From f49e514a7f2bd3304d609c6a85cadaf85131db84 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Paul Trowbridge Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2020 23:41:57 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 01/13] add pieces to get the server running --- .env.sample | 0 | 4 + forecast_api.service | 13 ++ package-lock.json | 490 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4 files changed, 507 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .env.sample create mode 100644 create mode 100644 forecast_api.service create mode 100644 package-lock.json diff --git a/.env.sample b/.env.sample new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a61257d --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +openssl genrsa -out key.pem +openssl req -new -key key.pem -out csr.pem +openssl x509 -req -days 9999 -in csr.pem -signkey key.pem -out cert.pem +rm csr.pem \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/forecast_api.service b/forecast_api.service new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7e5924 --- /dev/null +++ b/forecast_api.service @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ 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cd67f316fcfe657f6b9fb53fbc2aa23a4d8671f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: pt Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2020 00:09:36 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 02/13] upgrade packages --- package.json | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 454d9a7..16854ab 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "license": "ISC", "dependencies": { "dotenv": "^6.2.0", - "express": "^4.16.4", - "pg": "^7.8.0" + "express": "^4.17.1", + "pg": "^7.18.1" } } From 6e21464e659f5bc992f7afb8670d620bc55893c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: pt Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2020 02:15:12 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 03/13] note some special concepts --- | 4 ++++ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+) create mode 100644 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dab0f53 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +Special concepts +* relationships betwen dates (order, request, ship) and apply that mix to a new month +* apply a base mix of promo codes and terms codes to a new month of forecast where there is no existing baseline to pull from +* effects of building baselines off of original, or all changes so far \ No newline at end of file From f1dede7c2e4de956ce94b423264f95a4bfa9886a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: pt Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2020 02:13:22 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 04/13] slowness --- | 7 ++++++- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index dab0f53..ee320e5 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,4 +1,9 @@ Special concepts * relationships betwen dates (order, request, ship) and apply that mix to a new month * apply a base mix of promo codes and terms codes to a new month of forecast where there is no existing baseline to pull from -* effects of building baselines off of original, or all changes so far \ No newline at end of file +* effects of building baselines off of original, or all changes so far + +Slowness Options +* move json to a separate table and the change can be marked with a sequence +* have the data actually be a query from the database +* reduce number of columns in fc_pool \ No newline at end of file From 63e3133c9dc745ea9a7cdc0e5d1396b7e610ee96 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: pt Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2020 02:13:33 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 05/13] notes --- | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/ b/ index ee320e5..97eb378 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ Special concepts * relationships betwen dates (order, request, ship) and apply that mix to a new month * apply a base mix of promo codes and terms codes to a new month of forecast where there is no existing baseline to pull from * effects of building baselines off of original, or all changes so far +* pricing and units Slowness Options * move json to a separate table and the change can be marked with a sequence From 3a8dd84aece67d153fb3f2f17aa1cd26d61e3e92 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Paul Trowbridge Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 11:06:13 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 06/13] populate sample env --- .env.sample | 8 ++++++++ | 18 +++++++++--------- forecast_api.service | 24 ++++++++++++------------ 3 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) diff --git a/.env.sample b/.env.sample index e69de29..49ea08c 100644 --- a/.env.sample +++ b/.env.sample @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +user=api +password=pw +host=usmidlnx01 +port=5030 +database=ubm +ssl=enable +wd=/mnt/c/Users/PTrowbridge/forecast_api/ +nodeport=8080 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index 97eb378..b54cf56 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -Special concepts -* relationships betwen dates (order, request, ship) and apply that mix to a new month -* apply a base mix of promo codes and terms codes to a new month of forecast where there is no existing baseline to pull from -* effects of building baselines off of original, or all changes so far -* pricing and units - -Slowness Options -* move json to a separate table and the change can be marked with a sequence -* have the data actually be a query from the database +Special concepts +* relationships betwen dates (order, request, ship) and apply that mix to a new month +* apply a base mix of promo codes and terms codes to a new month of forecast where there is no existing baseline to pull from +* effects of building baselines off of original, or all changes so far +* pricing and units + +Slowness Options +* move json to a separate table and the change can be marked with a sequence +* have the data actually be a query from the database * reduce number of columns in fc_pool \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/forecast_api.service b/forecast_api.service index b7e5924..8866312 100644 --- a/forecast_api.service +++ b/forecast_api.service @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ -[Unit] -Description=forecast_api - -[Service] -ExecStart=/usr/bin/node //opt/forecast_api/index.js -Restart=always -User=fc_api -Environemnt=NODE_ENV=production -WorkingDirectory=//opt/forecast_api - -[Install] +[Unit] +Description=forecast_api + +[Service] +ExecStart=/usr/bin/node //opt/forecast_api/index.js +Restart=always +User=fc_api +Environemnt=NODE_ENV=production +WorkingDirectory=//opt/forecast_api + +[Install] \ No newline at end of file From f111c8818fa5086df962fb832ef4504fde19a276 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Paul Trowbridge Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2020 14:33:59 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 07/13] start work on rebuilding for column changes --- route_sql/build/build_forecast.sql | 507 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ route_sql/ | 115 +++++++ 2 files changed, 622 insertions(+) create mode 100644 route_sql/build/build_forecast.sql create mode 100644 route_sql/ diff --git a/route_sql/build/build_forecast.sql b/route_sql/build/build_forecast.