DO $func$ DECLARE _clist text; _clist_sum text; _clist_group text; _clist_inc text; _version_col text; _iter_col text; _logid_col text; _order_date text; _ship_date text; _order_status text; _units_col text; _value_col text; _ytdbody text; _actpy text; _sql text; _baseline text; _date_funcs jsonb; _perd_joins text; _interval interval; _target_table text; /*----------------parameters listing-------------- app_baseline_from_date app_baseline_to_date app_first_forecast_date app_openorder_cutoff app_openstatus_code app_plug_fromdate app_plug_todate ------------------------------------------------*/ BEGIN -----------------populate application variables-------------------------------------------- SELECT cname INTO _order_date FROM fc.target_meta WHERE appcol = 'order_date' ; SELECT cname INTO _ship_date FROM fc.target_meta WHERE appcol = 'ship_date' ; SELECT cname INTO _order_status FROM fc.target_meta WHERE appcol = 'order_status' ; SELECT cname INTO _units_col FROM fc.target_meta WHERE appcol = 'units' ; SELECT cname INTO _value_col FROM fc.target_meta WHERE appcol = 'value' ; SELECT cname INTO _version_col FROM fc.target_meta WHERE appcol = 'version' ; SELECT cname INTO _iter_col FROM fc.target_meta WHERE appcol = 'iter' ; SELECT cname INTO _logid_col FROM fc.target_meta WHERE appcol = 'logid' ; SELECT format('%I',max(schema))||'.'||format('%I',max(tname)) INTO _target_table FROM fc.target_meta; SELECT interval '1 year' INTO _interval; ----------------------setup listing of date joins required----------------------------------------------------- SELECT jsonb_agg(DISTINCT func) INTO _date_funcs FROM fc.target_meta WHERE dtype = 'date' AND fkey is NOT null; raise notice E'date list -----> \n %',_date_funcs; -----------------------create the date based table joins-------------------------------------------------------- --create table join for each date based func in target_meta joining to fc.perd static table --the join, though, should be based on the target date, which is needs an interval added to get to the target SELECT string_agg( 'LEFT OUTER JOIN fc.perd '||func||' ON'|| $$ $$||'(o.'||format('%I',cname)||' + interval '||format('%L',_interval) ||' )::date <@ '||func||'.drange' ,E'\n ') INTO _perd_joins FROM fc.target_meta WHERE dtype = 'date' AND func IS NOT NULL; raise notice E'period table joins -----> \n %',_perd_joins; -------------------------------build a column for sums----------------------------------------- SELECT --string_agg('o.'||format('%I',cname),E'\n ,' ORDER BY opos ASC) string_agg( --create the column reference CASE appcol ----aggregation columns----------------------------------------------------------- WHEN 'units' THEN 'sum(o.'||format('%I',cname)||') AS '||format('%I',cname) WHEN 'value' THEN 'sum(o.'||format('%I',cname)||') AS '||format('%I',cname) WHEN 'cost' THEN 'sum(o.'||format('%I',cname)||') AS '||format('%I',cname) ----create singular values for fingle forecast step------------------------------- WHEN 'version' THEN '''app_forecast_name'' AS '||format('%I',_version_col) WHEN 'iter' THEN '''baseline'' AS '||format('%I',_iter_col) WHEN 'logid' THEN '(SELECT id FROM ilog) AS '||format('%I',_logid_col) ELSE ---if there is no function, make the column null or the default value--- CASE WHEN t.func IS NULL THEN 'null::'||t.dtype||' AS '||format('%I',cname) ELSE 'o.'||format('%I',cname) END END --delimiter ,E'\n ,' --sort column ordinal ORDER BY opos ASC ) INTO _clist_sum FROM fc.target_meta t; raise notice E'column list for sums -----> \n %',_clist_sum; -------------------------------build a column for groupby----------------------------------------- SELECT --string_agg('o.'||format('%I',cname),E'\n ,' ORDER BY opos ASC) string_agg( --create the column reference 'o.'||format('%I',cname) --delimiter ,E'\n ,' --sort column ordinal ORDER BY opos ASC ) INTO _clist_group FROM fc.target_meta t WHERE COALESCE(appcol,'') NOT IN ('units','value','cost','version','iter','logid') AND func IS NOT NULL; raise notice E'column list for group by-----> \n %',_clist_group; ---------------------------build column to increment dates--------------------------------- SELECT string_agg( CASE --if you're dealing with a date function... WHEN _date_funcs ? func THEN CASE --...but it's not the date itself... WHEN fkey IS NULL THEN --...pull the associated date field from perd table 'perd.'