabase." +"com)." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:45 +msgid "e.g." +msgstr "npr." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:47 +msgid "Host" +msgstr "Gostitelj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:67 +msgid "e.g. 5432" +msgstr "npr. 5432" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:88 +msgid "e.g. world_population" +msgstr "npr. world_population" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:91 +msgid "Copy the name of the database you are trying to connect to." +msgstr "Kopirajte ime podatkovne baze, s katero se skušate povezati." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:108 +msgid "e.g. Analytics" +msgstr "npr. Analitika" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:129 +msgid "e.g. ********" +msgstr "npr. ********" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:151 +msgid "Pick a nickname for this database to display as in Superset." +msgstr "Izberite vzdevek za to podatkovno bazo, ki bo prikazan v Supersetu." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:172 +msgid "e.g. param1=value1¶m2=value2" +msgstr "npr. param1=value1¶m2=value2" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:173 +msgid "Additional Parameters" +msgstr "Dodatni parametri" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:175 +msgid "Add additional custom parameters" +msgstr "Dodaj dodatne parametre po meri" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/CommonParameters.tsx:202 +msgid "SSL Mode \"require\" will be used." +msgstr "Uporabljen bo SSL način tipa \"require\"." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:73 +msgid "Type of Google Sheets allowed" +msgstr "Dovoljeni tipi Googlovih preglednic" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:83 +msgid "Publicly shared sheets only" +msgstr "Samo javno deljene preglednice" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:86 +msgid "Public and privately shared sheets" +msgstr "Javno in zasebno deljene preglednice" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:94 +msgid "How do you want to enter service account credentials?" +msgstr "Kako želite vnesti prijavne podatke servisnega računa?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:102 +msgid "Upload JSON file" +msgstr "Naloži JSON datoteko" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:106 +msgid "Copy and Paste JSON credentials" +msgstr "Kopiraj in prilepi JSON prijavne podatke" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:115 +msgid "Service Account" +msgstr "Servisni račun" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:124 +msgid "Copy and paste the entire service account .json file here" +msgstr "Tukaj kopirajte in prilepite celotno json datoteko servisnega računa" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:134 +msgid "Upload Credentials" +msgstr "Naloži prijavne podatke" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/EncryptedField.tsx:136 +msgid "" +"Use the JSON file you automatically downloaded when creating your service account." +msgstr "" +"Uporabite JSON datoteko, ki ste jo prenesli pri ustvarjanju servisnega računa." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/TableCatalog.tsx:40 +msgid "Connect Google Sheets as tables to this database" +msgstr "Googlove preglednice poveži s to podatkovno bazo kot tabele" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/TableCatalog.tsx:46 +msgid "Google Sheet Name and URL" +msgstr "Ime Googlove preglednice in URL" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/TableCatalog.tsx:54 +msgid "Enter a name for this sheet" +msgstr "Vnesite ime te preglednice" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/TableCatalog.tsx:78 +msgid "Paste the shareable Google Sheet URL here" +msgstr "Prilepite deljeni URL Googlove preglednice sem" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/TableCatalog.tsx:98 +msgid "Add sheet" +msgstr "Dodaj preglednico" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/database/DatabaseModal/DatabaseConnectionForm/ValidatedInputField.tsx:26 +msgid "Copy the account name of that database you are trying to connect to." +msgstr "Kopirajte ime računa podatkovne baze, s katero se skušate povezati." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/AddDatasetModal.tsx:125 +msgid "Add dataset" +msgstr "Dodaj podatkovni set" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:171 +msgid "Dataset imported" +msgstr "Podatkovni set uvožen" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:207 +msgid "An error occurred while fetching dataset related data" +msgstr "Napaka pri pridobivanju podatkov iz podatkovnega seta" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:227 +#, python-format +msgid "An error occurred while fetching dataset related data: %s" +msgstr "Napaka pri pridobivanju podatkov iz podatkovnega seta: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:254 +msgid "Physical dataset" +msgstr "Fizičen podatkovni set" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:262 +msgid "Virtual dataset" +msgstr "Virtualen podatkovni set" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:469 +#, python-format +msgid "An error occurred while fetching dataset owner values: %s" +msgstr "Pri pridobivanju polja lastnik podatkovnega seta je prišlo do napake: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:488 +#, python-format +msgid "An error occurred while fetching datasets: %s" +msgstr "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju podatkovnih setov: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:503 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:358 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:456 +#, python-format +msgid "An error occurred while fetching schema values: %s" +msgstr "Pri pridobivanju vrednosti shem je prišlo do napake: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:572 +msgid "Import datasets" +msgstr "Uvozi podatkovne sete" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:623 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an issue deleting the selected datasets: %s" +msgstr "Pri brisanju izbranih podatkovnih setov je prišlo do težave: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:639 +#, python-format +msgid "" +"The dataset %s is linked to %s charts that appear on %s dashboards. Are you sure " +"you want to continue? Deleting the dataset will break those objects." +msgstr "" +"Podatkovni set %s je povezan z grafikoni %s, ki so prisotni na nadzorni plošči " +"%s. Ali želite nadaljevati? Izbris podatkovnega seta bo pokvaril te objekte." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:652 +msgid "Delete Dataset?" +msgstr "Izbrišem podatkovni set?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:665 +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected datasets?" +msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane podatkovne sete?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:715 +msgid "0 Selected" +msgstr "Izbranih: 0" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:718 +#, python-format +msgid "%s Selected (Virtual)" +msgstr "Izbranih: %s (virtualni)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:725 +#, python-format +msgid "%s Selected (Physical)" +msgstr "Izbranih: %s (fizični)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/DatasetList.tsx:732 +#, python-format +msgid "%s Selected (%s Physical, %s Virtual)" +msgstr "Izbranih: %s (fizični: %s, virtualni: %s)" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/constants.ts:23 +msgid "" +"The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them together " +"with the datasets. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and \"Certificate\" " +"sections of the database configuration are not present in export files, and " +"should be added manually after the import if they are needed." +msgstr "" +"Gesla za spodnje podatkovne baze so potrebna za uvoz skupaj s podatkovnimi seti. " +"Sekciji \"Dodatna varnost\" in \"Certifikati\" v nastavitvah podatkovne baze " +"nista prisotni v izvoženih datotekah in jih je potrebno dodati ročno po uvozu, če " +"je to potrebno." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/dataset/constants.ts:30 +msgid "" +"You are importing one or more datasets that already exist. Overwriting might " +"cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to overwrite?" +msgstr "" +"Uvažate enega ali več podatkovnih setov, ki že obstajajo. S prepisom lahko " +"izgubite podatke. Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:109 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an issue previewing the selected query. %s" +msgstr "Pri predogledu izbrane poizvedbe je prišlo do težave. %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:205 +#, python-format +msgid "Duration: %s" +msgstr "Trajanje: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:218 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryPreviewModal.tsx:145 +msgid "Tab name" +msgstr "Naslov zavihka" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:250 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:307 +msgid "TABLES" +msgstr "TABELE" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:317 +msgid "Open query in SQL Lab" +msgstr "Odpri poizvedbo v SQL laboratoriju" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:341 +#, python-format +msgid "An error occurred while fetching database values: %s" +msgstr "Pri pridobivanju vrednosti podatkovne baze je prišlo do napake: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:375 +#, python-format +msgid "An error occurred while fetching user values: %s" +msgstr "Pri pridobivanju vrednosti uporabnika je prišlo do napake: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryList.tsx:388 +msgid "Search by query text" +msgstr "Išči z besedilom poizvedbe" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryPreviewModal.tsx:133 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryPreviewModal.tsx:113 +msgid "Next" +msgstr "Naslednji" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryPreviewModal.tsx:141 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryPreviewModal.tsx:121 +msgid "Open in SQL Lab" +msgstr "Odpri v SQL laboratoriju" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryPreviewModal.tsx:154 +msgid "User query" +msgstr "Uporabnikova poizvedba" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/query/QueryPreviewModal.tsx:162 +msgid "Executed query" +msgstr "Zagnana poizvedba" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:56 +msgid "" +"The passwords for the databases below are needed in order to import them together " +"with the saved queries. Please note that the \"Secure Extra\" and \"Certificate\" " +"sections of the database configuration are not present in export files, and " +"should be added manually after the import if they are needed." +msgstr "" +"Gesla za spodnje podatkovne baze so potrebna za uvoz skupaj s shranjenimi " +"poizvedbami. Sekciji \"Dodatna varnost\" in \"Certifikati\" v nastavitvah " +"podatkovne baze nista prisotni v izvoženih datotekah in jih je potrebno dodati " +"ročno po uvozu, če je to potrebno." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:63 +msgid "" +"You are importing one or more saved queries that already exist. Overwriting might " +"cause you to lose some of your work. Are you sure you want to overwrite?" +msgstr "" +"Uvažate eno ali več shranjenih poizvedb, ki že obstajajo. S prepisom lahko " +"izgubite podatke. Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:129 +msgid "Query imported" +msgstr "Poizvedba uvožena" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:152 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an issue previewing the selected query %s" +msgstr "Do težave je prišlo pri predogledu izbrane poizvedbe %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:190 +msgid "Import queries" +msgstr "Uvozi poizvedbe" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:264 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an issue deleting the selected queries: %s" +msgstr "Do težave je prišlo pri brisanju izbranih poizvedb: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:385 +msgid "Edit query" +msgstr "Uredi poizvedbo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:392 +msgid "Copy query URL" +msgstr "Kopiraj URL poizvedbe" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:399 +msgid "Export query" +msgstr "Izvozi poizvedbe" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:406 +msgid "Delete query" +msgstr "Izbriši poizvedbo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:477 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:250 +msgid "This action will permanently delete the saved query." +msgstr "S tem dejanjem boste trajno izbrisali shranjeno poizvedbo." + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:487 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:262 +msgid "Delete Query?" +msgstr "Izbrišem poizvedbo?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:502 +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected queries?" +msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrane poizvedbe?" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryList.tsx:545 +msgid "queries" +msgstr "poizvedbe" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/data/savedquery/SavedQueryPreviewModal.tsx:125 +msgid "Query name" +msgstr "Ime poizvedbe" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ActivityTable.tsx:93 +msgid "[Untitled]" +msgstr "[Neimenovana]" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ActivityTable.tsx:94 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Neznano" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ActivityTable.tsx:123 +#, python-format +msgid "Viewed %s" +msgstr "Ogledane %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ActivityTable.tsx:160 +msgid "Edited" +msgstr "Urejane" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ActivityTable.tsx:168 +msgid "Created" +msgstr "Ustvarjene" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ActivityTable.tsx:179 +msgid "Viewed" +msgstr "Ogledane" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ChartTable.tsx:173 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/DashboardTable.tsx:186 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:279 +msgid "Mine" +msgstr "Moje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/ChartTable.tsx:220 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/DashboardTable.tsx:228 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:297 +msgid "View All »" +msgstr "Poglejte vse »" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:26 +msgid "charts" +msgstr "grafikoni" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:27 +msgid "dashboards" +msgstr "nadzorne plošče" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:28 +msgid "recents" +msgstr "nedavne" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:29 +msgid "saved queries" +msgstr "shranjene poizvedbe" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:74 +#, python-format +msgid "No %(tableName)s yet" +msgstr "%(tableName)s še ni" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:81 +msgid "Recently viewed charts, dashboards, and saved queries will appear here" +msgstr "" +"Nedavno ogledani grafikoni, nadzorne plošče in shranjene poizvedbe bodo prikazane " +"tukaj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:86 +msgid "Recently created charts, dashboards, and saved queries will appear here" +msgstr "" +"Nedavno ustvarjeni grafikoni, nadzorne plošče in shranjene poizvedbe bodo " +"prikazane tukaj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:92 +#, python-format +msgid "Example %(tableName)s will appear here" +msgstr "Primer %(tableName)s se bo prikazal tukaj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:96 +msgid "Recently edited charts, dashboards, and saved queries will appear here" +msgstr "" +"Nedavno urejani grafikoni, nadzorne plošče in shranjene poizvedbe bodo prikazane " +"tukaj" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:124 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/MenuRight.tsx:166 +msgid "SQL query" +msgstr "SQL poizvedba" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:143 +msgid "You don't have any favorites yet!" +msgstr "Priljubljenih še niste izbrali!" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/EmptyState.tsx:156 +#, python-format +msgid "See all %(tableName)s" +msgstr "Poglej vse %(tableName)s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:130 +msgid "query" +msgstr "poizvedba" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/SavedQueries.tsx:319 +#, python-format +msgid "Ran %s" +msgstr "Pretečeno %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/Welcome.tsx:203 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an issue fetching your recent activity: %s" +msgstr "Pri pridobivanju vaše nedavne aktivnosti je prišlo do napake: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/Welcome.tsx:225 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an issue fetching your dashboards: %s" +msgstr "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju nadzornih plošč: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/Welcome.tsx:236 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an issue fetching your chart: %s" +msgstr "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju grafikona: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/Welcome.tsx:247 