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26c188a --- /dev/null +++ b/route_sql/build/build_forecast.sql @@ -0,0 +1,507 @@ +--\timing +truncate table rlarp.osmfs; + +WITH +gld AS ( + SELECT + N1COMP COMP + ,N1CCYY FSYR + ,KPMAXP PERDS + ,N1FSPP PERD + ,to_char(N1FSYP,'FM0000') FSPR + ,N1SD01 SDAT + ,N1ED01 EDAT + ,to_char(N1ED01,'yymm') CAPR + ,N1ED01 - N1SD01 +1 NDAYS + ,CASE WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM N1ED01) >= 6 THEN EXTRACT(YEAR FROM N1ED01) + 1 ELSE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM N1ED01) END SSYR + ,to_char(CASE WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM N1ED01) >= 6 THEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM N1ED01) -5 ELSE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM N1ED01) +7 END,'00') SSPR + FROM + LGDAT.GLDATREF + INNER JOIN LGDAT.GLDATE ON + KPCOMP = N1COMP AND + KPCCYY = N1CCYY + WHERE + N1COMP = 93 + --AND DIGITS(N1FSYP) = '1901' +) +--SELECT * FROM gld +,cop AS ( + SELECT + o.plnt + ,o."ddord#" + ,o."dditm#" + ,o."fgbol#" + ,o."fgent#" + ,o."diinv#" + ,o."dilin#" + , + ,o.return_reas + ,o.terms + ,o.custpo + ,o.dhincr + ,o.diext + ,o.ditdis + ,o.dcodat + ,o.ddqdat + ,o.dcmdat + ,o.dhidat + ,o.fspr + ,o.remit_to + ,o.bill_class + ,o.bill_cust + ,o.bill_rep + ,o.bill_terr + ,o.ship_class + ,o.ship_cust + ,o.ship_rep + ,o.ship_terr + ,o.quota_rep + ,o.account + ,o.shipgrp + ,o.geo + ,o.chan + ,o.orig_ctry + ,o.orig_prov + ,o.orig_post + ,o.dest_ctry + ,o.dest_prov + ,o.dest_post + ,o.part + ,o.ord_gldc + ,o.majg + ,o.ming + ,o.majs + ,o.mins + ,o.gldc + ,o.glec + ,o.harm + ,o.clss + ,o.brand + ,o.assc + ,o.fs_line + ,o.r_currency + ,o.r_rate + ,o.c_currency + ,o.c_rate + ,o.ddqtoi + ,o.ddqtsi + ,o.fgqshp + ,o.diqtsh + ,sum(o.fb_qty) fb_qty + ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc) fb_cst_loc + ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc_cur) fb_cst_loc_cur + ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc_fut) fb_cst_loc_fut + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc) fb_val_loc + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_pl) fb_val_loc_pl + ,o.calc_status + ,o.flag + ,o.orderdate + ,o.requestdate + ,greatest(least(o.shipdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) shipdate + ,o.adj_orderdate + ,o.adj_requestdate + ,greatest(least(o.adj_shipdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) adj_shipdate + ,'9p3' "version" + ,'actual' iter + FROM + rlarp.osm_dev o + LEFT OUTER JOIN gld ON + gld.fspr = o.fspr + WHERE + ( + o.adj_orderdate BETWEEN '2019-06-01' AND '2019-01-31' + OR o.calc_status IN ('OPEN','BACKORDER') + OR o.fspr BETWEEN '2001' AND '2008' + ) + AND fs_line = '41010' + AND calc_status <> 'CANCELED' + GROUP BY + o.plnt + ,o."ddord#" + ,o."dditm#" + ,o."fgbol#" + ,o."fgent#" + ,o."diinv#" + ,o."dilin#" + , + ,o.return_reas + ,o.terms + ,o.custpo + ,o.dhincr + ,o.diext + ,o.ditdis + ,o.dcodat + ,o.ddqdat + ,o.dcmdat + ,o.dhidat + ,o.fspr + ,o.remit_to + ,o.bill_class + ,o.bill_cust + ,o.bill_rep + ,o.bill_terr + ,o.ship_class + ,o.ship_cust + ,o.ship_rep + ,o.ship_terr + ,o.quota_rep + ,o.account + ,o.shipgrp + ,o.geo + ,o.chan + ,o.orig_ctry + ,o.orig_prov + ,o.orig_post + ,o.dest_ctry + ,o.dest_prov + ,o.dest_post + ,o.part + ,o.ord_gldc + ,o.majg + ,o.ming + ,o.majs + ,o.mins + ,o.gldc + ,o.glec + ,o.harm + ,o.clss + ,o.brand + ,o.assc + ,o.fs_line + ,o.r_currency + ,o.r_rate + ,o.c_currency + ,o.c_rate + ,o.ddqtoi + ,o.ddqtsi + ,o.fgqshp + ,o.diqtsh + ,o.calc_status + ,o.flag + ,o.orderdate + ,o.requestdate + ,greatest(least(o.shipdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) + ,o.adj_orderdate + ,o.adj_requestdate + ,greatest(least(o.adj_shipdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) + UNION ALL + SELECT + o.plnt + ,o."ddord#" + ,o."dditm#" + ,o."fgbol#" + ,o."fgent#" + ,o."diinv#" + ,o."dilin#" + , + ,o.return_reas + ,o.terms + ,o.custpo + ,o.dhincr + ,o.diext + ,o.ditdis + ,o.dcodat + ,o.ddqdat + ,o.dcmdat + ,o.dhidat + ,o.fspr + ,o.remit_to + ,o.bill_class + ,o.bill_cust + ,o.bill_rep + ,o.bill_terr + ,o.ship_class + ,o.ship_cust + ,o.ship_rep + ,o.ship_terr + ,o.quota_rep + ,o.account + ,o.shipgrp + ,o.geo + ,o.chan + ,o.orig_ctry + ,o.orig_prov + ,o.orig_post + ,o.dest_ctry + ,o.dest_prov + ,o.dest_post + ,o.part + ,o.ord_gldc + ,o.majg + ,o.ming + ,o.majs + ,o.mins + ,o.gldc + ,o.glec + ,o.harm + ,o.clss + ,o.brand + ,o.assc + ,o.fs_line + ,o.r_currency + ,o.r_rate + ,o.c_currency + ,o.c_rate + ,o.ddqtoi + ,o.ddqtsi + ,o.fgqshp + ,o.diqtsh + ,sum(o.fb_qty) fb_qty + ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc) fb_cst_loc + ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc_cur) fb_cst_loc_cur + ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc_fut) fb_cst_loc_fut + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc) fb_val_loc + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_pl) fb_val_loc_pl + ,o.calc_status + ,o.flag + ,o.orderdate + ,o.requestdate + ,greatest(least(o.shipdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) shipdate + ,o.adj_orderdate + ,o.adj_requestdate + ,greatest(least(o.adj_shipdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) adj_shipdate + ,'9p3' "version" + ,'forecast' iter + FROM + rlarp.osmf o + LEFT OUTER JOIN gld ON + gld.fspr = o.fspr + WHERE + o.adj_orderdate BETWEEN '2019-03-01' AND '2019-05-31' + AND fs_line = '41010' + AND calc_status <> 'CANCELED' + GROUP BY + o.plnt + ,o."ddord#" + ,o."dditm#" + ,o."fgbol#" + ,o."fgent#" + ,o."diinv#" + ,o."dilin#" + , + ,o.return_reas + ,o.terms + ,o.custpo + ,o.dhincr + ,o.diext + ,o.ditdis + ,o.dcodat + ,o.ddqdat + ,o.dcmdat + ,o.dhidat + ,o.fspr + ,o.remit_to + ,o.bill_class + ,o.bill_cust + ,o.bill_rep + ,o.bill_terr + ,o.ship_class + ,o.ship_cust + ,o.ship_rep + ,o.ship_terr + ,o.quota_rep + ,o.account + ,o.shipgrp + ,o.geo + ,o.chan + ,o.orig_ctry + ,o.orig_prov + ,o.orig_post + ,o.dest_ctry + ,o.dest_prov + ,o.dest_post + ,o.part + ,o.ord_gldc + ,o.majg + ,o.ming + ,o.majs + ,o.mins + ,o.gldc + ,o.glec + ,o.harm + ,o.clss + ,o.brand + ,o.assc + ,o.fs_line + ,o.r_currency + ,o.r_rate + ,o.c_currency + ,o.c_rate + ,o.ddqtoi + ,o.ddqtsi + ,o.fgqshp + ,o.diqtsh + ,o.calc_status + ,o.flag + ,o.orderdate + ,o.requestdate + ,greatest(least(o.shipdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) + ,o.adj_orderdate + ,o.adj_requestdate + ,greatest(least(o.adj_shipdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) +) +,incr AS ( + SELECT + o.plnt + ,o."ddord#" + ,o."dditm#" + ,o."fgbol#" + ,o."fgent#" + ,o."diinv#" + ,o."dilin#" + , + ,o.return_reas + ,o.terms + ,o.custpo + ,o.dhincr + ,o.diext + ,o.ditdis + ,o.dcodat + ,o.ddqdat + ,o.dcmdat + ,o.dhidat + ,gld.fspr + ,o.remit_to + ,o.bill_class + ,o.bill_cust + ,o.bill_rep + ,o.bill_terr + ,o.ship_class + ,o.ship_cust + ,o.ship_rep + ,o.ship_terr + ,o.quota_rep + ,o.account + ,o.shipgrp + ,o.geo + ,o.chan + ,o.orig_ctry + ,o.orig_prov + ,o.orig_post + ,o.dest_ctry + ,o.dest_prov + ,o.dest_post + ,o.part + ,o.ord_gldc + ,o.majg + ,o.ming + ,o.majs + ,o.mins + ,o.gldc + ,o.glec + ,o.harm + ,o.clss + ,o.brand + ,o.assc + ,o.fs_line + ,o.r_currency + ,o.r_rate + ,o.c_currency + ,o.c_rate + ,o.ddqtoi + ,o.ddqtsi + ,o.fgqshp + ,o.diqtsh + ,sum(o.fb_qty) fb_qty + ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc) fb_cst_loc + ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc_cur) fb_cst_loc_cur + ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc_fut) fb_cst_loc_fut + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc) fb_val_loc + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_pl) fb_val_loc_pl + ,o.calc_status + ,o.flag + ----these dates should already be snapped since the derive from the adjusted set + ,o.orderdate + interval '1 year' orderdate + ,o.requestdate + interval '1 year' requestdate + ,o.shipdate + interval '1 year' shipdate + ,o.adj_orderdate + interval '1 year' adj_orderdate + ,o.adj_requestdate + interval '1 year' adj_requestdate + ,o.adj_shipdate + interval '1 year' adj_shipdate + ,'b20' "version" + ,'copy' iter + FROM + cop o + LEFT OUTER JOIN gld ON + (o.adj_shipdate + interval '1 year') BETWEEN gld.sdat AND gld.edat + WHERE + adj_orderdate BETWEEN '2018-06-01' AND '2019-05-31' + GROUP BY + o.plnt + ,o."ddord#" + ,o."dditm#" + ,o."fgbol#" + ,o."fgent#" + ,o."diinv#" + ,o."dilin#" + , + ,o.return_reas + ,o.terms + ,o.custpo + ,o.dhincr + ,o.diext + ,o.ditdis + ,o.dcodat + ,o.ddqdat + ,o.dcmdat + ,o.dhidat + ,gld.fspr + ,o.remit_to + ,o.bill_class + ,o.bill_cust + ,o.bill_rep + ,o.bill_terr + ,o.ship_class + ,o.ship_cust + ,o.ship_rep + ,o.ship_terr + ,o.quota_rep + ,o.account + ,o.shipgrp + ,o.geo + ,o.chan + ,o.orig_ctry + ,o.orig_prov + ,o.orig_post + ,o.dest_ctry + ,o.dest_prov + ,o.dest_post + ,o.part + ,o.ord_gldc + ,o.majg + ,o.ming + ,o.majs + ,o.mins + ,o.gldc + ,o.glec + ,o.harm + ,o.clss + ,o.brand + ,o.assc + ,o.fs_line + ,o.r_currency + ,o.r_rate + ,o.c_currency + ,o.c_rate + ,o.ddqtoi + ,o.ddqtsi + ,o.fgqshp + ,o.diqtsh + ,o.calc_status + ,o.flag + ,o.orderdate + interval '1 year' + ,o.requestdate + interval '1 year' + ,o.shipdate + interval '1 year' + ,o.adj_orderdate + interval '1 year' + ,o.adj_requestdate + interval '1 year' + ,o.adj_shipdate + interval '1 year' +) +INSERT INTO rlarp.osmfs +SELECT * FROM incr +UNION ALL +SELECT * FROM cop; + +---identify short ships: causes disconnect with actual sales------------------------------------------------------------------- +UPDATE rlarp.osmfs SET iter = 'short ship' WHERE calc_status = 'CLOSED' AND flag = 'REMAINDER'; + +---identify goofy ship dates: causes disconnect with sales when splicing in a forecast that has this problem------------------- +UPDATE rlarp.osmfs SET iter = 'bad date' WHERE adj_shipdate < adj_orderdate; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/route_sql/ b/route_sql/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5e4459 --- /dev/null +++ b/route_sql/ @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +| column | osmp_dev | source | osm_stack_retain | ui | +| -------------- | -------- | -------- | ---------------- | --- | +| ddord# | x | null | x | | +| dditm# | x | null | | | +| fgbol# | x | null | | | +| fgent# | x | null | | | +| diinv# | x | null | x | | +| dilin# | x | null | | | +| quoten | x | null | x | | +| quotel | x | null | | | +| dcodat | x | null | | | +| ddqdat | x | null | | | +| dcmdat | x | null | | | +| fesdat | x | null | | | +| dhidat | x | null | | | +| fesind | x | null | | | +| dhpost | x | null | | | +| fspr | x | forecast | | | +| ddqtoi | x | forecast | | | +| ddqtsi | x | null | | | +| fgqshp | x | null | | | +| diqtsh | x | null | | | +| diext | x | null | | | +| ditdis | x | null | | | +| discj | x | null | | | +| dhincr | x | forecast | | | +| plnt | x | forecast | x | | +| promo | x | forecast | x | x | +| return_reas | x | null | | | +| terms | x | forecast | | | +| custpo | x | null | | | +| remit_to | x | forecast | | | +| bill_class | x | cust | x | | +| bill_cust | x | forecast | | x | +| bill_rep | x | cust | | | +| bill_terr | x | cust | | | +| ship_class | x | cust | x | | +| ship_cust | x | forecast | x | x | +| ship_rep | x | cust | | | +| ship_terr | x | cust | | | +| dsm | x | forecast | x | x | +| account | x | cust | x | x | +| shipgrp | x | cust | x | x | +| geo | x | cust | x | | +| chan | x | cust | x | x | +| chansub | x | cust | x | x | +| chanretail | | ui_only | | x | +| orig_ctry | x | plnt | | | +| orig_prov | x | plnt | | | +| orig_post | x | plnt | | | +| bill_ctry | x | cust | x | | +| bill_prov | x | cust | x | | +| bill_post | x | cust | x | | +| dest_ctry | x | cust | x | | +| dest_prov | x | cust | x | | +| dest_post | x | cust | x | | +| part | x | forecast | x | | +| partd | | ui_only | | x | +| part_groupd | | ui_only | | x | +| styc | x | itemm | x | | +| colc | x | itemm | x | | +| colgrp | x | itemm | x | | +| coltier | x | itemm | x | | +| colstat | x | itemm | | | +| sizc | x | itemm | x | | +| pckg | x | itemm | x | | +| kit | x | itemm | x | | +| brnd | x | itemm | x | x | +| majg | x | itemm | x | | +| majgd | | ui_only | | x | +| ming | x | itemm | x | | +| mingd | | ui_only | | x | +| majs | x | itemm | x | | +| majsd | | ui_only | | x | +| mins | x | itemm | x | | +| minsd | | ui_only | | x | +| gldco | x | itemm | | | +| gldc | x | itemm | | | +| glec | x | itemm | x | | +| segm | | ui_only | | x | +| harm | x | itemm | | | +| clss | x | itemm | x | | +| brand | x | itemm | | | +| assc | x | itemm | | | +| ddunit | x | itemm | | | +| unti | x | itemm | | | +| lbs | x | itemm | x | | +| plt | x | punit | x | | +| plcd | x | iprcbhc | x | | +| fs_line | x | forecast | x | | +| r_currency | x | forecast | x | | +| r_rate | x | forecast | x | | +| c_currency | x | forecast | x | | +| c_rate | x | forecast | x | | +| fb_qty | x | forecast | x | x | +| fb_val_loc | x | forecast | x | x | +| value_usd | | ui_only | | x | +| fb_val_loc_dis | x | null | | | +| fb_val_loc_qt | x | null | x | | +| fb_val_loc_pl | x | pricel | x | | +| fb_val_loc_tar | x | target | x | | +| fb_cst_loc | x | forecast | x | x | +| cost_loc | | ui_only | | x | +| fb_cst_loc_cur | x | icstx | x | | +| fb_cst_loc_fut | x | icstx | | | +| calc_status | x | forecast | x | | +| flag | x | forecast | x | | +| odate | x | forecast | x | x | +| oseas | x | forecast | x | x | +| rdate | x | forecast | x | x | +| rseas | x | forecast | x | x | +| sdate | x | forecast | x | x | +| sseas | x | forecast | x | x | +| version | x | forecast | | x | +| iter | x | forecast | | x | \ No newline at end of file From e7904d50403dfb4688bffa936b8b46decd92a9ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Trowbridge Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2020 17:12:49 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 08/13] initial swipe at updating forecast structure --- route_sql/build/build_forecast.sql | 875 ++++++++++++++++------------- route_sql/ | 241 ++++---- 2 files changed, 595 insertions(+), 521 deletions(-) diff --git a/route_sql/build/build_forecast.sql b/route_sql/build/build_forecast.sql index 26c188a..26490d5 100644 --- a/route_sql/build/build_forecast.sql +++ b/route_sql/build/build_forecast.sql @@ -25,480 +25,543 @@ gld AS ( --AND DIGITS(N1FSYP) = '1901' ) --SELECT * FROM gld -,cop AS ( +,baseline AS ( SELECT - o.plnt - ,o."ddord#" - ,o."dditm#" - ,o."fgbol#" - ,o."fgent#" - ,o."diinv#" - ,o."dilin#" - , - ,o.return_reas - ,o.terms - ,o.custpo - ,o.dhincr - ,o.diext - ,o.ditdis - ,o.dcodat - ,o.ddqdat - ,o.dcmdat - ,o.dhidat + -----------documents------------- + null::int "ddord#" + ,null::int "dditm#" + ,null::int "fgbol#" + ,null::int "fgent#" + ,null::int "diinv#" + ,null::int "dilin#" + ,null::int quoten + ,null::int quotel + ----------dates/status------------------ + ,o.odate dcodat + ,o.rdate ddqdat + ,null::date dcmdat + ,null::date fesdat + ,greatest(least(o.sdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) dhidat + ,null::text fesind + ,null::text dhpost ,o.fspr - ,o.remit_to - ,o.bill_class + -----------measures-------------------- + ,null::numeric ddqtoi + ,null::numeric ddqtsi + ,null::numeric fgqshp + ,null::numeric diqtsh + ,null::numeric diext + ,null::numeric ditdis + ,null::jsonb discj + ,null::text dhincr + ,plnt + , + ,null::text return_reas + ,o.terms + ,null::text custpo + ,null::text remit_to + ,null::text bill_class ,o.bill_cust - ,o.bill_rep - ,o.bill_terr - ,o.ship_class - ,o.ship_cust - ,o.ship_rep - ,o.ship_terr - ,o.quota_rep - ,o.account - ,o.shipgrp - ,o.geo - ,o.chan - ,o.orig_ctry - ,o.orig_prov - ,o.orig_post - ,o.dest_ctry - ,o.dest_prov - ,o.dest_post + ,null::text bill_rep + ,null::text bill_terr + ,null::text ship_class + ,ship_cust + ,null::text ship_rep + ,null::text ship_terr + ,null::text dsm + ,null::text account + ,null::text shipgrp + ,null::text geo + ,null::text chan + ,null::text chansub + ,null::text orig_ctry + ,null::text orig_prov + ,null::text orig_post + ,null::text bill_ctry + ,null::text bill_prov + ,null::text bill_post + ,null::text dest_ctry + ,null::text dest_prov + ,null::text dest_post ,o.part - ,o.ord_gldc - ,o.majg - ,o.ming - ,o.majs - ,o.mins - ,o.gldc - ,o.glec - ,o.harm - ,o.clss - ,o.brand - ,o.assc + ,null::text styc + ,null::text colc + ,null::text colgrp + ,null::text coltier + ,null::text colstat + ,null::text sizc + ,null::text pckg + ,null::text kit + ,null::text brnd + ,null::text majg + ,null::text ming + ,null::text majs + ,null::text mins + ,null::text gldco + ,null::text gldc + ,null::text glec + ,null::text harm + ,null::text clss + ,null::text brand + ,null::text assc + ,null::text ddunit + ,null::text unti + ,null::text lbs + ,null::text plt + ,null::text plcd ,o.fs_line ,o.r_currency - ,o.r_rate + ,null::text r_rate ,o.c_currency - ,o.c_rate - ,o.ddqtoi - ,o.ddqtsi - ,o.fgqshp - ,o.diqtsh + ,null::text c_rate ,sum(o.fb_qty) fb_qty + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc) fb_val_loc + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_dis) fb_val_loc_dis + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_qt) fb_val_loc_qt + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_pl) fb_val_loc_pl + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_tar) fb_val_loc_tar ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc) fb_cst_loc ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc_cur) fb_cst_loc_cur ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc_fut) fb_cst_loc_fut - ,sum(o.fb_val_loc) fb_val_loc - ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_pl) fb_val_loc_pl ,o.calc_status ,o.flag - ,o.orderdate - ,o.requestdate - ,greatest(least(o.shipdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) shipdate - ,o.adj_orderdate - ,o.adj_requestdate - ,greatest(least(o.adj_shipdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) adj_shipdate - ,'9p3' "version" - ,'actual' iter + ,o.odate + ,o.oseas + ,o.rdate + ,o.rseas + -----when null, greatest/least is just going to act like coalesce + ,greatest(least(o.sdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) sdate + ,ss.ssyr sseas + ,'15mo' "version" + ,'actuals' iter FROM rlarp.osm_dev o + --snap the ship dates of the historic fiscal period LEFT OUTER JOIN gld ON gld.fspr = o.fspr + --get the shipping season for open orders based on the snapped date + LEFT OUTER JOIN gld ss ON + greatest(least(o.sdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) BETWEEN ss.sdat AND ss.edat WHERE ( - o.adj_orderdate BETWEEN '2019-06-01' AND '2019-01-31' - OR o.calc_status IN ('OPEN','BACKORDER') + o.odate BETWEEN '2019-06-01' AND '2019-01-31' + OR (o.calc_status IN ('OPEN','BACKORDER') and o.odate < '2020-02-01') OR o.fspr BETWEEN '2001' AND '2008' ) AND fs_line = '41010' AND calc_status <> 'CANCELED' GROUP BY - o.plnt - ,o."ddord#" - ,o."dditm#" - ,o."fgbol#" - ,o."fgent#" - ,o."diinv#" - ,o."dilin#" + o.fspr + ,plnt , - ,o.return_reas ,o.terms - ,o.custpo - ,o.dhincr - ,o.diext - ,o.ditdis - ,o.dcodat - ,o.ddqdat - ,o.dcmdat - ,o.dhidat - ,o.fspr - ,o.remit_to - ,o.bill_class ,o.bill_cust - ,o.bill_rep - ,o.bill_terr - ,o.ship_class - ,o.ship_cust - ,o.ship_rep - ,o.ship_terr - ,o.quota_rep - ,o.account - ,o.shipgrp - ,o.geo - ,o.chan - ,o.orig_ctry - ,o.orig_prov - ,o.orig_post - ,o.dest_ctry - ,o.dest_prov - ,o.dest_post + ,ship_cust ,o.part - ,o.ord_gldc - ,o.majg - ,o.ming - ,o.majs - ,o.mins - ,o.gldc - ,o.glec - ,o.harm - ,o.clss - ,o.brand - ,o.assc ,o.fs_line ,o.r_currency - ,o.r_rate ,o.c_currency - ,o.c_rate - ,o.ddqtoi - ,o.ddqtsi - ,o.fgqshp - ,o.diqtsh ,o.calc_status ,o.flag - ,o.orderdate - ,o.requestdate - ,greatest(least(o.shipdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) - ,o.adj_orderdate - ,o.adj_requestdate - ,greatest(least(o.adj_shipdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) + ,o.odate + ,o.oseas + ,o.rdate + ,o.rseas + ,greatest(least(o.sdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) + ,ss.ssyr UNION ALL SELECT - o.plnt - ,o."ddord#" - ,o."dditm#" - ,o."fgbol#" - ,o."fgent#" - ,o."diinv#" - ,o."dilin#" - , - ,o.return_reas - ,o.terms - ,o.custpo - ,o.dhincr - ,o.diext - ,o.ditdis - ,o.dcodat - ,o.ddqdat - ,o.dcmdat - ,o.dhidat + -----------documents------------- + null::int "ddord#" + ,null::int "dditm#" + ,null::int "fgbol#" + ,null::int "fgent#" + ,null::int "diinv#" + ,null::int "dilin#" + ,null::int quoten + ,null::int quotel + ----------dates/status------------------ + ,o.odate + interval '1 year' dcodat + ,o.rdate + interval '1 year' ddqdat + ,null::date dcmdat + ,null::date fesdat + ,greatest(least(o.sdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) + interval '1 year' dhidat + ,null::text fesind + ,null::text dhpost ,o.fspr - ,o.remit_to - ,o.bill_class + -----------measures-------------------- + ,null::numeric ddqtoi + ,null::numeric ddqtsi + ,null::numeric fgqshp + ,null::numeric diqtsh + ,null::numeric diext + ,null::numeric ditdis + ,null::jsonb discj + ,null::text dhincr + ,plnt + , + ,null::text return_reas + ,o.terms + ,null::text custpo + ,null::text remit_to + ,null::text bill_class ,o.bill_cust - ,o.bill_rep - ,o.bill_terr - ,o.ship_class - ,o.ship_cust - ,o.ship_rep - ,o.ship_terr - ,o.quota_rep - ,o.account - ,o.shipgrp - ,o.geo - ,o.chan - ,o.orig_ctry - ,o.orig_prov - ,o.orig_post - ,o.dest_ctry - ,o.dest_prov - ,o.dest_post + ,null::text bill_rep + ,null::text bill_terr + ,null::text ship_class + ,ship_cust + ,null::text ship_rep + ,null::text ship_terr + ,null::text dsm + ,null::text account + ,null::text shipgrp + ,null::text geo + ,null::text chan + ,null::text chansub + ,null::text orig_ctry + ,null::text orig_prov + ,null::text orig_post + ,null::text bill_ctry + ,null::text bill_prov + ,null::text bill_post + ,null::text dest_ctry + ,null::text dest_prov + ,null::text dest_post ,o.part - ,o.ord_gldc - ,o.majg - ,o.ming - ,o.majs - ,o.mins - ,o.gldc - ,o.glec - ,o.harm - ,o.clss - ,o.brand - ,o.assc + ,null::text styc + ,null::text colc + ,null::text colgrp + ,null::text coltier + ,null::text colstat + ,null::text sizc + ,null::text pckg + ,null::text kit + ,null::text brnd + ,null::text majg + ,null::text ming + ,null::text majs + ,null::text mins + ,null::text gldco + ,null::text gldc + ,null::text glec + ,null::text harm + ,null::text clss + ,null::text brand + ,null::text assc + ,null::text ddunit + ,null::text unti + ,null::text lbs + ,null::text plt + ,null::text plcd ,o.fs_line ,o.r_currency - ,o.r_rate + ,null::text r_rate ,o.c_currency - ,o.c_rate - ,o.ddqtoi - ,o.ddqtsi - ,o.fgqshp - ,o.diqtsh + ,null::text c_rate ,sum(o.fb_qty) fb_qty + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc) fb_val_loc + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_dis) fb_val_loc_dis + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_qt) fb_val_loc_qt + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_pl) fb_val_loc_pl + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_tar) fb_val_loc_tar ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc) fb_cst_loc ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc_cur) fb_cst_loc_cur ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc_fut) fb_cst_loc_fut - ,sum(o.fb_val_loc) fb_val_loc - ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_pl) fb_val_loc_pl ,o.calc_status ,o.flag - ,o.orderdate - ,o.requestdate - ,greatest(least(o.shipdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) shipdate - ,o.adj_orderdate - ,o.adj_requestdate - ,greatest(least(o.adj_shipdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) adj_shipdate - ,'9p3' "version" - ,'forecast' iter + ,o.odate + interval '1 year' odate + ,o.oseas + 1 rseas + ,o.rdate + interval '1 year' rdate + ,o.rseas + 1 rseas + -----when null, greatest/least is just going to act like coalesce + ,greatest(least(o.sdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) + interval '1 year' sdate + ,ss.ssyr sseas + ,'actuals' "version" + ,'actuals_plug' iter FROM - rlarp.osmf o + rlarp.osm_dev o LEFT OUTER JOIN gld ON gld.fspr = o.fspr + LEFT OUTER JOIN gld ss ON + greatest(least(o.sdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) + interval '1 year' BETWEEN ss.sdat AND ss.edat WHERE - o.adj_orderdate BETWEEN '2019-03-01' AND '2019-05-31' + o.odate BETWEEN '2019-02-01' AND '2019-05-31' + AND fs_line = '41010' + AND calc_status <> 'CANCELED' + ------exclude actuals for now and use forecast to get the plug for the rest of the year + AND false + GROUP BY + o.fspr + ,plnt + , + ,o.terms + ,o.bill_cust + ,ship_cust + ,o.part + ,o.fs_line + ,o.r_currency + ,o.c_currency + ,o.calc_status + ,o.flag + ,o.odate + ,o.oseas + ,o.rdate + ,o.rseas + ,greatest(least(o.sdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) + ,ss.ssyr + UNION ALL + SELECT + -----------documents------------- + null::int "ddord#" + ,null::int "dditm#" + ,null::int "fgbol#" + ,null::int "fgent#" + ,null::int "diinv#" + ,null::int "dilin#" + ,null::int quoten + ,null::int quotel + ----------dates/status------------------ + ,o.odate + interval '1 year' dcodat + ,o.rdate + interval '1 year' ddqdat + ,null::date dcmdat + ,null::date fesdat + ,greatest(least(o.sdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) + interval '1 year' dhidat + ,null::text fesind + ,null::text dhpost + ,o.fspr + -----------measures-------------------- + ,null::numeric ddqtoi + ,null::numeric ddqtsi + ,null::numeric fgqshp + ,null::numeric diqtsh + ,null::numeric diext + ,null::numeric ditdis + ,null::jsonb discj + ,null::text dhincr + ,plnt + , + ,null::text return_reas + ,o.terms + ,null::text custpo + ,null::text remit_to + ,null::text bill_class + ,o.bill_cust + ,null::text bill_rep + ,null::text bill_terr + ,null::text ship_class + ,ship_cust + ,null::text ship_rep + ,null::text ship_terr + ,null::text dsm + ,null::text account + ,null::text shipgrp + ,null::text geo + ,null::text chan + ,null::text chansub + ,null::text orig_ctry + ,null::text orig_prov + ,null::text orig_post + ,null::text bill_ctry + ,null::text bill_prov + ,null::text bill_post + ,null::text dest_ctry + ,null::text dest_prov + ,null::text dest_post + ,o.part + ,null::text styc + ,null::text colc + ,null::text colgrp + ,null::text coltier + ,null::text colstat + ,null::text sizc + ,null::text pckg + ,null::text kit + ,null::text brnd + ,null::text majg + ,null::text ming + ,null::text majs + ,null::text mins + ,null::text gldco + ,null::text gldc + ,null::text glec + ,null::text harm + ,null::text clss + ,null::text brand + ,null::text assc + ,null::text ddunit + ,null::text unti + ,null::text lbs + ,null::text plt + ,null::text plcd + ,o.fs_line + ,o.r_currency + ,null::text r_rate + ,o.c_currency + ,null::text c_rate + ,sum(o.fb_qty) fb_qty + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc) fb_val_loc + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_dis) fb_val_loc_dis + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_qt) fb_val_loc_qt + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_pl) fb_val_loc_pl + ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_tar) fb_val_loc_tar + ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc) fb_cst_loc + ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc_cur) fb_cst_loc_cur + ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc_fut) fb_cst_loc_fut + ,o.calc_status + ,o.flag + ,o.odate odate + ,o.oseas rseas + ,o.rdate rdate + ,o.rseas rseas + -----when null, greatest/least is just going to act like coalesce + ,greatest(least(o.sdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) sdate + ,ss.ssyr sseas + ,'actuals' "version" + ,'forecast_plug' iter + FROM + rlarp.osmp_dev o + LEFT OUTER JOIN gld ON + gld.fspr = o.fspr + LEFT OUTER JOIN gld ss ON + greatest(least(o.sdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) BETWEEN ss.sdat AND ss.edat + WHERE + o.odate BETWEEN '2020-02-01' AND '2020-05-31' AND fs_line = '41010' AND calc_status <> 'CANCELED' GROUP BY - o.plnt - ,o."ddord#" - ,o."dditm#" - ,o."fgbol#" - ,o."fgent#" - ,o."diinv#" - ,o."dilin#" + o.fspr + ,plnt , - ,o.return_reas ,o.terms - ,o.custpo - ,o.dhincr - ,o.diext - ,o.ditdis - ,o.dcodat - ,o.ddqdat - ,o.dcmdat - ,o.dhidat - ,o.fspr - ,o.remit_to - ,o.bill_class ,o.bill_cust - ,o.bill_rep - ,o.bill_terr - ,o.ship_class - ,o.ship_cust - ,o.ship_rep - ,o.ship_terr - ,o.quota_rep - ,o.account - ,o.shipgrp - ,o.geo - ,o.chan - ,o.orig_ctry - ,o.orig_prov - ,o.orig_post - ,o.dest_ctry - ,o.dest_prov - ,o.dest_post + ,ship_cust ,o.part - ,o.ord_gldc - ,o.majg - ,o.ming - ,o.majs - ,o.mins - ,o.gldc - ,o.glec - ,o.harm - ,o.clss - ,o.brand - ,o.assc ,o.fs_line ,o.r_currency - ,o.r_rate ,o.c_currency - ,o.c_rate - ,o.ddqtoi - ,o.ddqtsi - ,o.fgqshp - ,o.diqtsh ,o.calc_status ,o.flag - ,o.orderdate - ,o.requestdate - ,greatest(least(o.shipdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) - ,o.adj_orderdate - ,o.adj_requestdate - ,greatest(least(o.adj_shipdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) + ,o.odate + ,o.oseas + ,o.rdate + ,o.rseas + ,greatest(least(o.sdate,gld.edat),gld.sdat) + ,ss.ssyr ) ,incr AS ( - SELECT - o.plnt - ,o."ddord#" - ,o."dditm#" - ,o."fgbol#" - ,o."fgent#" - ,o."diinv#" - ,o."dilin#" - , - ,o.return_reas - ,o.terms - ,o.custpo - ,o.dhincr - ,o.diext - ,o.ditdis - ,o.dcodat - ,o.ddqdat - ,o.dcmdat - ,o.dhidat - ,gld.fspr - ,o.remit_to - ,o.bill_class - ,o.bill_cust - ,o.bill_rep - ,o.bill_terr - ,o.ship_class - ,o.ship_cust - ,o.ship_rep - ,o.ship_terr - ,o.quota_rep - ,o.account - ,o.shipgrp - ,o.geo - ,o.chan - ,o.orig_ctry - ,o.orig_prov - ,o.orig_post - ,o.dest_ctry - ,o.dest_prov - ,o.dest_post - ,o.part - ,o.ord_gldc - ,o.majg - ,o.ming - ,o.majs - ,o.mins - ,o.gldc - ,o.glec - ,o.harm - ,o.clss - ,o.brand - ,o.assc - ,o.fs_line - ,o.r_currency - ,o.r_rate - ,o.c_currency - ,o.c_rate - ,o.ddqtoi - ,o.ddqtsi - ,o.fgqshp - ,o.diqtsh - ,sum(o.fb_qty) fb_qty - ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc) fb_cst_loc - ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc_cur) fb_cst_loc_cur - ,sum(o.fb_cst_loc_fut) fb_cst_loc_fut - ,sum(o.fb_val_loc) fb_val_loc - ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_pl) fb_val_loc_pl - ,o.calc_status - ,o.flag - ----these dates should already be snapped since the derive from the adjusted set - ,o.orderdate + interval '1 year' orderdate - ,o.requestdate + interval '1 year' requestdate - ,o.shipdate + interval '1 year' shipdate - ,o.adj_orderdate + interval '1 year' adj_orderdate - ,o.adj_requestdate + interval '1 year' adj_requestdate - ,o.adj_shipdate + interval '1 year' adj_shipdate - ,'b20' "version" - ,'copy' iter - FROM - cop o - LEFT OUTER JOIN gld ON - (o.adj_shipdate + interval '1 year') BETWEEN gld.sdat AND gld.edat - WHERE - adj_orderdate BETWEEN '2018-06-01' AND '2019-05-31' - GROUP BY - o.plnt - ,o."ddord#" - ,o."dditm#" - ,o."fgbol#" - ,o."fgent#" - ,o."diinv#" - ,o."dilin#" - , - ,o.return_reas - ,o.terms - ,o.custpo - ,o.dhincr - ,o.diext - ,o.ditdis - ,o.dcodat - ,o.ddqdat - ,o.dcmdat - ,o.dhidat - ,gld.fspr - ,o.remit_to - ,o.bill_class - ,o.bill_cust - ,o.bill_rep - ,o.bill_terr - ,o.ship_class - ,o.ship_cust - ,o.ship_rep - ,o.ship_terr - ,o.quota_rep - ,o.account - ,o.shipgrp - ,o.geo - ,o.chan - ,o.orig_ctry - ,o.orig_prov - ,o.orig_post - ,o.dest_ctry - ,o.dest_prov - ,o.dest_post - ,o.part - ,o.ord_gldc - ,o.majg - ,o.ming - ,o.majs - ,o.mins - ,o.gldc - ,o.glec - ,o.harm - ,o.clss - ,o.brand - ,o.assc - ,o.fs_line - ,o.r_currency - ,o.r_rate - ,o.c_currency - ,o.c_rate - ,o.ddqtoi - ,o.ddqtsi - ,o.fgqshp - ,o.diqtsh - ,o.calc_status - ,o.flag - ,o.orderdate + interval '1 year' - ,o.requestdate + interval '1 year' - ,o.shipdate + interval '1 year' - ,o.adj_orderdate + interval '1 year' - ,o.adj_requestdate + interval '1 year' - ,o.adj_shipdate + interval '1 year' +SELECT + o."ddord#" + ,o."dditm#" + ,o."fgbol#" + ,o."fgent#" + ,o."diinv#" + ,o."dilin#" + ,o.quoten + ,o.quotel + ,o.dcodat + interval '1 year' --incremented + ,o.ddqdat + interval '1 year' --incremented + ,o.dcmdat + ,o.fesdat + ,o.dhidat + interval '1 year' --incremented + ,o.fesind + ,o.dhpost + ,gld.fspr --incremented + ,o.ddqtoi + ,o.ddqtsi + ,o.fgqshp + ,o.diqtsh + ,o.diext + ,o.ditdis + ,o.discj + ,o.dhincr + ,o.plnt + , + ,o.return_reas + ,o.terms + ,o.custpo + ,o.remit_to + ,o.bill_class + ,o.bill_cust + ,o.bill_rep + ,o.bill_terr + ,o.ship_class + ,o.ship_cust + ,o.ship_rep + ,o.ship_terr + ,o.dsm + ,o.account + ,o.shipgrp + ,o.geo + ,o.chan + ,o.chansub + ,o.orig_ctry + ,o.orig_prov + ,o.orig_post + ,o.bill_ctry + ,o.bill_prov + ,o.bill_post + ,o.dest_ctry + ,o.dest_prov + ,o.dest_post + ,o.part + ,o.styc + ,o.colc + ,o.colgrp + ,o.coltier + ,o.colstat + ,o.sizc + ,o.pckg + ,o.kit + ,o.brnd + ,o.majg + ,o.ming + ,o.majs + ,o.mins + ,o.gldco + ,o.gldc + ,o.glec + ,o.harm + ,o.clss + ,o.brand + ,o.assc + ,o.ddunit + ,o.unti + ,o.lbs + ,o.plt + ,o.plcd + ,o.fs_line + ,o.r_currency + ,o.r_rate + ,o.c_currency + ,o.c_rate + ,o.fb_qty + ,o.fb_val_loc + ,o.fb_val_loc_dis + ,o.fb_val_loc_qt + ,o.fb_val_loc_pl + ,o.fb_val_loc_tar + ,o.fb_cst_loc + ,o.fb_cst_loc_cur + ,o.fb_cst_loc_fut + ,o.calc_status + ,o.flag + ,o.odate + interval '1 year' --incremented + ,o.oseas + 1 --incremented + ,o.rdate + interval '1 year' --incremented + ,o.rseas + 1 --incremented + ,o.sdate + interval '1 year' --incremented + ,o.sseas + 1 --incremented + ,'b21' "version" + ,'baseline' iter +FROM + baseline o + LEFT OUTER JOIN gld ON + o.sdate + interval '1 year' BETWEEN gld.sdat and gld.edat ) -INSERT INTO rlarp.osmfs +INSERT INTO rlarp.osmf_dev SELECT * FROM incr UNION ALL -SELECT * FROM cop; +SELECT * FROM baseline; ---identify short ships: causes disconnect with actual sales------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE rlarp.osmfs SET iter = 'short ship' WHERE calc_status = 'CLOSED' AND flag = 'REMAINDER'; diff --git a/route_sql/ b/route_sql/ index c5e4459..6dae6cb 100644 --- a/route_sql/ +++ b/route_sql/ @@ -1,115 +1,126 @@ -| column | osmp_dev | source | osm_stack_retain | ui | -| -------------- | -------- | -------- | ---------------- | --- | -| ddord# | x | null | x | | -| dditm# | x | null | | | -| fgbol# | x | null | | | -| fgent# | x | null | | | -| diinv# | x | null | x | | -| dilin# | x | null | | | -| quoten | x | null | x | | -| quotel | x | null | | | -| dcodat | x | null | | | -| ddqdat | x | null | | | -| dcmdat | x | null | | | -| fesdat | x | null | | | -| dhidat | x | null | | | -| fesind | x | null | | | -| dhpost | x | null | | | -| fspr | x | forecast | | | -| ddqtoi | x | forecast | | | -| ddqtsi | x | null | | | -| fgqshp | x | null | | | -| diqtsh | x | null | | | -| diext | x | null | | | -| ditdis | x | null | | | -| discj | x | null | | | -| dhincr | x | forecast | | | -| plnt | x | forecast | x | | -| promo | x | forecast | x | x | -| return_reas | x | null | | | -| terms | x | forecast | | | -| custpo | x | null | | | -| remit_to | x | forecast | | | -| bill_class | x | cust | x | | -| bill_cust | x | forecast | | x | -| bill_rep | x | cust | | | -| bill_terr | x | cust | | | -| ship_class | x | cust | x | | -| ship_cust | x | forecast | x | x | -| ship_rep | x | cust | | | -| ship_terr | x | cust | | | -| dsm | x | forecast | x | x | -| account | x | cust | x | x | -| shipgrp | x | cust | x | x | -| geo | x | cust | x | | -| chan | x | cust | x | x | -| chansub | x | cust | x | x | -| chanretail | | ui_only | | x | -| orig_ctry | x | plnt | | | -| orig_prov | x | plnt | | | -| orig_post | x | plnt | | | -| bill_ctry | x | cust | x | | -| bill_prov | x | cust | x | | -| bill_post | x | cust | x | | -| dest_ctry | x | cust | x | | -| dest_prov | x | cust | x | | -| dest_post | x | cust | x | | -| part | x | forecast | x | | -| partd | | ui_only | | x | -| part_groupd | | ui_only | | x | -| styc | x | itemm | x | | -| colc | x | itemm | x | | -| colgrp | x | itemm | x | | -| coltier | x | itemm | x | | -| colstat | x | itemm | | | -| sizc | x | itemm | x | | -| pckg | x | itemm | x | | -| kit | x | itemm | x | | -| brnd | x | itemm | x | x | -| majg | x | itemm | x | | -| majgd | | ui_only | | x | -| ming | x | itemm | x | | -| mingd | | ui_only | | x | -| majs | x | itemm | x | | -| majsd | | ui_only | | x | -| mins | x | itemm | x | | -| minsd | | ui_only | | x | -| gldco | x | itemm | | | -| gldc | x | itemm | | | -| glec | x | itemm | x | | -| segm | | ui_only | | x | -| harm | x | itemm | | | -| clss | x | itemm | x | | -| brand | x | itemm | | | -| assc | x | itemm | | | -| ddunit | x | itemm | | | -| unti | x | itemm | | | -| lbs | x | itemm | x | | -| plt | x | punit | x | | -| plcd | x | iprcbhc | x | | -| fs_line | x | forecast | x | | -| r_currency | x | forecast | x | | -| r_rate | x | forecast | x | | -| c_currency | x | forecast | x | | -| c_rate | x | forecast | x | | -| fb_qty | x | forecast | x | x | -| fb_val_loc | x | forecast | x | x | -| value_usd | | ui_only | | x | -| fb_val_loc_dis | x | null | | | -| fb_val_loc_qt | x | null | x | | -| fb_val_loc_pl | x | pricel | x | | -| fb_val_loc_tar | x | target | x | | -| fb_cst_loc | x | forecast | x | x | -| cost_loc | | ui_only | | x | -| fb_cst_loc_cur | x | icstx | x | | -| fb_cst_loc_fut | x | icstx | | | -| calc_status | x | forecast | x | | -| flag | x | forecast | x | | -| odate | x | forecast | x | x | -| oseas | x | forecast | x | x | -| rdate | x | forecast | x | x | -| rseas | x | forecast | x | x | -| sdate | x | forecast | x | x | -| sseas | x | forecast | x | x | -| version | x | forecast | | x | -| iter | x | forecast | | x | \ No newline at end of file +|column |alt_name |osmp_dev|osm_fcpool|osmp_source|osm_stack_retain|ui |revised_pool| +|---------------|--------------|--------|----------|-----------|----------------|---|------------| +|ddord# | |x | |null |x | | | +|dditm# | |x | |null | | | | +|fgbol# | |x | |null | | | | +|fgent# | |x | |null | | | | +|diinv# | |x | |null |x | | | +|dilin# | |x | |null | | | | +|quoten | |x | |null |x | | | +|quotel | |x | |null | | | | +|dcodat | |x | |null | | | | +|ddqdat | |x | |null | | | | +|dcmdat | |x | |null | | | | +|fesdat | |x | |null | | | | +|dhidat | |x | |null | | | | +|fesind | |x | |null | | | | +|dhpost | |x | |null | | | | +|fspr | |x | |forecast | | |x | +|ddqtoi | |x | |forecast | | |x | +|ddqtsi | |x | |null | | | | +|fgqshp | |x | |null | | | | +|diqtsh | |x | |null | | | | +|diext | |x | |null | | | | +|ditdis | |x | |null | | | | +|discj | |x | |null | | | | +|dhincr | |x | |forecast | | |x | +|plnt | |x | |forecast |x | |x | +|promo | |x | |forecast |x |x |x | +|return_reas | |x | |null | | | | +|terms | |x | |forecast | | |x | +|custpo | |x | |null | | | | +|remit_to | |x | |forecast | | |x | +|bill_class | |x | |cust |x | | | +|bill_cust | |x | |forecast | | |x | +|bill_cust_descr| | | |ui_only | |x |x | +|bill_rep | |x | |cust | | | | +|bill_terr | |x | |cust | | | | +|ship_class | |x | |cust |x | | | +|ship_cust | |x | |forecast |x | |x | +|ship_cust_descr| | | |ui_only | |x |x | +|ship_rep | |x | |cust | | | | +|ship_terr | |x | |cust | | | | +|dsm |quota_rep |x | |forecast |x |x |x | +|quota_rep_descr| | | |ui_only | |x |x | +|account |billto_group |x | |cust |x |x |x | +|shipgrp |shipto_group |x | |cust |x |x |x | +|geo | |x | |cust |x | | | +|chan | |x | |cust |x |x |x | +|chansub |mod_chan |x | |cust |x |x |x | +|chanretail |mod_chansub | | |ui_only | |x |x | +|orig_ctry | |x | |plnt | | | | +|orig_prov | |x | |plnt | | | | +|orig_post | |x | |plnt | | | | +|bill_ctry | |x | |cust |x | | | +|bill_prov | |x | |cust |x | | | +|bill_post | |x | |cust |x | | | +|dest_ctry | |x | |cust |x | | | +|dest_prov | |x | |cust |x | | | +|dest_post | |x | |cust |x | | | +|part | |x | |forecast |x | |x | +|part_descr | | | |ui_only | |x |x | +|part_group | | | |ui_only | |x |x | +|styc | |x | |itemm |x | | | +|colc |color |x | |itemm |x | | | +|colgrp | |x | |itemm |x | | | +|coltier | |x | |itemm |x | | | +|colstat | |x | |itemm | | | | +|sizc | |x | |itemm |x | | | +|pckg | |x | |itemm |x | | | +|kit | |x | |itemm |x | | | +|brnd |branding |x | |itemm |x |x |x | +|majg | |x | |itemm |x | | | +|majgd |majg_descr | | |ui_only | |x |x | +|ming | |x | |itemm |x | | | +|mingd |ming_descr | | |ui_only | |x |x | +|majs | |x | |itemm |x | | | +|majsd |majs_descr | | |ui_only | |x |x | +|mins | |x | |itemm |x | | | +|minsd |mins_descr | | |ui_only | |x |x | +|gldco |ord_gldc |x | |itemm | | | | +|gldc | |x | |itemm | | | | +|glec | |x | |itemm |x | | | +|segm | | | |ui_only | |x |x | +|harm | |x | |itemm | | | | +|clss | |x | |itemm |x | | | +|brand | |x | |itemm | | | | +|assc | |x | |itemm | | | | +|ddunit | |x | |itemm | | | | +|unti |units |x | |itemm | | | | +|lbs | |x | |itemm |x | | | +|plt | |x | |punit |x | | | +|plcd | |x | |iprcbhc |x | | | +|fs_line | |x | |forecast |x | |x | +|r_currency | |x | |forecast |x | |x | +|r_rate | |x | |forecast |x | |x | +|c_currency | |x | |forecast |x | |x | +|c_rate | |x | |forecast |x | |x | +|fb_qty | |x | |forecast |x |x |x | +|fb_val_loc |value_loc |x | |forecast |x |x |x | +|value_usd | | | |ui_only | |x |x | +|fb_val_loc_dis | |x | |null | | | | +|fb_val_loc_qt | |x | |null |x | | | +|fb_val_loc_pl | |x | |pricel |x | | | +|fb_val_loc_tar | |x | |target |x | | | +|fb_cst_loc |cost_loc |x | |forecast |x |x |x | +|cost_usd | | | |ui_only | |x |x | +|fb_cst_loc_cur | |x | |icstx |x | | | +|fb_cst_loc_fut | |x | |icstx | | | | +|calc_status | |x | |forecast |x | |x | +|flag | |x | |forecast |x | |x | +|odate |orderdate |x | |forecast |x |x |x | +|order_month | | | |ui_only | |x |x | +|oseas |order_season |x | |forecast |x |x |x | +|rdate |requestdate |x | |forecast |x |x |x | +|request_month | | | |ui_only | |x |x | +|rseas |request_season|x | |forecast |x |x |x | +|sdate |shipdate |x | |forecast |x |x |x | +|ship_month | | | |ui_only | |x |x | +|sseas |ship_season |x | |forecast |x |x |x | +|version | |x | |forecast | |x |x | +|iter | |x | |forecast | |x |x | +|log | |x | |forecast | |x |x | +|comment | | | |ui_only | |x |x | +|iterdet | | | |forecast | | |x | +|iterdef | | | |forecast | | |x | +|director_descr | | | |forecast | | |x | From ae9bba67bd862a6af80f3aeb4c6254c7fb419173 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Trowbridge Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2020 17:13:00 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 09/13] fix casts --- route_sql/build/build_forecast.sql | 30 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/route_sql/build/build_forecast.sql b/route_sql/build/build_forecast.sql index 26490d5..b4f0a4c 100644 --- a/route_sql/build/build_forecast.sql +++ b/route_sql/build/build_forecast.sql @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --\timing -truncate table rlarp.osmfs; +truncate table rlarp.osmf_dev; WITH gld AS ( @@ -106,14 +106,14 @@ gld AS ( ,null::text assc ,null::text ddunit ,null::text unti - ,null::text lbs - ,null::text plt + ,null::numeric lbs + ,null::numeric plt ,null::text plcd ,o.fs_line ,o.r_currency - ,null::text r_rate + ,null::numeric r_rate ,o.c_currency - ,null::text c_rate + ,null::numeric c_rate ,sum(o.fb_qty) fb_qty ,sum(o.fb_val_loc) fb_val_loc ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_dis) fb_val_loc_dis @@ -250,14 +250,14 @@ gld AS ( ,null::text assc ,null::text ddunit ,null::text unti - ,null::text lbs - ,null::text plt + ,null::numeric lbs + ,null::numeric plt ,null::text plcd ,o.fs_line ,o.r_currency - ,null::text r_rate + ,null::numeric r_rate ,o.c_currency - ,null::text c_rate + ,null::numeric c_rate ,sum(o.fb_qty) fb_qty ,sum(o.fb_val_loc) fb_val_loc ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_dis) fb_val_loc_dis @@ -390,14 +390,14 @@ gld AS ( ,null::text assc ,null::text ddunit ,null::text unti - ,null::text lbs - ,null::text plt + ,null::numeric lbs + ,null::numeric plt ,null::text plcd ,o.fs_line ,o.r_currency - ,null::text r_rate + ,null::numeric r_rate ,o.c_currency - ,null::text c_rate + ,null::numeric c_rate ,sum(o.fb_qty) fb_qty ,sum(o.fb_val_loc) fb_val_loc ,sum(o.fb_val_loc_dis) fb_val_loc_dis @@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ UNION ALL SELECT * FROM baseline; ---identify short ships: causes disconnect with actual sales------------------------------------------------------------------- -UPDATE rlarp.osmfs SET iter = 'short ship' WHERE calc_status = 'CLOSED' AND flag = 'REMAINDER'; +--UPDATE rlarp.osmfs SET iter = 'short ship' WHERE calc_status = 'CLOSED' AND flag = 'REMAINDER'; ---identify goofy ship dates: causes disconnect with sales when splicing in a forecast that has this problem------------------- -UPDATE rlarp.osmfs SET iter = 'bad date' WHERE adj_shipdate < adj_orderdate; \ No newline at end of file +--UPDATE rlarp.osmfs SET iter = 'bad date' WHERE adj_shipdate < adj_orderdate; \ No newline at end of file From 270409895c3d557d725ac6774e2acd48e07b7965 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Paul Trowbridge Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2020 21:42:27 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 10/13] exclude old orders where copying everything forward --- route_sql/build/build_forecast.sql | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/route_sql/build/build_forecast.sql b/route_sql/build/build_forecast.sql index b4f0a4c..b6fbb56 100644 --- a/route_sql/build/build_forecast.sql +++ b/route_sql/build/build_forecast.sql @@ -557,6 +557,8 @@ FROM baseline o LEFT OUTER JOIN gld ON o.sdate + interval '1 year' BETWEEN gld.sdat and gld.edat +WHERE + o.odate + interval '1 year' >= '2020-06-01' ) INSERT INTO rlarp.osmf_dev SELECT * FROM incr From 9ed969d9ef5afa4bd033c916402af23fdae9a15b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: pt Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2020 21:42:47 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 11/13] snap item fields and customer fields --- route_sql/build/snap_customer.sql | 193 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ route_sql/build/snap_itemm.sql | 27 +++++ 2 files changed, 220 insertions(+) create mode 100644 route_sql/build/snap_customer.sql create mode 100644 route_sql/build/snap_itemm.sql diff --git a/route_sql/build/snap_customer.sql b/route_sql/build/snap_customer.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000..58f1092 --- /dev/null +++ b/route_sql/build/snap_customer.sql @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ +----------------------------SET BILL-TO REP------------------------------------ + +UPDATE + RLARP.OSMF_DEV S +SET + BILL_REP = C.BVSALM + ,BILL_CLASS = C.BVCLAS + ,BILL_TERR = C.BVTERR +FROM + LGDAT.CUST C +WHERE + C.BVCUST = S.BILL_CUST + AND ( + COALESCE(S.BILL_REP,'') <> C.BVSALM + OR COALESCE(S.BILL_CLASS,'') <> C.BVCLAS + OR COALESCE(S.BILL_TERR,'') <> C.BVTERR + ); + +----------------------------SET SHIP-TO REP------------------------------------ + +UPDATE + RLARP.OSMF_DEV S +SET + SHIP_REP = C.BVSALM + ,SHIP_CLASS = C.BVCLAS + ,SHIP_TERR = C.BVTERR +FROM + LGDAT.CUST C +WHERE + C.BVCUST = S.SHIP_CUST + AND ( + COALESCE(S.SHIP_REP,'') <> C.BVSALM + OR COALESCE(S.SHIP_CLASS,'') <> C.BVCLAS + OR COALESCE(S.SHIP_TERR,'') <> C.BVTERR + ); + +----------------------------SET BILLTO GROUP------------------------------------ + +UPDATE + RLARP.OSMF_DEV O +SET + ACCOUNT = CASE BVADR6 WHEN '' THEN BVNAME ELSE BVADR6 END +FROM + LGDAT.CUST C +WHERE + C.BVCUST = O.BILL_CUST + AND CASE BVADR6 WHEN '' THEN BVNAME ELSE BVADR6 END <> COALESCE(O.ACCOUNT,''); + + +----------------------------SET SHIPTO GROUP------------------------------------ + +UPDATE + RLARP.OSMF_DEV O +SET + SHIPGRP = CASE BVADR6 WHEN '' THEN BVNAME ELSE BVADR6 END +FROM + LGDAT.CUST C +WHERE + C.BVCUST = O.SHIP_CUST + AND CASE BVADR6 WHEN '' THEN BVNAME ELSE BVADR6 END <> COALESCE(O.SHIPGRP,''); + + +---------------------------SET CHANNEL----------------------------------------- + + +UPDATE + rlarp.osmF_dev +SET + CHAN = CASE SUBSTRING(BILL_CLASS,2,3) + --if the bill to class is ditsributor, then it's either warehouse or drop + WHEN 'DIS' THEN + --if the ship-to is a different name than the bill-to then it's drop, otherwise it's warehouse + CASE SUBSTRING(SHIP_CLASS,2,3) + WHEN 'DIS' THEN 'WHS' + ELSE 'DRP' + END + --CASE WHEN RTRIM(SUBSTRING(LTRIM(SC.BVADR7)||SC.BVNAME,1,30)) = RTRIM(SUBSTRING(LTRIM(BC.BVADR7)||BC.BVNAME,1,30)) THEN 'DIS' ELSE 'DRP' END + --everything else does not involve a distributor and is considered direct + ELSE 'DIR' + END, + CHANSUB = CASE SUBSTRING(BILL_CLASS,2,3) + WHEN 'DIS' THEN + --if the ship-to is a different name than the bill-to then it's drop, otherwise it's warehouse + CASE SUBSTRING(SHIP_CLASS,2,3) + WHEN 'DIS' THEN 'WHS' + ELSE CASE SUBSTRING(SHIP_CLASS,1,1) WHEN 'R' THEN 'RDP' ELSE 'DRP' END + END + WHEN 'MAS' THEN 'RMN' + WHEN 'NAT' THEN 'RMN' + ELSE CASE SUBSTRING(SHIP_CLASS,1,1) WHEN 'R' THEN 'RDI' ELSE 'DIR' END + END +WHERE + COALESCE(CHAN,'') <> CASE SUBSTRING(BILL_CLASS,2,3) + --if the bill to class is ditsributor, then it's either warehouse or drop + WHEN 'DIS' THEN + --if the ship-to is a different name than the bill-to then it's drop, otherwise it's warehouse + CASE SUBSTRING(SHIP_CLASS,2,3) + WHEN 'DIS' THEN 'WHS' + ELSE 'DRP' + END + --CASE WHEN RTRIM(SUBSTRING(LTRIM(SC.BVADR7)||SC.BVNAME,1,30)) = RTRIM(SUBSTRING(LTRIM(BC.BVADR7)||BC.BVNAME,1,30)) THEN 'DIS' ELSE 'DRP' END + --everything else does not involve a distributor and is considered direct + ELSE 'DIR' + END + OR + COALESCE(CHANSUB,'') <> CASE