||m.fcol --...and it's the primary key date... ELSE --use the date key but increment by the target interval --this assumes that the primary key for the func is a date, but it has to be or it wont join anyways 'o.'||format('%I',cname)||' + interval '||format('%L',_interval) ||' AS '||format('%I',cname) END ELSE CASE appcol ----aggregation columns----------------------------------------------------------- WHEN 'units' THEN 'sum(o.'||format('%I',cname)||') AS '||format('%I',cname) WHEN 'value' THEN 'sum(o.'||format('%I',cname)||') AS '||format('%I',cname) WHEN 'cost' THEN 'sum(o.'||format('%I',cname)||') AS '||format('%I',cname) ----create singular values for fingle forecast step------------------------------- WHEN 'version' THEN '''app_forecast_name'' AS '||format('%I',_version_col) WHEN 'iter' THEN '''baseline'' AS '||format('%I',_iter_col) WHEN 'logid' THEN '(SELECT id FROM ilog) AS '||format('%I',_logid_col) ELSE ---if there is no function, make the column null or the default value--- CASE WHEN m.func IS NULL THEN 'null::'||m.dtype||' AS '||format('%I',cname) ELSE 'o.'||format('%I',cname) END END END ,E'\n ,' ORDER BY opos ASC ) INTO _clist_inc FROM fc.target_meta m; --WHERE -- COALESCE(appcol,'') NOT IN ('version','iter','logid'); RAISE NOTICE E'DATES INCREMENTED: ------> \n %',_clist_inc; --------------------------------------clone the actual baseline----------------------------------------------- SELECT $$SELECT $$|| _clist_sum|| $$ FROM $$||_target_table||$$ o WHERE ( --base period orders booked.... $$||format('%I',_order_date)||$$ BETWEEN 'app_baseline_from_date'::date AND 'app_baseline_to_date'::date --...or any open orders currently booked before cutoff.... OR ($$||format('%I',_order_status)||$$ IN (app_openstatus_code) and $$||format('%I',_order_date)||$$ <= 'app_openorder_cutoff'::date) --...or anything that shipped in that period OR ($$||format('%I',_ship_date)||$$ BETWEEN 'app_baseline_from_date'::date AND 'app_baseline_to_date'::date) ) --be sure to pre-exclude unwanted items, like canceled orders, non-gross sales, and short-ships GROUP BY $$|| _clist_group INTO _ytdbody; RAISE NOTICE E'_ytdbody \n%', _ytdbody; ------------------------------------pull a plug from actuals to create a full year baseline------------------ SELECT $$SELECT $$||_clist_inc|| $$ FROM $$||_target_table||' o'||E'\n '||_perd_joins||$$ WHERE $$||format('%I',_order_date)||$$ BETWEEN 'app_plug_fromdate'::date AND 'app_plug_todate'::date --be sure to pre-exclude unwanted items, like canceled orders, non-gross sales, and short-ships GROUP BY $$||_clist_group INTO _actpy; RAISE NOTICE E'plug body --------> \n%',_actpy; ------------------------------copy a full year and increment by 1 year for the baseline------------------------- SELECT --$$INSERT INTO -- $$,incr AS ( SELECT $$||_clist_inc||$$ FROM baseline o$$||E'\n'||_perd_joins||$$ GROUP BY $$||_clist_group||$$ ) ,ins AS ( INSERT INTO $$||_target_table||$$ SELECT * FROM incr i WHERE i.$$||format('%I',_order_date)||$$ >= 'app_first_forecast_date'::date$$||$$ OR i.$$||format('%I',_ship_date)||$$ >= 'app_first_forecast_date'::date$$||$$ RETURNING * ) SELECT COUNT(*) num_rows FROM ins$$ --any orders in the forecast period, or any sales in the forecast period (from open orders) INTO _baseline; RAISE NOTICE E'_baseline -------> \n%',_baseline; ------------------------------stack the sql into the final format------------------------------------------------ SELECT $$DELETE FROM $$||_target_table||$$ WHERE $$||_version_col||$$ = 'app_forecast_name'; WITH req AS (SELECT $$||'$$app_req$$::jsonb j)'||$$ ,ilog AS ( INSERT INTO fc.log (doc) SELECT req.j FROM req RETURNING * ) ,baseline AS ( $$||_ytdbody||$$ UNION ALL $$||_actpy ||$$) $$||_baseline INTO _sql; RAISE NOTICE E'_sql ---------> \n%',_sql; INSERT INTO fc.sql SELECT 'baseline', _sql ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT sql_pkey DO UPDATE SET t = EXCLUDED.t; END $func$; ---SELECT * FROM fc.sql;