{ "additional_notes": [], "banner": { "comments": null, "protocol": "2.0", "raw": "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.6", "software": "OpenSSH_5.6" }, "compression": [ "none", "zlib@openssh.com" ], "cves": [ { "cvssv2": 7.8, "description": "command injection via anomalous argument transfers", "name": "CVE-2020-15778" }, { "cvssv2": 5.3, "description": "enumerate usernames due to timing discrepancies", "name": "CVE-2018-15473" }, { "cvssv2": 5.3, "description": "readonly bypass via sftp", "name": "CVE-2017-15906" }, { "cvssv2": 5.3, "description": "enumerate usernames via challenge response", "name": "CVE-2016-20012" }, { "cvssv2": 5.5, "description": "bypass command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data", "name": "CVE-2016-3115" }, { "cvssv2": 5.0, "description": "cause DoS via crafted network traffic (out of bounds read)", "name": "CVE-2016-1907" }, { "cvssv2": 6.9, "description": "privilege escalation via leveraging sshd uid", "name": "CVE-2015-6564" }, { "cvssv2": 1.9, "description": "conduct impersonation attack", "name": "CVE-2015-6563" }, { "cvssv2": 5.8, "description": "bypass environment restrictions via specific string before wildcard", "name": "CVE-2014-2532" }, { "cvssv2": 7.5, "description": "cause DoS via triggering error condition (memory corruption)", "name": "CVE-2014-1692" }, { "cvssv2": 3.5, "description": "leak data via debug messages", "name": "CVE-2012-0814" }, { "cvssv2": 3.5, "description": "cause DoS via large value in certain length field (memory consumption)", "name": "CVE-2011-5000" }, { "cvssv2": 5.0, "description": "cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)", "name": "CVE-2010-5107" }, { "cvssv2": 4.0, "description": "cause DoS via crafted glob expression (CPU and memory consumption)", "name": "CVE-2010-4755" }, { "cvssv2": 7.5, "description": "bypass authentication check via crafted values", "name": "CVE-2010-4478" } ], "enc": [ { "algorithm": "aes128-ctr", "notes": { "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 3.7, Dropbear SSH 0.52" ] } }, { "algorithm": "aes192-ctr", "notes": { "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 3.7" ] } }, { "algorithm": "aes256-ctr", "notes": { "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 3.7, Dropbear SSH 0.52" ] } }, { "algorithm": "arcfour256", "notes": { "fail": [ "using broken RC4 cipher" ], "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 4.2" ] } }, { "algorithm": "arcfour128", "notes": { "fail": [ "using broken RC4 cipher" ], "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 4.2" ] } }, { "algorithm": "aes128-cbc", "notes": { "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 2.3.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28" ], "warn": [ "using weak cipher mode" ] } }, { "algorithm": "3des-cbc", "notes": { "fail": [ "using broken & deprecated 3DES cipher" ], "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 1.2.2, Dropbear SSH 0.28" ], "warn": [ "using weak cipher mode", "using small 64-bit block size" ] } }, { "algorithm": "blowfish-cbc", "notes": { "fail": [ "using weak & deprecated Blowfish cipher" ], "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 1.2.2, Dropbear SSH 0.28" ], "warn": [ "using weak cipher mode", "using small 64-bit block size" ] } }, { "algorithm": "cast128-cbc", "notes": { "fail": [ "using weak & deprecated CAST cipher" ], "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 2.1.0" ], "warn": [ "using weak cipher mode", "using small 64-bit block size" ] } }, { "algorithm": "aes192-cbc", "notes": { "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 2.3.0" ], "warn": [ "using weak cipher mode" ] } }, { "algorithm": "aes256-cbc", "notes": { "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 2.3.0, Dropbear SSH 0.47" ], "warn": [ "using weak cipher mode" ] } }, { "algorithm": "arcfour", "notes": { "fail": [ "using broken RC4 cipher" ], "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 2.1.0" ] } }, { "algorithm": "rijndael-cbc@lysator.liu.se", "notes": { "fail": [ "using deprecated & non-standardized Rijndael cipher" ], "info": [ "disabled in OpenSSH 7.0: https://www.openssh.com/txt/release-7.0", "available since OpenSSH 2.3.0" ], "warn": [ "using weak cipher mode" ] } } ], "fingerprints": [ { "hash": "YZ457EBcJTSxRKI3yXRgtAj3PBf5B9/F36b1SVooml4", "hash_alg": "SHA256", "hostkey": "ssh-rsa" }, { "hash": "3c:c3:38:f8:55:39:c0:4a:5a:17:89:60:2c:a1:fc:6a", "hash_alg": "MD5", "hostkey": "ssh-rsa" } ], "kex": [ { "algorithm": "diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256", "keysize": 1024, "notes": { "fail": [ "using small 1024-bit modulus" ], "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 4.4" ] } }, { "algorithm": "diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1", "keysize": 1024, "notes": { "fail": [ "using small 1024-bit modulus" ], "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 2.3.0" ] } }, { "algorithm": "diffie-hellman-group14-sha1", "notes": { "fail": [ "using broken SHA-1 hash algorithm" ], "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 3.9, Dropbear SSH 0.53" ], "warn": [ "2048-bit modulus only provides 112-bits of symmetric strength" ] } }, { "algorithm": "diffie-hellman-group1-sha1", "notes": { "fail": [ "using small 1024-bit modulus", "vulnerable to the Logjam attack: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logjam_(computer_security)", "using broken SHA-1 hash algorithm" ], "info": [ "removed in OpenSSH 6.9: https://www.openssh.com/txt/release-6.9", "available since OpenSSH 2.3.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28" ] } } ], "key": [ { "algorithm": "ssh-rsa", "keysize": 1024, "notes": { "fail": [ "using broken SHA-1 hash algorithm", "using small 1024-bit modulus" ], "info": [ "deprecated in OpenSSH 8.8: https://www.openssh.com/txt/release-8.8", "available since OpenSSH 2.5.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28" ] } }, { "algorithm": "ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com", "ca_algorithm": "ssh-rsa", "casize": 1024, "keysize": 1024, "notes": { "fail": [ "using broken SHA-1 hash algorithm", "using small 1024-bit hostkey modulus", "using small 1024-bit CA key modulus" ], "info": [ "deprecated in OpenSSH 8.8: https://www.openssh.com/txt/release-8.8", "available since OpenSSH 5.6" ] } } ], "mac": [ { "algorithm": "hmac-md5", "notes": { "fail": [ "using broken MD5 hash algorithm" ], "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 2.1.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28" ], "warn": [ "using encrypt-and-MAC mode" ] } }, { "algorithm": "hmac-sha1", "notes": { "fail": [ "using broken SHA-1 hash algorithm" ], "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 2.1.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28" ], "warn": [ "using encrypt-and-MAC mode" ] } }, { "algorithm": "umac-64@openssh.com", "notes": { "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 4.7" ], "warn": [ "using encrypt-and-MAC mode", "using small 64-bit tag size" ] } }, { "algorithm": "hmac-ripemd160", "notes": { "fail": [ "using deprecated RIPEMD hash algorithm" ], "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 2.5.0" ], "warn": [ "using encrypt-and-MAC mode" ] } }, { "algorithm": "hmac-ripemd160@openssh.com", "notes": { "fail": [ "using deprecated RIPEMD hash algorithm" ], "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 2.1.0" ], "warn": [ "using encrypt-and-MAC mode" ] } }, { "algorithm": "hmac-sha1-96", "notes": { "fail": [ "using broken SHA-1 hash algorithm" ], "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 2.5.0, Dropbear SSH 0.47" ], "warn": [ "using encrypt-and-MAC mode" ] } }, { "algorithm": "hmac-md5-96", "notes": { "fail": [ "using broken MD5 hash algorithm" ], "info": [ "available since OpenSSH 2.5.0" ], "warn": [ "using encrypt-and-MAC mode" ] } } ], "recommendations": { "critical": { "chg": { "kex": [ { "name": "diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256", "notes": "increase modulus size to 3072 bits or larger" } ] }, "del": { "enc": [ { "name": "3des-cbc", "notes": "" }, { "name": "arcfour128", "notes": "" }, { "name": "arcfour", "notes": "" }, { "name": "arcfour256", "notes": "" }, { "name": "blowfish-cbc", "notes": "" }, { "name": "cast128-cbc", "notes": "" }, { "name": "rijndael-cbc@lysator.liu.se", "notes": "" } ], "kex": [ { "name": "diffie-hellman-group14-sha1", "notes": "" }, { "name": "diffie-hellman-group1-sha1", "notes": "" }, { "name": "diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1", "notes": "" } ], "key": [ { "name": "ssh-rsa", "notes": "" }, { "name": "ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com", "notes": "" } ], "mac": [ { "name": "hmac-md5", "notes": "" }, { "name": "hmac-md5-96", "notes": "" }, { "name": "hmac-ripemd160", "notes": "" }, { "name": "hmac-ripemd160@openssh.com", "notes": "" }, { "name": "hmac-sha1", "notes": "" }, { "name": "hmac-sha1-96", "notes": "" } ] } }, "warning": { "del": { "enc": [ { "name": "aes128-cbc", "notes": "" }, { "name": "aes192-cbc", "notes": "" }, { "name": "aes256-cbc", "notes": "" } ], "mac": [ { "name": "umac-64@openssh.com", "notes": "" } ] } } }, "target": "localhost:2222" }