DO $func$ DECLARE _clist text; _targ text; _sql text; BEGIN -----------------------------this target would be replaced with a parameter-------------- SELECT 'rlarp.osm_dev o' INTO _targ; -------------------------------build a column list----------------------------------------- -----------a list of required columns is in fc.appcols, if they are not present------------ -----------they will have to build included------------------------------------------------ SELECT string_agg( --if the colum name is empty that means we are dealig with a required appcol --that isn't present: use the appcol.col for the name preceded by underscore CASE WHEN m.cname IS NULL THEN COALESCE(a.dflt,'null::'||a.dtype)||' AS _'||a.col ELSE 'o.'||format('%I',COALESCE(cname,'')) END ,E'\n ,' ORDER BY opos ASC) INTO _clist FROM fc.target_meta m FULL OUTER JOIN fc.appcols a ON m.appcol = a.col AND m.dtype = a.dtype WHERE tname = _targ; _sql:= $$CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS AS ( SELECT $$||_clist||$$ FROM $$||_targ||$$ ) WITH DATA;$$; --RAISE NOTICE '%', _sql; INSERT INTO fc.sql SELECT 'live', _sql ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT sql_pkey DO UPDATE SET t = EXCLUDED.t; END; $func$