import time from Motor import * import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from servo import * from PCA9685 import PCA9685 class Ultrasonic: def __init__(self): GPIO.setwarnings(False) self.trigger_pin = 27 self.echo_pin = 22 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(self.trigger_pin,GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(self.echo_pin,GPIO.IN) def send_trigger_pulse(self): GPIO.output(self.trigger_pin,True) time.sleep(0.00015) GPIO.output(self.trigger_pin,False) def wait_for_echo(self,value,timeout): count = timeout while GPIO.input(self.echo_pin) != value and count>0: count = count-1 def get_distance(self): distance_cm=[0,0,0,0,0] for i in range(3): self.send_trigger_pulse() self.wait_for_echo(True,10000) start = time.time() self.wait_for_echo(False,10000) finish = time.time() pulse_len = finish-start distance_cm[i] = pulse_len/0.000058 distance_cm=sorted(distance_cm) return int(distance_cm[2]) def run_motor(self,L,M,R): if (L < 30 and M < 30 and R <30) or M < 30 : self.PWM.setMotorModel(-1450,-1450,-1450,-1450) time.sleep(0.1) if L < R: self.PWM.setMotorModel(1450,1450,-1450,-1450) else : self.PWM.setMotorModel(-1450,-1450,1450,1450) elif L < 30 and M < 30: PWM.setMotorModel(1500,1500,-1500,-1500) elif R < 30 and M < 30: PWM.setMotorModel(-1500,-1500,1500,1500) elif L < 20 : PWM.setMotorModel(2000,2000,-500,-500) if L < 10 : PWM.setMotorModel(1500,1500,-1000,-1000) elif R < 20 : PWM.setMotorModel(-500,-500,2000,2000) if R < 10 : PWM.setMotorModel(-1500,-1500,1500,1500) else : self.PWM.setMotorModel(600,600,600,600) def run(self): self.PWM=Motor() self.pwm_S=Servo() for i in range(30,151,60): self.pwm_S.setServoPwm('0',i) time.sleep(0.2) if i==30: L = self.get_distance() elif i==90: M = self.get_distance() else: R = self.get_distance() while True: for i in range(90,30,-60): self.pwm_S.setServoPwm('0',i) time.sleep(0.2) if i==30: L = self.get_distance() elif i==90: M = self.get_distance() else: R = self.get_distance() self.run_motor(L,M,R) for i in range(30,151,60): self.pwm_S.setServoPwm('0',i) time.sleep(0.2) if i==30: L = self.get_distance() elif i==90: M = self.get_distance() else: R = self.get_distance() self.run_motor(L,M,R) ultrasonic=Ultrasonic() # Main program logic follows: if __name__ == '__main__': print ('Program is starting ... ') try: except KeyboardInterrupt: # When 'Ctrl+C' is pressed, the child program destroy() will be executed. PWM.setMotorModel(0,0,0,0) ultrasonic.pwm_S.setServoPwm('0',90)