DO $func$ DECLARE _clist text; _clist_inc text; _ytdbody text; _order_date text; _ship_date text; _order_status text; _actpy text; _sql text; _baseline text; BEGIN CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fc.sql(cmd text PRIMARY KEY, t text ); -------------------------------build a column list---------------------------------------- SELECT string_agg(format('%I',cname),E'\n ,' ORDER BY opos ASC) INTO _clist FROM fc.target_meta WHERE func NOT IN ('version'); ---------------------------build column to increment dates-------------------------------- SELECT string_agg( format('%I',cname) || CASE WHEN func IN ('odate','sdate') AND dtype = 'date' THEN ' + interval ''1 year''' ELSE '' END,E'\n ,' ORDER BY opos ASC) INTO _clist_inc FROM fc.target_meta WHERE func NOT IN ('version'); --RAISE NOTICE 'build list: %',clist; SELECT (SELECT cname FROM fc.target_meta WHERE appcol = 'order_date') INTO _order_date; SELECT (SELECT cname FROM fc.target_meta WHERE appcol = 'ship_date') INTO _ship_date; SELECT (SELECT cname FROM fc.target_meta WHERE appcol = 'order_status') INTO _order_status; --------------------------------------clone the actual baseline----------------------------------------------- SELECT $a$SELECT $a$::text|| _clist|| $b$ ,'forecast_name' "version" ,'actuals' iter FROM rlarp.osm_dev o WHERE ( --base period orders booked.... $b$||_order_date||$c$ BETWEEN [app_baseline_from_date] AND [app_baseline_to_date] --...or any open orders currently booked before cutoff.... OR ($c$||_order_status||$d$ IN ([app_openstatus_code]) and $d$||_order_date||$e$ <= [app_openorder_cutoff]) --...or anything that shipped in that period OR ($e$||_ship_date||$f$ BETWEEN [app_baseline_from_date] AND [app_baseline_to_date]) ) --be sure to pre-exclude unwanted items, like canceled orders, non-gross sales, and short-ships $f$::text INTO _ytdbody; --RAISE NOTICE '%', _ytdbody; ------------------------------------pull a plug from actuals to create a full year baseline------------------ SELECT $$SELECT $$||_clist_inc|| $$ ,'forecast_name' "version" ,'plug' iter FROM rlarp.osm_dev o WHERE $$||_order_date||$$ BETWEEN [app_plug_fromdate] AND [app_plug_todate] --be sure to pre-exclude unwanted items, like canceled orders, non-gross sales, and short-ships $$ INTO _actpy; ------------------------------copy a full year and increment by 1 year for the baseline------------------------- SELECT $a$ INSERT INTO SELECT $a$||_clist_inc|| $b$ 'forecast_name' "version", 'baseline' iter FROM baseline WHERE $b$||_order_date||$c$ + interval '1 year' >= $c$||'[app_first_order_date_year]' --the final forecast baseline should have orders greater than or equal to the --start of the year since new orders is the intended forecast INTO _baseline; ------------------------------stack the sql into the final format------------------------------------------------ SELECT $$DELETE FROM WHERE version = 'forecast_name'; WITH baseline AS ( $$||_ytdbody|| $$UNION ALL $$||_actpy ||$$) $$ ||_baseline INTO _sql; INSERT INTO fc.sql SELECT 'baseline', _sql ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT sql_pkey DO UPDATE SET t = EXCLUDED.t; END $func$; ---SELECT * FROM fc.sql;