# Setup a new linux server ## User and Dot Files ### SSH Keys `ssh-keygen` `add to gitea and github` `git clone https://gitea.hptrow.me/pt/dot_config` `cd dot_config` `./setup.sh` `cp .bash_local_example .bash_local` edit PG and DB2PW install nvim install nvchad ## Firewall `sudo ufw enable` `sudo ufw limit 22` `sudo allow 5432` `sudo allow 8083` ## Postgres ### Copy Backups `rsync -azv -e ssh ptrowbridge@usmidsap01://mnt/backup //mnt/backup` ### Config Files `git clone https://gitea.hptrow.me` install python3 setup postgres config files setup java jdk clone and build jrunner clone jrunner_conf point dbeaver jobs to new server point powerbi to new server point price list functions to new server coordinate with Dwight for cash if applicable setup jupyterlab