CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rlarp.get_hist(_mold text, _v1ds text, _cust text, _chan text) RETURNS jsonb LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $func$ DECLARE _result jsonb; BEGIN WITH --sel AS (select 'v1:P.P.PLT..' _v1ds, 'ALTMAN PLANTS' _cust, 'XNT0TQT3' _mold, 'D' _chan) sort AS ( SELECT p.agglevel ,CASE WHEN p.agglevel ? 'cust' THEN 'cust' ELSE 'market' END source ,COALESCE(gset.v1ds = _v1ds,false) v1ds_match ,gset.chan = _chan chan_match ,gset.* ,row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY p.agglevel ORDER BY avgunits DESC) rn ,stats.* ,season FROM rlarp.price_pool p JOIN LATERAL jsonb_to_record(gset) AS gset( chan text ,mold text ,v1ds text ,v0ds text ,cust text ,vers text --,nurs text --,ghse text ) ON TRUE JOIN LATERAL jsonb_to_record(stats) AS stats( avgunits numeric ,avgtargetprice numeric ,avgordcount numeric ,avgcustcount numeric ,early_season int ,early_price numeric ,recent_season int ,recent_price numeric ,last_season int ,last_price numeric ) ON TRUE WHERE gset @> jsonb_build_object( 'mold', _mold ,'vers', 'A' ) AND ( gset @> jsonb_build_object( 'cust', _cust ) OR NOT gset ? 'cust' ) AND COALESCE(stats.early_season,stats.recent_season) IS NOT NULL AND NOT p.agglevel ? 'nurs' AND NOT p.agglevel ? 'ghse' ORDER BY source ASC ,rn ASC ) ,flag AS ( SELECT --agglevel CASE source WHEN 'cust' THEN CASE WHEN v1ds IS NOT NULL THEN CASE WHEN v1ds_match THEN 'customer exact' ELSE CASE WHEN rn = 1 THEN 'customer v1ds vol' ELSE 'customer v1ds other' END END ELSE CASE WHEN rn = 1 THEN 'customer v0ds vol' ELSE 'customer v0ds other' END END ELSE CASE WHEN v1ds IS NOT NULL THEN CASE WHEN v1ds_match THEN 'market exact' ELSE CASE WHEN rn = 1 THEN 'market v1ds vol' ELSE 'market v1ds other' END END ELSE CASE WHEN rn = 1 THEN 'market v0ds vol' ELSE 'market v0ds other' END END END relevance ,source ,v1ds_match ,chan_match ,chan ,mold ,v1ds ,v0ds ,cust ,vers ,rn ,avgunits ,avgordcount ,avgcustcount ,avgtargetprice ,early_season ,early_price ,recent_season ,recent_price ,last_season ,last_price ,season FROM sort ) ,rel AS ( SELECT * FROM (values ('customer exact' ,1) ,('customer v0ds other',7) ,('customer v0ds vol' ,3) ,('customer v1ds other',6) ,('customer v1ds vol' ,2) --this will always sort to the top, v0ds will never sort to the top. you will always be getting the highest volume base price ,('market exact' ,4) ,('market v0ds other' ,9) ,('market v0ds vol' ,5) ,('market v1ds other' ,8) ) x (flag,prefer) ) ,rel_sort AS ( SELECT -- flag.relevance --,flag.source --,rel.prefer --,row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY flag.source ORDER BY rel.prefer ASC) best jsonb_strip_nulls( jsonb_build_object( flag.source ,jsonb_build_object( 'relevance' ,relevance ,'avgunits' ,avgunits ,'avgordcount' ,avgordcount ,'avgcustcount' ,avgcustcount ,'avgtargetprice' ,avgtargetprice ,'early_season' ,early_season ,'early_price' ,early_price ,'recent_season' ,recent_season ,'recent_price' ,recent_price ,'last_season' ,last_season ,'last_price' ,last_price ,'ds' ,COALESCE(v1ds,v0ds) ,'rank' ,row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY flag.source ORDER BY rel.prefer ASC) ,'pricinghistory' ,season ) ) ) doc ,row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY flag.source ORDER BY rel.prefer ASC) rnk ,season FROM flag LEFT OUTER JOIN rel ON rel.flag = flag.relevance WHERE relevance ~ 'vol|exact' ) --SELECT jsonb_pretty(jsonb_agg(doc)) FROM rel_sort SELECT jsonb_obj_aggc(doc) INTO _result FROM rel_sort WHERE rnk = 1; RETURN _result; END $func$;