BEGIN; with logl AS ( INSERT INTO rlarp.osm_log(doc) SELECT jsonb_build_object( 'stamp',current_timestamp ,'user','Trowbridge, Paul' ,'source','script' ,'tag','remove other' ,'message','remove budget for quota reps rolling into director Other' ,'type','remove other' ,'version','b21' ) doc RETURNING * ) ,targ as ( select p.fspr ,p.plnt , ,p.terms ,p.bill_cust_descr ,p.ship_cust_descr ,p.dsm ,p.quota_rep_descr ,p.director ,p.billto_group ,p.shipto_group ,p.chan ,p.chansub ,p.chan_retail ,p.part ,p.part_descr ,p.part_group ,p.branding ,p.majg_descr ,p.ming_descr ,p.majs_descr ,p.mins_descr ,p.segm ,p.substance ,p.fs_line ,p.r_currency ,p.r_rate ,p.c_currency ,p.c_rate ,-p.units units ,-p.value_loc value_loc ,-p.value_usd value_usd ,-p.cost_loc cost_loc ,-p.cost_usd cost_usd ,p.calc_status ,p.flag ,p.order_date ,p.order_month ,p.order_season ,p.request_date ,p.request_month ,p.request_season ,p.ship_date ,p.ship_month ,p.ship_season ,'b21' AS version ,'adj volume' iter , logid ,logl.doc->>'tag' tag ,logl.doc->>'message' "comment" ,logl.doc->>'type' module from rlarp.osm_pool p CROSS JOIN logl where director = 'Other' and (order_season >= 2021 or ship_season >= 2021) ) INSERT INTO rlarp.osm_pool SELECT * FROM targ; COMMIT;