----takes 2 DBA's and returns the channel---------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rlarp.get_cust(billcode text, shipcode text) RETURNS jsonb LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $func$ DECLARE _chan text; _chantp text; _bill_class text; _ship_class text; _bill_dba text; _ship_dba text; _cust text; _bill_curr text; _bill_rate numeric; _crec jsonb; _ret jsonb; _record jsonb; BEGIN SELECT jsonb_agg(row_to_json(c)::jsonb) INTO _crec FROM rlarp.cust c WHERE code IN (billcode, shipcode); --RAISE NOTICE '%', jsonb_pretty(_crec); FOR _record IN SELECT * FROM jsonb_array_elements(_crec) LOOP -- Check if the record is for billcode or shipcode and assign values accordingly IF (_record->>'code')::text = billcode THEN _bill_dba := (_record->>'dba')::text; _bill_class := (_record->>'cclass')::text; _bill_curr := (_record->>'currency')::text; _bill_rate := (_record->>'fxcurr')::text; -- Add other billcode related assignments here END IF; IF (_record->>'code')::text = shipcode THEN _ship_dba := (_record->>'dba')::text; _ship_class := (_record->>'cclass')::text; -- Add other shipcode related assignments here END IF; END LOOP; SELECT CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(_bill_class,2,3) = 'DIS' THEN CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(_ship_class,2,3) = 'DIS' THEN 'WHS' ELSE 'DRP' END ELSE 'DIR' END INTO _chan; SELECT CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(_bill_class,2,3) = 'DIS' THEN CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(_ship_class,2,3) = 'DIS' THEN 'DISTRIBUTOR' ELSE 'DISTRIB DROP SHIP' END ELSE 'DIRECT' END INTO _chantp; SELECT CASE WHEN _chan = 'DRP' THEN _ship_dba ELSE _bill_dba END INTO _cust; _ret := jsonb_build_object('customer', jsonb_build_object( 'cust',_cust, 'chan',_chan, 'chantp',_chantp, 'curr',_bill_curr, 'fxrate',_bill_rate, 'bill_dba',_bill_dba, 'ship_dba',_ship_dba ) ); RETURN _ret; END $func$;