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2019-02-27 19:50:49 -05:00
Option Explicit
2019-02-27 19:50:49 -05:00
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As range, Cancel As Boolean)
If Intersect(Target, ActiveSheet.range("b11:v100000")) Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo nopiv
If Target.Cells.PivotTable Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
2019-01-16 14:48:19 -05:00
Cancel = True
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim k As Long
Dim ri As PivotItemList
Dim ci As PivotItemList
Dim df As Object
Dim rd As Object
Dim cd As Object
Dim dd As Object
2019-02-27 19:50:49 -05:00
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pf As PivotField
Dim pi As PivotItem
Dim wapi As New Windows_API
Set ri = Target.Cells.PivotCell.RowItems
Set ci = Target.Cells.PivotCell.ColumnItems
Set df = Target.Cells.PivotCell.DataField
Set rd = Target.Cells.PivotTable.RowFields
Set cd = Target.Cells.PivotTable.ColumnFields
2019-02-27 19:50:49 -05:00
ReDim handler.sc(ri.Count, 1)
Set pt = Target.Cells.PivotCell.PivotTable
handler.sql = ""
handler.jsql = ""
For i = 1 To ri.Count
2019-02-27 19:50:49 -05:00
If i <> 1 Then handler.sql = handler.sql & vbCrLf & "AND "
If i <> 1 Then handler.jsql = handler.jsql & vbCrLf & ","
handler.sql = handler.sql & rd(piv_pos(rd, i)).Name & " = '" & ri(i).Name & "'"
jsql = jsql & """" & rd(piv_pos(rd, i)).Name & """:""" & ri(i).Name & """"
handler.sc(i - 1, 0) = rd(piv_pos(rd, i)).Name
handler.sc(i - 1, 1) = ri(i).Name
'the following looks for filtered items, but this is redundant because a single one has been isolated
'For Each pi In pt.PivotFields(piv_fld_index(rd(i).Name, pt)).PivotItems
' If Not pi.Visible Then
' sql = sql & vbCrLf & "AND " & rd(i).Name & " <> '" & pi.Name & "'"
' End If
'Next pi
Next i
2019-02-27 19:50:49 -05:00
'this block loops through items selected in colums, which will be ignored for now
'For i = 1 To ci.Count
' sql = sql & vbCrLf & "AND "
' sql = sql & cd(piv_pos(cd, ci(i).Parent.Position)).Name & " = '" & ci(i).Name & "'"
'Next i
'this loop iterates through every pivot field (even if not in the PT) and determines filtered items
'For Each pf In Target.Cells.PivotTable.PivotFields
' For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
' If Not pi.Visible Then
' sql = sql & vbCrLf & "AND " & pf.Name & " <> '" & pi.Name & "'"
' End If
' Next pi
'Next pf
scenario = "{" & handler.jsql & "}"
'Sheets("test").Cells(1, 14) = handler.jsql
Call handler.load_fpvt
2019-02-27 19:50:49 -05:00
'Call http.pull_months(scenario)
'jsql = "SELECT count(*) FROM rlarp.osm_ppfa_varto_jmv WHERE j @> '{" & jsql & "}'::jsonb"
'sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM rlarp.osm_ppfa_varto_jmv WHERE " & sql
'MsgBox (sql)
'Call wapi.ClipBoard_SetData(sql)
End Sub
Function piv_pos(list As Object, target_pos As Long) As Long
2019-02-27 19:50:49 -05:00
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To list.Count
If list(i).Position = target_pos Then
piv_pos = i
Exit Function
End If
Next i
'should not get to this point
2019-02-27 19:50:49 -05:00
End Function
Function piv_fld_index(field_name As String, ByRef pt As PivotTable) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To pt.PivotFields.Count
If pt.PivotFields(i).Name = field_name Then
piv_fld_index = i
Exit Function
End If
Next i
End Function
2019-02-27 19:50:49 -05:00