BEGIN; WITH ------------------goal price increases--------------------- incr AS ( SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('110','PP','B',0.25), ('110','PP','T',0.25), ('110','PP','L',0.4), ('110','PP','M',0.4), ('110','PP','P',0.4), ('110','PP','C',0.4), ('210','PE','B',0.25), ('210','PE','T',0.25), ('210','PE','L',0.25), ('210','PE','M',0.25), ('210','PE','P',0.25), ('210','PE','C',0.25), ('310','PE','B',0.15), ('310','PE','T',0.25), ('310','PE','L',0.25), ('310','PE','M',0.25), ('310','PE','P',0.25), ('310','PE','C',0.25), ('310','PP','B',0.13), ('310','PP','T',0.16), ('310','PP','L',0.16), ('310','PP','M',0.16), ('310','PP','P',0.16), ('310','PP','C',0.16), ('310','PS','B',0.13), ('310','PS','T',0.16), ('310','PS','L',0.16), ('310','PS','M',0.16), ('310','PS','P',0.16), ('310','PS','C',0.16), ('320','PE','B',0.25), ('320','PE','T',0.25), ('320','PE','L',0.25), ('320','PE','M',0.25), ('320','PE','P',0.25), ('320','PE','C',0.25), ('320','PP','B',0.25), ('320','PP','T',0.25), ('320','PP','L',0.25), ('320','PP','M',0.25), ('320','PP','P',0.25), ('320','PP','C',0.25), ('910','PE','B',0.15), ('910','PE','D',0.25), ('910','PE','F',0.25), ('910','PP','B',0.15), ('910','PP','D',0.25), ('910','PP','F',0.25), ('910','PS','B',0.15), ('910','','B',0.15), ('910','','D',0.25), ('910','','F',0.25), ('910','','T',0.25), ('910','','L',0.25), ('910','','M',0.25), ('910','','P',0.25), ('910','','C',0.25), ('910','PS','D',0.25), ('910','PS','F',0.25), ('610','','B',0.02), ('610','','S',0.02), ('610','','W',0.02) ) x(MAJG,ASSC,COLTIER,RATE) ) ------------carve out pricing baseline data-------------------- ,p AS ( SELECT o.part ,o.styc||'.'||o.colgrp||substring(o.sizc,1,3) product ,o.glec ,o.styc ,o.majg ,i.assc ,o.coltier ,o.colgrp ,o.sizc ,i.suffix ,substring(o.chan,1,1) chgrp ,o.account ,o.shipgrp ,o.fb_qty units ,o.fb_val_loc*r_rate val_usd ,round(o.fb_val_loc/o.fb_qty,10) AS price ,o.odate ,o.oseas ,row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY o.styc||'.'||o.colgrp||substring(o.sizc,1,3),o.account, o.shipgrp ORDER BY o.odate DESC) rn FROM rlarp.osm_dev o INNER JOIN rlarp.itemmv i ON i.item = o.part WHERE ---exclude R&A's o.fs_line = '41010' ---exclude canceled orders AND o.calc_status <> 'CANCELED' ---exclude quotes AND o.version = 'ACTUALS' ---only finished goods AND substring(o.glec,1,1) <= '2' ---exclude blank parts AND COALESCE(o.part,'') <> '' ---must have a quantity AND o.fb_qty <> 0 ---must have a price AND o.fb_val_loc <> 0 ---must come from and order AND o.odate IS NOT NULL ---exclude samples AND o.bill_class <> 'SALE' ---only use recent history AND o.oseas >= 2020 ---only for direct and drop --AND o.chan IN ('DIR','DRP') ORDER BY o.part ,o.styc ,o.coltier ,o.sizc ,i.suffix ,o.account ,o.shipgrp ,o.odate DESC ) --SELECT * FROM p WHERE account ~ 'ACOSTA' ------------build global py asp------------------ ,baseline AS ( SELECT product ,majg ,assc ,chgrp ,round(sum(val_usd) FILTER (WHERE oseas = 2020)/sum(units) FILTER (WHERE oseas = 2020),5) py_gasp FROM p GROUP BY product ,majg ,assc ,chgrp ) ----------pivot the pricing out into columns per customer/product-------- ,pivot AS ( SELECT p.product ,p.styc ,p.glec ,p.majg ,p.assc ,p.colgrp ,p.coltier ,p.sizc ,p.suffix ,p.chgrp ,p.account ,p.shipgrp ,bl.py_gasp ,sum(units) FILTER (WHERE oseas = 2021) cy_units ,round(sum(val_usd) FILTER (WHERE oseas = 2020)/sum(units) FILTER (WHERE oseas = 2020),5) py_asp ,round(avg(price) FILTER (WHERE rn = 1),5) last_price ,max(odate) FILTER (WHERE rn = 1) last_order ,CASE p.chgrp WHEN 'D' THEN i.rate ELSE CASE p.majg WHEN '610' THEN .02 ElSE CASE p.colgrp WHEN 'B' THEN .1 WHEN 'C' THEN .15 ELSE 1 