import { Application, Router } from ''; import { Client } from ""; const app = new Application(); const router = new Router(); //---------dotenv info------------- import { load } from ""; const env = await load(); const hostname = env["HOSTNAME"]; const port = env["PORT"]; const user = env["USER"]; const password = env["PASSWORD"]; const database = env["DATABASE"]; const app_port = env["APP_PORT"]; // Configure database connection const client = new Client({ hostname:hostname ,port: port ,user: user ,password:password ,database:database ,applicationName: "pricing guidance" }); await client.connect(); // Load SQL from file const query = await Deno.readTextFile("sql/"); // Define a route to retrieve values from the database using parameters router.get('/code_price/:billcode/:shipcode/:partcode/:qty', async (ctx) => { const partcode = ctx.params.partcode; const billcode = ctx.params.billcode; const shipcode = ctx.params.shipcode; const qty = ctx.params.qty; //console.log(partcode) //console.log(customer) const result = await client.queryObject({args: [billcode, shipcode, partcode, qty], text: query} ); ctx.response.body = result.rows; }); app.use(router.routes()); app.use(router.allowedMethods()); // Start the server console.log('Server is running on http://usmidsap02:8090'); await app.listen({ port: 8090 });