# Defaults for emby initscript # sourced by /etc/init.d/emby-server and /usr/lib/emby-server/emby-server.sh # installed at /etc/default/emby-server by the maintainer scripts # # This is a POSIX shell fragment # ## Don't edit this file ## Edit user configuration in /etc/emby-server.conf to change ## ## EMBY_USER= #$EMBY_USER, username to run Emby under, the default is emby ## EMBY_GROUP= #$EMBY_GROUP, Emby server group where Emby user belongs ## EMBY_DIR= #$EMBY_DIR, the location of Emby program files the default is /usr/lib/emby-server ## EMBY_BIN= #$EMBY_BIN, full path of MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe the default is /usr/lib/emby-server/bin/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe ## EMBY_DATA= #$EMBY_DATA, the location of Emby data, cache, logs, the default is /var/lib/emby-server ## EMBY_PIDFILE= #$EMBY_PIDFILE, the location of emby.pid, the default is /var/run/emby/emby-server.pid ## EMBY_ADD_OPTS= #$EMBY_ADD_OPTS, additional options to pass to the Emby server executable, beyond ffmpeg, ffprobe and restart ## MONO_BIN= #$MONO_BIN, full path of mono binary, the default is /usr/bin/mono-sgen ## MONO_OPTS= #$MONO_OPTS, list of additional options to pass to mono binary ## MONO_ENV= #$MONO_ENV, list of environment variables for running mono binary ## ## EXAMPLE if want to run as different user ## add EMBY_USER=username to /etc/emby-server.conf ## otherwise default emby is used EMBY_USER="emby" EMBY_GROUP="emby" EMBY_DIR="/usr/lib/emby-server" EMBY_BIN="/usr/lib/emby-server/bin/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe" EMBY_DATA="/var/lib/emby-server" EMBY_PIDFILE="/var/run/emby-server.pid" EMBY_ADD_OPTS="" MONO_BIN="/usr/bin/mono-sgen" MONO_OPTS="--optimize=all" MONO_ENV="MONO_THREADS_PER_CPU=250 MONO_GC_PARAMS=nursery-size=128m" UMASK="002"