WITH target AS (select 50000 incr) ,mseq AS ( SELECT * FROM ( VALUES ('Jun',1,6,-1) ,('Jul',2,7,-1) ,('Aug',3,8,-1) ,('Sep',4,9,-1) ,('Oct',5,10,-1) ,('Nov',6,11,-1) ,('Dec',7,12,-1) ,('Jan',8,1,0) ,('Feb',9,2,0) ,('Mar',10,3,0) ,('Apr',11,4,0) ,('May',12,5,0) ) x(m,s,cal,yr) ) ,alldates AS ( SELECT promo ,terms ,order_month ,mseq.s seq ,orderdate ,requestdate ,shipdate ,sum(value_usd) value_usd FROM rlarp.osm_fcpool LEFT OUTER JOIN mseq ON mseq.m = order_month WHERE -----------------scenario---------------------------- quota_rep_descr = '10032 - BRYAN HILL' AND segm = 'Greenhouse' AND mod_chan = 'DISTRIB DROP SHIP' AND billto_group = 'BWI' --AND order_month = 'May' -----------------additional params------------------- AND version = 'b20' AND iter = 'copy' AND calc_status||flag <> 'CLOSEDREMAINDER' --exclude short ships when building order adjustments GROUP BY promo ,terms ,order_month ,mseq.s ,orderdate ,requestdate ,shipdate HAVING sum(value_usd) <> 0 ) --select * from alldates ,dom AS ( SELECT extract(day FROM orderdate) DOM ,sum(value_usd) value_usd FROM alldates GROUP BY extract(day FROM orderdate) ) ---------------------may want ot look at a top-5 mix solution in the future facilitated by sum() over (order by sales desc)--------------- ,mmix AS ( SELECT to_char(orderdate,'Mon') _month ,seq ,promo ,sum(extract(day from orderdate)*value_usd) dom_wa --,requestdate-orderdate rlag ,sum((requestdate-orderdate)*(value_usd)) rlag_wa --,shipdate - requestdate slag ,sum((shipdate - requestdate)*(value_usd)) slag_wa ,sum(value_usd) value_usd FROM alldates GROUP BY to_char(orderdate,'Mon') ,seq ,promo --,extract(day from orderdate) --,requestdate-orderdate --,shipdate - requestdate ) ,mmixp AS ( SELECT _month ,seq ,promo ,round((dom_wa/value_usd)::numeric,0)::int odom ,round((rlag_wa/value_usd)::numeric,0)::int rlag ,round((slag_wa/value_usd)::numeric,0)::int slag ,value_usd/sum(value_usd) over (partition by _month) momix --,value_usd/SUM(value_usd) over (PARTITION BY _month) vperc FROM mmix ) --SELECT * FROM mmixp order by seq asc, vperc desc ,basemix AS ( SELECT plnt ---master data ,0::numeric(11,0) "ddord#" --0 ,0::numeric(11,0) "dditm#" --0 ,0::numeric(11,0) "fgbol#" --0 ,0::numeric(11,0) "fgent#" --0 ,0::numeric(9,0) "diinv#" --0 ,0::numeric(3,0) "dilin#" --0 ,null::text promo --history date mix ,null::text return_reas --0 ,terms ,''::text custpo --0 ,'I' dhincr --0 ,sum(diext) diext ,sum(ditdis) ditdis ,null::date dcodat --calculated date mix ,null::date ddqdat --calculated date mix ,null::date dcmdat --calculated date mix ,null::date dhidat --calculated date mix ,null::text fspr --calculated date mix ,remit_to --master data ,bill_class --master data ,bill_cust --history cust mix ,bill_rep --master data ,bill_terr --master data ,ship_class --master data ,ship_cust --history cust mix ,ship_rep --master data ,ship_terr --master data ,quota_rep --master data ,account --master data ,shipgrp --master data ,geo --master data ,chan --master data ,orig_ctry --master data ,orig_prov --master data ,orig_post --master data ,dest_ctry --master