CREATE FUNCTION log_insert() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $func$ BEGIN WITH ------------------------------------full extraction------------------------------------------- full_ex AS ( SELECT ,a.i gl_line ,a.rn gl_row ,NEW.bpr#>ARRAY['gl','jpath',(a.rn - 1)::text] gl_ref ,p.i ref_line ,p.rn ref_row ,NEW.bpr#>(p.i->>0)::text[] bpr_extract FROM ins --gl array hold each gl line LEFT JOIN LATERAL JSONB_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(NEW.bpr->'gl'->'lines') WITH ORDINALITY a(i, rn) ON TRUE --for each LEFT JOIN LATERAL JSONB_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(NEW.bpr#>ARRAY['gl','jpath',(a.rn - 1)::text]) WITH ORDINALITY p(i, rn) ON TRUE ) --------------------------------re-ggregate extraction to gl line level---------------------- ,ex_gl_line SELECT id ,gl_line->>'account' account ,(gl_line->>'amount')::numeric amount ,gl_row ,gl_ref ,public.jsonb_concat(bpr_extract) ref_extract FROM full_ex GROUP BY id ,gl_line ,gl_row ,gl_ref; RETURN NULL; END; $func$ CREATE TRIGGER log_insert AFTER INSERT ON log REFERENCING NEW TABLE AS ins FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE log_insert();