const fs = require('fs'); function parseTextFile(filePath) { const content = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8'); const lines = content.split('\n'); const entries = []; let currentEntry = {}; for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { const line = lines[i].trim(); if (line !== '') { const parts = line.split(/\s+/); if (parts.length === 1) { // New entry detected, push the current entry to the entries array if (Object.keys(currentEntry).length > 0) { entries.push(currentEntry); } // Create a new entry object currentEntry = { header: line, details: [], }; } else { const account = parts[0]; const amount = parseFloat(parts[1]); currentEntry.details.push({ account, amount, }); } } } // Push the last entry to the entries array if (Object.keys(currentEntry).length > 0) { entries.push(currentEntry); } return entries; } // Usage: Provide the path to your text file here const filePath = ''; const entries = parseTextFile(filePath); console.log(entries);