using System.IO; using System.Linq; using BDInfo.IO; using MediaBrowser.Model.IO; namespace MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.BdInfo; /// /// Class BdInfoDirectoryInfo. /// public class BdInfoDirectoryInfo : IDirectoryInfo { private readonly IFileSystem _fileSystem; private readonly FileSystemMetadata _impl; /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// The filesystem. /// The path. public BdInfoDirectoryInfo(IFileSystem fileSystem, string path) { _fileSystem = fileSystem; _impl = _fileSystem.GetDirectoryInfo(path); } private BdInfoDirectoryInfo(IFileSystem fileSystem, FileSystemMetadata impl) { _fileSystem = fileSystem; _impl = impl; } /// /// Gets the name. /// public string Name => _impl.Name; /// /// Gets the full name. /// public string FullName => _impl.FullName; /// /// Gets the parent directory information. /// public IDirectoryInfo? Parent { get { var parentFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(_impl.FullName); if (parentFolder is not null) { return new BdInfoDirectoryInfo(_fileSystem, parentFolder); } return null; } } /// /// Gets the directories. /// /// An array with all directories. public IDirectoryInfo[] GetDirectories() { return _fileSystem.GetDirectories(_impl.FullName) .Select(x => new BdInfoDirectoryInfo(_fileSystem, x)) .ToArray(); } /// /// Gets the files. /// /// All files of the directory. public IFileInfo[] GetFiles() { return _fileSystem.GetFiles(_impl.FullName) .Select(x => new BdInfoFileInfo(x)) .ToArray(); } /// /// Gets the files matching a pattern. /// /// The search pattern. /// All files of the directory matchign the search pattern. public IFileInfo[] GetFiles(string searchPattern) { return _fileSystem.GetFiles(_impl.FullName, new[] { searchPattern }, false, false) .Select(x => new BdInfoFileInfo(x)) .ToArray(); } /// /// Gets the files matching a pattern and search options. /// /// The search pattern. /// The search optin. /// All files of the directory matchign the search pattern and options. public IFileInfo[] GetFiles(string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) { return _fileSystem.GetFiles( _impl.FullName, new[] { searchPattern }, false, (searchOption & SearchOption.AllDirectories) == SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Select(x => new BdInfoFileInfo(x)) .ToArray(); } /// /// Gets the bdinfo of a file system path. /// /// The file system. /// The path. /// The BD directory information of the path on the file system. public static IDirectoryInfo FromFileSystemPath(IFileSystem fs, string path) { return new BdInfoDirectoryInfo(fs, path); } }