END END END rate ,CASE WHEN sum(val_usd) FILTER (WHERE oseas = 2020) IS NULL THEN CASE WHEN sum(units) FILTER (WHERE oseas = 2021) IS NULL THEN 'unknown' ELSE 'new' END ELSE CASE WHEN sum(units) FILTER (WHERE oseas = 2021) IS NULL THEN 'lost' ELSE 'repeat' END END flag FROM p LEFT OUTER JOIN baseline bl ON bl.product = p.product AND bl.majg = p.majg AND bl.assc = p.assc AND bl.chgrp = p.chgrp LEFT OUTER JOIN incr i ON i.majg = p.majg AND i.assc = p.assc AND i.coltier = p.coltier AND p.glec <> '1RE' GROUP BY p.product ,p.styc ,p.glec ,p.majg ,p.assc ,p.coltier ,p.colgrp ,p.sizc ,p.suffix ,p.chgrp ,p.account ,p.shipgrp ,bl.py_gasp ,i.rate ) ----------------create the new price----------------- ,adj AS ( SELECT p.product ,p.styc ,p.glec ,p.majg ,p.assc ,p.coltier ,p.sizc ,p.suffix ,p.account ,p.shipgrp ,p.py_gasp ,p.cy_units ,p.py_asp ,p.last_price ,p.last_order ,p.rate ,p.flag ,CASE p.flag ----------------------if repeat business then get to prior year + target %-------------------------------------------------------------- WHEN 'repeat' THEN greatest(py_asp * COALESCE(1+rate,1) - last_price,0) WHEN 'lost' THEN greatest(py_asp * COALESCE(1+rate,1) - last_price,0) ----------------------if new business, move towards py_gasp + target % : lesser of py gloabl + target or last + target------------------ WHEN 'new' THEN least(last_price * COALESCE(1+rate,1) - last_price,greatest(py_gasp * COALESCE(1+rate,1) - last_price,0)) END price_increment FROM pivot p ) --SELECT * FROM adj LIMIT 10000 --------------create a log entry-------------------- ,log AS ( INSERT INTO rlarp.osm_log(doc) SELECT $${ "message":"application of last price and target increases to all forecast orders", "tag":"last price", "type":"build" }$$::jsonb doc RETURNING * ) -------------build the iteration rows---------------- ,ins AS ( SELECT o.fspr ,o.plnt ---master data , --history date mix ,o.terms ,o.bill_cust_descr --history cust mix ,o.ship_cust_descr --history cust mix ,o.dsm ,o.quota_rep_descr --master data ,o.director ,o.billto_group --master data ,o.shipto_group ,o.chan --master data ,o.chansub ,o.chan_retail ,o.part ,o.part_descr ,o.part_group ,o.branding ,o.majg_descr ,o.ming_descr ,o.majs_descr ,o.mins_descr ,o.segm ,o.substance ,o.fs_line --master data ,o.r_currency --history cust mix ,o.r_rate --master data ,o.c_currency --master data ,o.c_rate --master data ,0::numeric units ,ROUND(o.units * (a.price_increment/o.r_rate),2) value_loc ,ROUND(o.units * a.price_increment,2) value_usd ,0::numeric cost_loc ,0::numeric cost_usd ,o.calc_status --0 ,o.flag --0 ,o.order_date --history date mix ,o.order_month ,o.order_season ,o.request_date --history date mix ,o.request_month ,o.request_season ,o.ship_date --history date mix ,o.ship_month ,o.ship_season ,o.version ---this iteration has to be listed in the master template file in order to be effectively included--- ,'upload price' iter , ,COALESCE(log.doc->>'tag','') "tag" ,log.doc->>'message' "comment" ,log.doc->>'type' module -----------debug columns--------- --,value_usd/units price --,a.py_gasp --,a.rate --,a.last_price --,a.price_increment FROM rlarp.osm_pool o ,rlarp.itemmv i ,adj a ,log WHERE i.item = o.part AND a.product = i.stlc||'.'||i.colgrp||substring(i.sizc,1,3) AND a.account = o.billto_group AND a.shipgrp = o.shipto_group AND a.price_increment <> 0 AND o.units <> 0 ---only apply to 2022 orders---- AND o.order_date >= '2021-06-01' ) -----------aggregate the impact------------ --SELECT * FROM ins limit 10000 --SELECT -- order_season -- ,sum(value_loc) val_loc -- ,sum(value_usd) val_usd --FROM -- ins --GROUP BY -- order_season; INSERT INTO rlarp.osm_pool SELECT * FROM ins; COMMIT;