DROP VIEW rlarp.plm; CREATE VIEW rlarp.plm AS WITH ------------------parse description lines into columns------------------- plm AS ( SELECT japlcd plcode ,substr(japld1,1,1) func ,substr(japld1,10,1) basis ,substr(japld1,3,2) tier ,substr(japld2,1,3) currency ,substr(japld1,6,3) country ,substr(japld1,12,5) parent ,min(jbfdat) fdat ,max(jbtdat) tdat --,listagg(distinct bvcurr,',') curr --,listagg(distinct bvctry,',') ctry ,p.JAPLDS D1 ,p.JAPLD1 D2 ,p.JAPLD2 D3 FROM lgdat.iprca p LEFT OUTER JOIN "CMS.CUSLG".iprcbhc i ON japlcd = i.jbplcd --INNER JOIN lgdat.cust c ON -- bvfut14 = i.jbplvl WHERE 1=1 --only include regional, catalog, and programs --substr(japld1,10,1) IN ('R','C','P') --or any other applicable price list, but they shoudl have already been defined so this is somewhat redundant --OR ( -- DATERANGE('2020-05-31','2021-06-01') && DATERANGE(jbfdat,jbtdat) -- AND bvstat = 'A' --) GROUP BY japlcd ,substr(japld1,1,1) ,substr(japld1,3,2) ,substr(japld2,5,3) ,substr(japld1,6,3) ,substr(japld1,10,1) ,substr(japld1,12,5) ,p.JAPLDS ,p.JAPLD1 ,p.JAPLD2 ) SELECT * FROM plm GRANT SELECT ON rlarp.plm to public;