DROP FUNCTION rlarp.get_guidance_dseg; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rlarp.get_guidance_dseg(_bill text, _ship text, _stlc text, _dseg text, _qty numeric, _seas int) RETURNS jsonb LANGUAGE plpgsql AS --DO $func$ DECLARE --_item text; --_bill text; --_ship text; --_qty numeric; --_seas int; _mold text; _item text; _cust text; _v1ds text; _v0ds text; _v1tp jsonb; _v0tp jsonb; _chan text; _regn text; _rslt jsonb; _targ jsonb; _list jsonb; _iidx jsonb; BEGIN --_item := 'AMK06000G18B054'; --_bill := 'DIAM0004'; --_ship := 'DIAM0004'; --_qty := 5000; --_seas := 2024; ----------------base product-------------------------------- SELECT m.part_group ,min(i.item) item ,i.stlc ,i.v1ds ,i.v0ds ,jsonb_strip_nulls(jsonb_build_object('assc',CASE WHEN i.assc <> '' THEN i.assc ELSE null::text END,'majg',i.majg::int,'coltier',i.coltier)) idxk INTO _mold ,_item ,_stlc ,_v1ds ,_v0ds ,_iidx FROM "CMS.CUSLG".itemmv i INNER JOIN rlarp.molds m ON m.stlc = i.stlc WHERE i.stlc = _stlc AND i.v1ds = _dseg GROUP BY m.part_group ,i.stlc ,i.v1ds ,i.v0ds ,jsonb_strip_nulls(jsonb_build_object('assc',CASE WHEN i.assc <> '' THEN i.assc ELSE null::text END,'majg',i.majg::int,'coltier',i.coltier)); _rslt := jsonb_build_object('mold',_mold,'v1ds',_v1ds,'v0ds',_v0ds,'stlc',_stlc)||_iidx; RAISE NOTICE 'item data %', _iidx; ----------------channel------------------------------------- SELECT rlarp.channel_code(_bill, _ship) INTO _chan; _rslt := _rslt||jsonb_build_object('chan',_chan); RAISE NOTICE 'chan %', _chan; ----------------customer------------------------------------ SELECT dba INTO _cust FROM rlarp.cust WHERE code = CASE WHEN _chan = 'DRP' THEN _ship ELSE _bill END ; _rslt = _rslt||jsonb_build_object('cust',_cust); RAISE NOTICE 'cust %', _cust; ----------------price history------------------------------- SELECT _rslt||jsonb_build_object('hist',rlarp.get_hist(_mold, _v1ds, _cust, substring(_chan,1,1))) INTO _rslt ; RAISE NOTICE 'result %', _rslt; ----------------target pricing------------------------------ SELECT jsonb_build_object( 'v0tp', target_price, 'stdv', stdev_price ) INTO _v0tp FROM pricequote.market_setavgprice WHERE mold = _stlc AND season = _seas AND data_segment = _v0ds AND region = 'ALL'; _rslt := _rslt||COALESCE(_v0tp,'{}'::jsonb); ----------------target pricing------------------------------ SELECT jsonb_build_object( 'v1tp', target_price, 'stdv', stdev_price ) INTO _v1tp FROM pricequote.market_setavgprice WHERE mold = _stlc AND season = _seas AND data_segment = _v1ds AND region = 'ALL'; --RAISE NOTICE 'target: %', jsonb_pretty(_targ); _rslt := _rslt||COALESCE(_v1tp,'{}'::jsonb); ----------------inflation index----------------------------- RAISE NOTICE 'infaltion : %', jsonb_pretty(_iidx); SELECT jsonb_build_object( 'iidx' ,jsonb_build_object( priority ,min(factor) ) ) INTO _iidx FROM rlarp.costindex WHERE timeframe @> current_date AND ( attr @> _iidx OR attr @> jsonb_build_object('stlc',_mold) ) GROUP BY priority; _rslt := _rslt||COALESCE(_iidx,'{}'::jsonb); ----------------list pricing--------------------------------- SELECT coalesce(rlarp.get_list(_bill, _ship, _item, _qty),'{}'::jsonb) INTO _list; _rslt := _rslt||_list; --RAISE NOTICE 'list: %', jsonb_pretty(_list); ----------------get premium for quote hist gap-------------- --SELECT coalesce(rlarp.get_premium(_stlc, _seas, (SELECT xchan FROM _chx WHERE chan = _chan),_v1ds, ((_rslt->'mostRelevantCustomerPriceInfo')->'source')->>'v1ds'),'{}'::jsonb) INTO _prem; --_rslt := _rslt||_prem; --RAISE NOTICE 'list: %', jsonb_pretty(_list); RETURN _rslt; END; $func$;