import time from Motor import * import RPi.GPIO as GPIO class Line_Tracking: def __init__(self): self.IR01 = 14 self.IR02 = 15 self.IR03 = 23 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(self.IR01,GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(self.IR02,GPIO.IN) GPIO.setup(self.IR03,GPIO.IN) def run(self): while True: self.LMR=0x00 if GPIO.input(self.IR01)==True: self.LMR=(self.LMR | 4) if GPIO.input(self.IR02)==True: self.LMR=(self.LMR | 2) if GPIO.input(self.IR03)==True: self.LMR=(self.LMR | 1) if self.LMR==2: PWM.setMotorModel(800,800,800,800) elif self.LMR==4: PWM.setMotorModel(-1500,-1500,2500,2500) elif self.LMR==6: PWM.setMotorModel(-2000,-2000,4000,4000) elif self.LMR==1: PWM.setMotorModel(2500,2500,-1500,-1500) elif self.LMR==3: PWM.setMotorModel(4000,4000,-2000,-2000) elif self.LMR==7: #pass PWM.setMotorModel(0,0,0,0) infrared=Line_Tracking() # Main program logic follows: if __name__ == '__main__': print ('Program is starting ... ') try: except KeyboardInterrupt: # When 'Ctrl+C' is pressed, the child program will be executed. PWM.setMotorModel(0,0,0,0)