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an issues fetching your saved queries: %s" +msgstr "Prišlo je do napake pri pridobivanju shranjenih poizvedb: %s" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/CRUD/welcome/Welcome.tsx:291 +msgid "Recents" +msgstr "Nedavno" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/MenuRight.tsx:136 +msgid "Connect database" +msgstr "Poveži se s podatkovno bazo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/MenuRight.tsx:141 +msgid "Connect Google Sheet" +msgstr "Povežite Googlovo preglednico" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/MenuRight.tsx:146 +msgid "Upload CSV to database" +msgstr "Naloži CSV v podatkovno bazo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/MenuRight.tsx:152 +msgid "Upload columnar file to database" +msgstr "Naloži datoteko s stolpci v podatkovno bazo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/MenuRight.tsx:158 +msgid "Upload Excel file to database" +msgstr "Naloži Excel-ovo datoteko v podatkovno bazo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/MenuRight.tsx:232 +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/SubMenu.tsx:301 +msgid "Enable 'Allow data upload' in any database's settings" +msgstr "Omogoči 'Dovoli nalaganje podatkov' za vse podatkovne baze" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/MenuRight.tsx:377 +msgid "About" +msgstr "O programu" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/MenuRight.tsx:381 +msgid "Powered by Apache Superset" +msgstr "Omogoča Apache Superset" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/MenuRight.tsx:415 +msgid "Documentation" +msgstr "Dokumentacija" + +#: superset-frontend/src/views/components/MenuRight.tsx:426 +msgid "Report a bug" +msgstr "Sporočite napako" + +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/FilterBox.jsx:305 +msgid "Select start and end date" +msgstr "Izberite začetni in končni datum" + +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/FilterBox.jsx:412 +#, python-format +msgid "Type or Select [%s]" +msgstr "Vnesite ali izberite [%s]" + +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/FilterBox.jsx:433 +msgid "No results found" +msgstr "Rezultati niso najdeni" + +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/FilterBoxChartPlugin.js:25 +msgid "Tools" +msgstr "Orodja" + +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/FilterBoxChartPlugin.js:26 +msgid "Filter box" +msgstr "Izbirnik za filtriranje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/FilterBoxChartPlugin.js:28 +msgid "" +"Chart component that lets you add a custom filter UI in your dashboard. When " +"added to dashboard, a filter box lets users specify specific values or ranges to " +"filter charts by. The charts that each filter box is applied to can be fine tuned " +"as well in the dashboard view.\n" +"\n" +" Note that this plugin is being replaced with the new Filters feature that " +"lives in the dashboard view itself. It's easier to use and has more capabilities!" +msgstr "" +"Komponenta grafikona, ki omogoča dodajanje vmesnika filtrov po meri v nadzorno " +"ploščo. Ko je dodana na nadzorno ploščo, lahko uporabnik določi poljubne " +"vrednosti ali obsege filtrov. Grafikoni, na katere se nanašajo filtri, so lahko " +"precizno izbrani tudi v pogledu nadzorne plošče.\n" +"\n" +" Vedite, da bo ta vtičnik v prihodnosti zamenjan z novim konceptom filtrov, ki " +"bodo živeli v kontekstu same nadzorne plošče in bodo zmogljivejši ter " +"enostavnejši za uporabo!" + +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:27 +msgid "Filters configuration" +msgstr "Nastavitve filtrov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:36 +msgid "Filter configuration for the filter box" +msgstr "Nastavitve za polje filtra" + +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:49 +msgid "Date filter" +msgstr "Filter po datumu" + +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:51 +msgid "Whether to include a time filter" +msgstr "Če želite vključiti časovni filter" + +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:60 +msgid "Instant filtering" +msgstr "Takojšnje filtriranje" + +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:63 +msgid "" +"Check to apply filters instantly as they change instead of displaying [Apply] " +"button" +msgstr "" +"Izberite za takojšnjo uporabo filtrov, ko se spremenijo, brez prikazovanja gumba " +"Uveljavi" + +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:75 +msgid "Limit selector values" +msgstr "Omeji vrednosti izbirnikov" + +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/FilterBox/controlPanel.jsx:76 +msgid "These filters apply to the values available in the dropdowns" +msgstr "Ti filtri se nanašajo na vrednosti v spustnih seznamih" + +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/controlPanel.js:51 +msgid "URL" +msgstr "URL" + +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/controlPanel.js:52 +msgid "" +"Templated link, it's possible to include {{ metric }} or other values coming from " +"the controls." +msgstr "" +"Vzorčna povezava, vključiti je mogoče {{ metric }} ali drugo vrednost iz " +"kontrolnikov." + +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/index.ts:26 +msgid "Time-series Table" +msgstr "Tabela s časovno vrsto" + +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/index.ts:27 +msgid "" +"Compare multiple time series charts (as sparklines) and related metrics quickly." +msgstr "" +"Hitra primerjava več grafikonov časovnih vrst (sparkline način) in povezanih mer." + +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/TimeTable/index.ts:36 +msgid "Text" +msgstr "Besedilo" + +#: superset-frontend/src/visualizations/dashboardComponents/ExampleComponent/ExampleComponent.tsx:29 +#, python-format +msgid "We have the following keys: %s" +msgstr "Imamo naslednje ključe: %s"