data ,dest_prov --master data ,dest_post --master data ,part --history part mix ,ord_gldc --master data ,majg --master data ,ming --master data ,majs --master data ,mins --master data ,gldc --master data ,glec --master data ,harm --master data ,clss --master data ,brand --master data ,assc --master data ,fs_line --master data ,r_currency --history cust mix ,r_rate --master data ,c_currency --master data ,c_rate --master data ,0::numeric(15,5) ddqtoi --0 ,0::numeric(15,5) ddqtsi --0 ,0::numeric(15,5) fgqshp --0 ,0::numeric(15,5) diqtsh --0 ,sum(coalesce(fb_qty,0)) fb_qty --history value ,sum(coalesce(fb_cst_loc,0)) fb_cst_loc --history part mix ,sum(coalesce(fb_cst_loc_cur,0)) fb_cst_loc_cur --master data ,sum(coalesce(fb_cst_loc_fut,0)) fb_cst_loc_fut --master data ,sum(coalesce(fb_val_loc,0)) fb_val_loc --history value ,sum(coalesce(fb_val_loc_pl,0)) fb_val_loc_pl --0 ,calc_status --0 ,flag --0 ,null::date orderdate --history date mix ,null::date requestdate --history date mix ,null::date shipdate --history date mix ,null::date adj_orderdate --history ,null::date adj_requestdate --history ,null::date adj_shipdate --history ,'b20' "version" --calculated ,'adjustment' iter --calculated ---------------ui columns------------------------- ,null order_season ,null order_month ,null ship_season ,null ship_month ,null request_season ,null request_month ,part_descr ,part_family ,part_group ,branding ,color ,segm ,bill_cust_descr ,billto_group ,ship_cust_descr ,shipto_group ,majg_descr ,ming_descr ,majs_descr ,mins_descr ,mod_chan ,mod_chansub ,quota_rep_descr ,director_descr ,null value_loc ,null value_usd ,null cost_loc ,null cost_usd ,null units FROM rlarp.osm_fcpool WHERE -----------------scenario---------------------------- quota_rep_descr = '10032 - BRYAN HILL' AND segm = 'Greenhouse' AND mod_chan = 'DISTRIB DROP SHIP' AND billto_group = 'BWI' --AND order_month = 'May' -----------------additional params------------------- AND version = 'b20' AND iter = 'copy' AND calc_status||flag <> 'CLOSEDREMAINDER' --exclude short ships when building order adjustments GROUP BY plnt ---master data ,terms ,remit_to --master data ,bill_class --master data ,bill_cust --history cust mix ,bill_rep --master data ,bill_terr --master data ,ship_class --master data ,ship_cust --history cust mix ,ship_rep --master data ,ship_terr --master data ,quota_rep --master data ,account --master data ,shipgrp --master data ,geo --master data ,chan --master data ,orig_ctry --master data ,orig_prov --master data ,orig_post --master data ,dest_ctry --master data ,dest_prov --master data ,dest_post --master data ,part --history part mix ,ord_gldc --master data ,majg --master data ,ming --master data ,majs --master data ,mins --master data ,gldc --master data ,glec --master data ,harm --master data ,clss --master data ,brand --master data ,assc --master data ,fs_line --master data ,r_currency --history cust mix ,r_rate --master data ,c_currency --master data ,c_rate --master data ,calc_status ,flag ,part_descr ,part_family ,part_group ,branding ,color ,segm ,bill_cust_descr ,billto_group ,ship_cust_descr ,shipto_group ,majg_descr ,ming_descr ,majs_descr ,mins_descr ,mod_chan ,mod_chansub ,quota_rep_descr ,director_descr ) ,scale AS ( SELECT (SELECT incr::numeric FROM target) incr ,(SELECT sum(fb_val_loc *r_rate) FROM basemix) base ,(SELECT incr::numeric FROM target)/(SELECT sum(fb_val_loc *r_rate) FROM basemix) factor ) ,final AS ( SELECT b.plnt --master data ,b."ddord#" --0 ,b."dditm#" --0 ,b."fgbol#" --0 ,b."fgent#" --0 ,b."diinv#" --0 ,b."dilin#" --0 ,b.promo --history date mix ,b.return_reas --0 ,b.terms --history cust mix ,b.custpo --0 ,b.dhincr --0 ,b.diext --0 ,b.ditdis --0 ,b.dcodat --calculated date mix ,b.ddqdat --calculated date mix ,b.dcmdat --calculated date mix ,b.dhidat --calculated date mix ,b.fspr --calculated date mix ,b.remit_to --master data ,b.bill_class --master data ,b.bill_cust --history cust mix ,b.bill_rep --master data ,b.bill_terr --master data ,b.ship_class --master data ,b.ship_cust --history cust mix ,b.ship_rep --master data ,b.ship_terr --master data ,b.quota_rep --master data ,b.account --master data ,b.shipgrp --master data ,b.geo --master data ,b.chan --master data ,b.orig_ctry --master data ,b.orig_prov --master data ,b.orig_post --master data ,b.dest_ctry --master data ,b.dest_prov --master data ,b.dest_post --master data ,b.part --history part mix ,b.ord_gldc --master data ,b.majg --master data ,b.ming --master data ,b.majs --master data ,b.mins --master data ,b.gldc --master data ,b.glec --master data ,b.harm --master data ,b.clss --master data ,b.brand --master data ,b.assc --master data ,b.fs_line --master data ,b.r_currency --history cust mix ,b.r_rate --master data ,b.c_currency --master data ,b.c_rate --master data ,b.ddqtoi --0 ,b.ddqtsi --0 ,b.fgqshp --0 ,b.diqtsh --0 ,b.fb_qty*s.factor*m.momix fb_qty ,b.fb_cst_loc*s.factor*m.momix fb_cst_loc ,b.fb_cst_loc_cur*s.factor*m.momix fb_cst_loc_cur ,b.fb_cst_loc_fut*s.factor*m.momix fb_cst_loc_fut ,b.fb_val_loc*s.factor*m.momix fb_val_loc ,b.fb_val_loc_pl*s.factor*m.momix fb_val_loc_pl ,b.calc_status --0 ,b.flag --0 ,make_date(mseq.yr + 2020,mseq.cal,m.odom) orderdate ,make_date(mseq.yr + 2020,mseq.cal,m.odom) + rlag requestdate ,make_date(mseq.yr + 2020,mseq.cal,m.odom) + rlag + slag shipdate ,make_date(mseq.yr + 2020,mseq.cal,m.odom) adj_orderdate ,make_date(mseq.yr + 2020,mseq.cal,m.odom) + rlag adj_requestdate ,make_date(mseq.yr + 2020,mseq.cal,m.odom) + rlag + slag adj_shipdate ,b.version --calculated ,b.iter --calculated -----------------------ui columns-------------------------------- ,b.order_season ,b.order_month ,b.ship_season ,b.ship_month ,b.request_season ,b.request_month ,b.part_descr ,b.part_family ,b.part_group ,b.branding ,b.color ,b.segm ,b.bill_cust_descr ,b.billto_group ,b.ship_cust_descr ,b.shipto_group ,b.majg_descr ,b.ming_descr ,b.majs_descr ,b.mins_descr ,b.mod_chan ,b.mod_chansub ,b.quota_rep_descr ,b.director_descr ,b.value_loc ,b.value_usd ,b.cost_loc ,b.cost_usd ,b.units FROM basemix b CROSS JOIN scale s CROSS JOIN mmixp m LEFT OUTER JOIN mseq ON mseq.m = m._month WHERE m._month = 'Jul' )