SUBSTRING(BILL_CLASS,2,3) + WHEN 'DIS' THEN + --if the ship-to is a different name than the bill-to then it's drop, otherwise it's warehouse + CASE SUBSTRING(SHIP_CLASS,2,3) + WHEN 'DIS' THEN 'WHS' + ELSE CASE SUBSTRING(SHIP_CLASS,1,1) WHEN 'R' THEN 'RDP' ELSE 'DRP' END + END + WHEN 'MAS' THEN 'RMN' + WHEN 'NAT' THEN 'RMN' + ELSE CASE SUBSTRING(SHIP_CLASS,1,1) WHEN 'R' THEN 'RDI' ELSE 'DIR' END + END; + + +---------------------------SET QUOTA REP--------------------------------------- + + +UPDATE + RLARP.OSMF_DEV S +SET + DSM = CR.QUOTA_REP +FROM +( + SELECT DISTINCT + VERSION, + COALESCE(GLEC,'') GLEC, + COALESCE(MING,'') MING, + BILL_CUST, + SHIP_CUST, + ------------quota rep column-------------- + RTRIM( + --retail items go to currep, or if null go to 90005 + CASE WHEN S.GLEC IN ('1RE','1CU') THEN + CASE WHEN BVCTRY = 'CAN' THEN + --Rachel Bowman + '50300' + ELSE + --select customers go to select reps + CASE ACCOUNT + ------Alecia Latini------------------------------- + WHEN 'DO IT BEST' THEN '90006' + WHEN 'ACE HARDWARE' THEN '90006' + WHEN 'ALDI' THEN '90006' + WHEN 'AMAZON.COM' THEN '90006' + WHEN 'GARDEN RIDGE CORP' THEN '90006' --AKA "At Home" + WHEN 'TRUE VALUE' THEN '90006' + WHEN 'WAYFAIR' THEN '90006' + WHEN 'GRIFFIN' THEN '90006' + WHEN 'WAL-MART' THEN '90006' + ------Tony Landino-------------------------------- + WHEN 'THE HOME DEPOT' THEN '50802' + WHEN 'FRED MEYER' THEN '50802' + WHEN 'MENARDS' THEN '50802' + WHEN 'KROGER' THEN '50802' + WHEN 'OCEAN STATE JOBBERS' THEN '50802' + WHEN 'AURORA WHOLESALE' THEN '50802' + WHEN 'LEON KORRAL' THEN '50802' + --all other retail goes to Doran Marable----------- + ELSE '50200' + END + END + --minor group b52 goes to dedicated rep + ELSE + CASE WHEN MING = 'B52' THEN + 'PW' + --gdir, ndir go to bill-to rep + ELSE + CASE WHEN BILL_CLASS IN ('GDIR','NDIR') THEN + BILL_REP + ELSE + SHIP_REP + END + END + END + ) QUOTA_REP + FROM + RLARP.OSMF_DEV S + LEFT OUTER JOIN LGDAT.CUST ON + BVCUST = BILL_CUST + WHERE + COALESCE(GLEC,'') IS NOT NULL + ) CR +WHERE + CR.VERSION = S.VERSION + AND CR.GLEC = COALESCE(S.GLEC,'') + AND CR.MING = COALESCE(S.MING,'') + AND CR.BILL_CUST = S.BILL_CUST + AND CR.SHIP_CUST = S.SHIP_CUST + AND COALESCE(S.DSM,'') <> CR.QUOTA_REP; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/route_sql/build/snap_itemm.sql b/route_sql/build/snap_itemm.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab8ad16 --- /dev/null +++ b/route_sql/build/snap_itemm.sql @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +UPDATE + RLARP.OSMF_DEV O +SET + COLC = M.COLC + ,COLGRP = M.COLGRP + ,COLTIER = M.COLTIER + ,COLSTAT = M.COLSTAT + ,SIZC = M.SIZC + ,PCKG = M.PACKAGE + ,KIT = M.KIT + ,BRND = M.BRANDING + ,MAJG = M.MAJG + ,MING = M.MING + ,MAJS = M.MAJS + ,MINS = M.MINS + ,GLDC = M.GLCD + ,GLEC = M.GLEC + ,HARM = M.HARM + ,CLSS = M.CLSS + ,BRAND = M.BRAND + ,ASSC = M.ASSC + ,LBS = CASE M.NWUN WHEN 'KG' THEN 2.2046 ELSE 1 END*M.NWHT + ,UNTI = M.UNTI +FROM + RLARP.ITEMM M +WHERE + M.ITEM = O.PART \ No newline at end of file From 73ff0da13b6b1256b13cde68670126b8d40beb79 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: pt Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2020 22:37:00 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 12/13] snap fx --- route_sql/build/snap_fx.sql | 13 +++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+) create mode 100644 route_sql/build/snap_fx.sql diff --git a/route_sql/build/snap_fx.sql b/route_sql/build/snap_fx.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e44ae5 --- /dev/null +++ b/route_sql/build/snap_fx.sql @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +UPDATE + rlarp.osmf_dev +SET + r_rate = .75 +WHERE + r_currency = 'CA'; + +UPDATE + rlarp.osmf_dev +SET + c_rate = .75 +WHERE + c_currency = 'CA'; \ No newline at end of file From ba28bb9f1541aea09db7a52366989c7ec9d71521 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: pt Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2020 23:32:12 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 13/13] rebuild pool and add fx --- route_sql/build/build_fcpool.sql | 131 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ route_sql/build/snap_fx.sql | 16 +++- 2 files changed, 146 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 route_sql/build/build_fcpool.sql diff --git a/route_sql/build/build_fcpool.sql b/route_sql/build/build_fcpool.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba499fc --- /dev/null +++ b/route_sql/build/build_fcpool.sql @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rlarp.osm_pool; + +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rlarp.osm_pool AS ( +WITH +repc AS ( + SELECT + LTRIM(RTRIM(C.A9)) RCODE + ,C.A30 REPP + ,COALESCE(Q.DIR,'Other') DIRECTOR + FROM + LGDAT.CODE C + LEFT OUTER JOIN RLARP.QRH Q ON + Q.QR = LTRIM(RTRIM(C.A9)) + WHERE + C.A2 = 'MM' +) +,SEG AS ( + SELECT + GLEC + ,SEGM + FROM + ( + VALUES + ('1CU','Retail'), + ('1GR','Greenhouse'), + ('1NU','Nursery'), + ('1RE','Retail'), + ('2WI','Greenhouse'), + ('3BM','Other'), + ('3CO','Other'), + ('3PE','Other'), + ('3PP','Other'), + ('4CO','Other'), + ('4RA','Other'), + ('9MI','Other'), + ('9SA','Other'), + ('9TO','Other') + ) X(GLEC, SEGM) +) +----------------------------------------------------sales major codes---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +,SJ AS ( + SELECT * FROM LGDAT.MMSL WHERE COALESCE(BSMNCD,'') = '' +) +----------------------------------------------------sales minor codes---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +,SI AS ( + SELECT * FROM LGDAT.MMSL WHERE COALESCE(BSMNCD,'') <> '' +) +SELECT + fspr + ,plnt + ,promo + ,terms + ,bill_cust||' - '||bc.bvname bill_custd + ,ship_cust||' - '||sc.bvname ship_custd + ,dsm + ,coalesce(repc.repp,dsm) dsmd + ,repc.director + ,account bill_dba + ,shipgrp ship_dba + ,chan + ,chansub + ,CASE seg.segm + WHEN 'Retail' THEN + CASE o.bill_class + WHEN 'RMAS' THEN 'MASS' + WHEN 'RNAT' THEN 'NATIONAL' + ELSE 'OTHER' + END + ELSE o.chan + END chan_retail + ,part + ,part||coalesce(' - '||i.descr,'') partd + ,stlcd partgroup + ,brnd + ,o.majg||' - '||i.majgd majgd + ,o.ming||' - '||i.mingd mingd + ,o.majs||' - '||i.majsd majsd + ,o.mins||' - '||i.minsd minsd + ,seg.segm + ,fs_line + ,r_currency + ,r_rate + ,c_currency + ,c_rate + ,fb_qty + ,fb_val_loc + ,fb_val_loc * r_rate value_usd + ,fb_cst_loc + ,fb_cst_loc * c_rate cost_usd + ,calc_status + ,flag + ,o.odate + ,to_char(CASE WHEN extract(month FROM o.odate) > 6 THEN -5 ELSE 7 END + extract(month FROM o.odate),'FM00')||' - '||to_char(o.odate,'TMMon') omonth + ,oseas + ,rdate + ,to_char(CASE WHEN extract(month FROM o.rdate) > 6 THEN -5 ELSE 7 END + extract(month FROM o.rdate),'FM00')||' - '||to_char(o.rdate,'TMMon') rmonth + ,rseas + ,sdate + ,to_char(CASE WHEN extract(month FROM o.sdate) > 6 THEN -5 ELSE 7 END + extract(month FROM o.sdate),'FM00')||' - '||to_char(o.sdate,'TMMon') smonth + ,sseas + ,version + ,iter + ,null::int logid + ,null::text "comment" + ,null::text iterdet +FROM + rlarp.osmf_dev o + LEFT OUTER JOIN lgdat.cust bc ON + bc.bvcust = o.bill_cust + LEFT OUTER JOIN lgdat.cust sc ON + sc.bvcust = o.ship_cust + LEFT OUTER JOIN repc ON + repc.rcode = o.dsm + /* + LEFT OUTER JOIN lgdat.majg ON + bqgrp = o.majg + LEFT OUTER JOIN lgdat.mmgp ON + brmgrp = o.ming + AND BRGRP = o.majg + LEFT OUTER JOIN si ON + si.bsmjcd = o.majs + AND si.bsmncd = o.mins + LEFT OUTER JOIN sj ON + sj.bsmjcd = o.majs + */ + LEFT OUTER JOIN seg ON + seg.glec = o.glec + LEFT OUTER JOIN rlarp.itemm i ON + i.item = o.part + --LIMIT 100 +) WITH DATA; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/route_sql/build/snap_fx.sql b/route_sql/build/snap_fx.sql index 3e44ae5..fa3e698 100644 --- a/route_sql/build/snap_fx.sql +++ b/route_sql/build/snap_fx.sql @@ -5,9 +5,23 @@ SET WHERE r_currency = 'CA'; +UPDATE + rlarp.osmf_dev +SET + r_rate = 1 +WHERE + r_currency = 'US'; + UPDATE rlarp.osmf_dev SET c_rate = .75 WHERE - c_currency = 'CA'; \ No newline at end of file + c_currency = 'CA'; + +UPDATE + rlarp.osmf_dev +SET + c_rate = 1 +WHERE + c_currency = 'US'; \ No newline at end of file