import imaplib import email from email.header import decode_header from getpass import getpass import json # IMAP server settings for Hotmail imap_server = '' imap_port = 993 # Email credentials email_address = input('Email address: ') password = getpass('Password: ') # Connect to the IMAP server imap_conn = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(imap_server, imap_port) # Login to the email account imap_conn.login(email_address, password) # Select the 'alerts' folder'Alerts') # Search for unseen emails in the 'alerts' folder, starting with the newest status, response = imap_conn.uid('search', None, 'UNSEEN') email_ids = response[0].split() # Loop through the email UIDs for email_id in email_ids: # Fetch the email by UID status, response = imap_conn.uid('fetch', email_id, '(RFC822)') raw_email = response[0][1] email_message = email.message_from_bytes(raw_email) # Extract the sender and receipt date of the email email_from = str(decode_header(email_message['From'])[0][0]) email_date = email_message['Date'] # Extract the body of the email if email_message.is_multipart(): for part in email_message.get_payload(): if part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain': email_body = part.get_payload(decode=True).decode() break else: email_body = email_message.get_payload(decode=True).decode() # Create a dictionary with the email details email_details = { 'id': email_id.decode(), 'from': email_from, 'date': email_date, 'body': email_body } # Print the JSON representation of the email details print(json.dumps(email_details, indent=4)) # Logout and close the connection imap_conn.logout() imap_conn.close()