export function apply_guidance(doc: any) { let mostRelevantMarketPrice = null; let mostRelevantMarketPriceEarly = null; let mostRelevantMarketKey = null; let mostRelevantMarketSeason = null; let mostRelevantMarketSeasonEarly = null; let highestMarketRelevanceLevel = 0; let mostRelevantMarketSource = null; let mostRelevantCustomerPriceEarly = null; let mostRelevantCustomerPriceRecent = null; let mostRelevantCustomerKey = null; let mostRelevantCustomerSeasonEarly = null; let mostRelevantCustomerSeasonRecent = null; let highestCustomerRelevanceLevel = 0; let mostRelevantCustomerSource = null; // Function to update price and assign relevance indicator function setAnchors(items, channelFirstChar, v1ds, v0ds, histKey) { for (let item of items) { // Update the last_price with the most recent price const years = Object.keys(item.season).map(Number).filter(year => year >= 2020); if (years.length > 0) { const recentYear = Math.max(...years.map(Number)); const earlyYear = Math.min(...years.map(Number)); const lastPrice = item.season[recentYear].price_usd; const earlyPrice = item.season[earlyYear].price_usd; item.last_price = lastPrice; item.early_price = earlyPrice; item.last_season = recentYear; item.early_season = earlyYear; } else { item.last_price = null; // or some default value as appropriate } // Initialize relevance as numeric value let marketRelevance = 0; // Assume 0 is 'not relevant' let customerRelevance = 0; // Assume 0 is 'not relevant' // Check if the first character of the item's channel matches the first character of the document's channel if (item.chan.charAt(0) === channelFirstChar) { marketRelevance = 1; // 'relevant' // Further refine relevance based on v1ds and v0ds if (item.v1ds === v1ds) { marketRelevance = 2; // 'most relevant' because v1ds matches // Check for customer relevance if 'cust' key exists customerRelevance = item.cust ? 3 : 0; } else if (item.v0ds === v0ds) { marketRelevance = marketRelevance === 2 ? 2 : 1; // Keep relevance as is if v1ds was matched, otherwise it's just 'relevant' customerRelevance = item.cust ? 2 : 0; } else if (item.cust) { customerRelevance = item.v1ds ? 2 : item.v0ds ? 1 : 0; } } // Assign the calculated relevance to the item item.marketRelevance = marketRelevance; item.customerRelevance = customerRelevance; // Update the most relevant market price if this item's relevance is higher and it doesn't have a 'cust' key if (marketRelevance > highestMarketRelevanceLevel) { highestMarketRelevanceLevel = marketRelevance; mostRelevantMarketPrice = item.last_price; mostRelevantMarketPriceEarly = item.early_price; mostRelevantMarketKey = histKey; mostRelevantMarketSource = item; delete mostRelevantMarketSource.season; mostRelevantMarketSeason = item.last_season; // Assuming 'season' is the key where the season info is stored mostRelevantMarketSeasonEarly = item.early_season; } // Update the most relevant customer price if this item's relevance is higher and it has a 'cust' key if (customerRelevance > highestCustomerRelevanceLevel) { highestCustomerRelevanceLevel = customerRelevance; mostRelevantCustomerPriceRecent = item.last_price; mostRelevantCustomerPriceEarly = item.early_price; mostRelevantCustomerKey = histKey; mostRelevantCustomerSource = item; delete mostRelevantCustomerSource.season; mostRelevantCustomerSeasonRecent = item.last_season; // Assuming 'season' is the key where the season info is stored mostRelevantCustomerSeasonEarly = item.early_season; // Assuming 'season' is the key where the season info is stored } } } // Iterate over each key in the "hist" object for (let key of Object.keys(doc.hist)) { // Update price and relevance for each item in the current key setAnchors(doc.hist[key], doc.chan[0], doc.v1ds, doc.v0ds, key); } // Assign the most relevant market price and key to the top level of the document if (mostRelevantMarketPrice !== null) { doc.mostRelevantMarketPriceInfo = { price: mostRelevantMarketPrice, price_early: mostRelevantMarketPriceEarly, source: mostRelevantMarketSource, season: mostRelevantMarketSeason, season_early: mostRelevantMarketSeasonEarly, relevance: highestMarketRelevanceLevel }; } // Assign the most relevant customer price and key to the top level of the document if (mostRelevantCustomerPriceRecent !== null) { doc.mostRelevantCustomerPriceInfo = { price: mostRelevantCustomerPriceRecent, price_early: mostRelevantCustomerPriceEarly, source: mostRelevantCustomerSource, season: mostRelevantCustomerSeasonRecent, season_early: mostRelevantCustomerSeasonEarly, relevance: highestCustomerRelevanceLevel }; } doc.targetPrice = doc.v1tp ?? doc.v0tp ?? null; // Determine the anchor price and source if (doc.targetPrice !== undefined && (mostRelevantCustomerPriceEarly === undefined || doc.targetPrice < mostRelevantCustomerPriceEarly)) { doc.anchorPrice = doc.targetPrice; doc.anchorSource = 'Target Price'; } else if (mostRelevantCustomerPriceEarly !== undefined) { doc.anchorPrice = mostRelevantCustomerPriceEarly; doc.anchorSource = mostRelevantCustomerSeasonEarly + ' Customer Price'; } else { doc.anchorPrice = null; doc.anchorSource = 'none'; // or any other default value you wish to indicate no anchor price was found } const inflation = Math.max(...Object.keys(doc.iidx).map(Number)); const inflationFactor = doc.iidx[inflation] + 1; doc.inflationFactor = inflationFactor; var calcPrice = doc.anchorPrice * doc.inflationFactor; calcPrice = parseFloat(calcPrice.toFixed(5)); let finalReason = ""; if (calcPrice >= doc.list) { doc.calcCeiling = "Cap At List"; doc.finalPrice = doc.list; finalReason = `${doc.anchorSource} ${doc.anchorPrice} x ${inflationFactor} = ${calcPrice} but cap at list ${doc.list}`; } else { doc.finalPrice = calcPrice; finalReason = `${doc.anchorSource} ${doc.anchorPrice} x ${inflationFactor} = ${calcPrice}`; } doc.finalReason = finalReason; return doc; }