BEGIN TRANSACTION; --\conninfo --------------------------build schema---------------------------------------------- DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS evt cascade; CREATE SCHEMA evt; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS ltree; COMMENT ON SCHEMA evt IS 'event log'; --------------------------event log table------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE evt.bpr ( id BIGINT GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY ,bpr JSONB ,bprh JSONB ,stmp timestamptz ); COMMENT ON COLUMN evt.bpr.bpr IS 'basic pecuniary record'; COMMENT ON COLUMN evt.bpr.bprh IS 'basic pecuniary record history'; COMMENT ON COLUMN evt.bpr.stmp IS 'insert time'; --------------------------account master--------------------------------------------- --the account master should be dynamically created CREATE TABLE evt.acct ( acct ltree PRIMARY KEY ,prop jsonb ); COMMENT ON COLUMN evt.acct.acct IS 'account'; COMMENT ON COLUMN evt.acct.prop IS 'properties'; ------------------------fiscal periods------------------------ CREATE TABLE evt.fspr ( id ltree PRIMARY KEY ,dur tstzrange ); COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'fiscal period'; COMMENT ON COLUMN evt.fspr.dur IS 'duration of period as timestamp range'; CREATE INDEX id_gist ON evt.fspr USING GIST (id); --------------------------relational ledger------------------------------------------ CREATE TABLE ( id INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY ,bprid INT REFERENCES evt.bpr (id) ,acct ltree REFERENCES evt.acct (acct) ,pstmp timestamptz DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP --populates by trigger join to evt.fspr ,tstmp timestamptz ,fspr ltree NOT NULL REFERENCES evt.fspr (id) ,amount numeric (12,2) ,glline INT ,bprkeys JSONB ); COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'gl id'; COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'id of initial basic pecuniary record'; COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'account code'; COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'post time stamp'; COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'transaction time stamp'; COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'fiscal period'; COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'amount'; COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'gl line number'; COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'extract from initial basic pecuniary record'; --------------------------balances---------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE evt.bal ( acct ltree REFERENCES evt.acct(acct) ,perd ltree ,obal numeric(12,2) ,debits numeric(12,2) ,credits numeric(12,2) ,cbal numeric(12,2) ); COMMENT ON COLUMN evt.bal.acct IS 'account'; COMMENT ON COLUMN evt.bal.perd IS 'period'; COMMENT ON COLUMN evt.bal.obal IS 'opening balance'; COMMENT ON COLUMN evt.bal.debits IS 'total debits'; COMMENT ON COLUMN evt.bal.credits IS 'total credits'; COMMENT ON COLUMN evt.bal.cbal IS 'closing balance'; ---------------------------handle new logged event---------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION evt.log_insert() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $func$ BEGIN WITH --full extraction full_ex AS ( SELECT --th econtents of the gl line ,a.i gl_line --the array position of the gl line ,a.rn gl_rownum --array of references ,ins.bpr#>ARRAY['gl','jpath',(a.rn - 1)::text] gl_ref --each item in the reference array ,p.i ref_line --array postition of the reference item ,p.rn ref_rownum --follow the path ,ins.bpr#>(p.i->>0)::text[] bpr_extract FROM ins --gl array hold each gl line LEFT JOIN LATERAL JSONB_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(ins.bpr->'gl'->'lines') WITH ORDINALITY a(i, rn) ON TRUE --for each LEFT JOIN LATERAL JSONB_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(ins.bpr#>ARRAY['gl','jpath',(a.rn - 1)::text]) WITH ORDINALITY p(i, rn) ON TRUE ) --select * from full_ex --re-ggregate extraction to gl line level ,ex_gl_line AS ( SELECT id ,gl_line->>'account' account ,(gl_line->>'amount')::numeric amount ,gl_rownum --aggregate all the path references back to the gl line ,public.jsonb_concat(bpr_extract) bprkeys FROM full_ex GROUP BY id ,gl_line ,gl_rownum ) --select * from ex_gl_line ,upsert_acct_mast AS ( INSERT INTO evt.acct (acct,prop) SELECT DISTINCT account ,'{}'::jsonb prop FROM ex_gl_line ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING RETURNING * ) INSERT INTO (bprid,acct, amount,tstmp , fspr, glline, bprkeys) SELECT id ,account ,amount ,(bprkeys->>'date')::timestamptz ,p.fspr ,gl_rownum ,bprkeys FROM ex_gl_line LEFT OUTER JOIN evt.fspr p ON p.dur @> (bprkeys->>'date')::timestamptz; RETURN NULL; END; $func$; CREATE TRIGGER log_insert AFTER INSERT ON evt.bpr REFERENCING NEW TABLE AS ins FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE evt.log_insert(); COMMIT;